Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 01, 1900, Image 5

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Tha Brave Dutch of South Africa
Still Defy Brltlan and Will
Fight For Months.
London, Oct. SO. The military sltua
iton In South Africa 1 aa bad as can
be imaftned from the British point of
view. The Boers have effected an un
broken aeries of considerable successes
In every corner of the theater of war,
and th gravest of them all Is the evi
dence of their ability to Isolate Cape
Colony from the north.
An attempt to send British reinforce
ments from Bloemfonteln to strengthen
the lines of communication In the south
ern part of the Orange River colony has
There has been considerable sniping
as far south as the Frasenburg road.
This determination to display solidity
of race feeling puts enormous difficul
ties In the way of Lord Roberts in the
work of suppressing the guerrillas with
a severe hand. The Cape Dutch prac
tically say: "Unless you treat the Boers
as honorable belligerents we will make
.your soldiers suffer."
It will be Impossible to suppress the
dissatisfaction In the north of the col
ony. If families are deported, as was
done at Jagersfontein, after an attack
from the garrison there, the Boers wiii
be able to fight for months among the
trackless highlands and easily destroy
parties of troops If the attempt Is made
to burn and rase the little homesteads.
The uitlanders at Cape Town are
growing uply, and riots are possible un
less they return to Johannesburg soon.
British Suffer a Lose of Over Half
tha Garrison.
Caps Town, Oct. iO. The Boers have
captured Jacobsdal, southwest of Klm
berley, after a stubborn resistance upon
the part of the garrison, which consist
ed of a detachment of Cape Town High
landers. The latter suffered severely,
lostlng thirty-four out of fifty-two.
Hana Botha has cut off a train with
a reconnoitering party of the Highland
brigade between Heidelberg and Orey
llngstad. In the Transvaal colony, tear
ing up the rails in frona of and behind
the train. In the light which followed
two captains and eight men were
wounded and all were captured.
London. Oct. 30. Advices received
from Cape Town shortly after midnight
say: "Later news from Jacobrdal shows
that 200 Boers unsuccessfully attacked
the garrison. The Highlanders had
fourteen killed and twenty wounded."
Maseru, Basutoland, Oct. 30. It Is re
ported here that ex-Fresldent Steyn
and the members of the executive coun
sel are at Fourlesburg, south of Beth
lehem, and that he has declared Fou--?icstsrs
.. h the "capital of the Or
ange Free State." Mr. Steyn has or
dered Keyter, a member of the late
volksraad, to be tried on the charge
of high treason.
Durban, Oct. 30. The Boers are raid
ing In the northern part of Natal. They
have burned the railway station at
Waacheank and blown up a culvert.
Pretoria, Oct. J!. The Transvaal was
today proclaimed a part of the British
empire, the proclamation being attend
ed with Impressive ceremonies. The
royal standard was hoisted In the main
square of the city, the grenadiers pre
aented arms, massed bands played the
nationsl anthem. Sir Alfred Mllner read
the proclamation and ,200 troops, rep
resenting Great Britain and hr colo
nies, marched past.
Great South African Leader WIII
Marseilles, Oct. 31. Mr. Kruger Is cx
pected to arrive here November II and
remain at least a day. An elaborate
demonstration Is being organised.
Paris, Oct. 31. Dr. Leyds, the Trans
vaal' agent, who Is in this city for a
few days, was questioned by a repre
sentative of the press with reference io
the plans of President Kruger. He said .
"Mr. Kruger will Isnd st Marseilles.
It la not true that I have seen M. Del
eaase, the French minister of foreign
affairs, or that I am In any way ar
ranging a reception, which will be en
tirely In the hands of the French peo
ple themselmes. I have no reason to
believe there Is any ground fer the
statement that Mr. Kruger Intends to
vtsH President McKlnley."
