Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 30, 1900, Image 2

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D. CANON. Cdttar.
nnmsKA news notes
crop looks excellent
tea Dooley was killed by the cars
A Scandinavian Bryan club has been
at Lincoln.
Use United Workmen held a picnic
t Loalsvllle August 22.
Mascot had a S3. 500 fire. It is thought
to be the work of firebugs.
Pickpockets reaped a harvest at tha
Flattsmouth Woodmen picnic
The temperature fell fifteen degrees
in an hour at Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Nathan Redfleld, one of the oldest
citizens of Nebraska City, Is dead.
Young Heavrin, a Nebraska City
boy, was severely kicked by a horse.
Mike Volland of Hastings went out to
break a colt, but broke his leg instead.
The new Catholic church at Hum
boldt, which cost $10,000, Is completed.
The location of a section line between
two farms near Ashton gave a Justice
court and a jury a job.
Judge O. W. Rice of Creighton wag se.
erely burned while extinguishing the
Bre of a gasoline stove.
R. A. Malony has purchased a busi
ness block at Madison and will engage
in the hardware business.
A free bad concert followed by a
banquet at the opera house were feat
ures of the opening of the new light
plant at Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harris, an aged
couple near Ashland, held a family re
union and work In that neighborhood
teased for a day.
; The fuslonlsts held a big rally at
Wahoo, and were addressed by W. J.
Bryan, W. V. Allen, W. H. Thompson
and a. M. Hitchcock.
Bloodhounds tracked the Octavia post
offlce robbers to North Bend and there
gave up the hunt, the robbers having
boarded a train there.
W. F. Hayward, the fusion nominee
lor senator at Chadron, advocates the
passage of a law against calf stealing.
Lynch law is the best for that.
Kearney Is mixed up in a row with
the water company. The mayor threat
en to call a special session of the
council and reduce water rents.
A permanent call has been extended
to Rev. Theodore Manning of Randolpr
by the Presbyterian session at Madison
to fill the vacancy of Rev. C. W. Howe,
M. H. Myers, a well-to-do stockman
of Wallace, committed suicide by blow
ins; the entire top of his head off with
' a shotgun, using a broom handle to
throw the trigger.
Drtng an electrical storm at Ashland
lightning struck the home of Mrs. Van
Bickle, tearing a hole in the chimney
ad blowing out the flue and filling the
with soot and gas.
Deputy Sheriff John J. White of
Fresno county, California arrived in
Plattsmouth with a requisition for
Charles Ardell, alias Frank Perry, who
Is wanted there for murder.
A railroad detective is causing con
siderable uneasiness In Humboldt. A
great amount of goods were loxt at
the railroad smashup a week ago, and
it 1st the detective's purpose to locate
Lincoln coal dealers have begun to
predict an advance In the retail price
of both hard and soft coal. They base
predictions on the greatly in-
demand, coming largely from
Vise weather has been fine for exer
cise open the encampment grounds at
flawtlngs. The camp is in excellent
condition and the soldiers hsve been
r duty In accordance with the pro-
At a special meeting of the board of
dacatkm at Madison plans and spe
Ctfleatlons for a beating plant for the
sew school building were adopted and
the officers were Instructed to advertise
for bins.
The tenth annual reunion of the Ne
aaafea county Old settlers' association
traa a grand success. The trains Sat
awaay were loaded, and by actual
Mat there were 1,727 teams from out-
the town.
! $. M. Bailey of Wlaner was nominated
fef acclamation by the democrats and
yefpsflats of the Seventh senatorial dls
feat. Mr. Emley is a banker in his
Caw atwa and has never aspired to
t-aat honors.
Meadow Orove come the re.
. trtOa Cornelius Smith shot and fa-
s - - - - - VI- ,k t l
' 'X Bottfsfcl, who lives near Mad
t tm bee atria trouble for a yeai
u Lf bj beating bia family and
yrzj ta watbm aa
" FtatM. tamer living tet
Tk af TXisa, started hoi
-1 IwVm. Aa he wmm an.
