Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 20, 1900, Image 1

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    1 .- ,.
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".y fJI;Ar,I.TS?J7.T IS
3ulKrr!iii'oii Price' J Vr Year IXC -
Officio 1 Paper of sioux county
I.JCanox, - Emtor. '
i-J-TUinrA? IfE mi'VlWI P. W
X ati ;:,-a l tit et.
For re'iiient:
william .i. r;r,Y..x,:u1,-o!n, :,v,
l"ur Vice !!': ; :
A. E. SrEVEI.'SON. Ebwmtngton, Ills.
For Prexiilmitiu! l-i;"...-,:
FRANK T. BAS'SOM, Silver Rrub
ROUP. OpF.BFILEElI, jjwnoerut
I,. N. WE.N'DT,
william h. OAF.r.nr,
iy. a swan,
flsiox .sr at:; tic: kt.
For (iOTiTHor;
WILLIAM A. rOTNTER... .Populist,
or i.iciit. uovt r-'iu-:
A. GILBBKT... Fws;i .-.
Fr .-cc'y of
0. V. K"f!'""i!(.
Ji:r St:it9 Trntum-i-r:
Tar Slt 4mii!r:
Tli!rffH'i) Guvs,...
ir Attorney -i(;-;U:
W. 1, OLUIiAM...
For C'oni'r Pnh, f.. & it,;
Tvr Snpt. I'ub. I;,sU Hctlnr.f,:
c. r. nrK,.. . .
f r '.iiijrr-, mn IHitrt:
. .PojiUli.',t
for Kcpivwistatlr, B"r-I I)' MU:l: '
Foa ijc nit tor Kin Msirht:
"Cut it ;arun tbr.t whil wo naonot ptitl down tlit ibi;? m tln-Pbilippim-s
wfir ft rnran jjivinir it tpli ttwir (OiljM):doiitc, we can pull it t!uwo v. btn it
neau makinj; Great Britain m gift.' -
"llotiwl Porto P..o' table l.h 'arp-st b'.;ffir kiIh, ,
Ha grabs all hi i a'do'li kf-pps tb,r. he p.ts."
6(n took t'hrint up an, showed him tho kiui'doms of Uio'vvorkl; Christ fitid
"0t th bohind m, 8aan."
Fu took HcXitiSey up ami rbond bim tho triory of tho Philippines; J,IcKmky
Said, "PI! -ive you twn dolbtrj a b. ,d for every Filipino." - i
iui!rj!:ii!-r Tli!.
I.i thfj cmv(tt i JV most of tbo f
. . . ! i . t . 1 . i ... '
t no!, in Uvor j.r tlio iiiui t pojd
Ktaixiard. . AxHti a the t-:ction .was
or tiiir dsciaretl that rnls waft a
vimli-tion of thu gold 'andard by tbe
The same men now My th'j their p.r
' It is not in raror of "Tiiip5TaIirn',r rnTfT-'
rikm or. iriu.t, Lijf, ;f McIXinloy
fhoiilii Iit5n to win mtme mun
will wlmnly f!.x.)ar tb.a alt thro of
thwtp jnslion-4 Imtro im.Hta-nI by
tbv people an-1 tli a'-t,r,un of tba jjraml
ld party will te more ofx-rmive that)
vver in his thidf. NoCivtiforniiit.
From tvhrvt we kow of VV, V, A!l"ii,
and Mr. Pi.ilicr. w raittiit litisLjrni nn.!
how Fishnr fin writo ar.yUiiuf ftvaiiit
If. 8. Alien, pfially v.'lwra Allen and
Fibbrr are both no vvkII known.
The following, extract from president lb Kinlev's articles of argument with the
king of Hula wlamls, recoiyniaaj Polyamyisbiveiy and titles of nobility:
'Article III Tho rights and dignities t.T Ins Ili-hniM the h.iltao and his
Datoi hhall ho fully re-jiecfed; tba Moros shall not be interfered with on accouut
of theiradipioit; nil of their religions custooi.s shall be respect d, and no one thai!
be persoctited, on account of bis religion."
