Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 04, 1900, Image 1
f v RRISON JAL. "VOL. TXJLj&ttTSOJST, ISTEBRSICA, KEEEXTEVSJDJl'X',.. OCT. 4, 1900 N O: 14r. ' -44 . a . a aaas .a . ' w no uu&STION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIV IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT."--Hi. Willi.. J. Bryaa. IT IV. HARRISONPRESS-JOURNAL. ESTABLTSirF.n 1 888. SuliHcrfptloa Price Per Your $1.00. Official Paper of Sioux County. Gf.o. D. Canon, - Editor. Extei!FJ it the Haiihirok Post Cifice is Second Claw Mattkh. NAT1 OJf AI TICKET. For rriiKlilont: WILLIAM J. BUY AN,.. Lincoln, Neb. For Vice I'rtHldent: A. E. STEVENSON, DIoomingtoo, Ills. For PrenMiMitlul Elector: FRANK T. RANKOM, Silver Itepub. ROBT. OBERFILDEK, Democrat L. N. WENDt, JAMES UUGE3. JOHN U. FELBER, Populist WILLIAM U. OAIIBET, " W. O. SWAN. " PETER EBBE30N, FUSION" STATE TICKET. For Governor: WILLIAM A. POYNTER, . . .Populist. For Llwut. Governor; E. A. GILBERT,. ..Free Silver Repnb. t'orfkr'y uf Htauv, C. V. SvoIkwIsi Populist For fiUto TVeaaurpr: 8. II. HOWARD,. ............ For State Auditor: Theodora Orsi, . . ... ' " lurAUni-'j UKtiprni; W. I J. OLDHAM, Democrat ForCo.u'r I'nh. L. A II.: P. J. CAREY Populist ForSujt, I'ntj. lnatromtluiia; c. r, BECK,.... ForCoiiirrew, Jth Dtttrlct: WILLIAM JJ, NEVILLE " I.KOI8LAT1VE TICKET. For Ifcaif nentittlv, Klrd District: CHAKU5S V. COfFEE Democrat Poa Senator I4tti District: W. Y. HAYWARD Populist. For Ccaiity Attorney, W. O. PATTERSON, The Philadelphia Times, which worked go ardent for McKinleys election in 1PM, das recently deserted the imperial party of McIIanna, and declared openly for Bryan. Still they come. We often wonder if mr rbublcn 1 riesdi vr thiok how dnraded an em blem of frewlom and purity the Ameri can (fatf Iixm liecome under the rciga of lrupvnal McKinley? Jefferson took territory to avoid war. McXmky is mxliin wnr to take terri tory. Jefferson took contagious territory to elo justice and avoid the provocations of Var in the future. McKinley U taking useless and remote territory, which if he succeeds in sub doing, will cause future contests without number. Jefferson took territory to incorporate into union of stutes and extend over it the Iwneilcial influences of our constitu tion and the glory of our flat,'. McKlnle.y is wiir.ing territory, not to expand our conrtilutional government -ever it, but tsrs it c"er to !k'h"!,, agrs to be exploited and plundered by syn dicates and favorites. (From Bo u rite Cockan's recent Cbica gg speech.) If s np to the People. Less than a year remains in which to gather facts, and information that will influence your vote for the next president of the United States. That grievous wrongs hare been committed, and grave errors allowed to exist without effort at correction, is evidenced by the speech, writingi, and comments of eminent statesmen and jurists ; congressmen and leading men of business ; professors and clergymen in every state. Party