K1E SOLDIERS' HOMESTEADS WANTED. WANTED. Iba add Antrum of soldiers of the dell war who wn at laaat B dan aaal whs ,lf living, areeatltla. Tha belra under tl an aaUtlad. Ourraapondenca Bird ou a bumaatrad BoldtenT widow. anltclUKl. Mention The Country Pabllhert Co. HAY! SWEEPS o STACKERS KANSAS CITI BAY PRESS 4 mi oijy-..ot mot M KIc, lajnor. wa noajE for ' TK.j arHLTr Land KKFRKMIIXU. uivfc iOWkKTX . aa. imf-iti THfckaUL HATH CABINKT an AC1 AI.TA Something New ! Compartment Chair Car Between Omaha. Council Bluffs, Kansas City and Quincy Homeseekcrs' Excursions The First and Third Tuesday of Kach Month. All information at Omaha 4 St. Louis K. R. City Office, No. 1415 Fr naui Street, or write HARRY MOORES, C. F. A T. A., Omaba, Neb. Remarkable... August 15th 1900. The Season is at Its Height. Vital Weather. Altitude, ;t400 Feet. Healthful Climate Good Place o Ppend Vacation HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA The trip Is easily made via Fremont, Eikhorn k Mo. Valley H H Every Saturday tTii will run from Omaha to Hut i-prlti(r. i-o.Ouk Uv OMAHA :00 I'. M. ( VValntir Hnl Itrpot.) Arrive HuT HI'HINUri, 7:4A next morning, ft. turn In a- lfeM"r will leave Hot Spring, vi ry Momlar during Augu.t at t P. M. Arrive Unmua & P. M. Rate: One Fare, plus $2, for round trip. LIMIT: October 31, 1900. Bitn Sale: Asgutt II. 18, 21, 25. Kur pamphlet, wiling all about H ilela, fWnrry. I'll mate und Cur, call on any .Keril Korlhweatrrn Lino. J. H flAHLK. Traveling I'm.. Agent. Ienlaon, la. A. L. I-IHHKIl. TravellDaT Ta... Afent. Kanaaa Lily. Ma i. K. BtCHAMAK. General I'u... Agent, Om.lnt, Neb. .Special Excursion East Via Omaha & St. Louis R.R. Leaving Omaba Auguat Sth, greatly roduoed round trip rates will bo of fered to Niagara Fall, M. Y., Alexan dria Bay, N. Y., Toronlo, Ont., and Montreal, V. Q. A grand cnance to tako a aunimer outing at little ei penae. Half rate plu $2 00 to many outbern poluta on eale Auguat 7th and2Ut. All lnf rmailon at Omaha A St. Louis R. It. City Offlc. No. 1415 Fariiatn Street, or tv-rlie Harry Moore, C. V. A T. A., Omaha, Neb. KltSOALL BROS.. MFCS. ini tta a. toisciL w-urra, ia. NO YOUR BILLS TO THC Union Lumber Co.. "JgJJ Thaa Direct to Farmara at i WHOLESALE PRICES. A. If . YANCK, Capital Park, Dal BtolMe, la. 2 or 3 wltsl slt tffel. 3 fr 4 wlttl rttr lltel. TBE SEASON IS HERE Wt ham torn print for you. Write for it MACHINERY CO., Onnla,Neb. in Taking Turkish, Vapor, or Medicated Baths. THRFJi CENTS aarr.. TO TI1R HKlIN. Oar I'TOHlTU'll t V tiirirtrJ A'irVf:,?t" ;"" drahiag -' aaa ai-aa. tka i. Will aaa. MHhCMAT1.II. NKTBalOIA ''. Lalirtppa aa. Malaria, ranuuji iwaa IB. I.ir WUHil 1 TRoChl.B M aad Mia Diaaaa.. Tkamal n.ia. .artfr ti. M.-4. Ia.i.arala aac t". a, aaWa M a wmi It. aKVKIUI. PILLION 10 KM OF TUK .KIN a. tillla f-.ai la .r.tnn T mrfma I KR'I'IRiTKlX . AU. THK IM PI KE SAl.Tl ACID. AND HolSOgOl. MATTCK vale , II mala. 4. aaw. !... ria.a aa4 rrtalar. 4a. th. PRIrK. ft an u n.a. Walla far w Culacaa Mara taria. . Balk CiMaH. ..WflMi, MEN aaa WOHK..N to rapnaeat w EVKRYWHEKK. b.i..rr. wiriiary ...... surt b, Cablatt Co, Toledo, Oil. OTOI Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS In all form, of Private ltMufi and Dlaordora of Men. Medicine and Treatment sent every wbero for $1.00 per month, 10 yr. In Omaha. Vririrocuie., Stricture. 75 Syphilis, boss Vigor and !. liullty, Blood and nil form of Nervous fertil ity arid Sexual L)ardr, Cum. Uturanterd. Con.nltation FKEK. Write today for FUEB advice. 