m . n f Ami aiu'iin MUium - s - m mm n m WHY DID THE BEE CHANGE POLICY? EVERY PUK III THE KANSAS CITY PLATFORM RELATING TO McKINLEY'S POLICY OF IMPERIALISM HAD THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE OMAHA BEE. (World-Herald.) Herewith are given extracts from the national democratic platform and the editorial comment of the Omaha Bee, the administration and Imperialist!? organ of this section. A perusal of this compilation will convince any one that the force of the party lash or foi other reasons surrendered to the Im perialist, was embodied In the Kanrag Oty platform. Bo harmonious in sen timent and similar In expression that the one might almost be said to be the echo of the other. But comment Is un necessary; the extracts speak for them selves. It cannot but be conceded how ever, that an editor who thus diamctrl cally changes his views recognizes that his expressions are without weight 01 he regards his readers as a lot ot credulous numskulls who can be Influ enced at pleasure for or against any measure. Headers of the paper whJ cannot see that Its course Is an Insult to their Intelligence are Indeed dull of comprehension and more to be pitied than to be blamed. Were a minister, or other public speaker, who essayed to be a public teacher, to be guilty j of the shameless Inconsistency naunt Jngiy practiced by the local republican organ he or they would be subjects ot Just derision and public scorn. KhAFFlKMS FAITH IN THE CON STITUTION. We, the representatives of the democratic party of the United Htates, assembled In national con vention on the anniversary of the . adoption of the Declaration of In dependence, do reaffirm our faith In that Immortal proclamation of the Inalienable rights of man and tiur allegiance to the constitution framed In harmony therewith by the fathers of the republic. We li .Id with the Unltel States Bj- pteme court that the Declaration of Independence Is the spirit of our government, of which the constitu tion Is the form and letter. Kan sas City platform. The true friends, the really patriotic citizens of Wie republic are those who Insist that we shall faithfully adhere !o the policy which Imbued the founders of the republic. The attempt of the advocate of ter ritorial acquisition to deprecate those who are opposed to their policy by ap plying to them such epithets as "little Americans" will not have any weight with the thinking- portion of the Amer ican people. Omaha Bee, July t, 1898. GOVERNMENTS DERIVE THEIR JUST POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. We declare again that all goxern ments Instituted among men derive their just powers rri'n tne consent of the governed; that any govern ment not based upon the consent ot the governed la a tyranny; and that to Impose upon- any people a gov ernment 'of force la to substitute the methods of Imperialism for those of a republic Kansas Oty Platform. Every voice that la raised In oppoel tkas to the spirit of Imperialism that Is fertM fostered In this country should rve careful attention. We confident "if believe that at this time a large ; f -"silty of our people are onnossd to ' rir ! order that tale ooposi rt deaisno those who would f trwr Jo" poller the "Uneasy Lies pregnant with difficulties and dangers must be met and combated at every point. To seize any colony of Spain and hold It as our own. without the free consent of the people. Id a violation of the principles upon which the govern ment rests, which we have preached to Iiie Kullii of a t.-cmuy hciu wiiii ii e pledged ourselves to respect when the war was declared. Omaha Bee, June IS, 1898. .-NU NATION CAN ENDURE HALF REPUBLIC AND HALF EMPIRE. We hold that the constitution fol lows the flag and denounce the doc trine that an executive or congress deriving their existence and their powers from the constitution can exerclKe lawful authority beyond It, or In violation of It. We assert that no nation can long endure half re public and half empire, and we warn the American people that Imperial ism ahnad will lead quickly and Inevitably to despotism at home. Kansas City Platform. The prevalent spirit of Imperialism Is pregnant with danger. It would make ihe flag of our country the symbol of dominion and empire. Instead of the blem of freedom, equality, Justice and peace. Omaha Bee, June 16, 1888. We Insist that a war begun In the cause of humanity shall not be turned Into a war for empire. That an at tempt to win for the Cubans the right to govern themselves shall not be made an excuse for extending our sway over alien people without their consent. Omaha Uee, June 19,. 