Bt3 swart alstaaee awt ofl
! i a tta WHS bit broke
r rtx of bat tsM, b
Mr. Chairman and Members of the I fluence of his ballot upon the side of
Notification Committee: I those who desire to protect the public
in accepting the presidential nomi-
nation which you tender on behalf of
the populist party, I desire to give em
phatic recognition to the educational
work done by your party. The populist
party as an organisation, and the
Farmers' Alliance and Labor organiza
tions from which they sprung, have
done much to arouse the people to a
study of economic and industrial ques
tions. Believing, as I do, that truth
grows, not in seclusion, but in the open
field, and that it thrives best In the
sunlight of full and free debate, I ha
confidence that the discussion which
your party has compelled will aid in
reaching that true solution of pending
problems toward which all honest citi
zens aim.
I desire also to express my deep ap
preciation of the liberality of opinion
and devotion to principle which have
led the members of your party to enter
the ranks of another party in the se
lection of a candidate.
While I am grateful for the continence
which the populists have expressed in
me, I am not vain enough to regard as
personal their extraordinary manifesta
tions of good will. The ties which bind
together those who believe In the same
great fundamental principles are
stronger than ties of affection stronger
even than the ties of blood; and co-operation
between the reform forces is
due to the fact that democrats, popu
llts and silver republicans take the
F.ide of the people in their contest
against organized greed and agree in
the application of Jeffersonian princi
ples to the questions Immediately be
fore us.
In 1S96 the money question was of
paramount importance, and the allies
In that campaign united in the de
mand for the immediate restoration of
silver by the independent action of this
country at 16 to 1, the ratio which has
existed since 1634. They were defeated,
but that did not end the discussion.
TBe democrats were defeated in lHf&,
but that did not put an end to tariff
reform. The republicans were defeated
in 182, but that did not permanently
overthrow the protective tariff. De
feat at the polls does not necessarily
decide a great problem. Experience
alone settles questions. If an increase
In the volume of the currency since
1896, although unpromised by the re
publicans and unexpected, has brought
Improvement in industrial conditions,
this Improvement, Instead of answer
ing the arguments put forth in favor
of bimetallism, only confirms the con
tention of those who insisted that more
money would make better times.
The republican party, however, while
claiming credit for the increase In cir
culation, makes no permanent provision
for an adequate supply of standard
mnner if it,t In- r.irpKitr f!r wr
real money, while it permits national
banks to expand the volume of paper
promises to pay money.
If the populists felt justified in op
posing the republican party when it
sought to conceal its gold standard
tendencies under the mask of Interna
tional bimetallism, the opposition should
be more pronounced In proportion as
the republican party more openly es
pouses gold monometallism
In 165 the reform forces charged the
republican party with Intending to re
tire the greenbacks. This charge, de
nied at that time, has been confessed
by the financial bill, which converts
greenbacks, when once redeemed. Into
gold certificates, and extends new priv
ileges to banks of Issue. If a populist
opposed the republican party when its
hostilities to greenbacks was only sus
pected, that opposition should be great
er now since no one can longer doubt
the purpose of the republican party to
substitute bank notes for greenbacks.
It Is true the populists believe in an
Irredeemable greenback, while t he
democrats believe In a greenback re
deemable In coin; but the vital question
at this time, so far as paper money U
concerned, is whether the government
or banks shall Issue It. There will be
time enough to discuss the redeemabll
Ity of the greenback when the green
back Itself is saved from the annihila
tion which now threatens it. The re
publican party is now committed to s
currency system which necessitates a
perpetual debt, while the populist finds
himself in agreement with the demo
crats, who believe in paying off the na
tional debt as rapidly as possible.
If belief In an Income tax justified a
populist in acting with the democratic
party In 1896. what excuse can he find
for aiding the republican party now,
when even the exigencies of war have
not been sufficient to bring that party
to the support of the income tax prin
ciple? Populists believe In arbitration now
as much ss they did In 1894, and are
as much opposed to government by In
junction and the blacklist as they were
then, and upon these subjects they have
as much reason for co-operation with
ths democratic party today as they had
four years ago.
