Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 27, 1900, Image 3

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is against Mckinley
In a Lettor to the Public He Cannot
Indorse the Policy of Empire
With the Philippines.
Chicago, III. (Special.) Samuel M.
Jones, mayor of Toledo, O., and known
as "Golden Rule" Jones, has made
public a letter In which he announces
his determination to vote for William
J. Bryan. Mayor Jones wu the Inde
pendent candidate for governor of Ohio
last year and received more than 100,000
votes. He has a very strong personal
following, and It Is generally believed
that his declaration Insures Ohio for
the Bryan column.
Mr. Jones' letter follows:
"During the past six week's a few
petitions have been In, circulation In
ilfferent parts of the Ninth congression
al district of Ohio, asking me to be
come a nonpartisan candidate for con
gress. I had nothing to do with Insti
gating or aiding this matter, directly
or Indirectly. I am a nonpartisan and
have passed beyond the party machine
Idea and believe In the new politics,
where candidates will be nominated by
direct petition of the people without
the party machinery of caucuses, pri
maries, conventions, delegated authority
or other paraphernalia of bosstsm. As
best as I know how I have been stead
fastly true to the nonpartisan Idea with
respect to this movement. Ienlrlng no;
to influence the signing of the petitions,
I have carefully refrained from saying
whom I am for in the Interesting na
tional campaign now on. At the same
time I have never fated to say what
I am for. Althotiith no "(systematic
work' has been done to secure names to
these petitions, several thouHand voters
have ilgne-3 them, many, times more
than a sufficient number to warrant
the belief that under ordinary circum
stances It would be my duty to stand
as a candidate and furnish a practical
example of the workings of the new po
litical system that is destined to deliver
tj from the slavery of partylsm and
make every voter always free to vote as
a patriot according to the dictates ot an
enlightened conscience, rather than as
a partisan according to the crack of the
party whip. Patriotism and partylsm
cannot abide together.-
"Under existing circumstances I do
not think the demand so pronounced
rs to make it my duty to become a
candidate, but I believe the time has
arrived when it is my duty to state my
position with respect to the Issues of
the national campaign so clearly that
none who care to know may have any
doubt as to 'Where Jones stands.' If
I do this as a candidate the purity and
sincerity of my purposes may be ques
tioned; therefore. In order to remove ail
doubt as to my motives. I must decline
to serve as a candidate in this cam
paign, that by so doing the personal el
ement may be removed and my efforts
and influence- be taken at their true
value In behalf of a principle.
"Lincoln said that our government
was "conceived In liberty and dedicated
to the proposition that all tnen are cre
ated equal.' In every liber of my be
ing I believe In equality, and I believe
that any social or political structure, to
be enduring, must be built with a strict
regard for this principle, so funda
mental to a race of beings who are the
children of one common father. ,
"'1 have no fear that our republic will
be converted Into an empire. My faltn
In the integrity and patriotism at the
heart of the nation Is too well founded
ti harbor such a dread. I believe that
!.T.pcrl2!!rrr? ' logical sequence of
militarism and partylsm. and tins m
gotten trio Is the legitimate fruit of
the spilt of bossiBm that has been so
dominant In our political history dur
ing the last twenty-five years, and all
thee partylsm, bosstsm, militarism,
and Imperialism are a flat-f loted de
nlal of the principal of equality and an
assertion of the right of the 'self
styled' superior classes V) govern the
rest; this Is an ancient heresy of the
'divine right of kings' in another form.
"I believe the position of the admin
istration with respect to the Philippine
war Is a denial of equality and a con
tradiction of the principles of human
liberty set forth In the preamble of
the declaration of Independence. I have
turned the subject over In my mind Ut
months; 1 have studied every phase of
It to the extent of my ability, and with
all due respect for the men who are
doing the governing and fr many
friends who are In sympathy with them,
ardor compel m il mV ,hnt 1 ean
dr.. nothing but danger and disaster
that are certain to overwhelm Ihf re
public if this pulley is continued. 1
cannot see how we can be a republic of
novcrelgn equals while holding colonial
dependencies after subjugating them
bv force of arms.
