THE STORY. HOW THE LEGATION WAS RES CUED IN PEKiN. BRITISH FIRST TO ENTER Soldiers Found Legationers Look ins Like Invalids and Nearly i . Worn Out. Pekin. Special.) (By Post via Tien Tstn.) A medal will be struck eom anemorating the siege of Pekin. It will bear tbe legend, "Men, Not Walls, Make a City." In the grounds of the British legation, There a handful of men withstood the snJUlons of the Chinese capital for fif-ty-six days, a memorable celebration Is in progress tonight In vindication of tkt principle. Missionaries, assembled abcut the bell tower, are singing the doxology. Rockets are blazing. Sol diers and civilians of all nationalities re frais'nlz.'ng. The women are ap plauding IM sound of the cannon that are smashing the yellow roofs of the Forbidden City. The tired Sikhs are planting their tents on the lawn and the American and Russian contingents are lighting campnres along the stretch ot turf extending beyond the Tartar walL The newcomers are anxious to Inspect the evidences of an historic defense. These barricades are. after all, the most wonderful sight in Pekin. The barriers hedging the British legation are a mar vel of stone and brick walls and earth works. Sand bags shield every foot of space. The tops of the walls have Cliches for the riflemen and the build Ings at the porticos and windows ha ve armor boxes, be stuffed with dirt, and pillows, too. . WHERE MARINES r'TENDED Back of the United States legation Is , work named "Fort Myers," which the marines held, completely screening Voth sides of the walls, with step running to It. This Is a loopholed barrier across the wall, which faces a similar Chinese work a few yards away. Another wall fears Legation street In front of the Jerman legation, and, confronting the eoemys barricades within those limits, are .yet more walls, enabling the for eigmers to contract the area of defense If pressed. The tops of the American and British buildings were badly torn by the Chi nese shells. Most of the foreign shells (ell there during the first three weeks of the bombardment, 400 In one day. lxirge quantities of bullets were gath ered In the grounds. Four hundred and fourteen people lived In the compound through the greater part of the siege. Three hundred and four marines, as sststed by eighty-five volunteers, com enanded by the English Captain Poole defended the place. Eleven civilian : were killed and nineteen wounded. Fif-j ty-four marines and sailors were killed and 112 wounded. The Americans lo.-a was seven killed and eleven wounded. Mr. Ciibert Reed, who was wounded fn tte feet, was the oniy American tivi'Jan wounded. RECEPTION TO THE ALL Ilia. The reception whih the survivor? (save the army was worth the hardships tbe troops had undergone. The en trance was not spectacular. Sir Alfred azelee, with his staff and a company of fHttts wadsd up a bed of sewage in the bed of the canal near the Tartar walL They soon removed the barri cades and when the gates swung in ward and when the British colors ap pearcd there arose a great continuous cheer on both sides. Generals, soldiers and correspondent!; scrambled up the barks through the filth, elbowing to be first. Men and women surrounded the rescuers and shook the hands of the Sikhs, patting them on the back. Everybody was hue tied excitedly along into the legatlo.i it rounds, where the colors wore plant ed. The soldiers surrounded the wall which had been the salvation of the besieged. Tbe ministers and officers demanded he (latest news on both sides. An hour afterward General Chaffee, Tiding at the head of the Fourteenth United States Infantry, marched to the Tartar wall. An American marine who was on top of the wall shouted: "You are Just in time. We need you in our business." On entering the grounds of the British legation the American troops stared in amazement and Inquired if there was a lawn party In progress. They had ex pected to find the relieved In a worst condition than themselves, whereas the contrast between the appearance of the rescued and the rescuers was surpris ingly tn favor of the former. The Brit ish minister. Sir Claude MacDonald, was shaven and dressed In immaculate tennis flannels. Mr. Conger, the United State minister, was equally present ate. Tbe assemblage of ladles was fresh "and bright In summer clothing. (Oahr a few civilians were carrying On tbe other hand the rescuers were and! rough bearded. They themselves along as If ready da drop, their khaki uniforms dripping with persptratlon and black with mud. LOOK BO UKB INVALIDS. Vac a second fiance showed that the 4MMBt4 were pathetically pale and thin. Tfct leaked Ilka a company of Invsl tlM. Every part of the enclosure testl Cst tbeJr facte experiences. There ,CXS ftet t Ht graves, beaded with ' C rrJsi eroaeae, IwaVaOfcS the graves of Kzm tchtei Ti masL - Pennsylvania Coal Minora Make Damands on the Operators. Hazelton, Pa., Aug. 28. Special. ) If the anthracite