Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 08, 1900, Image 7

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    mil of all mm
Wart, lis Weight In Geld to Every Stockman and Firmer.
r!rBVriSu7Jlpr0"ii'Jti w'nU m' "Lh,l 'f1"' ln0n,'?:l? on afJ-ant of Insuf
to no ynur pumptiur wheu there. 1 o wind or i.rf f ,ILll(."" ""' Cel oo now
II. work, hoi or .-old. wetor dry. win") or ct"m , ,i .iMhi ."r)y- . Y,"'1,cr o' Dot affect
.hell corn, grind feed, saw wood, oburn "r ilnd r .1 ml J for J ''"' Win a,so
in. 1boor u t iM.f.,1D. , Costa nothing to kin J"' ,,-,tu.ui' 0,,n,.r 'b- in
freat labor and moutnm . quire. urSrtIiiJ'n"'""!? lo.f " '''"odniion uf-exiS .
Ve make nil .ire, of Gasoline E ,,1 1 ,7!', ' .all.v, a'Mntior,, ,,d in ahaolulelv Bare.
reuv nauor bum uiuiir v sarfr. Ite'iutr.. uructte., 11 . . . ; ' ' uuu unoa uctxien. a
tpeclal prices. 0 " 1
wa'er offer, cltirlr.ir day ami compels one to get up dunnir mem; causes back
tcue lakes ambition liom you; you Kel weak ami waste away.
, iiWil,liTiT.iy,r8sl,i''r J'ark bank, Albany, X. Y., who had been
rotibled will, lii.kM.M-y; fur several jeurs look (,ltm,.r'. Kim.y Cr- It
broimhtiwiuanem !Hbf imI Mr. H,.,.,iy has d-ne as much as any oliid
one person to spread the advantage, ('miner's Kidney ami Liver Cure be
fore the world.
Ou.H,Neb Jan. l!i, 1!K)0 I firmly b-Peve 'that I owe rnv life lo
Cramers kidney Cure. 1- ,,r I wo y, an. I skjK-m; 1 wan kidney iroiible and
could Hntl no relief any,,, re I sta-ut buudr-ils f ..oHurs on doctors Mid
medicines, r ir edCmmer'-. kidney Cure as u I st rcB. ri ant I wish I h ,d
I had f Unwed the anvii-o . f friends i,t,.,er. In l-s than four nionibs It bad
iimde a new n,ai, of me. I am entirely well and cive all it.n praise to
Cramers Kidney Cure. S.AM UKU L. MOItltls.
Oi the Oma.'iii I'oiice Force.
The most, wonderful kblney niediciiiM known; will ive you strength
and brhi color to your cheeks. It is a sure cure for kidney troubles.
Isold by nil rfmgglalt In. I. ton llavluif Cramer'., l Otlabotlle, 0 hollies for .-,. 00.
Philadelphia 1'reos; "H'hut did y-iu
fver ere In me to Induce you to niniry
me?" fhe Kkid. "Nothing," h replied.
"What!" nhe cried Indignantly, "dh. It
iMi't your fault," he replied RoothlnKly.
"I evl!entiy had visions, and I ooifht to
save consulted an oculist at the time."
You Pay Nothing Until Cured.
Facts Stated by
My Former
If You Are Afflicted With
Rupture Don't Fail
to Re id them.
My Guarantee is Valuable Be
cause You do Not Pay Me
One Cent Until You Are
I present to the reader of ihli paper
t f testimonial letter and names of
former patt'.-nt whoai I have cured of
rupture, believing thai tin afflicted
would rather correspond with tome one
who has been cured than read what I
might uy about m) e)f. They can more
fully iuveitiKale and convince them
ielvei a lo the merit, of my trtatrnenl.
