Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 23, 1900, Image 1

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    W Mm. .
y .IT , -,r WW Mh. . A,f"tn
1900. 'JNl O. 8.
Jlon. William J. Bryan.
Subsrripfioii lj lco
Official paper of
Gko. D. Canon,
hszatm at vhr Iiakuiscn I'i-st
Tor Vice t'rviili.nt:
a. i:.f-ui;VL.v:
, Ii!MMiinj;!oil, Ills.
Fur !'n ;.!. .ntlil V."-y:-rt:
j htJ'
.vms 15. I i t.i-.rtrr, r(.iwiist.
WILLI '.M )!. J A iilvKT,
rrsio?r stati: ticket.
WILLIAM A. TOVNT2Tl,.l'opiili.st.
I'nr J.;tt. l,ovrrr:iir:
K. A. G!LBLT:T,...Frea Silver R..pob.
C. V. Svni-ml.i IYipuliftt
Tit (iK? TnrvT it ;
for ft alT. ' '
Tli"..ii'iri (;n.'-3 "
tor AU'r;)"T CiarYl:
W. 1. tJLWHAM, .Democrat.
For f'om'r f b. I.. A B.:
P. J. CAKKY IVpulist
F"ir fr rit, Ii;tr!it t'im: .
C. F. LKnc... "
Forrnnjf'f.t, cm I'Kt i1-t:
For !ifi.wi1i(lv, Kri 7',n:lft :
CHAItU.'. I'. COi'FLL I'tnuM'riit
F"Wi iiiWr Id!! lUr!rt:
V. L. UAVWAKD Populiht.
Cn'el pi,"H'r, 'ex-S crirtary, of th
MKt of K"'ntu( ky, 1 mi onvicUti
of conypiriy in Ihn murder of (Jovcrnor
iiirtl, and stnt'inccd to life imprison
itmi.t, Now f .r Tnvlor.
Cicero tins sj.it! II m lo rcAtcst gift
of OchI to man utn to do pood to others
find to fullow truth. Ho-v lw compar
invuly jifieai.in', who d j not hive in
this truth, yet how many rfally put it
in practice?
Har what Kir, llth n 4oi);rsvr hhts:
Aa a woman heart-sick at tha brulal
li ifn.stfintly rt ;oit-d from the Philip
pines by our ildiars, uixthodit of war
fare that make Spanish cruelty humane
in w)ni,ari!on, 1 cuniiot, and no Ameri
can woman should, louder fcwep silunt
iuk! f4i! to entorntich a protusl a ) will h
be.ird Btid hetded by t bono in authority
iinst theso brutal mi'thiids of
warfare. Christian tnothen have
no riiit to rwir koiih for Much i-arvii:,
and their mighty protests hou!d up
until William Jb Kuib-y, butcher in
thiol of tho armies ut.d tlm ono rt'spotii
bio or this de-p national dgrjep, be
comp-iilud to etop bis unholy, uncnllsJ-
lur slaufhtei of thfhs inuooint Tayalo.(
TtofisVoltH bt. Paul SttM-ch.
TUo common every d.iy parlixan ho
would utter MJ.'li idiotic falsvhoods
would pro'iably ba laughed at osn "tink
lin' cvmbal nod a toundinif bmw." To
f.ill from the liH of a camhduta for tha
Vice presiduncoy in a public ndnns
they should cuii't-nio thnir author to th
contempt and curlainly to national
dinffrjica. Th open villainous nlunder
which th?y contain of half of thu iimn
liood of AiiKirii a cannot be excused on
miy ground, Tlm author of them writm
h nndf down as u brnyln ass, but with
1 1 characteristics of jackal. They are
the woid'. of a little man who is ithr
consume I by nuhce and diklioucsty or
ftraaiY for notoriety to tLat extent tlwt
lie c:ui forgot all obligations of propriety
and pro-.titulo an exulted posiuoiito th"
iim of tlm rlowo or witrJ huUjr,
JUiimitn Post.
IVr Year g .00.
Sioux: County.
- .Editor.
ve as f-i.oNn o.- Matto?.