119 So. I4tb St., OMAHA, NEB. FOUR FAVORITE FAULT FOODS: HECLA COFFEE. MUKDOCK'S PURE SPICES, "OPT" PLAVORIN8 EXTRACTS . AND Z 1 Burdock i.icl1 OUR QftOCFR HAS THIM ALL. Sr. HENDERSON IS tw 103 w. tast, BAxaAflcrrr. uo. A mlmr mmf in JrWia. carta faarutjea or aoaar tm faftAll aldaa.7araiala CrSas b!Lm aaaa?aM7 a katiaa fraaa nnatniM PaaUaai a aMiiawa tjaataflbr OMlIaai i r asaraa. Madlataai aaal av.r. CrtinaatCnMtMak aaVaaoaaaaaMaX tai far Ufa. I aaa aop alaM IWiM IMMl pOfJf fHlDffs ffJ Ml wr. aalaraa aa4 fxaafaaao fMaa aonr. fa 1 far aaanlaaa. Stricture hZsHZti IvtiSatmaM Ho la- Rd irieCI nraj, aa pala. ao taa. MlO0ClU,ll70OXlI.HIIII0Sl$m4 all UaStal Prlvats Diseases ZZXSa BOOK tpWSSQ Staoaa aad iy rftygyi ES3 praMralaaa laaa of i paoa. JOK OF WAbltUli How He Kept Hl Frotnise to a Woman. At 3 o'clock In the afternnnn the horn at Tin Pan Dlgginga began to blow and 400 men threw down pick and spadt and haat4ned to what wag callf-d tht imbllc Rquare. A they came running in an oirertions they found half a dozen mt:i surrounding a ramp mate, ana me cause or the alarm was coon explained, ine priaoner, who was known aa Jim Rodgerg, waa a hanKer on. That meant a speculator and gambler and a general blackleg. He had been "warned" two or three ttmea, but be atuck to the camp, and that afternoon, having been detected In cheating at cards, be had ' drawn hl. gun and attempted to kill. The horn had been Bounded and the men called In to give the man a trial before Judge Lynch. He waa defiant until he looked around upon the hundreds of stern faces and caught the muttered words of menace. Then he grew pale and silent. The president of the digglnga acted aa judge. It didn't take over thirty minutes to settle the case. "Prisoner at the bar," said the judge, when the Jury had returned a verdict of guilty, "we ar' goln' to hang you. We ain't no wolves thirstln' for blood, and we ain't anxious to make no rec ord In the matter of haste. You will be duly executed arter breakfast In the mornln'." That waa all. The prisoner had noth ing to say, and most of the miners went back to their work. The man was put under guard In one of the shanties, and there were none to de fend or plead for him. At sundown Joe of Washoe arslved on horseback. Nearly everybody at Tin Pan knew him for the "Bquarest" man in all the diggings, and he waa warmly welcom ed. He learned of the trial and sen tence, of course. Indeed, the Judge said to him: w Joe, I'm powerful glad you ar' here. We've got to hang a critter In the mornln', and I want things reg'lar and shipshape. 'Peara to me like there or- ter be some slngin' or readln' from the bibie. or suthin. It don't lock right to hang a man same's as you kill a dog Jest think it over and help us out." "I'll take a look at him and see what's to be done," replied Joe, and half an hour latar he 'was admitted to the shanty where the man lay bound. Joe looked at him long and keenly, and then drew a defp breath and said: 'I waa afraid of it when they told me about you. I was on your trail, mi If I could have got here before noon It would have been all right." You you have seen her!" stammer ed the man. 'For sure. Sh?'s over at Sand Hill." "And looking for me?" 'And looking for you. She's been looking for days and weeks. You mus' be the meanest, low-down critter on the face of the earth," "I've been a bad man," sighed the prisoner. "And you'll deserve being hung." They conversed fur an hour or more and when Joe of Wanhoe left the shan ty he left a bfttle of wh!ky with the miner who had Just come on duty to stand sentinel for the night. To the president Joe reported: "Yes, It'll be more ship-shape and civilized to pray or sing suthin', and I'll think It out during the night." When daylight came the sentinel wa. found In a drunken sleep, and the pris oner was missing. Joe's horse was also found to have vanished during the night. Nobody could say what hour the man had escaped, but It was certain that he was safe from any pursuit by the miners. There was a loud outcry and general Indlgnaton, and whe.i the drunken sentinel was at last aroused there were a hundred men who de manded that he be hung In the other's place. Down