ii i i 11 it 5' Pre-Jf )itrnn 1 Thursday Pittkmhkb, Cth, 1900. ("v. 5. Canon, Editor ami I'rojr. t. E.& M. V Ii. H. lime talde. (Suing West, (iolnft East. So. 5. nifxMl. I Ko. 6. mixed 8:TO T Jf K North-Western LIME E. M. V. :. R is to and from the "the best BLACK HILLS, DEAUWOOD AS! HOT SI'H.iNi.S, SOUTH DAKOTA. F, E, a Fl V- H. R. Homeseekers Excursicns Will be run Sept. 1, 4, i. 1."), 1!. 22 and 2l!rd; r-r f. E. & m. v. n. e. in Nebraska, where the one way fnir from nearest Missouri River Point, in cluding Council Bltiifs i S3 00, or more to Points in Wyoming, west of nr.d in claditJiT Orin Junction, ami to Points in BUck 1L1U district of 8o. Dakota, Tickets will he sold by connecting Iins feeding to our line at Sioux city. Our w Mo. Valley and Omaha and by our agms at South Fi.it.v, stations, Wir, Omaha and on S. I'. & P. in Iowa; fKi ept thr.t our agents will not se! I to points in So. i ak. Fare will he one fare pl.t. ??.C0 for round trip. Write your foiks in the East 1 and have tnem coma ami see von, taKmr ndve-ntage of ' bese rates. Tickets limi ted 21 days with 13 days limit on goit:g portion. F. Av.'jsv. Agt. F. E. I U-l R. R. scial Excursions East Bound. Tickets will oe on sale fiept. 10th and 126th to points on C. 5; N"-V lly. Eystem lUht of Sltssftwi Eiveron one fare plus 00 for. the round trip, limit 30 days from date of sala. F. Avetty. Ajrent, Te Elitnr maile a short business trip to the bills on last Saturday evening, -and riturned yesterday. Prof. Myer, arrived from the east, Tuesday noon, and is now r?ady to as ume his duties in our school. Miss Gei-tie Buret, left for Chad ron on last Saturday evening to resume her studies, at the public school in that city. Our genial banker, F. W. Clarke, mnde a trip ta Van-Tassel, to we the Ikivs load cattle, at Coffee's siding, on last Saturday. There will be Mas at the Court .'JIous on Haturday, September, M, at 10:30 o'clock. Well! Well! another couple made happy. Who? Why, the VanT.uedl couple that had their picturen taken the ither day, at the gallery. The family of Hob Chai. F. Co!Tee left for Ciiadron; on last Saturday even ins, to be oa baud for the commence ment of school. Ciipt. Snyders, family left for Texas, on last Saturday, evening, where they will remain indefinite;-, or at least until lie looks up a suitable location. Cbas. Coffee, ship;ied upwards of twenty cars of cattle to Omaha, on last 'Saturday. He is one the heaviest sliip- pers from this North-Western country, j tf-rest in our country, has b en (teinos- Before adjourning, on l ist Saturday U1 rated recently, to U reelecte.1, are the countv coranii-sioncrs, appointed I 0,jr fusion forces poiu- to stand Ly iii. Lyon, deputy shenlL All of our;ai)il lnt n injustice -ainst our people will be -lad to hear this piece ,f!liomM and cjuuty? No we ur s nut. EMshMO. K. During the a'nce of Sieve Berres, Why d int your busings Innics ad- an'3 fnnilj' fni day last weok, ore or v.r(isein your pappr? This is the tpiest- j isteve's friends bratiht him a pair of ion which whs asked us at bast a dozwnjta"" ducks, and turned them loose in tiium by ss many persons on last Satur j tb- i-rd. The iel is that on Steve's day. And now ye scribe would like to return homo be diMvered them s vim- know bimsir. " J miri around in a neurby pond, and sup- , , ,. ... oosinir them to l wild, he at once went A letter was received aoavortwo!1 h .... . , , , ,, , . s2o tnformhur us of the murder at Cape ' Nome, by Silerians, of F. Scott Morris-j o .. Mr. Morrison formerly livtd in tiioux county and was en!fa;.red in the jewelry, busfness with Mr. Andrews. Mr. SSierrill, is getting his house on tlwhill just in the rear of the court I Vouse rendv for occupancy. Jt-rry Will j und bi family who have been living in ft, for Home time moved