Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 30, 1900, Image 8

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P r e s s -J o u rn a I
Thcbsday Ai-ocht. SO b, 1900.
tie. J. Canon, Editor and Prop.
F. K. A M. V B. fi. 1 line table.
Going West. Going Ewt
Ho, 6. mixed, 11 : 1 "o- mixed 8 : j
V. R. r. is
to and from tins
r.. e. si.
the best
F, E, &H.V; R. R-
Homeseekers Excursions
Will be run Sept. 1, 4, 8,
15, 18. 22,
and 23rd;
3T F. E. & M. V. R. R.
In Nebraska, whe-e the one way
from nearest Missouri River Point, in
cluding Council Bluifs is g3.00, or more
to Pomts in Wyoming, west or and in-
. eluding Orin junction, and to Points in
Black Hills district of So.' Dakota,
'Tickets will be sold by connecting
lines fee-ding to our line at Soux city,
Onowa Mo. Valley and Omaha and by
our agents at South Piatt, stations,
Blair, Omaha and on S. ('. & P. in Iowa:
except that our agents will not sell to
points in So. Dak.
Fare will be one fare plus 2.00 for
, round trip. Write your folks in the East
and have tliem come and sew you, takinp
advantage of these nts. Tickets limi
ted 21 days with 13 days limit on point:
portion. F. Avery, Agt.
F. E. & hi V. R. R.
East Bound.
Tickets will be on sale Sept. 10th and
26th to points on C. & N-W Ry. system
East of Missouri Riveronone fare plus
83 00 for the round trip, limit 30 days
from date of ale.
F. AVTEKY, Agent.
M. 3. O'Conneli and his better half,
Orient Sunday at the home of Mr, and
Sirs "Gene" Woblbeter, in tbe valley.
-Wbat are the fusionssts of the 2nd.
Commissioner's district going to do about
tcallios their convention?.
The county fathers, are in session
today for the purpose of drawing the
Jury for the fall term of district court.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith who have
!en guests at the the home of the for
mer's parents during the past week, re
turned to their home the first of this
Herman Fried i 3 was in town the
first of this week on business, w bile here
Mr. Frieckie made a pleasant call at this
office. We are always glad to have cal
lers st come apain.
Presiding Elder Scammahorn, arriv
ed in Hanison, from the east, on last
Saturday, to hold quarterly conrrence.
tiere on last Sabbath, which was attend
'by a lanre congregation.
M. J. Blewett and family, left for
Crawford on lat Monday evening,
where they expect to spend the winter.
In the spring however they expect to
come back to live in sioux county.
Cant. A. O. Fisher, was up from
1hadrotJ, yesterd.iy we presume looking
after his campaign interests, in thit
county. The captain's nnmes it dougb
this time, end rfoit you forirt it.
Frrd Bragg, of thh Big Horn Baison
came down this week, and purchased of
JkIui Anderson, and shipped to his ranch
in the B.iion, r0 head of tbe finest whitt
fitced vearline heifers, we have ever
Been in this country.
Rev. C. I Smith, and family, whc.
have had this M. E. charge dur.ng the
past, year. tvered his connection wit!
this church on last Sunday, and left or
Monday, for Lnicoln, where he expects
to make his home
Buff Coffee, has purchased the Run
nine Water Ranch, which has been oc
oupied by Capt. Soyder and family, dur
ins the ost year. We did not learn
what the consideration was, neither did
we learn just what Mr. Snyder intends
, 'doing.
Be sure and at trod the county con
vention, on next Saturday. A county
Attorney is to be nominated, and thai
means f rent deal just now, as we want
man for that office, who will work for
tbe county, and not for hi owe person
al irirraodiment alone. More will be
wid oa thin Aubject at the proper tine.
.Hon. C. F. Coffee, our nest repre
tentative (mi thi 58 district is gaining
votes from rapablican strong hold each
day. People irrespective of political
party, concede that FUher, is not the
man to sand to Lincoln, as he can not be
relied tseoa. Bat the feel in Charto
, Coffee they will have a rtpreaeotativt
r who will work (or the interest of nur
every day comaMn peopla, of whom
mom, ne is napper wben la conv
tmt wrtk Ma etnutereii, than in the
cstoM f eksrtebod never at any
' teytadl-y too boey to give that
Cr.rj stW, M which bet whole!