under the "hanging tree" there was a barrel on end with a noosed rope dangling from a ' limb. While nicii w-re -crowdinj and shout ing and demanding Washoe Joe un buckled hia guns, removed his hat and Jacket, and making his way through the Jam mounted the barrel and slipped the noose over his head. The whole camp followed and surrounded him, and presently a great hush fell upon the crowd. Then he looked calmly about him and said: "A week ago a little woman reached Sand Hill by the stage the first wo man ever seen In that town. She was Utile and she was purty, and her heart was brcakln'. She had come a thousand milesshe had braved the Injuns and the hardships she had dared mor'n a man jest to hunt up that crllter you was calculatln' to hang this mornln'. He Is her brother." There was something almost appall Ing In the silence around the speaker, and he was paler as he continued: "No matter what he was, she didn't know It. She Jest looked upon him as a bit wild and a wanderer. There was an old mother back In the states who was grlevln' and weepln", and who wanted to see hr boy again before death cam, When that little woman told me the atory when she told me of her long Journey and how she had arched and sarched and been disap pointedwhen she appealed to rne to aid her, I gin her my hand an my prom ise. It was the hand and pmmlse of Joe of Washoe, and he neyr guts back on cither." There were murmurs of applause on every aide, but no man spoae aoovs ais breath, "You were goln' to hang him," r turned Joe, an he lifted a hand to thr rope Above his head. "I don't sny hi didn't detsrva It, but I'd prml.ed lhni little woman to hunt him up and sent! him orer to her at Sand Hill. He'll K' back to the s'atea with her. He'll go because He ain't so bad way down it, aia htart, ana has ami gut a teeun' lor bis mother and sister, and he'll go jecause I'll hunt him down and kil .lim If he don't. That was the under .tandin' before I helped him eft. ei. ( helped him off. I cut hia bonds an J told him to take my horse and ride like the devli, and by this time be'a lined his sister." There were angry shouts from a hun dred throats at the admission, but Joe waved hia hand for silence and said: "She waa a woman, and I felt sorry for her and gin her my promise. I had to play Tin Pan Diggings low down to keep my word, but I didn't run away from you. No, I stayed right yere to explain matters, and to say that you shan't be disappointed in a hangln'. I'd a heap rather died with a gun in my hand and for a better ma,n, but she was a little woman, and she waa breakln' her heart. Gentle men, let the bangin' proceed!" No man moved or spoke. "I'm up yere with the noose about my neck, and if some of you will kick the bar'l away I'll make as good a show as the man who got away." They began to fall back. They kept their eyes on the man, but they fell back and melted away from him and never uttered a word. He looked down upon them with folded arms and a queer smile on his face, and by and by only one man wag left the presi dent of the diggings. What's the matter, Tom" queried the man on the barrel. "No hanging, Joe," waa the laconic reply. "But why?" "Because she was a purty little wo man who had come a thousand miles, and he was her brother!" Tricks in the Laundry Business. "Many people have never known how the laundries of Denver worked the bunco racket on patrons while they were running cheap prices," said a man yesterday who was driver of one of the wagons, says the Denver Post. "For months it has cost only five cents to have a white shirt rendered fit for further service In ("me of -the laun dry oBBces. During the same period other laundries have been charging 10 cents for shirts, and they have been explaining that the ten-cent was the superior to the one that cost five cents. "This is where the men were