PrsjM-Tournal Tut v.i: Nov. 1 it, 1900. t. r. Canon, Editor and Prop. F. E. i 51. V It. at. liaw table. Ouiiig Wftt. Going EUL fro. , roiif!(l,..ll:901Ko. 6. mixed :00 T H E North-western LINE E. M. V. Iw K. is to and from the tb best BLACK HILLS, l'EADWGOO ASD HOT SI'IUN'tiS, SOUTH DAKOTA. F, E. & EL V. R- R Homeseeksrs Excursions Notice, As Chairman of the Peoples IndVprnd eat Party county Central corumittee of Sioux county, Neb. 1 have this day re- moved track Scott as a member of the Peoples Independeoj Party ceotrul com mittee of Riouk county, and have ap- pointed John C. tinley of HsU Crtek, precinct vice Frank Scott removed, Charles Biehle, Chairman Ceo. Com. Dated at Harrison Neb. Oct. 27, 1900. "Will be run Sept. 1, 4, 8, 15, 18, 22, and 23rd; C-F. E.&M. V. R.R. in Ntsbraska, wiice the one way fair from nearest Missouri River Point, m clud.rig Council Bluffs is $3.00, or more fi J'ciiats in Wyoming, west of acd in cluding Orin Junction, and to Pom's in lii.u k Kiila district of So. Dakota, Tickets will be sold by connecting lines feeding to our line at Sioux city, Onnwa Mo. ValW and Omaha and by our agents at South Flatt, stations, Blair, Omaha and ou S. C. & P. in Iowa; except that our agents, will not sell to points in So, Dak. Fare will he one fare plus 3.00 for rouim trip, w rite your folks in the .hast To The Public. Dr. A. T. Peters of the State Universi ty at Lincoln, will be in Harrison, Wed nesday Nov. 14lb to give a lecture at the Court house, to the stockmen of the county and vicinity upon disease of hor ses cattle nd sheep. He wilt be prepar ed to answer aay and all questions tliat way be propounded to him at that time. Ee-y body are invited to be present, a rull house is desired. Both ladies and geiiiieiiicu are iavited ta come. A. T. Petess, veternary surgeon. iKi nave tnm coma anu w vou, tsKtsgf Nch., Tuesday. sivi vantage nc mesa rates, licuets limi ted 21 days with 15 days limit on going portion. F. Avehy, Agt. Tom Iverson returned from Iowa; yesterday noon. Home rendered lard in 5 pound and 10 pound pails. And in bulk.- . At Smiths. Mrs J. H, Bartell, has been quite poorly during the pat week. " t Father Duel of Pleasant Ridge, has relumed from a month's sojourn in the east. Mrs. Bogart, returned from her east ern trip yesterday. Hence the bappy raile on our p. tu's, countenance.. Doitricb's "boodled" admirer has a -dollar to bet we understand. Better keeprt, may be able to invest it better, e'ere many moons. A special meeting1 of the Modern Woodmen, is called for next Monday evening.. The attention, of all members is called to the fact. ' . The PKKSS-JouBSAr, family are in debted to Grandma Slattery for a half -dozzen beads of cabbage left at the office last Friday. "Many thanks Grandma? . Oscar, Ward is building a barn oo his twentw acre lot, just, east of town. Jerry Will is also building a barn on the lot he purchased just recently, near Mr. Hester. A 2nd letter received from John Fitzgerald this week, says both Chicago -and Cook county will" give Bryan & 8 te vensoc a large majority. Look out or Democratic landslide. Through county Clerk Rauss we -fearnwr, oT tne Beam or atr.V. St, si Cottonwood, an old neighbor of Mr. E. Miss Elma a Daughter of the deceas ed attended our last county Institute. Jean Williams, who is suffering from an attack of Typhoid fever, is doing Marcos Valdez, is bavin; an addition built on his houss. Pat and John Lacy, are doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thayer, of tha val ley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Burke over the Sabbath. Little