Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 23, 1900, Image 8

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-I ,
Jf ;
1 Jrei-:s-Jouirnal
0 ,
TUCHSDATr Acuust. ."cl, 1003.
J. Caumi, Hilltor and Prop.
F. E. & H. V U. it. linie table.
Oolug West. Going East.
5. mixed, 11 :20 I Xo, 6. miI
E. M. V. IL E. is the belt
to an'l from U.e
F, E, X 'A 'I R- B-
Homssse'Ers Ex
Will he r.m Juno 13th, and 'July 3rtf
'and 17th; Am:. 7th, 21st; Rot, 4th,
- 18th; OcL.i.'ud. HVh; 'v. CUj. SOth;
Dec. 4th, lsth, l'Aif), to points on the
OV F. K. M. V. R. R.
in N'i'ir iiki, li"8 trw one way fair
from ft3ATt Missouri Uivir .Point,' in
Irtrti'ii? 'ontvil HI. Ufa is JJ'l. 60, or more
V Points in Wyoming, w-ni hf artl in
Vadtrn Oi in .Junction, and to I'liiuis iij
BUok "ill I'm ilim.nct of So. tnkota,
"Ticket will 1)0 sol.5 ' by 1 connecting
lines f'hnc to our !ins at Sinus i'ity,
Oniwi M'". V,.!!or jyui Om:ih;i smi by
pr a;'cnts at Sooth PIn.it. nations,
Blair, Ohi:i!ih snd on is. O. & P. in Iowa;
'pTOpl tint ti'ir l-J.jnU w''' s'-!l t0
points in So. i nil;.
I'Vtrw wilt l- one f.tr? -.Ium fcJ.O-l for
round trip. Write your folks in te Dit
and have them mwe ami tt von, hiking
advantage of tht. -ra'w. Tickets limi
ted 21 days with 13 days lim't on cnmg
fcorticn. ' F. AvSr.T, Ajt. .
FOR SALE: Four sinall pigs. Call
"at JIarcds Val:.
Allx-rt Lindehorg was over
Ardmore tha first of the week on
sese. . .
T. O. Williams, com:.lefd drillir.g
A. McGinloy's well, iie bs one hun
dred fet of water.
Supt. Burke, proposes to build a
'dwelling house this fall on the Griswotd
quarter which he purchased this wkI of
-attorney Guthrie.
Ed Maine wants to sell his place
North-west of town, bo wants $1600, so
we are told, lie owns 3i0 acres and a
'quit claim on another quarter section.
Joseph Kirby, of Crawford, to whom
was z ven the contract for plastering the
new school room, completed his contract
on last Monday noon, and turued it over
to the proper authorities.
Roy Mains and Jo Umphenour, laft
last nifjht for Chadron, wiere they went
to look for a job of work. They may
go farther on down tha road if they do
'not find something to suit them there.
The town board have concluded to
'build a new cistern down at the pump
house and remove ine watering trough
mn fh KuHiness nart of our tow n
just what the Press-Jocknal has been
advocating go persistant! for the past
-three years.
We are glad to announce this week
thateur honorable town Board propose
to go ahead and repair the villaga fside
"walks and crossings nnd otherwise put
the town in a repecUbld coaditioo. We
believe the board have frjen tio neple
gent In the past and we are please. I that
it has new life instilled into it for the
'good of the town in general.
Tor Sale.
Lots of second class lumber mill slide
Mid slianties, at Crawford Bros, mill to
ell cheap as dirt, as we are oiiur to
We have heard it intimated on the
'streets of lato that the editor of the
PrtES-JocEICALdid not put W. O. Pat
terson's name in the list of candidates
which he pre posed throug b the paper to
work for from the time he was nominat
ed until election because we wished to
light him. For tbe lienefit of some of
ur republican friends who are solicitous
about tbe Populist nominee forCouuty
attorney, when the Democratic conven
tion meets and nominates Mr. Patterson
ai its candidate for tbe said office then
we will put Ur. Pattersons name in the
list of candidates and will support him
jast as heartily as any one. It is only
detention the oppoilioa are trying to
'create and not because they have any
particular love or respect for Mr. Pat
terson, ine ntaw-jorm.fAL nas never
yet gone back on iu friends though in
some few instance its friends have gone
back on it,
artrly Meeting.