fooled, but they did not know it, hence It is all the same in the end. Many people would be happier if they knew less of many things. The same laundry houses have been keeping different offices, some for the cheap trade and some for the high-priced trade. The latter ex ists because it thinks when it pays bigger money it receives better service. When the shirts from the cheap offices and the high-priced offices come Into the r'"e where the laundry trust does all Its work, they are dumped into the same vat, containing a decoction which bleaches them and takes out all the dirt. The same Is true of collars and cuffs. Subsequently all such articles are placed upon the same ironing and smoothing apparatus, and the five-cent shirts emerge looking Just as well as the ten-cent shirts. Also, the collars which were taken in to be washed and ironed for two cents appear as nicely finished as those for which perhaps four or five cents was collected. "This Is one of the tricks of the laun dry business in this city that has been exceedingly successful in Denver. Un der the nw schedule of prices I sup pose it will continue. All the short, collar and cuff Ironing in the laundries is done by machinery, and bosoms and cuffs and collars cannot be varnished until they shine except by hand. The Chinese excel at this. They were given a hard blow when the American laun dries Inaugurated the stale of cheap prices. The new schedule is not raised enough Lt 'put much work back lntff the hands of the Celestials." Kngliah .Jacobite Society. To judge from the list of Jacobite clubs and associations given In the "Le gitimist calendar for 1S95," which In cludes the orator of White Ropes, the Devon White Rose Club, the Legitimist Jacobite League of Great Rritaln and Ireland (ponderous title), tbe Eastern Counties' (shade of Cromwell!) White Cockade c!ub, the Forty-five club of Grimsby, the Glasgow Jacobite club, the Oxford University Legitimist club, the Jacobite Restoration league, the Surrey White Rose league, the Mary Stuart club of Lanmark, the Lfgltlmist Reg istration union, the National Royalist and Jacobite association, the Order of St. Germain and the Hemlngford Grey Royal Oak club, not to mention our old familiar Thames Valley Jacoblt'S and two or three foreign legitimist bodies, It ought not to be difficult for the sup porters of the lost house of Stuart to put several hundred adherents In the field (or even Ludgate circus) If they so decide. A cow Is the last creature one would expect to see with ear rings, yet every cow In Belgium must wear them now, The director general of agriculture has Issued a regulation that all animals of the bovine species ar to wear ear ring as soon as they have attained the age of three months. Ilreeders are obliged to keep an exact account of the ani mals raised by them, and the ring, on wltleh Is enpravd a number, Is fasten ed In the animal's ear to prevent the substitution of oiio anlma. for another. "Everything seems to be against me," he said. No dnuTt he exaeeeratej, but there .vas certainly a Rod dot! sesl.i.t hlnv "or ihe girl who sat by his side an Mllow.d her head on his manly brea A'lghd not lest than 250 pounds. THIS IS THE MAI WHO la known all over Iowa and Nebraska as originator of the "Kharaa System" of Magnetic Healing and Osteopathy. By this means he cures every known chronic dis ease without the use of drugs or surgery, Cures absolutely guaJ ran teed. He has justl Issued a large illus trated 8-page paper called "Good Health," which will tell you all about It. Portraits and testimonial of patients and graduates of his school. A paper sent free for the asking. Writ for it Address, Prof. Theo. Kharaa, Supt., 1U5-17 Chicago street, Omaha, Neb. AGENTS WANTED. nelaterehMfpableCaaapaignTriek Bndga "Affent wanted vrvarharA.M nniije uv by mall U cents. ,ii n. uo. i00 