'. : ' jut? t9 '' '":r .ft I , .MBL-.-- .j,.., up I.. '"" i, mil mill i I HI T' ' , 1 ' " "' m.,. , -A OARR OOT. 11, 1933 no. 15 u.Lnat,.LmuHril ST 13 SETTLED RIGHT.-Hoh. Willi i J. JJrjan. Dcliufjiieiit Tax I.Ist. se nw we JSON "JOTTRMAT SnbKfi-lijtlc.il Price IVrVcnr?! OO Official Paper of sioux County Gko. J). Canon, - Kmrni? NTKltfl) AT TPI! JJaI I: national ticket. For President: WILLIAM J. W:Y.l.V...Lin..lu,Kl-b. For Vice I'ri'-M.Mit ; A. E. Ki LVLNSON, niix)mini;loti,IIIs. J or presidential F.ieecir: FRANK T. RANSOM. icoiir. op.kpi-h.dki;, I- n. wkvdc, JAMRSHL'OKS, J'HN ii. Fi;!.n;;rr. william ii. (;ai:::?:i AV. (. SWAN, TETl.ll V.BVKW, ' nil" !.-- wMnf. Silver Rt-pub. iA-nim rat lVpn!i.-,t TiCKLT. 'I,-.. Populist. Is.'iuoorut IVfulir.l rir.sioN'sTA': Tor i ii i cnior; WILLIAM A. P'.YNTr For I. lent. (lovi-nior- E. A. (iJI.RKKr, . I'reo Kil vi.-r R. jmb. ForScr'y (,f -tute: . - ,Sv"!"Mii' Popoiist H. II. HO'.VA'.uJ, For St;it Auditor: Theodore (Ji-f., For Attoraeir (lenerni: W. J). OIHIAM FortVmi'r I'nti. .. ,t ;.: P. .1. ( :a Kl'.Y ForC'ipt, I'n'n. 'ii-trurUoiis: C. F. PT-: K J"orroiicr, st I. v. t riet WILLIAM If, NCVJU.fi JA-A i I X LA Tl V K TIC K KT. For l?rprcev,it,v, -V.r.l !H,tr!cf CIUULKSF. ( -rjKFKE .....Uomo.-r.-it Tom Hr-m-.tor ntu li'n li i : W. )'. JIAYWARI), .Popriliht. For C'ctinly Atturm y, W. (). PATTIilWON. For Shf r; iT Jy tl Liren kuii fx,:K, n-lroiKnilt r t:ty, fBiis-i U, extrt-mo heat U,w summer, nd doctots (i-c!;.rt nnrly all tin, pros trations wefi) induc-H In- ilisonU r of tin- H(0in.-l('l, O Kh! hwiltll fi.Uows ill- gesti-'ii. Ks-ilol I 'ysp'-psi.-i, Ourtj di-t-H wnnifi .ait. jr you l,:tve lri,;..;.,tirx, or dy-;p,;n it will .jij.ikl v rli-v jhh! ftornuiieiulj ciira von I. K. Piun.vkv. Hon. 1 1. I. Murphy, fnrmcr comniis 'loiier or peKsions, now now n Biding- in tl.H cily in a recnt int. rv:e:v mid: "iJuriotlie ralioiml -n, anipm, nt cT A. RatPuiUUclpbiaayearairo. tlie phiiskmi .(.i-Btion a-Kl tj atnt-id.- of lliiadn1ini-,-ni(i.,n I,,,,-,., ii,,.tivii wi;r vu,"ri,l,s t'w ir-n.-.,,,l .,;,., ...., cviiMdemtiou. A comuntt apj.oint:!! 10 wait upon th-, piv.i.Vut ;,od proton xtkmi tsl w,.y Ci.rri,.(i out in !!,. pension .-fiirf. TIiih comu.ii tf called on Pre-.id.mt Mi.K.nl--v on the morning of S-;,,,.mU.r .(, 1 MH. Th.-v pre:s. nt.-d to him ti,,, cornidaiiits of tiu.:,- jiiir..des ami ui-ed a cl.un in th, sion policy. lUty even w.-nt so ftr a to toll I ho president that the G. A. R. milit ov-.,j a k for tha iy-ujovj.1 oi' the wmruissioiier of nions. 'li-jplyio-j to thb (XJiiuniffen. I'resi- dent Mc-Kinlev gave them pi-iinly to un derstand that ha would atisiain tlie com mksiouer, no matter lnv utronly the eiieampiiient tni-lit eoialenin him", i.nd aiidtd u,U ust idie- tier lar,.li..u: "There is no ue denyin-j tha fact, Kcntlcninifn, tli tt th-s money power of tlio country is at-.-vir.-.t ony further ex pansion of the peo-iion , "Thu amazement and dis -ornfil ure of t!i commistue fn! no comnleto that u:ey (pin-lily ivithdr.nv. How (J,im that strilrn !im men ho left homes a.: l fan, il.t-s an I slaked their all for llio pei-j-nity 0- j,js (r,,vtrniiK-nl? Pr.iii-.nou-i toadlool!i re-.eiiihlincmn.