affiliations have been ignored in the outcry against thrusting aside the safeguards of our fathers and .ii5 lug pell-mell into the affairs of Europe. The situation is a deplorable one if not alarming ; as is also our domestic otttirs dominated by gigantic Trusts. The evils are not of spontaneous ;rowth J They are the result of years .f labor and expenditure of millions f dollars I Beginning with the dis jlacemfcut of American silver for English pold, the cunning of Eng land's diplomacy in shaping the des any of our Republic is apparent to any ordinary observer seeking the true inwardness of events. The Cincinnati Enquirer has fre quently called attention to each and every move as it was transpiring, and during the campaign of 1900 will present its readers wiih a truthful array of facts that will be extremely interesting and startling. No fairinded American, be he Republican, Democrat or of other political faith, can afford at this critical time to ignore the .truth. ( Partisan prejudice, with the Trusts as dictators, is a far more degrading slavery than that, which ex:sted previous to the Civil War of '6 1-44. Trusts in the United Stares alone have a representative capital greater than all the gold and silver in the world. These will spend many more millions of dollars to suppress truth and facts and mislead all who fail to look beyond their plausible decep tions. Read the fcnquirer and you will be able to discern the truth and combat falsehood. A victory for Trusts and the McKinley Adminis tration in 1000 will end the era of greatest good to greatest number. Watch carefully the v Cincinnati Enquirer Dellaqnent Tax List Notice 1 hereby glyen that on the 6th flay of November, l9uo, the mid day being the first Monday In Mid month, between the hours of 0 o'clock a. 111. and 4 o'clock p. m., of said day I vlll offer at public sale all Urn! In Bloux county, Nebras ka, on which the taxes of the year isw remain unpaid, at the office of the Treasurer of Sioux county, in HarrUon, Neb. Following , Is a list of said lauds and the amount due thereon. ANDREWS PHCIRCT. Doscrlpt. S. T. B. Mt. Lots 3 k i w ne se nw. Lots I A 4, sir ue.se 11 w l so 64 I 1062 Lots 1 & 2, se ne, ne se 1 so M Lots 1, S A 4. sw nw S SO 54 In A speech butt week Mr. Hanna said that Bryan was a hypcocrite. llaona ftnowa a hypocrite when he sees one he lias had much experience in that kind of cattle lie ban had one of them under thumb for four years he has had a splen iid cltance to study the breed. There is only one chance for Mr. Bryan to escape from Uie dreadful charge and that Is that llaona is a greater liar than Anoaniaa. lion-Conformist Fusion voters, remember that Mark Hana's IxvMlleJ liar is abroad in the land, oven in Sioux county, they are vainly trivintf to create discord and disaention among the fusion voters, and those who are foremost in this contemptible work are doing so out of envey and jealousy, simply bacause their own grovelling ambitions were