Article X Any Hlave in the Arcliipelago of Jolo shall have the rrnht to pur
m freedom by paying to hi MASTER the USUAL MAHKT.T VALUE"
Thim, it will be soon that our hrif tiuo
a peopie, wuom w reput-iicaii party declare
" i'"'.' B'" "J uooiiuy
HIKlPCi of a republic,
The weakness and prosines of Mi-Kin
ley'n Utter l)i,cftufd intense surprise
throughout the country. U in undoubt
edly tlw dullest and most unconvinciti'
document Mr. McKinley has erer subm
itted to the people who elected him pre-
t sident. About the ouly break io Jib
monotony a monotony catiMxl by inter
minable quolationu and reference wor
thy of the method of the most typical
. red-tape bureaucrat Is in an occasional
nlf attempt to convince 1lio reader, that
imperialism Is not the paramount issue
of the campaign. As to a aatisfactory
defense ol toe administration' Kin,
l' agaoiat amerlcanism in the Philippines,
" i .1 , 1 . . ,
vi ii-m uuiuniuiiiipE inisruie 01 ine 1 orto
Kiran, of ila aunpiciou delay in fulllll
iug lM government's pledge of nation
al independence to the Cubans, these
thing are utterly lacking. It is an apo
logy, not adefenae; a begging of the quc
alion singularly Indicative of the weak
ne of the administration's position,
If as the Itwpublicans theinselves have
Virtually claimed, tho issuing of this let
ter tf Mr. McKinley' cormtifutea the
tiring of the B ipulilicnn Long Torn in t bo
4mipflln of ll)dJ, the only percepjtibU
jojiirl done by tho discharge hue been to
Oar ICufto--
Tl-;rK . R,,.,,,,, ,-, .LU .
The CVr of "Fiuiojio."
"Thofu ifcments of dieotdered brains,
miiUiirif.iii ucd icifjuruilififi,"
S.iy Vice-Fresidwittial candidate Boos-
M,!itaria-jm isan imsvilablo conscience
of bnpiri.ilUm. Ini jmriab mi b'U not
far ''-. The consequent rmlitar
iniri is not ?cta.'i ooi k; vh o f ..,.(
to hv if tlu
i present policy is cctitmued.
Jirjieru!im and niliu.r:sni brivs al
wviy prt-vciitcii iii;rii!i, ;(t j,i (f vvi,r ax
oa nItlR.ut;i h ai'3 ;.';i;h;ty !,t J,.Hco
wi:w ail the vri.I, tim tuH !esi ii..:l
U Mij-piv revenue for w;,r with Spain
bavo i),;t K;en iii(,rr)k,!i..J by a tloll u- al
tixniL'h that war iiiij. iwi.;-,.-.! Uit,. I
Uunt proviM moU lavishly IVr ti.s
.pamsii cut.llicl,. It ovrr.wtiinp.Ud the
tttk and tUeri-t'd taxfctioo. in si-e.i w
prvp-jrlion. It m;tnl oa tbe tbeory (wi(
lijt.ory, too,) tint it wns Iittlri- to pMvi
rte ho cxnes!, of maarw Uiaa n..t i-ncni.
It a bouiic! not to re,wat tba error of
th Hr.,t ys-ar or twi of tlw civil war,
,'t burrowol in.y Million of muiity.