The 4 qnarteriy meeting of the if
S. Omsk will be held at Harrison Ang'
, XSaetf M, MM everybody U cerdialry (a
Vt4t4. C.L.8WTB.
:- ' Pfcrtor,
-Xtti,J. W.Eberrill and W. B
tTrt, sMJt a tmi, wtoreby (be Ut-
ft kmsm Cm wwaer il tbe Worth
. ' f C fPCtrty, the waeidera-
"' 1 ti flliil. W team Kr. W.
' V V 'i rJ Cael Hotel tails
'..'. a wt3 catMu aectioa
; tl- 'jr r bt ti istcJ
J:ims Fit2i rumors hh-ppwl up
wards of self nty head of horses, to Min
iie'j.t;l, this ww k.
vj. B. Wright disposed of bis fine
herd of cat tie to I'.ert 8imick, this wet-k.
Burt Srnuck beeorutjs a feioux county
sto-'.'ktnan fiffain.
J. H. Xwhn, of Pleasant Eide,
w.is in Harrison this wef-k looking after
a hoii to rout for the winter. Houses
a."C fit a premium in Harrison just now.
IT. 8. Keiiato' Allen, and lion. W.
H. Tiiou;' - n will ?ildrs the voters of
Siou pniinry at tlio Court House -in
Harrison, ou, Srpk 1st. De sure and
come. c
A. lutter from I. II. GriwoM, wns
regtuivo,; tli (c,.c instructim? u&tdffelid
th I i:2SsT'jUi.N-:., The G.-okI !J'iral
5l.KH.Uit" to him and his family from
now on. I). IS. livi-d anions; in too
Ion;;, no to fK?l a kt-ea iutarost in ail
that roes on in ou? town.
Attorney Guthris, disposed of the
D. IL Gri-.woH claim, wen ( town to
Co SupL Burke this weak, the consider
ation beirtp CT.".r.O. Burke will in
alt probtibility, bail J a hm.se on the
place t! ii fall and wove into town
where his chiuiren wiil have llif advan
tages of a good school.
Notice to FiiSiOiiL.t.;.
A B-yan end Stewnsou t 'iuh, will 1
orS'aniaed at tlif court house in ILnvis
on, Sept. 1st ?(0fl, at 1 :H0 P. JL
dm. a. Casos, chim. Com.
J. E. Jklarstwller. rVc
CulT v.o!U"e shipped a consignmeat
of cattle to the flout h Omaha, market,
from Amlrcw's on last Saturday.
Sum Ttbhets, of the llarri.joa House
was a passenger on the traia gnmjf east
kistfcaturlay evtning. He wtnt to Oui
aiis on business.
Dr. It.'ich-irti ttw dentist will lie in
Harr:Son, at ITii rri.scjn hotJl ?pt. 6 to 13
tb prepared to do all ku.d i f Dental work
Exirjcts teet wiiho it pn'u.
Wa uoderstami Mik OWnrtfc!l, h!ss
rented the house just nc-ntly v;w:it d
by Goodson Lacy, airfl erpec) to occujiy
it about tlie first of ths mo ith.
Mis. Sarah Jordan, viho ha bten
back at Ione. la, during the summer
at. tho sick bedside of her motturr, rs'.urn
ed home liot Siitnnlay, she rrU her
mothiTS health much improved.
V letter from JeT Hjwiit. iuf'T.r s
us, that they ail arrived safe at Pirco
city, Slo., iu due tune, and found every
thing as expected, fejet-pt the divcg'it,
which exceeds anythiuir the country
has experienced ia serenil years.