Democrats and populists alike favor
the principle of direct legislation. If
any difference exists as to the extent
to which the principle should be ap-
pnea, i nose differences can be recon
ciled by experiment.
Democrats and populists agree that
Chinese and other oriental labor should
be excluded fora the United States.
Democrats and populists desire to to
enlarge the scope of the Interstate
commerce act as to enable the commis
sion to protect both persons and placet
from discrimination, and the public at
large from excessive railroad rates.
The populists approve the demand tet
forth la the democratic platform for s
labor bureau, with a cabinet officer at
its head. Such an official would keep
the administration In close touch with
the wage-earning portion of the popu
lation and go far toward securing such
remedial legislation as the tollers need.
In 18M the populists united with the
democrats In opposing the trusts, al
though the question at that time ap
peared like a cloud scarcely larger than
a man's hand. Today that cloud well
nigh overspreads the Industrial sky.
The farmer does not participate in the
profits of any trust, but he sorely tel
the burden of them all. He Is depend
ent upon the seasons for his Income.
When he plants his crop he knows not
whether It will he blessed with rain or
blighted with drouth; he knows not
whether wind will blow It down, or hall
destroy It, or Insects devour It. and
the prtce of his Top Is as uncertain at
the quantity. If a private monopoly
ma suspend production and Ax the pr.es
of raw material as well as the price of
the asriahed prod act. the farmer, pow
ailaan to protect himself when be sells.
M plundered when h purchases. Can
aay lirnser hesitate to throw the la-
at large from monopolies?
The fact that the trusts support the
republican party ought to be sufficient
proof that they expect protection from
it. The republican party cannot be re
lied upon to extinguish the trusts so
long as It draws its campaign contri
butions from their overflowing vaults.
The prosperity argument which the
republicans bring forward to answer all
complaints against the administration
will not deceive the farmer. He Knows
that two factors enter into his income
First, the size of his crop, and, second,
the price which he receives for the
same. He does not return thanks to the
party In power for favorable weather
and a bountiful harvest, and he knows
that the republican party has no policy
which insures a permanent Increase in
agricultural prices. Since he sells hie
surplus in a foreign market, he is not
a beneficiary of the tariff, and since he
produces merchandise and not money,
he does not profit by the appreciation
of the dollar. He knows that the much
vaunted prosperity, of which he hah
never had his share, ie on the wane In
spite of the unusual and unnatural
stimulation which it has received dur
ing the last three years. He knows that
each month of 1100 shows a larger num
ber of failures than the corresponding
month of l(i9, and that there Is already
a marked tendency toward a decrease in
the output of the factories. He knows
also that discoveries of gold, famine
abroad and war on three continents
have not been able to raise the price of
farm products an rapidly as trusts and
combinations have raised the price of
the things which the farmer buys.
Our opponents have tried to make It
appear that we are Inconsistent when
we desire a general rise in prices and
yet oppose an arbitrary Use In pro
tected manufactures or trust-made
goods. There is no conflict between
these two propositions. If a genera;
rise In prices occurs because of a per
manent Increase In the volume of
money, all things adjust themselves to
the new level, and if the volume of
money then Increases In proportion to
the demand for money the price level
remains the same anO business can be
done with fairness to all. If. however,
the rise is arbitrary, and only affects
a part of the produces of labor, those
whose products do rot participate In
the rise suffer becaune the purchasing
power of their lncom is decreased. If
a bad monetary system drags down the
price of the farmer' products, while
monopolies raige the price of what he
buys, he burns the Cindle at both ends
and muat expect to Buffer In compari
son with those who b long to the classes
more favored by legislation.
It is sometimes urged by partisan
populists that four four years more of
republican misrule wjuld so aggravate
economic conditions as to make re
forms easier. No our can afford to aid
in making matters ivorse In the hope
of being able to make them better aft
erward. for In so doing he ast umes re
sponsibility for evils which he may not
be able to remedy. No populist, how
ever sanguine, believes it possible to
elect a populist president at this time,
but the populist party may be able to
determine whether a democrat or a re
publican will be elcted. Mr. Chair
man, the populist convention, which
your committee represents, thought It
better to share with the democrats In
the honor of securing some of the re
forms desired by your party, than to
bear the odium of remaining neutrt:
in this great crisis, or of giving open or
secret aid to the .republican party,
which opposes all thi? reforms for which
the populists contend.