Brussels, Oct. W. The Kruger resep
4Mt committee has Issued a formal dis
claimer of any hostility toward Great
Britain In connection with the recep
tion, which the committee asys will be
exclusively a demonstration of sympa
thy and every means taken to prevent
potlUcal allusions"
Saginaw, Mich., Oct. ll.-Over Lam
hoa have died In tha vicinity of Sagl
aw la tha past month from a distant
sjakaowa to veterineriaaa. rarxaers art
Several Companlee, However
Have Not Posted Not! ceo.
Shamokin, Pa., Oct SO. A committee
representing 4,000 employes of the Un
ion Coal company waited on Superin
tendent Rlanhardt and were assured
that the 10 per cent Increase will b
granted and all grievances arbitrated.
Work will be resumed Monday.
The miners will malt a large demon
stration here tonight In honor of the
atrlke's ending.
Hasleton, Pa., Oct. 10. Preparations
are being made today for the resump
tion of work on Monday In all the col
lieries in the Hasleton district. The
railroads are lllng their sidings near the
mines with cars, and it is expected that
when operations are begun again the
mines will be kept on full time all win
ter to supply the greatly depleted coal
No notices have yet been posted by
G. B. Merkle ft Co. and Coxe Bros. &
Co. offering the men the 10 per cent ad
vance granted by all the other compa
nies, neither has the Lehigh A Wilkes
barre Coal company, who offer the 10
per cent, agreed to abolish the sliding
scale. '
The strikers have been requested not
to return to work at the collieries op
erated by these three companies, but It
is evidently the Intention of the latter
to start up without granting the con
cessions demanded by the Scranton con
vention. President Mitchell returned this morn,
ing from Mahanoy City and left at
noon for Scranton, where he will be the
guest of the breaker boys of the
Scranton district tonight. He will spend
one day next week with the Clgarmak
srs' Union !n New York, after which
he will return to Hasleton to conduct a
series of meetings. He will leave for
Indianapolis probably next Saturday.
Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 30. Superin
tendent Thomas Baird of the Thomas
Coal company posted notices today tc
the effect that his company had agreed
to make the same concessions to the
mine workers as the Philadelphia and
Reading Coal and Iron company.
The Susquehanna Coal company's col
liery at William Penn Is the only on'
in this vicinity where the notices have
nut been posted.. The men employed
there held a meeting last night at
which It was decided to remain on
strike until notices were posted or some
other assurance given that they woultf
receive the advance In wages.
British Loses Heavier Than Ware
First Reported.
London, Oct. 30. A dispatch received
at the war office from Lord Roberts,
dated Pretoria, Friday, October 23. re
ferring to the fighting of General Bar
ton's column with General Dewet'f
forces, October 25, says:
"The British losses were heavier tbar
at first reported. An additional offlcei
and twelve men were killed and thre
officers and twenty-five men wer
wounded. The Boers left twenty-foul
dead and nineteen wounded on tht
field, and twenty-six Boers were madi
prisoners. Three Boers, who held ui
their hands in token of surrender, and
then fired on the British, wtre court
martialed "convicted and sentenced it
death. 1 have confirmed the sentence.''
The dispatch also refers to minor af
fairs, in which the troops of Genera
Kitchener and General Methuen weri
engaged, and a serious (neldcnt be
tween Sprlngfonteln and Phllippolls
Orange River colony, where fifty cav
alrymen were ambushed and captured
by the Boers, only seven of the party
Another dispatch from Lord Robert
says: "Barton attacked the ubiquitous
Dewet near Krederlckstad. The Boer
were scattered In all directions."
Rise In Standard OH Stock Break
Market Records.