thir botihoid effect into the corner buildiuj: former- Jy the North-Western Press otfice on j last Friday. - I -Rev. Warren, of Seattle, Was., oc- i scupied the pulpit at the M. E. church, toere on last Sunday. The IUiv. pentle omo is resident of the stale of Wash ington, but is considering the advisibili t.T, of traoidering or bein? transferred to tbie coaference. At present he ifi visit ing hie brother in tlie eastern part of thU Ftato. Rev. Warren, mada a most frorable impression on his hearers. Dr. Pbintiey, who a deputy coroner ' wtt to Hewitt, on last Thursday to new ' tbe rtaiftins of .Harry Maple, who was twmmi dead the previous evening, on liear lj tbe testimony of several reliable i pie of the immediate neighliorhood ' OMieWred M imjueirt unescessa y as be J cv school on last Monday. This is Mim sjtm teat Men about i o'clock, riding a j O'Connors second year in this school. C.'.-tiewe horse, and the euppotition is Comwquentfy we opine Miss O'Connor T ' ) t2e mIdmI threw dim and after be i giving entire witixfaciion to the pat "i t.i"' Urn, tbtucauwQg hit death, ronn aad pip tr. al.ke. P R 9 We want i one iu any iu.m:jy at Hih- -IS st, llrki't Price mid Gl'AHO FACTION. Omaha, Xchr,, ami riubi'Mphia. r.i.-"nti';il r,0W. References, V. S. Nat'l Bank or Your Express Agi. Wholesale, Baiter, I!??, Poultry mid G.n:ie. to HE PIONEER IP i D r 1 1 L:i st.s lYiintJs, OilS I'OOUs and J. s A- Q 0) Father llinuche, of Cliralron pa-wl through I:irrisitt on l:i-.t lindav. Tim rpE-vJi-ntSAl. faumy are in (Wbted t Sirs. De Boric for some Tery nice WatermtltiKi imd plunis. Many thanks. SOTICK. I will have fre,li Itc'tf on next Satur day so y ou ueel not send away f ir it. W. K. Sur:i. Mrs. was in I II. 11. Lomtwr, cf A cdriv., lay, for the first time in several months. Mes-st-s Uoureite, Hi;c;h, Curry, Kirt5sy, and O'Comor, Shipped a larje eonj.is'nmeat from this place on Jlotn'.ay, to Oniuba, Our town streets are tit;d.-re"i"X a thorough renovation tiiis week uiider the able vorkuiansbip of K. A. F.'-tb-r of H-frii'snd, and George Un.pbetiour of this place. ?.!,- Joseph Dnno, of Wari-ots-ii't left for I)ooia-i, Wv". on lust Sattirday for an extended visit to the home of b-r parents. J.i will Unva a cbanco to enjoy sr.-eet bitfhe!or!:oo i forawliile. Hon. W. F. Ilayward, of Chailron, candidate fur state senator from this Mth sefiiitorial district v,.is anions' our out of town visiters last Saturdav. Mr. II. made many fritiuls for thecaii.- while Iiere by bis social, gentlemanly manner, and from what we know of his political opponent, his name will Is; Non-Bosl;trk instead of Von or Van-Bos-kirk after e'.ecttii-n, he will lw relegated to the rear, like I'it.ra ii. From now until the last rote :s cast on election day our people should be on the alert and use their utmost vili:.'ance in regard to the success, of our fusion party. The ward healers will be rife, from now on in their nefarious work, and honest voters must bo liken ise, lost one of these smooth torigued sirens like unto the myths of old, lure them from the duty they owe their country and family every office has a I tearing on this. Voters Is) on your gu.u-J. V. O. Patterson, of J I irri son. re ceived the nomination for countv uMor ney, at the democratic convention wlni h was held on last Saturday af'ernoon at At the court boos,;. No'- fur bis elec tion. One and a!l of our fusion forces should join hands, and we fe- sure the-y will do all they can to elect. Mr. Patur son and not permit a man who has roin- to the bouse ard pot his pun . . . . and u s i latched me of tl.cm U fore he learned they were tame ones 'Riven Jiiru by a niub1or. liiKnl joke Slee ? NOTb. Ik The citiz'ms and tax payers of tlie Vil- ac;e ol Harrison, aru retpiesieu 10 n,eei t Andrews ball on Frid iv evening .Spl. 7, at 7 80: o'clock to consider putting up a tank for lire protection. 