'"My hope for the future of America
nn-i the race Is found In my faith In the
ym4 (the God) In my fellow human be.
Ing-!n the palilotlsm of the whole,
This faith Is Justified by all history and
a lilVt'ine of experience, and nothing
will ever swerve me from it. The spoil.
tan.-us impose of the people of
America to the appeals In b-hulf of the
stricken citizens of lialve.iton Is the
latest demonstration of the divine lin
pul t the heart of humanity that
only waits the opportunity to find ex-pr-sslon
to sweep away all lines of di
vision wipe out all marks of political,
soda! or religious distinction and uc
rept all humanity Into one common
'""Our n'lK'rennlal el"''"""" should he
considered as occasions for silently reg
Isterlng the public M; they are, Indeed,
a time when we make a sort of Barom
etrical reading of the public conscience,
t think It Is both misleading snd mis
chievous to refer to our elections ss
political battles.'
"Great fights and warlike terms of
that class. I regard the ballot as a
'sacrament rather than as an Implement
of wrfsre, and when I enter the booth
to administer the sacrament of my bal
lot 1 shall use my best endeavor to r.
Eord my conscience In favor of equality
and sealnst -var. In favor of love and
reason rather than war snd revenge,
snd 1 shi.1l vols for William J Iiryan
ts the best fsr 1 know of giving ex
Drsslon to these sentiments, believing
him to be the csndldste who most
nearly represents, not the high Idesls
1 ' . .....i. hn hivn a clear
vision of Tim perfected social state, but
the subtle conscience of America to
day. As he la against the war we are
making on the Filipinos. I believe this
is the one step toward the putting an
end to all wars, the dally warfare of
the competitive strife Included. If I
cannot get the whole socialistic pro
gram at one step I am wiling to take
one step toward It. My hope Is not In
any party or man, but In the triumph
of a principle. To the extent of my.
auinty i stum make use or tne oppor
tunities afforded by the campaign to aid
In crystallizing the public sentiment on
the question now before the people,
and will accept invitations to speak for
these principles from now to the end
of the campaign.
"I will endeavor to make no discrim
inations as to my audiences, but will
hold mysel In readiness to talk to
people wherever they can be reached.
My faith Is in the people. What other
or better hope have we In the world?
"I believe with Charles Sumner that
'anything for human rights la constitu
tional.' No learning In books, no skill
acquired In court, no snarpness of fo
rensic dialect, no cutting and splitting
of hairs Impair the vigor thereof. This
is the supreme law of the land, any
thing in the constitution or laws of any
state to the contrary notwithstanding.
I can see no safe basis upon which we
can hope to build up a governmental
structure other than the consent of the
governed. I do not want to govern a
person simply because he is weaker
than I and I am very sure that I can
never consent to let another govern me
because he has superior strength. To
do so would be slavery and not equal
ity. "Ours Is a government of sovereign
equals a democracy and I believe It Is
the destiny of this nation to lead the
nations of the world forward Into some
thing higher and nobler than even a
democracy. I believe that here on this
continent and under our flag la to be
set up the co-operative commonwealth
of equals, a government on which the
good of all will be the Inspiration that
will sing the peoples to their work. I
believe that here Is to be Inaugurated'
that era of peace and good will than
Tennyson saw:
" 'Then I dipped into the future, far as
human eye could see.
Saw th vision of the world and all the
wonder that would be,
Till the war drum throbbed no longer
and the battle flags were furled
In the parliament of man, the federa
tion of the world.'
"But this cannot be brought uhout
by he ihelp of galling guns, with
squadrons and grat standing armies.
The glorious destiny of Ih'ja nation can
only be wrought an the social conscience
is awakened and as we phall make a
practical application of the golden rule
to all the affairs of life and to every
phase of government municipal, state,
national ana international.