coal operators le fuse to grant the demands of tbe L'ni ied Mine Workers, a embodied In the reports of thescale and resolutions com mittee as presented and adopted at the convention, or by September 8, a strike involving 140,000 miners, ot which 40,000 are members of the Mine workers' organizations will be declare!. The committee today applied to the national board, with headquarters at Indianapolis, to order a strike if .o amicable agreement was reached on the powder and other questions. President Mitchell said tonight that the application would undoubtedly be favorably acted upon by the board, which meets at Indianapolis on Stp tember 6, If existing conditions are not remedied In the time allowed by the convention. The report of the scale committee is as follows: "We demand the abolition of the company store system, the re duction In the price of powder to $l0 per keg. the abolition of the compay dictation as to who shall be our doc tors, abolition of the sliding scale now In practice in the Lehigh and Schuyl kill regions, compliance with the semi monthly pay law and that all employes be paid In cash, abolition of the er roneous system of having 3,360 pounds to the ton and 2,240 pounds constitute a ton; that an advance of 20 per cent be paid all classes of men now receiv ing less than 11.50 per day; that ail classes of day laborers now receiving 11.50 and not exceeding J1.75 shall re ceive 15 per cent over present wages; that all day labor now receiving over 11.75 shall be advanced 10 per cent; that no mjner shall have at one time more than one breast or other class of work and shall only get his legal share of cars." LIFE TERM FOR ANARCHIST. The Slayer of King Humbert Gets a Life Sentence, Milan, Italy. (Special.) Gaetano Bre sci today was sentenced to solitary im prisonment for life for the assassina tion of King Humbert. His only re mark when sentence was pronounced was: "I will wait for the next revolu tion in Italy, when I am sure to re leased or to have my sentence modi fled." Under the laws of Italy life Impris onment Is the most severe penalty that can be Imposed for murder. It was on this charge that Bresci was tried. Had he been tried for treason, as was at first contemplated, his sentence might have been death. Bresci was brought before the judges (or his final trial this morning. A great crowd stood about the courtroom, but few persons outside of those di rectly Interested were able to gain ad mission, and these only on presentation of tickets. The witnesses to the mur der of King Humbert at Monza gave their testimony. Brefcl look the stand and during his interrogatory declared: "1 decided to kiil the king to avenue the misery of the people, after the bread riots in Milan and Sicily. "I acU'd without advice or accomplice. "I practiced at a target so as to be sure of my aim and prepared bulicU for the end sought." EXPRESS CAR IS ROBBED. Robbers Hold Up and Rob a Union Pacific Train. Cheyenne, Wyo. (Special.) The Un ion Pacific passenger, second section No. 3, was heid up by bandits two and a half miles west of Tipton station, fifty-eight miles west of Rawlins. There were four men in the hold-up. The express and baggage cars were blown open and the safe blown to pieces. The railroad company says the Iocs was nominal. The baggage and ex press cars were considerably damaged. United States Marshal Hadsell, who was notified at Rawlins, raised a posse of twenty-five men, with horses, ar.d went on a special train to the scene of the, hold-up and are now on the trail1 of the bandits. No one was Injured on the train. The Union Pacific has offered 11.004 reward for each man. WAGES ARE TO BE CUT. Fall River Mill Operators Will Try to Reduce Expenses. Fall River, Mass. (Special.) An agreement Is being circulated among manufacturers In this city calling for a reduction In wages of 11 1-9 per cent. to take effect September 17, affecting all Fall River operatives. The signa tures of mill agents representing about 1,000,000 spindles, or one-third of the corporations of the city, have already been secured. The cause for the secrecy observed In circulating tbe agreement lies in the fact that by making the plan public now stockholders who are opposed to a reduction at this period of the year might thwart the plan of the selling committee and buyers might discount the effect of the reduction and Insist upon a proportionate decrease In tbe print cloth quotations. CHAFFEE TO SUCCEED WHEELER. Washington. D. C (Special.) There Is no doubt that General Chaffee will be appointed "brigadier general In the reg ular army upon the retirement of Jo seph Wheeler. It Is stated at the war department that the service which Gen eral Chaffee has rendered In China en titles him to this consideration. Gen eral Wheeler will retire on Beptembei 1, General Chaffee wilt continue to hold tbe rank of major general of volunteers who is oomuaand la Ctuaa, PEACE. THE POWERS WILL SOON