Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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    W. 'A- T-P TO .M PR F W - I AT TO M 4 l
Vfhe Gommerci
Abvertise. .Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-Jfl
11 &fifltf fc
U3 LJUitli.
l.- v
0 .v
C. F.'Coitek,' Prwfclent F. VClauki:, Cashier.
C'aas. C. Jamkox. ' II. S. Olahtck, A. McGinLky,
Tint Jo'jhkai. will pubHsdi your brand, like
the following, fur .!:, pi year, iiaeh nil
dltional brand "J cents, r.vry mninT or
runciiiimii In Sioux and ad Joiniof; counties
siiould u-lvertUe their bramH 1:1 Tim Jour
nal n it circulate nil ovi'f ttin (.tut. It
m:iy be tlio menus )f saving money for you
" S500 REWARD.
-Stoc!:nse liavius iv.wor a bank at this point may rely on
- ..... 4 . 1 . n . ! 1 . . I it "i n t u lo til-i nr. lMH.'11iiu
IIS III iiilll'H'; incut cuuiii jAUiaui uu.'iui'-. ,
--. . - on stock belonging to tUe undersigned par
:Wo fire pypiiarp'l to taleo rare, of our tnule at. all timestfi u,.i;
For tlio urrvHt nnd conviction of any party
Su!Kcr!itln lVifP lVr V r Ol-OO.
Official Paper of Sioux County.
. '...'Op. I). Canon. - Editor J
L" khET AT 1HK hAfllts-ON Pi l-'l (dF.'tB AS rW-M i Lai-S .MATT!;;!
Horse branded
on ngh shoulder or
On left side or cattle and on left
shoulder ol horses.
Mange on Anieiopc cw
i . o., (Atiiicnrt, s;ux Co., sen.
On li-'f t :idc or hiu of cattle, j
On, left khuiil'lcr of lioiirts. (
sSOIRK!se ito the hotAl Pi Wurbonnet
Address IlarrUon, f'loux Co. Nob
on right Jaw Also, I have
-i. t.-r
Horses branded on left thigh 1 .;
Post Oilica Address,
lliirrlson, Sioux Co., Xbru.ska.
I!ornH brand
: - - ' . . -' . ' l
60, 117,
lft blr
't Jiw,r,"Ji3 op.
L.-iJ ilLU hLi Unueu
Wit lilji of t'jitlh!. l'otl Meu, Hewitt,
Sioux U4tiity. vl)r8!c.
Fi AsK (.'. Lewis.
Cnttie Brwipwt fZZZi 1(vft sltle "Iul
Horses ISrandi"! t' T 1 on lft shoulder
Hiruso on hcwl of v line Klvi-r.
' p. 0. Addjvjtt, Harrison, Ke'.J,
$100 lie ward.
Tor nronf to convict unv Dorson of Htf.'-'l-
iu)i, ttlterlni;, running off, or in liny, way
ilmiuKiiijJ stock branded i 3,-;&1 . right
side or hip. A'ldniss, Jasm Force,
. ,. , Ilnrrltion. Neb.
lirtnd oombl doubled JJ"t(in loft ido
of cattle. Horses aii.i',fi i-fj
ou right
ear cattle,
jfuut out right
?JL. Cutt'.e nil ddhoincd.
liawac on Kyle CreeK,
Font Ofllco. Glen Nebraska
inHOTaDd i. n ei ill
Al HG on rikf-
tit! ilT.d lHKrsi
rittrti'on IcHiddn
IxiratH on kit
y.y-i.4 branded on left
w ri'j
on loft shoul-dor
on left Bido.
P'.irise on Silvflr BurlrtR. ni n u '
inu. 'aiofoco !larri.o.i N:di '
. 'iri Thft brand rcprcmitj-J in thin rtotU
rVia anil brandod miy viwre on li-ft !'
' of cttl, and over-Jap -mt from tl
S4 Also the eamfi brand on lpft'th'.eb of
WtSll horHes. mVma to the nndi rsiffneil.
Uaj "Par Kast Bjirliig, smith, part fo
isloux county. ClIABLtu NKVOUN,
Harrison. MdirasKa-
l'atrick Lacy, plaintiff
vh (Notice to Jion-Uesidnt acienuani.)
Mau-fle Lacy, defendant
To Mttpgie Lncy non residentdefendant;
Vnn will take notice that on th 24tli day
of Octotr, ISM, I'atrick lwiy, plaintiff, tiled
his petition In the district Court of Sioux
(kiitntv, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
whicrt petition, is to obtiin an absolute di
vorce, of the bor.dM or uiatrimonv esisting
between ypu mid tne said piaiut.u, ,
v,. ..vren uircd to answer saiu pe.iinuii
on or before the 3rd day of December IWOO.