'Only the golden rule can bring the
golden age. I am a socialist and be
lieve the hope of this nation and the
world lies In brotherhood socialism, not
party socialism. According to the light
I have and as best I know how I prac
tice this belief. I believe that equality
Is the only basis of our hope. I am
unable to see how It ever can be real
lied with a party program. I am for
the socialist propaganda, but not for a
socialist party. I know there are party
socialists and party republicans who
find no trouble In 'riddling' my argu
ments; to them I simply desire to say
that I do not seek to Impose my method
of politics or religion or life on them
or anyone. I merely want to be a free
soul and be true to the highest and
best that is In me.
"Ir conclusion, I reiterate the declar
ation 1 have often made that I. claim
no privilege for myself or for my chil
dren that I am not doing my utmost
to secure for all others on equal terms,
Even Ex-Prosldcnt HarrHon Has
Given Up Hope for McKlnley.
Omaha, Neb. (Special.) "Indiana la
assured to the democrats beyond ths
question of a doubL Ex-President Har
rlson admitted to me personally that
the state was no longer debatable
So last evening spoke' Mr. M. Wicker
of St. Paul, Minn., member of the firm
of Sharood & Crooks, one of the largest
shoe manufacturing firms in the w.-st,
who Is a guest of the Paxton house.
Mr. Wicker Is making his first visit to
Omaha for the purpose of opening up
the state for regular travelers to work
While a thorough going business man,
Mr. Wicker Is not so absorbed in his
business as not to take any Interest In
politics and neglect his duty as a citi
zen. On the contrary he Is alive to the
Issues of the day and believes It a sa
cred duty, espe (ally now, for every citi
zen to give earnest heed to the mo
mentous questions before the jieople.
Mr. Wicker has of late traveled ex
tensively in both the east and west and
wherever he has been he has made the
political complexion of the stale he
was In a matter of close Inquiry. As
a result few commercial men are bet
ter posted on probable results In the
various states , he has visited.
"The situation In New York," he sail
last evening. In nn Interview with the
World-IIcrald, "I m.Ht uncom-ning
for the democrats. In short I believe
wltb Mr. Croker, who now stands to
win f-'CO.OOO, that it Is rood- gambling
ground. My uncle, who la a standard
republican of New York, randldly, but
with deep regret admitted the other
day that in bis -Judgment tha slate
was loft to the democrats.
"There are two slates, however, that
I feel I can speak about with pretty
correct Information as to how the vote
will stand In the aggregate, and those
aie Indiana and Minnesota, my honr
state. I have Just been through Indi
ana with the best of opportunities to
gain correct Information, and 1 say In
all sincerity that Indiana is assured to
the democrats beyond the question of a
doubL Honest republicans no longer
attempt to deny this. From no less a
person than ex-President Harrison I
got thla admission in these words, 'In
diana In thla election Is no longer de.
batable ground. It la aaaured to the
Generous people poured $3,00,000 Into
the lap of wrecked Johnstown eleven
years ago. Like generosity will ma
terially brighten ths desolation at Gal
vtston. i .
t f
"VmigUt just as well resign '
once!" exclaimed' Mr. Dubley, ' J had
so id-? a that joining a li'.era.-y cob
meanit that out hud lo perform in
public. I simply can't do ii"
"VV.ua do they nviii yau to do, my
dearV'.ajkd' Mr. Dcd.ey. "A to- g
and crane or a cake walk? woulj'li t
m,:Dta little tsing like ih.it. You ca
pick it up in n j nine."
"Jt's nolbir.g like that," sa.'d Mis
Dobley, paE.-lng a typtmrit.eji duc.i
ni"nit ope-r the breakfast tali.f. "And
you needn't make any ,fua of liie ai..i
ter, either, The fr.volous way in
which you look at everything is lire
some. Now wliat am 1 to do?"
"I -am sure, my dear" 'began Dab
Jey. "Just read it read it!" commanded
Mrs. Doblcy, and her husband read:
"Honora Coombs Dobiey,
""Dear Madam: At the next meeting
of the Literary Club Uie topic of dis
cussion will be Markhum's poem, "I'll e
.Man With the Hoe.' As you have b en
selected aa chief speaker of the even
ing", you will kindly be prepared to
r-ecite the poem, aid give a fchort
sk-eitch of the author's career. Ais
to give your opinions as to the idea
eo-n'tained i.n the work, ax well as the
general style and literary construction-
of tiie poem."
