Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 02, 1900, Image 8

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' -
Prcs-S'Jouri uil
D. taneu, Kditor ami Prop.
F. E. t 31. V C Jt. liaie talle.
Going West. Golu?; East.
It O. S, mixed. 11:29 I So. 6. mixed :00
h North-Western
li n n
K E. M. V. I. B. is the test
to and from the
F, E, S B. V- R- R-
HomesBsRers Excursions
Will be run Judu l.Kh, ar.d July 3rd
and 17th; Aug. 7th, 2M; -i. 4'!'.
18th; Oct. 2nd, Bth; Nov. KJi, 2UtIi;
Dec. 4th, lath, l'X'O. to iais on the
rrr f. e & it. v. e. r.
in Tfebniska, whe-e th one way fair
from nearest Missouri River Point, m
odig Council Blofi is S-1 00, or more
to Points in Wyoming, west cfitcd in
c'uding Orin j-jnetion. ami to Foimti iu
Black IT 11s district of No. Dnkuta,
Tickets will he sold by cnniiectina:
lines feeding to our line at Sioux city,
Onowa Mi. Valley and Omaha and by
ur ojrents at Booth Flart. stations,
Dlnir, Omaha and on N. C & ?. in Iowa;
except tlwt o'ire.gents v i4J nut sell to
iioints in So. Dak.
Faro will Va t far phi 82.00 for
roimd trip. Write your filU in1.be East
ind have them -om and see vm, taking'
advantage of fhrso rnt.es. Ticket limi
ted 21 days with 15 day limit, tm going
jiortion, F. Avfjiy, Agt.
Stamp pictures at the court house.
tspWrite Havden Bro., Crrmha,
.Wbrdeule Supply House, for price and
Sberriff Holly, 1 having a food
sized barn erected near Li houna in the
Tearof the coart housp.
Mr. Pill. iier of Guernsey, W"yo.,
rasagnest at the lifter mansion, a
faiy or two this week.
Miss Alice Sluttery, of War-linnet
left for Bill'ngrs Mont., cn lust evening
to remain inctefinteiy.
-Eamerober Aug. the 9th and have
your eyes examined and fit. By C. W ;
"Rocsa. at Harrison House.
OH at the Harrison rJonw Aug 0.
1h, afd have your eyes earfu1lr teg--ted
and properly fit by C. W. RotsH
Cencultattoa free.
Mis Nora Boorette, who h.vs lieen
at Cbadron, during the past several
weelts. retarned to her home yesterday.
Sir. and Mr. B. B. Smith, who has
teen down at his father's rauch duricfr
the past week, left for their new home
id Oreffon. lust evening.
' With this issue of the Prjss-Toitlv-XL
will appear the Bodarc Gleaninsrs,
frorathe pen of U. A. O. who is on alert
and able writer some of hir writing has
been read heretofore with a great deal of
Dr. Miish anl It-ynold of Crawford
, are here this week and from outside sour
ces we learn that t ha elder meniber of
the firm is ranked among the fore most
artificial teeth makers. His time is giv
en exclusively to that branch. Dr.
3Iarsh takes the impression and Dr. Rey
nolds mokes the plate. Giv him a trial.
John Herman, was over from Story
resterday doinfj business, with our mer--chants.
John is among our most stauu
cb 0rmftns who will not support a can
didate just because the candidate is a
pernian. He U too loyal to his honest
Y.T. and Mrs. William Voigbt, of
7rt Robinson, were 5n town yesterday,
to make the transfer of their real estate
to Jfr. Palmer of the sams 'place. Mr.
Voteht. expects t leae Sioux county
in th near future, for Oregon, where he
will engage in farming.
The last three or four days have
beer, the hottest of the season, yesterday
tb tlieremomcter utooil, in the shade
at 101 for about for hours. But a few
days mere -of such weather and every
thing green will be cool el done with
the not winds.
V. L Tip'Jn has this week ailde'I an
other half section of land to his already
valuable ranch jast Kort-West of town.
- We ate glad to know that Mr. Tiptioo is
doing ao well for lie is hard working ci
tizen and is deserving of every thing he
gets. It will not be many years until
Mr. Tipton will be claased among onr
foremost etockmen in Sioux county.