1898. THE NATION'S OROANIC LAW VIO LA TED. Believing In these fundamental principles, w denounce the Porto Rico law, enacted by a republican congress against the protest and op position of the democratic minority, as a bold and open violation of the nation's organic law and a flngrant hrfach of the national good faith. It Imposes upon the people of Porto Hlco a government without their consent and taxation without repre sentation. Kansas City Platform. An attempt to win for Cubans the right to govern themselves shall not be made an excuse for extending our sway over alien people without their con sent. To sleae any colony of Spain and hold It a our own, without the free consent of Its people, Is a violation of the principles upon which the govern ment rests, which we have preached to the world for a century, and which we pledged ourselves to respect when the war was declared. Omaha Bee, June II, ISM. REPUBLICAN PARTY DISHONORS AMERICAN PEOPLE. It dishonors the American people by repudiating a solemn pledge made in their behalf by the com manding general of our army, which the Porto Rlcane welcomed to a peaceful and unresisted occupation of their land. It doomed to. poverty and distress whose helplessness ap peals with peculiar force to our justice and magnanimity. In this, the first act of Its Imperialistic pro gram, the republican party seeks to commit the United States to a colo nial policy, Inconsistent with repub lican Institutions and condemned by the supreme court hi numeroM i o eti on s Kansas vnt rMWom. any HWiUw f Vmritonr a rt- SsaaSnSs u twv Ike rest"-Omi: wit ot ti$ 9 trraK U a vHeo tfe. krxl I, lJ, the Head That Wears the Crown." the national faith pledged In the Joint session of congress which declared that the United States disclaimed any dis position or Intention to cxerclge sover eignty, jurisdiction or control over Cu ba, "except tor the pacification there of." To abandon the principles and policy under which we have prospered and embrace the doctrine and practices now called imperialism is to enter the path which, with other great republics, has ended In the downfall of free Insti tutions. Omaha Bee, June 19, 1898. DEMANDS HONEST FULFILLMENT OF PLEDGES. , Wo demand the uromnt and hon- . i est fulfillment of our pledge to the Cuban people and the world that the United States had no disposition nor Intention to exercise sovereign ty, Jurisdiction, or control over the Island of Cuba, exceut for its pa cification. The war ended nearly two years ago, profound peace reigns over all the Island, and still the administration keeps t-,e gov ernment of the island from Its peo ple, while republican carpetbag offi cials plunder Its revenues and ex ploit the colonial theory to the dis grace of the American people. Kansas City Platform. Any annexation of territory as a re sult of the war would be a violation of the national faith pledged In the Joint session of congress which declared that the United States disclaimed "any disposition of Intention to exercise sov ereignty, Jurisdiction or control" over Cuba "except for the pacification there of." Omaha Bee, June 19, 1898. Americans know that It la grossly un just to charge that the motive for going to war with Spain was terrltorlai ag grandisement. Congress distinctly and explicitly disclaimed any sucn purpose, declaring that the sole object of the war was to give Cuba free and Independ ent government. No utterance of thi most violent Jingoes even remotely in timated a desire for expansion of terri tory and no such thing was In the thought of anybody In this country when hostilities were declared. The Idea of territorial expansion was de- veloped after the Manila treaty. Omaha Bee, July 27, 1898. DENOUNCES PHILIPPINS REPUB LICAN POLICY. We condemn and denounce the Philippine policy of the present ad ministration. It' has embroiled the republic In an unnecessary war, sac rificed the lives of many of Its no blest sons, and placed the United States, previously known and ap plauded throughout the world as the champion of freedom. In the false and un-American position of crush Ing with military force the efforts ot our former allies to achieve liberty and self-government Kansas City Platform. Nothing could be more repugnant to American Idess and principles than coercing these people Into submission to our rule. If they do not desire American government we should violate the cardinal principles of our political system by forcing them to submit to it. Omaha Bee, September 24, ISM. "We have accomplished our mission," quotes the Bee from the Chicago Chron icle. "If we go further we must aban don any pretense of humsnlty or ven geance and admit that we seek con quest and conquest alone. We can't af ford to do It when our volunteers are dying In Cuba. We can't afford to weigh distant Islands against Amerloan lives. We can't afford to haggle with Spain when every hour's delay means mourning for some American noma. We must end the war and bring the soldiers back to God's country. TM DEMOCRATIC PHILIPPINE POLICY STATED. The Filipinos cannot be citizens without en langering our civilization; they cannot be subjects without Imperiling our form of government, and as we are not willing to sur render our civilization or to convert the republic Into an empire, we fa vor an Immediate declaration of the nation's purpose to give to the Fili pinos: first, a stable form of gov ernment; second, Independence; third, protection from outside Inter ference, such as has been given for nearly a century to the republics of Central and South America. Kan- 1 ens K,iiy rmttitit'.. One serious danger is in the likelihood of pressure from our new possessions for admission to the union as states, To admit them sooner