Oh where, oh wtwre re the school
mam's gone
Oh where -oh, where
Yes tbey ar-i a'.l gone,
that the short time
our midftt, have begn
can tbey be?
bat w feel
they spent in
most agreeable, a3 well as beneficial to
By the looks of the wagon load of
furniture Frank Deister was hauling out
of town list week t3 must exptct to
have a younjj lady help keep batxh In
the future. Thats alright, too, Frank?
As two can keep house about as cheap
as one and then it would not be near so
Mr Hay ward, of Chadron, fusion
candidate for state Senator, from this
14 (.enatorial district, was in town ou
last Saturday. Mr. Upynard is cte
who impresses all most favorably. We
predict a sweeping Victory for him at the
polls, as bur reform forces in this oock-o-thewotds
are a unit.
Attorney Guthrie, dir posed of two
more quarters sections of land this week
lin purchaser being Frank Nutto. The
consideration wns J'l'O.OO apiece, the
land Jays U miles west of town, known
as the Huff claims. Altogether, attor
ney Guthrie has sold upwards of thirty
quarter sections of land this year.
Hon. C. F, Coffee, went to Chadron,
lahtSaturd.vy. Charley is leading A. G.
Fisher, a merry chaws politically, but as
his captain, editor, postmastership, runs
along such diJTerot.t avenues from his
opponent, his race wiil soon be run in
llw ground of defeat, notwithstanding
his bold assertions to the contrary.
We understand that M. J- Elewctt,
is considering ipriously, tbe advisability
of moving his family from Harrison, in
the near future. We hop however he
may conclude q':ite the contrary as the
people of this burg, disiiike vrv much
seeing any of their friends and neighbors j
leave here, and then M, J. has grow u to
be almost a fixture hero.
George W. Meyers, of Dodge, this
state, has been employed by our school
board as princijal of tle Harrison,
school for tlte ensuing year, thus a full
corps of teachers have been secured,
who come well reccornmended, which
moans ia udvaacs a successful school,
for the coming year. With an increase
in teachers enlargement of our school
room, it brgine to look as if onr towu
did not porpose to take1 a back sent in
ber public schools, which is nest to, if
not paramount to church.
Card of Thaiika.
Tba taachers, attending the 12tb an
nul laatitute, of Sioux Co. Neb,, do
hereby tender their hearty thanks to
Baperioteodeot 3. B. Burke and their
laU Utetrector, Prof. Percy, Puervlaoce
1 r K ui.in.flnU. U ik l.ilt,.i.
for their uatirioK effort ia tbe institute
Tbrjr alao, teader their sincere thanks
A .1 1 - . ... ' ... ....
'i i w sew imvH n iiamao iot yam hiou
mm iwa by the
y Ordet of Com.
-J. D. Williams, of K'.r'Jey Wyo.
exacts to turn, over the new w.hool
nxm ready tor oii upancy to our school
board this week.
The Ladies Aid Sooie'y will 1 glad
to have every one that can sew iarp t
rags meet at the home of Mrs. T. O.
Williams Wed. afternoon Aug. 29.
, Sficy.
Til ) little bale of Mr, and Mrs. J. H.
Williams who have heeo at the school
house for the past few we'sts. has Isron
quite ill this weok. Lr. Phinncy was
lalie lioand reports t'ue little ooe row
t.Irs Mans'ior, g'sUrcf Mr. M. Ginl
ey, has ben q;he ill during t!w past w.afe
or ts, ai;d is? -still far from well, but we
hoW to hear mor cons.ihn,? news e'ers
lontr, as thf lady has baile a hest f.I
fritnds for herself during the fchort time
she has lx en here.
B sure you r?men.ber the d:ite f
Vfrs. HoJfmnn's lacture wliich wiil l-a
September 1 St h. Mrs. Huffman, ocjsys
tlvj diMinction of being tlie ahlH fak
ir A her ?x in this country. Qtae Iwr
a hearty reception. ' hardly dem it
necessary to say the lady will s'wak co
the lienor tralii-.