. Ti,. -"f v..
. -I i 5
' 5 t,'
liio : foretx ii China iirnl tjo foon-
nfr.:t.( iin wr:n.-n into I ha national 1
at "Pfn, lUn tlH worl.l
( of Uir; lowiu'n iotn, ciii)inonci-il
J lulkirj; nl.uiil- the ilnifn,! c-iii.ert of the
i.'!uih'-o niipiic. f:iniil'l England, Hun
sl.i. Ki'iii;i:i. (icricany m.d 'inu ur more
oti.iT l'"i;ro,c.iii HKVi-rmiierr, coi.i.iud
t' liiiiii niv tiiit i.j.;nition, t!:vn look
out fur Pi-ili-nt j'lt K. nWy In (to tiie
i inif, for iloiiiiiitv l.ttln John
l.iav, tl. prusiilnnt's cili'hi'l otHcur.
TiiiH loiiy i. a vr i t;i;i.iniit. hut, a
?n ti rrilory tn Lnj,'l;inl. oiu! tlin sy rpa
lliy t( e AdiiiiniKt ration has shown to th
firit;;.h g',verni:i;rit in thoir elurt.t U
destroy two BouUi African republics,
vt-nlifs ttie Ktatonifnt, tin.-rs is sulflcicnt
retiuhlican authority to corioberuUi our
Affording to tha 'w York Herald,
I'cKitiiey election money is pretty
scarce in Kuw York nty at prnw5nt, that
i'niiw whinb way tliu politicuL wind
blow. Probably, son, of our wporting
republican fripnds in Sioux county can
find plenty of takers for their spare ca-'di
vchich tiicy diffirq tfl plai-'s on ths r
td'jctioo of president JIi Kinlcy
(J;ir ropuMicn frienls, wh.t make
li';ht of tho charge niaJe by 1lia ilemn
cratic, Populist, Frcu S.Ivor Jicpnblican
and las), but not last, tni anti-imfwri-alisH
pirlics, that there wasa pocrul un-di-rstandin;;
l-t'.'.Viu tim Mcitinley ad
minihtration and tha Uritish povornment
flionld r"d thf twcnty-sHven proofs
printed on tho oditurial ) ao of the daily
Omaha Wofid Ikr.ild, Au;;. 17th. The
majority of thos t wenty-soven proofs
are Republican, or Dryish st'iti'mifnU
which, t our mind is cood authority
that lla.ro is u i-ret uudt-rstandin.
R-crntnry F.. M. Ordway, of the Auti
Imperialist I?aj;ue, has aid: "What
ever tha anti-imperialist convention may
do, 1 shall certainly support the Kansas
City ticket and platform. The most ef
fective wav to rebuke the McKinley ad
ministration's attempt to transform lhi
rp!jblic into an empire is to veto the
straight Democratic Presidential ticket.
Joseph P.rei linger, chairman of the
old Iiemocratic orjiatiization, of Cleve
land, declares "There is a regular stam
pede to liryan amooj the Gold Lmo
crals of Ohio,"
- J. llaikins Hohson, state chairman of
the populist purty of Virginia, has an
nounced his intention to support I'ryan
anil will uio his utmost endeavors to
prevent tlie putting of another ticket
in nomination in his state,
George M. Hillman, a prominent load
er of Mount Holly, N, J., voted, for Pal
uinr & Hucknor four years atfo, but an
uounced his intention to vot-j for liryan
this year. "Imperialism aid trusts are
the paramount (questions," lie says.
Judge Thomas A. Moran, of Chicago
w ho supported Palmer and Ptickuor in
Pi'.lfl, Is now out for liryan and fiteven
nn, and says the Gold Democrats gener
ally will support liryan this yur.
fjulimiind Zeinler, a distiriKuihlied luw
yer of Chicago, who stiimjiod for McKin
ley four years ago, is out for Pryon tins
year, and will take the platform, (or him
a bttlu later,
John P. !b,p!,in, former nutvor ntnl
fb.tit I'e.ifi'H'.rai, .f ' :f n a;;o, .inm-MitCMt
tint im is in linvj With iiuu Uiuucfrtcv
2 o)
Drugiats Sundries,
Pfvints, Oils, Varnislies,
Books rind STATIONARY.