It levid iiir.v tau, Kiisini; many mil
lions yar fioiu the Ktjfrln,
A n result of Urn imperiaHstic po:?y
coo?res biii lcn ucsih'.j to riKhid Uiih
lavisb war tavitiurj by ko miM-h n Qnv
Jollar, W muxtuiaintaio t(jin vvnr tax-
ituDu mi wippori an Kiij)!Maiit.!ic txwun.
iilipf-l iuliClU Ifl Sr. t fi? VOIIOjJ. MiIilui'iHtl)
has ni.lv . lim in djvfc!npm'i,t. Yet,
h'(?iily, t.'iwy cost tiia iwliou usiciich jut
foreign ttu-Iv5. ,
Ex-M-tyor Mr.Kinton, of Cleveland,
Ohio, a Jifa Ioh' r pubiican, bus come
put pi;ny for bryan. . lies s;ty his con-
w'cnoj lia t'onifliod liiia to take the
stun. L-M,!;. r Haertv, of () Xoill, an
old line republk-an, aw! ror yf-ars chair
man of t.i) r'pul,lic;irt t,'?i;.al committee
bus dee!ar'-J orioaly for lirvati. bo av!
Cn-.K-:'oia'g and reuctry como before
inr'y and b caii'iot voU uprainst what
he ln-.liKV,.' to i.a tba duty of every Am
erican I'llizooK. Winij ciicb ni'-n
Mr. ?.li:Ki.sofi and Mr. riairty, do
claret that tbtir consciVuca compelled
t!ie':i to take l3o nlfp, bow utterly al
siforl it isf to hr noma narrow nunrivd
p.-ejiulioM M.'op)o trymjj to nmk Home
tiooest iii.'ndl men Imlievo, wbat Ujpv
tlie!tiylvn nt-vvroaii ivliove, impy Im
cause they anj rocivinj,- boodia for so
doirifj. '
president has sanctioned a treaty with '
is U. S. teritory, which wherein slav
is recii';)Uei under tho STARS and
those.who etood at the breech of the big
gin, It has assuredly heiped the Demo
cratic cause as much us anything recent
ly developed. Tho imperial president
ha been board with patienco by the
Amerilno people and has failed to juijt-
ily Empire and bis surrender to John
If the women tr the United Slates
could realize the helium deeds' that are
being jiens'trated by "Anglo Saxon'
soldier in Koutli Africa tiiere would
noon be tin end to tlie spirit of imperialsin
in thii country, Tho English are sending'
us from China 'blond-curd ling tales of
atrocities comtniKed Utfm wliito women
by the Chinem, Tlioso idorien may be
Irne or false, Hlt conceding llieif truth
they tiro but few cases, and the Isolated
acts complained of In China, are whole
sale and everyday occurrences in those
portion of the South African republic
that are now ol the mercy of the Eo-
gllsh aoldicM. In a letter addre.sed (o
the Sloltor of Rao Francisco, Mr, Pintber
the secr-Ury of thu Tr.insvjv.il Comaait
i il, ..1 ..:i.. 11 , ..
t 'ir, anrmiiiinv noma uulaiia
yf the miirmer, in which the Lnglish have
uc.ierlaLuii to biinj lioma to the Boers
Deitrich Displays
At. t.;e Drvan club rnnnw rrv,.;o
,. . i. recently, a ittle bevv of ' reo-th.
4,t'naH,ft 't,. :'a SU,'- "lfc j-aP"y H'jhoU i the notton of the old dZ '
and , rophC. "It n, ,Mlk to m, 1:k, a boJe ; , , e J 1 P;
t!m,1",J th m"" WI out." 1 did not meet wi.h .... ,.. - P' . 8 "
H on the hea,, f,f tho.. leave the
bad contHbn, ,,,;,. .n-
, (.,, IH, Ui IT!. I 1 IP IT II.. I I.... . . ...I 4
, i. r it i ,
ra;i!;s of liaona by bay ntr Di.-ti-ich. th-
vi,.wlum,.,n. , - ,
"iui nat-K, or oonuo:y liin back
ouol H.-enuan, tnd the folIowiiiK conversation oiv-in-erj; ' "
J Jietrich-tVlone!, I am told you
Breim.ui Yes, sir.
Lietrich-L-ont you think you have maid a mistaku?
District Why did you leave il?