Patrick L:icy, piHinim.
Gnuit GuMirto, Attorney for plaintiff.
Iii TJit County 'Court of bloux
Coiuitv, Nebraska.
JJowon the iiilllj' day of OctoW, A. I).,l!fl
canic Frank J. Mueller, the rxemitor "f t.
last will and U'ct.tnmnt of Franz I'. lnc-lle"
and pray:: for leave to render mi aceo-nt
a Bttflh cxe'etilor.
It Iq therefore ordered that the l'. lli.dnyor
Noventb(!r. IttOO, at ne o'clock p.m. at mv
office in HarrlRon, Nebraska, be IIximI w tn
time and place for examining and allowlmr
such account. And the neir ot aa; eas
ed and all peronintere:4t(Hl ii d ft i s
are require I to appear at the time and l
deelguated, and uliow caus- If uh ie
w hy a dd aoi'ount should not be al.onted. I t
U furth sr ordered that K'dd'FranlK J. Millie
executor, give notice to all perux int'-rMt ,
, ii in aald estate bv cauBluir a copy of thi.
oriler to bo published In the Huirison.J'Bte"'".
jfiUHNL, newspaper printed aim ot gemi;
ral circulation in said county, lor thini
weeks prior to the day set for aiid lveimn g.
Uatel Octbbar, 26, SSKrJ. .
I'ost-Ofilce Address,
. . l'atrkli, LarAinle Co. Vyt.
Cattle branr!
I!oi?!si bran
dd mPjizm
on left side
! on loft shou
lie Will- Witch Hir.el aalva willquick
J v tl worst buroi ami nciild- and not
1uve wsaf. It can b applik-d to tut
ftiwl raw urfaco with prompt anil wmt
liioellVt. Use it for pilas nnl t-kin ili
nea.oH.: Beware of worthies? counter
flits. For S.ileat J. E. Phjssey.s.
To n, it beRins o look as if the re
publifan party of ebianka had enptur
wd the o li re hlate ticltel as well a the
lght preHidentlal eleclorn. They done
am r(?ot jb of knocking the persim
- nrm off tire tree with ttwrr iong p-ni. -
A futher may turn hi hack on his
' hil-H, hrot hers and sisrs may btcomo
itiveterate enomit. huhtand may de-a-rt
Uieir wives, wive their husband,
P.uta mother's love endures throti(ch all
in Rood repute, id bad repute, in the
fa- of the world's condemnation, a
mother atiil love on, and hoi
that, her child muv turn from Ins evil
ways and repent; Mill she remembers the
infant muileu that n e nllcd her boiom
wit.h raiitiira tlw merry limsh. the joy
ful ahout of his childhood, the opening
' promise of his youth; and sho tn never
tie brought to think him all unworuiy.
WabiuKton Irvit'S-
efell we have Bryan elected? No, a
thottMod time do! I'd rattier o to sen
with anrit of i-tone. with nails of
lead, with oar of iron, with tbe rath of
God m a gale and hell ae a port. Bish
op Fowler.
IVyan U not elected, Bishop, but yon
Irave your other alternative. You will
liava theralh of Odd as a gale and hell
ima port. Nonconformist.
"A'ell e lutva heon entinir crow ever
since election iiischt, nnd still che-A ii-.g
aivav, It bus been our minfortuno to
eat more crow ttiit liuin than we, have
ever lieen obliged to iH'Tore. Oh well
soma one hits to take the unsavoury Uitdi
wtiy not us.
The Amoricuii Girl.
Uow stranpe that in her mnstery of
nearly every art nnd t-dence, self-nssjrt-ive,
i'ldeprndent n she is, the American
Girl bus never realised that n a cit!zen
k.i ha mi nliue wuaUver in -tlio world.
which with such ostentation, li-y so
many honors ut hfr feet.
