Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 25, 1900, Image 6
I THB OLJVFASHIONED CHRL. there's an old-faaatoned girl In aa old-fas binned street. Drsid in oid-faahioned clothe from her bead to her feet. Aa4 aba apenda all her time in the lod- faahloned war Of caring (or poor people's children all day. She never haa been to cotillion or ball. And know not the atylea ot the spring or the fall Two hundred a year will aufflce for her need. And an old-fashioned bible la all that he reads. And she has an old-fashioned heart that is true To a fellow who died in an old coat of Wue. With tha buttons all brass who Is wait- Ing above For the woman who loved him with old-fashioned love. FRIGHTEN! NO CHILDREN. People who have the ear of little rhlldren vary la opinion aa to the best means of punishing them, for even the bast of little people need correction at times. The mother Is without doubt the person .to whom the duty belongs, tnd it is her paramount duty to see that it I never deputed to anyone who will frighten the child. Nurses who are properly enough forbidden to adminis ter corporeal punishment are very apt to fall back on some such methods If not carefully warned, against them and due suparvtstoa exercised to see that the admonitions are not neglected. It la true, perhaps, that the imaginary person who was supposed to be always coming after naughty children the bo geyman, in fact of our own childish days Is a being of the past. But he has many relations closely resembling him, and on so Important a matter mothers ought to be watchful. If a child Is constitutionally nervous It is no cause to think that it can be made different by force. Argument, too, in many cases, only Intensifies the terrors which children often feel if left alone In the dark, and gives definite expression to fears which a purely Imaginary. Many people argue that a child who la afraid to be left atone or to go Into a dark room ought to be made to do either of these things In order to And out that no harm will come to him. Now, children are sel dom really afraid unless they have been made so, and It Is a curious fact that the most timid child shrinks from disclosing his fears to anyone. In such a case someone has certainly warned him that worse things will happen If be dares to disclose the reason for hi alarm. Very often It ia the simplest thing that has been made to appear so terrible under certain conditions. United State Health Reports. SUNSHINE AND SCNBATHS. We all recognise the fact that we cannot live without air, though many of us fall to supply ourselves with an abundance of that which is pure and fresh, but few recognize the fact that we cannot live without sunehlne. This world of ours would soon become a barren waste with no life In it if the sun should ceaae to pour Us rays of light and heat upon us. Even the in direct diffused sunshine is of immense ulated into activity by It. We all no tice sfter a week of cloudy weathei more or less depression, and when the sun comes forth once more how new life seems to us with It. ' Light Is a powerful stimulant and also a tonic. No alcoholic drink com pares with It. The old Romans had sunbaths on top of their dwellings, at least the opulent did, and we might have them In our houses to advantage. The sun is the source of life on our globe; let us use its light so as to get all the life and health we can from it. Ex. UDIES'-COLUUN. WHAT TO DO WITH STALE BREAD. There is ho need of wasting so much as a crumb of bread. All the crusts and cuttlnga may be dried, roiled, sifted, and put away In a Mason Jar for use in frying croquettes and meal cakes. The larger pieces and bits can be used in griddle cakes and bread pudding., . Bread Griddle Cakes Soak the dry bread In a pan of warm milk, then beat It, after it haa absorbed the li quid, until a pulpy ma; add a bit of salt and two well-beaten eggs, two ta blespoonfuls of flour, and half a tea spoonful of saleratus dissolved In a little water. Then add sufficient milk to make a batter not too thin. Pry until brown on griddle well buttered. Meat Cakeii Chop equal quantities of mast and stale bread together; the seat may be cold lamb, tongue, ham, or all three combined. Add one table spoonful of flour, two of melted butter, aad two well beaten eggs. Moisten With hot water, until you can make it lat thin cakes like fish balls, and fry roar aver It a Uttl melted butter. Br sad and Butter Pudding Butter a "-. fwAstag dish, and place In It thin t"Om sf breed and butter. Than over t C a layer of rafatas, and III the C- wttk alternate layers of bread CJ rmawM, wMh bread at tk ton. Mia i'.t sjsastard of ea quart of milk, two tZZ ealt. Saver with orsage extract, '"t i mU mm capful of