Kronnr.o For thwo reasons: I am opwiswl lo a Prili b a!li,. t , t.
aommistratiod in the Pbilippme affair. , Pp0jta 0 Uie
L;.strlel,-I think we ous!,t to shoot h- ont of the Filipino.,
iirennen-xour oonsoitmce may approve of the purchase of ioplo at go 80
por Iad and then hhooting then, down, but I d, not , . Ll- it. i "li; f " , -.d
vote for tho butchery of a p0op,a who have nov.r done me a wroi" '
'. ' i"fo-i-WI.y, Brannan, you talk like these orazv nM,y,u,l a .
o'emocrats. . ,--r w
llreuaao-l MVr thought il -a K-od ar-umont to abuse people, and don't
ouv. .. Lbop((;ple ftl,e Philippine ..lands have built cities. JL , Z JoZl
c :rXttrirTnf,ia,i,)j:!iinbuiw,,!,tii:it -j i
U onV nn ' T T 1 11 a8y ffonl 0t3- government
W "y t ,'S'-H",'i;4'-i0" of ,n,,v"lu!" You and I ad every boa y d.,e are the Kov
ernmerit, or wo wero I fore MoKinloy aa-umed tllo power, of a dictator W Te
-ay,, Wtnch. what have you ever done aS partof the Kovernma " oV
o.. iy to g,ve you ther.t to deprive those Filipino of their government o to
take their country away from them? uitot 0f t0
Metrioh-Vell, we can lick thorn out of their boots, anvhow
000 tlTnl? drUtf that' Mr- LM but - "ghl'for a' nation of 70,
OM.000 of people to Bolder an moffensive people aod.rob them of t.a.ir govern
Metrh b Well, they aro a lot of rebels
fiTirff, I' " m' a!d ra!,inPt said Of our revolutionary
fa her, and Wr. L,.tr;ch. dont you think tb. republican party has sunk pretty Tow
Inn-Jn 'It I""6 "I" Di,.'lri,!hWRS VPry MU!'h "Cited, and be t. have eXl
" :r . r:!u.':' - a wave or 1,1 as ha
'".'il .n-njs5 ue Mn.it. "-j
area!iitioa or t!n bleswngs" of Brit
ihfu!f). Here Is tho helli:,h work tfie
British army is en-ajed in as destfribed
in ar,.Pmtl;er's letter to tha Monitor:
"Several thousand South African
farms have bron burad' down by special
orde.es of Lord Roberts, (i,;nerain Kitch.
nor, Bul'cr, Methuen, French, Brabant,
IPimiltan an t otla-i".. Tho'ie Boor wlw
rnia'med f-acf.,ully oa thir farms have
been arreiUrl on saspicjun, rounded up
and fetit as prisoners of war to S!mo'n.
town, St: Ikiena, or even to the peni
tentiaries t.'hildivn of JO years of age
bavo beetfcarriul ol? uti'ii.r'protuii.se that
they misht periiapi Inform tho fli;hti
I "of tiie movements of 'the EnVUfih
troops. Hio L',cr women and glrln, even
childrej t.f b-?s than Vi years of age,
have titwn ravu-ed, adl the dreadful did-
se wnich more t han 20 percent, of the
Loffiiidi Moldiers ami 4 1 per cent. of. all
lit;; dlsll troops who served in India are
a",!iote.l with, have been inflicted upon
hiiiidicds of their victim:!." North-We
tern CaUioiic, Sioux tily, la.
The wpulilican party 'leaders declare
there is no such a question &s imperial
ism entering into the issues of the cam
paign this bi't. But, when wa stop to
consider tho Philippine war; tho agree
ment with tbeKultan of Suhj; the Porto
Bican tari:T deal; the refusal to even lis
ten to (he bravo pcoplo in the Trans
vaal, who through their accredited rep
resentatives, were tumi d away at Wash
ington with coolness; tho treatment of
l'W C9r ''" Alolm !,,rl,i,-ra of Idaho, and
the truit monojilies, are surely imperial-
istic teuJencum.
Following are a few of the newspapers
of the country, which supjiorted. either
Mr. McKioky & flolxjrt or Palmer and
Buckuer, but are now supporting Bryan
& Stevenson: .