1 Jy ?TrJ. -'tllll!.',- i(m!mast-r lirewell, of Hewitt, nml Henry Rofc, were i i town a day or two thou week, on business. The Ladies Aid Society, will meet at tbe home of Mrs. Hanson, to sew, Wed. afternoon f5cpt. 10. Mrs. F. W. Clarke, w ho has been spending a few weeks at, tlie Hot cprings, at S. Dak., returned home yesterday, Hnmemlwr Mrs, Hoff.imti's lecture at the M. E. Church, on next Thursday eveninr. fs'pt, 1'lth' Mrs. I off man fe considfcred the nblet spenlr of l er sex in this cotiutry and is ntitiot!,! spi-aher for the W. C. T. U. All Rliould turn out and hear her. Mist lliittio O'Connor commenced a seven month tr-rm of school at the La" HUNTERS AND' SIIIl'PiiRS PERRY, BAUER EHSIS, PHARMACY. C a j I n c I r i c Vrirxi il ieS STATIONARY. E. PHiNNEY, Proprietor. J 5 V.'h ! uin you sjoui;;' my little m iid. li to the KaSb.ry she said. And vshut,do you wii-ih up there asked (he? To baveniy picture taken said she. Yes, t luus ritsbt! you should have your picture taken hiio you can for the I'illJTUl-'ii.srUa will he here out one week MOIiiJ. A Powder .Mill li'.jilosion. r- I drastic mineral pdl.-,, but boiii are migh ty dan-erous. N'o need f dynamite your body whe-u Dr. Kue's New Life I'l'.ls do the wotk so easily and per.f" tlv. C'un-s H -ad..i'iii, "Ymtipation. Only 23 xitit at J. E l"i::v.-!iY" I'm lured Ib-utli A;:ot:les. On! a r of 1 rinir liw eiiabb'd J. M Cut-- id Ani'imo. itx., to Me! down wia-n r.'tro lad by A ttna, from , which bo so f'.'f ! - d ft-r yeors. !!-i writes j his iui'-rv w as often so rt that it! seemed l.e eedured U p aotdes of drath j but Dr. inns' new 1 iiscovcrv for ma- sumption wholly cured him. This o,ar- j veious ii edit ine is too only known cure! for nsthiua as well as consumption,! Couirhs and voids, and all Throat, Chest and Iti'i;; troubles. Price fifte and S 1.0ft Ouaranterl. Trial lott!cs free at Dr. J. E. riilNNEYS drug- store. Over in Wyoming. Mrs. C. L. Christian, is visiting rela tives in Audubon couty, Iowa. Mm. Eva E. Christian, and fHnrliter Don. expect to leave in a b-w days for los Ar"ei.j, Cal. iKMa's lirnlth is not very good and ties trip is taken to bene fit ber. i !li-s Eva Cl urch fsient lard, week visi-, tmsj h"i' fri?nd, Miss Dora Christian. j Miss Steeres is the guest of Mrs. Kred IVMd i his wd:. Hill Sii.it: , is b'tilJins a nr.! o'.b erwise improving his homestead. Mr. Z. G. Deuel, of the a;le nb' his cattle liist week to C. II. llollins-' wort h. S. L. Kirtley, and (ton Locke of Hot Springs, ft. Dale., were Hie guests of Mr. and Mrs. H-dderfielJ at their old borne, the last of Ibis week. Arnold Wagner, came down from Kay See on Powder River, tbe middle of last week. lie calbsl on his 1 i-t nir! while here. He started l ack tbe first of this week. Andrew Christian returned from Om aha on Wednesday of last week, wjiere be had been with two cars of cattle. We understand that he sold about twen ty head of steers to Frank C'urrie since he came Lack. While mowing on Tuesday of last week. Harry Deual bud the misfortune to have a runaway. The only damage done was a broken toninie, one guard bent another one hroken. One hore wics badly cut just jibove the heel, by gcttius I sick into the sickle, while Harry received a few brut' ratisr-d by lieiiig run over by one of the Mower wheels. Oa last Saturday morning Dora Chris tian was taken decidedly wore. Dr. Pbiuiiey w;is s, nt for but did not pet here until fiunkiv Storning, He faid Iter sickness mi-ht develop into typhoid or mountain feier. On 'Sunday evening ntio v;.i resting lietttr anil we hope to hear of her sn edy recovery. Miss Amy Christian has been engaged to teach in one of the departments of the Orin Junction fcchoob; to begin at