not realized in the paut. In the Campaign of 1804 Hanna, said alt we needed was confidence, in this year of our Lord 1900, llaona says over confidence will defent tis, so be must think too much of a good thing is bad. Lt. Tngptrt, of Chadron, a life Ung republictn, and at one time a member of the Wisconsin republican legislature has opeoly repudiated the republican partv of billions McKinley, and has com out for Bryan. He says his party has left Mm and th democrat party principles as expounded by Jefferson and Jackson has come to him, and lie could not resist tlie voice) of coticietice. Imtierisllisfn is at once the paramount nd the immediate issue. Mnjnr McKin ley, with all his shiftiness and all his smug hypocrisy, cannot dodu or obs cure it. The Ihg is Hfinj; tmiUd in the dust of hit Unntiln ambition, arid the blood (if our lata alliex, pgrUJI ni!y be tray ed, sl'riiiuiit fold. s so 54 23 30 M 28 SO 54 7 SI M iMt 1, se ne nw sw n ne. Lot I, se nw ns aw, nvt se Sec SI uw r 32 81 54 u'i se See. 34, sjf aw 35 34 54 12 SI 55 S 31 53 504 47 3 21 318 Z 4 43 31 31 54 14 50 1122 9 02 5289 so; 3 48 248 3 47 4 81 se nw sw se s hlf ne, See. 35, n hlf ne Lot L. . Lots 3, 3 4, shlf ne, uhlf nw 23 St S3 SS32SS 26 33 ta i 28 S3JS 1 3! St 134 1 83 H 1324 4 33 S4 IBM 7 MM 7S8 54 67 33 S7 040 tm tse 1S 6 41 681 80 53 530 723 28 82 54 31 32 54 83 32 54 36 31 54 ny, se svi sw H nw, sw ne nw se nY, sw. a se Lots 2 A 3, sw se, se sw se ANTELOPE rXKCIXCT. UW Si hi 16 sw V4 nw, nV4 sw m am I.otn 3 A 4, t sw Lou Ui,e)i nw se Lots 8 ft 4, e!4 sw Lots 2 ft 3, sw ae, se nw Lots 1, 1, 3 ft 4, Sec. 2a asd 24 35 50 Lot 1, se ne 24 35 59 se IS 34 57 svi ne, nKe 22 34 97 ut M 34 67 BOWS rUVClNCT. Aw ne, uH uw, se nw lxtU 1 ft 2, eX nw l.tu i, 3 ft 4, se nw w nw, t sw UU 1 ft 2. H ne .10 5S 35 08 709 10 84 56 11 34 5 12 34 56 123 82 15 84 59 4 75 IS 34 68 19 34 6S S3 84 M 81 30 54 33 67 18 23 746 19 35 56 89 41 285 115 316 25 7 316 1 30 58 18 30 50 4 81 66 4 81 56 6 81 56 5 81 56 7 81 59 8 31 W 22 31 56 24 31 59 Si 81 56 i 31 56 26 31 56 35 31 56 35 81 55 16 32 56 19 32 56 SO 32 .06 34 74 27 69 23 40 8 21 14 33 42 45 74 45 11 52 79 00 739 7 40 8 83 7 40 39l2 383 29 63 630 286 The progressive nations of the world are the great food consuming nation?. Good food well digested givei strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. You need not diet your self. It contains all of the digestants combined with the best known tonics and reconstructive!. It will even digest all classes of foods in a bottle. No ot her preparation will do this. It instant ly rulieves and quickly cures all stomach troubles. J. E. Pihxney Large sun spots, astronomers say, caused the extreme heat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all the pros trations were induced by disorders of the stomach. Good health follows good di gestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. If you have Indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly relieve and