M ' rtf " " '"WJw;,-'rv,f t nittf '""V e -J s' a "iji", j r." it1" - r 1 . i ' " " "i " " CJ -4V 1EIES. 8IND YOUR BILLS TO THE Union Lumber Co., "jjjSP- They Sell Direct to Farmers at WHOLESALE PRICES. SOLDIERS' HOMESTEADS WANTED. WANTFD, the addresses ol soldiers of the civil war who erred at least 80 days and who filed on a homestead of 10, NO or 121) acred before June , IK71. oan sell lili additional right. rMdlnrs' widows, if ilvins", are entitled. The helm under VI are eutltled. IXirre.polideuce solicit'. Mention The Country Publishers Co. A. M. VANCK, Capital Park, Des Molaes, la. HAY ! SWEEPS and STACKERS 2 or 3 whit! tldikltck. 3 or 4 whin rear hitch. THE SEASON IS HERE We haue tome print for you. Write for it. KANSAS CITY HAY PRESS & MACHINERY CO., Omaha, Neb. Taking Turkish, Vapor, or Medicated Baths. All th iiutin..f,fm HOT K PHIN'.S lo rniir.,wn HUM K fr Til KKE f'KSTS ..-. Th.y ittHL-lH I, t4 KKKKK.1IIIM). lill'H I OWKK TO TH K Hit IN. (Inr tuiitnnrl 1I1KIOUI. IIATII rAlll.NKT.H .r. Al TOM ATICALLY -ttriififl. lii.t yon run u.lr r nri.lf Tl'lt er'nkins w.t-r and .i-mir th. f .- IVITKOI'T AS a1TaNT Ow C'!b- IH'I-! t.r..J.,-. r.-rf". IM!TH ILKAM.IMCVI. YlflOK nd UKAITV. V ill ear. Ml El 'MATISU. SKIKAl.OU. fv-H, I,r:fiT. ftnil M.l.ri.. I'll YMriANll r-wiminpn'ied lli.ui f..r WOMAN'S TKOtni.K Hl.vl sn4 Skin 111....... Tli.rm.l tint),. r"f tl,. l.lu. -1. Inviji.r.l. n-l W,, itY.ann ..tm W mnntlbi SKVKKAL WIl.t.loN CONK,! lif TIIM FKIV ..nalllm fn. , r.t.m t' rrfu" fKlfTIH TloN . ALL TH E IM rl'f(K salts. ACIIili ASI I'OHONOia MaTTKK wbictt ,lf r.umd, chh d, kn... n4 rr"mlwr-ith. I'lilCF S on tn ll.""- W'ril. far r C.uIass t.fr bti.lnr e tt.tti C.liln.l, W. v.nt nbn-H"n MEN si.4 tVOMK.X to r.r..nt u. K V KKV W II KliK. eu..t. urnu.,, ,.. sundird Bath Cablaet Co, Toledo, Obio. JACK OF ALL TRADES . OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" V2 H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE. Worth Its Weight In Cold to Every Stockman and Farmer, How many of you have lout the price of this Engine. In one day on account of Insuf ficient wind to operate your wind mill, leaving your stock without wilier, (lot one now to do your pumplnit when there la no wind or Ui do It p-vularly. Weather do-H not iiffect fta work, hot or cold, wet or dry. wind or calm, It la all ilie aamo tn lliln maclilne. WHl ttUo i-liell corn, itrlnd feed, Kiiw wixkI, churn hutf r and In handy for 11 hnndre.) other J dw, In the honso or on thofarm. ('netM nolhlng to kt-cp when not working, and only 1 toZci nts per hour when workfnif. Milp-d completely act up, reudf lo run, no f.iuiidatKin needed, a irreat labor and money i.aver, Heiuln i practically no atu.ntlon, and is almolulely Bale. We make all alwrs of Ottaolino Engiuen, from li to T5 tiorat -iwer. Write for circular and aiKi lal prices. FAIRBANKS. HORSE &. CO.. OMAHA. NEB. Or. HENDERSON 101 and 103 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, MO. tnthnriied by tha Btaa to treat CnROWIfK MMfOVM AHii alKCUL 1HSKAME.1. Curat (narantaed or nMi r funded. Ail medicine, furaiahad ready for nas do marrury or ln lartoaa tnadiclne oaed. No d taation from haul ae as. Pstmnt, at diatanes treaUd by Ball and aioraaa. Madictnaa asei '! MOKE CHEAP EXCUUSIOXS. Remarkable,?epS:? The Spason Im at Its Height. Cool Weather. Altttlltle, :tlO() Feet. Healthful Climate Good l'lace lo Hppnd Vacatiou HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA The trip Is easily made via pmoot, Elkhcrn & Mo. Valley H R. onlay ExcnrstoDs, Scot. 119,22,29, Ioesday Eicarstons, Sept 4 aod 18. Limit: October III, 11NH). Vturdav and Tuewlar Kxrunlnns on aala Lll poliiU on "NOHTH-WEsTKItS LI.NK" in iiiy. no. valley, Umaba and west reor in neoraaka. liEeDAY Keurslons Septemher 4 and IH louaaleat