New York, Oct Jl.-John D, Rncke
feller's profits on the rise in value of
Standard Oil stock within the last ten
days have been $10,000,000. The prlcr
of the stock today was $W a share
and are share actually changed handf
at that gure. This Is the highest quota
tion for any Industrial corporation's
stock In this country. A year sgo the
stock sold at 4M. and It has rlsed from
475 since the first of this year. Not lorn
ago holders of the stock sold It at 204
and thought they were getting a blf
price. Yesterday Standurd Oil sold at
i&l. It opened with en advance to 5
today and finally a single sl.art wai of
fered and bought In at 05. This event
Is a sort of epoch-marking one In the
history of the company and also In
financial matters In Wall street. The
Standard Oil company Is capitalized
at t100.000.0u0, and this year will pay
in dividends more than half the amount
of Its outstanding securities.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 31. Edward Hen
ry, reputed to be the oldest man In
the country, died at his home today
sged II years. He was born a slave
In Culpepper, Va., In 17H4. During his
long career he was'marrled Ave times
and he Is survived by his fifth wife
by whom he had thirteen children. He
la said to be tht father of sixty chil
dren. ,
Hlnux City, U . Oct M.-At Elk Point,
a, d., Lorenso Stevens was found guil
ty of the Harder of Samuel Livingston
A Ufa eerttnoe was reoomiaeaaee.
id mm.
Allied Army Entere the Chinese
City and Discover How tha Miss
ionaries Were Tortured.
Pekln, Oct. 30. The allied expedition
reached Paoting-fu on October 20, com
posed of French, German and Italian
troops and a body of English under the
:ommand of General Gaselee. As one
result the world is now enabled to learn
the fute of the missionaries there when
the Boxer revolt began.
Three English missionaries were res
cued by the allies. Others, with thou
sands of native converts, had been
Details of the massacres at Paotlng
fu turn out to be more revolting than
ever reported. The Slmcox family of
ve were burned out of their house, and
a boy of 12 years of age, who ran
from the house into the street, was
hacked to pieces by the Boxer mob.
The rest were smoked out and captured.
The father died fighting.
The Misses Gould and Morrell were
itiipped and dragged into the street,
where Miss Gould was put to death
with frightful brutality, and Miss Mor
ie!!. Dr. Taylor and ,Mr Pitkin were
beheaded after having their ears, fin
gers and toes cut off.
Mr. and Mrs. Hodge and three Eng
lishmen are missing. 1
Two thousand Chinese Christians In
Paotlng-fu were murdered on June 4-5.
The French were the rst of the re
lieving expedition to put in their ap
pearance and awaited the Pekin column
seven miles from Paotlng-fu. On the
following morning the viceroy. Ting
Yuan, and his staff met General Gase
lee four miles from the city, and after
a conference surrendered the city, and
with it the three English missionaries
and one child. Mr. and Mrs. Green
were two of the missionaries saved.
It has been discovered that the vice
roy ordered the massacres, but after
surrendering the city he escaped to the
The Tien Tsln column of the allied
expedition arrived October 21, one of Its
detachments having cut off the retreat
of the Boxers. Major Von Schuilmunn,
commanding 200 German infantry and
the Indian battery E, met the Chinese
Imperial troops October 20 at Paijou
tlen and shelled them. The Chinese did
not return their Are, but withdrew at
once, leaving their dead and wounded, a
pack train and 18,000 taels in the road.
Paoting-fu is divided Into four sec
tions. The city is .full of Chinese refu
gees. The allies have decided not to de
stroy the city. The railroad is intact.
Demand of Ministers Acceeded To
- ' - Sy Chinese Emperor
Rome, Oct. 30. The Messagero prints
a Pekin telegram saying that in re
sponse to the demand of the ministers,
Emperor Kwang Hsu has agreed to
return to Pekln. Count Von Waldersee
has promised him a mixed escort of
6,000 men.
Tien Tsln, Oct. 30. Japanese news
sources report that the empress dow
ager is seriously ill at Tai Chuen Fu,
and that the best physicians have been
Washington, D. C, Oct. 30. The state
department has received a dispatch
from Special Commissioner Rockhill,
who Is now at Shanghai, conrmlng the
report of the death of Yu Hslen, former
governor of Bhansl province. He says
hat he committed suicide on October 22.
