Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 08, 1900, Image 8

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Thckday, Nov, Sth, 1900.
Qt. T. Canon, Editor aiul Prop.
F.E.4M.VU.1 liaie Utile.
Going West. Going East.
No. 5, rulied, 11 :20 1 No. . mixoU
. E. M. V. R. R. is tt best
to and from the
F, E. 8 H. V. R. R.
Homeseekers Excursions
Will be run Sept. 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, i
and 23rd;
rsr F. E. & M. V. R. R.
in Nebraska, whe-e the one way fair
from nearest Missouri River Point, in
cluding Council Bluffs is $ 00, or more
to Poiuts in Wyoming, west of atd in
cluding Orin junction, and to Points in
Black Hills district of So. Dakota,
Tickets will be sold by connecting
lines feeding to our lino at Sioux city,
Onowa Mo. Valley and Omaha and by
our agents at South Piatt, stations,
Ilair. Omaha and on S. C. & P. in Iowa;
xcept that our agents will not sell, to
points in So. Dak.
Fare will h one fare plus $2.00 for
round trip. Write your folks in the East
and have them come and se vou, taking
advantage of these rates. Tickets limi
ted 21 days with 15 days limit on going
portion. . F. Atiuy, Agf.
To The Public:
Dr. A. T. Peters of the State TJniversi
ty at Lincoln, will he in Harrison, Wed
nesday Nov. 1-lth to give a lecture at the
Court house, to the stockmen of the
county and vicinity upon diseases of hor
ses cattle and sheep. Ha will be prepar
ed to answer any and all questions that
imay be prop juDded to him at that time.
Every body are invited to be present,
a full house is desired. Both ladies and
.gentlemen are invited to come.
A. T. Petebs, veternary surgeon.
A. E. Gates, and John Blomberg,
"were up 'from white River today.
Little Sioux County did herself
iproud on last Tuasday.
S JlissTillie Christensen of Mintrose
i is, now employed in the family of A.
V "McGinley. v.;
Tbe fusionists elected a Sheriff on
last Tuesday, of whom they may justly
feel proud.
M. J. Gayhart, and Claus Christen
sen were over from Montrose, the first
oi the week on business.
There will be a fishing pond in con--nection
witn our ciirckou p ppcr.,
-Dont forget to bring your nickels.
Chas, U. Grove was over from Cot
tonwood the first of the week and dropp
ep in to say a friendly "how" to ye edi
tor. M". M. C. Psunis, who lias been
teaching at Patrick, Wyomiug during
the past few month's came down in
inae to cast his vow.
Read R. F. Neece's stock brand
which will make its appearance in this
issue of the Pne Jocrnau Who will
1e the first to follow his example.
An oyster supper and dance was pi v
anat. the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E.
"Vohlbetor, in the valley on last Tues-'
!ay evening. A good time is reported
hy all who attended.
, Through the social and untiring ef
fort of Charles Beil 1 . funds were raised
on hist, Wednesday, to defray the expense
t f the wire for the fence of the new cem
etery, just outside of town.
Has- will be celebrated nt the court
'house December, 5th, at which time it
will be sftteled whe tler or not Rev. Fa
ther WcSamam, will commence the erec
tion of the Catholic church this fall.
'list as we go to press, we learn that
'.Mrs. Kendall, with her husband has been
suffering of Mountain fever, is much let
ter, while her husband isstill in a very
critical condition. Dr. Phinney is in
constant attendance.
If yon have ever seen a child in the
agony of -croup yon ran realize how
greatful mothers are for One Minute
Cough Cure which give relief as soon
Aft it is administered. Itm'uick'y cures
coughs, celds and all throat and lung
trouble. For Sole by J. E. PmxxrY
Report so far indicate that the re-
-publicao pertv have captured the elec-
ttooal ticket for McKinley and Roosve't
emd that the legislature is republican, a'
tm that Charles fl. Deitrich, republican
Mminee ha be elected Governor.