Those who labor to Improve the con
ditions which surround their fellow men
are apt to become impatient; but tbey
must remember that it takes time to
work out great reforms. Let me illus
trate by calling your attention to the
slow growth of public opinion In sup
port of a proposition to which there
has been practically no open opposition.
President Johnson, In 1868. recommend
ed a constitutional amendment for the
election of United States senators by
a direct vote of the people, but his rec
ommendation met with no response.
About twelve years later. General Wea
ver, then a member of congress, tried
to secure the passage of a resolution
submitting such an amendment, but
his efforts were futile. In 1892, the res
olution recommended by President
ohnson and urged by Congressman
Weaver finally pased the house of rep.
resetatlves, but It has not yet reached
a vote of the senate. And now, after
eight years more of public discussion,
the proposition for the first time re
ceives the indorsement of the national
convention of one of the great parties.
If the fusion forces win a victory
this fall, we shall tee this reform ac
complished before the next presidential
election, and with Its accomplishment
the people will find it easier to secure
any remedial legislation which they
may desire. 3ut how halting has been
the progress! Holland has said:
Heaven Is not guinea by a single
We build the lsdder by which we rise.
From the lowly earth to the vaulted
And mount to Us summit round by
And so It Is with great social and
political movements. Great problems
are solved slowly, but struggling hu
manity marches on. step by step, con
tent if at each nlght:'all It can pjtch Us
tent on a little higher ground.
I have called attention to the Issues
which brought the democrats and pop
ulists together, and which have justi
fied their co-operation during the last
four years. Let me now invite your
attention to new questions which would
justify co-operation at this time, even
though we differed upon all economic
questions. It Is not cur fault that these
new questions have been thrust Into the
arena of politics; it It not our fault that
the people have been called upon to
consider questions of ever-lncrrssing
magnitude. In 180 the tariff question
wss the principal subject of discussion
and the democratic party contended
that the masses were carrying a burden
of unjust and unnecessary taxes. In
1892 the tariff question was still the
principal Issue between the democratic
snd republican partis, although In the
west and south the money question wV
assuming greater and greater propor
tions, and the populists were contend
ing that our monetary system was more
responsible than the tsrtff laws for the
depression In agriculture and the dis
tress existing among ine wage earners.
In isM the whole question of tai
became of secondary Imports
eauae of the Increased boldness of those
who opposed the gold and sliver coin
age of the oonstltutlon. When the re
publicans declared at St. Louis thut the
rMorttn of bimetallism In this coun
try, although dealraole, was Impossible
without the aid of the leading commer
cial nations of the old world, lhe pop
ulists and silver republicans joined
with the democrats In asserting the
right and duty of the American people
to shape their financial system for
themselves, regardleft of the aMlon of
other nations. The failure of the re
publican party to sicure International
bimetallism and Its open espouna! of
the gold standard, still keeps the money
question In politics, but no economic
question can compare In Importance
with a question which concerns the
principles and structure of government.
Systems of taxation can be changed
with less difficulty than financial sys
tems, and financial systems can be al
tered with less danger and less disturb,
ance to the country than the vital doc
trines upon which free government
In the early '60s, when we were en
gaged In a contest which was to deter
mine wnemer we buuuiU have one re
public or two, questions of finance were
lost sight of. Silver was at a premium
over gold, and both gold ani silver were
at a premium over greenbacks and
bank notes, but the people could not
afford to divide over the money ques
tion in the presence of a greater issue.
And so today we are engaged in a con
troversy which will determine whether
we ate to have a republic in which the
government derives its Just powers
from the consent of the governed, or
an empire In which brute force is the
only recognized source of power.