London, Oct. 30.--A Pekln dispatch of
October 25 ascribes the delay In tin
opening of peace negotiations to the
change In British ministers, Sir Ernest
Satow having succeeded Sir Claude
MacDonald, and to the non-arrival ot
the Russian and German ministers, and
also because of the Illness of M. Pl
chon, the French minister.
A meeting of the diplomats had been
called for October 26, the day after the
dispatch was sent, when it was expected
a united plan of action would be formu
lated. Major General Campbell, who com
mands the British section of the Poo
ling Fu expedition, General Oaselee
commander-in-chief, has required addi
tional provisions. This would Indicate
that this force Is not to return to Pekln
at once, as was anticipated.
Berlin, Oct. 30. Robert P. Porter, for.
merly United States commissioner to
Cuba and Porto Rleo, Is In Europe In
behalf of the Standard Oil company,
which Is anxious to buy the vsst coal
and oil fields In Roumanla. Mr. Porter
Is negotiating here through the Die
conto Oeaellschaft, the financial repre
sentative of Roumanla
Havana, Oct. 31. Thirteen new easel
of fever are reported today, sevsn of
whom are Americans. Csptaln Freder
ick Pagt, one of General Wood's aides
died of the disease todsy. Ma was
taken 111 at the funeral of Major Kfctt
United Statee Soldlera Engage In a
Fierce Battle.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 30. The war
department has received a dispatch
from General MacArthur giving an ac
count of a ght in which a small force
of American troops attacked a much su
perior force of Filipinos. The dispatch
"Manila, Oct 21 On October 24, First
Lieutenant Febiger, . forty men, com
pany H, Thirty-third regiment. United
States Infantry volunteers; Second
Lieutenant Grayson V. Heidt, sixty men
troop L, Third cavalry, attacked Insur
gents fourteen miles east of Narvican,
I locos province, Luzon; developed a
strong position occupied by about 1,000
bolomen, under command of Juan VII
lamor, subordinate of Timos.
"Desperate fighting ensued, which
was most creditable to force engaged,
though under heav,y pressure over
whelming numbers our troops compelled
to return to Narvican, which was ac
complished In tactical, orderly manner.
Acting Assistant Surgeon Bath and civ
ilian teamster, captured early in the
ght, were released by Villamor. Accord
ing to their accounts insurgents much
stronger than reported herein, and their
loss, moderate estimate, over 150. Our
"Killed: Company H, Thirty-third in
fantry -George L. Febiger, first lieu
tenant; Charles A. Llndenberg, William
F. Wilson. Troop L, Third cavalry
Andrew T. Jackson, farrier; Guy E. Me
Clintock. "Wounded: Company H, Thirty-third
volunteer infantry-Floyd W. McPher
son, hip, Blight; John W. Grace, face,
slight; Floyd H. Heard, cheek, slight;
Harry 8. Johnson, knee, serious. Troop
K, inird cavaiiy Adarr. P.. w.hs. cor
poral, arm, slight; Alfred Downer,
head, slight; Charles W. Martin, thigh,
slight; Oscar O. Bradford, foot, slight;'
William E. Hunder, leg, below knee,
"Missing: Company H, Thirty-third
Infantry John J. Boyd, Samuel P.
Harris. Troop L. Third cavalry Sam
uel Davis, Ferd. Schwed. Twenty-nine
horses missing; some known killed.
Are Robbing an American Company
In Venezuela.
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 30 Harold
Verge, superintendent of the Orinoco
company's mines in Venezuela, arrived
here today. When he left three weeks
ago its officers were in daily expecta
tion of the annulment of the company's
land grant of 14,000,000 acres of land by
Dictator Castro, which came a few
days after he left. Mr. Verge says this
action is a part of a deep laid plan to
confiscate the American company's
property and turn the concession over
to an English syndicate, which has been
waging bitter war upon the Americans.
' United States Consul Loomis.he says,
has stood quietly by during the progress
of the Intrigue and made no protest.