Again our 2nd. commissioner dist
rict is safe m the fusion rusks, and its in
tereeU fasts from the hands of one good
foaioaiet, A. Procunier. into the keeping
of I C. Lewis, whose sole aim will he to
task after the welfare of the county.
now makers ana circulators or cou
ittarfefte commit fn ul. Honest nun will
not dV;ve yor into worthless count-r
feito of DeWitts witch Huael 8ive, The
n(WMM iom.iiwioroanugpiiee iuj
There will be a grand t!l in the court
house Thursday evening, Nov. 2U, 1'JOO.
Everybody invited to come and have
a good time. Tickets, !0c. No matttr
whether the crowd is large or small.
By Order of Committee.
Bodarc Gleanings.
Mr. James Wilson unfortunately lost
a valuable cow last Sunday after vainly
trying for several hours to pet her out of i
the mud and quicksand in the creek, !
Jimmie came near losing hiiiiMslf in his I
ef rorts to save the cow. I
The camfaign hall aud Oyster supper
combiu' d was held at Gilchrist on Mon-j
day evening at the home of Gene Wol
beter a large crowd were in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R se made a trip to
Crawford last-Wednesday.
The Literary society we are informed ,
is progressing finely.
Mr. Rose has been suffering for sever
al days with a painfully sore finger.
Mr. Montgomerys family have been
sick for the past week but at present
writing are very much butter.
Wm. Miller took the returns from Bat
creek precinct to town Weduesday.
M. A. C.
Over In Wyoming".
John Lohr is confined to his bed with
typhoid fever, but under the care of Dr.
PhiSEey is lowlv imnroving.
Charles Andrews, a former teacher in
our schools, has accepted the jwsilioo of
principal in the Lusk schools.
Elia-s Foote, was feeling quite poorly
last week.
Andrew Christian is putting in aliout
two miles of fence on sections 8 and 7
John Deuel built a chimney on Francis
Jeuels house last week.
J. II. Newlin moved into I). F. Duels
house the last of last week.
Miss Abbie Fluckey 'is well pleased
with her school and greatly taken up
with our great state of Wyoming.
Mrs. William Murphy of Adair county
Iowa, is visiting her brother Z. G. iJeuel
in the valley. She is greatly pleased
with the scenery, in this Switzerland of
Miss Amy Christian began a six mon
ths term in the Duel school house Dist
No 4. Sae is well pleased with the posi
tion and no doubl will have a model
F, B. Hamlin remodled the chimney
on the east school house on last Satur
day. Andrew Christian, Frank Church and
F. B. Hamlin were the judgesat the el
ection, as these items are mailed early
Tuesday morning, we are not able to tell
who the clerks are.
Rev. Warren preached a very appreci
ative sermon on last Sunday, taking for
his themse Ives. Zkeukl.
Michael Bruck, came over from
Story, m time to cast his vote aud hold
his claim down for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kendall are both
vt" lick with mountain fever. Dr. Piiiu
has been io daily attendance,
v Miss Katie Henry, of Montrose was
a passenger on the west bound train,
last Monday noon, going to Lusk."
When you want prompt acting lit
tle pills that never gripe use DeWiits
Little Early Risers. J. E. Phinney.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Blewett
of Crawferd, on last Sunday afternoon,
a son. All parties concerned are doing
The Hass boys, were over from the
valley the first of the week, on business
and while here dropped in to say a
friendly "now to ye edi tor. Come in
again boys. The latch string is always
Dr. Shaefer, one of our most respect
ed citizens, who lias lived here from the
early days of the county left, for the
south, on last Tuesday evening. The
well wishes of a host of friends go with
him to his new home,
The greatest battle of the ballots
this nation has ever witnessed within its
borders was concluded on Tuesday. Let
us tiegin a new business for another four!
years, and doing what we believe to be
right and for the best interests of a maj-.
ority of our people.
