Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 13, 1900, Image 8

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THCTSPAt r.FTK?rax. Vty, l"',n-
Jcr. 5". Canon, IVlitor r.nt! Prop.
F. E. & H. V fi. it. Hnt tal.
OoinWojrt. ' Going F.art.
Wo. 5, mixi!fl, 31 :20 I So. 6. tnixed 8:00
Si. V. K. Iu is
to ar.il from tho
tha best
'"T.'taiis. v- B.n
Homeseekers Excursior
Will be run Sept.. 1, 4, f, 13, 13, 22,
and 8Srd;
l-F. E. V. '-' ;-:
So Nebraska, wlier-e . th one way fair
frora nearest Missouri Hirer Point, in
cluding Counr.il Biulis is 4.00, or more
to Points in Wyoming1, wef.t of ar.tl in
cludinjf Orin' Junction, and tn Points in
Black Bills diKtrict of So. Ifctkita,
Tickyts will ba sold by coniwtinc:
lines fwliDff to our line at, Sioux city,
Onora Mo. Valley and Om:ili! anf) by
our agwiw at South Flail-, sUlHins,
Hlair, Omaha and on S. & V, in Jowi;
ecpt tlwt cirR.t,-erils v.-ill not su'il to
jioints in Bo, Itok.
Fara will h one r.ira f.lus for
round trip.. Write your folks in theEnirt
. . t t . . . ..... V
nna n;ve intfrii cuim; wnn
advantages of thesH mtun. Vi'-Ufcls limi-l
1 rl...j 1., H:t WnVit rn frtunf
UX-U . A M.liJ- 1 ... ....j . ....... . o
portion. . F. Avmiv, Agt.
F. E. &H. V. R. R.
Special Excursions
East Bound.
Tickets will be on sale Sept. 10th ar,d
aSth' to points on C. & K-W Ry,- system
East of Miseuri River on one fare plus
2.00 for the round trip, limit 30 days
from date of saio.
F. A very. Arent
On next Monday district court
convene in Harrison.
Bert Hamlin was down from Kirtlsy
this week ou business.
Wohn L. Kay, was wp from P.!mning
Water, tliis week, on business,
Mrs. W. H. Davis, left the first of
tho week for Gordon, and other eastern
pomt,. to he gone some time.
Miss Minaie Warneka, will teach in
'the Sim Tboma districL We are glad
to see our Sioux county girU corning- to
the front.
Mr. asd Mrs. John Fitzgerald of Hit
Creek, were doing businss in Harrison,
the first of this waek, remaining over
Mr, and Mr?, Charles Newman, were
in town the first of the week, enn?ute to
tba'rafleyvXo pen3 iTfr3ay at the
home of Mrs. K" parents,
Mrs. (rerlach. and three of the child
Tpn, left on last Monday, for low, for a
fwtw weeks visit with relatives, they
were driven overUnd to Cra-Jfford.
Will Hough retnroed from Omaha.
ut Tuesday, wtiora he had shipped a
large consignment of cattle. He remain'
d oer several days to take in the sights.
One of th.e W.tiit:fal jrold watches
of l. E. Thompson's will be no induce
ment to Charley Coffee. Charley has
money enough to b ly one. Vote for j
, -Th hall same which wan played on ,
the Harrison, diamond on Sunday, j
litirtn the flrri?wn and Ut'darc tm,
ret.t!lud in a grand victory for the Bo
'ilarc n n. ' -,..-'
Risv. Warren, of Sittl, Wash. !a S
)n nppoin--l to fill the pulpit of we j two t,ree jf lua,t m Ml how cau a
TlarrisofiM. E Chwrrh for the next ..(-1 taacher who has 3? or 40 pupils of alj
We are glad to welcome him m ouf j dispositions, Ket along without soma
niidtit. j liiiit-s reproving them? Parents (should
Mr. J T. vv'illiam, of Kirtlnv. was, r;,n,t ermieta-mi, y trtacliera
down on 'last Friday, after I'r. Ph'nney t a,.ljor,S) or at je-t, hear both sides first.
To fo and proscribe for his wif who wn s ; c,f oor pUpiU will start next
mifferioK from 3Iourt;iin fever. We jjou(jay.