New York World,
" " Herald,
" " Post,
Chicago Chronicle,
" American, 1
" Iiiiipatch,
Baltimore Hun,
' Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Indianapolis Sontinul, '
New York SinatZuilung,
Chicago Freie Press,
Evaiihvilio, III. Domokrat,
Cnind Bapids, Men. Germanta
Wilmington, Del, Froie Press,
Auziger Herald, Grand Island,
Kansas City, StiiaU-Z!lung,
Buffalo, N. Y, TheTI men,
.1 .. .. .Currier,
" ' " Enquirer,
. V " Democrat,
" ' Volksfreud,
" ' " Pohsli Ameryce,
The Aurora, UufTalo, N, Y,
Catliolio Union & Timci N. Y,
hio Truo Sentiments
party of IW
' " pany wnere tbey
Imhii a smj'.)vui, for be
..I. .
- - "orfc f pot. nun ,aek into tha
.,K!:. J: , . ' l"8
i got. hiiri back into the
fur Kovernor, intf-r-Dt'itnch
calld on Coi-
' nomaw lor Kovernor, inter
have 1-jft tho r,
eptiaiioau oartv?
hem . ,l
use in trying to convert
ThJi'o, ' u
Th International Onrutt" "
Freie Pi-tss -Mn Antonio, Tex,
Jb.ii. V'olltsfUat Uehoit, liH h.
'Jhwfi, Lrar, Per..i, Ills.
V.)i:;Mrrui.d. Jpplcfon, W13.
K.iiJs.iaTelo.t.rapb, Tojeka Kansas,
J'abbus Herald Denver, Colo.
Blaats Atiaiger Des Moines, la,
Jon'nal, Terre Hute, Bid.
Volk-fruwd Lululh Minn,
Loaibvilie, Courier-Journal.
Ex-Fov. Boutwell hit the nail srjaure
ly on the bead when he told tha Indiana
polis K Ulit-ring of the National Anti-Im-
I pi i.noi' urnjjtltl Unit WDOnlV HaV tO
light. imfHsrialism is to elect Bryau pre
sidhn of tha United Slates. Tim en
thusi.tftic reception given his declaration
that be hud turned his back upon the ro-publ-an
party and should yote for Bry
an shows that his view of tha situation
is indorsed by anti-imperialists.
following is from nn article by Bold
tou Hall the great rfformeryin tho Chi
cago Becord.
I appeal to you Americans in tho
name of ritonsne: Aro we in the
Phillippines fulfilling the golden rule?
aro we not in every way doing evorv
way doing tho exact contrary of it?
Drniikennss, robbery, incendiarism,
murder. These are the sweet fruits of
wi;r-- tbesare tba message of the Prince
ofPeftce that we, urged on by priests
and ministers, bring to the heathen, our
missionaries aud our advanced guard of
civilisation have hopelessly failed in
China after 100 years of trial. Sond
thorn,' backed by Mausors, to the Philip
pines to aid us in committing this great
crime with whitdi we end the century,
And now I appeal even to you, that
glorify everything that i'l "smart" that
believe in nothing but policy.
You think, "if a man can get a farm
for nothing he is a fool if ha does not
take il, ho let us take the Islands while
w-e may." Perhaps, but that is not the
case here, You riont own a square of
the United Slates; how much ef Luzon
are you likely to own? You will get it
for youi masters,
If your boss could get a farm for not
hing that you were to pay for would
you think it smart for you to voto for
him? That is what you are doing now.
Boodle is plentyful in the Ilanna and
Deitrich camps now-a-daya, but withal,
it will not bo efficacious enough to gather
Into be fold, the necessury votes to elect
tho Vust nd boodle faction neither in
nation nor state. The voters of Nebra
ska especially, have had a most potent
leacon in the way of boodle state admin
istration lo vote for a return of the earne
in the Doltricli regime, neither will they
barttr their honest convictions, though
some few wo know, are dointf so out of
a mercenary motre, Such as theso are
contented mid Justly m by all, even they
who employ thorn to do their nefarious
work, despise such hypncrlcy.
