a ovatnn RYAN GETS WARM WELCOME IN NEW YORK. CHEERS FOli BRYAN. Great Recaption la Tendered the Democratic Leader In Now : Verk City. New York. (Special.)- William J. Brian's reception by . person In Madison Square garden tonight was' all that bit reception at thta place four f ears ago waa not. Then the applause waa meager and fainter than the sig nals of disapproval; tonight the enor- mous aadience applauded the every ut terance of the speaker. Four years ago Bryan read his address; tonight he talked in an offhand, heart-to-heart way. Four years ago a Urge part of , , the audience left the hall before Bryan had finished; tonight the people yelled for more when th speaker showed signs of quitting, and refused to listen to the preliminaries in their desire to have him begin. The brilliant calcium light of the public favor in which Bry an stood tonight was reflected on Rlch . ard Croker, representing Tammany, . which four year ago was the Nebras kan's enemy. STANDS LIKE A GREAT ROCK. The principal point or resemblance was that tonight, as st bis previous ap pearance, Bryan swerved not a hair's breadth from the line of argument mapped out by him in his Nebraska home, without consultation with East ern leaders, and threw no sop to sec tional favor. FOLLOWED BT SHOUTING MULTI TUB. The Madison Square garden meeting was but the first of four held tonight From the rostrum of the big ball he went to a stand erected just outside at Madison avenue and Twenty-fourth street, from there to Tammany hall and thence to Cooper Union. The people who tucceded in securing admission to any one of the three meetings were but a small fraction of those who surged through the streets around the place ot meeting. From place to place Bryan' carriage waa followed by a shouting multitude anxious to catch a glimpse of the man toward whom the democ racy of New York has so changed in four years. ' While every sentence was being ap plauded within Madison Square garden the tower of the building was trans formed into a fountain of multi-colored fire shooting high into the heavy clouds, and from other stands near by rockets were being exploded with gatling' gun rapidity. The Tammany chief had giv en the fireworks committee carte blanche, and all explosive that could b used effectively were touched off. By means of the pyrotechnics the Tam many treasury was lightened about 110, 000. While nearly 150 bands had been engaged, there was no general parade. Individual clubs in endless number nutrcnefj ked up in the adjoining thor. were b. ouchfan With the opening of the doors there as a rush that filled the nail In a little more tba. half an hour. . Nearly every pen-on in the audience was armed with a flag. The fn demonstration f the evening was wBes the band struck up Dixie," which bro.ght the entire audience to its feet. Tfa- interior of ibe building was swathed In bunting in the national colors. ,, Back 'of the speaker' stand on the north side of the hail was a huge twit to in the form of an an h. blazing u electric lights, "We with to remain free people." WILD DEMONSTRATION IN HAIX. Mr. Bryan's appearance on the ros trum started the greatest demonstra tion of the night. - For eight minutes the standing crpwd cheered. Five min-1 utes after Mr. Bryan entered the, hall Mr. Stevenson entered the hall and the' demonstration was prolonged. Mr. Cro ker took a seat at a small table and coldly surveyed the crowd. . His ayes rolled over the sea ot faces in front of him and to the topmost galleries. Then he looked over toward Mr. Bryan with a quick smile and nod of satisfaction. A few moments later he arose, took up the huge mallet provided as a gavel and rapped for order. Order did not come. He waited for the enthusiasm to spend itself and again rapped this time with better success. In a word he appoint ed Edward M. Shepard, who four years ago opposed the election of Mr. Bryan, chairman of the meeting. Mr,. Shepard produced a bundle of manuscript, and in a thin voice audible within only a small radius from the stand he start- difference in the welcome which Mr. Bryan was receiving from that oi" four years ago he gave the cue for a chorus of applause, and when he said that Mr. Bryan had refused to take the shortei road to power by becoming all thingf to ail men, the waves of applause rolled greater. When Bryan stepped to the front rail the second notable demonstration of the night began and lasted nearly as long as the first. After he had obtained per fect alienee, standing with his hand raised .and was saying "Ladies and gen tlemen," some one in the center of the audience exploded a flashlight bomb hich sent dense volumes of smoke roll ing to the ceiling and threw the audi ence into an uproar, : A rush for the center of the hall wau at once made by dozens of policemen and firemen and the energetic photographer wag prompt ly thrown out of the hall. Ill CHINA IS ASKING FOR LAST. ACE "l NOTE TO THE ENVOYS Demand That Hostilities Cease At Rasult of Their Offer To Negotiate Tarma. COLONEL BRYAN'S ADDRESS. Colonel Bryan's address tonight dif fered in no material point from his pre vious addresses In the campaign. It was rather a general emphasizing of ail that be has said. COERCIOM OF EMPLOYES. Paris. -(SpecUI.)