1 could use tin. entire space uniftng my
own prait.es, but believe the statement
of thoe 1 have cured will be more satis
factory 10 the afflicted. I will ask you
10 writo to any or all of ihein. if yon
are satisfied with what itier say about
my reliability and methods of treatment,
write to me or call and sea me. Remem
ber that In all cases 1 guarantee a cure
and do not accept one cent of money un
til you are well. Consultation by mail
or In person is entirely free. I will be
filet sed to correspond with you regard
ing jour esse
Wants to Ad.t l.i-usr to List, lloploc to la
de mm O bar hiirtVrrrt Itxl (" of
lliiulur ami Dinar IroubUs for
laaia--"ni-t 111 thi w ska-Did
Mvl 1 aha ih-Out of I'ajr
I Mill 4 urad.
Hcl'herwm Kant.. Juns 1 IKW.
Dr frnsst Hi-ndonon. kan- :l. Mo.-
Hear lxrior;-l asm 10 add ml tsmlmorial
knar lo your already iaraa lui. hopir.g lo lo-
uenrs HRir autTsrar 10 o 10 yon.
I bad a lU of rupdirs for vr snd
tilts, til kipsi aoin I want 10 Dr Hsnilrrioa
Slid ws cured In th'irt awn. I canme av 100
amen tor Dim. I know h can do ut anal ho
art he ran do. Tin ilonor sVi. not ak ons
tqr at nar until ths pailrnl It Tbit :
ths ba.t (iiaraniac be tan po.iblt i' to any
rr.oii smiciad si I att 1 win auar snjons
a no wiiie i s-ow mors aooul mj ra.s
Very iruiy yoaM " OLSON.
t i'KK or in n i nc. .jit to vou
Dsslras Adit Tatimonlul-f asa a Hart Om
-farmanrtii tuia In hlioi I 1 una
Would oi ba Hark In ais lu
ill I Inn lor l,000.
Or. Krna.i BanrtarMiri,
Mi Dear Docior -! i)e:r to add my !ilmo-n-al
10 iho vou bs cured ot rupture My
raw was a bad one anil ion mads a 1 ernr.ir.rni
cuts ;n a thnrt lima wi boutpa n snd I nser
Inst a dsy (mm mr mora I rsanot ay too
much for your cum and would licit be a in
ll.s condition I aat lor a lootnand dniiars i
lbar.li ynu and would reconimenu )unr It iiaura
diirt Inanvcr.e tr this If JO11 .iu J am,
iru,. toanktu'.lr jours
fRUO HAHf EH J01I lodisna Ate.
Wat KM ClHU.
" w ,J uome-powcr. XV rlto for circular aud
This Is wl at I can do. and it d.n'i
mke any dillereiice whelher it is nlb
or day, wet or dry, old or warm, stor.u
or aim. just call me and I will numn
water, ";rind feed, h H corn, separate
cream, churn or jirli-d bonts, 01 any work
that i r u i red of me.
Cull and see me at work at
1 1 10 Oeuglas St.,
We AUo liny ami Sell New mid heroijd
If unci iMfhlftet-y.
"Where's your watch?" asked the ob
si'ffaiu riiuii. "Why. here It Ih," replied
the man whose prorperily hud Hlipped a
cog or two recently. "Hut that's u sil
ver one. The one you u?vl to cairy
had a hamlsi m- r Id ease." "Well it
1 t in rnistanees alter cases, you know.''
NufTVra.1 for yeara-l'ron.i.iiM-'d Incurabla
by lienors - ld fla 'lo k Ti-4utiiit
Aftar JIiiim a krt wus inml actl
IV IP- I re illicit l All Titat ta
ClAlm! fr It-llopa Letier
St ill ba Slamiia of Inducing
Olbais to Take Ti Sal
man I.
Dr. Krnetl Underon Kau-aClty, Mo.
Hear tmrior: i m,u I su
benrtily recommend .tenr rupture treatment,
btnee carl' youth J bad been ariuufijy irsubivd
wltb a right M-rotal ruptuts Ihai was p:o
nouuead by doctors lo be- Incurable exceui. 00s
siply. by adariKerouiuruicaioiratiou. Hsar
lnir uf tour ireatmenl I ditermlned lo try the
sair.a anil am slad I did .0 for, sflsr taklua
your treatment but tbres wetiks I am now .ouuu
and welt. Vour iraatmeot Is all tbal you ciaiui
(or It.
