Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 01, 1900, Image 1
' ' ' a, t ,. f ... t '.'7," I?!? -"'',' RESS - vol. xxri. ERRISOZST, ITEBRASJC A, THTJRSID3r, U07. 1, 1900 Onr Molto--''NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED AJNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. William J. Bryan. 2ao. ia .Harrison J OURNAL. 1 'O. l:t . a . it- n. 1h. on eta ur- nta icii ot mt icli 'vv HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. ' ' ' O " ' ' Subscription Price Per Year fl.OQ. Official Paper of Sioux County. Gko. D. Canon, - Editor, ESTEhED AT THE HkMtWiS PCfiT OFFICE AS Bl.r..'D Cl.A.'S MATTKR. Fusion voters' should by all meant be on their guard against being persuaded to cut, an v of the legislative candidates, on the fusion ticket Remember you are not furthering the financial interests of any of these candidates, as much as you are Ihervby injuring your personal, interests. Why? There are two United Senators to bo elected. Take tlie matter under serious advisement, and your wise judgement will dominate, we feel assur-1 eel. NATIONAL TICKET. for President: WILLIAM J. BRYAN,. .Lincoln, Neb. Fur Vice Pnwldent: A. K. STEVENSON. Bloomingtoo, His. Tut Presttfontlal Electors: FRANK T. RANSOM, Silver Repub. ROBT. OHEUFILDER, Democrat I N. VENDT, JAMES HUOES, " JOHN H. FELBER, Populist WILLIAM H. GARRET, W. O. 8 WAN, PETER EBBESON. FUSION STATE TICKET. For Governor: WILLIAM A. POYNTER,. ..Populist. For I.luut. Governor: ; E. A. GILBERT,. . Free Silver Repnb, ForSr.o'y ofStntc: ' C V. Rvnbmln. .i; ponnlint For State Treasurer : 8. H. H07MI1D For State Auditor: Tlieodore Grecs,. .......... " For Attorney General : W. D. OLDHAM Democrat For fom'r I'nb. L. & B. ; P. J. CAREY, .........Populist For Snpt, I'nb. liMtnictioiis: C. F, BECK,.... " . For OonRreux, nth District: WILLIAM H, NEVILLE " LEGISLATIVE TICKET. For Krprcscntutlv, !Brd District: CHARLES F. COFFEE Democrat Foa Senator Hth liMrlct: W. R HAYWARD Populist. For County Attorney, W. O. PATTERSON. For Sheriff by rctltlon, ALEX I.OWREY. ForV'onilulssloner 2nd district. ' L. 0. LEWIS, j, Jignii riir ir-n -HTiirr8riTirrriiiii' BRIBERY. Iii'piilljctin are Paying from Fifty to Seventy-five Dollars for Votes. "Never in the forty years I have been active i n politics have I known the Republicans to possess such vast sums of money prior to election day," said a member Of the Democratic State Committee of New York. "Agents of the McKiniey and OJell campaign commitees are traveling throgh. out my own and othar districts, vinitiog personally as far as possible every farmer and business man who is prenumed to be on the fem e, and offering him his own price to support the republican candidates. Knowing Democrats are importuned to remain away from the polls on election day. . - ' "I thought the limit had been reachedjin the Horace Greety campaign, but I should not be surprised if from $30 to $75 were offered for Democratic votes." , Vice-Clini rtrwn William J. Stone or the Democratic National Committee, who months ago told the Journil that the only hope of of McKinley's re-electon was in the improper use of money, does not now believe that any quantity of it can wrest New York State from Bryan. He said yesterday : V "I will now say, for the first time, that I am confident Bryan will carry New York. The mfurmllnnrtt. m.H un Mr. Rntrnn ia nniu in P.i.klU. holds in the interior must mean something. And we are going to carry New Jry too. We do not np(U New York to win, nor even New Jersey, but il really looks: as though we are going to capture them both." Another Lie Nailed. Some of Deitrich's friends in this borg, have vainly sought to placate the honest inquiring voters, in regard to that gentle man's being totally spurned by his own city papers, but more especially for bis being wholly ignored, by all the christian ministers of Hastings, h'S home city; and hare told them that it is all "rot" that Deitrich has letters of endorsement, from ministers of Hustingf, in fact they them stives declare they have seen them. Well let us together investigate mat ters. For us, we find that the only min ister who has endorsed Mr. Dtitrich at al ia a "janitor" in the post office at Hast ings, and prior to bis obtaining that posi tion be was "janitor" of theFiibt national bank of Hastings, and is no other than the bank owned by Deitrich. ' So the min ister proves to bs a janitor. "Truth is mighty, and must prevail." During the past two years of president McKinley's "reign" 133 trusts have been frtrmH. with n. ffimt.1imt.im of nvr 3,000.009,000. Yet, $ mark Hannasavs there are no trusts. i 1 The Commercial HARRISON, NEBRASKA. Bank.