Iiave not heanl how she is at present.
-Peter Allison, and Mr. McCoy, wr School ,ort.
up from lower Riiiitdmr Water the first
it this week. While in town the (Jent- Report of Patrick .ho! district num
leoMD droppped in to say a friendly ; foer sis Lrjiini tt. Wyo., for month
'"flow'1 to ye editor, and Mr, Allison to ' aQd summer term ending Sept, !Jrd li)i0.
adii 'his name to our lit -of readers, j Number of days actually taught V.
fVuma nirain our latch strinc'salwaysout i (Institute work live days.) Nuinbtr of
' Albert Erderuan, returned from
"Wiseonnin this wk lie a acconrpan
wd hy bis bride. Congratulations are in
'ord.'f; spcatrinv' of the poti tical situation
n Wisconsin, Mr Erdeman sjiidi
Th republican expected to hioseM,
000, in that staU. ' Poor McUaima.
"-Among tlx graduates of Bellsvine,
3)X at Um end of tins collegiate year
AU Coaoty is to have one af her buys
to fbt parsoa of Bmery Zimmerman, son
f Chvv ZiaHMtiaaa of Bodarc. Em
7kMtkatriM'frrit of a western ty
' ggi itfcito ln htiiw othars of ms class
ttflWG iSsfomtUmA mod drop out, he
tzt cUutj wttb ufiflioching consKtaory
ttitxillwwhaisaboutto sea
" 1 C Of hit Mobitioo. Vis
V fan' ti inx in sitjv ii'i.inuy ill Utglt-
i 5!ur!s.- I'.-jce ami (:;ar.uot.r 8
Oimihn, NclT,, and n1a1olia, ra.-Capitul 535,(W0.
n-f'.T-nce, U. S. Nat'l Btnk or Your Express Agt.
! Poultry ant! (ianto.
Dru gists Sundries, ;
Pnints, Oils, Varnishes.
J. E. ' PHINNEY, Propristor.
To liont.
I will rent my place North of Harrison
11 miicx, until May list, 1R01, wHh 100
tons or feed on the ptare, also 1500 acres
of pasture. iloo! Uunning Water on th
place. Address James XoaS.
Boitard, S. itafc.
I.OSTA Gold wa-tch chain with com
ps, charm attsclretl, A muU'ola rw
wari will be given to the fii.iler.
Ruff Coffee moved bin faroi'y into
j town on last Saturday.
John ChriMtian came into town quite
sick with Mountain fevtr, and is now
coi.ftrifcd to hte bed at the Harrison
Uou-ve, BOdef the proffussioual care of
Ir. Viiimwy.
airs. bi-Ulair, sis'xr oi .irs. morn
caine down from Douglas, on last Wed
noHlay evening to spend a f-J days at
the home of her sister and ctfier friands
in tle valley.
Mr. and Mrs Downy, parenU of T.Irs.
Eobert .Nwve, moved up from Mara'and,
the latter part of Jast week, in order to
be with the children while the latter are
attending school.
Mrs." 21. A. Prithiy, was tnkeo quite
sick with cramp cilic last Sunday eve
ning when Dr. Phinney as called to pre I
cribe. "At last accounts Mrs. Priddy
was very moch improved,
M. J. Blewott was up from Crawford
on. la&t Saturday looking after, the sale
of his cattle, which was held in the af
ternoon. The Proceeds or Ue sale am
ounted t 21,00. dollars.
: A week Sunday Morora? the
Gordon Journal building- and Itt oonteet
were almost totally destroyed by fire
supposed to be the work of incendary,
the object wag robbery. The Pkess
JouiSAL sympathises with Bro. Lvon in
his financial loss and the extraordinary
trouble which he Has been put to.
County superintendent Borke, mov
ed his family into the Ed. Maine prop!
erty, this wetlt." :.?r. "STalhes ramity win
for the -rev-nt stop in the Warneka,
house is town with Sir. Warneka's chil
dren. ; , ' ; .
A Fire occured down al IheMerrfam
saw mill last -week. It was nppow-d
tfcat as they ww feawiog the previous
day a spark must have been overlooked
hence the fire. There was quite a little
lnjrobcr destroyed.
