Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 27, 1900, Image 6

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    ' 1
J5he BorvdrxQci a ....
R;ir!i'j.' 3.rviiMn w n the only daughter
n nc . .ifii of Iceland. She tr l in
Seve uc :i.:iirli-d an iditt. Stephen urry.
Iter f-wt u: il other li..vi. fur her. anil
In his r..rfi- I.e iIim.wih I her. Orry ran
way it i if ihiss union a child
btirli nwl k;-n"l r.ille.l liir.l Jason. SirJ
fmert urr w::.-. neiir'i trooi la ihe l.sie ot
ii-i", !-ro nit wh s:;in mniTH-l ann
anu'.'u-r r.-iji was bo:ji. iiarhil died a
be:i.":-l-ol,u woman. In.t lokl Jason of
his Iji'aa'i acts. Jamo , vore to kill
linn, if not bim, thi-ti to win. In the
Bisuiit'!ii,. i.Vrry had d-Jc- I -.1 his ship and
Sought refuse In the if-e of Man. He
W:is sheiurvd by the govern. ,r of the
Inland. A.nm Fairhrother. Orry went
fn.ni huit to worse and man led a dissolute
tvKin, and llii'lr chi'.il. rald Mifhiit-l
Smitc-jki. v. in born. The woman died and.
triy g-.-.rt Rnlocks to Adam Fairbroth-r.
who ;id.,i-l. hlxn. and lie became the
fclnym:-.(e o' the Rovraor's daughter,
XirtK-iA. Time passed ami Adam Fair
broth.ir and wife became estraniied, their
Ave hoys srayinR with their mother on
account of Michael Suniocks. Finally Sie
Ihe, orry returned and Michael Suniocks
etermin.'d to ifo to Iceland, his father's
tone. Hi father confessed all to hiru.
and Michael promised to find Rachel If
possible and care for her. and. if dead, to
nd her cbild and treat him as a brother.
How long he sat there be did not
know; he was thinking of his past, of
lis bad life in Iceland, and his long
expiation in the Isle of Man. In the
' Multitude of his sensations it seemed
Impossible to his dazed mind to know
which of these two had been the forst,
or the jjtost foolish. Together they had
left him a wreck. In the one he had
thrown away the wife who loved him,
to the other be had given up the son
whom he loved. What was left to him?
Nothing. He was a waif, despised and
downtrodden. He thought of What
might have happened to him if the
chances of life had been different, and
fa that first hour of his last bereave
Kent all the softening influence of
Bineteen years, the uplooking and up
working, and the struggle towards his
atonement, were as much gone from
lira as if they had never been. Then
lie thought of the money, and told
himself that it was not now that he had
lost his son for the first time; he had
lost him fourteen yean ago, when he
parted with him to the governor. Since
then their relations had bee reversed.
His little Sunlocks was his little Sun
jfceks no longer. He felt humiliated, he
ielt hardened, and by a strange im
pulse, whereof be understood but little
e cursed in his heart his sufferings
more than his sins. They had been
Vseiess, they had been wasted, and he
tad been a fool not to live for himself.
But In that moment, when the devil
seemed to make havoc of good and evil
together, God himself was doing noth
ing. Stephen Ory wan drifting with the
tide, when all at once he became con
scious of the lapping of the water on
atones near at hand, and of a bright
light shed over the sea. Then he saw
that h had drifted close to low ground
off the Point of Ayre. He bare hard I belov the beach. He could bear the
port and beat out to sea again. Very! suspense no longer, and hoisted sail
soon the white water way was behind! to bear down on the schooner and warn
aim: nothing was viable nave the dark' her. But the wind was strong by thif
bull of the vessel going off towards j time, driving hard off the sea, and the
the north, and nothing audible save the; tide ran faster than before,
try of a few gulls that were fishing by Stephen Orry was now sime thirty
the light of the flare. It had been the fathoms space.to the north of the bro
work of three minutes only, but In that ken pier, and at that point the currenl
time-one" Wvt mtpra-i ii '-' from "" Maughoid Head meets the
if Stenhen's oreoccupied mind. T current going arrow tm . Zsils-
The end of the old standalone pier had
been battered down by a recent storm;
the box that once held the light had
gone down with ft, a pole had been
thrust out at an angle from the over
drawn stones, and from the end of this
pole the light swung by a rope. No
Idea connected itself with tbjs Impres
ion, which lay low down behind other
The fog had lifted, but the night was
!tlil very dark. Not a star was shln
1nr and no moon appeared. Yet Ste
phen's eye the eye of a sailor accus
tomed to the darkners of the sea at
night could descry something that lay
(to th north. The Irish brig had (lis
Sappeared. Yes. her sails were now
4tone. But out at sea far out, half a
'league away what black thing was
tihere? Oh, It must be a cloud, that
ras all; and no doubt a storm was
ifcrewtng. Yet no, it was looming langer
and larger, and coming nearer and
nearer. It was a call. Stephen could
aee It plainly enough now against the
leaden slty. It was a schooner; he
could make out its two masts, with fore
and aft sails. It was an Irish schooner:
lie could recognize its heavy hull am!