Viola Wallace has been quite indisposed during the past, week or two. Virg'l Hester, lias purchased a large consignment of horses, and shipped tiiem to western markets this week. F. J. Witt returned from Bloomfield Mr. Witt's health is still poor but his many friends hope to see him better soon. nice little fall of snow fell dur iog the night Monday, perhaps an inch all told. Of course at this time of the rear we may expect to see plenty of snow. The Episcopal seryices which were held at the M. E. church, in Ilarrinon, Oo last Friday afternoon, were fairly well attended. We did not learn just when services will be held again. We understand some misereaut cut the wire fence on the Gjffee place thus causing John Cieckman and Good son Lacy no little trouble, as thoy had : been keeping their livery horses in the pasture. Possibly some boys work. Owing to tbe death of her sister Miss West, our inter-mediate room teacher, was called home to attend the funeral obsequies this week. Tbe pupils in her room' were divided uetwees ths high school room and tbe primary depart ment. ' We are in receipt of a letter this week from John Fitzgerrald at Chicago, where be and family went a week ago to visit and to look after some business af fairs. John says in bis letter that both politcal parties are hare at work, but his opinion is tbe Bryan people have the upper hand. Village B!acksHith arcl 1U little son's life. . Mr. 1L U Black, tne well known vill age black smith at Grahams ville, Sulli vun Co. N. V., says; "Our-little son, five years oid has always been subject to croup and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that be would die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, out Chamlwr ain's Cough Remedy is now our sola re liance. It seems to dissolve the tough niucos and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symptoms appear we have found that tbe dreadl croup is cured before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it coiiiains no ipium or other injurius drug and may be give as confidently to a babe as to aa adult- For sale by Dh. . E. Pms.vEY. Hub visitor Frank Mueller was ft last Friday and Saturday Immanuel Knori, left for his Wiscon hoHie on last Saturday evening. J. E. Pelren of Adelia, was doing bus iness at the Hob on last Saturday. Mr. and Sirs L. C. Wricht. spent a day at two at latter part of las-t week. -A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Carroll on last Thursday evening. Mrs. Jacob Henry.'Sr., and Miss Katie, of Montrose, who have been spending, a month with relatives in Wis consin returned to their Lome on last Friday. Mr. anfl Mrs. John Lacv and the lit tle fblks'retiirned from ft months trip in to Iowa last Friday also Mrs. J. Ludwig and baby. Our next Sherrnf Kr. Am k Lotrriy was so far improved last Friday as to be able to attend the fusion rally at the court hou se. On last Saturday, Jhn Stratton and Homer Pridily.consumated a deal wliere hy the latter becomes the owner of Johns quarter section of Sioux county soil. Harry Marsteller, a brother of Job and Will, who has been doing Sioux county, during the past two or three weeks, returned to his home in the east, on last Thursday evening. George Williams, is teaching hi first term of school at Five Points. We are glad to (we our own school graduates being recognised, it is only fair to them. George informed us, that while on, his way home from school last Friday eve ning, he had the privilige of seeing wild strawberries in blossom. And this in Sioux county. As the fansily of Judge Wilson, ex pect to leave