In Nebraska a girl may, if f hu Will,
writo L. Ii- I), after her name. In tbe
courts of law hho imiy plead for justice,
equality 1he rightiugot'grevious wronu"-
but she cannot, put a cross upon the bai- j
lot and vote to change a l i which she
known to be tyrannica.l and unjiint, She
may stU'ty ai she will,' mccgnize the
valuo of pure focd luwx, for instance,
from the physician' Htandpuint,' but she
is n.-iwerlOiH ta c ist one v.te for Ilie leg
ulalor who would c-tahlish and wcure
these laws. Whe may in a tar Greek and
Sanscrit, Latin Herman, French, but
with the elequencoof live or six langua
ges at her command she cannot exert the
influence the most, illiterate Indian or
nni'rn wields when he holds in Ma blinds
that bit of official pnper. An an instru
ctor of your little ones she aonot con
dcionnly impart the principles of true
Republican gorernment, "of the peoph,
by the people, for tlw people" unless f bo
specify that women" ar not people.
lilt-r. ranife on f!lilu r t ici 1:
Any-stock branded as above ueln$ emroy
ed from my ra-ig;, dlscoreroi by any body
SiyW84!V UfornmUtiu wm e rewarn-m.
.u;di ess, Ft. Kobiiison, Mebraska.
J.S. TXCKK'tl.
I Branded ou left shoulder ot horses
;iiiiid on left side of cattle.
fyi Uango on White Kiver, near Glen,
p. 0. Address, Glen, Nebraska.
(seal, f County Judge.
l, ' lAtruecapy) 18 101
plarvtnjE, no inconvemenw, i u .....u, r.s.. .
nw. iroalB,cntn'rllly h.rml. .ud Irlcdr
4elitiL Ouwtionlil fk ' honk in.
cp Case.
W nlm to f nrnWh the lwt! piano poert
bl... siid ws'.di it at: too lowest K"
'"'li'-'eriil -u of our "'J' E C4
1 lli,I..M-lli-iTV'ri'HlliH. . .
v ..'! iii,t. n -Muxort an .rnw
i.l.W Bji!ie A'JO-
1 r ;
-r,.-...w..l .v.. lr h(r of O1.tt.lO
J. 15. PAUKEit.
Horwe branded on VfA l"ft shoulder and
Cuttle same on left hii
flheen baruded on l ack org. '... on
b.wk of .Sheep. Luutl
Kan go on Soldier (livek nnd line iciver.
Addrc-ss, Ft. ItobiiiHon, Nebr.mka.
and on left cheek of Horses,
Kan (re on Deep Creek.
AijiWi. iep Creek Live ttk Co..
. . , 2 IJlcn, Nebraska.
.1 IS. .
- f
t tl ' - 'l- SS-'Mlf f
tMsl ryv K -it-
Oottlo P.randed tr t.M H S on left side.
' Itauw on BZl izi J Uunning
P. o. Address
A (rate, irpbrakft.
Our Thanksgiving bird, this year will I ,;
becroworcuir.se. It will le a big one j ' ;
t.K, and vry tough, fusionisU ou!y arc Tim '8t,!ntioo of the United States
i -,tA iA.ita.,1 irrvrnu;enl, h. iu'st been called to n
rsS!'!. " ' I Wi'ruTinjnst ciiroim l'ri.Vt h :ti!I : be
Th American iieuple" by their sutTer- pr.f, tiue.l among tlw Kiowa, Comarche,
Their End Most rjliful.
unit 1. (1afifK Alt,"
A. KOSPE, Ort, Keb.v'l
ni O-iit
S J. 4- i
" J
h 1 Tl
frT 11
OrFlOES: 1B13 Douglas Street.
f' FAUWIII. " - J ,
L W Celebrate Oar 25 nlnM Anilveanr October 23, 18OT.
. ( !.(! .- !l. 'M Mil,
V. -' 1 ' TUrf f
A smnU-rh 'V'''", "'5
IT nrvimhiN ensure ' ' hee
spleadid (Aionw w yr
A personil lettor -etlnM
,,,! full deseRoultio of ir eu
payownt plan ll upon appltearto.
Enough t Kiiougb.
"We hav curiwd the Chlneae "Boxer"
Till the air U fairly blue;
.And we're howled our execratioLs
Albihiog8panihcriw. .,
But ottf wtek vocabulary
Eor a moment can't begin '
To do justice to the fellow
Wl delight to rob It in.
We are told the Engliah language
llalf million word containe,
Bet ia tlM whole dictionary
Kot a (lag le wonl remains
To do Juatiee to the fellown
Who jme around us with a grin .
And with Deodish exultalloo'
Ope tbir y ape and rh it ia
It la lowgfi apoa a loeer .