fcollowed cutwater. It was takln
against wind and tide from tVie north
east; it was a Dublin schooner and wan
homeward bound from Iceland, having
eaJltd at Whitehaven and now putting
Ui at Ramsey. "
Stephen Orry had been in the art of;
putting about when this object caught
fcie eye, but now a strange thing oc-j
curred. AH at once his late troubles
fcy; back hi his mind, and by a sort of
tmconsrlous mechanical habit of Intel
lect be began to put familiar Ideas to
gether. This schooner that was coming
from Iceland woutd be heavy laden; It
Sfould have whalebone, and eider down,
Md tallow. If It ran ashore and was
4ETtcfcd some of title cargo might be
( '-jut y aome one and sold for aome-?-Jt
Trench smuggler that lay
i;t3Ue tfce Chicken Rocas. That flare
Vi Cm rBt of Ayr waa the only aea-
i em t north coast of the island,
i (7 hw tkett II, there tu not
CMU. aandy headland for
ycS-Zm ami the night was vary
iv.l dt MM t aHephen
n " ty ttart tf wt H
1 i li -3 rrr tfct 4b
What power outside of himself was
at work with him? Did anything tell
him that'th s was the great moment of
his life tiat his destiny hung or. It
that the ordeal he had just gona thro'
as as nothing to the ordeal that wai
yet before him? As he sat in his boat,
peering into the darkness at the blacK
shadow on the horizon, did any voice
whisper In his ear: "Stephen Orry. on
the ship that is yonder there is one
who hates you and has sworn to slay
you? He is coming, he is coming, and
he is flesh of your flesh.' He is your
own son, and Rachel's !ft
Stephen Orry fetched his boat away
to leeward, and m two minutes more
he had run down the light on the Point
of Ayre. The light fell into the water,
and then all was dark. Stephen Orry
steered on over the freshening sea, and
then slackened sail off to wait and to
watch. All this time he had been sit
ting 'at the tiller, never having risen
from It since he stepped his mast by
the side of. the brig. Kow he got on
his feet to shorten sail, for the wind
was rising and he meant to drift by
the mlzzen. As he rose something fell
with a clank to the boat's bottom from
his lap or his pocket. It was the bap
of money, which Michael Sunlockn had
returned to him.
Stephen Orry stooped down to pick
it up; and having it in his hand he
dropped back like a man who has beer
dealt a blow. Then, indeed, a voice
rang in his ears; he could hear it ove
the wind that was rising, the plash of
the white breakers on the beach, and
the low boom of the deep sea outside.
"Remember your promise, father. I
have bought every hour of your life
that's left."
His heart seemed to stand stllifi He
looked around in the dull agony of a
fear that was new to him, turnlnglhis
eyes first to the headland that showed
faintly against the heavy sky. and then
to the pier where no light now shone,
and then to the black cloud of sail that
grew larger every instant. One minute
parsed two three. Meantime the black
cloud of sail was drawing closer. There
were living men aboacd of that ship,
and they were running on to their
death. Yes, there were men, living men
men with wives who loved them, and
children who climbed to their knees.
But perhaps they had seen the light
when It went down. Merciful heaven,
let it be so let It be so!
The soul of Stephen Orry was snake
at length. Another minute he waited,
andother and another, and the black
shadow came yet nearer. At her next
tack the ship would run on the land,
and already Stephen seemed to heir
the grating of her keel on the rocks
way. Laboring in the heavy sea he
could barely fetch about, but when at
last he got head out to Pea he beijf.n
to drive down on the schooner at a
furious speed. He tried to run close
along by her on the weather sde, but
before 6e came within a hundred fath
oms he saw that he waa In the full race
of the north current, and strong sea
man though he was, he could not get
near. Then he shouted, hut the schoon
er had gave no sign. In the darkness
the 'dark vessel scudded paat him.