We Jeera from reliable source thst
oor Go Atterney and the estimable daugh
' ter of county treasurer John Seeree are to
. be married next week. Our Informunt
Kd eot catch the date. That is the rule.
if a mm is sot married when he runs for
eflei the text move is a wife to
ttafort bice. ' Li rderou offi
' tal dntiaa. But Co. Attorney
CCoaMll, wilt learn that "Benedict"
' tahtsfos them sei fee new fwpomdbiU-
'. fpaaMdottea.or lite that noet If not
'"! '' ( tt Ut after they are old enough to
f tut atrlaaosia! etate, prefer to a
l M$3 Uepeadnew to go It while
ZUt jam fat old job
I'li tuiuh of u!l kiinU Irom a stiuvp
to iitravtn jx.rtriiit at tin gallery in N'
W. tiniin of tins court Iiouho (up stairs.)
Kiir tiule or TraJr, Two Kentucky
Jiitks. Ad.lres, 1L li. I'.r.s&rr.
liamsou, Nell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanjworthyt of Kun
ninir water wa tuterluimnj tUe parents
of tNe former.
P. C. Bigtflow, bxs filled up tho vac
ancy mused by the removal of the post
oJii'e. with all sorts of notions.
On la: t Similar W. L. Aahbroyk of j
Sim'te crw-k i4.ipjitd fevtatren cars of
cattle to South Oiuuii.w, liisukets.
iov M iibij who him U.-en up at Cus
per d.irir.? the pit.t seivr U mottthst le-
lurri',-l to h:s lom-i in Ibis village in last !
Sjtii'day evening.
We must !.-.-; .cctful'y ih to re
mind nil, but moro .articularly our
teachers that our coutilv In.titf.te will
cowmenc on next Mouday. Ail teach
ers should attend.
Ktate senator Eeyncjds, i f Charlton,
who iu a guest ut tlm i cu ity tiO'! of
Hon. Chai. F. C,u w;n in ta with
the latter on lu-t Tue-l,iy.
Mr. juid llv.4. A. K. Kennedy, of
Crawford, i-auia up on hit Tuesday and
w ere driven out to th-?ir r.'.m li, where
the family expect to rmu.iiu for a v.celi
or twtv
M. J. Blnwetl who has keen at Lln
coin ctlendmg tbe stale brand enmmiss.
loners meeting and alo 1m king after 1ns
insurance butiness during tiie past tnonib
returned to IIan-iiwo ia.t Friday.
51r. Billion Keel, of Warboroet, lias
b.E quite ill daring the past Mr days j day by ourselves. Fead Talniagts ger
und at this writing in Mill unable t-i tie jmon in the Herald, also the S. 8. Lesson
about. Mrs. Leulm Crane, an old neighU'r T and some in the Ladies honia Journal,
ofthefauuly m looking a'ltr the child
rej. Jacob Ivirker and family, came in
from Indiana creek last Saturday. Their
little 1it is quite indi-posed and they
consulted Dr. Schaefer. who pnnftribs-l
for the little fellow, and in all probabili
ty will be all right in a few days.
J. If. Xewlin, of Pleasant Rge,
passed throtmh town on last Thursday
on his way to White Rive, to see about
a school down in that, vtciuitv. but we
understand he was unable to lind a house
for his family to live in, and so will not
teach in that vicinity.
Jeff Hewitt has sold his bunch of
cattle to Frank l:str, and exjiects
tolenve for Arkansas, in ubout one
month to be gone until next, tpring
We regret to sea Mr. Hewitt family
leave us as we need all our good citizens
in our little town.
George Davis came in from Picas-
ant Ridge, Tuesday, on business and on
the way down his tei-m became fright
ened and rD away upsetting the wagon
and throwing Mr. Davis out of tlw wag
on besides hurting one of his feet quite
badly. Otherwise tlwy done but little
Their 25tli Anniversary.