If tbli letter will do you any good I would ba
glad lohaie ou piiblub the ksoib. and 1 boua
a may be lbs meant of inducing olueii 10 lass
yJur iieaimsut and be cured.
Vuum reienlfutlv.
Wll. LHN.N, Itansom, Kt.
hOS 1KI.K. fill IS IO UK AHOlT
lciidaTra f menl Vuecws.ful FtHinlnad Oth
r I'all- lit a d Kuiinil Cura I'm, maitrut
liMd bfMin In tbe Huslnss -'l liluka
'1 lil. in- SI ii. l Itnt.uual 1 raal
uiaul of tliv la.
Ueeember tU, ltv.
To whom It may concern :
'ili. will ci-. ury that I havo taken Dr. Krueit
Henderson's treatment for ruptiue and iliat 1
tlnd 11 emlrely aw teaful. 1 have eiauilned a
numueruf iaiiunis l'ial ha baa ireand and 1
rttiu trial a (lermauen. ujre lias lieen mails tu
every caae examnu'd. 1 haa as'cbed ibis
treaiment for some time. S4 I bava been in ibis
1 11,0 ot bu.l iii-si my-f If, buviiiK i.ei-u an etixiri
truss rllier for a niimlier of yesis, 1 betlsva
this Is the moat rational treatment of the day.
and that be will tie aiicttesnfiil in ececv caae. I
would moat lo-aitily iecomme.ud anyone walba
rujture to oorisuli Dr. Ilenueiaou.
V'erV reaiiectfiillv youia,
jACuU Ul.llI-.L, ludeiieudeuca. Mo.
CU11K OF ItUI'ltlir- t-KAT TO TOU
ItEE. '
l.tilliaran Mlnlater Cm-fit After HulT-rhii; Hix
ran -'I 1 lent Many 1 ni-a blll'l liea All
l-'Niled V pun AOTiceor l:ev, r, I'feif
Isi of isr.lMlli. Trn! Iir. Ilau-
dsiaon, I lie lliilur hprcialiat
mf Kansas Uty.
Tb f nra wn a ouipleta ilas lUienaa4
With Truaaes S 11 An.wr l.ensrs
From 1 be Artlmled as lio SS'isai
t'urilisr i'arliuulai-a.
ksiitna City. Mo,
Tblt latoce.liry that I bate aitffered for a't
fat's with t sery bad inpiiiie. and durlut '.II
o' i be time I nave worn duTeruut kind of u lias
es day and aiRht wun it.e huii or etlcit!i a
cute, but they ail fai.su -they only bold tbe
rupture in i!ai.-a
fjpon the sui ict of fter f. I'feirTor. of sdslis.
Mo., I roiiaul'ed Dr trnral llioidea .D. tne
kuplurt Special HI. HIS IV. tfiri Si., KjnaaCl:y.
)lo . wbn cuiso me In a ftw weet n bout auo
jeailnt ma to a danxeroiit and painful orxra
tion. Tbe cura at cnmplrte tnJ unre ilien I
fclv dt-sued wltb my trustee itnuut locoo -veil
lo tne iniertat of ill alio ire trrpced wltb
Itiattoube Idowrntlhtaarici hesriilv recum -rr.eiid
Dr. Hennaraon t ireaimeni. Aujunu u
iiring moie inlormttiou will pletaa apply 10
mt, pcttont.ly oi by letter lam,
.ioiin sacks.
lov Is, ISM. ,317 Oak M., Ktnaaa (,'lty,
M B lo anting pie euciu.e a siamp-fur
No Troub a Afier First Tiaalmeiil, Wblcb
Wat 1'iilnlaaa Did Not Inleifne Vt liti
Hoik and f ined In lxa 1 ban Due
Month llerummsuila Trralnieut
lo All Jtupiura buffi-reie.