On last Holiday, our city school op
ened undar most favorahie auspice, and
w tntst, that tvarent aod children alike
ffi, tonj
inue to take a lively jnVrest
ia its welfare, and if the teachers find it
ricw.wr7 to reprove a child, the parents
, , n meJ,n3 nnhold tira or bar
in their action, aa the teachers suruiy
will do nothing to harm child, ana a-
giun d all not liave to repreuaand their
ciuidren at iionie, where they have only
pupds eorolled 13
Average daily at -
tendance i).
Pupils neither absent or tardy during
month. '
James Rogars, Erma Rxlers. Edna
liodgers, and Arron Wiggins. visiUirs
during month. Mrs. Hoover.
Maggie Nolan, (class grade;
Howard " " "
00 p.
H3 "
K3 "
U '
65 "
: 83 "
93 14
Uan r "
Henry "
Jomes Rodgers,
Roy ..?'
Ed Da "
Johnta Hoover,
Aaron WiffM
UaMt "
11 a FOCXM, TMCbwr.
iY htiles ale. Butter, r?';-'-
X '
Thi L-idic Aid Koeiety will rnet at
Mrs. CTjarle I lac son next Wednesday
afternoon at 2 eclock P, !.f. to .ww car
pet 8a:'T.
There tv.'ii l-e preaching nt the JL E.
Church next Sunday at U A. li. acd 8
P. M. ,
Sunday S-hoo! at 10 A. M.
Kpworth Ij;jjue at 7 P. 51
Pmycr Meeting Tliurxtay at 7;3d P. M.
BOP.S-T0 Mr. end Mrs. Kgert lluh
wer on last Tuesday evening, .Vpt.,
Utb 11W0, a son, mother and child ar
doing wcli. Wehs ve ttot.jieisn Insert
around yet but we have heard he is all
O. K, . '
Ttfe PRE3-JcrBSAl. family are the
raH!ipieoW of. very nice watermelon and
squash, from Mr. J. Montgomery, of the
valley pcikinjf of the denjocratw plat
form Mr. Montgomorj' says: He thinks
it is the beiit platform he ever ros-d.
L. C. Lewis who has been out in
Washington during week or two looking
over the country returned tho first of
this week. -'Mr. Lewis was much pleas
ed with the country he visited, we
did not ask him neither did we hear him
gay whether ho intended to locate out!
there or u-.t.
During tho storm"-of last Raturday
night James and John Deuel each liad a
calf killed by lighting.
James and Albert Deup! returned from
thoir western trip on the. "nd inst. They
report plenty of work at good ;;. ,
We are fflad to state that Dora Chris
tian is greatly improved in heaiih and
feels better than for a lotg time. We
hope tlmt she will regain her usual good
health witheut a trip to the coast.
Miss 5a Church was tiw guc&t of the
Misses Fioryn&j aed Amy Cbristiaa part
o' i a t w-.':.
Andre Christian . ' shipped two air
tnyia e( hIHa trt K OaKu mnririf rtfi
last Hocdiy, He wnt along to take in
tho sights of th Abattoir city, sod will
return boms today..
8. L. KirUey, arrived in Harrison, on
last Saturday, with a ear load of cattle
which he had bought in Cmalia. Ue
drove thcra out to the Ridge to winter
Jaroes Cliristian sold a few heal of
horses to Ueore Walker lh last- of last
week. '
Charles li !r.t. has bought Howard
Siiatto's interest in the threshing uiach
itie, and it is now Putty and Hunt:
They are now at work tbre'Jiir.g out
the britrht cereal that were grown in
the American pewrt, known as Pleasant
P.tdT8. "
Francis IVuei lias purchased the house
of Andrew Christian, lormerly occu
pied by J. II Kcwiin, and will move the
same onto his claim, oo the state line.
We hear of sever! who want to dis
pose of their belongings", here and emi
grate to Alberta. Our advice is to tot
leave Undo Sam's land of the free for
Aunt Vic's northern domain. "
Mr. and Mrs. Harry lieuel weot to
Uiirrison on last Saturday to have some
dwitu! work done, Mrs. Deuel had a!k of
h-r teeth, to the nuiuli-.-r of twenty eicht
takisn out at one fell swoop she display
ed mora true grit than gioerally falls to
the lot of the weaker sX. j
It bwing late whvn the work was done
it was not dieaiid prudent to come out
home !i they remained over uiirbt and
! CBine iirime ml SUB3.jy.