On last Sunday R?v. and Mrs. C. I-
Smith pastor of the M. F church in Har
rison, completed their 25U. . -ar of mar
ried life and the fact of it being the sab
bath led them to celebrate the happy
occasion the previous evening. About
two weeks ago cards were issued to the
number of seventy, and it is needless to
state that all of those fortunate enough
to receive one showed their apprccial ion
of the favor by resjxmding i i person, or
sending their regrets accompanied by a
memento. About fifty guests were pres
ent and were received by their host and
hostess in a mOst cordial and hospitable
manner. The lawn was beautifully dec
orated and lighted with Chinese lanterns
which adJjd very materially to the fes
tive scene. The guests many of them j
availed themselves of the beauty of the
ideal evening, by arranging themsels-es
under the soft light of the la iterus and
engaged in merry-making. Indoors
everything betokened merriment and
hospitality. Miss I:ez, daughter of the
host and hostess entertained the guests
by some well rendered instrumental
music, and Mr. Dr. Phinney followed.
Xext refreshments were served in the
dinning room, which consisted of ice
cream and cake with fruit. The table
was beautifully decorated with pansies
and other flowers. TUe pastor and bis
estimable wifa were seemingly happier
than any one else, in making their
guests happy. A large number of pres
ents wers received, about $25.00 worth
of silverware and (24 01) silver dollars,
alsc table linen and other souvenirs too
numerous to mention. The guests on
departing all wished Mr. and Mrs. Smith
many happy returns of their wedding
anniversary and ye scribe especially
promised them that he will endeavor to
be oo hand at their golden, event.
Brecr.ee by the way.
Sunday evening July 29th,
Here we are four mi lee north of Alli
ance ramping not far from toe poor
form, where feud and good water it plen
We left Mr. Parsons about 8 o'clock
and drove to the Kanori ranch to feed
and water at noon, then to Mr. Kay's
ranch that night. Found Mr. Kay very
poorly and their bright little boy very
glad of a chance to play with oar little
boy, we spent the evening very pleaean
My with them. It waaa Am etiU night
to enjsy our ileep in t! wagon. Tiie
hail bad also deprive i the Kav mansion
of oi:'.nv wiuJomr lights.
Ve left thi-ra alhoit 8 o'clock th9 next
morning expecting logo Alliance, but
were adviseil on the rosul to k to llem
i:ic;ford. found good feeil ond water at
ntkin. in the afternoon it leffn clou li oir,
all alonij tho way dilapi
laled houses
reminded us th-it tle country hml once
lieen thickly settled and bad tried farn
ins unscces-fully. When about 4 niilei
from Ilerr.mingford the s'c rin Btnu-k us
quK-k an 1 hard. We ;iulk-it Lp liesidu an
old vd barn that whs annm protection.
It raineu tiarj hv speii a! ni-;ri!, wetosi-
! ed tiie sweets of moving in a wag-m. We,
did not g'ft much vet i.-,nevcr and HiejfYirm of laery. George D. Will'ams
next m-iruiiig afUir a heavy e.rly shower
we rtai hrd IJf r.iniinrf(nl KOt some pro
visions, and while 0'ir tietler Laif
uell;og horse feed we railed oo tiie Rv.
J. G. Fiiittey of the Cnngrpgational
church. When we mude ourstiveii
known noCiing else would do but we
must stay and take dinner. We were
very highly entertained find were very
Clad tu nii.-etsiich an intr.stiug family.
Mrs. Battey surnly knows how to appro,
cuite a family of lively girls for tl.-ey
have raised tive, ona was married on la.-t
Tuesday. Tiiey played on the guitar,
mandolin and organ for our pleasure a'
sosanij very nicely. We would have
liked to have remained with them over
Sunday as they insisted we should, bo!
"dutys apron strings wero pulling hard'
as Aunt Sanjantha says, so after dinner
we drove on and have s-pent a quiet suu-
sang some hymns and felt as Dear God
as if we were at home, just at evtf.irg-
; a yoiiusr nmn traveler drove into cur
amp. CauUii'iaJ in ou- next.
JIim. Fhkd W. ICxorr.
Bodarc Glenings.
Everyone reams to bo busy haying
or trying to put up what the crassiop-
pers have lelt. the hay crop will b light j
er than usual this season.