He was now like a man pofsenfed.
Fetching about he ran In before the
wind, thinking to pass the schooner on
her tack. He passed her Indeed, he wat
shot far beyond her, shouting as he
went, but again his voice was drowned
In the n;ar of the sea. He was almost
atop of the breakers now, yet he fetch
ed ulx.nt onca mr;re, and shouted again
and again. But the ship came on nd
on, and no one heard the wild voice
that rang oit between the dark sea and
sky like the cry of a strung swimmer in
his lazt agony.
The schooner was the Peverll, home
ward bound frim Reykjavik to Dub
lin, with a hundred tons of tallow, fifty
ba!?s If eider down, and fifty casks of
cods' and sharks' oil. Leaving the Ire
landlc capital on the morning afer
Easttr Any, with a fair wind,' for the
outer Hebrides, she had run through
the North Channel by the middle of
(he week, and put Into Whitehaven by
the Friday. Nxt day she had stood
out over the Irish Sea fair tV Inle of
Man, Intending to lie off at Ramsey
for contraband rum. Her skipper and
mate were both Englishmen, and ber
crew were all , Irish, except two, a
Manxman and an Icelander.
The Manxman was a prissled old eea
dog, who had followed the Manx flsh
erten twenty years and smuggling for
twenty other years, and then turned
eaman before the mast. Ms name waa
Dnry Kerrulsh, and when folks naked
If the Method lets had got hold of him
that he had turned honest In his M
age, he closed one rheumy yellow eye
very knowingly, tfpned mm black thumb
orer hts shoulder to where the govern
ment mtun my ancnornl ontttdt, and
Bid k tonshlag tote "AW, ws,
haw, tai UJnUnf Qmti
no place for a poor man when he's git
tin' anyways ould."
The Icelander was a brawny youo
fellow of about twenty ,of great height
and big muscles, and with long re.
hair. He had ehipped at Reykjavik
!n the room of an Irishman, who hac
died on the outward trip and be r
burled at sea off Engy Island. Hi
was not a favorite among the crw
he spoke English well, but wes no gaci
at a yarn In the forecastle: he was el
lent', gloomy, not too fond of wori.
and "often the butt of his mates ir
many a lumbering Jest he did not reei.
to see. He had signed on the whai
m the morning the schooner sailed, an
;he only kit he had brought aboard wa
a rush cage with a canary. He hur;
:he bird in the darkners above h!
bunk, and it wa? all but his sole com
panion. Now and again he spoke t
old Kerrulfh, but harUly ever to th
other men.
"Och. roUum ard qliet lek," ol;
Davy would say at the galley fire, "bu
none so simple at all. Aw no, no, nr.
and wonderful cur'ous about my owi
hit of an Island vander."
The Icelander was Jason, son of Ra
chel and Stephen Orry.
There Is not a more treacherous chan
nel around the Biltlsh Isles than tha
which lies between St. Bee's head, thi
Mull of Galloway, and the Pon.t c
Ayre, forfour strong currents mee'
and fight in that neck of the Irish sea
With a stiff breexe on the port quar
ter, the Peveril hsd been driven due
west from Whitehaven on the heav.i
current from the Solway Frith, unti
she had met the current from the Nnrt?
Channel and then she had tacked to
wards the Isle of Man. It was dirt
by that time, and the skipper had lean
sd over the starboard gangway untl
he had sighted the light on the Polm
of Ayre. Even tl-.pn he had been puz
zled, for the light was feebler than h
remembered it.
"Can you make it out, Davy?" h(
had said to old Kerrulsh.
"Aw, y?s, though, p.nd plnln as plain,'
said Davy; and then the pkippir had
gone below.
The Manxman had been at the h"lm
and Jason, who wis on the Fame watch
had sidled up to him at Intervals and
held a conversation with him In match
es, of which this Is the sum and sub
ptancf; "Tt is the Isle of Man on the star
board bow, Davy?"
"I darn' say no, boy."
"Lived there long. Davy?"
"Aw, thirty years afors yriu werf
born, maybe."
"F.ter known any of my countrymei
tn the iFlanu?