permanently cure you. J. E. Phisxxy. ne mhi ne, se ne, ne se nw ne "' ue Xsw se ne nw n6 ne, nX nw Lots 3 ft 4, uf. sw K nw sH sw Sec. 17, nV, nw, Sec. SO, eh sw, 17 32 56 y,nw SO 32 66 3040 sw nw, n hlf sw, sw sw 23 82 56 15 02 ne ne, Sec. 23, n hlf nw.se nw 24 32 56 5 46 e hlf ne 24 32 56 8 59 swne.nnif Se 21 32 56 82 06 nw 26 32 58 6 22 w hlf ne, w hlf se 27 32 56 6 22 nw 27 32 60 80 69 whlf nw.Scc. 28, and e hir ne ' 2 os se 81 33 56 86 n hlf ne, sw ne se I nw 32 32 56 5 47 sens. Sec. 82, sblf , nwsw 33 82 58 5519 nulfnw 33 81 56 2 86 s hlf ne, e hlf nw 34 82 56 28 58 se 84 82 56 6 22 nw 86 32 66 10 88 sw 26 31 67 29 15 n hlf ne, se ne, ne se 85 31 57 1198 COTTONWOOD rUKCIKCT. 8 hlf ne, n hlf se 1 32 63 4 48 Lota 8 ft 4, s hlf nw 1 32 68 67 71 s hlf ne, n birse 2 32 63 88 66 shlfuw.ehlfsw 2 32 63 18 40 Lot 4, Sec. 2, lots 1 ft 2, SSI 63 81 71 s hlf ne, se nw, ne aw S 32 63 14 86 sw nw, nw sw, sw sw. Sea. ft, se se ' 4 31 83 23 71 Lou 3 ft 4, Sec. 3, lot 1, se ns 1 a 63 Lot 4, See. 4, lot 1 ft 1. se Lot 4, sw nw, See. Lotl, sen t 82 W 3112 Lot! 7 MM 184 sw ne,ehlfsw,se nw n hlf nw.se nw, sw ne SMI n hit ne, ne nw Bee. S SI nw nw t 3S 14 133 67 ne ne, See. 10, w bit ' ' nw 11 32 U n hlf ne, se ne ne - f nw 12 St 64 nw ne, n hlf se, sw se 12 32 64 2884 sw 12 32 14 61 78 nw 13 32 j 3176 n hlf nw, nwsw, ' Sue. 5, ne se 6 82 54 8 44 HAT CBECK PBaClXCT. LoU 12, shlfne 1 82 M T22 shlfsw.iwse 2 3211 27 1 Lots 1 ft 2, s hlf ne 3 32 It 58 75 hlf aw, whlfsa S S3 6 96 ehlfse S3.i! 5097 Lotslft2, shtf ne 4 32 1 7527 LoU 3 ft 4, shlf nw 4 3! St 6 95 sw ' 4 31 it 67 13 LoU3A4,swnw SSsat 2554 se nw, n hlf sw, se '- sW 8 32 l 14 92 se 8 Si J 5 19 sw sw, See. 5, se se 6 82 S3) 6 73 Lot 1 6 82 51 9 31 LoU 2 ft 3, sw nc, se 6 32 SS 28 32 go ne, n bit se. sw sc6 32 i 13 25 se 7 3S 7 70 ne 7 32 8 73 w hlf ne nw se, ne '' nw 8 32 66 60 w blf nw 8 .12 fj& 5 28 se aw, w se 8 U2 V. 13 54 whlf ne,ehlfnw 10 32 6S 719 ehlfsw.nwse 10 32 51 651 ne ne, Sec 10, nw nw U82 5S 49 41 n hlf sw 11 32 SB 1 03 sw sw 11 32 11 12 nenw.sblfnw II 32 25 40 sesw.swse 11 32 : 23 59 n blf se 11 32 ' 44 27 n hlf ne, ne nw 11 32 l 3 12 shlfsw 14 32 5i 8 04 n hlf nw See. 14, ne ne 15 32 U 27 27 ene, ehlfse 15 82 X 1147 ne nw 15 32 61 1 64 ehirae, nfalf se 17 32 4 34 66 nhtfne 17 32 1 1441 UU 3 ft 4, o hit sw 18 KM. 4253 8 33 59 9 83 55 10 33 65 11 38 6 5 11 33 56 12 33 55 744 696 696 619 519 15 SB 716 e hlf sw, shlf se shlf nw, nhlf iw sw se e hlf ne Lots 1 ft 2, e blf nw 18 33 66 e hlf se, Seo. 18, e blf 19 83 65 106.88 SW SO 82 i$ 37 66 SW ... a. re i ten XI Oil e hlf ne. See. 2L n hlf nw tS S3 56 IS 15 eeswshlfse 25 3316 64 40 whlfsw 26 33 56 SI 44 w hlf ne e hlf nw 27 S3 65 6 93 aw 27 33 55 6 02 ae 27 33 56 561 s hlf sw ue sw so uhlfnw s hlf nw n blf s s hlf sw ne ne, s hlf ne, n hlf se, se se, 33) sw sw 34 S3 66 54 34 ue 34 S3 65 563 e blf sw, w hlf ae, 84 83 55 8 W blf nw, m 33 65 SO 87 se 35 83 65 49S1 HONTBOSC PBECINCT. LoU S, 3, 8 34 64 shlf nw, nhlf sw 3 84 54 se sw, n blf se, se se 8 34 54 DIBECTORaS. C. F. Coptse, President F. W, Clarke, Casliier. Chas. C. J AMEaoN. u U.S. Clarke. A. McGimlht. 