J. E. PH IN N EY, Proprietor.
I')!owinp U the report of tbs cotn
mittee on itRolutions:
"7hi liberty cniigrcai of ariti-impnr-
ialistu recognizes a gruat national orists
which menaces th riipublio upon whose
future ('tiwmf'i i;i Much lar.3 measure
lh hops of freedom throuyhcit tiio
world. For tha first tiuo in our coun
try's hi.iU.ry the ircsitloiit has uniiorUk-
i t-ti to siibjugnte a foreign peo;.!d anil (o
ru! i ihf.ni bv despot u: power. Ho hm
Uiru,vn lhe pro)(.(:f
ion of tiio A.im:r!(-.in
llac ovnr i-.hi very anil pr,y(;:v',iy isi the
S'jltl Lslrtnils. , ihi lui.s :u 'rn-uleJ to hiui
scif the power to impose upon th inhah
ltiiuts of Hie I'lhiipisipe. cnvertimunt
without, tliir outwent anil taN'.ition with
out ri'rtfsi.'ii'ntion. Ho m wii;;iu' war
up'.iu tiiuiu furuwsrtin tlm vi-rv princi
ples for tfce tiLiintprianci) of wl.ii h our
i foi'i-l'a'.hiTS plt-d'ed Iheir Si vs, their for-
tutioHani tlieir sacrei! honor, ll-j cltiio'i
for hioisplf ati'i emt;rc.'Ks auth.irltT to
,..ovvru thlJ u,,,riM of .e
Stales without constitutional restraint.
Mr. Bryan hits the nail squarely on
the hold when he made the following
statement in his notification speech at
at Indianapolis, Au.s. Bth:
"Those who would have this natoin
enter upon a career of empire must
consider not only the e(Je.:t of im
perialism on the Philipinos. but they
must also calculate its effect upon
our own nation. We cannot repudi
ate the principle- of self government
in tho Philippines without weaken
ing that principle brrv. "
"The Grand Army men are disgusted
with the local federal institution and are
beS'inniniT If) see that the '.vhole McKin
ley ttdiiiiutstration is fa-hioned in the
same way. When I say that no fewer
than 1",0 of tlm veterans of the Union
army employed in tli Chicago postoliice
will vote for liryan, I nm mahini; a con
servative estimate. There are more
than "00 of them here and not fifty of
them will vote for McKinlay, although
all of them voted for him in 18!)0."
Chicago American.
Teddy, the republican vice president
ial noioinei; has put his foot in his own
mouth by calhuuf every body base
cowards who d not support Mr. McKin
ley, the imperial president of the United
Stales, for ru election.
In a letter of explanation to ex-senator
John M. Palmer relative to his tit,
Paul speech, explained as follows;
"In tnv speech I Ix'pin by savinp;:
We appeal not only to republicans,
but to alt good citizens who are Ameri
cans in fact as well as in name, to help
us in re-electing President McKinley.
'I ended by haying:
Study the KaiisasCit.y platform and
yon cannot help realizing that their
policy (tho policy of its makers) is a
policy of infamy, that their triumph
would moan misery ho widespread
that it is almost urlhinkable and a .
disgrace so lasting that more than a
feneration would have to pass be
fore it couldbe wjped out. They
stand for lawle-smen and didionor, '
for licofiso and disaster at home and
cowardly shrinking from duty a
brosd. We nsk the support of all
Americans who have the welfare of
the country at heart, no matter
what their political alKl ations uiriy
have been in the pist,
"You will see thut, bare I moHt oxpHc-
itly draw the line bt,v"o the mnp who
support and ask support fur the Kansas
City platform and all other citizens,
whether democrats or re.iihlicns. I
feel that as a matter of fact the greaUist
pohsiblo credit is dun to men like jou,
my dear sir, and the other gnld demo
crats, who for laur cats stood for and
now iitand for national honor.