-The Havas agency ha received this from Pekin: "The diplomatic corps has received Joint note from Li Hung Chang and Prince Cplng saying it Is time to end the present situation and to treat foi peace, and that the princes and minis ters who were accomplices of the Box ers will be handed over to the court! to be judged and punished according to Chinese law. "In their quality of plenipotentiaries, Li Hung Chang and Trince Ching offei to treat Cor peace and accept the prin ciple of Indemnities for the legations destroyed. The losses are to be esti mated by delegates of the powers. "European nations can be accorded fresh commercial treaty advantages on the old treaties, but as the require ments vary, each power must formulate Its own. ' "The plenipotentiaries demand sa Im mediate cessation of hostilities because of their offer, and request an interview lor octouer it. "Replying to the note M. Pinchon, the French mhJstrr, said that China having recognized that she had violated the laws of nations, was bound to accept for that very reason the responsibilities Consequently he demanded that the ex empiary puri-.nhment be inflicted on the principals, namely: Prince Tuan, Prince Chwang, Kank Tl and Tung Fu Hsiang, ldding that so long as their heads had lot fallen, it was impossible to cease aostilitles. "M. Pinchon has been confined to hlr oed for several days with a slight at tack of typhus, but his condition Is not rave. "Owing to the arrival of Count von Waldersee. General Veyron (command er of the1 French force) has decided to prolong his stay in Pekin until be re ceives fresh orders." ires Kiu is ABOUT THE NATIVE CHRISTIANS. spreading the celebration over the en- t're cliy. Every man in the Tammany ranks was out doing his assigned share In the demonstration. CROWD AWAITS HIS ARRIVAL. Colonel Bryan arrived at the Grand Central at 2:55 over the New York Cen tral road. Although there had been a special police force appointed at the instigation of Mr. Croker, the mob took bodily possession of the candidate the moment he stepped from bis train Hack drivers, railroad employes and a number of others who do not figure on the roll of Tammany shook his hand before the reception committee got to him. With an athletic rush Bryan bolt ed through the crowd and reached for the extended hand of Richard Croker. RAIN DELUGES THE STREETS. When - Colonel Bryan reached New York ominous clouds hung In the north, and within a few moments after he had reached hit hotel a storm of consider. AM force broke. A driving rain del uged the streets for a quarter of an boot, the wind meanwhile blowing at high velocity. Later the rain settled into a steady drizzle, which lasted an hour and which was folowed by a raw, cold wind from the west. The promoters of the demonstration feared a repeti tion of the bad weather during Bryan's Isit four years ago. About o'clock however, conditions improved some what, but even then It was not What local democrats had hoped for or what the morning had promised. DINNER AT THE HOFFMAN HOUSE ' Prom the time of his arrival at the tkffetl MthMI X siVlfwk hn IDa Minn. . which had been arranged by Mr. cru kr to honor of his distinguished guest waa Berved in the Moorish room of the tjrw- '- w. D. .... n mm m mrv wmu, mmi, viwmu rviKU. ric- vtMtt report of the elaborateness and : - wmmmmwm an uia u inner wvra airormren. It M a plain, Informal affair, at which y ' k three kinda of win war served, the mesa was but llttl more elab- tana taat of many table d'hote Ctd to the city. Although Colonel , r.-TMl did not drtak his wine, glasses ' m f awhist for him feet a they Y r :;. tlw other gn to. The formal n tH aot adhered to, -CZ V BAtUOW C9VAJUL ' '... at Cd Kknm Maar gar 1 m Ow? 9M at I. JlfUen ' rsrry wart primtH m jfttlzMm toMtad fcy the The policy of coercion which was a characteristic feature of the republican campaign In 1896 is again in evidence this' year. Prominent among the rail road companies adopting this policy is a Pennsylvania company which ia en deavoring to control its employes in the interest of the republican party. During the recent C. A P. Veterans aa- ' ' . r- .