28 33 65 1181 32 33 55 17tt S233 56 32 S3 55 83 S3 66 33 SS 65 33 83 66 33 33 66 1662 477 !?8S 10 91 S4 0S S3 70 Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oa . ns to handle their entirt Banking bueines. We are prepared to take care of our trade at all timea.fr. STOCK BRAND. TnaJouBKAt will publish yomTkraad.lUs the followlna;. for (2 M, per rear. Each ad dltioaal brand 75 cent. icverr larsaer or ranchmen In Sioux and adjotnlnc ooautles should advertla their brands in Taa Jeva BALsa lt circulates all over the state. It jngy m uta nwuis or aavina; mo nay for ysu Poisonous toadstools resembling mush. rooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt's is the only original Witch Hazel Halve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. J. E. Phixnkt. a44 BO Vtxp YEARS' CXPIRIKNOI J A. rtft, s34WVstikrraAe. , Awynas ssln a SBetesj sue Sssarlsllwi sssf siasissssrlsis ear oftmimjnt wsethsrsa ttoos trtjr yoSsSSoUaL atwrjpat os Tsl sals A hnMSa masttsMt wsektr. cuksuna oi aar 7 83 54 10S6 I WHisaiaa.r-m ' sti r- ? . (33 6 82 63 48 S3 6 82 53 26 95 Lots 8 ft 4, S 32 63 436 Lot 6 ftS.se nw, ne sw 6 31 58 7 68 ehlfsw.nwse 7 SI 63 53 48 no 8 21 53 S80 sw S 32 58 17 69 se 8 32 63 3979 se ne, n hlf sw, nw ae . 10 32 68 IS 97 sw ae 10 S3 13 1 SS e alf ne, e hlf se 1182 63 1176 aw no. so nw, no sw, nw se , 11 32 63 S4 19 ae - 12 32 63 4 44 o hlf sw 13 32 53 4 46 shlf sw, Seo. 12, n hlf nw 18 32 53 76 61 sw nw, nw sw 13 31 M S 72 sw sw 13 32 58 9H e hlf sw, w hlf se is SS 63 72 no ne 14 S2 63 13 38 aw nw.Seo. 14, n nlf ne 15 M 53 8 84 ne 17 82 58 6 92 nenw 18 82 SS 1174 ne S3 81 61 46 22 ne se, Hee. 2j, w hit nw, nwsw 28 32 68- 1 78 n hlf ne, e hlf nw 23 32 68 So S3 e hlf ne, See. 21, aw nw 14 8 U 4 17 se se Hoc. a, w hlf , sw, se sw 14 M St at os ne . 24 88 51 68 ne se 14 32 si 11 18 nblf se, sen", .'. 24 82 SS j w nene JJ 61 I2asw nw ne, n blf nw, . se nw, sw nw ne ue s hlf ne, w hlf se whlfsw sw sw se . a hlf aw.sw nw sev , nw w hlf sw se LoU 1 ft 2, s hlf ne LoU 3 ft 4, s hlf nw sw ne sw se l.oU 8 ft ;, s hlf nw aw Lot 5 46 LoU lft 2, Lot 8, ne sw, e hlf nw . n hlf nw, sw ne, se nw sw ne nw aw w hlf nw se nw, n hlf sw, so sw nw se ne nw , se ne ne Lot S ft 4, e blf sw 19 32 64 n hlf ae, se ue, ne I se 1D8B.N nw 20 at 64 sw ne, aw se, sblf se 20 St J4 nw tlSJ-M ne 22 IS 64 nw 28 SIM n hlf sw, ae sw, nw ' t 76 87 Lou 1 ft 2, e hlf nwis 82 KTi ae 18 82 a he, sec. 20, e hlf 21 32 22 82 t 22 32 .'.' 