points on 'NOKTH WEHTKHN h ana connection f.unt or toe Missouri ate: One Fare, plus $2, for round trip. LIMIT: October 31, MJ.'X). s Sale: Sept. 1,4,8,15,18, 22,29. or pamphlnta ti-lllnit all about II itels. ery, (Jlinsie and Cures, call on any skcuC nweatern L,;ne. J. H. GAHLE, Traveling Vast. Ancnt. benlson, la. A. L. FIHIIEK. traveling Paas. Avent, Kansas City, Mo. J. K. BLCHANAN. General I'ass. Agent, Omsba. NeD. ier, 8I0111 fit Incoln: II. ft. y, A comMetn line of huiidi uk for what you EAKEE'S STEAD. ; Absptit-miiidetl old I)nny I!akei went 10 tiliir.t'.ing' across I nion Square tuiij iug 11 hluck box lliiit looked like u iiiiniiiuire I'olrin. "Ui, ,llke, pei on to the funeral!" cried 1111 impudent youngster wiio liud viiinlv trii() 10 induce Uui.ny to buy uu evening jiuiier. "hr'k Koin' de wrong way to the Morgue," Alike answered. The old man paid not the glighteat attention to their gibes. J'roliuuly he did nut hear t hem. iiis mind, when not on hia work, uib fur away, pur auinfr niemoriea of years long pant. ThuH rt was now, for there was noth ing in carrying a repuired viola to a customer to distract him from hia sorrowful retrospections. He entered one of the music ttore that abound in that vicinity of the Un ion Square, and waited for the atten tion of the clerk who had sent the bro ken instrument to him. A number of small bills advertising teachers, pian ists and concerts were on the counter. (Id Mutiny glanced half absently at them. His eyes rested momentarily on. one that unnounced the first ap pearance in America of "M. Houlang er, the great violinist of I'aris." The performance was to be on that very evening in Carnegie Hall, but Danny shook his head sadly, as if saying to the announcement, "No, you can't in duce me to go, not if your liouluoger was the greatest virtuoso who ever lived." The repaired viola was taken from him presently, and laid aside to be called fr by the owner. Danny re ceived his pay for the work he had done and went Blowly homeward. On the way he saw many a poster on which the name "I'.oulaiiger" utood out in largf letters, but he always shook his head ajid tried not to see the advertisement. He lived buck of his dingy little shop in Fourth street. When lie nrrived there he observed a cab before the door and an elegantly dressed stranger inquiring of the boy left in charge when the proprietor would return. "I am the proprietor, sir," said old Danny, simply. "What can I do for you?" "Ah, permit me," responded the wtranger, with a French accent, and he handed the old man a visiting card. "Monsieur limilnnger!" exclaimed Danny, in great surprise, when he glanced at it. "Yes," said the other, "my name is doubtless familiar to you, and you may be aware that I am to play at Carticgie Hall this evening. I have in jured my violin, and there will not be time to repair it before the concert. I am told you have an instrument al most equal tn the one I brought with me. I will pay you anything you like for Ihe loan of it for the evening." The old man brought several violins ami laid them on the eotinier. "I shall be happy to oblige mon sieur." he said, "if he finds anything here that is worthy of his potters." Iloulaiiger looker them over, hand led one or two, and then exclaimed, "l'.ah! Kit for amateurs! You should not try to impose them on n virtuoso." then he leaner forward and hispcrcd : "Where is your StratlivnriusV" Danny started violently. "Yon cannot have the Strad," lie said; "it belonged to my poor boy. No one shall ever play on it again." The Frenchman was not to be de nied. "Your son would be proud to think the gren.'leut living violinist had bor rowed his instrument," he cried; "let me take it and 1 will rail your son's spirit from the dead so that he shall . ..!., ,.,, ,..!.., t T,l.,,r