In a government where the people
rule, every wrong can be righted and
every evil remedied, but when once the
doctrine of self-government Is Im
paired and might Is substituted foi
right, there is no certainly that any
question will be settled correctly.
A colonial policy would so occupy the
people with the consideration of the
nation's foreign policy that domestic
questions would be neglected. "Who
will haul down the flag?" or "Stand
by the president," would be the prompt
response to every criticism of the ad
ministration, and corruption and spe
cial privilege would thrive under the
cover of patriotism.
It is not strange that the popuSlsts
should oppose militarism and Imperial
Ism, for both are antagonistic to the
principles which populists apply to
other questions. Looking at questions
from the standpoint of the producer of
wealth, rather than from the standpoint
of the speculator, the populists recog
nize in militarism a constant and In
creasing burden. The army worm,
which occasionally destroys a field of
wheat. Is not nearly so dangerous an
enemy to the farmer as a large stand
ing army, which Invades every field of
Industry and exacts toll from every
If 100,000 men are withdrawn from
the ranks of the producers and placed
as a burden upon the backs of those
who remain. It must mean longer hours,
harder work and greater sacrifice for
those who toil, and the farmer, while
he pays more than his share of the
expenses of the army, ha.s no part in
army contracts or In developing com
panies, and his wing are less likely to
HI! the high posiiims in the army than
the sons of thope who, by reason of
wealth or noijttcal prominence, exert
influence at Wushingtor..
Soon after the republican leaders be
gan to suggest the propriety of a colo
nial policy, the papers published an In
terview given out frm Kan Francisco
by a foreign consul residing at Manila.
He declared that the people of the
United States owed It to themselves,
and to other nations, and to the Fili
pinos, to hold the Philippine Islands
permanently. At the conclusion of the
interview there appeared the very sig
nificant statement that the gentleman
was visiting the United States for the
purpose of organizing a company for
the development of the Philippine Isl
ands. A few days later, on ' his say
east, he gave out another interview in
which he explained that the company
which he Intended to organize would
establish banks at Manila and at o'her
places throughout the Islands, and
build electrie light plants, water plants,
street car lines, railroads, factories, etc.
It w'med that the plan of his syndicate
was to do all the developing and leave
the rest of the American people nothing
to do in the matter except to furnish an
army sufficient to hold the Filipinos In
subjection while they were being de
veloped. At the present rate we will spend
annually upon the army approximately
half as much as we spend for edu
cation In the United States, and this
Immense sum Is wrung from the tax
payers by means of taxation . which
overburden the poor man and undertax
the rich man.
In the presence of such an Issue as
militarism It is Impossible that any
populist should hesitate as to hit duty.
But even the menace of militarism Is
but a part of the question of Imperial
ism. The policy contemplated by the
republican party nullifies every princi
ple set forth In the Declaration of In
dependence, strikes a blow st popular
government and robs the nation of its
moral prestige. Already the more ad
vanced supporters of the colonial Idea
point to the economy of a system of
government which entrusts all power
to an executive and does away with
the necessity for legislation. The Army
Navy Journal, In Us Issue of A u rust 4,
commends the English system snd de
clares that as a result of this syrtem,
a fifth of the world's area, containing
a fifth of the population. Is ruled with
an administrative economy which Is un
administrative marvel, and adds:
'One million two hundred thousand
dollars spent In London Is the price of
administrative order over a colonial
rule whose total budgets aggregate $1,-
724,3M,8. or W per cent more than our
total of federal, state, county and vil
lage expenditures for every possible
purpose, for which taxes are levied. In
contrast to the results of this system
of executive administration, the fact Is
cited that the American congress has
spent an entire winter wrestling with
the tariff, the taxation, the administra
tion and the personal rights of two lit
tle Islands. The English executive It
an Imperial executive. The British par
liament Is an English legislature. TO
far as citlsenthlp Is concerned. the
British empire Is one. but beyond the
limits of the United Kingdom the cit
izen lives under a rule essentially mon
archical, and not restricted by the con
stitutional limitations of the parliamen
tary system."'