"Just one, boy; Juft one."
"What was he?" ' '
"A big chap, six feet six. If an Inch
and ter'ble strong! and a fist at him
like a sledge: snd a riUKh enough rtivll
too, and ye darn spit afoj'e him; but
quiet for all aw. yes. wonderful ouiet."
"Who was he, Davy?"
"A widda man these teent of years."
"But what was his name?"
"Paul? no! Peter? no! Chut, blew
ye, it's clane gone at me; but it's one
of the lot In the ruld book, any way.'
"Was it Stephen?"
"By gough, yes, and a mlddlln' gooi
euess, too."
"Stephen what?" ' .,- .
"Stephen phoo. It's gone at me again
What's that they're callln" the oul"
king that's gone bury'n' down Lax-j
way?" ,
""Stepnen xrrry ;f iT rur?. T1""
it's like you knew him. boy?"
"No tbaj Is no, no."
"No relations?"
"No. But Is he still alive?"
"Aaw, yes. though. It's unknowneea
to mn that he s dead, anyway.
"Where Is he living now?"
"Down Port Erin way, by the Sound,
jome place."
'Davy, do we put Into the harbor
at Ramsey?"
"Aw, dlvjl a chance of that, boy. with
perrlls comln' over the side quiet-lik
in the night, you know, elghteen-penc
a fiallon, and an much as you can
drink for nothin'."
'How, far do .we lie outside?"
"Maybe a biscuit throw or two. Wf
never useder lie farther, boy."
"that's nothing. Davy."
(To be continued.)
There are many farmers who are no"
Judge of horseflesh, who know llttl
about the fine points of a horse an!
have made no study of horse breed In
or care. There are many omors wno
cannot profitably raise "horses f t mar
ket, thpy want only such as V.IU do
their farm and road work. Such nif-r
will find It profitable to keep only ordi
nary geldings to do their work. I
will not pay them to keep a team wortl
a good hg price on their farm. Thi
cheaper ones will usually do thelr'wors
as well, will cost less, involve less r.V
md less trouble too for the man who
does not thoroughly enjoy using an;
developing good horses. It Is all right
for a farmer to keep a ISOO draft teair
lf be likes that. kind and can s.ford It
but it Is all wrong for him to takt
such risk and expense otherwise. Cheap
teams for farm worht when used by
hired men or by unskilled owners, arc
the most profitable la breeding Is not
In spite of repeated urging! from the
pastor, some female members of th
Methodist Eptsropsl church at Knights
town,. Jnd., refused to remove (hel
hats daring service. Then he directed
that those who persisted In wearing
their headgear must occupy reserved
pews In the "amen corner." Now these
pews bay regular occupants and there
it a 'prospect that they will Increase In
numbers, lor moat of the women want
to wear their hats, although many
yteHH to the aMtort arte.
It haa bear -very definitely determined
that no kind of feed nor any amount of
feeding will Increase tae richness of
the milk of a cow. One oow will give,
.ay, 1 per cent milk and another milk
that test 4 per cent, ancl no device of
the feeder can Increate or diminish the
per cent of butter fat In that cow's
iiilk. Whether she gl.es a quart or
ilx quarts the milk will be tho sime in
its percentage nf butter fat. The only
thing we can do to make a cow produce
;nore butter Is to to feed her that she
,vi.l give more milk. As the miik d.es
lot change it follow that the mire
niik a cow gives the more butter she
will produce and up to a certain limit
t is profitable to feed a cow m as ti
timu!ale the flow of milk.
We have never found it of any ad.
vantage to feed rows grain, whole or
ground, when the pasture is plentiful
ind fresh in the tprlng, as grass Is the
perfect feed for a dairy cow. But when
the pasture gets short and dry and the
lays hot, with the files bad, we find It
profitable to give them all the nice,
weet clover hay they would eat once a
lay, and with this about four pounds of
wheat bran. This with plenty of water
that is fresh and cool will keep up the
milk flow during the hot weather as
well as anything we have evr tried.
We let the cow stay In the field and lie
in the shade until about 5 o'clock when
we bring them up and put them In a
shed on the shady side of the barn and
feed them their hay, or green stuff.
Wtien we milk In the evening we put
the cows In the stable, which Is kept
dark, and feed them two pounds of
bran; In the morning we feed the
ame quantity of bran and give them a
bucket of freshly pumped water at tha
aame time.