in a few days for Wheat land, Wyoming, the young people avail ed themselves of the opportunity, and repaired en-mawe, to the Wilson home, just west 'of town, on last Monday eve ning, as the gu?sU of Mis s May, and to say that all enj jyed themselves, wouid be putting it mildly. We regret seeing our fcood citizens leave, but we wish them success in their new undertaking. Game Uanied HUNTERS AND SHIPPERS PERRY. BAUER S ElllllS, We want (iauie in any quaotiy at titbit st Market Price and Gcaraktke SATISFACTION. Omaha, br and Philadelphia, Pa.-Capital $33,000. References, U. 8. Nat'I Bank or Your Express Agt. Wholesale, Batter, E, Poultry and Uame. Societies. W. B. Wiinn, Paator M. E. Chorcb. HAKIUW)! . XEBOASKA. THT PTflMl?rT? PIT A P f A nv ? Drills, Drugists Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PH1NNEY, Proprietor. r040040040040sVe0Xo Bodarc Gleanings. Ed. Rosa who has been at A. F. Chris tians ranch came home last Saturday. Rev. C. E. Rice was obliged to go to Chadron for medical treatment last Wed' nesdav consequently could not fill bis appointment here on Sunday, . We understand a literary society has been organized in which both young and old have joined in the endeavor to inter est and anmse there is so little enjoy ment in the country places for young tcUz, TfS 1sh "m uc'ess. meetillKS are held every Wednesday evening at the Bodarc school house. Rain and snow and a breeze visited us Monday night to remind us of what is coming, aud making us wonder what became of our last winter overcoats. These are panical times and they grow more so as election day draws near, a new voter has come to make his home at George Gnms but ne doubt his vote will be challenged by some of tbe opposing parties. M. A. C. If s cp to 1 4 ttw t Vt Less than a year remains in whlcli n gather facts, and information that wiii ii.nueijce your vote for the &ex! p.-;rJ:'nt of ihs United States. rii..t j'rievo'.i3 wrongs hxve been -:oi2i'v,itti--I, jrj-avc eiTcrs aSowed tt cxiit without cifort at correciian, k iije:w4 by ihz speech, writings, and '-O.iint'rnts t'f eminent siatesine:i and r-'r"its : connrcsrAen and lcaflinrr mr-n i; prcll'tsors aud c!er?vineD -t a every s:..u. I'rsai hlRr erery Saadsy erenlag at 74f p. iu-, nd every alternate faaday at 11 a, sa, Sundty Srlinol 19 e'elork a. m. Enwarth Leacnf 6 -JO p. ra Prater HeellnjTliBrtdsy Vng t 1 &9 Cum one, Come at! AutoharpSolo Sunday evening at the t2TChurth -1H-U-J... -' LIJJ.JS1-LU B St Proflessional Cards- J. E. PHINNEY. M. I). I'hjliclan and Snrrren. ill calls given provopt sttentlon. CHIIre In DruK fetern. -RAOK1SOM - gKSKASKA. GRANT OUTIIRIE. fttiornsy-aMaw. Prompt attention given to all lejfal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Slates Land Olfice. v Fire Insurance written in reliabfSr companies. CF"Legal papers curefully drawn. Hasmsg.x. - Nmbaska. i'.'.uy alfjia'ions havs been ignored n thy ssrainst tt.r'?"c asirie . . y ' i .e,7j.?ri!3 of our kJDcrs and :i;-rcc!i into the siLirs of Eurc?e. M. J. OX'onncll, - - Co. Attvruej, T!ll Prartlco In ill Court. SiM'dal Attention Ulreu to Land 0f flee Ituftlm-ss. Collectiuim and all business eotrntt edtomeTflll rpceire pi'ompt atUntiua. vry w ell. Dr. Pliiooey is attending the l;i tie sufferer. We often wonder if all our people appreciate tbe physician we bav in onr ti.iiist. ' Miss Maggie Jordan, ol Boone la., , arrived from that city ytiterday, and bus tnwn engiiged to teach school in the , Kof m in oistrict during a five moittii ierii. Meanwhile the young llndy will 1 a guest of her aunt Mrs. garth Jor- lu of Birtlarc. Hoot loryet to cost a vote ( r L C Lwii, for conni;Rif n ;r of th 2nd. dist rict. He u a man capable of tilling the otfii.