On last Tuesday morning one of our
most respected families took thsir depar
ture from our little community, Judge
Wilson for it is of him and his estimable
family whom we speak, left on election
morning, for Wheatland, Wyoming,
just as the nun was rising. It is with
many regrets that their Sioux County
friends saw them depart, for Judge Wil
son and his family were among our most
honored citizens, had he remained in the
county Judges office two months longer,
he would have been county Judge of
our county seven years, and has filled
that office with credit to himself and
honor to the people whom lie represent
ed. On lat Monday afternoon he tendered
his resignation as Judge, and bade his
old time friends in Hioux County audieu,
while his many friends regret to see this
estimable family depart, yet the well
-wishes and good will of all our people
will accompany them to their new home
and re scribe recommends them to the
n-jopie or ',v twntiann. Tli'-ir Jsionx co-
unty fr.lH will bid them aiid;u. nnd ,
- and we trut thoir "WliwHuiuJ friends
j may fire them "A Caee" Milla Fatbtt,"
1 Hint forget the hkkvn pie ij ;er,
next Tuesday evening.
lie Witt's Little Early Risers ars the
best Liver pills ever made. Easy to
take and never gripe. J. E. Phinsfy.
The Ladies Aid society wjll give a
Chicken Pie Supper in the hall, Tuesday
evening1, Nov. 13, at 7: 30 o' clock.
All are cordially invited to come and
have a good supper; Chicken pie, buns,
cake, cranberry sauce, pickles & & &, ail
for 23 cts.
Now that the campaign is ovtr, we
"usi mat nine uj gneu e, any
are nurtured by our citizens, may 1
cast out, and let us le nemler the ki.d
rvt holesmue admonition, "Bretheren
should dwell together la pea and
School Report
Report of District No. 7, for the month
ending November 2nd. Those not ab-
sent or tarJy w-re.
Helen Clarke, Marcus Valdez, John
Lawry, George Marrow, Alex. Marrow,
Edith Partell, Edna Sherill, Elva Crane,
Plato Valdez, Louise Morrow, Eldie
Rohwer, Fred I-irson, Elwarl Priddy,
Jesse Gerlach, Eds i Iavis, Montie Pat
terson, und Lucy (Jerlach,
Maude A. Stuart, Teacher.
Onie Sutton, Doliie Priddy, Karma
Priddy, John W. Smuck, Robert Wilson,
Delia Hanson, Edna Rohwer, Frances
Wilson, and Kate Wilson.
Genevall. West, Teaiher.
May Iewis, May Wilin, and Dorothy
Patterson. George W. Myers, Frio.
A Touching; Incident.
The following, which apjieared in a
Detroit paper, is one of the must touch
ing incidents to be met with.
There is a family in this city w ho are
dependent upon a little child Tor the pre
sent suushiiie of themselves. A lew
weeks ago tiie young wife and mother
was stricken down to die. It was so
sudden, so dreadful, when the grave
family physician called them tog, ther
in the parlor, and m his solemn, profess
ional way intimated to them the truth
there was no help.
Then came the question, among them
who would tell her.
Not the doctor! It would be cruel to let
the man of science go to their dear one
on such an errand. Not the aged moth
er who was to l left childless aud alone.
Not the young husband who was walk
ing the floor with clenched hands and
rebellious Heart. Not thcra was only
one other, and at this moment he looked
ud from the book he had Wn playing
with, unnoticed by them all, aud asked
"Is mamadoin' to dit?' ' " " c.'
Then, without wafting for an answer,
hesred from tho room and upstair'
fast as his little ftet would carry him.
Friends and neighbors were watching by
the sick woman. Tbey wondering ly
noticed the pale face of the child a- he
cliniyd on the bed and laid his small hand
on nis moiiier'a julaw
"Mamma," he asked, in sweet, caress
ing tones, "is you 'fraid to die?'
The mother looked at his gwift intel
ligence. Perhaps bhe has been thiuking
of tins.
"Who told you Charlie?" she ask
ed faintly.
"Doctor, an papa, an' gamma every
body," ho whisiered. "Mamma, dear,
'ittle mamma, doao' be 'fraid to die, 'ill
"No, Charlie said the young mother
after one supreme pang of grief; "no
mamma Won't be afraid!"
"Jus' shut your eyes in 'edark, mama,
teep hold my hand an' when you open
'era, mamma, it'll be all light there."
When the family gathered awe-stricken
at the bjdside, Charlie held up his lit
tle hand.