or later, is to follow a long line of precedents; to de bar them la to aaopt a wnoiiy new me ory of national policy. Under a policy of Imperialism or territorial acquisi tion we must choose between giving new possessions statehood and govern ing them as colonies; the latter a course which might be fraught with grave menace to our whole constitutional sys tem. . . We shrink from Intrusting po litical control to dark skinned Hawali ans of uncertain pedigree and problem atical civilization. . . What a spec tacle this republic would present to the world in denying universal suffrage to one portion of Its people while giving It to another portion. )maha Bee, Oc tober 9, 1898. COMMERCIALISM DENOUNCED. The greedy commercialism which dictated the Philippine policy of the republican administration attempts to Justify with the plea thst It will pay, but even this sordid and un worthy plea falls when brought' to the tests of facts. The war of "criminal aggression" against the Filipinos, entailing an annual ex pense of many millions, has already cost more than any possible profit than could accure from the entire Philippine trade for years to come. Furthermore, when trade Is extend ed at the expense of liberty the price Is always too high. Kansas City Platform. Success In obtaining our share of the trade will depend upon our ability to meet the competition of our commer eial rivals. There Is a view of this matter which appears to have escaped the attention of most people. This Is the possibility that In the event of the United States permanently occupying the Philippines there will be an Indus trial development there hlch will sup. ply a large share of the demand of the Asiatic trade, thus curtailing the op portunities In that quarter of our own manufactures. Labor In these Islands can be had at about one-third what It costs In the United States and there Is sn abundance of It. The Inevitable tendency of this would be to bring down the price of Isbor in this country em ployed In like Industries American labor would consequently have to suffer. In no other wsy could our manufacturers successfully com pete for the Asiatic trade sgalnst man ufscturers located nearer to that trade and employing the cheapest labor In the world.-Omaha Bee, July II, ISM FAVORS TRADE EXPANSION BY PEACEABLE MEANS. We are not opposed to territorial expansion when It takes In desirable territory which can be erected Inte states m the union and whose peo ple sre willing and fit to become inert ran cltlsens. We favor trade gpansion by every peaceful and legitimate means, but we art unal terably opposed to the seising or f I re basing of distant Island! to be vernd ouulda tha exiMtttvtton and whose people can never become " citizens. Kansas Cltv Platform. The United States wants no territory in remote seas requiring great military ana naval establishments for Its de fense, and with a people not fitted for self-government. The acquisition of such territory would inevitably prove a heavy burden and bring us endless trouble. Omaha Bee, June 15, 1898. FAVORS A HIGH, HONORABLE EX AMPLE. We are In favor of extending the republic's Influence among the na tions, but believe that influence should be extended not by force and violence, but linuuaii i-cioUii'.-.c - power of a high and honorable ex ample. Kansas City Platform. We were anxious to stand well In the opinion of the world when we went Into war; we desired that all disinterested mankind should accept as honest and sincere our assurances of usefulness and of a lofty purpose. We sought the good will of the nations on the ground that we made the fight to accomplish the highest objects for which man can battle. The war is now over. It would seem to be the. dictate of wisdom to avoid whatever may seem to Justify hostile European sentiment. Omaha Bee, July 2, 1898. IMPERIALISM THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE. . . The importance of other questions now pending before the American people is in no wise diminished and the democratic party takes no back ward step from its position on them, but the burning Issue of Imperialism growing out of the Spanish war In volves the very existence of the re public and the destruction of our free Institutions We regard It as the paramount issue of the cam Jaign. Kansas City Platform. This voice of protest against a policy of Imperialism (speaking of Boston meeting resolution) against a proposed course on the part of the United States distinctly hostile to our republican sys tem and which would Inevitably lead us Into militarism, with all that im plies, should find an echo In every quarter of the nation. Thoughtful men, conservative men, patriotic men should everywhere within the boundaries ot the union make themselves heard in explicit and unqualified terms In oppo sition to the demnnd that this war be made a war for empire, that it shall be perverted from the humanitarian pur pose for which It was declared into a war of conquest and territorial ag grandizement. Let those who realize the dangerous character of the spirit of Imperialism not delude themselves with the idea that left to Itself It will not grow. There are powerful