-li. rooms hav caused fre.joent deaths thin year. lie sunt to use ord v t !i" .-euuine. (dwrve th. Mima cum -'imm ,,. .i- or I.'i-W.ti, U'ndi I !:...( Ktlv.. Th,-re are poiiuo-i-ic.iurrrrSVii s. J ) VV:( l'-c is thu oi.lv on-Mi-i! Witch K.iz.d H,lv- It is a .ir ,n,d certaio c:un for piles and all situ. i!..ase8. J. L. I '!.'I-,:.i,v. K"ti.-0 U Ijc-rnhy (flvcn tlint oa the 5th ,t,ly of November, I'-'tl. the (tj .I)(f tJll, flrBt VIi.ikIiij- ia w.1,1 uiontli, lx:tween the houri. of !) o'ehn k o. ni. mid o-i loek p. ni., ,,( B.,,t ,.,y j will offer ut public HMlo .111 luiKlg lii Wout county, Nc),ra ku, on n-hh-li Hie tuv,.. ,,,,.. vcir JV..i ream,,, u i, j.i i ,i, oira-o of .., Treasurer of fcioux county, m I.iIT, Follow mg U a lint of fik lamU una tin; amount due thfieiin. ASMiKWj 1'Kr.CIXCT. Deer:;,!. H T. jt. Mt. l.or. 3 a t h ne to !.ots3A t, w lr ' l : 'A i joo; ( ON 1 & ho ne, "" -' i m r.t r, i Sec. n s ti!f ne, lilf no ).ot , hitui, HSt I, 3hlf no, thlf ntr r. s? is-? JJ XI .'i t z'i :): i,i t 41. M w M 29 ori I .t! M a .18 1 : .' 4 1 lii M J X ,"l 4 :S at 5 ;u w 7 3J 51 l.'i f. II U nl 3 BC C 3e lot. i no a aw 3 M :;n :,i 20 so :,4 7 31 in JJt 2, no 31 3 so I've, ni Hi lii 'A MI .-CC. i I. ,'),' II vv n , - i j sw n'i nw, sv ue niv .-vv 'j I"', tny mi H''t ll w nw 0J1 Six it 1150 :J.t .'l 12 31 6S SW 31 RS .se i. S-.T 'i a v, n'i sw 111! l.o; i :t A. 4, ef J nr 1 1 'i, i , n ir i is " A; a. nw . -.e ii vr I.uU l,J,J4 I, Lot I, e no 28 ;h! 54 -ji 4 in .12 M it-') 31 M 'lilXIKCT. .'! 1:4 i f, 10 31 .'.C 11 31 .Ki J2 I'l W I l.'i ;.i . I -i 111 w in ::i in k 31 :jj si 11 2j ai K-J 8)7 2 4-! 9 .W !4 (7 4 j lD.Vi 3i (.1 ! 7irt! Ixit 4, s- n H-, fiec. 1x1 1, be n -ot 1 w ne, lilf sw.bo mv 7 :i j i n hlf nw, ne in-, ivr f :,n r.t u Hit ne, n iirtr Sec. ;t hi l,w w 3-j 4 ii" ne, Sec. Ill, w hit "w JIS2.6I n hlf ne, se ne ne 11 v l 8-j :a nw ne, u hlf se, sw "H 14 3.' W 2,1 -4 lal B; lit " i.i aa it n hlf nw, nw uvv, ?ttc. "i, ne e f, ;j 54 U AT CHKKK I-I1J,:INCT. Its I 4 2, nil no t U 58 hlf a, sw Hn 2 '.SI 5.1 l-otn 1 A , i hlf ne 3 e hlf w, v. hlf :.e 3 :i ,y, li if mj lX)!.l) 1 A 2, H lilf n , zi UUS& I, s hif nw 4 ;i: 65 IOt.i 3 4, sw nw 6 a 6.1 . H. 11 hi! .v. e hlfs-, ,:f , i hlf n .v, u lilrsw hi : oi 11 ;.-5 11 : 53 lilf HO :tJ Jj '"i.-1 2,( hir nw 114 :s; 55 e hit ae, 8C.C, js e II' S3 5.1 10.-.i ' 5 Sl'tiB '11 lii M 12 l j 7 41 G!i fl S l 5 10 710 LJ1. 7 -r, .-I : 31 34.1 7 2'J r. t M 7r, ; Ml '.17 7.1 27 d t-7 1.1 ! 1 l no SIVV e hlf ne, Sec n hlf 11 w ie hw hlf WJ W Jlif M hi! ue c hlf nw a hll ew I-1 lie 6 ommercia HAnniSON, NEBHASKA a &a s b . 2i 3:! M '-'5 23 53 2'i 1:3 W 3.1 51 7 33 1 S 2," :!3 ;'i.l iM i.3 .15 S2 ;u r,r, 33 M 33 ,1.1 11 hlf nil ;;; 1 101 11 w 11 hlf nw Ki . I hit :-,v ne ie . n hit ne, ; 11 hll oc, ai,',;;3) hw sw "4 33 55 '"' 34 33 ft e hlfsw, w hlfw;, 34 ui il w hlf nw, 31 5; JklONTKOS-E lot.4 2, 3, s hlf nw, 11 hlf '.v hc hw, n hlf .ne. ho si l.ot 4, .1), Lot 1 1 hif ri 1 4 7.1 r,3 ,17 is 7 4.; (I. T-i ; :;i 50 :;:4i nt r. 24 3.1 , 1.: ;n 3t . :'i r.e, n;i ho MO'l KV l-KELISi.T. .sw ni-, UK l.ol.t I l.i.t- 2, AW II C n, nw, -ie i.