Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 25, 1900, Image 1
V 1 X 4 u 1 T fe. VOL. IZIII. HZ.iiS02r, TEBSK, TSITJSIDir, OCT. 25, 1900 I3 O. 17- Onr 3Io(lo---'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--n. William J. Bryan. i O O I AT 1 "1 , y t3 f) ft . 44- i : I I H ARK ISO X pKICSS-jOURNAIv. KiilM'rijitim I'rlco lVr Your $ 1 .()(). Offici.-tl ivtper of Sioux County. Oko. j. Canon, - Editor. I.V.lJifcl) AT ll'.V. IlIKIM-S I'd XATIOMAL TICKr.T. I or Prc-ldct : WILLIAM .1. BUY AN, Lincoln, Neb. Kor Vj e lr-;.-!:ii : A. R. SrFVLNSON, Illooi.iiii.;ton. Ills. Kor rre.ldc:itinl Flei ur: FRANK T. 1,'ANsOM, Silver Kcpub. P.OriT. onrMVlwm, Uemoci-at I j. N. VKN1!, jamls i;c,;v, joiin ii. i ;;r.ni;n. Populist WILLIAM II. (Al!!:Er, Vv'. O. SWAN, PETKIt EBHESON. " T I MUCH AS hliUM) I LASS MATTja!. Dlsmnrks Iron Xrv Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will hud tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and bowels are out of order, If you want t!iesn qualities and tho success they bring, ush Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only 2") etmts at J. E. l'niNSKYS drujr store. F'L'ri.'OX STATK TIC For tinvrrnor: WILLIAM A. VOYNTER,.. Ii. A. (JlLHEI'.r Kor s-r'y nf ( ilc: (.'. V. KvmIkmI!!. fur .-ii'l.' Tjiimkiimt: S. )i. IIOWAKI) l or .if Au.'.it'ir: Tlit.'dor Grt;-ft, ,m. . ' i r Attorney tii-nriiil: W. D. OLlJlIAM,.. , Kor ( iiiu'r !'l. I . II.: 1. J. I'ARKY VorHiiit, I'tii). 'imtnictiuit.-: C. K. UFA K lor C'oiifrriii". Bill Olntrtrt: WILLIAM II, NLViLLE KKT. Gov. Poynter So Hon. W. D. Oldham, Will address the voters of Sioux coun ty, at the Court House in Harrison, on Friday, Oct. 26, at 2 clock in the af ternoon. Come one. Come all. Como and listen to that which is of vital importance to everyone. Fre Si Ivor Kepnl), PojUlliht .iVmbcrat . Piiiiilist Another of the conspirators, to the murder of the late Governor (i -hel, of Kentucky, has lxen fmin.1 guilty, and ntfii(d to lifo tn.risfiiiicut. Tho human lifo is ton yncred, for a political hireling to dare t;iUj at will. Too bud TiM lor, tho Mutilator of the plot i not amon Uios.. already fronvit;ted, but an In; is indicted, lie will in duo time b-. hrouyht to justice. Governor Mount, will not always lw ublu tobhield a murd erer. T.I H; I S i ,A Tl V li TIC KKT. far llcpn-wiilntiv, .Vr t Itlxtilct: CUAKLKS F. COFFKE Democrat Fun SiMiaKir HHt tilstrli t: V. K HAYWAKI) .ropulist. 'or Coiimy Att'imry, W. O. PATTERKOX. fnr Slicrlfl' by I'ctStlou, alkx. i)wnr;Y. J'ur ( (iiiciilhuiuimr 2nl ! tuti lot. U (". LEWIS. Fisher in usini,' nil his taclii:'s and they lire many, in vainly trying to catch a lew stray volts, frcm his opponent. I ..n. Chas. F. Co .Tea. In like manner VanlJoskirk is circulating every inima),' innhle kind of fabrication trvi"( if P01 Me to d.'ter votes Irom casting their hal lois for Hon. W. F, Hay ward. But alack siUh! all nf 1). E. Thompson's and Deit rich's si rii iters, with Fisher's and Van lioskirk' daily campaigning thrown in, l annnt sway the tide, of public sinti ni.iiit nyainst the m ilti riiillionairs. and VanlWkirk and Fisher alike, Fishers name like that of "Aunt llauna" has bo cuiue no unalhema. The official Associated Prpss state ments declare Hut Bryan and Stevenson will surely carry the state of New York at the November election, which of coursB insures the election of the Demo cratic ticket. Hun. W. J. Rryan delivered addresses to more than hail" a million ijeoide oa bis cmpaitfri tour through the empire stale of New York last week, which in all pro bability has taken the state out of the doubtful column and placed it in the sure democratic column. Poisonous toadstools resembling mush rooms haye caused frequent deaths this year. He sur to use only the genjjine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitts Y.'itch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt's is tho only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a wife and certain cure for piles and all nkin diseases. J. E. Phinney. IS THE DiRTKHT V.OV ItT (" SIOUX