-e, a g'd mathematician, and our voters shoaid remember tluvt this is an feenUal neacessity m acommtskioiier, be man yon cat your ballot for L. C. Lewis . ' Ve wish to call tbe attention of tbe voters of Sioux county, to the fact that . he peoples chnice for Sheriff, Is Aleck " .Lowrey, a man whom everybody respect nod honors; a hurd working, houest citi. sen, and tui old resident of our county iivebiiulhe sujiport be merits, be will. MMike an olilcer to whom the people o; Sioux county can without fear and with 49oaSdDoe, entrust U dut etef SiiorifT to. Those who know Aleck best, say ua iiaal tatiogly that bis word is aa good aa Ma toad. Tm la deabtlese enoougb far r Cogs county people to of him tr&m thaaa to cast their vote for V Llie Lawray, forgberilT of Rioux Co. d ark aa aaU the attaatiaa t4 r tta fact, that wbaa they ::ifyoaar tUorxy, oa aeXt Taei r ' ?yis.?iJ the beat iaUraeta of y-.'l z Mtjr aJUta, aad iwt 1 i f:rC maaal aaeiMibeat, wha It -TtJJUmn Maearty cat, laat j in Uki,w have the facto - laa iKMBaltenind tbe oaav IT i fiummi tat capMrt ta ' .r.TiJef tea fity m he &,H.1 Open Letter in Behaii of Coffee. "I have uwl Chamberlains Colic, Diolera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E. 8. Phipps, of PoUjau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. 1 cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of thofe who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in lbs most severe oases i;ke it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Db. J. E, Phinney, Editor tees Wonders. Editor W, V. Barry of Lexington, Tenn., in exploring mammoth cave con tracted a severe case of Piles. His quick cure through using Bucklen's Arnica Sslve convinced him it is another worlds wonder. Cures Piles, Injujies, Inflamation and alt B-di!y Eruptions. Only 2"ic at J. E. Ptt'.fXEY'a. Mr. Editor: Please allow me through the columns of your valu able paper to say a few words in in behalf of our upright and honorable citizen and neighbor whom I have known for over 14 years. Who aided uie and scores of other neighbors years ago, w hen this county was new. I am oo relative and ajn not in his employ and this comes from me withiut his solicitation or knowledge. But when I see publUh-d such depraved fabrica tions as I see in some papers I regard it as my duty to speak out iu all fraoknts that tbere is not tbe shadow of truth aiuttlem. Chas. F. Coffee, as a neighbor and as a good bonest, upright citizen, is with out a neer; whose character is ah.iv rtro':h. Mr. Coffee and his family have lived here in our midst many years, and are held in the highest esteem and regard by all who know them. Who is Allen G. Fisher? ; . 4 . : Has be a war record? ," S Did he immortilixe himself waen down in camp Thomas! Did you take uticrokcope to aee what be did in the legislature last winter? Did von aver read tbe ator? of the snider and tbe fly? "Walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly" and then think of Capt. A. O, Fisher, On tbe other hand Charles Coffee has lived a great many years in this commu nity, and has never sought ofS . This is a clear case wlwre tbe office seeks the man, and so fur as Mr. Co Tee is concerned, there is no better or a more noble man ever graced the soil of Sioux County, Neb. He is keen to observe, and quick to comprehend, and will do what is right at all times and. under all circumstances from, principle, without fear or favor, with credit to himalf and honor to the