Dr Ernest llendtrtcn. 10) IV, Ctb 81. C'ty,
My Detr Dccc.ir .' wrltt you uto,:e;tfd. to
nv it si yen nt'emsdet ,'.rmsrieni tu-i of rov
Kjurt-wLiti it.iijroueuo.a;i!i t:.reoi
1 jl 1
"Khen Holden" hlda fair to be ttt
(freat a auccera an "David llarurn," Vi
which It la sometime compared, and
which It Is not at all like. It is evi
dently true that the reading public
known a good thing when It Bees It.
There Is something bo freuh, to breezy,
no out-of-doorsy about the book that
itg reading operates like a tone. Uncle
Eb g a delightful character, and one
that deserves a permanent place In the
gallery tf the heroes of fictljn. His geni
ality, his rugged honesty, his natural
shrewdness and his keen itense of hu
myr combine to give him an individu
ality so strong and distinct that oiw
almost feds as If he were a living man
and not a mere creation of fiction. His
homely saying are racy of the soli; hit
philosophy a quaint mingling of natlvt
wit and keen observation. It is m ir
than an ordinary story. It is a spirited
effective study of character and a thor
oughly entertaining novel. Jt has been
adopted by the United States navy as a
standard work of tletlon to be distrib
uted among the libraries of the various
men-jf-war in the service. At the pres
ent writing the book has not bee.i out
j two months and is already in its thir-
tie t h th.ou-iand. It Is surely one of tlu
j few books of the season that must not
he overlooked or forgotten; and evident
ly it isn't. Boston: Lothrop Publishing
Hooks of nature fore are enjoying 1
vogue hitherto unknown In America!
publishing, though such b)oks havi
never been wholly absent from Ameri
can publishers' lists. It Is true, how
ever, that never before have thesi
books been written so ably or pub
llshed so attractively as now; and tc
this combination of facts rnut theii
popularity largeiy be attributed. Johr
Burroughs ban recently completed hi!
"i-'quiirels and Other Kur Hearers," de
voted to the life histoies of small fur
bearing mammals, and illustrated bj
fifteen drawings in color after Audu
bon and a frontispiece of a fox's head
fiom life. Squirrels, chipmunks, -rood-chucks,
rabbits, muskrats. etc.. are thi
animals described t the number o
lifteen. The work will he puhllsheC
by Messrs, Houghton, Mllilln a Co.
The October number of Great Picture:
Is an excc;ptloral Issue, containing a:
it dues one of the mist Interesting am
instructive articles on the Human Korm
by Dr. H. W. hufeklt. "Piano Teac-rv
ing and Playing in America," by VVal
ton Perkins, director Sherwood Mush
school. Is most excellent. "An Amei I
can King." by Julian Hawthorne, onl;
prove that the publishers of flrea
Pictures aim to keep up the high stand
nrd of tliclr literary work as well as 11
their reproductions of famous painting:
by renowned artisis. The entire issui
Is worthy the highest commendailoi
fi,,m ull 11 t L.Clu
itifftilnal Hernia. ( ttiififc Ibis la tlie name jrnw
f ats iti rlilitiff the Hcrotnm. I am triad to say
thai f never had any trouble ri)ilnlnj( It after
the flm trttttmrnt, and thai I n now a well
man. Thanks to God aniJ yotirwlf.
Your treatment ai ixUnle- and did not atop
nn? from my work. A cure was made In tU&a
a Nionib,
I certainly wijl do what I can for yeu and m.v
11 11 fieri n(f fallows. and monl heartily recommend
all rupuired 10 take your treatment. You muy
ne ihla letter M you aesiri- i rry to remain
lourriecd. WH. WKLTVaN,
K. C. Stork Yard or 4W Landi Court.
VUtlt CASE. ,
guff-red With Had ' for Osar Firs Taari
ould ot MhimI it Ant l,uiie-ar Afier
KaanlliiK AdaHrtiaa-iiiant Ciint-ludeil
to Take TraHlru nt Paid for
Wtili 1'l.t.n-IIH l.la.lly
Write Anyone A bout Ca a.
kansasClty. Mo., June I, 1900.