CCUnIY snnitAKKA. Patrick Lacy, ;.l lintltr vi ( Notice to Noii-IIcrfident defendant.) MiiKKift I. Hey, defendant To MatrRle I.ney uon-re.Midenttef(?ndant; Yon will tak't not ten tliat on t!ia i-ltli day of October, 1MK), I'atriek I-hct, plutntiir, died his petition In tlio district Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition, Is to old ilu un absolute di vorce of tlm bonds of imitiiinonv existing tn'tween you und thrt snttt plstntilT, Yon fire required to answer said petition on or b;foro tile Jtd day of December IWI. ratrick Uiey, plain tiir. (irant (juthrie, Attorney for jdalntilT. Voter drop your ballot in the box and take your choice. When yon have done so you become responsible for the men you elect. Hon, John Siuirman, pominent in pub lic life during a period of 40 years, pas sed to the great beyond on last monday morning. The funeral will be held on today ut Mansfield, Ohio, II. b. t'i Record Of Misrepresentation. hufcn 5. $ Mark llanna- and, ISillious McKioley are having to light their campaign this time without the help of ex-president Harrison, Mat Quay, "vViiiiaiu E. Uar.cr., Senator Pavis, of Minnesota, Governor Filigree of Michigan, and It. A. Alger too, and hundreds of other prominent re publicans who wtre a part of the head push for them in l'WQ. Watch the re sult-. 4 "1' 9 B SO Cu9 JI k I i II c i i.M I OIMI HARRISOrJ, N3HASA. C. F. Coffee, Chas. C. Jameson. DIBBCTOBS. PreBident. F. W. Clause, CasTiIer. II. S. Clarke, A. McGinley, Stockmen liavini? use for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking busines. 4We are prepared to take care- of our trade at all tiinesft STOCK BRANDS. Tub Jochkal will publiKh yonr brand, like tlin following, for ?2:U0, per year. Each ad ditional brand 7."j cents. Kvery rariner or rauelunen la Sioux and adjoining counties euonld advertise their briuida in Tint Jour nal as It circulates all over the tate. It may be tho means of aavlug money for you uiAiti.Ks r,n:iiiK. On let t sifle fir hip ol ea tne, j On left shoulder ol hoines. j head ol Warbonnet reelv Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob Fuank C. Lewis. Cattle Branded Horses Branded ou left side and on left shoulder 5300 It KAYAK I). Kor ihe arrest and conviction of any p-trty or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands on stock belonging to the undersigned par tics : DAVID COLVJLLE. Hoi'Hes branded on righ shoulder ot branded Horses branded on right Jaw Also, I hava nnlefttliigh 1'ost OlHcu Address, Karriaon, Sioux Co., Nebraska, F. K. JANDT. Brands 60, 117, or on left Hip Voters w ill please hole on the nation al ticket llw wl Mid I toad Populistand not confound it with the fusion nominee of the peoples Independent party. This campaign of tho republicans will pod j.vti into history as 'the camaign of deiiial."Hilhous McKinley and his tu bal have not the courage of their convi ctions to win them follower, They have been acuscd of imfs-rialisni. They deny it. They have been accused of militarism. They deny it. They even Ko further and deny the trusts. McKinley sasys there Is no such thing us imperialism in this country. Every Uidy who thinks knows better. Imper ialism means the government of others without their consent. McKinley is j;,vcruinK Porto Rico today without tho consent and against the will of the Porto Hicans. This is iniMfrialiHiu. He i try ing to govern the Filipinos bv military lO.-ce. This is imperialism. Mc. denies, "Aunt Hanna" uneers at militarism. In lHUi the regular army was limittd to 2" 000 men. In p.nntof fact it was not to large. Today the the army numbers 100, ()(). In 1HUH the nmy cost about $23,000 OOU annually; the cost of the army this year is $l'A"i,000,000. llut we are told told that there are not soldier euough. What does this great increase in two years mean if not militarism? "Aunt Hanna,' cays there are no trusls lie lias, and he known be lien. He is at this very moment dickering with a gi gantic trust tostopthe coul strike tosave liiMiiunnetsat Washington, He himself is in control of the