Infiu ences fostering It Influences prompted ny svartce and by ambition for power commercial and military Influences and the force of these upon public sen timent must not be underrated. Against such Influences all who believe that the republic should adhere to Its tradition al policy should array themselves st once. Thst Is dictated by s wise and true patriotism. Omaha Bee, June Is, 18S8. THE BEE ALSO INDORSES BRYAN. These direct Indorsements of the principles of the democratic platform could be continued almost Indefinitely. but the above should suffice to show that the organ Is utterly lacking In consistency and principle. To cap all this, however, those who are Interested should turn to the Bee of June IS, ISM, and there read the edltorlsl comments of the paper on Mr. Brysn's address at the dedication of the Nebraska building. wnen Mr. Bryan raisea nis voice in strong protest against the ImptrtaiicC spirit them commencing to be exhibits!. In this editorial the Bee said: Hon. William J. Bryan sounded the right note In his address at the dedication of the Nebraska build ing when, referring to the war with Spain, he said It should not degen erate into a war of conquest. Mr. Bryan made it clear that he Is un qualifiedly opposed to any schema of colonization, and his position in this respect will have no little in fluence upon public opinion. The Bee can heartily approve the utter ance of Mr. Bryan, because it is in ' accord with the view this paper baa consistently urged. The tendency to make the war ona of conquest is becoming far too marked. It is receiving iicourage ment in commercial cir I 9, it has) supporters In the army nd nt.vy, and many public men (r iblicans) are favorable to it. U: i r these Influences public sentlme: I is being shaped in favor of territorial ag- " grandizement, and if this sentiment is not to be permitted to grow to formidable proportions, those who believe that the republic should ad here to Its traditional policy and also be faithful to the assurance it gave the world when it entered upon war in the interest of freedom and hu manity must make themselves -heard. POYNTER VS. DEITRICH. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 20. Deithrlch, In Da- Governor Poyn- kota county, sald:ter Bald to the "Our army Is notiFirstNebraska vol- large enough yet ;unteers on their re- it should be in turn home: "The creased until it equals correspond strength of our re public lies in our citizen soldier. Ho who volunteers to fight when his country is assailed ingly to our popu lation the armies of Russia, England, and other Europe an powers." and returns to his farm or shop to produce wealth as soon as his country is at peace." A Gage county German farmer said: "If you people had lived In Germany or any other European country with a great standing army you would say the United States with its volunteers was good enough for you. Our army tax is too much already." Dietrich at Super- Poynter at He lor said: "Our flagbron said: "In the now floats over thedlscussion of our Philippine islandtreaty with the 8u- (slave pens and ha lus I cannot con demn our policy more strongly than by quoting the: words of Lincoln when he said: 'When a man gov rem of the Sultan of the Sulus). Shall we haul it down? No!" erns himself, that is self government; but when he gov erns another and) against that oth- er's will, that is despotism.' " CONSTITUTION CTF THE UNITED STATES. Art. IS. Neither slavery nor involun tary servitude except as punishment for crime, shall exist in the United States or any territory under its 1 Jur- isaiction. THE FULL DINNER PAIL.. During a speech at Twentieth and Lake streets, Omaha. Deitrieh sald: There Is no question ' about pros perity being in the land. Even barer - In South Omaha, beef is worth IS cents a pound." A laboring man in the audience arose and said: "Yes, Mr. Deitrieh, that Is so, and my wages have not been raised for four years, and the result is I cannot buy any beef tor myself or family." if you vote fori If you vote for Deitrieh, you favor Poynter, you favor a man who is ap posed to all the vi cious things favor all of the vicious things the adminis tration favors: a national banker, a ed by the McKln- money loaner, alley administration. man who referees a farmer, a man. prize fights, a manlwho settled on tha without a family. nrairles of Nebras ka years ago and tasted the trials Jnd tribulations of tne eariy piunetH . man whose heart beats in sympathy with the farmers and laborers of his state; a man of a family, a man who loves his family- arid would defend the honor and pur- i'y of anv man's (family; a man who made an honest and conscientious chief executive, a man who Is liberal In all things, but temperate in alt things. Voter, drop your ballot In the boxj done so you become responsible fof the man you elect. A SNAP SHOT This Individual farad for raska peopla For 4 hou Business Man In Folltlo. lu Chicago, Dr. Unger nd - . arc held for Investigation of 7 uu m yuuna womu I or BST SBsV s;v They probably wanted to ancs doubly , : The fact that Emma nt r lied to Khmer Kneader to C t"r ta day will proiai T Y f Is) ClaM r ( ' - t f dp-dr