Cliarles AodrWs is making his borne
with Mr. Jennings while he is fixing up
his own chum ready to live at homo.
We notice J. A. Kice has a shingle
flung to the breeze, stating tiiat his
farm Is for sale. Now Jim dont get ax
cited bat Uy right ht-re with .
Rtport has it that a game of ball is to
ha played nt 8uwly, tlwn the
Liiijt nine and our home boys. The
gvno will Lo played on tba Pleasant
Pv.dgs diamrud, aaar the west chool
house, . ;', --.
Wa understand that Hile Church will
run the Harrison atW'tr' any distan'
J from on jump to 100 yds, for a purse of
! ft 00, hut nothing las will bo cowmlored.
! WaJsara from rattobl aoNKw, that
iMr. MiTWrf &U Otwaty ijwcU to
J. li. WlLUAIia
Co:rti: htou & Bvn.m:ny -For
Particulars call fit the
Vrqv JoaiSAh f'.'U. e r Addreii
Liin nt Kirtley Wyo.
For Ku!.
Lnts of sooni flash lurnVr mill sl)ti
and shs.ntu;, at Crawford Dnw, mill to
s,.l! heap M (lu't, as we are going to
FOR HALF: lour Kuiall
it MA::ra-i VAF.i'fn,
FOL'N D !mt voelt
at the bca.l of
IHowbtHvcanyt-na huir
of frviitiHrnen g
gloves wijicli t'.iu otier can have by
calling a, tli'. uiHyj.
Parlies owning the followinff horses
can !.!arn of their rheru-a-bouts by call-
j ing at this office nijdpayiiij; for Us uo-
W I , .. , ... , t.t."
:.s isr,e romss ano nBTOwaBuw
on loft thiyh, also one uray mare
branded circle on lolt thigh.
raie tons of pop corn, if it doea take all
of the water in the craek.
In Zekiels younger days he doted on
fKpcorn balli and taffy puils.
fUUI u u.
The hot dry wealiitr set:ms at last tj
be broken, a very Lfaavy s(iOver ax-pt
through the Valley early Salunky tva
Difig and coi:tii.u.-d far iuio the n:ght
witii s.uch Ctfufuiug thunder and vivid
l.ghtu.ng as we hope will oot come again
this season, theram however was very
much oeedutl and wsrs glad to see it
Mr. J. II. Montjjomery, returned home
Sunday fiom Kuiui;ng Water where he
has been at work putting up hay for
Johu Audersou.
Hon. C, T. Coffee and wife returned
on Saturday from Chadron where tht-y
left trttir chiljrea iu school, they were
i iiccrupauied iiorua by Mrs. J. W. Sny
J, B. Burke considers it for bis best
interest to movB to town that his chil-
luay iiave . uctter aavauuigts in
attend ing Reboot in liarrison Mr.
amniertuaa was helping him on
Monday, Vve are soiTy to sea any of
our gooa ceigniiors move away lrom
C. F. Coffee contemplates moving his
household goods to Chauroa the latter
ptirt of this week.
We lean that S. B. Coffee has moved
his family to town this week. Harrison
is uettiug to bo a very : attractive place
it seems. M. A. C.
Xotiee to Tho Public.
Tiie thirty accocd Nelatiska StaU Fair
and exposition will le held at its old
st-'ite hor'.
ani') ii
ill u.-. 1 f':iey will hold it
wwcw as -
The board have offcrel $ SO. 000 for
premiums, $2.0')0 for county eoitootiva
ttxibiU, $3,000 for ?f.L
The F. F.. & 11. V. Jl R. have an
nounced t!ie low rat of one fare for the
rouwl trip phis 50c admission, from
points in Kehmkt, ticket on sale Sept
.j T inclusive, with return limit Sept. .8,
and will run tpodai trains from crtian
portion of the line, thus providing the
best facilities foa Ihosa wishing to visit
this fair and exposition.
The following are special days:
Monday Sept. 3, Wheelmen's, day, of
Bicycle touraamet day.
The motor tandem
will be a ppoei&l feature.