"U-u-s-h! My mamma doin' to steep.
Her wont wake up here any more!''
And so it proved. There was no heart
rending farewell, no agony of parting
for when tlie young mother woke she
had passed beyond, and, as baby Charlie
"It was all light there.
Wr'tn lu'loBln Is fl- t rtt. r
Tr::u-n i yu ti : ivuti..! ..t-..ci i.'ir
ubr nxur -,(. ij. r.in. ..--,
Tition. If 1 li. d f '-.. Mi-we--.tr"!,,
W run ma r oy n". ri t' a'.ir Kci..-
III ;b(.rTi'tu le. ') i?- van'Ocai.in,',!,
fieri'. vit-.A cmkm ciimv 11.11 Ij aiy
llir'ui'vr liiaV; lnwu.i.ii.t,fc"'ilfl ro-nn I.
A t '!, tire y ;x-rl i."1 clo-iy cheivj rt A
nii'ltl, U-sol ful Vrl ltUn C'inr'lil
U u i.w rt.9w.t i".'.ri oimtwi tiici" i 'iii
i lil.-co. Y"ii rKiliM r k Mn(1oV"0
eUHr.I,'.Jf"V.tda "'.'pi son of ruis-f
H ir-: lor l t;t,-'.r'i-ii "- '; V
A Ai.r,i, A- Jion;.", oiiio. -s.
Teachers of Sioux
The north-western district association will be held in Crawford the Friday
after Thanksgiving: And I recommend that all teachers that can attend will lie
present, I further recommend that all school boards will allow this day to Uieir
teachers that may want to attend.' There will be prominent Educators present
aw! tnti ip.it3 un Inferi'ng sod instructive meeting.
tin tttUud if j).s(ibie b4 help ilang with tho work.
Bejctfully J. B, Burke, Co. Hunt
me Wanted
Ve want Came in any quantiy at liigli
st Market Price and Ocabantee SATISFACTION.
Omaha, Xobr,, and Philadelphia, Pa. Cnpital ?:53,000.
References, U. S. Nat'l Bank or Your Express Agt Wholesale, Butler, Eggs,
Poultry and Game.
Dru's, t
Drvjists Stindries;, 5
IViints, Oils, Varnishes, 5
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
It's np f s the People.
Less than a year remains in which
to gather facts, and information that
will influence your vote for the next
president of the United States.
rhat grievous wrongs have been
committed, aud jrrave errors allowed
to exiit without cifort at correction, is
evidenced by the speech, writings, and
comments of eminent statesmen and
jurists j congressmen and leading men
A business ; ffoftsscrs and clergymen
in every Hate.
Party r-.ffiiiatiens have been ignored
in the eatery sgait.st thruifiasr, aside
the s-fegur.rds o; our fathers and .vl
ir.g p'.-h-ir.l into the aCtirs of Europe.
The si:uat:on is a deplorahle cne if
not alarming ; as is also our domestic
affairs dcr.-ar.stfd by gtf.antic Trusts.
Tlie evi' are tot of spor.Uncou.3
70 t'.i ! 1'hcv are the result of years
of hbor end
expenditure of millions
of dollars!
iienuinj; wita tne
of American silver
tor iinglish cold, the cunning of Eng
land's diplomacy in shaping the des
tiny of cur Republic is apparent to
my orUm;-.ry observer seeking
rue ir.wnrdness of events.
The Cincinnati Enquirer ha3 fre
quently called attention to each and
every move as it was transpiring, and
during the campaign of 1300 will
present its readers wiA a trtithful
array of facts that will be extremely
interesting and startling.
No fair-minded American, be he
Republican, Democrat or of other
political faith, can aford ?.t this critical
time, to ignore the truth. Partisan
prejudice, with the Trusts as dictators,
is a far more degrading slavery than
that which existed previous to the Civil
War of '61-64.
Trusts in the United States alone
have a representative capital greater
than all the gold and silver in the
These v, ill spend many more
millions of dollars to suppress truth
ana i-.cts Pi t ru-
kjok ...!;' ''"1 .f t-u.ijibii ic.et
tions. Kead the tncjuirer and you
will be able to discern the truth and
combat falsehood. A victory for
Trusts end the McKinley Adminis
tration in 1900 will end the era of
greatest good to greatest number.