Tle few nnd far between showers that
have visited this section of the country,
haveiriven us a cliri'rse f wnat the
,'nimtre f-nlllii it., if 11 i'flil'.il buv ntentv
I cf rauil
Win. Miller, has a piece of corn of a
nout five acres which was in ear as we
passed through lb first of tho week, a
piece good to look at and of which he is
justly proud.
The departure of F. W. ICro'ts. family
leaves a vacancy in our community not
easily filled, we are glad to learo that
Mrs. Knott will stil! continue to contrib
ute to the I'itEi'-Jot ltSYL,, maay will be
triad to bear how they fared on their
journey, and a sketch from the ien of
Clio cannot fail to b- of inttrest to her
old friends and neighbors. -
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wholheter will
Conunissioners Proceedings.
HarTi"0!i, Siom Co., Sc'. I
Jjiy aim, I
B'jard of County OtiuinUeiiouers met pnr
suj.nl to adjournment present comniitsioii
er rroe,iii!cr, U'tlrvrr, Mi'n; slid Clerk.
'i'iic U.atl;l ; 1 I !'l,jr r l.iU . I ;''
wood creeU Hor.d, Uist. io 9, wat t.ii:ij u,
plans ond specifications lrarn, and
On motion tne Clem i Instrm U'd to ad
verttsefor bids on, wiid bnde to be UJ
milted oa or before Aotfuiit S't'.i l'.i, the
board reserve t.ie riirlit to reject any or ail
bids, l'lan and ;w;ilicat:o:is on file la this
Dn Jordan nppeanxl tefore the board and
nin.de an eoUuiilioa In rcnrd to his b;ii for
assefsinif and after due consi-ieratioa the
board on motion decided that ho Jntly
entitled to tZ.W dollars and the. rlprlc is or
dured to draw a srrt-anton the. generai fnul
Of !590 la favor of l'-m Jnrdan for iVOn.
On motion the clerk lit iif-tr'i'ted to i-v,e
certificates oa iiorvl fund Iitrlct 7 la tvor
of Grant (luthrie or t.' t doiiars in Llea
of warrant So. 1 mid one ou IXOf.i District
So. id furor ot Grant (.uttirle for K dol
lars in liew of warrant certificate I ar.d
the clerk is Instructed to the former
certificates. .
The followlnif clnims were presente'l audi
ted and on motion allowsd mid the cleric 1
ordsred to draw warrants ou tho Geuer-l
fund of I'M lor the same.
Oo motloawe ullowed tl.'J) tot tbo no of
building; to bold elections In.
The following claims were and! ted and
allowed auU warrants ordered drawn for
the same.
Clulm of Kavid Anderson Mdse .furn
ished Paajier, T.07
h v v u i -i
UueouAU-aOrr r,an cn tu.Mn
fef Cade.
. fT Celebrate Our 26fU'i "'-isscjf.
.... - . , , I A smsfl rrb (i-yiii-n' soil siss "lon'H-
! HUOI kf VMIiif H4Jt f i,i,l ,,-. f yor li.rwe. f
OtTirW? IMt Dnir!aa Sir I A iwrsoj-i l";.- .tu.ift'sji . clal
i (liTnilT, i.ii a,- , J P"r- "1 fill rf'W ip l.-e tl r euef
' rACTOUTl 1S14 lean K.p , w .fwf.(t ikn ,no , ff,(
move in o F. W. Kuotl'a hone some
time tliH wek.
Jull'i Tbaveriind family npent. Sunday
with Win. iliili- folki. " 11. A. C.
r.srriAynf) From my place three
miles North-West of Harrison Ktb., the
r.ilitofthe hail slorm, on black calf
' bwt:rfed -V I T n left hip. Anyono
i'tforming me of his whereaboult will
be libenilly rewardsd.
X. L. TiProv.
Uiirrison Nob.
I Htory of a S!uvc
lo be noiiud h;irul anj inot l.r years
by the chair, nf ibuso i- th worst
of Main litster, Mich,, s.tyr: "My wife
h:w been o helpless f.r fivn yvti 1'mt
sheiMml l not, ti:rn over in V l alone.