Tiio institute clos- d n lat Saturday
and wa feet that we are but voicing the
sentiments, of those who attended,
whtui we say thit it has ta or., if not
indeed tho most ii.structivs and
ciai institute ever held in Sioux county
The teachers are unanim-'ms, in thMr j
statements an to Prof. Purvianct-'s or-j
nct application to the liutk which;
called her, and declare no !--ft no mtti-!
o! imtritii which in any wr.v whaU-vtr
any wr.v wnau-vcr
mifc-ht twi to i-pecially banoflt tbo-e ,,,Dil! p,.oU!.nitv to fwiars .Ua-e. ttu se
tending. Uttf coucepti n of t!i I'rof. ! jn-ls re bri)y wlthui-a-oi fra.- t!i icr
ami his meth'xl of iuctrnctionisxere hv'.i kt until the b.'Biiiiiin8 t.' lb pubi'.f uic-
. . i , , ,....,l b urn I t!on sfol-.-.ui I.
not teacl.rr and wtto na m time cocw j
! firrt no b, tier or in in ( r.jfi table way to.'
I . '.. ... v.i t, -.i.v,pvcil I
1 . t ... ... h. ni"t lKfo:e ttw Im-.'I t !m'1.
j wany teai-lic-r ao.l juKtructon., hut wi. w- s-;!iS.vi t n
! havo t ucknowlt-'.L'e IV. if, Piirviinifes . 'ilf.!.3t ! N Wt -;-i4..w.
.. , ., .. , . . -.v. c: kiJiilisNt.ill1, S-Kl,
m-.iMouo! ' b'"-.
whole sou! swems iu his v.ork. (ij-ier.ij-1
ir..l,oit Pttrkn. has ruitson to feel l.iUfl i
over the progress of the institute just i
,. !...:. 1. I..-. ....Ci.i.r ..tr,.-l-
loseo, as ii iH-.j.K-ii,,T 11,9 u.-i-.i,,, ... ,
in educatKital rnattsrs, as wen as "'ore,
salularv mothoil.-i of tefhing
those who Httund-jil Ins'.itue.
iilt a.
k m
Will be in
r?i. j. a t- JJ IB S Kbk IlH i
1 1 sir ?. lati.uia i b
US v.ttlQiis y. h
To assist in the ratification ox tho
nomination of
They vill speak on the political issu
es that confront tho American people
today, as a result oi the maladministr
ation of the party in power.
Liueg "Written liy our
' County l'oct.
To the edforof the rKr.s.Joujut.; mr: J
notim In your pn;if an Item In rfcinl to
tlm oiftirtaxe of our wot eateemed friend
and neighbor, I tlmuKlit it my duly to give
the boy a lift so hers gar..
Bo was rattier fond or posing1 In his attor
nuyi rap and Bwn,
And a attorney of feioux eounly, tie won
He read sit book on pliyalcs, and on econ
A treat on love srlr nd on nntronoiny.
It wax many wearv sU-ps, from his UuUh
e)or hie to Kofsy;
Ucwentio l It turned hi brain, Vou'd
thought timt be ni (rrof??y,
llec-oiild writ on t hrlaiuin wience, on 11
nam or lilrtory, '
tor him the world of learning, not a ing!r
I'Btfl be met n (rlrl from Hoc try who'J nu.
srbeen to college
Nor never bfieo to boarding scbool to win a
store of knowledge,
But the gave him Juxt one litt'.e look that
bowled him oat completely
8onowtlist lItUeBH7 girl U mnlltng oh
Ob for thmt nan of tbeory.lt tru a wond
erfnl doing,
He never fornouk liU lllc'tenr, wliih- timt
Bofgy girl persuing
Tin not that she turned liitu down, If linur
lag U believing, .