23 32 35 1 82 1 32 ns 12 32 1 33 64 8 38 94 1 38 54 SSSM 8 38 U 3 38 M 8 33 64 48364 4 83 64 4 at :a 5 SS 54 -1 52 188 H 164 6 8164 7 Xiu4 7 SB 04 Lot 4, 8), Lot 1 4 34 54 blf se 4 84 54 se 6 34 54 ne ' 8 34 54 sw 8 34 64 n hlf no 9 84 54 ne 10 34 64 eulfna, ehlfse 11 34 51 n nlf so II) nhlf nel4 84 54 1 acre In nw cr. ne SW 18 34 64 1 acre In nw or. ne sw 18 84 54 s blf se 18) n hlf ne 19 84 64 Lota 3 4, e htf SW 19 34 54 ne 81 34 64 e hlf se 81) w hlf sw32 34 54 ae 84 34 61 w blf se 19 85 64 sw 11 86 54 se ( 21 85 54 lot 1, se ne, e hlf se 23 36 54 ne S6 36 64 ne nw, s hlf n w, 26 96 54 nw nw 26) n hlf ne 17 86 64 nw sw 26) s blf ne new 17 35 64 sw ' 28 36 64 shlf nhlf, shlf nw 29 35 54 M 29 85 54 nhlfne ' 30 85 54 nese.sOnhM sw, e blf sw.w hlf se ne s hlf so shlfsw 3 61 14 Os 7 76 3239 693 96 T8 584 602 258 563 6 79 25 65 . S82 6S4 181 688 oas 1149 5 48 648 28 06 30 75 3185 55 07 22 92 SO 05 66 88 23 67 441 145 706 3160 548 625 1191 830 17 62 34 34 52 26 648 548 424 424 6946 3 39 ': 835 136 1291 S33M S S3 54 9 38 64 9 33 54 9 34 M 10 38 64 11 38 54 11 38 64 15 33 54 15 S3 64 11 SS 64 17 31 64 15 38 84 18 64 19 8154 se 29 164 nese,shlfse 22 If 14 n w nasi eblfne 27 a 64 n hlf ne, aw se ' 27 64 n hlf se, se se V. M M swsw 27M64 sw nw, nw sw, Seo. 17 St M sefne.nese VMM sblfse aatti sw VMM w hlf nw, Seo. V, i eblfne - 26 BN sw ne, a blf se, sw 4 ae 29 HTM sw 810 639 563 663 1179 856 198 602 S02 6 61 8810 38 42 61 63 (19 S 37 519 5 55 MI7 6 87 602 60S i 608 467 681 18) 4 67 IS 42 Its in 273 a 7 sa SO S5 54 16 48 a 36 64 SOS 31 95 64 530 a aw 2 ft HIM', ttt te 12 S3 54 4511 W - V9 3554 3168 se 13 8564 1191 ae . 14 3 64 82 38 ae 15 85 54 S48 ne nw, n hlf n e, se . ne 15 35 64 11 60 ne 21 35 54 7 19 SW - 21 35 54 7069 nw 28 35 M 27 42 aw 28 36 64 6614 ae 23 85 M 50 91 e bit ne,23)s hlf nw 24 36 65 111 24 IW 24 36 64 S 16 ae 24 86 53 6 48 n hlf nw, w bli sw 95 45 54 664 sw ne, se nw ne sw, nw se. 25 85 84 17079 nw 96 36 54 111 j ; J74 ne 17 36 M U 76 ae si as as zi nw 1 . 28 34 66 197 80 n hlf ne, e hlf nw 84 84 55 78 U8 e blf ne 34) n hlf The Commercial Dank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. 300 REWARD. For the arrest and conviction of any part or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands on stock belouguig to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLVILLS. CHAKLK8 BIEHLK. On let t side or hip of rattle, J On left shoulder of horses, j I Range on the bead St Warboanet creek Address Earriaoa, Bleax Co. Nab Horses branded Range oa rANX C. LBW1S. Braaated oa left site Oattleaad on left (boalder of Borses. ulte Blver. I'. 0. Address arrieoa, Veto.' asaiutaa s w head of W JOHN A. HAKSOK Owns the follnw- Inxhrandon eith er: Also HG on cat tle and borsnx cattle on leftside borses on left shoulder. Banie on Silver Springs and east of state Inc. Postoftlce Harrison Neb CHAELBS NEWMAN. The brand represented In ttitaaoMce and branded any where on left side of cattle, and over-lap uvt trem the rlKhtear. Also the same brand a Vsft ttfttff or borsws, bttloags te Mr. BndaTMttB'!. Eaage- near Jast slprtuga, aauth part fo ioai sonnty. Chaslks Nbwman, Varrlson, Rebraska. r.o. . PRANK NUTTO. Oa left side of eattle aad en lef shoolder of borses. Range on Antelope creak , Ghllcanst, Sioux Co., Neb. I I on J. 9. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horses nd on left side of cattle. Range on W bite River, near Glen. P. O. Address, Ulca, Nebraska. DEKP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. nw shlf ne, shlf nw sw ae lot 1 ft S, s hlf ne, lxt 8 Ak, LoU ft 4, shlf nw lot 3 ft 4, shlf nw se sw as ne nw 35 34 55 a 96 H 84 55 191 06 25 34 65 60 96 35 34 65 16201 19 U 66 Mil 19 35 55 16 85 66 22 85 56 1JS6 65 MM IS M a 65 25 84 56 33 35 65 3 78 6 90 740 1607 7 65 90 81 17 ta Lot 4 Lot 8, n hlf ne, ne nw n hlf ne, ae ne Mtt sa a tin 2114 RUBBING WATXB PBBCIBOT. Lotl ft S, 127 66 16 ft )ot34,hlfnw 1 17 66 B 18 SW I216B Mil lotll,s hlfne 27 M 4011 Lot 8 ft 4, hlf nw 4 27 56 4046 aw - - ' MUM IB shlfnw.swse. SMO90 CM 44B awsw,8)shlt se, 6 28 U 10 W 7,seaw,6l,Beaw 7a U IV en 7 a H 1191 nhlf ne,n hlfnw, saw 10M swnw 8 a 66 477 se nw, s hlf ne, S) w if 9 a 65 nene, shlfne t a 66 nwnw MM a w MID sblfse 34 28 66 ot4,sesw,S0, It. Ill M 65 sw ne, blf nw, nw 81 29 55 lot I ft 4, e blf sw sblfse sw n hlf ne nw sw . se ae, Bee. 30, w bit) aw ne ne, blf ne, ss nw a KM 9 mu MSSJM SlavM aaitt a ikm . sw aM nn aaa im 1871 44 a 64- a mi Lot I, shlf as nw ne a hlf s, sn se, sa MHM IM MMM Mil IBM 4ttM , riM ia i it 141 721 nw , 31 28 65 III9M 29 88 It MM II 24 M 14 24 68 11 M M ii a .171 866 8014 ii a 122 in ta IK M IM It II ta 171 IC I J?l'sMJUCK slt ftM tj r- n on righ shoulder or branded on right Jaw Also, I bar norses branded on left thigh Post OfTtoe Address, Harrison, Slonx Co., Kebraska. i o P. X. JANDT. Brands 60, 117, QS oa toft aba ED fH Bsf - left hip or Cattle. post Office, Hewta Slonx County, Nebraska. JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded oa left shoal-Ider branded on left shonlder of Cattlo and pjj on lefttlds. '? t -li. - Poet Office Address, ; f i .Patnok, VsraWisi Co. trvov 1. 9, PARKER. Horses braadod m I lrtt Cattle same on sift LJ hip. : Sheep baruded jjjjj on fcackurj I back of Sheep. x I " Range on Soldier Creek and White River. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. $100 Reward. For proof to convict any person of steal Ing, altering, running off, ar In any way damaglngs stock brandedf"r joa rlgkt side or hip. Address, Jambs roaca, Harrison, Neb, and oa left cheek of Horses, , Range on Deep Creek. Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. Cbphas Rok, Supt., Ulen, Nebraska. GKOBGE 8WAN90N Cattle branded WTl. 1 on left side Horses branded BBsaaaHapwa on left shou lder, range on Soldier Creek. Any stock branded as above being estray ed from my range, discovered by any body on giving me information will be rewarded. Address, Pt. Robinson, Nebraska. etmprt aw Mrs Jobn Ouaprt nw 11 MM ITS let I A I, sw ne ' 1 M M 10 It. 4, s blf nw, ne sw 1 68 M l a u la n blf sw se sw see. 1 aese I IN . IM lotlt,shirne 1MM IM as)' se, ne sw, s blf se It MM MM a it a M M li nenw, shlf aw see. Usene ; 14 MM Kit e MMU IM swse VMM M VIS MMN M Mfaw.BhUsw MMN lit IN THE COUNTT COURT OF 81CUX OOUH TY, NEBRASKA. InTbaMatterottbeEsUteof Peter Brown commonly known asWilUam Haynes. I