Tuasiiay, Sept.. 4, Fraternal drill day,
and Fruit day, at which time tons of
fruit will be distributed free.
Wednesday una Tliur-.l;y, Se t. 3 and
Oth will Isj evtry UsJys days, and too
big races.
Friday, Sept. 7th, Traveling Men's day
and the "Knights of the grip are prom
ised a big time.
The "Tminewea Judges," a splendid
troupe of colored unilateral,' will giv
daily free enlertainments hj the amphi
Epabia Abuno, a native of Manila, of
the Tsglcg tnW of Filippinos, will give
fre-j daily reoeptlon and entertain meats,
on the grounds.
The agricultural nr.d horticultural
displays, promise to bo lie'Ur than ever
before axibiled in this state.
The wid awake people of Mnooln are
arranging for a series of night street
tournaments. Tli'w, with cnlertaio-
Maot of an iotrucUv r!;aract-i during j
fa.r week at the T.aucoln Auditorium,
will wrvi to encfianffi the pl.-ai.ure of
wli'i will viit l.in o'n and the fair,
Se A..'.-ct of the F. K. & 11 V. It. It.
fiw Jurtlwr (rarticiiar a to rates, spe
cial service. &c.V
4n. Jr'moli"tlr hnl" iM MHf
jriat iMwito HI 1 "! s-i 1Mb. Call f wvlts
M l. .... I.
Lumter Yard
Go to ROHWEE'S for Lumber, Har
ness, Flour & Feed, or anything in his
line of business; he will save you mon
ey by giving- you a squar deal.
XI- 5
t I
JOSS 9 r.
i rainvftY: i'U -Uufd Site.
Wu Cclsbra'.o Our iStf- "i-ir.e-is
Maine, held her state election tm last
Monday. The republicans lost tea per
cent and the demwjrats mmle a gam
of over eghteen per cent. How is this
for McKicleya prospenty.
The Empire's Bwtor 1!11.
It costs the Uii1d States ?ovirnmnt
the enormous sum of 720,0O0 a year to
keep surgenns'and other me-liral office.-s
in the Philippines- Thisdms notineludo
niirses,hospilal attendants and medicin
or Government Money,
At dose of our Civil War in 1865,
there appeared in the London Tiraca
the following :
" If that mischievous financial pol
icy which had its origin in the Noith
American Republic during the late
Civil War in that country, should be
cou3 indurated down to a fixture,
then that govcrnnier.t wiil furnisii its
money without cost. It v-:!l have c'l
i-.cn: v tu.'t r.-f :....." tv c;r .
on iu'X'.vH and cSihjnictce.
become prosperous beyond pecedef t
in the Hi-vtvry of civilized nations of
the world. The Lrsin and wcalih of
ail countries will no to North America.
The f.-.mot!3 Ilazzard circular, to
capitalists in New York, and the Uuell
J?.ar.k citcdar to United H'.atcs Tank
ers, b..h cmanaticj; fi ora London, and
the f-tbidous corruption fund raised in
.tngbnd and Gcrtnariy, estimated t
$1,500,000, were the agents jhit Re
cured the ciojiaj of our mints agaitift
Tlvj "wr.;k into my parlor" policy
of Eni;';:n !, during and since the
gpaiiiih War, is the latcit evidence
of Iiglish Dipdom.icy in shaping the
destiny of the United Stilts Govern
ment. Nutwhhstaniiicg the famine price
c: upc t, tn-j jgi.i:-.3:i viht, ana iiou
!o.ls tspendiraics of morey by ctr
gov-?rr.i:wi:t d.irii.g the ,isi yesr, gold
has increased sn value eleven jr cent,
and a'l otiicr values decreased in the
sa:ne prcporticn.
For a thorough understanding of
the money ouefction, or stiver isue,
the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly
given evidence of its ability to teach,
explain and produce all facts and
truth. It is a paper that ought and
can be read by all dosses with pleas
ure and profit.
. 50 YIARI'
V eArtificnva
Trace Msmis
rttiH CovmiMT Ac.