Bessemer Ore Produ :erV Association, one of the most iniui tiious of trusts, which has miccteded In doubling the price of Hemer ore since l"!fiP). Tho "campaign of denial does imt deny, lis attempted evasion is sim ply a confession of weakness. Wool, since lust March has fallen from l?c per pound to U '"' u'J,t fair 10 fli" Mill lower, besides, sheep is falling in a orreponling ratio. McKinley pronper ley doee uot m-oeii to compare with the , putt bowl, t! tuiijr Iwut they r flyirirf k t&to on thl jemr. A voter writing to editor Korns, of tho Chadron News, ralative to A. O. Fisher's otlicial acts while misrepresenting tne .eople of this representative district in the state legislature two years ago this winter elicited the following public re ply uy editor Korns: ' On examination of tja official record I find that Mr. Fisher introduced a reso lution calling for the dismissal of Colonel Stotseiiherg from the Command of the First Nebraska Iteginient and his trial on charges preferred against him. That on January 17, 1100 as sh-.wa on page SVl ho voted "yes" on Joe Curtis' resolution to lay on table for the investigation of the Supreme Court. On January 20th, ViXi ha voted to la.- on tli table resolution introduced by Representative Grell declaring thu sense of the house to be that any foreign alli ance by the United States is repugnant to the spirit of the American institutions. On January 31, 100, he voted against the resolution offered by McGinley to get a reduction of railroad rates on grain, livestock, coal and lumber. On renuarv io'l., 1.0 vot-jd t? indefinitely postpone House Holl 10, for bidding Trw; pas.es to public olliciuls and on tho same day voted to indefinitely postpone House Hull (51 forl.idin- special corporation favors from express, tele graph, sleeping cars or railway companies to public olhcials. On February 10th, llOO, he voted to unseat Nels Anderson popuiisi eieci from Filmore county although three republicans had the courage to rise above par tisanship and vote against his unse-alin On February 21, 1H00, ho voted againsta bill providing the First Nebraska Regiment then at Manilla, with cash funds and a fund to roluru the dead bodies of Nebraska soldiers. On February 21, 1-S99, he voted to indednitely postpone House It l 233 pro viding for extension of referendum to laws of the people. On March 31. 100. he voted against tho minority report censuring the Sup reme Court for disregarding the laws. On March 0. isfJ'J he voted against the pissage of House Roll 100 providing for Hoards of Arbitration to Settle Labor di mules. I.DlTolt. The chances, are growing brighter daily for the fusion ticket winning both in tho nation and state nlike. No man who has the duty of home and family at heart, will vote for Deitrieh, if thay in form theselves about the candidate. One noted fact about him, is that all of the christian ministers of lus homo city are bitterly opposed to him, and doing all they can to defeat him. Everything looks quite favorable for Bryan and Stevenson to carry the Rtate of Ohio, November Gth. In our opinion Mr. Bryan's changes for carrying Ohio, this . yeayare excellent, , with chances just asRod too for carrying Michigan. Among the latest additions to the Bry an ranks are the Hastings Weekly News and the Republican of the same city, also the Herman Weekly. They give as their reason for this move, that the old ship is leaking, and duly to conscience and country alike has urged them to take this step. They say too and with out hesitancy, that any party which have placed such a man an Deitrieh, on the gubernatorial ticket, cannot hope to prosjier in this or any other state. His numa thev declare in his homo City, lu synomyous of all that is ungentlemanly debasing, and vulgar. Ihey lurtlier state that republicans by the score are deserting him in his home city. Kaugc on head of White itlvur. 1'. O. Address, Harrison, Neo, The Work of The Trusts. ("Yimnrtition anions.' produce, is the one bulwark of the consumer. Monop i., ..,.iio (1..