After using t"o Kittles of Klectric p.it
ter slm i woiiJ-'ifully iuiprov! f4nd
a'!e to do hr own work." Thi siij-.re.
me r-juied y lur fi-oi?l dis-nv- iuii kly
cures nervusies, hi-ej,'!esifiess, tnclun-
iOiy, DWiii lie, roit-h'at nr. laiuting an-;
pel is. It it a Gjusi'ti I to ww.lt.
sickly, run dj n peonie. Curo gii vnin
ii1." Only ."it).;. tk.ld by Uii. J. t.
I'iUNN'Ky druggist.
r.iiiw Kr
At.t r;::i) iiknuy lkwis,
row k i: li u rou.Ns,
."o'rtc--! Killtori&.s.
"V.'litoat f.ir of co-'trrfitii tlon we at
seit Vi::l)!'Tts tii bet thin
tht ban h;i;e.n'J !n I, fly yvir, of
A!jirictn i'urM:i;N-n." iiailiii-lou
HeniOiT. t .0 .Jeui'lii:!.
Tllii Vll't MiT is riirdirwl to cnpporl the
iiwuincin ot lin' KH'ftii City coin entiun.
Kvr.uv itiVAi, ikm(m i:at
Ones it to his party nu to himself to rod
An r.x(raor-iiiar)' CfTer.
Alttio iKli tho regular rate In 00 p"r ai
num, up ofTor von THK VllIUU'T liy mull fur
hit mouths for one tioiinr ond fi.ly ti-nts.
As a further turlwiN'mnist wc wiil weml you
trlthont com, port ra'.il, tlm Wfi;:i.! AL
MANAC. Itiejf n m!im of 1 in! Npi'n )! In
toruiatlon. Thus yon wonUl Twelve for one
dollar an J a bi!f what would ordinurily eot
you two dollars and a quarter. This oITcr
utmids ojtcn to the rea'Jrr of the H -Rl io
I'UKss-Jouami. for ninety da; froui dt.
I'rcv ent-! a Tragedy,
Timely information given Sirs. George
Long, (( XtWhtruitsvilie, Ohio, bavtd
two lives. A friglitliil cough b.id long
kept her awake every night. M.e bad
tried many remedies and dot-toia but
steadily grjw worse uri'il ur;.red to try
Dr. King's New discovery. Ooa bottle
wholly cured hor; and she writes, this
marvelous medicine also Cured Jlr.
Long of a aevere attack of Tceumoria.
Such cures ar rcisitive proof of its jiow
er to cure all throat. cht and lung
troubles. Only V)c and ?-l 0:1. Gua-an-ted.
Trial bo't ties free at J. E. I'lJiN
f.EVH Drug store.
" " Jumcs T. Mi.son, bnilliug
" " Tbornas Holly aervtctsi as
..Kj(fO!i lev s-rvti-rs
in f.. ir.lT '.
' .rt .c; .104.-.4 .1 s.i l;.i-...
" " U. J. o'(.on!U'il nervfeesu)
" " Oor.je It. Citimin, I'rint-
. W. ift-Mtlrr Suiiliei m
" ' E. Loliwvr svrvioes as votii.
" " A. rrocuuicr " "
t: ,0-1
Jens V. Ut-tif"
" Ci. W. Hrstcr, pjliit I
other iiiiipliejK
1 " It leuioot Xnouiie supidie-i
' Willlatll VoiCt blllo
material A lutKir. .
" ( '. I.. .Smith services as iic;j.
The Ilomlof Vfm. A.UlaKe us fjoldiers rel
ief comiiiiKsiourr Wis rpprovud.
The bond of Panford Hill, as soldier relief
coinmiaitiouur was approved.
Oil iiiollou the cle.rk is instrin'ted to notify
tiie treasurer of tiiou county t- runcsi war
rants draw iu fivor of Ur.int Guthrie of til,
00, nif.tiasl Koa-d District Xo. 7, and amount
of KliiBtfainst Hoad Ulatrict So. 4.
Clerk la hereby in. true tod to issue Hoad
certificates for the same.
On motion boaru a:jourued to noet Auif.
ust Suili I'xj.
Wm. J. A. lUt'M, Clerk.
r.y J. ii. I'.ukke, Drpaty.s
" r'n to f.j-( -'i !,. l i n-.uW'M.