Thus does Imperialism bear Its sup
ers back toward me oark ages.
is no middle ground between the
erican policy ana ine curopean poi-
tf-hla nation remains trim In I fa
Iples, Its teadTUons and Its hit
It cannot hold colonies. If It en
ters upon a colonial career, It must re
pudiate the djctiine that governments
derive their just powers from the con
sent of the government
When tucb an lasue la raised, there
can only be two parties the party,
whatever Its name may be, which be
lieves In a republic, and the party,
whatever its name, which believes In an
empire; and the Influence of every citi
zen Is, consciously or unconsciously. In
tentionally or unintentionally, inrown
upon the one side or the other.
Where the divine right of kings I
rwognized, the monarch can grant dif
ferent degrees of liberty to different
subjects. Tha people of England can
be ruled in one way. the people "f
Canada in another, the people of lie
land In another, while the people of
India may be governed according to
still different forms. But there can be
no such variety In a republic. The dex
trine of a republic differs from the doc
trine of a monarchy as the day differ
from the night, and between the two
doctrines there is. and ever must be, un
irrepressible conflict.
Queen Victoria has recognized this
necessary' antagonism between tha
democratic and the imperial form it
government. In proroguing parliament
a few days ago. she said:
'Believing that the continued poet
ical Independence of the republics would
be a constant danger to the peace of
South Africa, I authorized the annexa
tion of the Orange Free State."
A republic Is always a menace to a
monarchy. Just as truth Is always a
menace to error. Self-government, be
ing the natural government, must nec
essarily create dissati? fa'.l n among
the subjects of those governments
which build upon some other founda
tion than the consent of the governed.
What the Orange Free State and the
Transvaal are to South Africa, our re
public is to the world, and only our
Increasing strength and the wide Atlan
tic have protected us from the Inextin
guishable hostility which must ever ex-
lt between those who support a throne
and these who recognize the citizen as
the sovereign.
ISM. Every step taken towards Imperial
ism by this nation meets with prompt
and effusive encouragement from Eu
rope. Lincoln pointed to the Interest
which European nations have In the
abandonment here of the doctrine of
equal rights. He said:
"The principles of Jefferson are the
definitions and axioms of free Boclety.
And yet they are denied and evaded,
with no small show of success. One
dashingly calls them 'glittering gener
alities.' Another bluntly calls them
'self-evident lies." And others Insidi
ously argue that they apply to 'super
ior races.' These expressions, differing
In form, are Identical in object and ef
fectthe supplanting of the principles
of free government, and restoring those.
of classification, caBte. legitimacy. They
would delight a convocation of crowned
heads plotting against the people. They
are the vanguard, the miners and sap
pers of returning despotism. We must
repulse them, or they will subjugate
Our opponents say that the world
would laugh at us If we should give In
dependence to the Filipinos. Yes, kings
would laugh, aristocrats would laugh,
and those would laugh who deny the
Inalienable rights of man and despise
the humbler folk who "along the co;i
sequestered vales of life," "keep the
noiseless tenor of their way;" but !-t
this nation stand erect and, spurning
the bribes of wealth and power, show
thtt then, is a reality in the principles
which we profess; let It show that there
Is a difference between a republic and
a monarchy, and the oppressed in every
land will see In our (lag the hope of
their own deliverance and. whether they
are bleeding upon the battle field or
groaning beneath a tyrant's lash, will
raise their eyes toward heaven and j
breathe a fervent prayer for the safety
of our republic
Lincoln Club Starts Out By Issuing
a Stiff Challenge.
Lnicoln, Neb. (Special.) "The Lati
caster County Scandinavian Bryan
club," has been organized, with a mem
bership of 160 voters and with these of
ficers: President, Alfred Lindell; sec
retary, John 1!. Sundesn; treasurer, C
J. Olson, all well known and leading
citizens of Lincoln.
The club has demonstrated Its confl
decene In Us ability to defend demo
cratic principles by issuing this chal
lenge: "To the Scandinavian Republican
Club, Lincoln, Neb.: We take It for
granted that your club is organized for
the purpose of studying the great po
litical questions of this campaign, rath
er than to advance the Interests of any
particular man.