InnlirM " "Ah, if you could do that:" sighed Danny. "1 will," Honlanger declared with conviction. "Tell me, is it long since vour son went away from you and the Strad?" "Many years. He had just come to the point where he was to make hii debut when in u fit of passion he ran away. He went to Kurope and was murdered in J'aris your own city, Monsieur. His violin has never been 'ouehed since." The Frenchman put his hand caress ingly on his shoulder. "Let the Stradivarius speak to you n message of comfort from him," he said. Moved by some subtle influence he could not withstand, the old man had tit last obeyed this stranger's behest. His bent figure disappeared Into a back room, whence he emerged carrying tin ebony ense with brass clasps nnd handles. Within crowned with age nnd use, lay the interpreter of bygone is" hd laughter; silent now, but y awaiting another huinnn soul to forth Its vibrations. Iloulnrigcr le an impulsive movement, but i he a closed with u snap before lie Id sie.e that treasure. Not here. Tonight .tonight. Yeiir ttiise remember," cried Danny, shly, tin he pushed the case toward pi over. Monsieur," anid the nrtist, mnkiiq iw bow ns he withdrew towards the r, "there will be a great audience. public hnve to thank vour gener- ly that they are not to be disnp- nted. Will yon make use of my Vie If yon nValre a comfortable It?" he pointed to the card. ".Mi, nnd If jron nsk for me in the ftr'n room ifter the tierformnnce all h mnch pleasure In restor- vour Wrndivnriim wnth eternal ttowledgenientK of my Indebtedness the faror you have conferred upon ft howed again with grace, nnd lit out to the cub fiwiiltlng him, the my case in tils hand. 'hat evening there wna n crowded. Iinslnslle aiulicnce In Cnrnesle 1 1 n II. Lnv linker was there, sitting with l closed wheneved the great violin- Iplayed. To him It did seem as if violin spoke to him of hia boy h tin angel's sweetness, he even fin ned that F-dwnrd had returned to and was playing on the platform ore him, nnd the old nuin dnred not n his eyes lest the Illusion lie tlls- led. .t last nn usher aroused him. Tho roilcert was over and mot of the au dience had already left the hall. Dan ny remembered Houlanger'a promite, and hastened to the artiste's rooms behind the stage. "What do you want here" demanded a man, barring his way. "Monsieur lioulanger," Danny an swered, fumbling for the virtuoso's card. "He pees nobody after a perfor mance," mi id theother. "You will have to go away." "He will see me," Danny insisted. "Why?" "Kecause he made an appointment to give me back my Stradivarius which he borrowed this afternoon." "Nonsense! 1 am Monsieur lioulan ger'a agent, and I know that he hnu played upon his own instrument, a (Juarderius, not a Strad. You'd better go." "I will not move from here until my dead boy's violin is restored to me;" cried the old man. "See.here is Houlanger'g card! Where is he?" "Here I am. What is the matter?" said a weary voice. There was something in the tone that caused Danny to turn deathly pale. Had his son really come to life? He looked up to see a young man in evening dress with a violin case under his arm, but H was not Houlanger not the virtuoso who had borrowed the Strad. "Monsieur Boulanger," said the agent, "this old man, who doubtless is mad, insists that you borrowed " He got no farther, for he famous violinist funldenlveinhrnced old Danry. "Father!" he cried. AndDanny knew that this was hia son, no fantastic freak of his imagin ation. They went into a dessing room and remained there until the janitor urged that he really must lock up the hall. Father and son had mourned each other dead through false report, for many years, and meantime the son, adopting the French form of his name, had risen to great prominence as an