; Jit
Same Wanted
We want Game in aav quautiy at High
st Market Price and Guahasieb STAIS
Omaha, hr ami Philadelphia, Pa. Capital $35,000.
References, U. S. Nat'l Bank or Your Express Agt Wholesale, Butter, Ej
Poultry and Game.
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, c
2 BOOkS and
t QJ) , J.
4 000fO00004C0
Dont forget Mrs. Hodman's lecture,
at tbe M. E. Church on the, 13th of Sop
temlwr. Sheriff Holly went to Crawford,
Monday evening, returning Wednesday
John Herman was over from Story
this week, doing business with our mer
chants. Conrad Parsons passed the examina
tion for 2nd grade certificate, but con
cludes he does not care to teach.
A. R. Kennedy, came up from Craw
ford Tueniay and went out to his ranch
to look after business affairs there.
Mrs. F. W. Clarke, and her sister,
left for Hot Springs, on last Saturday
vening. to remain a week or ten d ys.
Mrs. James MuCano. of Gilchrist, ij
uffering from au attack of lyplioiu te-:
er. Dr. Pbinney is attending the pa-j
The latest to add their names to the j
list of the PhE-sS-Jm;u.nal readers are, j
Octave Harris, William Harvey, and j
Clvde Leonard. !
Attorney Guthrie, is now tbe sole
wrier of the house now occupied by Cr. ;
V, Hesters family, having purchased it
at at public auction on last Saturday.
We have not been informed of any
preaching, at tbe M. E. church, on next
sabbath, owing to Rev. Smith's being
.1 :t! I... .
gone, so we resume mere wui m uuue.
-Fred. B. Glaze and Blaine Booth,
. , i i: i .1 :.. .
we unuerstana passeu crMi,uuK;uuiiu-
atins at the institute, out were to
young to be granted certificate to teach.
Fred Suggest ana wife, father and
mother of Mrs. Paul Zerpat, arrived here
from Richlance, Nebraska, for a weak
or ten days visit with their daughter and
and her husband.
Ellery Sherrill, son of landlord Sher
11 of the North-Western Hotel is sult-
ering from a broken wrist caused by a
fall from his borse, last Monday. Vv
Phinnev is attending him.
Remember school will commence
oodiy, Sept 10t , and all parents and
hildren alike, should make strenuous
(Torts to not only commennce the sco-
astic year well, but also to co-opper-
at with tbe teachers, in making the
term a most successful one.
Co. Supt Burke, has rented the
ranch of Ed. Maine, half mile from town
and will move his family on to the place
about th! middle of September. Mr.
and Mrs. Maine will in all probability
move down east of Alliance, where Roy
their son is now engaged on tbe Cu 11..
The fusion voters should bear in mind
tnat nil iuuS Cl :i2r' "111 ue liircuiiiv-
ed by our political enemies, in order if
possible to draw aside some few voter
from their earnest convictions. But
the Piasss-JocKKAL without going out
of its every day walk, hears a thing or
twe occssiona!y, to cause him to be on
tlie alert, to warn our people, not to al
low themselves to be misguided by the
mattering tongue of the ward healer,
as they will not hesitate to tell you any
thing in order to accomplish ttieir end.
P'ollowing teachers, who were in at
tendance at our county institute and
who were old enough to teach were
granted 2nd grade certificates:
Miss Maude Luke, Grace Wolfe,
Grace E. Meyers, Elizath Cottnuan,
Haltie O'Conner,
May Wilson,
Inez C. Smith,
Minnie Warneka,
Annie Maple,
Mrs. Ella Hales,
W. H. Smoke,
Ella Stuart,
Maggie Hunter,
Nettie Raines,
Mrs. J. IL Newlin,
H. W. Saxtoo,
Alex. Johnson,
Geo. F- Williams.