-.I . ....... .rism foe him I !oin net it ion means to the consumer, lower tirice and better ouahtv. Trmts which poison competition and kill it out of til ..... , i....i.H i. ml nooii.r on;. I it v. And today "nrices are "up. lliere isnt a commodity that hasn't clambered. Here is a list, built on what is purchased for the home. The poor as well as the rich must have these tbimis. Head: Jou may thus learn what, under trust rule, is taking place in your pocket Articles. rrire. 1H0H f l - l .!" 00 2 no l :;- 7 JOHN A. HANSON 4 Owns the rollow inpljruud uo eiiii- Mho HG on cit ti iiiiU hor4s rattle od W'f tnirle liorsfs on k'ft Range on Silver Kprlnicg and east of slats Ine. Postofllce Harrison Neb p 1 I W-l s on left hip of Cattle. Sioux Couuty, Nebraska. on left Jaw, j Post Offloe, Hewitt, -o- JOI1N T. SNOW. Horgcs branded v35 on left xhoul-dev branded on left shoulder of Cattle and on left side. t'HARI.KS HKWXIAS. The brand reprCKented In thU notice Vf j and branded any Tyhcre on left side A3 of cattle, and uvcr lun .jut from the ir t a ci f & Also th same brand on left thigh of horaus, belongs to the undersigned. Ilunt'i! near Kast Springs, south part fo Slonx county. Charles Skwman, Hurrison, Kebraska. Kit ANK NUTTO. tin left side or cattle and on lef shoulder ot horses. rS'Tj UHIIBIIUII Alliriiijjo ... 1. O., Glulclirist, Sioux Co., Neb. King Geor-jre unil ICiny: AV'illiuni. J.S. TUCKER. Brnnded on left shoulder ot horses uid on left side of cattle. linage on White River, near Glen. Address, (ilcii, Nebraska. PostOfllce Address, l'atriuk, Laramie Co. Wyo. J. B. PARKER, . Tlorees branded on f3 lrft shoulder atMj Cattle same on left ES.jg3 hip. Sheen barnded Mai ou hack or I back of Sheep. Uangc on Soldier Creek and White Kiver. Address, Ft. Itobinson, Kebrask. flOO Reward. For proof to convict any person of gtet. lag, altering, running off, damaging stock brandei' side or hip. Address, James Korcb, . TTsrriuon, Neb. or In ony wy lgon right 80 . 7o 70 l no 03 HO ' 8 25 Brooms One-Gallon (lalvani,"d Oil Cans, do. Canned Pe;u;hes, dozen Sardines, case , Salmon, dozen - - Canned Beans, dozen Canned Com, doz'ii - Canned peas, dozen...... Canned Kraut, dozen Carpet Tacks, groos Cheese, pound Wire Clothes Lines, dozen Rolled Oats, barrell Matches, case -- 4 f0 Galvanized Duckets, dozen, 1 10 Lead Pencils, groas 7.1 Pickets, Istrrel 8 2'' Pocket Knives, dozen M Salt, barrel 77 Laundry Honp, box 2 37 Starch, pound .' O'.'J Syrup, gallon 17 Tapioca, pound Tobacco, pound .'. S'i Stogies, thousand 7 f0 Tubs, dozen 4 M Washboards, dozen 140 Spleen, a pound 13 Price. 1800' t ' 4.7 1 Ho 1 4.7 4 00 1 HO 1 35 1 05 1 00 1 00 2 75 ll 1 75 4 CO 7 50 2 25 1 10 8 00 1 25 1 10 2 85 01 1 2 07 43 10 50 0 75 5 25 IB 3 45. When the American colonies were in re'volt against Great Britain, George III,, then king, issuid a proclamation as follows: "1 am desirous of restoring to them (the American colonies), the blessings ol' law, which i hey have fatally and desperately exchanged for the cal amities of ar, and the arbitrary ty ranny of their i hiefs." George III. ol England, in .177(1. So too while the forcesof the United States wore chasing the patriotic Filipi nos from their burning homes, President McKinley assured theiu of his kind pur- (smes as follows: "That Congress will provide lor them (the Filipinos), a government which will bring them blessings, which will promote their material interests, as well ns advance their people in the paths of civilization for entdang the men of another race, it is all the same old serpent." Lincoln's Complete Works, Vol. 1 page 259. , "Let it be remembered," said the con tinental congress in addressing the Males at the end ol the revolution, "thut it lias ever been the pride find boast of Ameri ca that the rights for winch she contend ed were the rights of human nature. "True statesmen us they wre," said Lincoln, "they knew tho 'tendency of prosperity to breed tyrants, so they es tablished these self-evident truths, that when, in tho distant future, some men some faction some ioterest hhouhl set