This has encouraged Castro to go ahead
In the belief that there would be no
protest from the United States govern
ment, for which he has a wholesome re
gard. The action Is a great hardship
to the company, causing the suspension
of its operations and the abandonment
of a number of valuable sub-contracts.
Vigorous efforts will be made to have
the state department t!".a Ycnei'J
Ian government to time.
Proffeesor of Filipino University
Charges Serious Fraud,
Chicago. (Special.) Charges of plun
dering of the government by the United
Elates army officers in the Philippines
were made to Senator Jones by Prof
William F. Malone of the University of
Santa Tomas. Prof. Malone is a teach
er in English at the Filipino university
and Is on his way to his home in Fall
River, Mass., to vote the democratic
ticket. Prof. Malone says the American, offi
cers are robbing the government with
out apparent fear of discovery.
"While I was in Manila," said he, "a
transport unloaded a cargo of provi
sions tor the army. The cases were
dumped on the wharf. Most of the
goods consisted of canned stuff, and
all was marked 'Inspected' and 'con
demned.' The cargo was sold to a Chi
nese mandarin for 2 cents a can and
three days later, before being removed
from the wharf, the same goods were
sold for V cents a can. Moat of the
plundering is done by the commissary
officers and the thefts equal If not sur
pass the Infamy of the Spanish."
New York, Oct. 30. Colonel Kimball
assistant quartermaster general of the
United States army, announced today
that 2,000 recruits will leave for the
Philippines In the next three weeks.
The first 1,000 will leave on the trans
port Buford on November 5. The second
transport, carrying the other 1.000, will
be the Kllpatrlch, which will leave on
November 10. The recruits on the Bu
ford will be In command of Colonel Ja
cob Kline of the Twenty-first Infantry,
and those on the Kllpatrlch under Col
onel Tully McCfca.
Madrid, Oct. 31. The minister of war,
General Linares. In an Interview, pro
tests against the new cabinet being de
scribed as "military." He said the pres
ent moment was not tha time to give
predominance to military Influences and
added that aobody dreamed at such a
816 RALLY;
Second Visit Is Hailed By 160,000
Voices and Scenes are) Unpar
alled Thla Year,
New York. (Special.) Cheers from
150,000 throats rang In William J, Bry
an's ears last night during his second
progress through the city and 50,000
persons listened to his appeal for their
support In 1900 In "the enemy's coun
try of 1896."
From a campaign excursion Into Con
necticut he returned to the scene of
his effort twelve days ago, when Tam
many rallied crowds of 46,000 to do him
honor. Last night three times that
number of men, women and children
assembled at the points where he was
to speak or massed themselves In the
streets through which he was to pass.
In Madison Square garden and park,
which had resounded the night before
with plaudits for McKinley and Roose
velt and groans for Bryan, the name
of the republican candidates were hiss
ed and Jeered at while Bryan was hailed
with acclamation. The outpouring be
low Fourteenth street and In the east
aide, made a record-breaking manifesta
tion of popular Interest.
In Second avenue between Fifth and
Twenty-fifth streets, Mr. Bryan drove
through a mile of closely packed hu
manity. ' Even 'n the heart of a dis
trict of the city where his friends are
supposed to be least numerous, the
demonstration was remarkable.
Mr. Bryan had made up his mind to
take up the republican accusation con
tained In the accusation that he had
dodged free silver in the east. In his
speeesi in Cooper Union he declared
that he still stood where he stood four
years ago on the financial question, and
that he had not attempted to conceal
the fact.
Nevertheless he Insisted that Imperi
alism was the paramount Issue.
While Mr. Bryan was making his
way through . cheering multitudes to
the smaller meetings arranged for him,
David B. Hill and Bourke Cockran were
holding the attention of the audience
of 12,000 which filled Madison Squaer
Garden. Mrs. Bryan sat in a box, made
conspicuous by flowers, directly oppo
site the platform from which her hus
band was to speak. Richard Croker oc.
cupled a box on her right.