sugar. Pour ". j (ha bread, and let stand a t tar isisjsi, TTsen add more I B mmmm, a has until a r.i tt es fTsrj Enron of r. r-arjvra c tat bee '.Mm :- tm - .tcr. FRILLS OF FASHION. Uratsfoe armure" is dne"oflB"nW silks, and. being glossy, soft and dur able. Is very desirable for waists. Marked favor will be shown to both plain and -famey panne velvet for next sea. for costumes entire and for acces sories of every description. Fall white chiffon boas, edged with large soft black chenilles, long strands of the chenille forming the ends, are worn In the evening. These ' war launched in the aprlng. but they are more generally In evidence now. Ribbon with a pattern of horseshoes woven into it can be used for a. good many purposes by the girl who Is fond of horses. It can also be used for pic ture frames .handkerchief cases, tha ever useful cushion and any number of other thlnga One of the prettiest materials far an evening gown for a young girl la a sort of point d' esprit with a larger figure In addition to the usual dot, and at in tervals small stiver spangles. There Is a daintiness and delicacy about It which ia charming. Toques of ssble are very smart, pro viding they harmonise with the cos tume, and the combination of fur. vel vet and lace la extremely pretty. Toques vary In shape, of course, but the tendency Is toward a broad round and rather flat shape, one of which Is quite flat In front and raised at the back, turning up a little at each aide. Sandalwood fans are much prettier than they were when they were brought home to our grandmothers by their sea captain uncles. The sticks ar heavily carved with flowers which stand out naturally, and the fan part la of satin, with Chinese or Jspanese embroidery In colors. Boxes snd many . other pretty thlnga are also made of sandsl wood. One of the newest skirt models ofr the autumn, appropriate for silk, satin or wool, has the upper portion in short tablle style, the lower part in a decided bell flare and the back box-plaited. Sometimes this model is made up over a five-gored foundation skirt; again, when formed of cloth of rather heavy weave, it is made up unlined and worn over a flounced silk petticoat. Colored suede a Uppers appear In many different shades, consequently there Is little difficulty In matching them to various gowns. A dark brown undressed kid Is a very good choice for those who cannot afford s vsriety. al though a black sstln or glace kid foot covering is more sstisfactory snd real ly more elegsnt than a colored one of any description. Brown, however. Is not conspicuous, snd looks exceedingly well with brown silk stockings. TALK ABOUT WOMEN. The court physician to the ameer of Afghanistan Is a woman. Miss Lilliaa Hamilton. Mrs. Edith Wharton, thee novelist, writes In the morning of six days a week and produces only about 500 words at a sitting. Mrs. Isabelle Beecher Hooker would like ! see another presidential ticket in the field, and suggests Mrs. Joseph ine Shaw Lowell snd Thomas B. Reed for first and second places, respectively- - a rrt-mrtr- writer tiem-nOT sme. no- tha. wife of the Boer general, as "a slender, elegant, falr-halred woman of TO, dressed In a well cut violet costume relieved by a little bunch of carna tions." Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson and hr son. Lloyd Osbourne, are building t w- houses facing each other on Lombard street, In San Francisco, having decid ed to make that city their home. Queen Isabella, 70 years old and sadly broken in health and spirit, desires to end her days In Spain, from which she has been banished for twenty-three yeasr. and there la go-id prospect that her wish will be gratified. Miss Sarah Fuller has been the prin cipal of the Horace Mann School for the Deaf ever since It was opened In Bos ton, nearly thirty-one years ago. This was the first day school for the deaf and dumb In America and la said to be one of the best equipped in the world. Miss Perineal French, state superin tendent of public instruction of Idaho, Is nominated for s second term on both democratic and populist ticketa, and as she had already been nominated for the same office by the republicans, she bids fair to be elected. Since the death of Miss Van Lew It has become known that she received from a Boston man an annuity of about $1,000. This Boston friend was one of the officers who tunneled out of Li boy prison at the time so many made their escape from there. It la understood that Miss Van Lew aided in getting him through the lines to his home In Bos ton. Mrs. Msry Anderson Navarro recent ly sang In the town hall at Evesham, Worcestershire, In aid of a fund for her house of worship In Broadway, where she and her husband and Uttl son llve. She was welcomed by a fashionable and enthusiastic audience. It was, however, aa a vocalist and not aa an actress that ahe again appeared before the public. She possessis a rich, clear contralto voice, and she has fot the last two years bean a pupil of Francis Korbay, the Hangariaa com poser. Mr. Korbay has bam Staying with the Navarro at their qwtet oowa try homo at Broadway, wber tbey hav aa their next door sigiboc Hand Ta lari Walt, and It was wtt swnga of the oossBooirs taa Mm Aaar a fir a rani aCtar: MW tat gmrrri r rr tsumzz? far tzz t'i r "J tar kt .