Dr. Ernest Henderson. i!liy:
My Dear Doctor: - It is with pleasure I Inform
you iua i Mti;ci.v c::!T! ni s rad ej.s. of
ruiiture. for wbicb vou Ireaied me first about
twoyearaaeo. 1 sufteied with a very bad rup
ture for over five years many times It aas ta
bad I could scarcely reiaio it wltb the aid of a
trust. As l he rupture was constantly getting
worse, and tbe pain so great, I could not stand it
tnv longer. I was mucb discouraged. After
reading your advertisement over a d over
attain. 1 concluded lo try your treatment, and
to my turprtat you cured mt In lest than four
weelia. I am triad to say. after such a long lime
nf suffering. I am absolutely sound ant well.
I paid your fee with pleasure, and still teal thai
I owe you a debt nf gra'tiude which 1 hope tor
pay by inducing other sufferers to (ro lo you for
treatment, thereby doing a kiudnesa vo them
and toyou,
I wlil'lailly write to anyone about my case.
I almost foricot lo say thai 1 considered your
ortVr of "receiving no pay until a cure was ef
fected ' a the best guarantee yon comd give,
ml that is what tirst naae rue confidence it
your ir-a;menl. as nnn as I talked lo ou.
Respectfully your friend.
II Kant bulb Street.
or in rrtiti; and aiie sei.ecteii ai
KAMMlM l-ltlld MAN, I HAVECI IU. .
PVe fjtynor. I ' Kwlngat.. Kansas City, Ka.
A. II Olson, Mcl'herson, Kat.
Hubert J. lirock, county ttturney, Manhattan,
N. M. Kent. 401 Orchard St.. Chlcngo. 111.
Oscar Dillon, Mil Campbell St., huusaa City,
II. M. McDonald Ilrnison. Kat.
It. r. Duhbt. Is-.'uN. tali bt., Kiints. Cltv. Kas,
A. Vniinu, :m( Windsor Ae.. KanataClly, Mo.
J S. I it in ia :c k. plumbing. IV I., litb bl., Han
ts i uy. vio
I bos. biirto KnH City Mo
V. c. Cctk. jro-ei, Si Ceutral Ave., Ktatat
Ct:y. Ka
M fa. H elcb. cai Goo Pander Milling Co., Ft.
Scnit, Kst
Iir, T V. Ptiker, 1M7 Brooklyn Ave., Kausai
CI'V. Un
Itarnian Hagi .11. Kannaa ( Uy, Mo,
U m. l.vtin. Itansom Kas.
M. (. llaritell. Tlx K-n v St. St. Jot Vo.
Pred Harper All I Ind'tria Alt., kau-at CUT,
William YVeltmtn. 4H' lndit Court, Kansas
Cl'v, Slo.
Itev. P. pratffar, fSedtlia. Mo.
K, J. Chcmpion. Armour siaiion, KantaiCliy,
.I T. Wood, morchanl, (.reeuwood, Jaekaou
CO'iniy, Sto
t Ins. T. Hummer 4U K.dmond St., St. Joa. do,
H ill II l a. lor, ii N Kurlnj Ave.. St. Units, Mo.
Kred Pharea. 817 Cnerry si., Kansas Oily, Mo.
K. K. Demoie-i Kansaa Cltv. Mo,
R. U. OrlfBib iW Lyceum Bldg., Kansas City,
Thomas- Mc.Miboo, 701 N. 7ih St., St. Lou It,
R W Dement, reaiturtnl keeper, ing ft ib
gi . realilenct MII'J l.ocuat st karisat City, Mo,
Child ri moiiiliaold
(t K Mit tsaiaitnl county surveyor, Inde
pendence yin
W'tstioiiriori tinker, Ha l a Summit Kat.