-Attorney Fanning of Crawford, and
Hon. Judge Crites of Chadron, who have
been employed to defend Charles Rus
set at the Semptember term of court
were in town Tuesday evening stopping
overnight and holding a consultation
with their client, we presume fo get
ready and prepare their case for court
as Charley is quite aoxious to have his
trial. We believe if he is not guilty he
(titled to have his trial as soon ss
possible, besides tbe sooner he is tried
the sooner the expense to the Ux payers
of the county will cease. We ere satis
fied of oae thing that Messrs Fanning
and Crrte will leave no stone untuned
to deer their client from the crime svitb
which be U (barged.
E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
Stamp pictures 24 for 23 cents.
Buff Coffee's family is the newest
acquisition of our town.
Ed Guthrie, had he taken the entire
examination at the Institute could have
passed and received at least a 3rd grade
arid possibly a 2nd trade certificate and
think he should feci proud of his percen
tage. Dont miss getting your pictures
while the photographer is here.
1L G. Nucomb and Fred Dorrington.
.i.r of draw ford, nassed throu-h here
yesterday morning on their way back
home from a trip to the Big Horn Basin,
in Wyoming. They left home a ru-nith
or six week-i ago on a kind of an outing
exploring expedition.
Harmon the photographer will be
here but a fe days longer. Better get
your '-Photos" while you have a chance.
Charles Newman, ciune In fro-n Hewitt,
liutt n'.BiitaUiut 11 o'clock alter ttie coron
er to go out Into Ills neltctiboii.ooa and bold
an inqiiet OTcr tlie dead body Harry
Maple who was feuud dead on tlie prurie
near Wills Earnests wind mill. Cusrley
broniflit no partienlars tw t tu oiatu death
Ir. l'hlimey was deputised to go and hold
tbe inqseet, more details next wect.
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. WrtKhl, lef t for Whit
ney tuo forepart of the week where they
vent to best the bedafde of Sir. Wright
sick ulster Mrs. tjarncr, wnos me wan wi-u
nlahtdlspalred of. We are Kind to know it
th;it Mrs. Garner in much Improved, tliongn
not wholy ont of danger. Mr. and Ur.
Wriglit have Ueea with her tbe iwMt of the
From all points of the camp conies
the gratifying news, that Hon. Charles
F. Coffee and lin. W. F. Hay ward, of
this representative ar.d senatorial dis
trict will run neck and neck with the
state ticket. Mr. Coffee, we think will
run ahead of the party ticket, probably
twenty-five or thirty votes.
MARRIED At high noon on Wednes
day August, 2th' 1000, at the residence
of 0car A. Garton, in Warbonnet, Just
tee J. Strait on pref'.rijn z the ceremony.
Mr. Earnest Lyon, and Miss Dotha Bar
tell, both of Harrison, aged respectively
24 and 19 year. The bride Is the accom
piirii diugliisrof Mr. and Mr. J. H.
Bartell, one of our most popular famil
ies, and she has grown up right in our
midst, aod has won unto herself by her
charming qualities, a host of friends.
Earnest, as every one familiarly ad
resses him is the youngest son of Mr.
Lyon, of Warbounet, and a most estim
able young man who numbers every one
among Ms friends, wno win an giauiy
unite with our quill driver in wishing to
Earnest and bis bride, all the happiness
this life can bestow, with the crowning
glory reserved for the next. Tbe yc
couple expect to commence UouHakec(-
ing at one on a ranch just across the
line in Wyoming.
Bodarc Gleanings.
A good general rain is very much
needed as we hear from different locali
ties that water is scarce aod tlie creeks
much lower than usual.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. San
ford Hill is sufferieg with a very sore
Little May Montgomery who has beer
quite sick for a week is very much bet
ter. Mr. J. W. Snyder and wife came over
from Running Water last Saturday and
are the guests of Hon. C. F. Collce.
Miss Mable Thayer visited last week
with Mrs. Lenard Da'it of Warbonnet.
We understand that Miss Grace. E.
Mever has been engaged to teach the
Bodarc school this winter.