-.-( I SHALL OO SOP I IV. -T snan go softty alt nry Trs" -1 Not as the prophet bathed In tsars For God hath healed my heavy dole, And In deep bitterness of soul. Hath - stilled my pala and dried my tears. And given faith for foolish fears. "I shall go softly." sine I've found The mighty arm that girds me round Is gentle, aa If a sure and strong; "I shall go softly" through the throng And with compulsion strong and sweet Lead sinners to the Saviour's feet How sternly psced those patient feet Along Cspernum's marble street! How softly and how tenderly Their echoes from Gethsemsne ' Steal down the sges. rich to bless All time with deathless happiness! Into my heart those-achoe steal tTH MMartff HuMM Brtlt kASel Not weak and worn, with vigor spent. But jovous ana in gisa comeni And kneeling prsy to him who hears To load me softly all my years. Bthelbert D. Marfleld. HER PROPOSAL. The late Msrch snows are dissolving the delicate wreaths over the hills the msple buds were already swelling the sky like crimson dots, and the song of the blue bird heralded the advent of spring over the bleak Berkshire hills. "Oh, Bilty. isn't it nicer said little Rebecca Hale, ss she skipped along the road. "O. look, there's a dear little itriped squirrel, with a bushy tail and inch bright eyes, like black beads. , O. lon't you wish we had lived out doorr UwaysT" "Becky, don't Jump sbout so," chlded he bnv. an ancient philosopher of ten rears or so. "There! I knew It. You've jurst out thst hole In your shoe that 1 lewed up so carefully, and one of your ntttens is gone!" . "But It isn't cold." "No, but that's no sign that we never lhall have any cold weather again. Be tides, Aunt Kestah is dead." "Well, I don't csre for that," said the little one, recklessly. "Aunt Kexlah was )ld and cross, and boxed our ears, and laid we were the plagues of her life." "Yes," said Billy, slowly, "but there is no one to take care ot us now- that Aunt Keslab is dead. You should con sider that, Becky." "No one to take care of us," echoed Becky, standing stIM. "O, Billy. I didn't thln of that." Mrs. Harewood wss frying doughnuts ver the great cooking stove In the back kitchen. An immense blue and white ;hecked apron enshrouded her spare form and a pocket handkerchief con cealed her hair. Mrs. Harewood was not pretty at her beet; in this impromp tu uniform she was simply hldeas. "Seventeen eighteen nineteen," aid Mrs. Harewod. fishing the brown curls of paste out of the boiling liquid. "Twenty and four makes two dosen. Now, Michael, who Is it? And what do they want?" "It's the two children from Aunt Keziah Proudfoot's."sald Michael Hare wocd, a tall, brown-faced man of thirty or thereabouts. "The old woman died last night." "Well, what of that?" said Mrs. Hare wood, who had gone back to the table snd was cutting long strips of dough, nd twisting them into spirals, ready for the pot of frlxzlng lard. "They'll ilckness. the dear knows, nobody'll be very sorry." "But the little chidren. What Is to become of them?" said Michael, softly. "Why, Bend 'em to the poorhouse, of course. There's nothing else to be done, as I know of." snapped the dame. "To the poorhouse, Maria? Those pretty, delicate little children. Kate Hale's brother s children to the poor house r "Well. I don't see why not," said Mrs. Harewcod. "Thirty-four, thirty five. Three dosen ought to be enough. If Kate had cared so much about her relations, she might a stayed to hum and looked after 'em. Instead of run ning away with a ship'a captain and going to China, or India, or Kamschat ka, or the Lord knows where. After she wss engaged to you, too! And" "Never mind about that now, Maris," aid the brother, with a slight elevstlot of his eyebrows. "It's all a thing of the past; snd Kste could not forsesee when she left her native country, that her brother's little ones would soon be alone in the world, orphaned and without re sources. So It has chanced, st all events. The poor little things are In the sit ting room now." "And I s'pose they've come here be cause my husband is poor-master." said Mrs. Harewood, dropping In her fresh batch of doughnuts, one by one. "Well, he won't be home