"I hold up tho policy ndvocattd
in tli Kansas City pint form as n base
and cowardly policy, to emphasise our
j ritfhl to eppeiil to the countless thouic
ati.f , ..; lui.dirvilnil.jd d.viKKHKs who ab
hor U.M.uci an-! cowardice and arj quick
to see ttud disown iheiu,"
d bsSi: w tii) si a n ' i
f'Wo Iwlievpin tha Dsclnratioo of Jn-depeo.Wn'-e.
Ps trut Its not bss sell'-evi-
Iduut todav tlisiti wh-n first nniio'Jnced
by our father, r of universal applica
tion Dud cannot be ahauJjned whilo gov
ernment by the people endures.
"Wo believe ju tiie'( -onstitutitin of the
Unitd Htates. 3t pivps the president
mid congress certain limited powers and
Herm es to evtry man within the juris
diction of our jj'ivernmeul contain essen
tial rights. Vo diny that either the
president or congress can govern any
person anywhere outside t.h constitution
Yv e an, absolutely opposed to tho poli
cy of President MrXincly which propos
es to K'tvern millions of men without
thir i.oiv,ont, which in Porto lUco estab
li slits taxation without representation
and i;yvf;rninnnt by the arbitrary will of
a le-i'lulure unfet tried by constitutional
retrain and in the Philippines prosccu
r.'S u. war of conepjest and demands un
conditional surrender from a people who
are of right free and independent.
Thfj(,.avornmentof China
, 1 ; '!
w ncn sua
finds ut that she is whipped to a fizzle,
nd af;iiJjs has murdered thousands of
inoco foreigners, is just row very
anxic.3S to sue for peace, and well she
might. Of course, we do not believe in
seodiug missionaries 'o China to chris
tianize and civilize, but when a nation
permits foreign missionaries to come, we
believe it is the nr.tions duty to either
protect the lives of foreigners, or assist
them out of their country. However,
if the heathen Chinese are as radical in
tl;t:ir religious belief and mode of wor
ship as the people are in this country
it is but little wonder that they rebell
again! foreign missionaries. For if
tiio Chinese people should etet to send
misidt naries into our country to teach
the J i.if ivm d ),;trine , wj doubt
very much w hether the people here
would tolerate them.
OVer in Wyoming.
Our be'ter half attended institute
in Harrison last w eek and je scribs and
little ttirls kept house alone. It seems
the way to appelate the school mama, is
to li vf alone awhile.
Frapcis Deuel has (inished haying for
Mr. Hamon. and is at home to his
friends now.
Cbnrlcv OhriMim is not vary well this
weuk.j1 We hope to sue him sain his us
mal goivl health soon.
Qufte a praria fire raged in the neigh
borhood of what is called tho guiibi rock,
south jof John ljohr's on last Saturday,
Mr. Titman and Mr. Lohr each lost a few
loads lif hay, nnd a couple of mowers
carne Very nearly beii g burned.
During the thunder storm some two
weckrti ago Mr. Church's horses got scared
while1! n the lane, a few rods south or his
housa and ran into the wire fence, one
was killed out right by having its throat
cut, anothsr was so badly hurt 1nt it
had to bo killed and severni others were
budlyii'j'ired by running into (lis wire.
Miko Jordan was an early caller at our
dnmMIe on last Sunday morning. He
wrs ii search of a pasture for tho horses
he lia just shipped in from Iowa.
While on the road to Harrison last
Baturtay morning we was surrounded by
a covey of pin tailed grouse. Not wish
ing to kill any as it fierhaps was not. the
gnmo soasun we attempted to "shoo"
them t way with a hatchet, and in tho
serimr.go that, ensued, one was accident
ally killed. Hay Mister, it tasted all
right when fried.
Hay, Hmiick, how aliout thosa rasors
that were stolen. Did they take enough
to sha8 the face ofthe earth?
Petty and Khat to lulled their thresh
ing oul fitd.iwn into the valley last Fri
day and opened the campaign by thresh
ing for James Nolan Saturday.
I Zi;kiel.