REACH AN AGREEMENT. TO WITHDRAW TROOPS All the Powers Formally Renounce Their Intention of Making War On China. Washington, D. C. (Special.) Five powers have agreed to Russia's propo sition to withdraw troops fiom Pekin. and two have announced opposition t Its adoption. Four powers have final ly declared that U Hung Chang Is ac ceptable to them as peace envoy for China, two question not only LI Hung Chang's credetlais, but the power of I the imperial goveranment to approve his acts, and one wishes to know more 'about the credentials he holds before It la willing to treat through him. This sums up the international sltua tion with respect to China, as shown by developments today. It could hard ly be more satisfactory, viewed from the American standpoint, An active in terchange of views took place today between the capitals of Europe and Japan and Washington, and as a re suit it is likely that pressure will be applied to the two powers anxious to remain in Pekin to Induce them to withdraw simultaneously with the evac uallon by the other allies. The powers who object to the Rus sian proposition are Germany and Italy Those favoring it are the L'nllcd States, Great Britain. France, Japan and Rus sla. The powers which question Li Hung Changs credentials and the abll lty of the Imperial government to en force the terms he may make are Ger many ar.d Italy, while France would like to know more about the creder tials before negotiations begin. The governments to which Li Hung Chang Is acceptable are the United States Russia, Great Britain and Japan. Con fidence Is expressed that France will not be obstinate In the matter, but will Join the quartet. With five powers act lng in unison, Germany and Italy will then, it is thought here, be compelled by sheer weight of the opposition to Join in withdrawing from Pekin and beginning peace negotiations with the Chinese viceroy. There remains for negotiation the question as to the point to which the allies will be withdrawn. The Russian note made no suggestion on this point It simply reiterated Russias' opposition to dismemberment, and urged In the interest of early peace thai the Im perial government be allowed to reoccu py Pekin, the allied forces withdraw ing, Although the administration has kept the American reply secret, It was learn ed from a cabinet minister that it b very short. It calls attention to the position of this government, as set forth in the American note of July 2. 2nd declares that this government will willingly withdraw when the security Df American life in China is established A MESSAGE FfiOX CONGER. Allies to Promenade Through the Imperial Palace. Washington, D. C Special.) The ! state department makes public the fol lowing cablegram from Minister Con ger, received this morning through the United States consul at Che Foo: "Che Foo, received August 30, 6:41 a. m. Secretary of Slate, Washington, 30: Following dispatch dated yesterday. 'More Russian, French and Italian troops arriving. Imperial palace will be entered August 28. Military prome nade of all nations made through it afterward closed and guarded. Prince Chlng is expected in a few days. Conger." "FOWLER." CLEVELAND REFUSES INTERVIEW. 1 he Former President Mum as an Oyster About Politics New York. -(Special.) In reply to a request from Dr. Hepworth, represent ing the Herald, for an opinion on the political situation. Former President Cleveland writes from Buzzard's Buy. "As I am bv no means free from the perplexity which now affects the thou sands of those who love the principles of true democracy, I am not Inclined to advise others as to their political duty. A crisis has arisen in which each man's conscience and patriotic sense should be his guide. Inasmuch as neither certainty of my ability to ad vise correctly nor any call, prompts me to discuss political conditions, I think I ought to be permitted In my retire ment to avoid the Irritation and abuse which my Interference at this time would Inevitably Invite." TO WEAR SHIRT WAISTS. Frankfort, Ky.-Speclal.) The fol lowing resolution was Introduced Into the lower house of the general assem bly yesterday: "Resolved, by the house of representatives of the commonwealth of Kentucky, That each of Its members be permitted to wear shirt waists, pro vided they contain not more than six colors of tbe rainbow, without suspend ers. MAT BINGE SHANGHAI. Berlin. (Special.) The Frankfort Zel tung has received a dispatch from Shanghai, saying a plot has been dis covered there to burn the whole city. The Europeans consider the streets un safe after nightfall, and tbe general situation la described as critical FOR RUSSIA A3 T8 KITH STATES. Both Countries Hava the Stmt Idas About China. Washington, D. C (Special.) The United States government having acted upon the Russian proposition as to the withdrawal of troops from Pekin, Is now quietly watting for response to the notes which have been sent to our