"The fact that you have been repub
licans In the past is no reason why you
should be republicans now. We believe
that the republican party is drifting
away from the doctrines of Jefferson
and Lincoln, and Is now advocating pol
icies which will ultimately destroy our
republic. Jefferson was a democrat and
Lincoln a republican, but both of them
believed In the maxim, 'Equal rights to
all and special privileges to none,' and
that 'Governments derive their Just
powers from the consent of the gov
erned.' "Has the McKlnley administration
been true to these teachings? If not,
are you going to vote the republican
ticket 7
"The best way to decide a question is
to discuss It, and hence we Invite your
club to discuss with us the Issues of
the day.
"Arrangements for the debate can be
made with Albert Sjoberg, 2040 8 street,
Lincoln, Neb.
"We feel confident that o-ou consider
principle above party and will vote for
what you believe to be right even If
you have to leave the republican patty
to do It, and should you convince any
of us that we are wrong we shall gladly
accept your teachings. Very respectful
"JOHN M. SUN DEAN, Secretary."
Boston, Mass. (Special.) It has been
given out at the offices of the Antl-Im-perlalltt
league that Andrew Carnegie
would shortly return from Scotland to
the states and assist In the campaign
against McKlnley. He tald he would
take the stump. The sntl-lmperlalista
have also arranged to have Be nor Six to
Lopes, a real Filipino, said to be an ef
fective speaker, discuss the war In the
archipelago from the standpoint of the
Preparations are being made la
Omaha for the week of September 24
to 21, to entertain the Inhabitants and
strangers who wander to the gate. In
a manner that will outshine all previ
ous efforts. Those royal hosts, the
Knights of Ak-Har-Ben, whose members
now number In every city In Nebraska
tnd Iowa, have decreed that It will be
:he biggest, warmest, liveliest week ever
known west of the Missouri, and they
are preparing a festival of song, of
mirth, of beauty and Intelligence that
will be a thing of beauty and a Joy
forever. On Monday, September 2th.
at 10 a. m. the grand oriental Car
nival, occupying a mile of the principal
ttreets, will open Its doors and continue
each day and night until Saturday. Sep
tember 29th. About 2.500 feet of hand
somely decorated booth space will be
filled with merchants' and manufuctur.
ers' wares, and art and Industry will
linger side by side. On the platform
erected In the open air, top liners from
the cream of vaudeville will give free
hourly cntertaJnmen, Gus Ryan, the
most daring and accomplished artist the
world has ever known, and who is the
one big feature of the Paris Exposi
tion, has been engaged to make his
thrilling bicycle ride for life down a
75-degree inclined plane from a 100-foot
tower each day and night. Geo. Rice's
wonderful educated pigs, the acme of
all animal shows, will be a free at
traction. The St. Beliiios, whose daring
and graceful trapeze performance and
their dare devil leap for life here, made
them famous throughout the world,
have been guaranteed a prlcely sum
to give tfiir performance for the
Knights of Ak-Sar-IJen, and a host of
other great shows are promised. The
enchanting, entrancing, enthralling
Midway with Its many mysteries.weird
charms, strange people and entertain
ing "Bally Hoos" will be a reproduc
tion of the great World's Fair display.
There will be "Bopco, The Australian
Snake Eater, "HI Ke," "The Manila
Wild Girl," "The Palace of Illusions,"
"The Mysterious Lunette." "The Streets
of India," "The Great Passion Play,"
"The Black America, or Old Planta
tion." "The German Village," "The
Gypsy Camp." and "The Electric The
ater." The Carnival will contain 100,
000 objects of Interest, each day will
be a special day. On Wednesday, Sep
tember 26th, the gigantic daylight pa
rade, with Its solid mile of floats, and
its hundreds of artistic and comedy
features, will traverse the principal
streets and disperse at main entrance
to Oriental Carnival. Thursday. Sept.
27th. special attractions will be added
to the street carnival during the day.