artiste. .Neither of them ever succeeded in tracing the Stradivarius. It hud van ished .with thf clever adventurer whose trick won him a valuable in strument and united father and son. For the Housekeeper to Try. Sprinkling clothes with hot water and a whisk broom. Try rubbing tough meat with a cut lemon to make it tender. Uubbing celery on the hands to remove the odor of onions. Adding one or two tublespoonfuls of sugar to strong turnips when cooking. Mixing stove blacking with a little ammonia to prevent burning off. Adding a few drops of Ammonia to blue water to whiten the clot lies. Adding a little sugar to milk to prevent it sticking to t lie vessel while boiling. I'l.'iciug uu apple in the bread ami cake boxes to keep bread and cake moist. .Mixing a little cornstarch with salt before filling the salt shaker, to prevent its clogging. Adding a tabh-spoonful of kero sene to a pail of clear hot water to wash the wudows. Sprinkling grated cheese over oat meal porridge instead of augur and eating with cream. Wetting a cloth in cider vinegar, wrapping cheese in it to keep moist and prevent molding. Dipping a bit of parsley in vinegar and eating to sweeten the breath and remove odor after eating onions. Dipping stale doughnuts in cold water, placing in a paper bag. heat ing thoroughly in the oven and serv ing hot. Mixing flour nnd sugar together, before adding water, to prevent luuipiliK, vtiiere iiour nnd Budi ia used ill making sauces. Making a splendid furniture polish by taking a wine glass of olive oil, one of vinegar and two tablespoons of alcohol, apply with a soft cloth and polish with flannel. FOUR FAVORITE FAMILY FOODS: HECLA COFFEE. MU'tOCK'S PUBK SPICES, "OPT" FLAVORING EXTRACT AND 1 Murdoch Hf ?nU SBOCFR HA THEM ALL. SUMMER TOURS via the ' f: WABASH RAILROAD. On June 1st the Wabash will place on sale summer tourist tickets good to re turn until October 31st, to all the sum mer resorts of Canada and the East. The Continental Limited Leaving Chicago at 12, noon; leaving St. Louis at 9 a. m., which was so pop ular with the traveling pibllc last year, will run on same schedule time this season. For rates, time tables, or further In formation In regard to trips East or to Europe, or a copy of our Summe Tours, cad on or write, G. N. CLAYTON, N. W. P. Agt., Room 405 N Y Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AGENTS WANTED. rlieIoterehanireahliCampali;nTrlck Itadge "Agents wanted everywhere." Pample by "iall if, cents. VI tiy mall !.00. too by express $7.fil). IOcK) tiy express i'fi.OO. We are manufacturing .000,000 as a starter and can ship out-of-town orders at once. It li- new. novel, original and handsomely irol- 1 ten up; wtllaffored an Immense amount of iLinu.cment and tie a tremendous seller ; ltntli. In viiiit- ordpiv wend nionev liv regist ered letter, express order or postal order; terms chsh. CLOYD NOVELTY CO., IWI New York l ife llld's, Kansas City, Mo. IN FOR REFORM. Chicago Times-Herald: Sauntering Sim Here's a piece n dis paper wot says more men die from overeat in'' dan from bullets. ' Tired Treadwell 3ee! We got to be more careful about ourselves. Dis ting of eatln' eight meals a day just because you ain't afraid to ast fer 'em Is a habit dat Is dangerous to let grow on you. Where the Itlrda llulld Tlielr Ncsls. Wood-peckers all use holes drilled out with their strong bills, the chip making the lining, if you follow up a series of round holes drilled in tht decayed branch of a tree, you will usually come upon oncof these nests, 'J hc.se birds waste much time and labor by drilling' several holes before they find one lo suit their fancy. These holes, besides forming T tit: nest, in summer, answer for u home male bird drills a hole just large' enough for himself and lets hismatc weather the winter