- C. F. Coffee, President. ; F. W.Clabkb, Cashier. Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Claekb. A. McGiitley. Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking busines. &We are prepared to take care of our trade at all times STOCK BBANDH. Th JoskvalwU) publish yomr brand, like the following, for K :00, per rear. Each ad dltional brand 75 cents, jurery farmer or ranchmen la Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands in Thb Jeva KALas It circnlates all over the state. It may bo tbe means of saving money for yen The Constitution and the Flag. A letter received today from the chair mil of the Populist Senatorial district committee at Ainswortb, informs us that Judge 3. K. Alder, has left the trust par ty of McKiniey and Ilanna, and declared . for fer Bryan and Stevenson, and I tad written a letter to the Ainsworth Star Jou real, giving his reasons for not sup porting McKiniey and the trusts, but the Bar Journal refused to publish the let ter. Thus it is, men of influence and good judgemhnt are coining out daily for Mr, Bryan, the champion of the peo-l.-s cause. Before voting this fall do not forget the record the fusion " State officers made for honesty and econmy in the manage ment of the state's bumes, The population of the United States luxxirding to the latest census is 74,280-000. The American Anti-imperialistic league has issued an address to the n. depend ent voters, which sbrt Ars that the most prominent educators, lawyers and bjsmesa men or th country are opposed to President McKinley's policy in Porto H:co and the Philippines. Forty signed the address, and these forty voted for McKiniey four years ago, Tua address ia as follows: . , "The undersigned citizens of the United States' regard with profound appro hension the course of tlis present administration in Porto Rico and the Philippines. Our prior acquisitions' were of adjacent territory for the extension of the area of constitutional government and the creation of new states to the union. We made their few Inhabitants cttizarw; our people settlad thorn; we there establistn the in . tilutums of freedom. For the Grat timo in our history it now proposes that the president and congress .Khali buy territories and millions of men outside our consti tutional system. , OiJlcials sworn to defend the constitution and deriving all their powers 'therefrom, luv0 acquired colonies and assumed arbitrary authority to gov ern thuir inhabitants without consent and tax them without representation. This policy offers to the peopla of Porto Rico ar.d the Philippines no hope of independ ence, tfo prospect of American citizenship, no representation in the congress which taxetinm. T.iis is g iveroraont by arbitrary power; this is imperialism, "We believe that it is the first duty of the Aniericau people to stamp witn their disaproval, doctrines so hostile to liberty and dangerous to constitution' government. If they are to remain free and their government is to continue representative, their servants must not have or exercise any but constitutional powers. Between the claim of freedom tliatall men are entitled to equal poli tical rights and the dogma of tyrany that might makes right, there is no middle ground. " We have not pri or to this year supported thr candidacy sf Mr. Bryan We do not concur in certain of his views on i.iinor issues. Yet bis position on the supreme Issue of the pf'went campaign is so sound and his advocacy of has been m able and couragtwus that we now favor his election" as the most effective way of hhowing dlsaproval of Mr. McKinnley's course. Without claiming any spw'ial political influence, we unite, for what our example may be worth to our fellow-citizen, in this statement of proposed action in the presence of a greater J........ Un ..A . ..4 .f-. ;l J . 1 a. 4 -r.'.- . ... tt . ,1.- '0V. .-- -KrMM". 4V M,. (..(.X.V.M MO i ,j iUUUtU tM danger that we are to be transformed from a republic, founded on the declaration of indcpaiidence, guided by the counsels of Washington' into a vulgsr, common place empire, founded ou phhical force. 'We inviss the co-operation of all independent voters to avert this great and impending danger. . Signed Anti-imperialistic League of the United States. A chairman 'of a Republican county central committee of New York dav be- f re yesterday rt signed, and declared for taa Democratic ticket. Fifty of his re publican friends followed his example t lose are straws which shows which , w:vv the wind blos. TO Fool The Farmer and Cattlemen. , The final efforts of the trusts to fool farmers and cattlemen, into voting the "prosperity" ticket is a boom of prices for wheat, oats, corn, cattle, hogs sheep and other farm products on the eve of lection, The trusts are in control of the mark et and if they choose to push up prices a few notches for campaign effect they will have no difficulty in doing it. And of course if they can push up prices be fore election they can push them down again after election Will they fail to do so'? Well, hardly. It is their game to fooV the farmers just now when McKin iey so urgently and desperately needs their votr. After Nov. fl they will rcoup themselves and punish the small cattle men and farmers for their folly by smashing prices and putting the screws tighter than ever upon the mark ets.. '.-.. Fusionists should be alive to these im portant facts, and make thena known, all should be waroeJ agiiast this trust bunco game. CHARLES BIEPILE. On left aide or hip of cattle, j On left shoulder of horses, j Sm tub liM M 1M, ttWb crek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb 9300 REWARD. For the arrest and conviction of Say party or parties stealing or disfiguring any lmads1 on stuck belonging to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLVIXLM. - Horses branded on rlgta shoulder ov branded on right Jaw Also, I have Fl'AHS Cattle Branded iiorwitt Branded C. Lewis. on left side and on left shoulder llauge on heart of White River. P. O. Address, Harrison, Ke'o, none uranuea on leit iblgb I'ost Office Addresf, - Harrison, Sionx Co., Xebraslra. F. E. JANDT, Brands 60. 117, ou lef t bis mm JOHN A. HANSON Owns the foliow- niRbrsDdon eith er: , Also HQ on cat tle and horHow rattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Han ire on Sllror Springa and east of stats ine. I'ostoOiCK HatrUoii Neb left hip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. or on left Jaw, Post Offlee,HewlMi JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded lpSSrZl on left show- ' CHARLKS KEWMAN. Vbrand represented in this notice mad bAinded any where on left side o,ettl, and over-lap out from the rrfct ear. ' - -j Also the same brand en left thigh of borws, belongs to the undersigned. Kakge near East Springs, south part fo Slouz county. . Charlis Newman, Burriuon, Nebraska. SPECIAL NOTICE TO VOTERS. We, the undersigned Chairmen and Secretaries of the Peoples Innependent Pafty and Democratic Co. Central Committees oi Sioux county, earnestly request and urge the VOTERS of our county irrespective of party and partisan feelings to vote and do all they can in an honorable way for the election of William Bryan, on the National ticket, and the State from Gov. William A. Poynter, clear on down . to Co. commissioner of the 2nd Dist. - Pay no attention to any stories that are liable to be circulated by the opposi tion for the purpV of stampeding fusion voters to the republican ticket Bear in mind that our canuiates are all clean, moral men; honest and upright and efficient candidates, and no story circulated by republicans can have a semblance of truth in them. , Charms Bieblk, Chm. Peoples Independent Party Co. Cen. Com. J. T. MiEBiAM, Secretary. Geo. D. Canon, Chm. Democratic Co. Cen. Com, " J. E, Marstelleb, Secretary. Reformers, beware, as now is the time for all kinds of fa.! Ulas to be