The State of Nebraska, Slonx County, I Notice of Probate of Will. To all persons Interested In tbe estate of Peter Brown, commonly known as William Haynes, deceased. '' WHEREAS, Mary E. Brown, of said coun ty, has Sled in my office an Instrument purporting to be the last will aad testament of peter Brown eointnonly known as William Haynes. deceased, late af said county, and a petition praying te bare the same admitted to probate, which will relates to both real and personal estate, whereupon I have ap pointed Monday the 1st dav of October, 1900 at 1 o'clock In tbe afternoon, at my office In said county, as the time aad place of prov Ing said will, at which time aad place yon and all concerned may appear ana contest tbe probate of tbe same. it la further ordered that said petitioner give notice to all persona interacted la stld aetata of the pendency of the petition, and tbe time aad place net for bearing im same, by causing a oopv of tats order to be pnb- laoed In the HABBtsoa Pbbss JuntNAt, a news paper published in Harrison, said state for three weeks suooesstvsJy previous at sue day sot for said bearing; In testimony whereof I hare bereuato att my hand and osMal seal thU th day of September, IMS, , . aUaMm WtUaM. istUL. CoantyJaifn. -v A troe copy- " , , Estray Notice. To whom lt may concern. Notice is hereby given by B. Jf. Gilbert the nniFnari that on the 17th day of July A. ., D. 1900 on his enclosed land situated In Oot tonwood precinct In Sioux County Nebtaa ka. Two light gray horses waa. taken up tg him as estrays. - said horses being more particular branded and described as follows. The largest horse Is branded on right hip Q. left hippy left sHouldetjjifj s n Smallest horse oa left shoulderp Krigbt shonlder B. T eiLBsTarf. Cal Far CoamlssIOMta CoaveatkHt 2nd, District, Sioux CTQiiatyvHea. .. A Delegate convention of the Peeplae la-' dependent party of Monx tSnaaty Mebr.ta hereby called to meet at the lata rastdeaee of John J. Rodgsrs oa soldier ereek oa the 11th day ef October I960 at 1 o'clock P. II , for the parpose of nominating a candidate for the office of eeuaty oommlsloaer far the 2nd district the several ptaetaeta will be allowed tbe number of dslesjstsB stassst below being one delegate at larg tad tM delegate for each tea vote east for Hon. Silas A. Holcomb for Sapreme Jadge at M General Election of list. Andrews, I Cottonwood Sugar Loaf, I White Elver 4 at. J. WX1BB. wau i. A, tuva. Secretary, "' t- . -anerT Vea, M.aSS.asBSSWSSSk . f a A Thoisand T4MSsMb ; Gould not exprsas th raptara of AbqU E Springer, of FMissteite, wfeta, Dr. ' King's Nr Dfaoortry eorad bar of ft . haokiag cough that for taM yttM kai lif a burden. Cm Mvn: AZt all ottar rataadisa tad ioaton fai il soca ratoovad thapalalTTiy ttili U eaaaow iwap soundly, I J sxxtmly raeBsbsWc3K'rv I t. lUa tMat&ag iw prca TJtsl ttkf a .!,., , h I, , ' - . A " ' 'V a; 'a ,mw aaavssawsjsa.1 CosUauaa ea lool raft. . ' 'J "4. " . v . , 1 , . "..' ' K v .si'