storms as well as she can. The woodpeckers drill new holes for nests each season, and the old old ones are quietly appropriated by the nut-hatches, the chickadees and the brown creepers. Each has her notions of refurnishing the borrow ed homes. The chickadees put down a soft carpet .or rug of caterpillar silk or spider webs, mixed with down from plants. The nut-hatches ar satisfied with a mat of grass. Wrens, swallows, bluebirds, owls, chglch and .some hawks, use last year's tiesis wilh some slight re pairs, or appropriate u deserted one that seems suitable. A wren will rear n little family in a hole in n tree that seems hardly large enough for the mother bird. The bluebird and the martin will he thankful for any boxes nailed about the garden to assist them in their housekeeping cares. lly far the larger portion of our birds build n new nest each sensim, though often returning to the same locality. Then comes that great army of birds that build not only a new nest each year, but a new nest for each brood. Ylck's Magazine, bheep The survey of the llnwalian Islands and of the Anierisan Islands in the hanionti gmup nre practically completed, but the existing charts of the I'hillppiiK'S are so defective and deficient, many dangerous reefs being entirely omit'ed, that nn immediate resnrvey of the nrchlpclngo Is urged. The Hpiinih charts of Culm nre con demned ns Imperfect nnd unreliable, nnd three vessels nre now engaged Id tuuklng a new .urvey. HOWS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made bv their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle, fold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. WHERE THE LEAP CAME IN. The Landlord of Meadow-brook Farm ,'showlng latest arrival around) This here spot Is known as "Lovers' Leap." The Fair Arrival (astounded) Suoh an unpleturesque old spot beneath a nightmare of a willow! How in the world did you come to give It such a romantic name? Landlord 'Cause ye can't sit here five minutes before a caterpillar drops down yer neck! Vital weakness ann nervous debility can be cured. "Vlrtuuma" Tablets are guar anteed by Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111., to cure all nervous diseases, debility and vi tal losses, or send free medicine until cured if guaranteed lot falls. J'ale. thin, emaciated, tremblnlg and nervous people should try these tablets; greatest of nerve tonics. If vou are not what you ought to be, or want to be and can be, kW them one trial and you will praii (hem for ever a pHCkage, or 3 for $5, per mail. Retail and wholesale of Myers & Dillon Prug Co.. Omnhn. M. A. Dillon, Boiith Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council HlufTi; Klgws Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. S. Maker, Hlotix Cltv. Full line of rubber goods; ask for what you want. PLENTY OF OTHERS. Itlobbs lie doesn't know enough to come In out of the rain. Slobbs That's nothing. Several thou sand years ago there was only one man In all the world that did. Ills name was Noah. Why not doctor yourself? "Oonova" Tablets nre guaranteed by Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111., to cure all diseases Inlbimma llons, ulcerations of th urlnnry system, organs, bladder, etc., or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed lot falls. An Internal remedy with Injection com bined; the only one In America. Price, M, or 2 for t, sent per mail. Ketall and wholesale of Myers ft Dillon Drug Co., :imahn; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; D. "Is Drug Co., Council Hluffs; Kings Phar- tiacy, Lincoln; II. fl. linker, Hloux City. 