by ex Drew S7.60. IWXjCt expreu 176.00. We are manufacturing LOOO.OOO aa a starter and can sblp oul-of-fwn orders at once. It I new, novel, original and handsomely got ten up; will altered an Inoaiue amount of fctnutement and be a tremendous seller Hustle la your order; send money by regi.t ered letter, express order or petal order; terms cb. CLOYO NOVELTY CO.. 823 New York Life Bld'g, Kansas City, Mo. f. I.l m JCtJHES all Kidney Kkineycura Bene, etc. At drug flats, or by mail, II. Pree book, ad- rice, etc., of Dr. B. J. Kay, Saratoga. N. Y. $20 WEEK SURE We pay 0 week for men or women with rig to introduce our Poultry remedy in oountry. EXCELSIOR MFG. CO. PARSONS, KANSAS. YOUNG MEN Wanted to learn Telegraphy and be assisted to positions. "Skelton Combination" of Telegraphy. Typewriting, Badness Penman ship, Station Reports and Hallway Bookkeep ing Is a sure winner. Try It . Address, W. H. SKELTON. Mgr., Box m, Sallna, Has. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. WALDING, KJNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Don't fall to read Drs. Thornton & Minor's two-column advertisement, which appears in next week's Issue of this paper. This firm has gained a wide reputation in the treatment and cure of rectal diseases of all kinds, and those who are afflicted can do no better than to read the advertisement and profit thereby. Occasionally a man refuses to drink beer because his physician recommends It or unless he thinks he ought to rec. ommend it. Why not doctor vourseif? "dnnnra" Tablets are guaranteed by Kldd Drug Co., s"i, jo., iu Luie an uireuses inuamma tlon, ulcerations of the urlnarv svRtem organs, bladder, etc., or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed lot falls. nn imernai remeay witn injection com bined: the only one In America. Price, ia, or 2 for 15, sent per mall. Retail and wholesale of Myers & Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Da vis Drug Co., Council Bluffs; Klggs Phar macy, Lincoln; 11. S. Baker, Sioux City. Complete line of rubber goods; ask for what you want. Be sure and read the advertisement of Drs. Thornton & Minor of Kansas City In next week's Issue of the paper. If any of the readers or their friends are troubled with any rectal diseases they will be Interested In reading what others say of their treatment and methods. The desire for fame has betrayed many an ambitious man into commit ting indiscretions that forever ruined his reputation. Menses surely Brought on regularly, suppressions neglected often result in blood poisoning and quick consumption, and Is the direct cause of woman's trou bles; therefore keep the menses regular with "De Le Due's Female Regulator," find women will be happy and healthy. If It falls, Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111., send free medicine until relieved and fully cured; $2 per package, or 3 for 16. per mall. Retail and Wholesale of Myers & Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs; Klggs Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. S Baker, Sioux City. A complete line of rubber goods on hand; aak for what you want , Vital weakness ana nervous debility can be cured. "Vlrtuama" Tablets are guar anteed by Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111., to cure all nervous diseases, debility and vi tal ios.es, or send free medlolne until cured If guaranteed lot falls. Pale, thin, emarlateo. tremblnlg and nervous people should try these tablet; greatest of nerve tonics. If vou are not what you ought to be, or want to be and can be, gW them one trial and you will pral.e (hem for ever VI a packnge. or 3 for 16, per mail.. Retail and wholesale of Myers A Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. M. A. Dillon, South Omuha; Davis Drug Co., Council BlurTs; Rlgus Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. 