For Meansrs ended the esse, now O'Cou
ael Is tone qnll grlevf tntf:
Dedicate l to M. 4. O'Co'm. ll by ti, j c'n
Tlie oiamlsslontr of 1'nliMe LamW and
l:milln(t will oflVr ebout 2, r.cree of
o'-ljo,! Und for b aao at pob'.ie liin limi ot
Hurrtsoa, ut tiM County lre vsurtr olfa-e
N-j!tnit t 1 'cl'K-k 1'. W., SepUnabvr Iu,
i!l, niiflirr tl foMowin pruvL-lumi of the
new seiici! hin'i
'If, after null's tlae dlliT'wiee t leawi
luiii land, ut n annu il rtulal of six pr
t'n t. n-rfjii thft m pr-iSc t VKla.itfoa.Ute
I'ofumlAsloiifi U tuiatiU tit ijo I:e r:i::y
oift-r tile Dilute Ur Ki at lesia mau tit"
unpr:Ud vaiictio i so,d ie-iMi it to the
jH-rtwn or pisroons wlin will six Iter,
c-nt. oa tl.c- !l;;Lfkt ctti-rert vulimlion. b
animal rental, il', lu hi j tlTisnerit, It U
M t'-, l.,vst lut-rmU of the Ute lo ae
Mpt ai:lj btil.
rt-rsou duKti'Ir-sr 10 ei'im'iie the laadi to
tie " lcjed uitjr .vre: re l-.sti of the ni
nix ttn jirt'Vt njisratfianit t'jtroo.',
n wcii tt u ,t. r U:'.ur.XiUo!U BJH
piicatioii io the I'mmty Tiei.suiir .r by iwl
clresii:j.f tii C'i:iiai1siio!H-r, Ht l,jiK-o!a. j
the )iej,imiit k of tins K.H,ion, tin-( ommin
Moaer will eUi!ir i ncr t'l tnnuirio In
reiff.nl to th waool limit buomee r tl.e
i orilii2sof tlu w l.t'.
rliujl laitd J.t-B:nf.
T",- fol'owlnir ilwnti'il srlii ol land .In
sioni County wilt bo off.TDil lor JaM at
public Auclioa ut Hi-i i l-on, "i-.t tiio County
1'reaanror' Oii(, on Scptenler 'JO, IV. Ie
Kinuihif KtloVlm-k I M., icul eontiimiiif:
until ail cf nld ii;.'il li:ive in en oltm'!-
TUfse lanls )ay 1 l.wl "t sn nnnnal
rcital of !s ))"' 'ent. :f tin' na'.in'.lu')
howa t'.ow, by tho fnt lxr-xm o?.rin
to t:, kf t!ic s'-.n. ii lc n they i.ro e Ul'-.-l for
lotus lit tho ui'tIo:i, ioii-J k iTi.tiiinin In
(ifft-rort, in wWr'j '- Uni ritra"t wCUse
I s. aTUi"l to tllB nciMin p:-.j ine ion j!"'
I ,...,i ,,f twtiiK tii.-rcfcr. Ftiimsr to r-
eolve a bi'l of f :x pr r:.-l ::ri.): mid f;ir!"
f value ut nv pf t!w.i Pmos. they may be
le.'isuvt to iiio pir-mi w lio hl V-V six 1er
t-l.t. upon tf 1 !;li.-f t veium o i, us jrovll-
in s.-e. tf, of The niw -elvil l;.nd Hiw.
,r,., .. , .... ,. ft.,
.-.. ii., , t.t i 'k.. 1 a v -i(C.i, t Iit v!r"
, f r,f t ;;, rd of j-.tumtloim!
jAindu and t aiiC, ilulr luad
iiy ia
rotOi-mml K rtel'Diiuei.flcs d
cojtk a-e
VW1 ft h.WH & x-t-i
K y; r.9
: v k. & s-W s-ku VI.; KWi M SI
K!j S-v. j,- A s
.V, 32
I A S-. ,...
. - ... V!