Tlie last crop of Alfalfa is being cut
aod the bare brown field remind us that
ere long our old unwelcome guest jack
frost will be here.
The prospect for keeping stock through
the coming winter looks ratht r dubt
ful should the winter prove to be a ser
ere one and many are busy cutting aod
stacking Russian Thistles for feed wisely
thinking them better than nothing for
the grasshoppers have left no range
whatever. M. A. C,
The weekly aad daily Btaats Zeltung
of New Tork city, has come out openly
against the McKioley policy of militar-
tssn as well as imasjrialisot.
j. d. williams.
Contractor & Bcildkr,
For ParticularH call at the
PressJotiwaLi olllce or Addref
him at Kirlley Wyo.
As I have disused of the nrtrth-wes-tern
hotel and am poin?; to retire from
the business, li parties knowing them
selves indebted to me are requested to
call and settle their accounts.
J. vv'. KWJtn.L.
Notice, to FiiMonlsls.
A R"yan and Stevenson Club, will be
or'anizsd at the court house in Harris
on, Sept. 1st 1000. at 1:'-H) P. M.
Gno. D. Cakos, r.ham. Com.
J. E. Marsteller, Sea
For Sale.
I,o1s of second class lumber mill sbde
and shanties, at Crawford Bros, mill to
sell cheap as dirt, as we are goiug to
FOR SALE: Four small pigs,
at Marivjs Valdez.
Dr. Reichard the dentist will be in
Harrison, at Harrison hotel Sept. 6th, to
13th, prepared to do all kind of Dental
work. Extracts tect without puin.
That TliroLLiii;; Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New" Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferer have proved their matchless
merit for Sk k and Nervous headaches
They mako pure blood and build up your
health. Onlr 23 cents. Money back if
not cured. Sold by bit. J. li Pu'.SXEY
, Khtray Xotlei;.
To whom It may concern.
Notice U liiTRhy given by B. V. Gilbert the
underniKiieil that on the Ktu day ol July A.
D.lSKOon bis enelowd land eltneted 1" Cot
totiwood precinct In .sionx Cointy bru
k i. Two Hslit gray horses wan taken uj liy
bira as estrays.
wild horses heing more particular branded
and described as follows.
The largest bor-w U branded on rlifht hip
SG ftbi67
left shoulder
Smallest borse on left shoulder
ebon Me
Jl. Y (ar-UErtT.
otico to The Public.
The thirty second Nebraska State Fair
and exposition will be held at it ol I
stand, Lincoln, Nebr., Sept. Tbe
state horticultural society will hold its
annual exhibit in connection with the
state fair and on the same grounds and
dates. .
The board have offered f 30,000 for
premiums, $2, 000 for county collective
exibits, $(1,000 for speed.
1 l e y. K. & M. V. R. R. have an
nounced the low rale of one fare for tbe
round trip plus 50c admission, from
points in Nebraska, tickets on sale Sept.
u" inclusive, wjih return limit Sept. 8,
and will run special trains from crtian
portions of the line, thus providing (be
lwstf.xilitiesfortbo.se wishing to visit
this fair and exposition.
The following are special
Monday Sept. 3, Wheelmen's, day, of
Bicycle tournamet day.
Tbe motor tandem
will be a special feature.
Tuesday, Sept. 4, Fraternal dnll day,
and Fruit day, at which time tons of
fruit will be distributed free.
Wednesday and Thursday, Sopt- 5 and
6th will bo every body days, and the
big nces.
Friday, Spt. 7th, Traveling Men's day
and the "Knight of tbe grip are prom
ised a big time.
Tlie "Tennessee Judges," a splendid
troupe of colored minaterels, will give
daily free entertainments in the ainpbi
Spabin Abuse, a native of Manila, of
the Taglog tribe of Filippioos, will give
free dairy receptions aod entertainments,
on the grounds.
The agricultural and horticultural
displays, promise to We belter than ever
before exibited in this state.