8. Baker, Sioux City. Full line of rubber goods; ask for what you want. Drs. Thornton A Minor of Kansas City, Mo., will have an advertisement In next week's Issue which should be read with Interest by any one troubled with rectal diseases of any kind. The large number of people who give testi mony in regard to the treatment and cures la proof enough that they cer tainly cure any case of the above dis eases , COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMP'Y OMAHA. Vol. 3-No. 32-10OO Farmers and Pooltrymen ! 1 Voti ran not sflord to be without .LAKE'S HCt IXTIDMIrMTM. your noti Irom Cholera: nor iet and Sheep Irom Utstemper, Scratches and Mange. Kffp your Cattle fre Irom r'litA. and Pmilttv from Cholera, Roup. Mealy Leg, Arc. tf your dealer does not krep M, fend m cent, for a gal In., LAKE CNIMICAl CO. ISI 3 CRAND AV. Uitnmnm City' Uo. EkTTLJ 3 II In lima. Mil or draaiL I I CANCERS CURED, aaAr.il. at Paaala Oladlr Taatifr to FhiIi bi Cai Pai ar Wltkoat tha Dm f tka Kaite. Write t Soma oftna Paaia Wfcaaa TM nnUli ar Glv.n Below u4 gstHaj m naju iui i ni. u Tr DR. E. O. SMITH OP KANSAS CITY, MO. as Cwi4 MaadraAa of "iril HoBlasa and If Taar Caaa aaan fca tar Caa c 7. Ma mm teat. WM DOM KOT ASK FOB PAT WHAT DOB MOT DO ; BDT OTJI nBAT AMD ASKS FOB BIS PAT wiv .. Ibwiiaawiaiaiaaa. J 0Moor tf f rsaol m.m.9. tattk. Kaasaa CM. Ma. By Dsat Bactori It dva. aaa all larena re af a. mJ. ratara kaaM 1 mm I aCr ra.tar.Tla kJaTtk aaY aJnkMMw MSNA aM, la vartorlac mj wUt Ha pan Saaj w aaa aw4 ataawar. ia iaadar to to few grata Madam to Vtotawat, far which w mr a wiU aramva kaM 1 r.w wwv sa wua a. graum aatasa. faalsa wa eaa oaly pray that aa all klaA Pr aaaja. wul Mass. ,rota aaa kaa raa kitsi I awn aarwaga Ilia, aaa ia aaaw bmss J mmj atanlW. tratalally yaara. Janas a4 Mas. i la a tattar st Ostokar in Mrs. 1 aM sbm stj M ito wu aotl la aalaaaM kssMa. Mfooai frill wrist to hsr ahoal aa. i Pnmtitmt iftrraea Cur4 tf tmmr 4 tht v. . a . -m. tv2SSw: " . Daar Eli Bad Frlaadr-I aa O. K. 1 1 tsMsr la but Ufa. thaa tiaa. aw rstora I wkaraaa barora thai 1 waa Uaablai it kaA auaa lar aavara. Boataa. I aaa saw aaa. mi ni at tka offla. aid at kaaat srakari. wa as aai wan aaa I wua to to sharaS to Mrs. tank. VratonaUr, tmftrti IT Umrt-CvrH 19 H m m JhWae'-arg. Eaa. Tor, u S, S. . tatta, iiaaa City, Ma. taa, sir; I had ban aAUrtoi Isr aawa i aanetsf far awawBB aar aaaa lasySaS toyai an 4av I was ajrawwa m al katSa. laahtta , at agauai nSarata, had art kr tw tantBaayl Man witt pithattal eaaear whea I ancM to hrtnataint. Ia tklrtan 4av I waa aM aaa witaoat taa ai StoUaia.t lor ta. baaaSt t thy stay ba usances as to xai tot tnatBtnt. lean Truly, Otktr BttUrt Ftlltf fa Own Htm. FralrH Baas, Mo Rav. 11 hM Sr. I. 0. gBlth. Kanaaa City. Ma. Bear Sir : It la with plaanra tka I stato 1 fwar tnatBaat of a nacar oa By kowar tm waa eaBiua ween. It was al abeat lew madlng aaa far a yar I had takn af ether doctor., bat to do avail. I waw to MS yoa carad my caocar la IS daj. I sksa patarai ta yoa a. ioa a. i nva. Taon Traly, Wn.LIaJ) Kl loofts likt Himttlf Agmm. I. 1. 0. Smith. Kanaaa City, Ma. B.a, Doctor : I write to tall yes wa art f aaa i.ai caa caaoer you t raa, Lac nuraij carta, aaa I am Daea aaraia. tub i want to watghad oaa haadrad and watch on. haadrad and .litv-two tsar au .ay 1 am looking Ilk. aynll agals. TaU Mr.. Smith that wa thank Bar far tor i ton. Wa thank yoa both .vary day al aar He wa uau n.vcr lorgct woat yoa aan sai to. Wa kan baaa trying to gat oa. of oar i ton to com. and an you. I told hia that J Bis yea eooid cur. aim that aa would to I I oar gntarei maada, , aia. m at a. vTOaawai (Mr. CaTtcr waa eurod of aclrrfea. nanr aa car aa aa.ll of tha back, that aaaaarad tlx I Bad dowa aad nr. I. alia, across. Be I sand lar a.arly two y.ars.) tit It urt Sht It Omni. t ki m. 1. . Smith Saaltarlaa