''Well, my dear," ea.id Mr. Dobley,
trying to conceal the fact that he tvas
quiite as perturbed as bis wife by the
letter, "Well?"
"Well? Why d'idn't they select you?
What did they send thai to me for?
What do I know abjut farmiug?"
"You forget, drat, thai this is not
an agricultural clcb. but a literary
fcociety. Of course, t'Uey refer to the
fa-moua poem."
"Whai poem?"
"Js it possible that you haven't
heard of :Markbani'g masterpiece,
'The -Man. With the floe?"' asked
Dobley, with a reproachful look over
the top o-f bis egg.
"Why, I havcu't read anything but
'Quo Vudis' this sunrmer, -and 1 only
lulf read that. YVu see it hurts my
eyes and besides that I'm loo busy.
Who was he?"
" 'The Man Wit.h .the Hoe?" ,He has
become one of tne most typical &"
"What was the matter with him?
WliJ dida't he hoe? Where did it hap
pen?" "Jt beg-an with a picture, my dear.
An artifat made a picture of a maa in
a field with a hoe,"
"Hoeing corn, I suppose; well, what
of It?"
'"Well, it was a great picture filled
with depth .and feeling and life"'
"1 suppose it seemed' as though he
were really hoeing, did it? I've seen
a pie-ture like that a girl gathering
rosea. You could just see the stems
n-a p."
"'No, it wasn't exactly . thaA. The
man had stopped"
"Stopped hoeing? What did he do
that for?"
'Jle'd slopped to rest and was lean
ing on the hoe."
-"Gracious! A hoc Isn't a bit com
fortable to lean upon. "Why didn't be
sit down?" C
"Why er it was just the artist's
idca, you see. The man. slopping to
lean on his hoe the laborer in the
field don't you see? typifying the
workm'an of the ages the 'empty
ages,' Markhani wrote."
"Was it Markham bad the hoe?"
"Oh, no! iMarkham was a poet, and
lie saw the pioture and saw the poe
try in it. Then he wrote the poem
and -called it The lilan With the
"Was it pretty?"
"It was a una gn?fi cent idea ibe fig
ure cf that man s typical of the
mnrUmnn the patient slave plowing
the field
"What did he have a 'hoe for if he
was plowing?"
"You do-n't understand. Don't you
catch -ihe Ma? .Dabor the farmer
at work plodding along wiihout aa
klea sweating over hia work''
"'You jirtft said he'd stopped to rest."
"'Er yes but. when you read it
you'll see the rplendid picture -Mark-ham
"Excuse in-e, John," was Markham
the antlst, or was he the uiau who
had the hoe, or the man wno just
wrote about it?"
He was the poet, my . dear; he
wrote the verse."
"I suppose he was p-aid for it,
rasa's 'he?"
"I suppose ro, my dear."
"Tlu'iv what 'was t lie trouble? He
ally, John, I can't see in to under
stand 'what all the fuss was absm."
"Markhiam wanted to fc.nv i lie mis
erable condition of the h-arfl working
farmer the slavery of the toller the
the Testers"
"Why, John Dcbley, yen know you
have often a!d you'd like lo be a
I'.ii-iner because ihe.v have everything
'i ea.v. 'Hoeing and raking in child's
p'ay, and as for plowing. It's jml
like riding a thlryele nowaday. Von
;t in a s.rt o-f a aiiiky ai d tin- horses
kiiiw j n't where to jco. I S14110SB
they will Vive autoinobiif alter
an bile"
"He epol-.e," -went on Mr. DVoley,
"of Ihe Vnipt!iM's of ages.' -1 here's
a grand though!-. The ciupti"
"What did he mean by in a; 7"
"Why er o much oT thai U met
iSiplior you see. The main iciea is
I hat the lot of the working man is
hopeltsi. 'The "Man. With the Hoe'
was a poor wretch bent with toil a
farmer whose life was"
"Why didn't be get one of the farm
hands to do the luring?"