Abtm Mfxitfis stWh fir rsm mf
in ,lr j.riln or ni inum fr wuXhtr no
linn M(tlT oouMantuL IImii11o un Kiimu
m 1 ra
unrr It ttrutmn nwnu.
rm.iiU lakes shruMh Mmi" it ( o. iwatlra
eciok: nemo.
a hi
l SasSanmalr llhmM w!r. Jrrt rtr-
mt: fnarauMUw,!. WW if all srriiwi
f . '.'.' ?, - -. -.... j
I i . ' it. i "i ' 1
. a
Proprietor. ,
Harness Shop.
Flour & Feed
For Sale. -
VT ta t rrxt IV. W ivU't'y -M
-. cA v- ii it n no 1un pmtirMj
Ii-msrlptt. a et oat vji &
tali i.-ja i'msu. BtvtMMl a
jr.,-, !.'.. '
ii'. V -KOtrfd f!o. .j
rsr.llvJtaO-.it. i!rtw wSwilj"
Nklil riawd OuutlB.a'-aa rbKk s .,
Fsl Iwswl. .
1 biwo P4rt ?fi-4 1ia
Januiu!r I I i'.-'.M ns i'uwAii
h'l'uui: S . a:. .:.-h-n.
,n.iri!i: JlrHlmn ,
h--M Kl-'Jli-J
tU1l Ouk. i.ilS On-inu-xl V.ta.i ,:
, ' V?:!t to Tf-w l ?Vts
fix try iiv PUra tm srMr'wJ tt t
Earay Pynw.
l-o i. !: -Sro ri.- tl
jjUui"Mfl inm It jrwi a.M. f
A IHfWil "- ti-.r a'
lrl- eud tvi'- .ir.-piAj' ut tuxr aw
pi) i.ni plu, liu" " .c-t.a.
Ai:ninr. OvtaScr 2a, UVfX
M. Church,
Fumlay School 19 e'eto. k a. ra. Tpworth
Iaeae 0 :0 p. w.
TrearWat every Snaday twins 7:59
p. m-, st-d tvpryr.h.erimts .Kqndsy Mill, n,
eommtnrtii); Jsmiery 11, lfJih. Eiery My
mriluilT Ijivluil U (ittnd tlifM rvirf.
3 'ir
J, E. PHIXNT.Y, il. lh
All calls Riisn f.rojipt attention.
-HAJUtlSOa - XKJSA-ll.
Prompt attention rivra to all
matters in Justice, County asd Wf
CVurt, and hrfyra ,.th VmUA B!
Fire Inanranoe written ia roli
i2Lfl"M pepori carefully drawn.
HAkBiaoK. . - Cl!tuaSA
SI. i. O'Cormell, - - Co, Attorn?!
Will Practice la All Coarts.
Snp-lal Attectioa WfenULa4 0
flee Business. "
V 1 - inn. .. 1. u . - - . - - " - -
.j. . iti ... 1 . I I
oa ,0 me Will wcitc pi wnip inu
fvlichae Ruffini
oartt KVF.TOIt.
, I tm preirarr-'l vo no all kln-ls of Civil
.nBtn- ni work.
Wirna in n-d of the Sunrvors firvii eCf
give me a call as I have 4 full and conlll
piste outfit, tcjetber with exirte"4
do tho work with aeatoewi and diu-pM-i
Editor Awful Plight
F. M. Higcins, eihtor Seneca (HIk ,)
News, was afflicted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until ho
tried Ruckleu's Arnica SaJve, the hfstiu
the world. Ho writes, two boxes whol
ly oured him. Iofallibl for Piles cura
guarwitd. Only 23. Hold by Dr. J,
E. Pnnncnr druggist.
Kndorwl Death Agonies.
Only a rraring fire enabled J. M. (Inr
ison, cf .Sin Antonio, Tex., to lie
down when alla' ki-d hy Autma, from
which he suffered for years. He write
Ins oiisary was often mj great that it
SfHimt-d he endured the ayoflfei of dentil
hut Dr. King's new llwovarv for cou
sompUon wholly cured him. This mar
visions oifilicino is th only known cum
for inlhma as wall a ' oontunintlon.
Coughs ami colds, and all Throat, Cbt
nd luag trouble. Prica 50o and (1,00
(luaraoUMl. Trial bottle fr at Dr.
J. E. Pil;ssi;Ydrug slur.
C -' - "-a- KH