- - .. ' 5 t h company caet aside all pretense of fairness in politics and Superintendent Screven, in a speech to the veteran employes, toid them how they should vote this fall. Mr. Screven said: "Vote for Mr. McKinley and you will be doing what your employers, the C. A P. railroad, wants you to do. If you desire to hold your positions, vote for the re-election of President McKlniey. If you do not, and he should be de feated, the connequences will be upon your 'own head." This Is not a mere intimation, or even an emphatically ex pressed desire, It is a direct threat, a brutal attempt upon the part of a man employing a large number of laborers to coerce them into voting in a cer tain manner. The people of this country must real ize, and the sooner the better, that wherever and whenever the employers of labor endeavor to control the bal lot of their employes, liberty la endan gered and government will become a plutocracy If the movement Is not checked. The Implied threat back of the statements made by large corpora tions is that if their plan of govern ment, which looks toward the uplift ing of the classes at the expense of the masses. Is Interfered with, they will pull their money out and produce a panic that labor may starve itself Into subjugation. What Is needed with these people Is a strong hand like Bryan's to teach them that prosperity and power rests with the creators the masses and not with the drones. Brawn and brains make the wheels move, and not European stockholders. or those who ape royauy, oeiieving that the way to reach the masses Is through their stomachs. With a monarchist like Hay to con duct our foreign policy, Hanna to look after labor and a check book for tho politicians, it Is time for the common people to look after their own rights, or got ready to tare to tall timber. Congar Civaa Credit For Saving tho Legations. Victoria, B. C.-(Speclal.)-The follow ing letter was given by United States Minister Conger to the missionaries at Pekin: 'Besieged American missionaries, one and all of you, so providentially saved from certain massacres, I desire in this hour of deliverance to express what ' know to be the universal sentiment of aur diplomatic corps' gjnec-re apprecia tion of and profound gratitude for the Inestimable help which the native Christians under you have rendered to wards our preservation. Without your intelligent and successful planning and the uncomplaining execution of the have been impossible. By your cour teous consideration of me and your continued patience under most trying occasions, I have been most deeply touched, and for it all 1 thank you moet heartily. I hope and believe that la 3od's unerring plan your sacrifices and dangers will bear fruiut in a ma terial and spiritual welfare of people to ft horn ji.ii have so nobly devoted your iives and work. Assuring you of my personal respect and gratitude. Very (incerely yours. E. H. CONGER." Moans Mors Aggrosalvo Attitude In Chinas Affairs, Yokohama. tSpeclal.) The resigns lion of the Japanese cabinet and the probable coming Into power of Marquis I to Is the theme of the hour. The change came as a surprise, although it was deemed inevitable in the not distant future. It was doubtless due to Marquis Itu himself, who by no means yet known got his party In proper trim for harmonious and successful work. Although the latter is well organized it Is made up of many Incongruous and warring elements, and early trou ble is n evicted for it, especially is view of the distribution of the offices before it is brought to any sort of dis cipline. V The ostensible cause of th sudden upheaval In politics here Is doubtless the real one, namely, the necessity which has arisen for a more decided strenuous foreign policy in view of the situation In China. It Is generally felt that Japan has thus far kept herself too much in the background In the ne gotiations progressing on the neighbor ing continent and that the time hat come for her to assert herself; her em inent services In the recent rescue ot the legations, and above all her su perior knowledge of what can and ought to be done In China, all entitling her words and counsel to be held in greater weight than that of any other tkn. Marquis Ito is the only man to whom the country can turn In this emergency. as has been the case for many years past whenever an Important crisis has irlsen. A significant feature of the pres ent case !s to b found in the fact that Marquis Ito is now credited with strong pro-Russian tendencies. CONCEDED. OEM AN 8 OF THE MINERS UNION '1 1 ARE MET. ' i " T t THE STRIKE IS ENDED. Th Reading Posts Notlcos and Other Companies Will Follow Suit Immediately. UNDER ROSE OF THE CLERKS Five Bags of Registered Mall Stolon In New York. New York. Hpeclal.) It has become known that five bags of registered man, tnciosca in one large pouch, were stolen from station II, at the corner of Lexington avenue and East Forty- fourth street on Monday night, last, and the postofflce Inspectors have been uri&ble to locate the thief, although sus picion has fallen on one man. The pouch, which was so heavy that only a strong man could move It, was utolen before the delivery wagon was gone, and while It was still at the station. It had been duly checked off. sealed and locked