Mr. Hill dwelt upon Mr. Bryan's un
questioned integrity and did not forget
to say a word for the democratic state
Mr. Cockran was greeted by tremen
Jous applause. He spoke for more than
in hour, being forced to kill time while
Mr. Bryan was at the Hoffman house
having his throat sprayed, which de
layed him half an hour.
The audience went wild, however,
when Mr. Cockran said:
"I opposed Mr. Bryan In this very
spot four years ago, when I believed
him to be wrong; I thank God for the
opportunity to support him here now,
when 1 beiicve is right.',' . . ?
Mr. Bryan arrived at 10 o'clock.
Great applause and mighty cheers pre
vented him from speaking for nearly
fifteen minutes. After the frantic shouti
for Bryan, the audience, which had
arisen all over the main floor of the
garden, turned Its bark upon him and
saluted Mrs. Bryan with a demonstra
inon as enthusiastic as that which had
been given to her husband. She looked
very much pleased, but a little embar
rassed by the tribute.
Mr. Bryan spoke clearly and was dis
tinctly heard. He took up in turn the
principles enumerated In the Kansas
City platform, devoting more or less
time to each In proportion as he re
garded them as more or less Important
He gave out a text from Proverbs:
"Remove not the ancient landmarks
which thy fathers have set."
With this ns his theme, he argued
that the democratic party had become
the conservative parly, seeking to sus
tain the time-honored principles of the
government, while the republicans had
become revolutionary.
Mr. Bryan quoted Senator Scott's d
laratian in favor of trusts at the
Kootievelt dinner, accused Governoi
Roosevelt of dodging his argument
aguinst a large standing army, opposed
government by Injunction and devoted
.nuch of his forty-ve minutes to im
perialism. Wllllmantle, Conn., Oct. 33. A mob of
iOO "rough riders" during a torchlight
parade, attempted to destroy all Bryan
and Stevenson banners possible. Aftei
pulling down one banner and dragging
It In the mud, the mob proceeded to an.
other., Shouts of "Burn the damn
ihlng!" went up, and the banner was
ion blazing amid shouts of approval.
The rowdies boasted of their deed.
When the parade dU')anded for nearly
two hours there was a scent if wild
.Disorder. . il i'K'
Jollet. III.. Oct. 27. The Illinois Steel
company today shut down Us converter
ind billet mil) for an Indefinite period.
throwing 1.600 men out of work. It is
iot known how long the suspension
A-lll Inrt. The compiny's rod ml.U
lave been Idle for reveral wcehs. Three
Mast furnace, the Merchant mill, tho
machine ihc-p lnd the factory will be
'.tept In operation.
tasnnro arena
StlrrlnaT Addreea Blamed By
moot Cttlsens of the Land.
The American AaU-ImperlsllssH
league has Issued aa address to bade-'
pendent voters, which shows that tha
most prominent educators, lawyers aadt
business men of the country are op
posed to President McKlnley's poUey;
In Porto Rico and the Philippines.
Every man who signed the address.
voted for President McKlnley foar
years ago.
The address follows:
"The undersigned, cltisens of the?
United States, regard with profound ap
prehension the course of the present
administration in Porto Rico and thai
Philippines. Our prior acquisitions were
of adjacent territory for the exteasfces
of the area of constitutional govern
ment and the creation of new states to
the union. We made their new inhab
itants cltisens; our people settled them;
we there established the Institutions of
freedom. For the first time In oar
history It is now proposed that the
president and congress shall rule vast
territories and millions of men outside
our constitutional system. Officiate
sworn to suDnort the constitution ana
deriving ail their powers therefrom have
acquired colonies and assumed arbitra
ry authority to govern their inhabit
ants without consent and to tax them
without representation. This policy of
fers to the people of Porto Klco ana
the Philippines no hope ot independ
ence, no prospect of American citizen
ship, no representation in the congress
which taxes them. This Is the govern
"We believe that it Is the rst duty
of the American people to stamp with.
their disapproval doctrines so Hostile io
liberty and dangerous to constitutional
government. If they are to remain free
and their government Is to continue 1
representative, their servants must not
have or exercise any but constitutional
powers. Between the claim of freedom
that all men are entitled to equal po
litical rights and the dogma of tyranny
that might makes right, there la no
middle ground.