'"Jle prolmbly ivas a farm hand him
self working" for a pittance"
''Well, he otjht to h-nve Iwen glad
he was working, 1 think. The Idea!
What did" he want? A ate am hoe?"
"No, my dear; 1ut the idea Is what
did life hold for him? Of what was
he thinking as he ftund -there leaning
on. the hoe -that humble Implement
of toil?"
"J'noba'bly ie thinking ot his
diinner. I'm not a bit sorry for that
man. lie bad nice oprn-air work, and
he ootild stop to rest wn-cn Ire wanted
to. and probably his wife brought him
h'e dinner every noontime, and be had
nothing to do but to hoe. And be
wasn't eren dtolnf rhat!"
"Ws.lt Bcytil you read tc poi Ho-
ore. Markham calls him . 'brother
so ihe ox.' "
"What! "for?"
'The ox, you see, Is the beast oj
burden. When the poet spoke of tha
laborer a the broiher to the ox he
placed him as low in- the intellectual
tciie a it was possible to get him.
He ask, 'Who blew out the'"
"No no! ,'Who blew out the light
within ihis brain?' asks Markuaai."
"Well, who did?"
"It was just a metaphor a figure
Of speech"
"Why didu't he say what iie
"I'oeis never do 'that, my dear."
"'Well, -what d'id ho mean?"
"That the workman was a misera
ble creature, whose life was like an
animal's a"
"Don't be believe ia men woikiug?'
"Yes but"
''1 suppose he likes tramps, then?
Those men that sit around the parks?
The Man With the Tomato Can'
would be his idea, of the ideal man. '
"lVxus look at these things differ
ently." '
"Well, I think H is silly to pity a
man because he has a job. Think ct
sll Hire men- th'a.t can't get wor. sup
pose vou didtn't work? Where wouid
"It's the idea of maa earning hi
bread by the weat of h's brow t-e
curse of laborinjf for hire for"
''Why, this man with the hoe prob
ably bud a good, steady place on tbe
farm. Perhaps he owned it. He prob
ably -had stopped to figure out .as
crop. 'Maybe bia wife took boarders
snd t.hey had plenty of money."
"W'hen. you read it, my dear, you
will be able to"
"Oh, pshaw! I might just as weil
start 1n to idealize the cook and call
her The Girl With the Frying Pan"
or 'The Woman With the Kolling
Pin-.' "
"Ue-a!!y, my dear, I "think you will
be able to taik before the club if you
keep on."
"It's the very same thing. The cook,
is a laboring woman, but she's a
great deal freer than I aan. She aas
no Mrci-al obligations and no calls to
mti.e or to receive. She doesn't have
to spend her time dressing and talk
ing to folks when filie dioesu't want to.
fcne has -a comfortable home and just
a good things to eat a we nave, she
ha' two days off every week. Sup
pose I began to weep over her sad
condition and called her 'sister to the
ox.' Why, she'd Itave the very firs
"liut a poet would never write
about1 a cook."
"Well, a good cook ia a lot better
than a farmer who only hoes and
looks pathetic. Any one could hoe.
Why, 1 almost believe you oould hoe."
"I haven't a hoe, my dear."
"That's another thing. Suppose the
man didn't have a hoe? He'd have
be-eu worse off, wouldn't he? A hoe
represents capital. Do you know,
John Dobley, it gets sillier every min
ute to think of all the sympathy thai
'you're wasting on that man. It is
The ,'Man Without the Hoc' you
sholld be sorry for."
"An are getting me Tound to your
wayfOt thinking, Honora. I recall
riovthe story of a rich man who said
tii'if he started in business' pi-eking
rags, but ifor a week or two he nearly
starved because he had no money to
buv a ragpick with."
JjWhat did he d'o?"
"He borrowed money enough," I be
lieve, and 25 years after he told the
story of the trouble he had getting
Borne one to lend the money The
funniest part of it was that he said
hi had r.ever paid it back."