with a numbered key. With another pouch of registered mall it had been deposited on the floor near the employes' entrance. When the wa gon called for it Station Clerk Nathan discovered that It was missing. Search In and around the station failed to re veal It. The payment on the checks contained In the bag has been stopped. The sum In cash is not supposed to have exceed- d $1,900, but the value of the contents ot the registered letters, which were directed to many parts of the globe, can only be guessed at. ItOOO GOLD BRICK. Ottumwa, Is, (Special.) Thomas Dougherty, a wealthy farmer residing near Albla, loaned 17.00 to a stranger, taking security two "gold bricks." Th stranger said his name was C. I Moor of Arlsona, and that Dougherty was a long lost ancle, who was heir t vahMbl mining property In th west. Th t7,0 was Mr earn ry to procvr till to th property. Th gold bricks war formally tested by sa tUeged assays to this dtjr. t smtad to h a "Md" f L'orr. RECEIVERSHIP IS CLOSED. Affair of Former Union Pacific Road Wound Up. Minneapolis, Minn. (Special.) How ard Abbott, special master in chancery to the Union Pacific,' has paid out the last dividend to the unsecured creditors and practically closed up the receiver ship. The last dividend amounted to 11,000, XW. Thr total claims approved and al lowed footed up to $M,3.'!6,518 and the i amount paid from other sources was I2C.448.720. Another dividend, amount ing to t per cent, or I9.012.0S5, was paid ibout a year ago. Considering the amount Involved, tht numerous legal complications and tht xtent of Interests, the receivership wa the largest known. The claims dis allowed amounted to over HO.OOO.OOQ. The total of claims filed, not including the mortgages having a prior lien, wat ms.600.000. The balance due on tht Malms after the payment of ai Idivl lends will be trl,0o,0O0. The Union Pacific receivership hai been pending for the la at seven years, the receivers having been sppolnted Oc tober 21, 1991. Mr. Abbott wss appoint ed special master in chancery to th receivership July 1, ltM. SECRET PROFIT OF S7.S00.000. Fraud is Charged In Whisky Trust Injunction. New York. (Special.; vice Onam-ri- (or Einory, at Newark, N. J., today granted an order restraining the hold ers of the syndicate stock of the Dis tilling company of America from vot ing that stock at the meeting to be he-Id in Jersey City today. This syndi cate slock amounts to over liOO.000, and without It the syndicate, which Is composed of W. C. Whitney, P. A. B. Widencr and others, will not have the two-thirds necessary to carry through a proposal to reduce the caffltal stock of the company. According to the allegations of Dr. Philip Kreli! of Chic ago, the complain, ant in the suit against the Distilling company, this stock came Into the pos session of Its holders by fraudulent methods. Dr. Kreisid claims that In the transfer of the stock of the five con stituent companies for the stock ot the Distilling company of America, a secret profit of 17.500,000 waa made. TWO JOUET PLAITS CLOSED. A BABY TRUST, Huntington, W. Va. (Special ) Tues day afternoon st 4 o'clock Mrs. Wallet I S.waason gave birth to triplets. As hour later Mrs. Howard E. Swsnson, similarly surprised her husband. Th mother are twin sisters, and the father twin brothers. They were mar ried at th same time less than a year Wire-Drawing Department ano Pressed-Steel Mill Cease, Jollet, III. (Special ) The wire-draw-Ing clepa.tment of the Kntcrprlse mill, one of the plants of the American Hteol and Wire company, closed down tonight throwing nearly 100 men out of work. No reason for the action of the company wss given. The efforts to enllrt the men In McKinley clubs is still proving useless, and the shut-down Is attrib uted by many to this fac'.. The Jollet plant of the Pressed Kleel Car company, which employs 500 men, closed down to. day, although It Mirled up full blast only two weeks ago. Quiney, Mleb. (Hpe lal.) The Port land cement factory here shut down yesterday, thi owing about 200 men out of employment. Bessemer, Mlch.!-(8perlal.)The Col by mine closed down today, letting out about 300 men. No reason Is gtven. Dunn and Tobln Mines, Corregan-Mc-Klnney properties, near Crystal Falls, have al alosed. . Philadelphia. Pa. (npecial.)-Repre tentative of the large coal companies and Independent operators. In session In this city, reached a determination that means the end of the great anthracite coal strike. The demands cf the miners, formulated In convention in 8 rantun, were conceded, and, in conformity with Ibe decision reached, the Heading Coal and Iron company at once issued a no tice to lis mine employes. The con cession made is a positive victory for the striking miners. It was predicted after the conference that the mines will be In operation be fore the close of next week. There will be. some delay In bringing the last of the Independent operators Into line, but it Is expected that in the: course of the next few daya notices will be posted by even the moat stubborn. There is prac tically nothing else for them to do. The large companies generally have agreed to the concession, and, though the Del aware A Hudson railroad was not rep eated. ! ' '"km for rranleil that it too, will Join hands with those that hud affiiiais at the conference. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT. The operators agree to the 10 per cent advance In wages for all men and boys, the arrangement to continue in effect until April 1. mi, and thereafter until notice is given. In those districts where the price of powder is above 11.50 the decrease granted In the price will be taken Into consideration, so that the net Increase in wages will be 10 per cent, as In those districts where the powder question Is not a factor. The operators will take up with their em ployes any grievances that they may have. It is believed that all local griev ances will be readily adjusted by the men with their superintendents. The Lehigh Valley company will post notices similar lo that of the Reading In those of Its mines where the powder question is not a factor. In the Lack awanna region, where the question of powder also must be met, it was agreed to grant the 10 per cent Increase, but in that advance the reduction In the price of powder will be figured, so that the miners will receive the same conces sion as those In the Schuylkill region. The difference between the new powder rate and the old will be taken into con-J slderation in figuring the net advance of 10 per cent. CONFERENCE LASTED TWO DAYS. The decision that practically marks the end or the strike was reached after two duys of debate, which, after it brought Into accord nearly all who took part, developed at firm great diversity of opinion. The meeting was held li. the office of President Joseph S. Harris i' u Trust Malta Sudde Adtano of , Ten Cdnte a Gallon. Chicago, ill. (Special.) Manufactar ers in every line in which linneed oi figures a an important raw material, were in a flurry all over the country this afternoon and they kept th tele graph and telephone lines warm in their frantic attempts to secure themselves against a record breaking market fluc tuation. At both branches of the Amer ican Linseed Oil companies marked up the price ot Unseed oil to 78 cents, or the highest figure known since the in fancy of the Industry. Before noon the price was SO cents. This advance of 10 cents per gallon is th largest single price fluctuation erer known In linseed oil and Is about the equivalent of a 40 or 50 cats per bushel advance in th price r whar. ' Coming at the season of the year when the movement of the new crop of flaxseed from the farmers ot the north west has but Just begun,' It has caught every manufacturer In the country bj surprise. Possibly sll of them hsd bees expecting 35 cent ell. .The result ha been thst they had reduced their stocks to the lowest possible poiat. All of them will have to come to the new state of things, providing the prices are maintained, if they are to get their pro ducts In the market In time for next spring distribution. All Interests con cede that the control of the situation is centered In the American Unseeed company. The outside concerns quickly came up to the American company's fig ures snd were selling freely all the afternoon. Flaxseed Is now selling at 11.82, or an advance during the last ten days ot 35 cents per bushel. fISORIMfl OR HEW YORK VOTE. Republicans and Democrata Do a Little Forecasting. New York. (Special.) Large num bers of democratic and republican poli ticians are trying to figure out the ef fect on the voting of the reception ten dered Colonel I'.ryan In this city. The democrats are very much encouraged, but It is not overstating it to say that the republicans feel absolutely no fear. To the McKinley manager the effect ap peared muc h like that of a brass band or an hurrah cheerful while It lasted, but soon spent. Richard Croker, now the acknowledg ed Bryan leader in the state, promptly announced that Greater New York will give Bryan 80,000 plurality and that Bryan would carry the state by 20,000 plurality. B, B. Odell, Jr., the chairman of the republican state committee, said that Bryan's meetings would really help the republicans, and that McKinley would have a plurality of 100,000 in the state. This is the first time that ' Odell has given out figures. The republicans hope to eclipse the Bryan meeting and destroy any good effest It may be giving his party by the Roosevelt reception, which takes place October 25, and they hope to overshadow Bryan's second reception October T! by the sound-money day light parade up Broadway on Nov. 1. REO PEPPER IN HER ST0CKIN6S. FILIPINO ASKS A VOTE. Th United flutes transport Bhermaa arrived at Sa . Francisco, thirty- tays from Manila, via Nagasaki. Th kmmtt Cthtw rtMasasesagiia.ta: Fu, sad that Priac Tni ha got so. GREAT MAH9 OF ItUMORU. London. (Hpeclal ) Special dispatch- from Shanghai recite numerous ru mors In circulation there. Among them re reports that th heir apparent, Pa Chan, son of Prince Tuan, I dd; thai Li Hung Cheng has been degraded oa tcrouat of th surrender of Pad Ting sta, ta awgv fi of th iNWi seal and I Uf - tat yrar Says He Is a Citizen of The United States. umana, .