- 2, c.'j 11 w 3.t 4. e I.w ir , Lull I & : 111K no Col. F. vincr of (.;'iafi l, f.i I'Mtf ropahla .n, ha r-iidi:Ui d 1 llann.c" and says: J am f,,r Lrvan and tru f, i.nd . very vote I i ari ;:et Inm I will . Ufa with praven lor uc" . Ho t'unc -I'ldiM with word.4 h, froqht, with nicanin; .'"""p'""' n! willing .- our intrrents, without tha aid r,f "Autii Hanna" associaten. I am heart and houl for I'ryao, a man nmonij men. a life-"Aunt oval for his tlise : V.'e !. f,.r Tlie projrresMv, natioim or tha world nretlm pr-at food consuming nitiou. Oood food well d;eM..d uiven stren-lh. ir yon cannot tl-.p.-.-il all you .t, you Peed KikIoI Dyspi'ni:l Cure.. It digests vrhat you eat. You need not diet your Mslf. It contains all of tha ilkjestanU combined with the U-st known tonics und reconstructive. It will even digest all clasH-jscf foiHU in a iKittle, No ot Iwrpreiration will do Huh. Jt instant ly relieve and quickly cures all utomai b trouble. J. E. Pihxvky Aynhi buine-sTci I'.ryjtn, Thn v. of New York slate 11 c 1st al teriuteiy for tli catid.d.ite of tlm ivw, L-rea! parties, with the rev. iilarity of toe .swiiii,' of a pendulum, j'i.u.s l.i.,t.ry re cord it : To S--; tiin'ir over n.-ant in To lii-aiit over (Jim..v i-i IS. To Tiiilrn ever JfaM-s in J-",'1;, To (inrlie'd iver II incr.i in ! ' !l. To ''level 11, d over filaine in t -s ! , To Jhimscn over ( level.inJ m J To ( lev. l.u.d ov r Ilirr (fin in 1 '.'.'. Tv, v..t,'..,t 11... ;.. 1 Koldx-d TIi: (irtivt-. A Rt-it-tlm incident, is narrated hv Jj'ui Oliver of Philadelphia, ns follnws: "I was in an awful condition. My kin was almost yelinw, eyes sunk 01, tonciio coated, pain continually 111 hack and fides, no noi-tite. crnwiti ' went-er day hy day. Tiiiv .liys.ci;uiK had jjiv- cn mo up. Then I was adviNt-d to use Kleclric Hitters; to my meat joy, the tirst hottl'! Ilinde a decided improvement I continued their use fur throe w.-ekn, and am now a wt-l I man. I know ro'olird the crave of another vic tim." No one should fail to try them, Onlv Ma, puaianlted at J, L. Puis.vev'h drug store. ne o'j ne, he ne, nw ne i lie. Hi . Il'i 11 hi, l-ol-i 3 A. 4, 1 S,.i SuV si-c. I 11 w, ;- e. Vtl, 1 1 "W (lit, M 111 W A- in- r.e, 2 n-.i. , si i.w e a, 1 ne !-w ne, 11 mi i; n w hlf ne, hlf ..a 11 w w hlf .'.v. See. x-t, iiint e ii, I ne t n hlf ne, s ne e nw se ne, See. 82, hlf nw, nw sw u lilf n,v I h.l ne, e hlf in. so II w 1 :a .v, Is fi ;i 4 ,11 :.u 4 ,11 :a t. 1.1 r-i r. 31 .',; 7 31 m h 31 22 in r; 21 in ,v, 1. ,-.i w 31 h. 3. I '.I 37 1 'aij 2 s5 1 1.1 3 hi 3 10 23 -10 H 21 14 33 42 4. 7( i.l 1 1 fi2 7!i 11 1 7 7 in S s.i 7 41. o .li a, HO i 32 S3 sw sw, See. S, an so f, 5.1 l-ot 1 1; ,-i2-6j hot s 2 A 3, aw ne, se. f, 2 ill se ae, n hlf e. sw sell 32 05 . 