"I wonder if that man really owned
the hoe, or had borrowed it?"
"Perhaps that" is what he was
thinking of."
"He was probabiy too mean to buy
a hoe of his own! You know, John,
1 th'BK tirat iui &a good."
"Honora, your logic is so convinc
ing that f am beginning to agree with
you that 'The Man Wl:h the Hoe' was
considerable of a gold (brick." New
York Sun.
Greater Mill.
At an agricultural show in Dublin
a pompous member of parliament,
who arrived lute, found himself on
the oiikskirts of a large crowd.
lleing anxious to obtain a good view
for himi. If and some Iudy friends
who accompanied him, and, preHiiniit.g
that he wus well known to the spec
tators, he tapped a burly coal portct
on the shoulddtr and pcremtorily or
dered: '
"Make way, there!"
"Who are ye piihhin'?" was the un
expected response.
"Do you know who I am, sir?" cried
the indignant M. P. '"I'm a repre.seti.
tutive of the people!"
"Yuli!" growled the porter, "hut
we're the bloomin' people them
ehes." Dublin Independent.
Html It Meaii.
Sixty miles nil hour is the mcrent
:oiiiiooiij)liice lo the mind of the up-to-date
vail mud man, but it niennrt
other things besides those ili'Mcrilicd
that are wonderful to the outsider.
H i ins a steam pressure blow of
twenty Ions on each piston liend every
tenth of a second. It means that up
In the cab the lireimm is throwing
Into the furnace, two-thirds of n ton
of coal every hour; one engine burns
coiil faster than ten men can mini' it.
1 1 llliliim iv,o tuitim o mi i . j iiuiu
to keep her journal boxes greased mid
everything running smoothly. Phila
delphia Public Ledger.
Nome Bin Nalnrtr.
fipenklng of big salaries the biggest
on record was paid to George Gould
For ten years' work his father guv
him $.',0(io,()()0. The amount went
down as "for services rendered." Thai
was at the rate of IIOO.OOO a year
The highest salary ever paid a rail
road president was the $75,0(10 a yent
that went to Sir Wlllinm C. Van Horn
when he was president, of the Can'
dlan Pacific -New York Kvening Sun.
The grent difficulty in fretting
changes made in theater is the feat
of the owner that the alteration may
affect the acoustic properties unfavorably.
A correspondent writing: from Ha
vana says: "We who are here In Cuba
for a short time feel that we wish to
see all that'we can before returning to
the states, and this all would scarcely
ae complete without visiting Montserrat
and the cava at Bellamar, at Matan
zas, a natural formation, which the Cu
bans consider one of the wonders of
the Island. To spend only one day
there Involves the loBS.of considerable
Sleep, for the ferry connecting with the
train leaves Havana at 6 o'clock In the
morning-, and the train with which it
connects leaves Regia at 6:20. It meana
pretty early rising If one lives in Ha
vana, but If one lives In the suburbs.
as most of us army people do, it means
rising at 2 or half past.
On board we found a number ol
American officers on their way to -Ma-tanzas.
Indeed, one mght have almost
thought one's Belf in the states, there
were so many Americans on the train.
As we neared Matanzas the country
became much higher, and we had a
near view of the mountains the first
land one sees on approaching Havana
from the United States. They are
very high and stand out in bold relief
fiom the surrounding country. We
passed a number of cemeteries, in each
of which was a little chapel, and a cor
ner of each cemetery was a boneplt, or
as the Cubans call It, an osario. Una
village of considerable size was com
posed entirely of stacks of one story
each, and of probably not more than
two rooms each. This village presented
a very odd appearance.
In Havana one can usually find a
cab without any trouble, and we ex
pected that It would be the same in
Matanzas, but It was not, and we had
to walk several blocks before finding
one. The driver agreed to take us to
the cave and back for the Bum of $3,
American money. For the first part of
the distance the road was excellent,
leading along the bay, a broad drive
not unlike the famous Ocean Drive at
Newport. Then It turns and goes up a
hill, rather gradual In slope at first,!
but becoming steeper and steeper and
very rocky. When the summit was
reached a beautiful view greeted us
acroBS'the harbor and out to the open'
sea beyond two points of land, which,
Beem to almost form a gate.