various representatives fir presenta tion to the powers. Judging by the rate of progress made In the preceding ne gotiations several days and, perhaps, a week may pass before all of these re plies are received. According to their formal expressions all of the powers are agreed upon this one point they do not desire to enter upon a formal war upon China. The United States government Is trying to bring about this result. For the moment It finds itself side by side with Russia, whose earnestness cannot be questioned at this time. The object now in view Is to bring about a situation in China that will admit of the beginning of ne gotiations looking to the re-establishment of order and cessation of hostili ties, with the assurance of protection to foreign life and property. After that the negotiations may touch upon other questions that remain to be settled. It is with this object that Rus sia has suggested the withdrawal from Pekin, In order that the Chinese gov ernment may resume the reins of pow er, for the Chinese people, being guided by externals, are not apt to yield fealty to a government not in possession of its own " capital. TRYING TO RESTORE EMPIRE. The United SUtrs government has been earnestly championing the cause of Li Hung Chang from precisely simi lar motive, namely a desire to speedily rehabilitate the Chinese government in order that it may carry out Its express desire to settle the difficulties which have arisen. This has been the object of the negotiations of the last few days and the legation note and the Lnlled States' advance were part of the gen eral plan. In responding to the Russian note ai it did the United States government availed Itself of the opportunity of di recting the remaining powers to expresj their desires In the matter of a settle ment, or to indicate how. In their judg ment, peace negotiations could thus b Instituted. This note is calculated tc secure a full disclosure of the inten tions of the powers if the inquiry li met by them In the frank spirit I r. which it was conceived by the United States government. The difficulty ap prehended now in reaching a settlement lies In the Intentional delay and pro crastination on the part of any power whirl. i concealing its true purpose and does not desire. to avoid a forrnaJ war. RASS1EUR FOR COMMANDER. Crand Army of the Republic Elects Officers, Chicago, III. Special.) Judge Lei Rassleur of Ht. Louis was today elec ted by acclamation commander-in-chief ot the Grand Army of the Republic fol the ensuing year. D. C. Mll'.iken of Maine was ohoset senior vice commander, and Frank Sea mans of Tennessee Junior vice com mander; John A. Wilkins. Delia, O., surgeon genera!; Rev. A, D Drahms, San Quentln. Cal.. chuplaln-in-chicf. There was no opposition to any ol the candidates. The convention met "I o o'clock, and after some trifling mat ters of a routine nature had been dis posed of, the selection of a cornmander-in-c hlef was taken Up. Adjutant General Stewart announce that nominations were In order. It wai known to all what the result would be, as there was no opposition to Judg RassVeul-, aid when Major .William Warner of Kansas City, himself a past commander-in-chief, mounted the plat form to present the name of Judge Rassleur, he was greeted with prolong ed applause. When the applause that greeted Ma jor Warner's address had died away, Past Commander Morrison of Pennsyl vania made a short seconding speed In behalf of Judge Rassleur and Adju tant General Stewart then asked II there were any more nominations to b made. A motion was made that Judge Rassleur be declared elected by accla mation, and It was carried with a roat of approval. The newly elected commander-in-chief was escorted to the platform and ex pressed his thanks for the honor don him by his comrades. ROBBERS REPORTED CAUGHT. Denver, Colo, (Special.) An uncon firmed report has reached Denver that the Wyoming train robbers were cap tured this morning by United States Marshal Hadsell and posse ten miles below the scene of the robbery. It l said the deputy and one robber wen wounded. TRUST CATCHES NEARLY 1,000. Anderson, Ind, (Special.) The Amer ican rod and nail mills shut down to day. Nine hundred and eighty men are thrown out of employment. This mill belongs to the nail trust snd It Is stated the closure will be permanent. GERMAN MINIfTER THERE, Berlin. (Special.) Official dispatches from Shanghai announce the arrival there of the new German minister te China, Dr. Schwartzenxtein. 