7 32 V, " 7 32 tj w hif ne nw se, 110 11 w w hlf Se sw, WW SO W ilil ne, t; hlf nw 0 hit sw, nw se ne ne, sec io, nw 11 w 11 h!f sw sw sw ne ir.V'.s hlf nw se w, sw se 11 hif so n hit ue, 111 s hlf sw n hi! 11 w ,c.c - nw f iK 51 K 32 iV, H ;H f,.l JO M Ki 10 32 Ts5 1 1 22 .11 11 3 2 ri 1 1 a; ii 1 1 Sfi i 1 1 31 J I 32 .1.1 1 1 S2 M 14 ;u tv, e. II. ! Ill' - hlf St) ."i 32 M 11 n .1.1 15 31 .'..1 17 . 55 17 32 55 111 I w li 32 55 se lie, Ik- inv e nil n, n hit so 11 hif no Lot ill 4 l.oU 1 & 2, e ttlf uww 3-. se is :;2 - tie, See. 20, e h!f nw, sw nw 21 iri ue 'in t'2 72 till ne, w hif ha 22 32 hlf n 'V sw t u i:Jf nw, sw nw 17 :r 2-1 K 31 32 W 32 : 1.1 : ii .1 31 10 2J .Ji uw w hlf li's ! , J ."is 3 . s hlf ne hi! 11 A 22 32 ,V1 U Jt-i 3. 1 S2 .. 1 32 M 12 32 .it 1 HI ,M 3 33 .',) 1 31, :a 3 ;..i r 1 S 3.1 .4 ii SI M 3 3.. :,i 4 S3 S4 4 .SI .11 4 73 '.I 14 2 M 19 0 73 0 31 23 3-2 111 21. 7 7a 8 73 .V, no f 2ii 13 .14 7 lit 6 51 4!l 4t Hi O.i 11 12 25 CO 23 :f) I 14 27 3 12 801 27 27 11 47 1 M 31 ,Ji 14 41 42 13 43 24 4 75 75 K7 Mil 14 OS. 7 W 32 S',i 5 I'll 57 T.i n.sl I :a !,5 33 63 a.l 'IIIX'IM.T. 3 31 ,14 a 31 r.4 3 31 .14 4 34 54 4 34 fit 23 11 lii 10 21 44 . 6 ill! I BUS! 6 ill II 31 17 13 1(112 4 77 '.' UK 10 lil 21 If.l iS 7U 54 31 53 5 121 20 K7 41, 31 11 4'J fl IS 5 IN 2S Oil 30 C. F. Cop-Fi Cha.s. C. Jamksox. DIEECTOR; J'm-id;nt. p. II. S. Clarke, .Clarke, CaBliicr. A. McGinley, Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on uh 10 iianaie thoiv entire Banking busines. v v. an; nrprinrcvl tii..a -. - ; '"' W1 ur tract a at all tiiRPR? ,,.ITT, M'lH'K l!l!ANl.s. Tun, lotmwAL will publish yonrbrannjlko the followlnK, for 270. ner vni.r. i,-,,h ,..1 Uitioaul nran.l 75 cents. kv.tv - r riuitliii.en In Sl.nnc ,.,.,1 ll(i jcinintr ei,.i.,n,.u siioui,la.W, rl.ise their hrun.ls 111 1'fl j Jouk'- XAi. as it circulate M over the stute. it ny lx- the means of aviMf money for you no sw 11 hlf ne lie c hlf ne, a hlf se 11 lilf so II ) 11 h i ne 14 1 ueri) 111 nw ei-. 110 sw . IS 34 ft I t 4.1 1 acre in nw cr. ne sw is 34 54 7 05 ' hlf so 1.4) n hlf ne ill 34 ,11 31 no J.iit.s 34,o hlf sw 19 31 ,14 6 4 ne SI 34 .M r.2.1 e hlf so 31) w hlf sk-32 31 r.t 11 i; 34 HI 51 8 30 w 1'If so 1;) 35 ;,i 17 ftj 21 3.1 .11 34 34 21 35 .r4 62 2fi lot 1, se ne, e hlf se 23 35 54 ,1 4S lie 23 35 54 5 is - ne 11-, h lilt 11 w, 2(1 115 ...( 4 21 11 w u k -il; n hif no 27 l-l ill i 21 nw sw 20) s hif ne. ne si) 27 35 .14 Oil 4C, iw 2-S 35 54 3 171 s hif 11 hlf, 9 hlf n w 2U 31 .11 3 3.1 2'.l35.1l 3 31 n hlf no 30 so irl 12 !il ne se, 32 j n hlf sw, e hlf sw,W hif .so nw so no i snlfso f h hlf sw ClIAln.US HILIII.E. On h 1 1 side or hi 11 of oiit.i.lo. 1 I I . II (111 llf I 1.,.. , f I ' II ..1 - i.i,,;,, .1, 1 Illll Ml'S. J a lit 51 31 HI liflUi.ce on the heaU OI Warhim,,..! 11.3 Actttrem Uarrison, Sioux Co. Neb 8 31 H lit !1 31 10 31 1! ii 31 ,4 VI 23 -.4 30 (1.1 t Oil i-'S 4 23 57 4 4 II FRAKKC. LEWIS, te;;3Mf (;,. linnifti ou In ..a oj I'. O. Address Hai-rhiOn, Xeb, For the. arrest ami conviction of any party or parties stealim; or cIlsfltrnrlnsriiTiy braude "a stock beloiiBlng to the undersigned par tic.: flAVlf) COLVIJ.LE. Horses branded fj a "Kh shoulder or brnnded f.