-sen. oprclal.) The super- visor of registration is in a quandary as to his duty In permitting a native Filipino to register according to law. in order that he may vote for presi dent. The applicant's name is Ramon Reyes, who insists that he is a citizen of the Lulled States and : entitled lo all privileges of Americans who were born under the stars and stripes. He has been In the United States for about eighteen months and has been in Omaha for more than a year. AH of this time has been spent In one voting precinct. At one time Iteyes applied to the clerk of the district court for naturalization papers, but the clerk Informed him that he did not think It possible to Issue such papers because the Filipinos are subjects of the United States. Thei Is no government In the Philippines except that establlrhed by the United Stales, and the man has no governr..inl to which he can forswear allegiance. COMFS OP WEALTHY FAMILY. Reyes Is an educated man, 21 years of age. He was born at Horonga. in the 'sland of Samar, about S00 miles south of Manila. He comes of a wealthy Fill Iplno family and Is In the United States for the purpose of studying English anl American curt ms. lln ssys he will vote for McKinley If permitted to do so. The case has not been determined. In appearance Reyes Is a typical Fili pino; He Is .1 little below the average In height, being only five feet tall. Ills complexion is of olive lint, and he ha the sharp black eyes characteristic of his race. Although a very small man he has great strength, and Is a swords man of unusuul skill. He has ad ipti d American customs and his dirk skin snd unusual complexion are lhe only things thst mark him as a native of the new Island possessions. FRANCE WILL HONOR KRUOER. New Tork.(Speclal.) It Is stated on excellent authority, says a cablegrsm to the Times from Paris, that ex-President Kruger will, sfter Isndlng st Mar Mllles, pass through Psrls, snd that he Will be received with all lhe honor due to th head of a stste. Th municipality of Marseilles li mak ing preparation for a grand reception to Xragvr Md It I certain that h will h sathueiastlcslly welcomed by ft IMsWlftUM t aWMfiV , Woman Put it There To Keep Her Awake. New York. (Special.) With her fac Knowing plainly the terrible strain she" is undergoing, Marguerite Gaul, the girl cyclist, who Is trying to establish a record for 3.000 miles on the Valley Stream, L. I., course, completed her 2.475th mile at 11:30 today. She had then been eleven days, twenty-two hours and thirty minutes In the saddle. She had sprinkled red pepper In her stockings, that the pain might keep her awake. Save for a rest between 11:39 last night and 3:03 a. m. today, Miss Gast rode continually for fifteen hours. By Saturday Bhe hopes to complete the 3,000 miles. No one has yet estab lished a record for more than 2,000 miles. MIps Gast rounded up the twenty sixth century at 7 p. m. today. All ob stacles toward the completion of the 3,000 miles Journey have been overcome so far by the littlp woman, who ex pects to nnlnh Saturday evening. HERO OF 6ETTYSBUR6 DEAD. Ceneral Fisher, the Hero of Battl of Oettysburg. Cheyenne, Wyo. (Special.) Genera, J. W. Fisher, hero of the' battle of Get tysburg, Is dead at the age of M years. General Kluher entered the war of tha rebellion as a private' In the Fifth re serves and was discharged a major gen. eral. At the battle of Gettysburg Fisher, then a colonel, noted a little force of rebels intrenching on a little round top. and without waiting for orders Flshei charged and captured the position, tht gallant move turning what seemed to be defeat Into victory. He was praUeo and promoted. For ten years General Fisher served a ,cbUX. Justice of the Wyoming terri torial supreme court. Three sons, one at Seattle, one at Pueblo, Colo., and one in this city, and a daughter, sur vive mm. BAVK8 A 8HIP AND 70 LIVES. Seattle, Wssh.-8peclsl.)-Ths steam.' f Charles D. Lane arrived this sfter. noon from Norn after one of the mom eventful voyages yet made between the new gold fields and Heat tie. The steam er broke down at ses and was for three dsys adrift In the Pacific, with 700 souls on beard. A dead calm pre vailed until th boiler tubes, which had been blown out, could be repaired. Brio Morelander, a passenger, wss th ma. tr ateehaale who male th repairs, and th ship's afleer gay kirn sjsaf tm Um twa aayg' wrk. v . " f ' ' 'l' ,