UK ' t.io'i 'XH ' jtaaiu a sua tin
Hm at '"I Pl"i P (k)'?t tsl
t3M oinonroA toil uniAO VI A N -
C. F.
II. S.
Stockmen havinpc use for a bank at this point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking bufines.
KtAVe are prepared to talcs ca.ro of our trade at all timesfr
Prevented a Tragedy.
Tmielj' information given Mr. George
Loi!),', cf Kews' raits ville, Ohio, saved
two lives. A frightful couh had long
kept her awaku every night. She had
tried many remedies and doctors but
steadilyrew worse until ured to try
bf, Kihk's Nuw discovery. One bottie
wholly cured her; and she writes, this
marvelous medicine also Cured Mr.
Ijiijj of a. avere attack of Pneumonia.
Such cure:i art: positive proof of its pow
er to cure all throat, chest and lunjj
troubles. Only 00c and $1.00. - Guaran
teed. Trial bottles free at J. E. I'mN-
KKV3 Drujj store.
Call for County Convention.
A delegate convention of tbe Democratic
p;rty of Sioux county, Nebraska i hereby
u,il)( .1 to meet at th.e Court House, in lirri
jon, in snld county, Saturdiiy, Sept. 1st 1!0
at 1 o'clock p. in. for tbe purpose of placing
in ii'iiiiie'it'on a cuididato lor tbe ollice of
( ocr.VT attorney, nad for tbe transaction of
snclt other bUHlneca as may eouio properly
before tbe convention.
Tae representation of tho various pre
cincts ot said county, 1s biised oa the vote
c-.isl for lion. ICtUoa liicb, for iiepeat of tbe
Mute, Unlvcrnlty, at the last general election
of lHi. kotlowiuK are the nnmtxtr ot deie
gMo apjartioued to each precinct.
Andrews 2 Auttopu-.j : .'-1
j - v- tttoawou4'i-li-4
Hat crcolt -.5 Montro.te 3
Kunning water 1 Snake (.'reck 1
su;.;nr I.Ouf 3 Wuvboaiu't 4
Whittle crcea 4 vyhite liirtir 4 )
It is recommended Hint no proxies be tip
lowed but tbBt the delegates present oast
tbe full vote of tho i'reeinet, aud that tha
primuriea be held at tho nsuul olling places
Tuesday, Augat 27, 1SO0.
OliO 1). VkvoS, John E. Marrtim.er.
Chuiriiian uen. Com. Secretary.
Tluit Tlirobbhtg Ileaducho.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life pills. Thousands
of suiferers ho.ve proved their matchless
merit lor Sick . and Nervous lieauaches
They make pure blood aud build up your
health. Only 2o cents. Money back if
not cured. Sold by Dn. J. E. PiiikneY
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale itemed by the
Clerk of District court of filonx County, Neb
raska, UKm a decree rendered by suld court
In favor of J. Y. Cutle, plaintiff, and Me.ltn
L. Maine, BUhs L. K- Mnine, James O. Hnrgent
Gecrvio W. Hester 'lefendants; I will on rSatur
day, the 2'th, day of Auffunt, l'JOO, ut 2 o'clock
P. m. ut tho east front door of tho" Court
House In Ilarriaon, Nebraska, In said county
sell the following described real estate to
witt: IaA No. 20, and Lot No. 21, liloek No. 7, of
tho Village of Harrison, Sjoux county, Neb
raska, at public .n,-tioii to tiio hlj'liert bid
dor fpr cash, to satisfy said order of sale In
the sum of J2S1.04 with interest, codts, and
accruing costs.
Slmrrlff of suld county.
Slici-llTs Sale.
P.y virtue of an order of Sale isnuod by
tbe clerk of the district court of Sioux
county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered
by said court in favor of Sioux County, Is
plaintiff, nud Pierce I'.le.wott, Sarnb li. l'.lew
iit.t, wile of Edward K. I'.lev.ett, deceased,
Jolm Don, her husband, real nsme unknown
Michael J. Illewett are defendants, I will
on the 2 tb day of August, A. I). Kmc, at 1 o'
clock p. in. at Harrison, In Said county sell
tne following d?rlbcd real estate to-wit:
Tho Nortli west ((Uarter, (t), of Section 0,
Township !13, North of Range 4 west, In
Nebraska, at Harrison, In saht county, ut
the east front door of tlin Court Hoimo in
Harrison .cbraks at public auction to tbe
LlfliieH bidder for cssh Ui satisfy said order
of alc la the sum ot fi:is,0j, with 1 liter Bsl,
cost aod H'erulnp; costs.