-i on ri;,'ht Jaw fioi-siis hrnndod tfcl on left thigh l'ost OIIIck Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Kebraskn. o Also, I have rf.J-houldcr of Horses, n lie Liver. JOHN A. HANSON Owrm tin im;braud oueUh 01' Sljvi ji follow- fc A" V. louellh- f'.iiv W 43 t- till S30 30 35 .r,l 33 lift 54 33 3a St ft) 35 54 2-1 34 31 54 2 till 12 31 ,14 43 2i 1.4 lsl.14 31 lis 13 3.1M !l!d 14 35 ift 22121 li 35 54 5 4S Also HQ on cat tle and horses cattle ou leftside tmrsi s on loft idiouliier. lUnire on Sliver Snrin-s and east nflTHa Ine. I'ostofflco Harrison Noli fcnV 1. ,-.22t "I w-i I ClIAKl.r.S NKWMAK. Tf The brand represented In this notice fjfci branded any whereon left olde .'iii'i ,:i'-ulpiBaa over lap out from the 'n H rlifhtcar. tti AN" the "lrne ,,rs"1 on ,eft tlli'"h of liorsos, belonits to the undersigned. u""e n(f I-ast SprluiM, Keulh part fo Sioui county. Chap.lks Nkwman, Harrison, Nebraska. 5 -.4 I b si I 5 (T! I t IseV 1 11 hit ue mi 55 i!i Gov. Poynter & Hon. W. D. Oldham, Will address the voters of Sioux coun ty, at the Court House in Harrison, on Friday, Oct. 26, at 2tclockin the af ternoon. Coino one. Come all. Come and listen to that which is of vital importance to everyone. se ne, no cot'ionwooii I'm., s hlf in-, ii hit s i :( I -ills ,1 & 4, s hll nw I 3. e till ne, n hit -e 2 3. s hif nw. e hlf' tv lit 4, Sue. 2, lot. I i. h hlf lie, se nw, no ! 1 9,1 2 32 .'HI .',S Id l 3 32 S.I 31 71 3 32 54 14 Ml sw nw, nw sw, sw sw, ..!. ;, w. ;,J IsilsSA 4,.sie. 3, lot 1, so ne j 5 Cot 4, .See, 4, lot 1 X Lots S A I, l.ot.l A tl, se nw, ne sw e hlf sw, nw se no sw so ne, n hlf w, nw a 32 6 .T2 li .VI 23 71 fi 33 4 S3 2H il.l 43,-, I Lots 7 X s hlf il'.v f. 33 51 3 72 "W 5 .17 ;,l 3 71 Lot 5 II (j i.3 .14 1 .7 lanslX2, 7 17-, ,4"' se 7 33 54 ft ix l.ot 3, ne sw, e hlf n w 7 33 .14 1C 27 11 ii:f nw, sw ne, so n w 8 33 54 11 10 s w s 33 ,14 5 2 1 lie !l It! 54 5UI nw !l I.! 7 .', iwi ' .a .11 11 ;t j 11 w 10 32 3 I'm j a hlf nw II .j 54 1 us I se nw, II lilf ftw, u j -w II 12) M t; a v 15 7h him se 15 flu 51 fi ,, I l.u 17 311 34 lis II) nw 17 311 IA 3i. 42 se 15 33 54 51 3 ne H 33 ,'sl a 19 no ' 10 33 54 311 87 Lots 3 A I, e hlf sw U 3:. 1 I 5 lil II hll 110, e no, ne ne nw, 11 hlf n c, se "! 1.1 35 51 no , 21 li.1 ,11 B-v . 21 35 1,4 a 2.1 35 .14 W 23 33 .', , -23 3 i 51 ,23)8 hlf I1W24 35 5.1 24 35 51 -- Vt 31 7.1 11 hlf nw, w hit sw 47 .14 h ne, se nw 110 sw, nw se, ; 11 w e hlf ne sw 11 r,n 7 1!) 70 70 27 42 1.3 14 At 111 111 24 3 Hi A -is (1 SI m lira rids F. E. JANDT. W tb on ltjf t GO. 117. or I . - - - , f. .sn hip on left hip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. on left Jaw, l'ost Offloc, Hewitt -o- J011N T. SNOW. Horses brandod W)Z t5(: LJv.-.'J Cattle and or on left shoul- t:lm dec brandea ou left shoulder of on left side. FIX Tost Office Address, l'utrlek, Caraiulo Co. Wyo. FRANK NCTTO. On loft side of cattio aud on lef shoulder ot hinwu. EiiJ.3 "iinR8"" Antolojie creek 1'. ()., (ihilehiist, Sioui Co., Neb. no 2( nw -2H 31 n hll ne, e hlf nw 31 34 e hlf no .14) 11 hif n w ;;5 s hlf ue, s hlf nw 33 34 170 79 54 ll'l'.Ki .11 172 31 .14 11173 54 27 14 im I '27 H) ! 