18 DEWET I R ELANDS IJSADEft. London. (Special.) According to the Mall, bnllef Is prevalent In Ireland thst Dewet, the Boer general, and Charles Stewart Parnell are one and the same man. The remarkable story And many creditors among the poor. itiasw. ENGLISH FLAG IN PLACE OF OLD OLORV. FLAG HAULED DOWN Administration In Four Years Has Outgrown the Historic Mon roe Doctrine. Washington, D. C (Special. ) The status In brief of the Alaskan boun dary dispute Is that the McKlnley ad ministration has decided In principle that the United States shall surrender to Canada the disputed strip of terri tory, which has been In our possession since Alaska was acquired from Russia. This strip has been coveted by Can ada ever since its acquisition by the United States on account of Its great mineral resources, but no British pre mier or Canadian statesman ever dared to raise the question until the advent of the McKlnley administration, with Its well known pro-British policy. Cleveland sent what amounted to an ultimatum to Great Britain jover the Venezuelan question Involving precise ly the same principle. England tried to grab a slice of Venezuelan territory which was known to contain valuable gol ddeposlts. The prompt action of Cleveland and the bellicose talk In con gress over the sacred character of the Monroe doctrine caused the British lion to rc-tire and ask for an International board of arbitration to settle the dis puted question. DOCTRINE FOUR TEAP.S AGO. To show what republican sentiment was in 1X1,6 In regard to the surrender of territory on the western hemisphere so remote as Venezuela, Senator Davis of Minnesota reported from the senate committee on foreign relations on Jan uary 20, ISM, "a concurrent resolution relative to the assertion and enforce ment of the Monroe doctrine," whlcn declared: "The United States of America reaf firms and confirms the doctrine and principles promulgated by President Monroe, In his message of December 2. 1823. and declare" that it asserts and maintains that doctrine and those prin ciples, and will regard any Infringe ment thereof and particularly any at tempt by any European power to take or acquire any new or additional terri tory on the American continent, or any Islands adjacent thereto, or any right or sovereignty or dominion in tne same in any case or imtance as to which the United Stales shall deem such attempt to be dangerous to Its peace or safety, by or through force, purchase, cession, occupation, pledge, colonization, pro tectorate or by control of the easement in any canal or any other means of transit across the American Isthmus, whether under unfounded pretension of light 111 case? of alleged boundary dis putes, or under any other unfounded pretensions, as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the Unit ed Ststes and as un Interposition whlih It would be Impossible in any form for the United States to regard with in difference.' This was the doctrine of the senate committee on foreign relations In WM. That committee Included Frye of V.z'.r.z. L';vl: a! ri.ii,. Illinois and Lodge of Massachusetts. PRESTO CHANCE. In the present dispute In which the idmlnistrallon proposes to surrender 200 square mlleB of territory belonging to the United States, every one of these republicans will repudiate his solemn findings of four years age and support the policy of hauling down the Amer ican flag to please Great HrlUiln, be cause it Is necessary In the Interest of keeping up friendly relations with Eng land under the Hay-Pauncefole-McKin-ley entente. , k' The state department says It Is pre pared to defend the surr'n-'er before the senate. That body must ratify the delimitation of our historic boundary, but there will be no difficulty In ob taining the concurrence und aid of such men as Lodge, Davis, Cullom, Frye, Foraker, Wolcott and Clark, all of whom are for anything Salisbury may require, and who firm the majority of the foreign committee as now con stituted, and who. with Hanna, Klkins. Beveridge and others of the same kind, will sustain the Hay-f'aunccfote com pact in any policy agreeable to Kng and and acquiesced In by the president. JOHNSON TO SPEAK FOR BRYAN. Cleveland Man to Speak In the Weet For Bryan, New York. (Special.) Tom I John son of Cleveland, O., who was cue of the passengers on the steamship Oce anic, which reached this port today. Mr. Johnson's return at this tine, he said, Is due to a request he has received from William Jennings Bryan, who wishes him to make speeches In the west In behalf of the dcmocrstlt can didates. He said: "I was having a good, quiet time In Europe, taking In tha exposition snd all that sort of thing, but Mr. Drysn asked me to come home snd aslst In the campaign work, and here I im. I expected to take a hand In It anyhow, but the request of Mr. Bryan brings me home a little sooner than I expected. Where will I canvass for Mr. Hrysn? Why, anywhere thst he wants tie to. I am In his hsnds as to that. Person ally, I should much prefer to wark In Ohio, which Is my own state and Is also Mr. McKlnleys state. I could prebably do my best work there.' V iflUi ni Liu rci rex In tha Cantrnl stata Ma WHI Ba gin a Lively Campaign, Clhcago. IlL-(SpecIsL-Wllllam J. Bryan will lnd the fight of the demo, c.-ats himself In the central and east ern states. He will take command neat week In Chicago, and then will begin n iuvaslca cf the republican territory, for he has decided to stump Illinois. Indiana. Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey. Maryland and West Virginia. This change of his plan was an nounced today by Senator J. K. Jones, chairman of the democratic committee, and Mr. Bryans Itinerary Is now being worked out by Judge McConvllle. chair man of the speakers' bureau. A trip to West Virginia comes early on the pro gram. From West Virginia It Is ex pected he will swing around the circuit irto Marvland. New Jersey and New York, and then he will turn westward once more and devote some time to Ohio and other middle western states. Charles A. Towne left Chicago tonight for a speaking trip that will carry him into all parts of the country. Mr. Towns will make his first speech on Friday at ,nie point In Idaho. Then he will go into Washington, Oregon. California and Kansas, where he will spend three or four days. Starting from Kansas he will make speeches In Nebraska, and then put in a week In South Dakota, He will get back to Illinois October I. and after making a number of speeches in this state he will go south to speak at l.ulsvllle, Memphis and Atlanta. He will spend several days in Ohio. From that state he will K to New York, t, of his speeches will be made at Buffalo. Then he will turn west ward again to campaign in Michigan. Indiana and Illinois, reserving the last week for Minnesota. CLEVELAND DEMOCRAT FOR BRYAN. Sam Halllday Says H Must Op pose Mr McKlnley. Ithaca, N. Y. (Special.) The Hon. Sampel D. Halllday, former member of the assembly and the mt prominent Cleveland democrat in this section ot New York, today publicly announced his Intention of supporting Bryan and Stevenson. Four years ago he most bitterly opposed the Nebraskan and voted for Palmer and Buckner. It Is estimated that Halllday s influ ence lost the democrats 400 votes In. ISS. Mr. Halllday, In an Interview today, stated that he would work for Bryan because he b-lleved othe. Issues of the campaign than finance are most Important. "The conditions are entirely differ ent," said he. "than they were In 18SS. Today the question of poUry tq be adopted In re-Hard to our new posses sions, trusts, the Porto Rlian matter, the tariff, war scandal and war taxes are the vital ones. There Is no third ticket, and as a choice between the odious policy of McKlnley and the dem ocratic ticket. 1 much prefer the latter. I believe, to, that nine-tenths of the gold democrats will do the same. "My opinion of Bryan ha changed. His wonderful record during the 'S campaign, the life he has led as a de feated candidate and the strength of his character have shown him to be a most remarkable man. I believe Bryan will carry New York state and win. There are too many Issues for the re publicans to nifet. It Is like the many leaks that drained the barrel. When election Is over they will wonder where all the votes for Bryan came from. I believe, too, that the principle of reac tion Is bound to work out In favor of Bryan. I believe Imperialism Is the paramount Issue, but there are a doze a othets almost as Important." IOWA DEMOCRATS MEET. Leaders Have a Conference In bee Moines. I 1Kb Moines, la. (Special.) The dem ocratic leaders of Iowa held a long conference at the Savery house on Thursday afternoon, thoroughly going over the work of the coming cam paign and formulating the work which will be carried out. Nearly all of th members of the state central committee were present, as well as several of the candidates, and also members of the advisory committee. Altogether about twenty-five democrats were In attend ance and the meeting Is reported as having been a good one. I The main topic of discussion was date of opening the campaign. El rth one of two dates, Saturday, Haptens bet 22, or Wednesday, September M, be decided upon. The Intention i l.v.11 to have the campaign open almultaneol In every county In the state. HANNA IS SHY ON HIS TAXES. Republican Boss Has Not Paid HI Share of Expenses. Cleveland, O. (Special.) Tax officials have looked In vain for any statement of Senator M. A. Hanna's personal pro. perty, such as he Is required to file un der the law for taxation purposes. A month ago the city tax board sent the senator a notice that he was delinquent snd had not filed his personsl property statement, but the notice was Ignored. Now the board Is trying to devise a plan by which the senstor can be brought before It to be questioned as to his personal properly. Last year the senator reported $7,500 worth of furni ture and other goods In his mansion on Lake svenue, but this year he has Ignored the taxpaylng portion of bis duties as a citizen entirely. The sen ator's residence Is a large and hand some one, overlooking tha lake, and, while not lavishly, Is handsomely fur nished. It Is supposed thst Mr. Hanna's pollt leal affairs have. made blm forget oM w the first duties of clUsenshlp.