Then tht-y eat until the sun gets too
;iot f ir comfort, when they retire to the
hade and He there, sometimes until
they are brought home in the evening.
We have our cows come In in tbe fall,
m they will ko dry about the begin
ning of September and come In again
ibout the middle of October. This gives
the calves a chance to get a Btart be
fore cold weather begins and gives us
resh cows fir making butter about
the time the price gets best In the
ftill and through the winter.
The new university farm build:ng is
i two-story brick structure, one hun
dred and eight feet long by fifty-five
feet wide. The exterior is of plain
ijrlck, but the lines of the building are
It will house the agricultural experi
ment station and a portion of the school
f agriculture not already housed In
the dairy building on the farm. The
ftrBt. floor Is for the use of the experi
ment station and the remainder of the
building Is to be devoted to the school.
Connected with the building is a
greenhouse arranged so that students
can be taught tree setting and pruning
during the winter months, when most
jf the farm boys Ilnd it most conven
,ent to attend the school. In the base
.nent of the building and connecting
lth the greenhouse are the hortieul
.ural work room, where budding and
grafting are to be taught, and where
spraying machines and other hor'.icul
.ural Implements can be examined .
Upstairs are the various laborateriet
and class rooms. In the soil laboratory
Students Will StUOy tne pivinrtiin i
jjolls as affecting crop production. In
.he entomological laboratory they
learn the life history and habits of de
jtruciive Insects, so that they may be
ible to combat them successfully. Sim
ilar practical results are attained in
the botanical and chemical laborat
ories. ,
The first floor la devoted to the offices
ind laboratories of the experiment sta
lon. This Is the Institution supported
iy the government, which Is working
ut the problems of the farmer and
naklng It pofdlble to teach agriculture I
n a practical way. The scientist t
icre brought directly In contact with
ractlcal farm operations and tests all
heorles before adva-atlng them. The
rection of this building last year
larked a new eta in agricultural edu
aiion In Nebraftka.
Those who are In position to Judge da
iot anticipate large supplies and bad
troaks In the hog market before th
.penlng of the winter packing season,
ovember 1. Reports from all over (he
ouritry Indicate that numbers of hogs
a be finished thl summer and fall
ire not large. In spite of a big corn
rop ahead It Is very likely that the
.inter stason will open with hogs well
hove the prices of last year; and
moreover that prices duilng the coming
vinter will average wejl. A bumper
orn crop usually means very cheap
iogs. but this condition promises to be
nodlfled next winter by an excellent
lemand for provisions. ' Definite calcu
allons are Impossible at such long
-arige; but there Is every indication of
i heolthy hog market next winter, at
irlces comparing favorably with values
if corn.
Those who resd the representative
tales of cattle In market will note that
x good many sell at comparatively low
prices, reason Is thst there Is no placa
for which they are especially wanted.
They an not fat enough to make de
ilrable killers nor good enough to make
Irnt-claa feeders. They are classed by
talesmen as Vln-bet weens," and that1
very aptly describes them. Stuff of this
kind must always sell at comparatively
low prtoea There Is no special demand
for tfeg "ajfltH la any ktai tt Uv
for more sickness and suflering lhan anything else. Kidney wkjwW'"'
tbe nerves, makes one diwy, resiles-, slfei.le, Inl.able- maktr oue past
water ift-n durinu !ay and compels one to get up during1 olgni; causes Dacm
Z - U ..A sav-at tx u flay ay
aci.e, lafces siumuon iioiu you; you gei
William Sweeny, cashier l'ark bank, Albany, N. Y., who hr-l been
tronhled with his kUln-vs for soveral years took Cramers Kiiney Cure, it
l.n iwht permanent r. lief and Mr. Bweer-y ba don as much as any otner
m, i..rs.,n to unread I he ad vauiage of Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure oe-
tii.,Neh.. Jan. 1, 1000.-I JWy bHeve that I owe my life to
Crnmcr'sKi.irey Cuie. For two yean. I suflere i with kidi.ey (rouble and
cotiM llnu on reiiel nowhere. I Kpent hundreds ot tiol.ars on O0
mw, hi tu s. I irie,l Cii.tn-r'- Kidney ('ureas a t res- n MJd I wish I had
I hud f liowed the savlee i f friends snouer. lu le-sthan four months It hart
made a w-w man of rue. I am entirely well and I el ve all t M praise to
Cramer's Kiduey Cure. 8AM I E h L. MORRI Is.