up tho doctrine that nooe but rich men or nono W white men, or none but Anglo- Saxon white men, were entitled to life liberty and tho pursuit of happiness, their posterity might look up again to the declaration of independence and take courage to renew the battle which their fathers liegan; so that truth, justice and me n y and nil the humane and Christian virtiieKImight not be extinguished from the land; so that no man would heienller dare to limit and circumscribe the great Canned Beef, dozen 1 40 No one niay cavil at these figures. They wer. fixed and offered by utile men who handle the articles. And the above is only a partial list of Instances. The roll o( thosn commodities the price of which within a year has had arbitrary trust advancement, with no reason save, the loot reason that moves n biirgular principles on which the temple of liberty or gives impulsi to a foot pad. would swell to tlKitiiandt. The (N. Y.) Venlmt, I wait Itieig Luill." - -,-,11,-1 - - ' . - 1$ DliKl' CUl'.KK LIVE STOCK Co. W,H' .Mfl Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses, jS'ftyft llangeon Deep Creek. Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. CE imi as Ho -, Supt., lilcn, Nebraska. on left sido on left shou GEORGE SWANSON Csttlo branded Horses branded lder, range, on Soldier Creek. Any slock branded as above bring estray ed from my ratgo, discovered by any body on giving me information will lie rewarded. Address, Kt. Robinson, Nebraska. Kstray Xotice. To whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given by B. K, Gilbert tlm undersigned that on the nth day of July A. D. 1D1K1 on bis enclosed land situated fa fo tonwood precinct in sions County Kebra. ka. Two light gray horses was takou up by him as ostruys. said horses being more particular branded and described as follows. The largest horse Is branded on right hip SG "ftni"67 left gliouldc Smallest horse on left, shoulder E R rljllt a.t. nronsoN. Hr:ind cntnbi doublerwon of cattle. Horses ssini shoulder. re Cuttle all dehorned Range on Kyle Oreeif, Post Office, Gle.n Nebraska. ISaSU-Hin right mm m Mi ,.r cattle. Koblied Tlio Grave. A startling incident, is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: 'I was in tin awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pnm continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians nntl giv en me" tin. Then 1 was advised to use Klectrio Bitters; to my great joy, the tlrst bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man, I know they roblied the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed at J. E. Puinnky'h drug store. shoulder B. K OIMIKUT.' KM Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially d lgests the food and aids Naturo la strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently curu Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results ot imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and tl. Largeilteontalni2H timet mallslie. Hook all abouidyepepslainaUMfree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO. Cbieaoo. Irfirge sun spots, astronomers say, caused the extreme heat this summer, and doctots declare nearly all the pros trations were induced by disordursof the stomach. Good health follows Rood di gestiou. Kodol Hysprpsia Cure dljrests what you eat. If you have Indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly relievo hud permanently cure )xu.-J. E , 1 A TliotiHand Tongues. Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, or Philadelphia, when. Dr. King' Nev Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: After all other remedies and doctors failed it soon removed tho pain in my chest and 1 can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like Rounding its praises throughout the Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of tha Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price ftOo and 1. Trial Imttltt free at J. E. PHnceKY's Drug Store. All.- wl : 'r,,'- fJtir.fW- iV&rMJ44 .jr.'V 'i-.f -'.fTl-. r- s-rr ,.r-s, .... " ' mm 1 V i -?" i v I S 1