! li-Wi., M-F.U-.
ss s
j v. Wm,;t,
Commissioner Pubiie Lands and BulMhiiss.
?1 B
4 R
7 S
rn T--. f 3 e
Ofi.fi 0 - Si7
Ur. aiid Mrs. 1'rank Smith and lit
tle daughter, nrri red yesterday, from
tha hills, to Hpend a few days with
Frank's parents.
-Mrs. Albert Hill, of Bodarc, is
ppondinjj a few w!s at the home of 1 er
reuts at Merna, Neb. Mennwhilo Al
bert, is tasting the sweets of single bles
edness. POUN-ToMr. and Mrs. W. II. Ron
nell, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W,
flcsKr, Vir parents, Tuesday evening
Auf, 21, 1000 a daughter, about the us
ual wuitit. All parties couuerned are
doioj welL
On last Hntardav a siwcia! dispitc
o the Asocialcd Press siys. tho liners
hml just raptured 4000 British soldiers
besides heavy loss of life sustained
by the Pritkh troops. Lord RoWu re
cent slatement that the war is practc
ally over uiiMt be, to put it mildly
nome what unreliable.
Do rn npel Arnili'n?
Answer. Only for home protection
nnd defens, mvi for foreign conquest.
Cultivate tbe spirit of trW trioli,m
in all our scliools and wo fholl nver in
n j'utt caw) wr.nt ncii t- malnlaia the
right. Our Dumb Animal.
Lumber Yard
i iv, v;vi- -
Go to EOHWEE'S for Lumber, Har
ness, Flour & Feed,
line of business; he
ey by giving you a
Will wake ilto wjssoh o? l0
at the 1)U:CK5IANN LIVE-
11Y BAKN in Harri?or..
P E D i G T. E C : 1'H'tefM 8i v levn i h
VrciRht,,l.r)00 3b?. .
TEIttfS: 35.00 for tho c.ip.
ou. ityabJe iniilaiecf .amii
Jd.TN DrliCKl-fASr'.
Puuclic Auction
TJ:o UTKhoi.Mod wiil Kel I
At tha Stock Yards, in
Harris-un, Nrh.J on Saturday
Sept. S, IW at 1 o'clock i
M., tha fallowing (l-jcribst!
personal prorty, to-wit:
IS Jiead of Cos-.i fc Calves,
20 he ld dry Cows,
36 head 2-year-o!d Steers,
12 head 1-year-old Steorn tt
"Terms of &i!e: CASH.
K. L. Kvxu Auctioneer.
Public Auctio
The undersigned will fell
at public auction, at ' Ida
ranch 4 miles north' of Lower
33, Sept. 10, 1900, at lOo'clock
A. M. the following des
cribed personal .property to
wit: '
12 cow;- and calve?.
S YpftrJIti" f1t'i-t:.
u Yeariin;.; Heifers,
0 Dry Covvh,
One Hereford, Bp.I1,
" Mare and Colt,
2-year-old Fiiley,
Buekrdihi Iicree,
llouw.'hold and kitchen
furniture too niiTseroua to
Jo.in J. Au.cor..N.
Call for rIds.
fetlert bids will Iw rereivvt l.y V. It. Smith
cli.ilruian of thn tifisrd of trixt'on, until
K-j,t. 1 iroo for gjli(;, cctiicnilni', cover
Injf nnd fencing ciirtcrn tl torn irll.
I'litns end Xpnrlflcnt!on msy be wen at W.
It. Smith', lioaid rtrvc nuht to reject
any or all blt!. W. II Davis.
VII'.ihjo clcrs.
A fugitive from justice and owe who
is indicted for murder, has. Finley, e.
secretary of tbe state ot Kentucky, un
der the fostering care of Governor
Mount, cf Indiana, is running a repub
lican sheet, oailud "lioilh Ilidfr." It
is ii'.iio- d rouh) when such things are
As time speeds on, our fusion candi
datim, bfi;in to hear from all sides, even
from republican sources, that thev will
all receive an overwhelming majority
vote, at the polls, this full. Ami is not
this as it should lie? Who wants imjer
ialism in our country? Who wants to
be ground to the earth by the ruercileMi
trusts of our day? Anathema bo both.