The .entrance to the cave is reached
through a little house of one room,
perched on the summit of a bill. On
the door of the house is a placard tell
ing the rates of admission for soldiers,
50 cents; for officers and all other per
sons, $1, all of which Is In American
money. This placard Is printed in both
SpanlBh and English. In the register
we found the names of many Ameri
cans from all sections of the states. A
small boy of eleven was detailed to act
as guide for us and several others who
were waiting. We came to the con
clusion that If this child could pilot
us the cave could not be as extensive
as had been said, and so we found it;
Instead of being several miles In length
it was not more than half a one.
We entered the cave from the office
by means of several flights of wooden
steps, guided by the boy, who carried
two long candles of wax, which, he
told us, had come from America, In
stead of finding cold air, as one does
in Mammoth cave, we found the tem
perature much higher within than
without. Tbe formations are very
much the same as in other caves.
Names which imaginative minds have
suggested cling to various parts; there
are the "Robe of Columbus," the
"Twelve Apostles," the "Ballroom,"
the "Organ," and half a dozen other
names equally as appropriate i other
wise. Our guide showed us the place
where a Spanish captain had met
death, whether by accident or other
wise we could not make out; at all
events he had gone over the cliff and
his body had never been recovered.
No one Is allowed to carry away any
specimen from that cave, and for that
very reason all of us were anxious to
do bo;' the Uttle.boy had no objections;
indeed, helped us by showing us where
we could find the prettiest ones.
The cave was discovered by a Chinese
in searching for some stone for his
house. Whether he owned the cave or
not I do not know, but for a long time
ho acted as guide. Later it was bought
by an enterprising American, by whom
It is still owned, If 1 mistake not. It
takes only a short time to walk thro'
It half an hour being ample unless one
wishes to linger along the- way to study
the foil-nations. All the rocks are
not of pure white; In some places they
are shell pink In others a delicate shade
of yellow. There are two springs, but
the waters from both are so warm
that there Is no pleaoure in drlnkinjr
The air Inside of the cave Is so warm
that when one gets buck above ground
once more Its seer.. very much as
though it were a chungc to a colder
Several people were waiting In the
oilice, and as we went down the hill
we met others coming lip, and there 1
little doubt that the cave has Its full
share of visitors. The trip to and from
town, Including the time spent In the
cave, took only about two hours, leav.
Ing ample time to drlire to Montserrat
and yet catch the truin back to Ha
vana at 3:30.
The Japanese are preparing to con
vert their copper ore Into wire for do
mestic and foreign use. Instead of ship
ping It out of the country as before.
The Furakawa Smelting V orks havt
for some time employed electrollclt re
fining, producing In the past year U
tons, but they are now to be enlarced
to four times their present size, and It
In said that when the enlargement l
completed their output will o fsr ex
ceed the domestic demand as to permit
a considerable export. As the govern,
tnent uses several hundred tons of wire
a year. It may be inferred that the
new works will have a large cspadty
Germany brews one-third of all Oat
beer consumed In the world.
A London" priest named Buckley fonn
In a dust heap a month ago a picture
by Rubens. Within a. fortnight kai
had been offered 14,000 for the canva.
Like1 a true lover of art, however, bs
refused the offers
The kaiser - has three tailors for bis)
civil costume one in Berlin and two
in Vienna. He has aiso one in Lon
don for his uniforms, which are all
made in that capital. The cost of the
kaiser's uniforms runs well Into four
figures. The foreign uniforms alone Oil
two large rooms. '
Charles E. Whlttemore, who owns B
big confectionery store in Wllllmantlc,
Conn., was obliged no close it tbe
other day because the honey bees cf
the neighborhood, finding nothing:
sweet in the surrounding country, ow
ing to the warm and dry weather, bad
swarmed Into his place and made neat
ness impossible.