Watch carefully the
Cincinnati Enquirer
Six Frightful Failures.
Six terrible failures of ;X different
doctors nearly Kent Win. II. Mullen of
Lockland O. to an early gravo. All
said be hrd a fatal lung trouble and that
he must soon die. But ho was urged to
try Dr. King's New discovery for Con
sumption. After taking five bottles he's
entirely cured. Itis positively guaran
teed to cure all diseases of the Throat,
Chest, la Grippe, Pneumonia, Bronchi
tis, Asthma, llay fever, Croup, Whoop
ing Cough. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles
free at J. E. Phinneys. drug store.
Latest City Sljttt J
Yoo can b wtl "-. 'n 'sn
II ro know ho. w'rHt o 'tr
Samples tai 'k"k!. .Vvwtc
Ltok WtU, '- "4
Save iyvy."
Large Fath.'M) PIa
aad Samplia
M ymrf
Hi a - wtfti i p rcl ic TfilQMl rmltifll. car
b- ntl r t uv,-, tttMlnt. QniWa BUnk u4
&kttm. Uii w viltsv DR. WAffU IMITITUTI.
t20H.0Ul SU.ttUvM.IM
County Take Notice.
For $9.50
W can make tc f t -jj
j onr meaaure I R I
Flue, AU-Wo9 Vvvll
"I have used Chamberlains Colic,
Cholera and Lrinrrhnea Kemedy and find
it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E
S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "U cured
me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too
highly of it" This remedy always
wins the good opinion, if not r.raise. of
thore who use it. The quick cures
which it effects even in the most,- severe
cases make it a favorite everywhere.
For sale by U. J. E, I'HINNEY,
Editor Wondcrx.
Editor W, V. Barry of Lexington,
Term., in exploring mammoth cave con
tracted a isevere case of Pih-n. His
fjuick cure through using Buckh'n's
Arnica Bslve convinced hin) it is another
worlds wonder. Cure Piles, Injiuieft,
Inflamation an1 all Bodily Eruptions.
Only 2rK at J. E, Piiinnhy's.
Made- Yomijr Ajrniri. "
"One of Dr. King's new Life Pills each
night for two weeks has put me in my
'teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of
Dempsey town, Pa, There the best in
the world for liver. Stomach and bow
els Purely vegetable. Never gripe.
Only 25e at J. E. Piunnky'h Drug store.
To remove a troublesome corn or bun
ion: First soak the corn or bunion in
warm water to tsofteti it, then pare it
down as closely m possible without
drawing blood and apply C -hamberlaitis
Pain lialm twice daily; rubbing vigor
ously for five minutes at each applica
tion. A corn plaster should be worn for
a fuw davV to protect it from the shoe.
As a general liniment for sprains, bru
ises lameness and rheumatism, Pain
Halm is unequaleJ. For sale by Dr. J.
E. Pmx.net.
Vi'hen ynu feel tli..t life is hardly
worth the candle lake a dose of Cham
berlain's utomach nnd liver Tablets.
! Tliev will cleans vour sloniach tone un
i vou'r liver and regulate your bowels
! making vou fed like a new man. For
' sale by Lit, J. L PlIiSKEY.
Thaoc Marks
Copyright Ac.
ATifone mllng t utolrh and aTlptlnti m
qulrkly HM-ffrlalj our opinion fre wholber au
lnTnnll'in II prliablr paterjtah!. irmunlr.
Ii..n, tirc'llTcir.BiUjiillnl. Usui book on I'uraU
ient tr. oldi.l uvencr for etinnif piunt.
Hali-nls tkn tlirouvh Munn & Co. rcelT
tpt ud n(U-4, wl hvut clirrr. la lu
Scientific American,
A hnt"imlf IllnrtrMwl wklr- lAret (r
cmlnllon nt miif "vlentlflc Journal. T"irni. W
jvnr : I. Mir monl h. f L Bold tr all rewtdealert.