- , SUJI?!?. 23,
R:GKT.""-I!. ITilllam J.' Bryan,
fi tin
C. P. Cof,eEi President. p. w.Clabkk. CaglnVr.
Stockmen having use for a
us to handle their
Prepared to take
The Joukkai will publlMh your brtind, like
t!ie following, for 2 :00, per year. Kaoh ad
ititioHuj nraud 75cenn. fcvrry rarmer or
ranclunen in Sioux and ad Joining comitle
ai.ouirliHlvoni-.... their brand m Tim Joun
KALhs it circulates all over tbo state. It
raay be tho means of saving money for you
E" "!!.!. . ....I 11 ijbu , 14
On lftt aide or hip of cattle, )
On left slmuWer of liorws.
1 Range the bead 01 Warbtmuet
Address Ilarr.'aon, Sloex Co. Neb
Faaxk C. I.iwis.
Maltese WSpSBP1
cro. mim
nrauUed on left side
f Cattle and on left
ES&aonlder'of Horses,
r.ange ou ncau 01 Waiu Itiver.
P. O. Address Harrisoa, Keb.
Owns tbo follow
Ini brand ou eiik
er; Also HR nn put-
lo and boi-KKs
rattle ou lurtside
liorsen on left
Rangoon Silver Springs and east of ttnw
ine. Postoflice Harrison Neb
p:-v"5 Tb bran represented In this notice
zfPM ',1 branae,l any where on left aide
XZ&Si 0t aild ovor-lap at from the
tnpvS Ala0 tlle g:woe brand on left tbih of
borsrs, fbo!on(rs to the uudrigned.
3iae war Mat ijSrlngg, bomb par fo
Sioux eounty. . Omakm SmUail,
Bawisou, Hebraiika.
On left side of cattle and on lef
jBhoulder ot liorscs.
Ititna on Antelope crook '
P. O, GMlohrlst, Sioox Co.. Keb.
Iirauded oa left shoulder of horses
'A.'-?Nand on left side of cattle. ...
Range on W hit River, near tilen.
't'tS- tri'-l V n. lilltHMn fJl,. NnVuii
Hranrted nn Ipf I. hn M fitlMM
J'v'l-AI-'.u and on left cheek of Horsea.
mZSiShSS Manse on Deep Creek.
Address, Deep Creek Live Stock 'Co,.
OSCAU ( LOW, Slipt., .
(len, NebncskB,
Cattle brhuded KJjfiJTti on left Ide
Horses branded J on left 8hou
lder, range on foldier l.'reek. V '
Any stock branded as above being estray
od from my rane, discovered by any body
on e'Tiug mo tuforuiat'uju will be rew arded.
Addrcaa, Ft. Bobtnaon, Nebraska.
In Tho Matter ol tlteKalatenf Peter-Brown
r eoniiuoiily known na Wllluun
Hayiies. ' -
j The Slute of NeliMs'ui, Sloix Coantv,
) .Notice of Probate of Will.
To all persons InWeatert In the estale of
Peter ItuHvti.eiiiiinioiily known us William
iliiyiic, dcciiseil. 1 ,
WliKdHAx, iMary K. Brown, of said conn-
ty, ha (lleil hi my olllce mi Instrument
purporting to lie the last will and Uistuntont
of peUsr ttrnwn roimuonly known as Wlllliun
llavues, deotssnil, bit of wild county, (tnd a
petition piiij-ift to have the same admitted
to probate, which wlll,rlate to both real
and perMinii estate, whereupon I have ap
pointed Hbnduy the Ul day of October, 1WX)
at 1 o'clock in tbo afternoon, at ray office in
aald county, a the time and plaoo of prov
lug said will, Ht'wblclv- time and place you
and nil concerned may npiiearjand contest
the probate of the fuuio.