District be may reproent. We should elect good men and as he is amply compft. tent, I believe that almost every one who know him, will dr jp party anJ ote for Char lea F. Coffee, and they will never reirret it. ' For years he has bad men his employ and I have yet to bear the first one complain and each one w itb whom I have talked say that Charley, is a gentleman in every sense of the term, let us all say at the po, that we know and nspect a good and noble citizen. Wa remaio, yours very respectfully; M. A . BANNAK, A FRANK BAN NAN. Made Young Agrafn, "One of Dr. King's new Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my teens' aeain" writes D. IL Turner of Dempsey town, Pa. There the best iu tbe world for liver. Stomach and bow els Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only. 25c at J. E. PiirjiNEY's Drug store. JlCS.. satiation is a deplorable one if 'nsliirriiry, as is also oi-r domestic Cs;rs om',Z'S:d hy gigantic Trusts.' The crib are not of spotnancour .Tcwtn 1 1 j.iy are the result of yean f Lk-r ar.d expenditure cf rr.iHistn f ck'L-rs! Bsit;f,tY.g with the dis--b.c-ritii' cf American tiivcr for V. j.'i'.h jro!d, the cunnin of Eng's dlylcxrMy in shaping the d 'Jtiy of cur Republic is' apparent to v;;y wii.ury otwrver ssckkg th? fu of evens. 'Hi: Cndncati Enquirer has fre quently calicd attentioa to each end jjvery move as it was transpiring, and d-ims tlie camoaiaii of m.-,a will preswit its readers with a tutcful Array of facts that will be extremely Lucres t;nj and iUttiing. Ko fair-minded Amcricaa. te he i Kepabbcan, Democrat or of othsr political fbiih, caa aferd at Uds critical time to ignore the truth. Partisan prejudice, with the Trusts as dictators, is a far more degrading slavery than that which existed previous to the Civil War of '6 1-64. Trusts in the United States alone have a representative capital ereater oil t1.a -nil I -:i .. vi.u.. nn. guiui i-.uu silver m tije world. , These wia spend many more millions of dol.'ars to suppress truth end facts and mi-Jcad e'l whr iX'k l.-c.l t'wlr Jecc; tions. Read t'ie Enquirer Had you will be able to discern the truth nd combat falsehood. A victory for Trusts and the McKinlev Adraini tration m 1900 will end the era of greatest good to greatest number. Watch carefully tbe Cincinruti Enquirer Michael Ruffing, cot' NTT itvtvoa. . I am prepnrfM to do nil kinds of Civil KuKioecrlnx work. When in need of the Surveyors Service, give me a call as I have a full and com plete outfit, together with exenence 10 do tbe work with neatness and dispatch. ADDRESS MICHAEL RUFFING, HARRISON. - - - - NEBRASKA. To Kent. I will rent my place North of Ilirrison 14 miles, until Slay 1st, 1901, wilU-ICO tons of feed on the place, also 1.100 i-r of pasture. Good Running Water on the place. Address J Not.A.1, Eckard, S. Dnk. 4't ESTRAYED About four weeks ago. from Mr. DpRotk'e ninth, on east Hat cre-l(.' S last" Siifing steer caives, brandet'fon left side, anv informs- tion conJJU rrning them will I suit ably rewarded by th owner. Address Ieo. DeRxk, IVularc. Neb. NOTICE. We would ileum itagriat favjr, if !ny of our Hihscriher, ,r !ny - Mjn do not recvive their Prs JotrjWAJU regularly will notify us of tbe fact. Editor. THE HOSPE PIANO. UNBOiMu.aa in tylb on Oaaiait e Oaaa. fmmm I We aha tnrwUk the Umt ptuto prneW prk- ' ( towm VOMtMe uWlptlmi of our style E. Okbloel 1 1-1 UAiavmi. a Vnlsiui; ft rcrwiriiDc Rft. "ui: lrn I'Uio. Ij. uit-ni and Ort J'.iiu; Rrr.itii ..ii , . yU' V. f.vrrrl Hii l (i k.f. ii ,,-t nypptj V? r. . ( ;. ,) ;k k:'& X..W.e I j .. fi.; J' -notice; The parties