MUNN iCo.39"""' New York
Branch omcs. li F BU Waihlmton, D. C
Village Ehiclihiullh naved his little
kou's life.
Mr. H. II Black, tne well known vill
age black smith at Urahanisville, Sulli
van Co. N. Y., says: "Our little son,
five years old has always been subject to
croup and so bail have the attacks been
that we have fuared many times that
ho would die. We have had the doctor
and used many medicines, out Chamber
ain's Cough B3mody is now our sol re-
lliance. It seems to dissolve the tough
m iicos and by . giving frequent doses
when tho croupy symptoms appear we
have found that the dreaded croup Is
cured before it gets settled." Thire is
no danger in giving this remedy for it
contains no opium or other injuring
drug and runy be give as confidently to a
hal as in an adult- For sale by Ln. J.
K. riu.iSKY.
Tkt Tllrt MoeseUI Ps4!A,. Ij tattV'.rsl.
Owaal silt 0ccpi4 Uclstirt't 6( C.
W. K. WahkiX,
Pastor M. E. Cbnrch.
rresrlilnj every Knnilny evfnlnj at 7:!0
p. m-, anil every altenmte Kiiiidn r at 1 1 r. in.
Sunday Hrlirxil 10 o'clo' k a. lu. Kp worth
League 6 :30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Thtir(ly evening at 7:3')
('nine our, (-'oiiir all.
Autoharp Solo Sunday evening at the
Proffessional Cards-
rhylsrlan nd Surgeon.
All calU tiive ii pnmipt stlenUon.
Office In UruK Store.
Prompt atteution given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State?
Land Office.
Fire Insurance Written in reliabl
CLegal papers carefully drawn.
Harjusox. - Nebraska.
M. J. O toimi ll, - - Co. Attorney,
Vi5I Prticli'-e io All Courts.
Special Attenlltm (ilveu to Land Of-
f'.i ftushiosK.
Collections Bin! nil business Mil rust
ed to me will rviv prompt attention.
Haiuuhox - NEHRAsKA.
Michael Ruffing, 'Icuveyob.
1 uin prepared lo do all klmlii of Civil
l.iiKliiis'riiin work.
When in need of the Survovors Services,
give me a call as I have a full and com
plete outlit, together with exierience to
do the work with neatness and dispatch.
To lUMlt.
I will rent myjiliu-e North of Harrison
11 miles, until May 1st, 1001, with 100
tons of feed on I be place, also. Io00 acres
of pasture. (ji,od Running Vnter on tho
place. Address .1 i!Ks Noi.AN.
Yjl kard, 8. Iak.
E STRAYED About four wetks ago.
from Mr. Leo. lie Bock's ranch, on east
Hat creek, 3 last Spring steer calves,
brandet 7,-r,":-,"" left wide, any infornia-
tion conlja- erning them will lw suit
ably rewarded by tlu owner.
Address Leo. DeBock, Bo)arc, Nub,
We would deem it a great favor, if
any of our subscribers, who for any rea
son do not receive their Pl'.EsS JoClLNAL
...1.,.lt. wiil nnlifv us of the fact.
The parties that took all the bed cloth
es and oi her Mu IT from the house of th
ranch of (i. W. Hester will save them
selves trouble and expense by returning
the same as the parlies are known to me.
V. A. IIiisrEK.
l k v - " ski a ai-tai
'A TIV.)-1 a ill,
! mir- - iii Uf. ii."-y ni j vt
t.-i i i j i--. ...) . "i fi"
ilU 'J ri t1 01 'uo jqi. ilia ilvi
..( will trviq ; e.i'.'" t'lwttrj -U' ) ?Jf ,1
tKieiiii r" ! "1 ''tajj"oqif
Naanvd naMti v
Wholesale Pricos
to Users.
Our Cencral Catalogue -juoteii
them. Scm' 13c to partly -y
jiOHtag or cxpressagc we "
send yw on?. It has 1100 pages,
i7,oco Uluiaafiona and auot'
prices w cctly 70,000 ir'ngi
that you en ud nse and we?.
Wc constantly w,ty ie stock fl
articles quoted.