Wbea lew allla lgh,
Aci ea raty hope Jam W aodirBye
late blaotHHt gtooaj of aight,
at it l a rad atght toogher
Who amldrt ohaotlu dl
Ifc h ton weal the fellowa
' -Cytakc ,
Our busine'sii In not to ouild nuii kly,
hut. In huild uDon a rieht foandatioa and
in a riaht tspirit. Life in more than a
mere competition b between man aim
man: it is not who can lie done first, but
who can work best; it t not who can rise
higliest in the shortest time, but who is
workinir most rtinttly and lovingly in
accordance wilh thednsign os Ood.
age KUHtnmed and endor.-td president
SIcKiuley in his war of coniiucst in the
Orient 'and an immense stauding army
at home.
Perform a good deed, speak a kind
word, bSHtow a pleasant smile, and you
will reoeivo the siune in return, lue
IvipptafW vou bestow upon others, is
reflecte-l back I" i ',r OWQ bosom.
There ore tnanv kinds of boys find girl
in tho world, but there are three of
which we especially mention ln-re. lnoy
are the' 'Wills, tha "Wonts" and ine
'Cunt'?." The "Will's" accomplish eve
rything; the " Worit's" oppose everything
and the Junl g fail in everyllung.
Thrc Armies
Every great war leave.4 three armies:
1st. An army of invalids .
lnd. And army of mourners.
8rd. An army of tramps and idlers rea
dy to commit any crime.
AVeaeea good deal said in our news
papers just now about the New York
"Hall of fame."
The largest city in the world is London
lying in lour coiinlios and having a pop
ulation of 4, 250,000, equaling the com
bined populations ol Paris, Berlin, Saint
Petersburg and Home. To walk through
nil 1 1 1.1 streets, avenues, lanes and alleys
of the city, never traversing the same
one twici, would require, a len-imie
walk every for nine years. The
atret, placed in, a row, would reach n-
rrnind tho world, and leave a remnant
that would stretch from London to San
Francisco.- .
Rvrv half-hour the bells of-Westmin
ister abbey chime a r. drain, and the bur
den ot their song is that if we wish to
lend a holy life we must be ae careful in
our daily life as when ia the sanctuary'.
Spurgeon. '' ' " "
and A jx-iciie Indians in Oklahoma terri
tory,. ' '
.The ! Indians nf these three tribes,
wbile livintr nuder the management of
:an1dian atfent, nre compiratively civil-
iacd and do not go to tho warpati), hut
work for their living as larmers. Hut
tliey haye no love in thvtir own peoilo
after that person has past his or her age
of usefulltiess, An a-,'eil quaw, after
she reaches the or 80 years, is sent
Into the fields and is left to die, unless
h-.me kvmpntheliu white person comes
along und semis the poor old woman to
the Indian agency, where she may lie
lak :n care of at the expense of the gov
Travelers in the reservation may hear
tlie -distrn-ising cries of some deserted
woman at most any time they care to
hsU-n. The women arc given a few days
rations, clothed in their best garmeuts
and taken into the fields amid the horses
and cattle. ' There they nre left alone.
Not beiug strong enough' to getaway.
tls-r have to remain there and die. the
plains of this Indian reservation nre
strewn wile bones of those who are left
to die because they were getting to old
to work any more. Almira (N. Y.) Ga
To Kent.
I will rent my place North of Harrison
M niles, until May 1st, 1901,. with 100
tonsof feed on the place, also 1500 acres
of pasture. " Good Running Water wu i,ii
place. Address James NolaN.
Eckard, S. DaK.
Now that the vear is drawing to a close
and more especially as the holidays are
at hand, when almos, everyone has at
least one gift to bestow, what is more
appropriate than good reading matter,
in lha perusal of which you become la-
mllar with current events, as well as
the writings of famous authors. It is
in tbe YOUTH'S COMPANION only,
you will find the most unique magazine
and highly illustrated Journal combined.
Young people and scholastics should be
come snbscriliers of this bright educatof.
Boston, Mass.
' Brave Explorers.
Like Stanley and Livingstone found it
harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and
AiFue, and Typhoid disease germs than
sa-vage cannibals: but thousands have
found that,Electric bitters is a wouder-i-iim
for all malarial disseases. If you
have chills with fever, aches in taciv tn
neck and head, and tired, worn out feel
ing a trio 1 will convinoe Vou of their,
merit. W. A. Null of Webb 111 , writes:
"My children suffered for more than a
year wilh chills and fever; then two
bottles of Electric bitters cured them,"
Only ,ri0 cents. Try them. Guaranteed.
Sold by DR. J. E. PuiNNEY, Druggist.