Wioiim II ksi'i" II' Car Ave., Armourdalt),
t L Orar. Sitnberrv, Mo
W. T w mmte Amuy mo
I arl Mnxneil. Vt.iev I'tll. Kat
C St lid v 1 Kirista Ave , Kau-taCtty. Vtt
James Mi'Mut kin, k'H Tulila Con rl Kstisat
C.:,v Mo
I ram Craig. IMh and To, ping Avt., Kantai
Cliy. Mo.
!C3 Witt Nlolb Slreit,
An Essay Written by Hobso
Merrimac Fume.
. In 1893 Lieutenant Richmond Pearson
Hobson wrote a critical ana'"' of the
"Situation and Outlook lit Europe"
among the six great powers. Tils essay
at tlie time created much Interest and
discussion among naval officers, and
. will bear reprinting at the present time,
in view of Lieutenant Hobson'a promi
nence and the trend of events since he
wrote the article. The t'nited States is
a factor with which he did not have
to reckon in fc recasting the probabfe
fate of Europe. If he were writing to
day he would talk of seven great pow
ers Instead of six.
I Europe, from the beginning of its his
tory, has been the world's great bat
tlefield. I Few of its generations have passed
i without engaging in wars of the first
I A bitterness now exists between the
1 principal western nations that has but
I few parallels In history, and never be
fore lias there been such promise of
I war.
j This Imminent war bids fair to In
1 volve all of the six great nations of Ku
I rope. The issues will be of a twofold
nature In determining the historic ri-
valry of the western nations and the
I equally historic Russian march toward
j ascendanc y.
j Thus Kurone now presents the spec
tacle of the dual allience of France and
Russia drawn up for aggression before
two distinct enemies, Oreat Britain and
the triple alliance of Fermany, Austria
Hungary and Italy.
What should be looked for from such
a situation In Europe? When should
war be expected? From what quarts
will It probably come, and what will be the dual alliance neglcctR to s!ze the
its probable course? The aggressor, of J opportunity of 1896, leaving events to
course, is studying all the possible . take heir ordinary peaceful course, It
plans of attack. The key to the future aly will. In all probability, decline to
thus lies with the dual alliance, in the renew the triple alliance treaty in 1897.
study of the best plans for it to adopt. Deserted by Italy, Germany and Aus-
(.5 rent Britain would never remain a trla-Hungary would lie helpless. The
spectator to Franco-Russian victory on two nations In despair would cry out
the continent. Consequently, ln Ht- for British aid, and their cry would
tempting to defeat the triple- alliance probably be heard. So, on Italy's with
frst. the dual alliance would have to drawal, the probability points to the
engage Great Britain also. To attack , fomiatioin of a new triple alliance of
the continental enemy would be to at- ! Germany. Austria-Hungary and Great
tack both enemies. Britain, the natural allianc of defense
But. if the insular enemy were first against the natural dual alliance of
attacked, would the continental enemy aggression.
enter? ) After the wrangle, a new era would
The triple alliance acknowledges no begin In Europe. Its duration and Its
obligations to Great Britain, and there termination are easily sepn. A glance
i are elements blind enough to relish
: being spectators to the defeat of the
power which rivals and Interferes in
their colonization and commercial en -
terprises, and which has steadily con
sidered itself self-sufficient enough to
decline all overtures from the alliance.
The probabilities thus point to the
non-interference of the triple alliance.
After the overthrow of Great Britain
and the disintegration of the triple al
liance by the withdrawal of Italy that
would follow, the contjiiest of (Jermany
and Austria-IIunRary by the armies
whose strength would remain unimpair
ed by the sea strui-'Kle, would be an
easy task, whether Italy Joined in the
courtliest or remained neutral, or even
If. as Is against all probability, she re
newed the triple alliance.