the close of ber school in List. No. 3. Sometime in October. Charles Andrews, and his brother-in-law Chariifl Hunt, aru now in our midst improving their claims near the west school house. Mrs. Hunt will Uj,i:i teaching there on Hept. 17. The Pleasant Ridge nine went to Luk, on last f-'attirday to play tbu Lusk time, for honor we mppose. Haven't, beard how the score stood. J. II. Newlind expects to move into tbe North-East corner of tht Pl aanl P.idge settlement in a few weeks, The Republican caucuH will I held tn ihe east school house at 2 oolock 1', M. on .Saturday Sept., 17 to nd to the convi n'.ion to l held in 2oiiplfls th 201, t, 7.W1.. J. D. WILLIAMS. C (""TRACTOR & BlTLDER, For Particulars- mil at tin P::r--s-J;T.N.r, oi'h-e fr Addre. him at Kirtlev V.'vo. NOTICE. As I have disposed of the north-western hotel and am going to retire from the business, nil parties knowing them selves indebted to me are requested to call and settle their accounts. J. H'. rHE.I;TIJ ForSa!. Its of second class ltimlr mill Klu'e IIH lUilllvn, III Vl" IUIU All" Ill I I III chr-an as dirt, as a.ro KOiiiCT to move. FOR SALT;: Four hniall pigs. Call at Mahc-h Vl.f)?.Z. ! j Dr. Ii i hard t!m dentist will he in j Harrison, at Harrison hotel SSepl. Cth, to i'-'Oi. prciaivd to do all kind of Dental , I FOUND last week at the head of S-xiwUlly cr.nvon a hair of pentlemen's gloves v h; b the owner can have by calhu at this o:!i -a. Parties owning the following horses can learn oi their whore-a-bouts by call : ins at this olfico and paying for this no- tice: fiix lare tiorsfH and mares brandeiV Ion h-ft tliiyh, iibo one tray luare LlMTOI!. NOTJCK. As I intend to give no weavipar for , t he pre.-ent, thi public will please take j notue and tnkd their work el-e wheie. ! Anv who have my proniiie to weave for I hern are not irediabd in this, as I it!l - l,i keep uiy ,ord. U. A. Pan-DY. Tin- X-v,' America. My eountiy s,sof thue. sret laini ol ii, ; ) four lotteries lions" I,n.1 of tin- (inl.Mi.iifi )rle, l tier.- ifre.it. tl i-!s aidd-. From eery ir.ouiiluin h!Je, ou'il lH'r- tijelu tiu. (ill tiinna MrJiiuiey w luvii tlio, us Ioiik k.s we chii see Tlie pold roll In, Yon nnipeil us fitrin (Tre-tt trii"ti. And Hie gm'ermeiit 10 bum, An I tnil t!ie euimlitiulon In Dieduat, Oh Je. our king. Let iinjwrialtisjn tfi.'ell the breeze. And r.osr from id I the tree, frtveet erfftoinii song, Keeji I'liHiiidnos unnVi', T'.mt tin y viiiij U nd i!trtke, fur Ha i-et ehrist. unity aitke, (;li Me. our kii.tf. Oil Kanna Sti i-'ialey l to thee, Autlior of misery. To tlite ire Ci'ni-, l.'jnif iiihv onrsnir ti'- lirlirht, Wlin iiiiiu:ut:o!iN l-.olv liiit. I'otect us with your uoshl, uh Mr. our 1, iv-. ! u- :i. ,?i--l i,, tlie r-for-n foree, nt AmeM- t.- I V J'I'I., fn . ' r. ollre ' Ti'-C I'ntllc. T! thirty second Nt'ora-ka State Fair and exposition will be held at ils old stariil, Lincoln, Nebr., SSept. !t-7. The vtito horticultural society will bold its atinual exhibit in connection with the stat fair and on the same grounds and dales. The board have offered ? 30,000 for premiums, $2, 030 for county collective eihits, fi.OoO for (-peed. The F. II & M. V. R. R. have an nounced the lo w rat ol one fare for the rout.d tripplus 30c admission, from ioiuts in Nebraska, tickets on halo Sept. ;i 7 inclusive, with return limit Sept. 8, and w ill run fcH;ial trains from crtian portions of the line, thus providing the beat facilities for tltose wishing to visit this fair and exposition. The fol!owjug are special days: Monday Sept. 3, Wheelmeu's, day, or Bicycle tournamet day. . The motor tandi1.! will Ije a sjiecial feature. Tuewlay, fr'ept. i, Fraternal drill daj and Fruit day, at which time tons o4 fruit will be distributed free. Wednesday and ThurIay , fiept. Hum Glh will be every body days, and th big races. Friday, f-lept. 7th, Traveling Men's da) an ! the "Knighln of the grip are pronM isd a bi:.r time. The "Tt-miessee Judges," a splendi' troutie of colored tiiinaterels, will giitJ daily free entertainments, in the aiuplM theatre. Spabin Ahune, a native of Manila, (.1 tlie Tnglfg tnlm of Filippinos, will glwj free daily receptions and eotortainmeiitn on tht gri'iiuds. The agriruitural and horticultures. di.