I. F. Dickinson, a Chicago candr
manufacturer, is said to be tbe young
est warrior enlisted in the union army
during the civil war. He shouldered s
mustket and flew to the defense of the
union when but 13 years and. 10 m ant he
of age. During a year he was in the
midst of flying bullets, but came Irons
the army without a scratch.
In India a curious railway accident
occurred lately. While a train was In
Ruxaul station a terrific storm began,
and, though the brake was applied to
the vans and on the engine, the tore
of the wjnd was such that the train wa
driven along the line. The engine dash
ed through the buffer Btop at the end
of the line and traveled along about six
lengths of rail laid end to end with
out fishplate fastenings. After leaving
these rails the engine plowed along the
embankment and then came to a stand
still. The Rhode Island supreme court has
rendered a decision that flowers form a
necessary feature of a funeral. Tbe
case under consideration was an action,
brought by.a florist against the admin
istrators of the estate of a deceased
citizen who had refused to pay for
flowers furnished on the credit of tbe
estate. The court Justified tbe ex
penditure, remarking that "the custom
of having flowers at funerals is well
nigh universal In this country, and
that, when not abused by extrava
gance or unseemly ostentation, it is)
sertalnly to be commended as giving
appropriate expression to our feelings
of respect and love for the departed.
"The Story of the Heavens," by Sir
Robert Stawall Ball, LL. D., D. Sc.,
Lowndean professor of astronomy In.
the University of Cambridge. Size, Wix
9. Cloth, $3.50. In this new and thor- '
oughly revised edition of "The Story"
of the Heavens," Messrs, Cassell aV
Co., Limited, New York, present a
work which has been and is the recog
nized authority on the subject of which
It treats. The book contains 24 colore
plates, with numerous text Illustrations,
600 pages, and is a faithful record of
the recent discoveries and achievement
in the world of astronomy. "The Story
of the Heavens" is in as great deman'
on the continent as among English
speaking people, and has gone through
several translations.
We are glad to announce that the
Midsummer number of Good Health Is
having even a much wider circulation
than we anticipated for It, and It is be
ing -ia.t in th"rind of homes where
the magazine has not entered before. """
It is evident that it contains the right
sort of information to meet the demands .
of the people at this season, and we
are constantly receiving orders for more
copies from people who invariably state
that they have sold or loaned all coplea
forwarded to them, and in many cases
that one copy has been read by several
families and still passed on to others.
We also have evidence of thousands of
copies being preserved as a "reference
work," which clearly goes to show the
Increasing Interest In the minds of the
people concerning healthful living. We
had an extra large edition printed, and
are prepared to fill orders for lees
than ten copies at 10 cents each; or
more than ten copies, 5 cents each.
There Is a thrilling story of danfrer
and of lost love in the October number
of the Delineator. It is dated back in
the rom.ni'.tfc Acadian days by the
master of Canadian fiction, Charles fl.
D. Roberts. A waunded ensign belov
ed by two girls Is saved by both, solely
because of the self-renunciation of one,
who goes back to die In order to delay
his pursuers. It Is a skillful piece of
heart anguish done into word's. The
same number has a picturesque Chi
nese article Illustrated by several gen
uine photographs of Chinese women; a
rare thing In the present men of Chi
nese literature. The Delineator Is quite
up-to-date In the eighty or more
sketches of present-flay styles which
I are shown In Its pages. For thirty
years it has been trusted by American
women for guidance In home dressmak
ing and home management. .
Frank G. Carpenter, who Is now lis '
the east, sent to the Saturday Evening .
Post a long article about the Empress
Dowager of China, his facts having
been gathered only a few days before
;hc present troubles broke out. Two
vears ago the. Empress Dowager set
aside all precedents, and received the
ladles of the foreign legation at Pekln. -One
who was present told Mr. Carpen
ter about it, and he Ui turn describes
the historic event to the world.
The true poet, I suppose, write
! etry because he simply can't half U."
"Yes; and It seem to follow tfc
nobody, else should writ poetry wk
oaa help It"" i , ! '"V:
Who does stand lor " -