'omplela lino of rubber goods; ask for vhat you want. Farmers and Poultrymenl! Vti can no t(irrt f" b without LAKE S LIC EXTERMINATOR. your Flout Irom Cholera; ticket and Shucp from lifHrmper, Scmlrhet nnd Mange. Keep your Cuttle free Unm h'Ur., and Poultry from Chotrra, Roup, Hcaly 1B, Kre . If your dm Irr docs not krep t, nd 7 rnt for a sullen. im CHEMICAL CO. 1913 CRAMO AV. tfnasaa City' Mo, i Sr5 -'i lK WHl HI Ml (LSI (AILS i mgH if rap. TsstesOiMst In lima. Sotrl hr rtruattftsta. 5! CANCERSJUHEO, madradi at People Olarfly Testify to (Ml remanent Cure Without thm Dae of the Knife. Write to Same of tbe People Whoa VOBials are oivea Helow aaa Yearaelf That This to Trse. DR. E. O. SMITH OF KANSAS CITY, MO. as Oared Hendrrds of Hopleea and If Vour Caea cm be I Ishu Ageacy, Be earn 4 It. IB DOH MOT AM VOS PAT WHAT HK DOBS NOTDOiBDT CVI run amo asks fob mi tat IEAD THESE TESTIMDIIALS. 0MMr f nmL leioaaa. Sea. Daft.. & . Sadth. Kaaaaa at.. Me. By Bear Doctor i 1 flTas mm staewe fkwfo to lafara yea at tb sal retara f mr mm wUt ae amves eeiarae, the totfe M, wl lastly restored to kealtk asi eeeptaesa. ia natonas my win to health ra im reaaat alsasire aaa kanBtaeet to ear eMM sea ere traelr arateral. It also aire .term taeaas aa breaaht alsasire aaa kappta laeeaoia, I aleamra to toaaer to roq ear rrati oar gnat kladases to ay wlfi valla aaoerywal areauaaai breetasat, for which will aJears kotareaoai year traiy food ait la gratefal aotem. iaaaa alaaloa w, caa oaly pray that aa ail Mad Pave one, wul blesa. protect aad kcoa rem hi ikM cars throeck Ilia, aad la death bices yea Mh( baaej ataraUj. Sratefally years, lauaa aad Mae. lctac la a letter at October 1st. Mrs. Sloyaa a1 satlr.ly well aad la splendid health. If fat e aisled vrlto to her aboat as. i Pnmlntat Attorniu Cur4 tf Cmmr 4 M Ur. Obcrlla, Kae, Zaty W, Baa, B. . SBlta. Kaaaaa CUT. Mo. Dear Sir aad Priced: I ass O B. 1 1 bene? ia my life, tkaa sloea aw retire whereas before that I was trovbb lad lor ccTcral atoatha. 1 aat aow able to I a ay cad at the office aad at boae abacs i archero. we arc all wen aaa I else to OS tteaiarir reacakend to Mrs Baltb. rrataraauyyoar 9. In Hgtni IT Uari-Curtl lit 19 mfm Pbllllecnra, Kaa, Row, By Ml St. B. O. faith, Kae Oty, Ma. Boar sir I bad bcea afflicted far aeeawtoB rears with epltketlal ceaeerwbea I applied to roj lor treatacat. Ia thirteea days I was caCtrol cared aad without tbs ace of kalte. I aahe abl Ktcacat for the bcaaflt of eaaoer ssSerers. baa they aay be ladasaccd by au taeaeaaarS aa to yoa lor treatment. Yoars Truly, R. Searaa. Otaar Doctor FiM r Ovrw Htm. Prairie Saae. Mo.. Mot. U. Baa, Br. . O. Smith, Kaasas City, Ha. Dear Mr : It la with plsaaare that I state poor trcatasat of a cancer oa my low coaplste saccess. It was of aboat ctaadlna and for a year I had takca of other doctors, but to no avail. I at aad you cured my cancer In it days. I ratetal to you as loaf aa 1 lire. lears Truly, William K latotoaaf erUpaaa foar fssai Lookt Li ha Himself Agalm. to. B. 0. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Doctor : I write to teii yet aenaf tad that ths earner you treated oa ay haokfl ratlrely enrsd, and I am back to my old weiav aasia. When I went to yon for tree&OLeaaJ' weighed one hundred and fld peueda. sow!' weigh one hundred and elity-two poaeda, aat they all eay 1 am looking like myeeu aale. TU Mrs. Smith that wc thank her lor bar BSJ tars. We thank you both every day of oar snaj Wcskall aerer lorget what yoa hare Be. We karc been trrlna to get one of earl tors to come and see you. I told kin that If J said yea cuuid cars him that he would has Xonr graterai meaoc Ma. asd ifac. Ocrraa, I Mr. Caller was cared of selrrhas tan sll of the back, that measured i tad down aad live Inches a cared far nearly two years.! r yy. ike I tun She It Ouni. -zif'-- - White RalLI Br. B. O. eralth SaalUrlaa Co. , K suae Cbu, i Dear Doctor aud Mrs. tmlth Tknaak K dance 01 aiaa rroTiaeacc aaa to stmest I am completely cared of tl sal malady, cancer. My breast la cBtlrotw aad I consider mresu cared. 