7h 121 J.S. TCCKIiU. unded on left shoulder of horses 6i. '' Vy..s7 "" v1 '-:nid ou left side of cattle. J. I!. PAUKEIt. Horses branded on h-f t shoulder and Cuttle same on left JJ hip. Sheep tiarnded on t-aek or I bac-k of Sheen. liange on Soldier Creek and White Itiver. auutoss, it. lioblnson, Nebraska. ?100 Howard. For proof to convict any person of stel. way lianseon White liiver, near Glen. ?W : '." I'. O. Address, (JIc, Nebraska. 2'i 33 I 20 si ; -w ne, uw so, s hll lie nw no 11 w 11 hll w, ii- nw, n w 22 ,(! t r , A e Swept From It' Moorings. Abraham Lincoln, the jfrealest repub Lean, never missed an opporl unity t axfiert his faith in Jefferson' teaching, os emhodylng the Roundest American l4n. IniierialiMiu ha gwept tho repuht can party of today from its old tunn moorini. It ha cc.i cl to bo an Anit lean party. lt present Humltoniaii toliticg of uripire and the strong central power hould ho os sternly relinked und rejected by tho American peop an they wer in ILimilton's own t .y. K "pulilicati newspapers and leinli-rt nl-lswe ready co n ed that the attack of the Le-1 e hlf ne, 0 lilf sn publican trust upon oriranited labor a ill 1 w m cost that parly fiO.OJiO vi.tes in t hiia-o, Thu. m an that the electoral vole of Il linois will given to William Jenningit Dry ft 11. Fob Couldn't Iluve Hfool It. If be'd had Itchlnjr P.les, Tin y're ter ribly nnoyint; but Huckleu'ii Arnica Mlve will cure the worst case of Piles on nrth. It Inm rured thoiihiinds. l-'or in Jurie. Pain or bodily Kruptionn ii'n llm bet wive In the world. Price 2'c. a ' Cure guaranteed, Bold by, drug- It Iihm d'-velopeil that the New York Ice trust is wholly c-ontrolln! by LVpuh liciin politi'-iaiiM, Thin explain why (jovertuir luinnvi'lt has refrained from sliootiiiir the New York ice trust in tl,,. b.ik. " nw, no w, uw se . See. 12, 11 hlf sw s hlf sw, n hit nw w nw, nw w sw sw hlf w,w Iifs IIlxniiirKN Iron Ncrvo Waa the result of bin cpleinlid lioalth. Indomitalilia will and tremendous energy urn not found whero 8tonia ii. Liver. Ki'lw v and bowels are out. of order. If you want theso itialitlm ond the uticrcus they brinir, tiso Ir, King' Now Life 1'illn. Only S3 cents al J, E. PaiN'.VEVM dru lore, I I 32 53 10 32 ."it II 31 53 11 ft! M 12 32 12 32 ill) 1.1 1-2 .71 I' Si 51 M 3 2 .71 13 32 .'.7 14 if2 M 15 32 5.1 17 32 5J Is S4 5,1 a ;n m 12 !'7 I sS 11 7.1 24 Id 4 II 22 il.1 54 22 ;w 23 ill 74 27 ,U ii 27 -33 54 27 St 1st 27 tt 2at Bs:l ne nw nWjSinj. 11, 11 nil ne nn ne 11 w no ne e, !.,.. 2a, w hn nw, nw w 11 hlf ne, e hlf nw e hlf uii, Sec. K3, nw 11 w so se See, 23, w hlf a , se sw ne lie se 11 lilf en, so n, Hec. 14 si 53 ne ne 21 33 M nw ne, 0 blf nw, fi 32 73 7 0s ne sc. s hit so ' 31 M W43 11 w M .12 5:1 Ci.0 ehlfno H 32 53 17 .V 11 hlf ue, aw so 32 7.1 2:1 in I n hll sr. se ... aw sw s nw, uw sw. Sec. 27 33 34 scjue, ne s 3.1 54 lilf SO ISl i.a :4 . 