Bluulir of sld County.
ytory of a Slave.
To bo bound hand and foot for years
by tin chains of disease is tho worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams
of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wife
has been so helpless for live year that
slid could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric Bit
ters she is wonderfully Improved and
able lo do her own work," This supre
me remedy for female diseases quickly
cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melan
choly, hiadacho, huckuoho, fainting find
dizzy spells, It is a Godsend to weak,
sickly, run down people. Curo guaran
teed. Only 5fi(i. tjold by Jjt, J, K
PiUKNEY druggikt.
rolal iank.
F. Y.Claeke, Casliier.
A. McGiwley,
The Journal will ymblisn your brand, like
tho following, for $J :00, per year. Kuch ad
tlitioniil Wand 75 cents. ;vry rarmor or
ranchmen in S:.oux and adjoining comities
should advertise tlaoir brand in TnzJetB
kal tin it circulates all over tlie state. It
rimy tie tlie moaus of saving money for you.-
On left iiJ or hip of citttto, j
On lef t sliouider of lioi'nos. !
on the bead ol Warbomiot
Address Harrison, Siaux Co. Neb
f Cattle and on left
shoulder of Bersos.
Kango ou neuu ol VV lute River.
P.O. Address Qarrieoa, Xeb.
Owns tbo follo'V-
nv 'brand ou with
er: Also HG on cat
tle sad horses
catl ie ou leftside
horses on lel'fc
. i ..,.1,1.,.. ta
Rane on Silver Springs and east of state
inc. l'ostoilico UarrUou Hob
:haklks kwman. ,
Z&f the brand vpprnattufij ;n tbi aotlte
,4111, Lii.imuu an wuai.DU iwi
of cattle, aud over-lap eat from tho
right ear.
Alert lh. un V..l An lrt. fhlwK
horses, belongs to the anderslgaed.
Kange near Last Springs, south part lo
Sioux county. CDARI.SS KBWMAK,
IlaiTlon, Mebraika.
On left side of cattle and am let
khoukler ot bornee.
Kango on Antelope creek t
Y. o., Ghilchnst, Sioux Co.
"rrra Branded oa loft shoulder ot horoo
5Wand on left side of cattle.
fi'JsSEi Range on White Ulver, near G!
FtuiiKe on White Ulver, near tiicn.
1. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska.
f.W-jtJjjkfrl 5raulled " lrft hiP of catUe
ffl&m and on lef t 'chrok of Horses.
llange on Deep Creek.
Addrons, Deep Creek Live Stock Co..
OSCAC Clow, Supt.,
Olen, Nebraska.
!?300 ItErAID.
For the arrest and conviction of any parly
or parties stealing or dtsf Ignriug any brands
ou stock belonging to the undcrsiguod par
ties :
Horses branded F2 on righ shoulder or
branded I
4! on right Jav. Also, I hav
Horsri branded
i on left thlgb.
Post Oflieu Address, . . ;
Harrison, .Sioux Co., Nebraska.
EQ, 117,
I on left hlfi
on left Jaw,
left hip of Cattle.
Sioux County, Nebraska.
Post Ofiloo, Hewitt,
Horses branded
on left ehoul
dnr branded on left shoulder of
Cattle and on left side.
Post Office Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wro.
Horses branded on left shoulder and
Cattle same on left J blp.
Sheep barudnd L11 oti lck or I
back of sheep.
.Kanfteon Sohller Creek and Whlto lttvsr.
Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.
IE fHHl c!onrn
sw iw - UVOsji . HVI USVIHff HH
lout vitality bm tr tor in eta. itfiftv
p )
N,(V' '3