Oi the Omal a l'oiice Force.
UllfllllLM w ill wilt. I run -
The most wonderful kidney medicine known; will give you etrengtn
and bring color to your cneeke. It is a sure cure for kidney troubles.
bold by all druggl.U. IvaUton Having Cramer's, $1 00 bottle, bottle for gS.OO.
We Also Buy and Sell New
PI KIS I.M.T-.. Al ll'
I'krrKA t. hu H
. ..nl ,"rrt'
lUciuri.. triwr -
Worth IU Weight In Gold to Ererj Stocbnaa and Fvoir.
How many of you have lout the prlceof this Engine In one dur on account of lasof
BcIodi wind Ui operatu your wind mill. leavlDs vourator-k wttbnut wilier. Get one now
to rto your pumplDir when tiwre Is no wind or to dolt reirulsrly. Weather does not affect
lu work, not or cold, wet or dry. wind or calm. It Uall th una to till mat-nine. Will also
holi corn, (rrlnd fe1. saw wood, clmrn botur and Is handy for a hundml other Jnbs. In
the house or on the farm. Costs nothing to Seep when not working, and onlv 1 UilraiU
prr hour when working. Khlppd completely ,( up. ready to run. no fouDdsiion n red Ml. a
rw-at labor and moniy saver, luiulre. practically no alUntloD, and U abnolutely safe.
We make all kls of Gasoline Engioei, from 1 u horw power. Write for circular and
special prices.
Menses surely orougnt on regularly,
ruppresslons n.fg;Iwtil often result in
blooil poisoning and quick consumption
nd Is the direct cause of women's trou
bles; therefore keep the mens, regula;
with "Ie l tJue's Female Reg-ululor.'
and women will be happy and healthy
If It fails, Kl.ld Ur-uji Co., Kljtln, III.,
icnd free me-ilcine uiull relieved and fuli
lured; 2 per package, or i tor ti, pei
mall. Retail and wholesale of Myers 6
Dillon Drus Co., Omaha: M. A. Dillon
South Omaha; Davis UruK Co., Councl
Ulurfx; RIkk rharmacy, Lincoln; H. 8
Maker. Sioux City. A complete line ol
rubber goods on hand; uk for what you
The Russians navp a e.-iB oit.iii
uf whom they are very proud. Mine.
Orlav. in spite of her belnfr 95 years
of ape, recently arpfai'd on the st3ge
in a performance specially given In aid
of a charitable Institution. Mme. Or
lav has the distinction of having been
the first actress to play Ldy Macbeth
snd Ophelia In the Russian language.
Why not doctor yourself? "Oonova1
Tablets are guaranteed by Kldd Drug Co..
Elgin, III., to cure all disease. Inflamma
tlons, ulcerations of the urinary system,
organs, bladder, etc.. r send free medi
cine until cured if guaranteed lot fall
An internal remedy with Injection com
bined; the only one In America. Price, $3
or 2 for 15, sent per mall. Retail and
wholesale of Myers & Dillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Da
via Drug Co., Council Ulurfs; Rig Phar
macy, IJncoln; H. 8. Haker, Hloux City
Complete line of rubber goods; ask for
what you want.
m m m -
Field Marshal Count Hlumenthal, the
distinguished chief of the late Kmperor
Frederick's general staff during the
Austrian ona French wars, celebrated
his ninetieth birthday on July a. lie
and the klnr of tfaxony are the only
officers of the (ir-nnan army of exulted
rank still alive of those who took part
-n the Franco-German .war.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Tte
ward for any case of Caiarrh that can
not he cured by Hall's Caturrh Cure.
K. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props..
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known K.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve liim perfectly honorable In all
buKlness transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
WF.KT TRUAX. Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Wholesale Irrugglats, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 7uc per bo'.tle. Sold by all drug
gists. Te.ilrnonlals free.
Halfs Family Pills are the best
The most comfortable way a woman
can get his bread Is to Induce some
man to earn It for ber. .