Thus the best plan for the dual alli
ance to accomplish its schemes of uni
versal conquest if to first overthrow
th? eiiiuh power bv sea. then to con
quer the central continental powers.
When will Issue probably take place?
At the time most advantageous for the
The relative strength of Great Rritaln
Is advancing by oscillations. The pres
ent moment finds It at the upper limit
of a swing. It will betrln an Immedi
ate descent; the lowest point being
reached In 1SIIC and early In 1X37.
fin the other hand, the naval strength
of both France and liussia Is on a ris
ing curve, whose rise is steady, rapid
and sure and piesents no point of in
flection. "What arc the prospects for the fu
ture? Will the dual alliance find n
more advantageous moment when it"
force will equal or preponderate that
of Its enemy? What will be the addi
tions to the strength of both parties?
What will he their relative strength
when British force pusses down from
Its present maximum to its coming ndn
linum In l-7?
The strength of the two parties In
standard tonnaget arrnoreii) will then I
tie: Great Britain, 274.040; the clunl al- !
llance, 3(17,110; 122,106 French and 141.-la
'M Husslan. Thus, though the British
force now preponderates over the force
of the dual alliance, It will witness in
ll96-7 n preponderance of the enemy
In the proportion of MM to 1. Both
preponderance In qunrtity and superl
lorlty In quality, which now belongs to
the British fleets, will pass over by
1SM-7 to the lleets of the dual alliance.
This situation will be Inevitable.
Kvery Indication points to the dual
alliance' seizing this unhappy moment
lo make the attack. It should be made
before the expiration of the treaty com
pact of the triple alliance In IHH7, In or.
der to Insure Great Britain's being left
alone. There Is no doubt that France
and Russia both appreciate the situa
tion. The non-Interference of the triple
alliance being guaranteed, the odds will
be heavily In favor of the dual alliance
notwlthsinndlng the tindlllonril valor
und skill of British oMlcers and seamen.
After the defeat of Great Britain, tl.e
next slep In the plans of ti e dual rd
mice vlll be the cnnqinst of the
tral powers, The first step toward this
conquest will he the dlsln'i pratlon of
th triple alliance. Italy w I!) he threat.
enerl nralrst remaining, will b" allowed
to withdraw and templed to cast her
lot' with the dual itlllnnce,
Italy having withdrawn, the struggle
wltb Germany and Augtrla-Hungary
would be essentially on UUi4. It Hal.
remained neutral, France and r.-cti';
would offer for invasion, at the presen
moment, 1,416.000 men on the ptac
footing, and 6,630,000 on the war fojt
ing, against an opposing force of S;C
00 men on the peace footing and i 'ik't.
000 men on the war footing. This h?av;
superiority will be greater In lfc97. Th
dual alliance could march to the con
quest with entire assurance on the mor
row of British defeat.
I Italy Joined In the conquest, the
unhappy powers would be invaded fron
the south as well as from the east and
west by an adlitional force, numbering
about 2f9,000 men on the peace footing
and about 2.000,000 men on the war
footing. Should Italy, against all her
Interests, against all probability, re
main with the triple alliance, the con
quest would involve a ferce struggle
by land as well as by sea. The Inevit
able conquest of all three cpntral pow
ers would follow not many years later.
Nothing could save the continent after
the overthrow of British power by sea
The next step in the plans of the dual
alliance, the conquests beyond Furore
would be practically achieved. No seri
011s opposition could be made. They
could be taken possession of at leisure.
The day France and Russia, after Brit
ish overthrow, look up from the battle
fields of Austro-German defeat, th-y
will see their frontiers start on the
march across southeastern Europe, into
Africa, into Asia. The connueririg pow
ers would control the eastern hemi
sphere. Such are the best jdans for realizing
the highest possibilities opened up to
France and Russia by their alliance,
and the probability is that such, in the
main, are the plans they have concert,
edly adopted.
If no unforeseen event occurs, and If
at the map of history and the march
f events shows that Russian ambition
; doeH not stop short of two continents,
an,j ili not be satisfied until Russian
territory has no boundaries but oceans.