"We have not prior to this year sup
ported the candidacy of Mr. Bryan. We
do not now concur in certain of hie
views on minor issues. Yet his position,
on the supreme issue of the present
campaign is so sound, and his advocacy
of It has been so able and courageous
that we now favor his election as tha
most effective way of showing disap
proval of Mr. McKlnley's course. With
out claiming any special political influ
ence, we unite, for what our example
may be worth to our fellow cltisens, la
this statement of proposed action la tha
presence of a greater danger than we
have encountered since the . pilgrims
landed at Plymouth the danger that
we are to be transformed from a repub
lic, founded on the Declaration of Inde
pendence, guided by the counsels of
Washington, Into a vulgar, common
place empire, founded on physical
force." '"
Victory Is Certain For tha Entire
Fuelon Ticket.
Sioux Fall. S. D., Oct. 80. For tha
first time in the present campaign th
managers of the fusion state campaign,
give out an official statement aa to how
South Dakota would go In November.
The statement made by Thomas H.
Ayers, secretary of the committee, andr
approved by the fusion managers, la aa
"State, of South Dakota will gfreta
electoral vote to William 3. Bryan by
a majority not much less than 2,QS. It
will elect the entire fusion ticket by .
majorities In some cases In excess of
this. We shall elect the legislature by
a majority of not less than twenty to
twenty-five on joint ballot and will re
turn Senator Pettlgrew to the United.
States senate without a dissenting vote.
Such is my estimate of the situation.
influenced wholly by my knowledge or
conditions in the state at large."
score Mckinley policy.
The Antl-lmperlallsts Clubs Paaa
borne Reeolntlons.
New York, Oct. SO. President C. C.
Hughes of the Greater New York asso
ciation of the National Association of
Antl-Imperiallst clubs, tonight gave out
a set of resolutions which had been,
signed by over 500 officers of the organ
isation In forty-five states and terri
tories. "The resolution condemn the admin
istration because ot the Porto Ricaa
tariff, the 'slavery In the Sulu archi
pelago,' 'for the perversion and supl
pression of news,' for 'the infamy com
mitted In the Philippine isjands,' for
'the tacit understanding with monarchi
cal governments which deprives a peo- ,
pie struggling for self-preservation and
a republican form of government In
South Africa of the moral support and
sympathy which our people would glad
ly extend,' and 'for the arbitrary exer
cise of executive power by the MoKlav
ley administration.' "
Would Not Be Surprised If New
Jereey Went Demooratlo.
New York. (Special.) William Jen
nings Bryan's second and last day la
the home state of the trusts opened
auspiciously with an early morning
speech in Hoboken. At Orange aa he
arose to speak, Jeanette McGowan, a
6-year-old tot. presented Mr. Bryan a
bouquet of American beauty roses, say
"Mr. Bryan, the American beaaty
roses are the pride of the American peo.
pie; so art you."
The candidate spoke for over aa hour
In the Lyric theater, Hoboken, Not- ,
withstanding the hour, :0 a. m., tha
theater was packed from pit to dome
with a cheering mass of humanity.
There were enough persons to nil four
halls of like slse who failed to fet .
within earshot of the candidate's voke, .
Mr. Bryan "besrded the lion la Ma
den," and his speech waa a scathlAf da- -1
nounccment of trusts and of Iraaerlah '
Mr. Bryan said: ' ';
"I am not a prophet or tha so at s- j
prophet, but I will not be vutiimA,t
on the morning following slecCai C t
I find New Jtrsty la the oasd' V
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