Vital weakness ane nervous debility CM
be cured. "Vlrtuama" Tablets ar. guar,
knteed by KI44 Drug Co., Elgin, III., to
cure all nervous diseases, debility and vi
tal losses, or send free medicine until
cured If guaranteed lot falla. Pale, thin
tremblnlg and nerreus moo I.
should I:
I try
tbese tablets; arestset of nerve
vou are not what von mi. hi
tonics. If you are net what you ought te
be. or want te be and can be, g1 thta
one irtai awn yow win im tnem rnr
ever, n a seckagei or I (or It, per nail.
ReUII and whoUiaile of Mrsrs DliUis
uu - -
This in what I can do, and It
don't make anydifferencewhether
it in night or day, wet or dry, cold
or warm, storm or calm, just call
me and I will pump water, grind
jieed, shell corn, separate cream,
churn or grind bones, or any
Work that is required of me.
Call and see me at work at
1 1 10 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB.
and Second-Hand Machinery.
Taking Turkish, Vapor, cr Medicated Baths.
Jill th.. trnirt,. if liiTsPr.JH,.tt)r"iit, Hli)l K for TIIKKECrXTKM.'.
Th, .r. K fc I H L.-..-1 l:KPi;)k.sIINi. I.IVKS I'V UK T'l THU I1KM. Out
i,r .J tiu.r..tl HIKKUAI. IUTH CASINKTi tr. I TOM ATH ALLlf w
.inv-i.'i. th.t rn ro .tll'l-lf y orlf. H ir uk.DH .l-r ui4 !-". f--.
VWTMHIT AX AV1TAT Our lVn IUlU l t4uf pr('r'. HKAl.HI,
CI.LAM.IM.sS. VICHB u.J BEAI'TV. Wllr fcll ft M ATlMi. k P K AMI I A
(,.,, I.r.ri,, g4 m.l.r... rilY.-iriANS r.i-a.w-M I t WOMsX'S
'. ' .-. ...l-m .tr I HriBT'.! AI.I. THE M-
rt-i' f.'.-.v.w .
. Writ, for CulArn. f Wfip. a n.lh r.WnH,
: VOKFM UHinids tt El.y WIIKUK.
SUndarJ Dalh Cabisel Co, Teleae, Okie.
IOS1 tb St. COt' MCI I, 1ILIKK8, I A.
Wrlto about youmelf. I
stammered from childhood.
wa perfectly cured rz
year. hiio. Only the af
litcted can anni-cHum
the awful desire one Imi lo 1m; cured. If you
arc afflicted, or have children who uro. write
to me for lermi. literature, et,:.
Addrms JULIA C.VAUGHN Pres't,
RAMGE, BLOCK, Omaha. Nebrj
via the
On June 1st the Wabash will place on
ale summer tourist tickets good to re
turn until October Zlat, to all the sum.
mer resorts of Canada and the East
The Continental Limited
Leaving Chicago at 12, noon; leaving
St. Ixuls at it a. tn., which was so pop
ular with thi traveling public last year,
will run on same schedule time this
For rates, time tables, or further In-
KTinauoii in itrgnru i'j uipa r-ssi or to
Europe, or a copy of our Humme Tours,
ca.i on or Wilie,
G. N. CLAYTON, N. W. P. Art.,
Room 405 N Y Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
Among the oldVst members of thi
liiitlah larllament Is Mr. Charrlngtoa
who represents the Mile End district
of London. He Is rarely seen to talk
to any onw and will occupy hl scat
dally . for weeks without uttering a
sound. Withal he Is a most charitable
man and Is never d'-af lo a tale of woe.
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
DILT. IKLIX liOl It tl UOltlt:TAL
a. well an
IttMllM Ui StlS
No other
CO.UI.tlC will
do It.
Bemovim Tan,
Plmpliw Moth
I'tlchM. Ka.b
Freckles and
8k In dlMaxes
nd every
lilemlnb on
1-Hiiiy. and
defles dolee
lion. It ha.
stood lbs text
of M urn. and
s an harmless we taste it to be sure ll I. pro
perly made. Accept no oounierfU of similar
name. Dr. V. A. Rayre said tn a lady of tae
bast-ton 'a patient): "A. you ladte. will see
I hem. I recommend ftniiraiid'sCream' as tbe
lewat harmful of all lbs Skin ureparstloa.''
For sale by all Druggists and Vsocy Goods
Dealers In th. 11. ..Vaaada. and Kurote.
VSSO T. aorKIM. rrw'r,
flOrsat Jones ttrest, MF.W YORK.
k ' tit 11 1 " ;V i , ' -
4 !"'