circula ted freely Pay m attention to these two faced serpents, wbo circulate tfaem; M they are "boodled" for doing so, at our expense- Beware of them,. They have do politics but malice and deceit. On but Saturday evening the people of Xw York City fairly outbid tben kIwsj, la their ovation to our chatnpioo William Jeonlofa Bryan over 160,00 Opeo pto participated ia the demonstration to Mm, wpd to "Teddy" only M.000 partial- We are ia receipt of private Informa tion, tort Bryan A Stevenson will sweep the country from the Atlantic to the Pa oiOo and from the Ualf to the British poaisesions on ttw the aorta. Kreo Oh io and Row York etatee are now safely within the Brraa eoinoin. Whoa the etempioa rotanwd to the empire state Ct gftt of this week, fak premii tiotett very mooh atroRsnr. sromm mm' giwwtei mishtar aaa tar as c hwun orw a?ar. Ex-President - Cleveland Talks. Ex-president Cleveland, in an inter view with the special correspondent of the Philadelphia Times, Oct 39, said, re lative to the political situation: "Young man, you will see a landslide for Bryan, the morning after elec tion." Of that I am confident." Wtieo Mr. Cleveland was told that the ; republican leaders were claiming the el ection for MoKinley, he said: Of course hey are, that is policy. When asked for his reason, he had for ao thinking be continued: The elements ail over the rountry U at work which would be impossible to draw into line for H Kinley" "In the ilrst place, union Lel.or is for Bryan" "The traveling men are lor Bryan. Thaw men are a small army, are of the Opinion, the republic ao party are the potest of eorpratSoa tod oy tie am algamation of industrial .interests many of them have been thrown out of em ployment." "If the republican managers honestly think that Mckinley wiil be elected, it is my opinion tbey will be mistaken." Omaha World flerald. J.S. TUCK KB. Branded on left shoulder ot horses ind on left side of cattle. Range on W hit Blver, near tiles. P. O. Address, Glcs, Nebraska. Remember voter, if you cast your bal nt v oniihUt!i r-andida fa for the legislature you will be indirectly voting for D. E. Thompson for U. S. Senator. For D. E. Tnompsoo a mn who is the head of the gas trust of Lincoln, a man who is the candidate of the Burlington railway a man who is backed by all cor porate interests, both in and out of Neb raska, a man who according to the sworn testimony of 14 reputable citizens was willing to turn traitor to and renounce all the principles he had advocated for a position in the U. S. Senate, a man who is now advocating all the vicious things of the administrationan increase in the standing, imperialism, trusts, govern ment by injunction opposing labor org anizations, a man who only two years ago was willing to oppose all these things for office. Shades of the immortal Lincoln! Will the people of Nebraska be guilty of such a thing remember that if you vote for the republican representatives he will be your next senator, Voters1 remember only a few more days, until the ballots shall have been cast and the votes counted, but rememb er loo that you are in a measure respon sible whether you elect a president or a potentate, a governor or a man that will stoop to anything, and is a railroad tool, and is willing to barter his very soul, as be has no honor; to attain bis end. Will men who love their home and families vote for a man wbo has no regard for the sanctity of any home? We hardly think so, they if reflect a few moments. DEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. Branded oh left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses, Range on Deep Creek, Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. Cephas Ko s, Snpt., Glen, Nebraska. GEORGE SWANSON. VMjj"VljJ on left shon Cattle branded Horses branded lder, range on Soldier Creek. Any stock branded as above being estray ed from my range, discovered by any body on giving me information will be rewarded. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. branded on left shoajdw't " Cattle and FIX i en left side. Post Office Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyok . ' J. B. PARKER. Horses branded on toft Cattle same on left L-J hip. onte;oEr I I on sneep oarnuea v j back of Sheep. Range on Soldier Creek and. White River. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. 9100 Reward. For prnsf to convict any person of steak ing, altering, running off, or in any way damaglngs stock brand aide or hip. right Address, Jambs Force, ' Harrtson, Neb. A.T. HUGHSON, Brand combl double! of cattle. Horses same shoulder .' " )nt oat rlgh nr led. Sl nil Cattle all dehori Range on Kyle Creeat, Post Office, Glen Nebraska. m left side right ear cattle. Whom Do vou Prefer? As a final warning to all honest voters we most rtspeciiuuy , urge them to con sider before voting for Governor, whttth er or not they will have for the r.t Governor of Nebraska, u man who ie debauched, and utterly depraved, or r n. who has the honor and purity of woman hood, and the sanctity of the homo at heart. In the former, you haven true picture of "Deitrich" Bepubiican nan didate for Governor, and in the latter, vouhava a portrait of bis excllecY Governor pork r SO YEARS' D In The County Court of Sioux County, Nebraska. IN THE U ATTE R OF THE ESTATE OF FRANZ P. MUELLER, DECEASED. Now on the th' day of October, A. i. 1J0O came Freak J. Mueller, the executor of the last will and testament of Franz P. Mueller and prays for leave to render an account' i such executor. It is therefore ordered that the 19th, day of November, MOO, at one o'clock p. m. at my offlee in Harrison, Nebraska, be uxedas the time and place for examining and allowing such account. And the heirs of said deceas ed and all persons Interested In said eSUte are required to appear at the time and place designated, and show cause if such exists, whv mid account should not be allowed. It is farther ordered that said Frank. J. nailer executor, give notice to all persons Interest ed in said estate by causing a eopy of- this order to be published In the Harrison Paces, journal, a nowspaper printed and of gone rml circulation la said county, for three weeks prior to the day set for said heating, Dated October, 26, 1909. ROBERT WILSOir, County Judge. (A true copy) lUJ 20 Aeyeae seng a Mh mt Kmsit Sf renOoa Tram Mams - bt-aMNa OoenrMiaMTa Ao. rnsirkMsher aa feta, -, as the ii bavo a portrait of bis excelMttfs veraorPeyntor, who asks your r if "ft : ; i ft FRANK. NUTTO. . On left side of cattle aad on lef shoulder ot horses. Range on Antelope creek P. O., Gsilchrlst, Sionx Co., Neb. mm Dyspopsia Curo Diassts obit yoa eat. It artificially digest tbe food and aldt Katun la strengthening and noon tructlng tbe exnauttod dlgmtlvo or gans. It lathe latest discovered digeit ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In tantly relieves and permanently carat Driptpsla, Indigestion, Beartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nauaea. Sick Headacbe, Gutralgla.Crtmp and all otber resulu of imperfect digestion. CUSauC yeaered byC. C OeWITT CO, CbMev. Bravo Explorers. Like Stanley and Livingstone found it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals; but thousands have found that Electrio bitters is a wonder- cure for all malarial disseases. If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neck and head, and tired, worn out feel ing a trial will convince you of their merit W. A. Null of Webb 111. , writes: My children suffered for more than a Tear with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electrio bitters cured them," Only B0 cents. Try them. Oimranteat told Da. J. 5- PE3T, LiTtr. I THB DISTRICT COURT OF IIOUX CCOirtT NEBRASKA. Patrick Lacy, plaintiff vs (Notice to Nen-KesMtot defendant) Maggie Lacy, defendant To Maggie Lacy aon-restdeet defendant; ' Ton will take notice that on the Mth day of October.'ieno, Patrick Lacy, plaintiff, fllett hie petition In the dlstrlet Oonrt of ntoex f'onntv, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition, Is tooht tin aa attentate di vorce of tbe bonds of matrimony existing between von and the said plaintiff, ' ' Ton are required to aaser said pntiMCB on or before the Ird day of Deeember ten. ratrtok Laey, pMattar. Grant Qathrie, AtSorsey for assiniur. A , H .- -,- tw. . I A ,' 'S 4 i vf ft 4 3 ter- too in- 1 1 V) 'VJvkv K v,