The wide awake people of Lincoln are
arranging for a series ol night street
tournaments. These, with entertain
ments of an instructive character during
fair week at the Lincoln Auditorium,
will serve to enchance the pleasure of
those who will visit Lincoln and the fair.
See Agent of tlie F. E. St M. V. R. K.
for f urtlier jiarticulars as to rates, spe
cial service, &c.
Tlie administratian Btaods with one
foot on a poor Porto Rican and tlie other
uKjn a Philippine paying over to his
imperial mnjest? the Sultan of Sulu
that $10,000 awarded to him by this gov
ernment for maintaining slaver? and
the coocbinag custon.
No we never hear any more about the
collecting of that $100,000 from the Sul
tan of Turkey. If tlie administration
had that small amount of pocket change
it would go a long wny toward sying
our own sultaui of ll Sulu.
Lumber Yard
Go to ROHWER'S for Lumber, Har
ness, Flour & Feed, or anything in his
line of business; he will save you mon
ey by giving you a squar deal.
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction, at his Ranch 10 miles North
west of Harrison, Neb., on Wednesday.
September 12, 1900, at 10 olclock a. nr.,
the following described personal proper
ty, to-wit:
25 Cows and Calves,
4 Good Milch Cows.
2 Heifers, 2-years old,
9 Yearling Heifers,
2 Yearling Steers,
1 2-Yeirold-Steer,
1 flood J Hereford Bull. 2-years-old,
C Hogs from 3 months to 1-year-old,
20 Tons of Feed,
20 Acres Corn in Shock,
A Lot of Lumber,
Tools and Household Goods too num
erous to mention.
Terms if Nile:-CASH.
O. A. Gautok,
E. A. BWKlvOW, Auctioneer.
Pubclic Auction
The undersipued will soil
At the Stock Yards, in
Harrison, 'Neb., on Saturday,
Sept. 8, 1000, at 1 o'clock P.
M., the following described
personal projxirty, to-wit:
18 head of Cow3 & Calves,
20 head dry Cows,
3f, head 2-year-old Steer?,
12 head 1-year-old Steers &
Terms of Sale:-CASII.
M. J. Ulkwktt.
R. L. Keel, Auctioneer.
Public Auction.
The undersigned will sell
at public auction, at his
ranch 4 miles north of Lower
33, Sept. 10, 1900. at lOoYlo-::
A. M; the following des
cribed jiersonal property to-
12 cows and calves.
8 Yearling Steers,
G Yearling Heifers,
J Dry Cows,
One Hereford, Bull,
" Mare and Colt,
" 2-year old Filley,
" Buckskin horse,
Household and kitchen
furniture too numerous to
, (hand.
John J. Allcop.n.
The CommiMionsr of Fubiie Ijinda and
nulldintt will offer sbout 2.00J acres of
chool land for lease st public suction at
Harrison, st ths County Treasurer's office
bee-mil st 1 o'clock . M., Hrptember HO,
Itmo, nndcr the followint prollon of the
new school land law;
If, ftr using dne dlligencs to lesae
sabl land, st an annual rsnUlofalx per
cent. BiKn the appraised valuation, the
t oinmlsittouer Is unable to do ao, he may
ofrer the ame for iea st le than the
appralwsl valuation and lase it to the
p-rju or persoaa who will puy alx per
cent, on the highest offered valuation, aa
annual rental. If, In bl Judgement, H U
to tht best interexta of the atate to ac
cept auch bid.
Persona Vteairtug to mln the landa to
iKt leaand may secure llala of the same
showing the prewot sppralwmiant thereof,
as well ss auy other Information, upon ap
plication lo the (iinty Treaaurer m by ad
drewlng the Oommtiwloncr, at l.tnrolii. At
the hKlnl,)K of the auction, the CointnU
aloner will dlally answer all Inquiries In
regard to the school land buin or the
workiima of ths new law.
It IIelpl Win Ilnttle.
Twenty-nine officers and men wrote,
from tlie Front to say that for scratches
Bruises, Cuts, wounds, 8or Feet and
Stiff Joints, Buckles Arnica Halve is the
best In the world. Sime for burns, Skin
Eruptions and Piles, 25 rta, a box.