It Is further ordered that said petitioner
Rive notice to all persons In Wrested in g ild
eatate of the pendeney of the petition, aud
the time and place net for hearing the same,
by causing a coprof this order to be pub
Ished In the lUmiisos l'HKss.,)ot:Rsi. a
news pnjier published tn Harrison, al4 state
for three wk aueeesslvcly previous to tho
day set for said hnarlni?.
In testimony whereof t have hereunto net
my band and official seal this 4th day of
."September, Itieo,
I , KonKRT Wil.sos,
1 "kau j Comity Judge.
w ' Atrnocopy.
ml. M raif
jT rii.'l ' V. lti..w. OiiMtKM Btaak 4
MfHtirif VsrTr'iTr&&-r.JkJZ
, . .... I BtliMib
iiomniaroiai Bank.
viiAuir, ii, lMCtilNLEY,
bank at this point may rely on
entire Jianlcing busines.
para of our trade at all times
Kor tho arrest and conviction of any party
or purlieu stealing or disfiguring any brand
011 nock beloiitfliiif to the undurslitaed par '
ties: '
Horse branded
on righ shoulder or
branded 1
ou right Jaw Aleo, I have
Horses brauded
1 li
on left thigh
Post OKlce Addross,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Sebraaka.
- . o .
60, 117, -.
on left hip
on left Jaw.jgQ on
left bip of Cattle.
Sioux County, Nebraska
Post Offloo, Hewitt,
Horses branded
on left abonl
der branded on left shoulder of
Cattle and
on left aide.
Tost Offlco Address, .
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Horses branded on lcf BDOnWe
Cattle same on left fcj3 hip. .
Slicnp barndod WM on tack or I on "
back of Sheep. " ' I
Itange on Soldier (Jreek and White Klver.
Address, Ft. Boblnson, Nebraska.
$100 Reward.
For proof to convict any person of steal
lug, altering, running off, or In any way
danmginas stock branded
side or hip.
Address, Jauki Foece,
Harrison, Neb.
Estray Notice.
To whom it may concern.
Notice Is hereby giyen by B. F. Gilbert the
undersigned that on the 17th day of Ouly A.
I). 1!Xj0 on his enclosed land situated In Cot
tonwood precinct in Sioux County Nebras
ka. Two light gray horses wan taken up by
blm as cstraya.
said horses being more particular branded
and described as follows.
The largost horse ifl brauded on Tikht hip
SQ icfthipg7
left shoulder!
Smallest horse on left shoulder
P.. T GltlllBT.
Ctil For Commissioner!) Convontioa
2nd, District, Sioux
County, 3eb.
A I)r,b3frat(i convention of thd Peoples In
dependent party of Hloux County Ncbr. is
beieby called to meet at the bite residence
of John J. Kodgars oa soldier creek on the
11th day ef October 1IKM at 1 o'elos-k P. M
for the purpose of nominating a candldiito
for tho ofllee of eeunly comuilstnoner for
the 2nd district tho several precinct will
be allowed the number of delegates itatml
below bctiifr one delegate lit Urge Had one
delegate for each ten vote cast for lion.
Silas A. Hotcomb for Sopreme Judge at tbe
General Klectlon of )S!K). ,
Andrews, 2 Cottonwood 4
Sug.ir Loaf, White llivor 4
M. J. Weiikk, Wu. J. A. IUOh.
Secretary, Chalmaii.
Tho Bravery f "Women.
Was grandly ahown by Mra. John Dow
ling of Butler Pa., in a three yean strug
gle with a roalignaet Rtomach trouble
that caused distressing attacks of nauaeu
and indigestion, All remedies failed to
relieve her until she tried Electric Bit
ters. After taking; it two months, the
wrote: 1 "I am now wholly cured tody
can eat aoythinf . It It truly ft fna!
tonic for the whole system m I falaai
In weight and fell much etrtwer siBoe
using it" It aids digeetion, nrm iy
pepsis, improve appetite, gim tmi KT
Only 50c. Ouaranteed, Dr, 5." C
IHimuY drug store.
: .
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