-plays, promise to Wo better than eve.' before exihil I in this state. The wid i a wake people of Lincoln an arranging for a wrie of night ftreeJ touriiaiin nt. The', w ith entertaim merits of an i islnn live clvirnctr during fair week at the Lincoln Auditorium, will serva to enchancn Jim pleasure of those who will visit Llncolu and the fair. See Agent of the F. E. & M. V, R. R. for further particulars as to rate, sjk cial service, Ac. uobsr Yard !."i-Ji-:.t'C'i- Go to ROHWER'S for Lumber, iar- ness, Flour & Feed, or anything in his line of business; he will save 3'ou mon ey by giving you a squar deal. PUBLIC AUCTIONS The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his Uim li 10 miles North west of Harrison. Neb., on Wednesday Seplemlier Z, DM), at 10 oh lock a. m.. the following described K.rsoiiul proper ty, to-wil: OdWs and Calves, (joed Milch Cows, Heifers, 2-years old, Yearling Heifers, Yearling .Steers, 2-Ye.ir-oldf.Sleer, (iood Hereford Dull. 2-years-old, Hogs from 0 mouths to l-year-o!d, Tons of Feed, Acres Corn in Shock, 4 1 1 0 !?0 to A Lot of Lumlier, Tools and Household GikhIh too num erous to ti.ei.t ion. FREE LUNCH KETtVni). Tfi n;.sof Salc:-CASK. O. A. Gaktos, E. A. Ei.'ihlow, Auctioneer. Pu belie Auction T!ic uivlfTs-'ifriifbl will Fell At the Sto.-k Yanl.5, in f H?irri?ou, Nt!;., on Saturday, Si'pt. t-', IdOii, at 1 oYkii k i. M., t!w following l.-,'rribtil iitTHoiial id'ojH-rty, to-wit: IS head cf Cows & Calves JO Ilea'! dry Cov.tf, head L'-yi-ar-oId Steern, 12 head 1-year-old Hteer." & Heifers. Terms of Sa!e:-CASH. M. J. Ijlkwitt. , R. L. Keel, Auctioneer. Public Auction. The under.-int'd wiil Fell at laihlie auction, at his ranch I !!:!!? north of v. fSi'i;t.T0, 1 ?(!", at lOo'clock A. M. the fullowincr dcy- erihed rerronal proiieity to wit: 12 cows and calves". 8 Yearling Steer?, 0 Yearling Heifers', ) Dry Cows, One Hereford, Bull, " Mare and Colt, " 2-yt'ar-oh.l Filley, " liu ek;-k3ii hor.-e, IIouHe-hold and kitcheij furniture too numerous t( mention. TERMS OF SALE:Ca,h ii hand ,T( :U'A J. A LLCOP.N. tt. ROHWEK, Proprietor. j Harness Shop. Flour & Feed For Sale- C- L.SMITH, 0v,f TT fTbjs PAtiUI'-'dN' - SKIiUASKA. Sundry Scleiol 10 o nlm i m. rpworlli bepKiie ! ' in. i'lvarliin? eeiy Sue, by rvrnlnt at 7:"0 i. in., Hie! ever, ulfruale Sniiday st 1 1 b. rn. ri.ibiiiKiie'.r.g Janiairy It. ii OH. Kxery body enrdi.di tut iti i lj at "-ml t!irse rvlen. Proffassional Cards- J. E. PIHNNKY, M. 1). I'hjl.ciati and Surgeon. 41! :iu rjiven prompt ntteution. (illli e In lirui Store. -I!AiHUM)?( - XrTEKASKA. CHANT GUTHRIE. Attornay-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, told before lile United fiuitef Eand Oll'.ce. Fire Insurance written in relitldt companies. t;7"lAgal papers carefully drawn. ILtiiUisox, - NnniasKA. .U. J. O'('oi:i:ell, - - Co. Altcrncj, Will PrRfllco in Ail Courts. Spfcial Attrntivu Oiteu to Land Of fice jiiisir.e.sK. Coi lections and all business entrust ed lu mo ill receive prompt ntlmillon. Ai:utt.v - NKiirt.'.sKA. Michael Rjffing, (KI'M'V f !, SI ill t. OK. I rim prepare.) i, (o nil klmls c( l.Ivit Ki.g!a,-erlti nili. When iu r.eed of ,iw Sili'Vf i ors f'ervii-es, give me a Pull hs I have a full und com plete outlit, together ith exprrieuv to do the work with neatnesn ami dn,r,itoh. i AlltlNH. J MICHA2L nUFFiNG, ! HAR3I30:, - - - - NQHASA 1 v;