Cure guaranteed. Bold by Dm J. E.
PfUKXEY, druggist.
Proprietor. J4
harness Shop.
Flour & Feed
For Sale-
There III be Jtassat the Court
House on Haturday, Septeinher, 8,
at 10:30 o'clock.
c-kiW?Hl E. Church,
Sunday School lfl o'elork s. in. Epworth
League 6:30 p. m.
Prearhing every Sunday evrnin'; t 7 :S0
p. m., nd every alterna'f Hnnday at 1 1 s. at.
roriiiiiencliis: January M. 10D0. F.ery boil?
eerfll.ily l:i Itcd In attend these services.
Professional Cards.
I'hjLcIan ami Surgeon.
AH calln given prompt attention.
Office In ItritK Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before Uio United Slates
Land OIGoe.
Fire Insurance written in reliabU
JIegal ptjters carefully drawn.
O'Cunnell, -
Co. Attorney,
Will Prncllce la All Coarti.
Special Attention Clveu to Land Of
Ilee IblhlllOss.
Collectiiiiw an:! all business entrust
ed touie will receive prompt attention.
lUiiitiKnx - Nksraska.
Michael Ruffing,
I am prepared to do all Vlnda of Civil
KiiK'i-ecrini work.
When in noed of the Survevors Services,
rive me a call ns I havo a full and rum
v.,s out lit. together with exjipnence to
do the work with neatness and disstt:h.
Parties Owning tlte following hors-
can leam of their wIere-a-l)OutH by call
ing at this ollice and paying for Ibis no
tice: Six largo horses and mares brandei'
on left thih, also one gray mart
branded circle on loft thigh.
School Lsnil Leasing.
me following- iipkciiih?-! y ir.
Slout t.ounty will bo oBrred for Icitso at
public Auction at llnrrleon, t the t omity
Treasurer's Office, ri Heptcmbcr 10, IOoO. be-
Slnnlnic at 1 o'clock V. SI., mid contlnulnK
until all of aald lands havetorn offerad.
These landa may be Iafsl at an annual
rental of alx per cent, of tha valuation
hown below, by ths flrat person offering
to take the aams when they are called for
lease at the auction, naleaa s premium U
offered, in which case the contract will be
awarded to tbe parson paylnK tbe greatest
smonnt of bonus therefor. Foiling to re
ceive s bid of alx per cent npoo aald spprala
ed value of any of theoe lands, they may be
leased to the person who will pay alx per
cent, npon the highest valuation, a provid
ed in Sec. 11 of the new school land law.
in order that all Interested may have an.
equal opportunity to secure leasee, thei-e
lands Bre hereby withdrawn from the mar
ket until the beginning of the pnbllc auc
tion aforesaid.
A Hirtion of the lands are vacant by vlr
tneofordera of the Hoard of Kdueallonal
Ijtndsand rands, duly made, and may be
redeemed If delinquencies snd costs sio
paid Itefnre the land Is leased.
y.', y.'i. i iw 1 -w i, a r.H I ! '
aii of.;. w r, mnwik-!,.ji u n
K W' SK4 4 H ., M M U
El, n W4 4 H WV4 r4 V' ft K1
S 80 M
ff' N Ki k H WIi J-Ks4.N-K'4llW!K. l
K'i S VI H A K M
Hi K'i A H-r.i, W'4 r.'i-n
HH-r.i. ' W
k w), r.'i
J. v. Woi.rr,
ornmUaloucr I'ttblie liudasnd llullillngs.
Cull for 151-ls.
pealed bids will be reeelvwl by W. R. Smith
rhnlnnnn of llin tjoard of trustees, until
Sept. I H" for digging, eementlnp', cover
ing snd fencing a cistern st town well,
plans and Specif lestlotu msy be seen st W.
h. Mi. lib's I oard reserves right to reject
sur ur all bid. W. II Davis.
Vlilsgo cleta.
W B7
M Tl
Jknpy....'.lC V",i -is
A 4' !..'
' Va. t..s "-. :