We would deem it a great favor, if
any of our subscribers, who for any rea
son do not receive their PttESS JOURNAL,
regularly wilbnotify us of the fact.
an vkam
. You can't afford to risk your life bv
allowing a conch or cold to 'develop into
nneumonia orconsumption. One Minute
Cough Cure cures throat and lung trou
bles quicker than any other preparation
known, Many doctors, use it as a sfieci
(lc for grippe. It is an infallible remedy
forcroun. Children like it snd mothers
endorse it. Sold by J. E PlUNSEY.
ti,. rri test canal in the world is the
Suez, opened on November 1, 10. Its
length is ninty-llve miles, its uepin is
twenty-six feit, its annual revenue is
fl5.000.000 Its cost was 100,000,000.Ils
stock is five times Its par value, and the
time taken to pass through It, la
u,.ntv hours, leis eight minutes. The
depth of the canal is twins Ineronsed at a
1 ..... .... ...1...
cost of IO,lK),IHKIv i ne worm ubbv
enmtl is the Imperial Canal of China,
with a lngth of 1.W nules.
The tun enis to shine just the same
im tlw reflation of president McKin
ley. to another term of four years in the
Whit. I u.. ns t did neiore. every
body ia 'doing busluc ntl!,B 1,n
nhue. W have jn-t wm - - ,. . ,
1-. -.1... ii-.d..! wesi.iiiit, , Uriiv,ty fann. Ljncvut, jUtoeniwr Its, ,
Thi 8iiltnth Annual Meeting of the
old TMhwhWii ir men s A-situtiv v 11 ! '
It has been well said that many dissa-
polntmente and misunderstandings arise
from tbe fact that man is in a hurry and
the Creator it. not. 'The kingdom 01
God cometh not by observation"; the ai
rival of pence draws near nlowly atid im-jn-rccptibly,
but" none the les curtain.
There ino r.liriure hi life if yoodread
gding to the table to eat and cnuj t rest
a1 nlmlit on account of Indigestion. Hon-
rv. Williams, of Booneville, lnd . says be
suffered that way for years, till he com
menced the use of Kodol Uyspepsia 1 ore
-.11. l.Vnu, f ..in nnl anvlhinif 1 like
add all 1 want and sleep aoundly every
night." Kodol Dyspepsia, Cure win m
gest what you eat. Sold by J. E. PirrssKY
. k.iAAo.1 .
1 I .v
.iU Tradi Maiwb
i rtraiQNB
Cootrmht Ac.
Anyone sending sketeti sod dptlon may
atflokMTMMrtaln oor cplnlop free wbether ea
tlon atrlotlr ooiUMmtU. Hsntf boo on V Uoi
I ai
mm, lot notlM. without Ob
i ' i-ri h
la the Mutter of tbe Estate of James F
Itiivev. deeeiislMl.
notice Ik h.u cbv Kiren that In pnrsnan e
ol an order of Hon. W. II. Wetover. Judge
or the Histrlct Court of Bioux county, inane
on the tith day of October, IIKW, for the sale
of tbo real estate hereinafter described,
w . III he sold -lit Hie offloo ol tiraiit
Uiithriit, lit Harrison, JiebriisKn on theeth
day of OeeetulMir, 1WM, at one o eiocn p. in.,
ut l,lli. vendue to the hhOiest liiunerior
cash in hand, the following described real
..!.,,. 4fiult:
The want halt of tha norlli-wesi qunrier
tim uaitli ciiHt tiuiirler of tbo nprlh we
quarter, the soutn-west tiartir of the
mirth east umirter Section ten Township
thirty two, Itiingii fifty four, In s:oiot Coun
ty, KrbraKka. sild sale will, remain '1"U
one hour. .,-'..'
I sod Vovnmtier 14, MX
. : . -r-, ! i ia t'r
iiuinlttrmit rU ltate ot Jamen V. l'.oycy,
A haniltomlr flhwtrat! wj'r- LtS5 '
(cur : f nor months, L BoM or all newseeeni,
Tzr--!r?Ji--!!2Bt i iiwaaaaawwHi,
Dyspepsia (
Digests what n
Nature In airenftbCBlr
at.mrt.lno the axhau-
gam. HUthol2rt4
ant anrl tMllA. L.O t
can apprpach It Ii i
nantff laUareatEp
Drspepla, ltd.:
Fittaleeea, i.-T
SlcltBt4x V
Prlceiso.r"', f
1 V
inii iw nwnu - . . .1
Witt do bfiocs juit the same, 1 1, li, l-H,
dreeMed. V