1 woald bees bra yen sooner bat wasted to be nre at i cared. I lee! aratcral to yoa both far abc m acta of kindness and courtesy shoes cm w blest. roar home. 1 mt at home taere. TM was not Beany as sevrr ae csc .u w he. I will heartily resomaead yea waaa I bad cpportuslty. My frlenJa all thiak I haec td troTed woadcrfully. Plcaa accept my aaartM Aanka for all yoa bars doac for aa. Wishing yoa saocees hi yoer anbls sMSBs I Bala ever ycur trlead. LexiaarrTA Vvaraav LM a Few farmer Patient. r The following list f1ec aamcs and aaelrcaa cf a cumber of former patleata whoa I ha cared of cancer. Wc aak aay afflicted psaawi wtj adc this ad rcrtlecmcat to write to aay r a at the aamcs glien aad loara for cheates!. whether or act my treatment la sees, reUaeas ess aura to care. I do sot accept your aoaey a a all Bars cursd you. 1'hls should be ajuareatee cast acat to aatlsly the most sceptical. Ie ee I at facet you. wrlu to my former patients aad St pal arc eonilnco by their letters, write to cm u aay lalormettoa you wish aad I will eaeeiwael (Itc It to you Irrc of any coat. Mrs. Jsnsls Gooding, 711 W. Tl Tiaaa 01U. Mo. Cured of caucer of the breast. Katie I. Hock, Ml Armctroag Ace. Kaeana aty. Kaa. Cured of caarer of ths breast. L. J. Uaacock, il K. iJui St., for Uree yeast artsclpal of Adsmc school, Kaaaaa CHf, Ma) Carsd of two canevra of tbs face. Mra. J. W. Shannon. - '1 Ohio St., Kaasas tj( Kaa. Cursd ol cuncer oi the breaat. A. M. Pcrklna. eu7 E ssth St.. Kaaaaa Orta Mo. Cored ol cancer of check, INT. Mrc. A. M. Khikacr, m Flora Are.. Kaaaa City, Me. Cured of cancer oa forehead. M. Llttls. til Wyandotte St., Kaaaaa CNy, Ma) Oared of cancer of noes. Jae. Hanuon. Il Uraad Are., teases Os Mo. Cured of caacrr of face. Oca. Ryea. Ml K luth It., Kaaaaa aay. Ma Oared of cancer of eager. Darld Una. 7JJ Crprasa Arc., Kaasas Clcy. Ma Oared ol caacer of head of eight ysarc' steading Chas. R. Uoullsston. wis rlochccter at, Kaa as City, Mo. Cared of caacer of car. Mra. Anthony Smith, cor. ttk aad llsjahiCI Its.. Kansas City, kss. Epithelial caacer, alta Bted on th, and of the aoec. treated Aagast, leaf Frank Ulllland. 1717 Holmes at. uarea of aaa ear of the aw la ISM. Dials aicrdoa, ua asd qrors BU., Be aaa Bty. Mo. Cursd of caacer at tbe ear. Thoa. L. Tackcr. Oo Mills, Me. rwrefl a caacer of face and aoec. 0. a. Oroom, Uooch's Miua. Ma. carat at eaa sac of lower lip. Jacob Uses. Ttsgaa. Mo. cares Of assess a MM tees. Mra. Julia Nichols, Jameeteea. Ma. caret a. Sascer of the face. Wc also refer to Her. Phillips, Bestor of tb M. K. Ckarrh of Jamsstowa, Mo., aa kc kaowc d arrcral cscsc as hare csred. . w. Moraa, Tarry, aa. oaa. carca at caeca t Bp. INT. Mrs. Bliea Default, Baa Plereaes, Ma. Casal at caacer of the lace. Paal Kohier, Artsoaa. xab. carat at aaaoara ba. , Dr. Smith treat Csftecr, Utmmx t amera, Borofula, Old Borat, all aUoai Cateaaet. Partlet detlrlsi- t.Mtmtst es vltnca irt wilifhctory rafercnoet or depoaH tht money In any bank, to be paid wbeathfj rt ready to go noma jure a. ir. naaiai ioei not ask pay ror what hr doei not em but ouret flnl and takeg pay afterward till down town office la si the north -aa aorner of Tenth and Main strecta, whafl he may be cotitulied free of charge,, fros :30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. After lba hourt he can he aenn at hi Private ataa itrlum, Tenth and Cleveland avenue. Pamphlet! and olrculara eoataislaj letters and lists of of peraont euraa i lanoer cheerfully farnlahed Ihoat Whl PS1 'of ln" either In peraos ar H i 4 ; 4 4 -v- if .- 1 '- a 1 r v. .; , - ii - K ! 4 ', -'( 14 i 1 '5 J. ,' 'a -? S 1 t , t ft ill H -1 er (uoda m Jt, I WtbSI. as W. SB I I H, B. V., .5 '.-til,