'i IB M w hlf 11 w. Sen. 28, e hlf 110 hw ne, 11 hit ., iw sw se se )At 4 hot 3, n lilf no, ne 11 w u hlf ne, se nn u w sw n hlf ne nw sw e lie, Her. :, w lijf "w W 33 fs! no ne, hlf ne, se 11 w s Isit I, t blf nn . nw no 11 lilf ho, se so, mi sw sw HO (1 1.2 a ir. c; Ui Ctrl 4 117 5 S2 3..0 4 lii IS 42 3 Nil 5h2 2 73 30 74 23 SI M 23 ,,i 5) (121 II 92 12 74 4121 6 711 Wlsil ! 32 W i 37 It tu rf jr.n.1 84 31 M B.'sl ' 32 (Si) 21 IJ 23 29 33 74 !9 113 ft tO .'tl H 30 .13 34 31 113 .4 r-i 1.1 .'( IS 4.1 (it 32 M 14 H3 KI ,'sl M .'lit M II S3 31 SI. 11 Si 49 21 In 22 14 IhTO 44 OT) Cl (M 2-1 : 3 30 777 D3 10 Pi 81 33 54 8 3 B4 31 5( uo K3 ' 1 IU .It 2 4S 84 33 (147 1 an s.V se lot I A 2, hlf lie. Lot 3 il, l.oU.t l.s hlf nw lot J Jt 4, hlf nw so i SO no nw lit Wat.-; hot 1 A 2, lot 3 & 4, s hlf nw sw lot 1 A 2, s hlf no I-ot 3 A 4, n hlf nw nw s hlf uw, sw se, se e sw sw, 5) s hit e, 7, se sw, II) 1, ne nw e 11 n lilf ne, n hif nw, sw l;W se ii w, a hlf ne, Si) w n w B 23 .',7, ne ne, s hif no 2S 33 uw nw in as ,-n sw M -is r.s elilf" .1(28 55 lot 4, sesw, 30, it. 13 sj.j fli sw no, hif nw, nw 31 29 M lot 3 A 4, c hlf sw 31 -. 55 hlf 31 if) S3 SW sw 32 29 .11 nw 11 u n 21 21 Sil 21 24 IA 11 21 50 14 .13 30 si; 35 31 53 191 (KI 31 31 55 (si 9.1 33 111 55 1 tl-.' 01 19 35 33 (ii 31 19 33 .15 3 73 2,1 35 ,V (1 in I 22 .75 ,1 7 40 23 115 55 15 07 24 35 33 7 lift 24 J5 fIXl 23 31 53 no-.) 33 35 5,1 0 ,'13 It I'KKCISCT. 3 27 55 15 C9 fi 27 ,15 3(1 13 3 27 35 U hi 4 27 55 30 II 4 27 .'i.l 40 17 1U 27 55 2 S'l! 3 28 53 22 '. 0 4 28 55 4 Ss II 2s 65 t 2H ,Vi 7 2S 55 8 2.1 .13 S 211 .73 Id Ml C2H II 91 10 :! 4 77 TlKKI CUKKK LIVE STOCK V.o. ' ', 7 v- '"J-s i i. "rH"'" 1 O" "'ii nip 01 Lattlo t'-.iv'.:' 'sj " on left cheek of Horses, lMLkXuUMiil i:aneon Deep t'reelc. Address, lieep Creek J.lvo Stock Co,. CEi-liA l!o s, Supt., Glen, Nebraska. Ing, altering, running off, or In any damiigln-M stock brnndedgJSin rl'ht side or hip. Address, Jamks Fokck. HarrUon, Neb. CKoltCK SWANSON. Cattio hriinded i4jjJJ4H on left side "7 . ' .'J Horses branded Vrf. JS5i..1 on left shou. lde.T, ruiiEe on Folun rl ik. Any stuck branded as above bclnir entrav nd from mv ranire. discovered tiv u-.v ).,iv on Riving me Inforinatlou will be rewarded. Aunress, t. liomnsoa, Nebraska 11 ill S71 8 C5 30 It 15 HI 2 22 2SS i ss 1 52 81 2SH 10 14 3 20 1 73 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby i;ien that. Julian E. rillnney, has filed his nlioileation with t.im village clerk of Harrison, .Nebi,ska, I'skliitf f or a di-neist iternilt for llm s-iii. ,.r i.,ii spirituous and vinous Illinois within Die villain of HicrriHon, an I that the said uppll c.itlon will be heard by tile Hoard of Trust ees of s lil village on Hie SMi day of Oetnljer, I'.i. 0. 1 Julias F. I'uiNNKr. Iii Tlie Ulstrict Court Of fciioux Ccjniity, Xt-lH-asIia. 11 tl Ml 1 21 M 171) 1 li. 2 ss fi 10 2R 3 33 M 33 M 43 3 43 T2I (llmprt 11 w Mrs John (..luipit u tv lot If 3, nw no It. 4, s hlf nw, ue w I 2S 5i? 1 2d M n hlf sw se w sec. I ue sn 2 ijj lot 1 A 2, s hlf nn a 2s m ua w, l.u sw, s l,lf " 12 2-t va 10 nn 13 28 ,'21 L4fil tienw, hlf tiwsee. W se ne I I 24 53 30 12 28 28 1,3 2 SO w n 23 29 M 88 Si AIM 89 s hll nw, n hll sw 15 29 .HI 2 b9 In the eintter 0 the Fstalo of James F. Hovey, deeeiiKeil. Now on this 17th day of September A. I). 