afore noon." "I wss not thinking of that, Maria," said Michsel Harewood, gently. "It occurred to me that, perhaps, since you had no children of your own " That I'd fill my house with sll the pauper children of the neighborhood," laid Mrs. Harewood. "No, Michael Harewood, you're mistaken there! I wouldn't have Jim Hale's young ones In my house sfter the wsy Kate treated, you, not If I waa to be paid a dollar a day. And, besides, I ain't matron of the poor house." Tben what are they to do?" Mrs. Harewood ahrugged her bony shoulders. "ICs no business of mine," she said. Indifferently. "Nor t ain't going to concern myself in It." Michael Harewood went back to the room wkers the two Uttl orphans ware admiring a staffed parrot, that swung from the ceiling. "Children," said k. get on your ' "Ain't aa to Iter hrr piteousty ae fCuad Book. Ta ao Urd and kan tsyt. W caft lam mw br faa tki "Please, Mr. Harswood. aald Billy, where are we to got Nobody wantt us." "I want you. said Michael Hare wood, his heart giving a great Jump a he aaw Kate's old look shining out of the wistful, upturned face of the child. "Tou shall be my little ones hencefor ward." There waa no lack of talk and goa sip in the neighborhood when Michael Harewood left his brother's house and set up housekeeping for himself In s little unoccupied cabin Just on th verge of the woods, with the Hale chil dren as proteges and companions. , Michael Harewood was an artist by profession one of those erratic, Irregu lar geniuses who seldom make much money, yet possess natures of genuine gold. He paid little attention to the buss of tha neighbors, the sarcasms of his sister-in-law and the criUcisms ot the world ia general, but . pointed serenely on, disposing of his pictures at ludicrously small prices as fast aa they were laid off his eaaeL "For It Isn't a if I could wait for a good chance," said he. "They must sell at any figure; the little people can't starve." So the three led a strange, eccintric life. Little Becky swept and dusted, and did what she could. BlUy brought water, weeded the onion beds and made himself generally useful, and Michael Harewood did all the rest. When there chance to be meat enough for three he ate and was thankful. When there was not he made his meal off vegetables and told the children it was for his health's sake. "Don't you love Uncle Michael, Becky V aaked the little boy , one night ;! hi tuck4 typft safely up In bed and heard their simple prayer. "Yes," said Becky, resring up In her little patch-work covered nest "And when I grow up I mean to marry him." "God bless the little ones!" he mur mured. "And God bless Kate, wherever she may be!" Kate waa nearer than he thought, "Have you heard the news?" said th Widow Castleberry to Mrs. Harewood "Kate Hale's come bsck." "Humph!" was Mrs.Harewood s com ment, "A bad penny slways returns Who does she suppose Is going to run after her now?" "Ah, but," said Widow CasUeberry, wagging her head, "you didn't hear me through. She'e a widow, and ehe's as rich as Croesus!" "No!" said Mrs. Harewood, "It ain't possible!" "But It Is, though." said the widow. "Wears diamonds as big as dewdrop and a black silk dress as will stand all alone for richness, and has her maid as genteel as a queen of the cannibal Isl ands." "Ah, dear, dear!" said Mrs. Hare wood. "Wonders will never cease. Them children will be brought up like s prince and princess now, I suppose! I most wish I'd taken them myself, at Michael wanted me to do." For once the tongue of rumor r.-as correct. Kate Hale, now Mrs. Aiden At milage, had been. In very truth, left a wealthy vMdow, and she had returned to her native land to adopt her broth er's orphaned children. Kate had been pretty as a girl as a woman, set off by the accession of wealth, she was royal ly beadtiful. Nor was she devoid of feeling. When she first came tmo me presence of the artist, whose magnan imity had saved her brother's children from the poorhouse, she knelt down and kissed his brown hands with tears. "Kate! Kate!" he cried. recoiling, "what are you doing?" "I can't help It," sobebd Kate. "Tou are so kind, so noble, r.'hat would my poor little ones have done but for you? And when I remember how I treated you" "We won't recall that, Kate," said the artist, quietly. "But I have grown to love the little ones dearly. I do not wish to part with them, although I feel that you have the best right to them." He waa standing with one hand on Becky's golden head. The child glanced eagerly from one Jo the other. "Couldn't Aunt Kate come snd Hvt wlth us, Uncle Michael?" said she. wit!: n 'udden brightening up of every tea lure. " The eyes f of the elders met Michael's sad and kindly Kate's full of sudden tears. "Ah, my