that took all the bed cloth es and other stuff from the house of tlw ranch of O. W. Hester will save them selves trouble and exp mse by returning the same as the parties are kno n to ma. V. A. Hiasrot. D 'U. A tt m . . Writ f. r 't' t.,, ij lvivn, V,rrj I1 in iniL4 ( .f I tt fttittw. , Turn finrt af f V-irt-Zmrttt imt, tbe 'Ottonn Williams, who is sow teach inc da we on Burirv acnool district, re ports etra wherries ia Meoa in that lo cality. As tiraviottaiy announced, Bon. W. D. Oldham, candidate for attorney gene ral, thsfoeioa ticket, spoke to a larfe aad appnesativa aadieoee, at the ooari boaMoaUat frf aftereooa. It a Baajoeattowahfj, Wa aaoat'aMe dlaoaorw wa bava aaaJ ia thle Narth- watt eooa- try. lltMltoltvatqaaatkM "H koat tt Sea; taJ 'ttH. ta lb aolat, he paamd ty&A&itim "amna2eaxf scatw a mwnM mm wswrera ana u traciat J aUara tbaaaaaacaef fclaric $':- telly. Owing V eaaJk-" I J I I '.j,f ryeol. Then r 1 rPT a L. .v -II ."""r" B-'fi"" esf mnetli. Lgr vii prntZZ-nmHrnm,MMUy Oatawart lea. , To remove a troobleone corn or bun ion: First soak the corn or bunion in warm water t soften it, than para it down a closely aa possible without drawing blood aad apply Chamberlain Pata Balm twice daily; robbing vigor ously for five anlatita at each apptica- m. A ton plaatar should ha worn for a few day' to protect It from toe she. Aa a general liofment for sprains, bra a. laaJanui aad rheumatism, Pain Calas is unequaled. For sal by Dr. i. aPuoom .'.'-...- '! tPhea yoa feel that lif is bardhr worth the Outste take a done of Chaev harlaia'a atoaiacti aad liver Tablot. They will claaiiaa year stoejach tawa ep nver mm Mffttwro yoor oowe making roa reel live a new aala kf Da, t, & ftrarrr. " The Tontli's t'otnpanloa For 1901. The ends of the of earth will be MS tindnr tribute fur the liwi volume of TH Voum'S C'okimviok, Ftsteman, HlploinaU, Travel ers, ttnpperi, Imlian fUrhlern, f'ow Toik hers and .Sell'Mtt'lo men uiU women of many Vo cation wtJI contribute to the entertain ment of voun snd old In Companion homes. Theo-Jore Hoosvelt will write upon Uie, -Kss-encfl of lleroU.n." The Swratary of the Triiry will aniiwer the question, "Wha Is money?" rrsnk T. Iltillen, the old sailor who plri fmictnatin- ysrns A life at m, will contribute mtUitf. W. I. HosclU wilt dmeriba the rolutlons between 0"Voons; ContiihuUiriandeiUtors," 1'sul LnlceSter rord will write about, "The man of tbe Pie-tlnry"-N..h Webnter. There Is not pscehere to beftin to V-ll of the good prorliled for renders of TUB w YotTB S aMKioR-lnterertlve, In- structlve, inspiring from the pen of fam 00s men nl wonmn. Ulntt sted Announcement of the 101 vol ume and Minple copies of the paper Mat free tc sny sddrew. All new rabscrtbers who tend In their ss rrlptlon now will receive not only the U uwaesof TBBOoMriKioif lor 1901, hut also all the Issues for the remain ln weeks el 10 free from the time of nbar-rlptloo be lndtbe"l'e4UUfeirailua Olrl" Calendar for 1S01, lltbeaTacbad Is twelve eotors and fold. 1 ' THK trOlTHI 09K FAVIOV, BoSTos. Mass Six Frightful Fsllurea. Biiterrlbl failure of atx different ooctors aearly aantWm. H. Ma I lea T Locklaad O. to an early grave, All aaid.he hrd a fatal lung UauMa and that ' hi must soon die. But he was urged to try Dr. King's Haw discovery for Ckw- aompUoa. AfUr taking Br bottlee he'a entirely cured. Ills poMtivelv gaaraVv, 4 to care all diaaaars rf tha Throat. Cbaat, La Onppe, FnrniDoaia, Hrcashi. tit. Asibais, Hty fvr, Cnwp, Whoop, teg Cough. Wo aid 11.00. Trial bottloa at J. K. Ymxmcri drog awra. - .. ...... - .r 'X) i . . . '' ( . f f -' x.