At night, commencing at 8 o'clock, the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben's Grand Elec
trical Pageant, munificently magnified,
monumentally greater, and with more
music, more color, more lights, more
beauty, more wealth and more magnifi
cence than ever attempted, will delight
the eye and enchant the ear. Friday,
Sept. 2Sth, the annual ball of the Court
of Ak-Sar-Ben will be held at the Ken.
Then vil! h Children's Day, Wedding
Day, Old Fid(:.e.-3' Cctitsnt, Cakewalk
contest to decide th" championship of
the middle weM. drills by fraternal r
de,rs, lire and life saving drills, funr.y
flows, confetti butties, and more solid
fun than the old town has ever seen.
There will be one glorious day and night
when all may appear masked ami r.vs
t timed on the streets, thus reprodueJ-j
the Mardi Gras of our southern states.
There will be a thousand and one things
to see and admire and Interest, and it
will be a blazing week of glory, sun
shine, music and mirth.
Why not dortor yourself? "GonovV
Tahlets Bre guaranteed by Kliid Drug Co.,
Elgin, 111., to cure all tiineaiM-s tnflaminj
lions, ulcerations of the urinary system,
organs, hlailier. tc, or send fre medi
cine until cured if guaranteed lot falls.
An internal remedy with injection com
bined T the only one In America. Price, $3,
or 2 fur , sent pe:' mnll, iteiall and
wholesale of Mvers & Dillon Drug Co.,
Omn!ia: M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Da
vis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs; HIkkh Phar
macy, Lincoln; H. 8. Baker, Sioux City.
Complete line of rubber goods; ask for
what you want.
A newspaper or sheet of paper tied
on a window or balcony of a dwelling
house in Mexico indicates that thTe
are rooms to let In the house.
Menset surely Brought on regularly,
suppressions neglected oftn result in
blood poisoning and quick consumption,
and Is the direct cause of women's trou
bles; therefore keep the meni regular
with "De L Due's Female Regulator,"
and women will be happy and healthy.
If It falls. Kbld Drug Co.. Elgin, III.,
tend free medicine until relieved and fully
cured; 12 per package, or 1 ror S, per
mall. Retail snd wholesale of Myers &
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon,
South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council
Bluffs; Rlggs Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. S.
Baker, Sioux City. A complete line of
rubber goods on hand; ask for what you
A pet Maltese cat belonging to an.
English woman has been successfully
provided with spectacles to counteract
falling eyesight. A picture of a moufe
was used by the oculist to test the cat's
Dr. E. O. Smith of Kansas City, Mo
the famous specialist In the treatment
of cancer, will have a column ad. In this
paper next week, to which we call your
attention. He has a treatment which
positively cures, and his cures are per-'
manent. Read the ad. and write blm
for further Information.
One of the local American papers In
Manila Is agitating the leper question'
and advocating the selection of one of
the numerous Islands of the group ss a
place where they may be secluded.
See the wonderful testimonials In Dr.
E. O. Smith's ad. In this psper next,
week. He guarantees to cure every cate
of cancer that he takes. Write to hlm
about It Address Dr. E. O. Smith.
Kansas City, Mo.
The above Is the name of the netr
method of scientific treatment nrl-inui-
ed by Prof. Theo. Kharas, 1515-17 Chi
cago street, Omaha, Neb. You may-
nave a tree copy of a large catalogue
which will tell you all about this newr
way of curing old chronic disesset with
out drugs, medicines or mrxrv Ad
dress Prof. Kharas, Omaha, Neb.
Dr. J. H. Snoddy, of Alton. III..
llscovered a cure for hog cholera which.
tures sick hogs. Any practical farmer
Jan clear his herd of the worst out
break of chotera with It In a wek or
irss ume ana save every hog that Is
tble to take the smount of medicine
prescribed. Well hoes can be kt.t h.i-
thy with It In lots with cholera hogs.
Hundreds of the finest herds In the
fountry hsve been cured vlth It. Dr
smraay nss pUDIIshed a book which ful,
ly explains his treatment. This book la
free for (he asking. Every hog raiser
ihould write st onct for this free book.
r cut this article out and preserve It
(or future use.