child.' said the former, "1 asked her that question once, a Ion time ago and she said 'No.' " "Hut If you should ask me again I should answer very differently," cried out Kate. And then she hid her burning face In her hands. "I shall never ask It again," sale Ml?hael Harewood, gravely. "Then I will," said Mr. Armltage grlng up to him and putting her hand In his. "Dear Michael, I have learned now the priceless value of what I onc rejected your true, noble heart. I lovt you will you repulse me now?" "I was going to marry Uncle Michael myself," said Becky, thoughtfully But maybe It's best thst Aunt Katf should have him, sfter all.' "I think so." said Billy. East Indian famines have bad som curious features. In Aurungahad th priests were paid to pray for rain snd did so, day sfter day. but the rain fslled to sppesr, though very costly processions were organised. At last the peonle became angry, threw the god Into rubbish heap and blocked up the entrance to tb temples with masse of thorn a a penalty for keep Ing the field dry. It le Just aa well for a Hindoo god to attend to business If he wants to keep hi job. Aa eastern firm manufacture pore, lata finger ring. They are probabl) Hstnded for CMnewar. I 1 V ARE RESPONSIBLE rm atokaaaa and aaffarin than anvthlag alar. Kldaay irmiMaa irrllatra tnaaervaa, mikes ono dtssy, rswilasw, araigr often during day ana enaipoia on to gwt up aunnc aigai, "an a km tax bttioa from you; yon lt waai and watt away. William Bwoeny, eashlor lark bank, Alr-aoy, V. Y., who bad boon troubled with bis kidney for aareral yaar took Crnrt Kidney Cur, It brought permanent relief and Mr. Strotny ha dens aa much aa aa other on person to spread lbs advaotage of Cramer's Kidney and Lirar Cur b. for the world. Oinana, Neb , Jn. 19, 1900. -I firmly believe that I oar my III to Cramer' Kidney Cure. For two year I suffered with kidney trouble and eould find no relief anywhere. I spent buodr.d of dollar on doctor and medicine. I tried Cramer' Kidney Cure aa a Ust raaort and I wish I bad I bad followed tb advice of friends sooner. In lea than four months It bad made a new man of me. I am entirely wall and I giro all n praise to Crafter'a Kbtkey Cure. . SAMUEL Lr M0RBI8. Of tb Omaha Police Fore. CROR'S KIDXEY AKO UVER CUKE- The bvx wonderful kidney mad tela knwa ; will fir you atrengtb tnd bring oolnr to your cheek. It le a sure car for kidney trouble. by all draggM. lasMoa Hsrlag Crasser. 1 (settle, swttl sr . CRAMER MEDICAL COMPANY, alba iy, m y. KM: UEDSTER'S DAUDY n All. We Also Pay and Sell New and Second-Hand Machinery jok if all mm OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT U H. P. GASOLINE EKGIXE. tftk Its flight ii GoM to Every Stoctanu ud Finnv. ' How many of you have lout the price of this Engine In one day on account of Insef flcient wind to operate your wind mills, leering your slock without wster, Oetoaenow to 1o your pumping when there Is no wind or to do It regularly. Weather dries not affect lu work, hot or cold, wet or dry. wind or calm. It Is all the same to this machine. Will also shell corn, grind feed, saw wood, churn hotter snd Is handy for a hundred other Jubs, In tbe house or on the farm. Coats nothing to keep when not working, sod only 1 tu f cents per hour when working. Knlpprd completely set up. ready to run. no mundntloa needed, a Treat labor and money saver. Kequlre practically no atUntloo, and Is absolutely safe. We make all slses of Gasoline Engines, from 1H to ft horse-power. Write for circular sod special prices. FAIRBANKS. HORSE & CO.. OMAHA. NEB. MILWAUKEE STARTS NEW CARS Dea Moines and Omha Sleepers Co On Omsha-ChlcagoFast Trains. Two swell new sleeping cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way's Independent sleeping car system have b'en placed In service on the fast Omaha Chicago night trains, beginning yestrday. They are the Des Moines and Omaha, whose only difference Is "" their names. Either car Is a long, heavy, non-wretkable frame of steel hand lomely f.nlsfied without and a great boudoir vrithln. It contains fourteen tectl-jns, ut'tiolstered in s rich green, and a drawing room done In dark blue. The Interli r of the car Is the plain. Uglily poll tied, rich brown mahogany sdged with Jalnty inlaid work, and Is jeavlly carjxled in velvet. One es pecially up-ct-date feature Is that the adles toilet room snd dressing room contains an ilectrlc curler heater. Electricity vlay big part on the Milwaukee, which pi '.des itself on Its lectrlcally lighted tr.ilns. Eight glis tening electroliers ol clusters of four Incandescent lights sch throw the rays downward from the empire deck, while each berth, upper or lower, holds Its Incandescent bulb snugly hidden in a golden Pandora's bos, which may be opened at will. Therefore, nobody un dresses In the dark. Over each vesti bule entrance are also placed electric lights, so there need be no missteps it night. New dining cars snd coaches to match have also Just been placed In lervlce. Omaha World-Herald. Hon. John Barret Says America's su preme effort In non-Chrlstlan lands be yond Its borders must be for the con servation of the silled force of Chris tianity and commerce, which are the handmaidens of civilisation the wide world over. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars P.. wsrd for any esse cf Catarrh that can-nc-t be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. T. J. CHENEY CO., Props. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last It year, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transsctlons, snd flnanclallj sble to csrry out sny obllgstlon mad by their firm. WEST at TBUAX, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, RINNAN sV MAItVIN. Wholessl Druggists, Toledo, O. Hell's Cstsrrh Cure I tken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price, VfC per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills sr the best. At the Paris eiposltlon Is a magnifi cent Illuminated manuscript gospel, the work of the queen of Boumanls, who is g writer and artist. KIDNEYS leaps, IrrtiabJg: ntikr p SEND YOUR BILLS TO TM Union Lumber Co.. S Thay ail Direct to Farmer at WHOLESALE PRICES This is what I can do, and it don't make anydifferencewhethex it is night or day, wet or dry, cold or warm,' atoriu or calm, just call me and I will pump water, grind feed, shell corn, separate cream, churn or grind bones, or any wrk that is required of me. 11 and see me at work at ALLEN P. ELY & CO.. IIIODliiln St., OMAHA, KEB. With Us 8,528 miles of railroads, oc- rynir nine t,t In'lttp. nm It. western or Trans-Missouri system the Fremont, Elkhorn A Missouri Vall-y Railroad, which occupies the best sec tion of Nebraska, both for agricultural and grazing purooses. It also pene trates to the center of Wyoming, thro' the cattle ranges and Into the celebrated sheed country and the oil regions of Natrona county, Wyoming. It also lr the pioneer line to the Ului k Hills, whose mythical past Is so Intimately associated with Indian traditions and their legendary lore. The modem Black Hills are especially famous for their marvelous richness In gold and silver ire, and for its equal! marveloua ther mal springs. Near by these Black Hills sre sec tions of the so-called "Bad lsnds." where sre still found great quantities of relics of prehistoric ages. The agriculturist or stock grower should seek location on these lines, as should the scientist visit the bad lands. the miner the upper Hills, (he Invalid the sanitation of the thermal springs. No immediate Scotch whisky drought need be feared In spite of recent dis turbances In the industry. There are 10t.:!6,404 gallons now ripening la bond in Scotland, an increase of more than 70 per cent over the amount held flv years ago. Menses surely oroumt on reanilarts. tuppresstons neglcrted often result ia blood poisoning snd quick consumption, and is the direct cause of women's trou tiles; therefore keep the mens regulaf Ith ' u u uue s remai regulator. ' and women will be happy and healthy. If It falls, Kidd Drug Co., Elgin. III., send free medicine until relieved and full cured; 12 per package, or I for B), pel mH. Rttall snd wholesale or Myers Klllon Drug Co, Omnhi; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs; Rlggs Pharmacy, Lincoln; M. Kaker, Slous City. A complete line cl rubber goods on hand; sak for whst you want. "nut how do you know thst the mas ' Is good?" asked the cashier of the dis count clerk. "I know It perfectly well Once I saw him return a silk umbrelli that he had borrowed." "He's sll right, then," ssld the carhler in sn aaaurel tone. , Vital weakness sn nervous dtbtltty eat b cured. "Vlrtuema" Tablets are guar. ntd by Kidd Drug Co., Elgin. III.. t cur all nervous diseases, dehlTltv and vi tal loss, or send fres medlcln until cured if guaranteed lot falls. Pale, thin emaciated, tretnblnlg snd nervous psopli should try thee tablets; greatest of sarvt tonics. If you are not what you ought li be, or want to be and. can be, give then on trial and you will praise (hews for ever. U a package, or I for per seil Retail and wholesale of slyer DiiWm ask for what you waat. When a man at tbla season of the year beglas to look over bis hut rtav tar's clothing a raallae that tbe Drug wo;. uBna. at. a. iuioa. tasjti Ofsshs; Dvis Drug Co., Council fiuffa: Rlggs PhaTosrr, ftncotn; H. a. baker Ainu City, full line of nttasar sasaW - ?' - T Ktu be laa't la it wKk ta : . a 1 , v-. - 1. . .. - y