1'iOfl this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Jliirtlin M. Ilovry admliiistrstrlx prayinif ior license 10 sen 'a, .i- i n, H I-.14 S Vk 'i, S W'i, N ;i,, Section 10, township 32, limine M, or a sulllelent aino'.iut of same tj hrniif the sum of for ihn iiivineut of c.iht Hllmvi-il niruin ,1 .ul, I u1uln. .n,1 Hi,, n,..t. ..r adiiilnlstrntlon there not, tielnn sutllelent personal property to pay snld debtsnnit ex. Iinnses. Il is therefore ordered that all )er. sons Interested In sild estate appear before me nt Kiishvllle Nebrnskii on the 2.11H day of Ocloher, IlKlat lOo'eh.c-k A. M.loslioweausn why B lie-ens should not bo frmnleit toseid H'liiiinisii aior to sell so tnuch of tiiu nlsivo real (ist..le oi snlil ilereuvd as slni'.l lie neon, s-eiry to psy said debts and eipenses. And it Is further ordered that all persons Inter ested In said cstsU' bn xlve'i notice of tho time mill Itltice of mieh lii.tirim liv tin niil,1.. cation of a ropy of this order for four nue res.lve weeks In the IIAkhiBok I'iicss Joiir xai. a weekly newmmiMir nubllshed la liar Est ray Notice. To whom It may concern. Notice Is herchy srivoubv R. Y Rtlhnrf. th undersigned that on the 17th day of July A, I). 1900 ou his enclosed land sltuuted. in fok ton wood precinct in fionx County Nebra ka. Two light gray horse wits taken uo 1it him as estrays. i said horses belnir moro particular branded . and described us follows. The largest horso is branded on riirlithin vfj- left hipK left shoulder! 1 Smallest horse on left shoulder Jsjrlglit shonlder I!. F GlLBRHT. QO Dyspepsia Cure wr uigests what you eat. Tf arti ficlsllw H Irrnuf o tk.fJ .1 lnrA in oii.iinilili,n - uuiuiiuuviiiuif duu i ecuu l,l,.,lnn .Ua I . 1 . . I oi,.m,nuj5 mo ciuausLeu aigeStlTe OF gaus. It Is the lat.cstdiscovereddlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cure 7 1'JUnpnci 1 Tnrlirratf inn Tl . , Flatulence, bour Stomach, Nausea, dil iieauauiit;, uasLraiKia.uramptaDd all other results of Imperfect digestion. PriCASAi ni,,ltl T n.n.l... ... ..... - -..-vw, v, uii nu,i.wiiiMii. jty uineB nisi I iiie. iiook ah about dnpepsiaauiedfreu Prtpartd by E. C DewiTT CO, Cbicaae. A Thuiisand TongncH. Could not express the rapture of Annie, r,. rtpriiitfer, or Philadelphia, when. I Kind's Nevy Discovery cured her of nacionif cou'li that for many years mado life a burden. Hhe savs: Aft-- all other remedies and doctors failed it wion removed tlie pain la my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely rememiier doinpr before. I feel lil.e sounding its praises throuiibnilt tha Ufiiverse," Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 60o aod 1. Trial bottles free at J. E. Puimiuy'I Dr. ft had 74 4 ..-eua jt 4? j rlson, NcbiaskA. - W. II, Wbiitoviii, JnigQ. Coutuiued ou locul Page Drug 8tore, . . , ,'-7-J i ' '.' 1 J, fain S33 Ik