It Helped Win But! Irs.
Twenty-nine officers ami mm wrote
from tbe Front to say that for scratches
Bruixes, Cuts, wounds, Sore Feet and
Stiff Joints, lluckles Arnica Halve is the
hoist in the wcrld. Bnme for burns, Wtin
Eruptions nnd Pile", 2-1 eta, a Imx.
Oure tfuamntwd. Sold by Dm. J. K.
PnifTSKV, druggist.
tyvVrile Haydun Hros., Omaha,
s oceiili) rl.iiipiy liou), lor prii-us nud
Buckry . ,
larness Shop.
Flour & Feed
For Sale.
or anything in his
will save you mon
squar dei
io i
Pi rt ct
'flicrc III tc 2tts at the Court
Mouse ou tiatii clar, tjcpti'tiihcr, 8,
.it 10:.10 u-VlocS.
Z- L. SMITH, O.f
i .
iiAiiai".). - NKaA.siiA.
f-'untbiy frkmn 13 o'el'k a. ra. KpwnrtU
Lciurnc fi :V) p. m. j
I'rem-'iilii; every ,'iiimlity or.-nlns st 7:30
p. m-, n! f cerj- alternate Snndsy at 1 1 a- ir..
(ti.tin.i-iclny Junanry I t, l.tu'i. tvery bo-iy
rimil-.ti lt.vltc! Mat'rnd l!:ee e rvlem.
Froffessicnai Cards-
J. E. PlTINXKk'. U. I.
Phjisci.ta and Hur;enn.
411 cu'is flvmi protnf-t attention.
Ofilcn Is Drug hloie.
-i:AKi:ii! SCTWKA. .
gua::t gutii?.;.'!;.
Pnript altnution' given to nil lepnl
mntters in Justice, (kmnty and District
Cou:-ts, and bufore the United Statec
T.r-.nd l-!t e,
fiio Jo.-,urr.nc wriiU.ii iu rs'raUf
jkijhus carefully drawn.
li.'.rjtlnOS. - NKUHA.siA.
If. J. OX'oMJf il, - - ( e. Atterncj,
Will Prncllrs In Xll Courts.
Special Atlfnlloa iiivru to Land Cf
P.rt L'usiiiens.
I'ollcfttortK n ni all btHlnnH frirusl
ed to m? will rrcci re prompt iith iiilon.
Michael Ruffing,
An .it KVEYOK.
I sm pit pn red to do nil kinds of Civil '
Kngincoi Ing woi t, .
When in neid of the Survovors Services,
give me a cull as I have a full and com
plete outfit, toother with egperien'M to
do tlie work witirnoatm-su and dispntch.
Har30N, - - - - NEBRASKA.
Parlies Owning the following honwa
can learn or their where s ImhUs liy call
ing at this otilce and payin;,' for this no-
tice: v t
Six lHr,7 horses ami mares benndrdT
on left thih, nl.so one icray mare
branded circle cn left thigh.
Jlotlc (o Blddrn.
Sealed bids will w roe-lwd and fllwl by
the County Clerk Ht bis offlcn. m llnrrinoo,
Ni'l, , for bnlldliig briildii urronK tiic l,llt!
'el ton wood iircnlt In M;, , Twp. Si, Hsngo
M,on line of County Koad as shown In fl .Id
notMi biila to he flicd on or beforu noon of
Ang. W, 1WO. Haus sad pec:nee!lon on
file hi this ofllce. The llosrd reovrves tlie
right lo reet nny or ll bids.
Hy order of the iionrd of Coenljr Coininb.
stoaer. Win. J. A. HttiM,
County Clerk.
tf. m i hi
i. Cwie
MI'S. UUMaiJU. lit.
,, '
14 itt