Co.. Kbbm. Crtr. U Dau Doctor aad Un. Smith iThro aj gala. oca ol kiad Provldnn aad aar BhEaTI trntamt I aa amplr feal aalady, .aacar. My braaat Is aatirahr kaald Bad I aoaaldar aynil caraa. I wsald karaaai 2r fwaTtOL on .ooaar bat waa tod to b son a w I fwi crataTal to yoa both lot tlw acts ot kladaaaa and eoartaar akowa yav koaa. I (ait at bom. than. ffc. triajBaBS waa sot aaarly a. aavara aa I aaaaoaad rtBai to. I will haartlly iwroaaaad yoa whn I ha .pportuaity. Mr Irani J. all thlak I kato trovad woaoarlallT. Finn aanft sty abbm lor all you have doaa for m. Wuklag yoa .aecan ia yow aoM warfe saata arw yau hisad, .- - .... , . ' Lwoaat BrsfSSa Lltt tf m Ftw ftrmtr Patltntt. ' Tha following Mat glva. aaan tad slliaga af a annbarol farmar patlaota whoa 1 hat and ol c&ucax. W. aak aay amtctad parswa wk nd. this adrartlwmaat to wrtta ta aay ar a pi ta. aaan aivaa and laara lor tkaaaaaJv. rk.th.r or aot my traatm.nl la .aa. ratlaUs aa nr. to core. I do aot acc.pt yoar aaaay aatau aav. curad you. tai. bbouio oa guaraatMaaa dant to .Bttafy th. moat aaaptlcal. Oa as I N .uaat you, wiita to my lormar patlaota aad U yai ar. couvlBccd by thair lattara. wrlu to an to aay lalormatluu yoa wish aad I will ahnrtaUj glvalt to you Im ot aay coat. Mr. Janol. Uoodtng. Til W. 11th Mm Kaaaa Clt. no. cerad 0I caocar of tka braaat, Katl. I. Hock, ni Anutrwag Ava., I aaaa onj, Kaa. Cuiwd of eaaear of tto braaat.. L. 1. Hancock, Ml I. Had Bt lor tkraa araripai ol A a.m. school, K Carad af two eaaear. ot th. laaa. Mr.. 1. W. Shaunoa. ' "1 Ohio St- Kaaaaa ral Kaa. Carad ot caacar ol tha braaat. A. M. P.rkla. 607 B. ISlh St., Kaaaaa 4Mb Me. Carad ot cancsr ol cha.k. ISSf. Mn. A. M. K lick a.r, IB Flora Aw, Xaaaa tf, Ma. Curad of naaar oa lonhaad. M. Llttla, lis WrBBdotea St., Kaaaaa City, Ho Carad of wacar or bow. J a. Maaaon, lias Ursad Awa, Kaaaaa Qto Ms. Carad of saacar of tax.. Oaa. Ryaa. ssit K. lath St- Kaaaaa OMp, Mo Bond of caacar ol DBgar. PavU Una. in Crpraaa An., Kaaaaa OHg, Be Oarad of caacar ol aaad ol aigkt ynn' UssalBS Cha. K. Haatlaatoo, Ml Mocha. tor M, Boo ns City, Mo. Carad of nacar al nr. Mrs. a.thoay Sattk. asr. Stk aad BwaakaM W-, Keuas City, Kaa. Kplthanal am tfta stad oa tha tad ot th. aoaa, tmlad Aagoat, taii Fraak Ullllaad. 1717 Botan at. Carad ai mm ar al th. Jaw la iktS. LUiU klardoa. IM aad Orova Sta, Kaaaa Bit. Ma. Cund ol caacar ol tka oar. Thos. U Tuckar, fio '. MlUa, Ma. Orad s MB OSf ff fakM ftfid BOsMa a S. Oroom. Uooch . Mas. Ma. Can! at aaa ar al lower Up. acas uau, iiagaa, bm. cans sf samsr 0 a laaa, Mn. Jaaa rflchala. Jaaataww. Ma. Carad a nacsr ol tha lace. Ws aln ramr to 1st, PMUaaa. saatar al ta. U. B. Chareh ol Jaantowa, Ma, as to ksowsi pvar.l nan wa Bava earas. I. W. Moraa. tarry. Sa. Dak. Oarad at af Da, 1WT. Mrs. BUaa DaTaalt. Haw Flwnsa, Ma. Cava, at mbsm al tha laca. Fast Seklar. Artana. Mfc. Ckwd st toissra wllp. Dr. Smith treats Caaasi, Lvaaa f amors, Scrofula, 014 Sam, aU Bloot OMSfcSSS. Parties deslHag neUmoot eaa klarvsj is tatlsfaotory rofercnosaor dspostt tht money in any Dank, to ne paid wosa tnei ars ready to fo noms amrtd, wr. nsiiti does not ktk pay for what ho does Bota but cures first and takes pa Afterward Bis down town office Is at the north-saS sorrier of Tenth And Main streets, whan bs may bo consulted free of chare, fra 1:80 a. m. to 4:80 p. m. After thsa hours hs can be sesa st his prlvats saal Urlurn, Tenth nd Ckvslsnd svkbus. Psmphleis and alrculsrs ooataialai Isttsrs and lists of af persons ouraS sj saaasr eheerfullr farnlshad thosa WBI Apply fa ahssi slihsr la persoa or t Ah U, BB1TU, B. U.L a reagfct aUaaar. aa kaostasss ..Haanq, ir waiaa ii is Baaaaaaa a sag sa SB traal mtafal. It la arfaaa m aaaa a aar gratata) tkaaaat aa. ww. white saaWM aawr M wbSbwwVbbbVb oa ay saes to ay ois waui oa lor tiHtBl fh . Doanda. saw Doaada. aa