After their intoxication. France and
Italy would awaken In a nightmare.
After lkM-9, beyond which estimates
cannot be made, the probability now
points to the dual alliance maintainins
the preponderance, notwithstanding the
vast resources of Great Britain.
The future is thus gloomy for the
essentially passive powers, whether the
dual alliance has the boldness to adopt
the most favorable plan, or whether it
awaits the ordinary cours nf events,
which would probably consolidate the
enemy. Are there any method of
thwarting these plans? What can the
passive powers do?
The same methods will thwart both
plans. The surest and most desirable
the best method, would be the forma
tion of a quarirtipie aiilame f the pa:
she powers to take the offensive with,
out delay. The force of this new alli
ance would heavily preponderate; on
sen It would engulf the eoemy.
The second best method would be for
the triple alliance, though feigning de
fense, to take the offensive without de
lay. The third best method would be for
Great Britain to lake the offensive w ith
no delay. If she did so. the probabil
ity, in all events of waf that could
follow, would mark her as a victor
with an assured new lease of the sea
and of the world's commerce. Of the
three desirable methods by which th;
I war could be made general, while the
passive powers preponderate in force
and would act In unity, this on alon
offers any grounds for hope. Hut thi"
only hope is very scant, for Great Brit
ain is loath to become a belligerent in
Kuropean war. and is slow to change
her policies. She would be loath, very
loath, to take the offensive.
The fourth best method, the only om
remaining, would be the formation of
quadruple alliance, fffecied by Great
Britain's Joining the triple alliance
without materially modifying the na
ture of tile treaty stipulations. The
forces by land of the two al'lances
would not largely differ. The sllrht
preponderance would now rest with (ho
four allies. Offense, fi-nrn the agcres
slve alliance, would be out of the qucs.
(ion. Peace would be Insured for many
yeart) and another generation might
puss before the conflagre lion came.
The dual alliance, however, wou'd tint
think of renouncing Its passions and
Its schemes of conquest and a pitiless
relenUe,s peace struggle would begin
on a scale undreamed of even In (his
day of crushing armaments.
This peace struggle would continue
till Italy, Impoverished, if not utterly
bankrupt, withdiaws
At first slsht this method of postpone,
merit might appear to offer an oppor
tunity for allowing time to al-
! ter the sent Intent In Fiance, to open
l-llne 'ye of the Frenchmen and came
een-jtheni tn abandon the alliance with Bus.
fut mi. the on'.v way to dissolvi
tl flmil alliance Is to p-.jt fm- sln to the
. t"t of -baring d-f-at with Fram e
; ureal r.riia s aione can apply in.f
The hope Is somewhat creator, though
still small, that the fourth and Irast
deslrnble method, the formation nf t,
def.-nslve quadruplj alliance, may lie
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Seminal Weakness f.
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and list of question! free aealad,
ttniCOCCU, HrDR0CL,PHIM0iaBiWfat
Private Diseases & moeV'reltoda
afrlf ?nr both seiea-tXI page. M pie-tort
BUUtV trneto life, with full detcriitirm n4
sbove diseases, the effects and core, tent teal
la plain wrapper for ren'e tn stamp, j oc
hotild read this book lor to Infonnatioti 11
oq tains.
M. B. State case and ask for list of qnetrtiong
tr Jf tttewat IAntmv, for Cm !
ioni 0th nt. council iii.UFFa, I a.
. OMAHA, Vol, 3-No. 44-1900
YO M Write about yourwll
cIiIIiIIioihI and wun per
T-'1 iy cured 13 veuit
iii.. ,MM i.iiw aniiriroj
an iMiptecmic ine iiuenae (leslre otic has la)
tie c u led. If yiln Hrenfllloled.or hu vec.lillUre
vlio ana. wrlie to me for terms, llleratuiaj. ety.
Address JULIA C. VAUGHN, rH(j ,