V?e. a Ui , fl U OS H.i-v jO.itlS
?s -ripij. ii e-f o.ir fciyi E, CAb:oM
7 1- ').? Vr.
I I.itfi. ilvt f-.ienni. riis.
I all t4 t .uut, iSi.msi.U at.d Craa-
Ii iii.iw rn-nMn.-iloa.
H.fli'" V-"i-reil cs
I".nl,:i li U k. r 'Nmiy aid Wnleu
T:j1msI w :.er h t:.
k'i,tlix. Aluj.c iinki gi-'.l'.s fail
B isi.
U-VI PlAted Cootlnuom llinws ca
ll Iltfr,l.
Tims C4as 4 ?"tal (:in PI ii,
i!iju.'a., Vllili.L.d tM IdiUurti.
lie irht: 4 ("mi, a In -lws.
J-ticil,: t'l. 4 t-eae.
Iru h; ) (i-t t I --.
.I It, Curl Wsl'io-. Vrfliv-s. Qrisr.
tftrrd Oak. Aui.q Jn Oi.k and Aisiiogi.sj,
WrIU fur TsrifM ayid l'rlcea,
K'srjr ttr, ftntn Hi nirnlo1 f- t
Ai.iilvr..i-v UAr 22, It'TJ.
Lumber Yard
Jk. fTf32 US till.
jej f i.'ur 1. l
Go to EOHWER'S for Lumber, Heir-
ness, Flour '& Feed,
line of business; he will save you mon
ey by giving you a squar deal.
roils e
Will make the fpason of 1T00
liY BAHN in Harrison.
PEDIGREE' I'll (c n Sis tccuili-s
Weight, l.r,00-llM.
TEUMS: S.1,00 for tbo seas
on, payable :nil,31e of reason.
John Dkickmaxn.
p, irt n a
Will rnako the season at
the Pcickmann Jiros., Livery
Barn in Harrison, Neb.
Weight 050.
TEUaIS:-S'8.00 to insure.
Care will be taken to pre
vent accidents, but should
any occur I will net be re
sponsible. JuLTX II. DrJCKJfAEM.
VT',-. l.T.m - -r.. .
That ihrtibbln Ileiulachc.
Vi'o'ibl (ju'ckly !ave you, if vou us;d
Dr. King's Xew Li's Fill. Tiioumnds
of suli'erers have irove.S th?ir limtflbleh
merit for Sick and 'ervous headaches
They make pure blood and build up your
health. Only '.' cen'i. Mjn-y back if
uotcur. Sold by Lr. J. E. I;i;m-;kv
SOlicc to ladders.
. o
fe-.l,.-i I,!-1. ).. r.:.Vl .1 f.. I,y
liiu iviunty Clerk ut ii!-. otu-e. at Hnrrison,
Neb , for tiulldi.if a bridge ut-rns the, Mu'.e
CotioniviMid creek In --e. 1J, Twp. SI, Kan -re
M, on line of County i!o,i i s hlmini in f!e.!d
notes; bids lobe liird on or l ' r-,ri! n,on of
An.r y. VS. Pirns mid .. ilicu'loas on
(tie in this ofllee. Tlin lioaid reserves tin:
ria-at to ir-!et any nr all bi is.
by order of the ;o-,rd of County Commissioner-!.
AVjn. J. A. li iI'm,
County Clerk.
.shcrirrn sun ,
T.y vlrlm) of rn ord ir of .H ile ued by
the clerk of tiie district court of Siou
coauiy.tNebriaitK, upou a decree renderrd
by said court In favor of rloux ( ouniy, is
lilaintllf, and Pierce lilewrtt, Snruh K. I'.l w
ett, w ife of Ivdwr.rd K. ISIe.we.tt, teera.s.,'
Jolin her hu-band, real nsme iink'io-j-u
lllciiaei J. It.eKctt are defrnduntH, I lll
on the it, tu day of AiiKtn.!, a. I). V.'.fl, at 1 o'.
eloek p. in. at tfurriion, la Raid comity sell
the followl-iif dcf.riwd real estate t wit:
Tiie Norln-wcftiimiiUr, (,), of K:t.oa ,
Township .".( North or i:a,i(j M west, in
Nebraska, nt ilurriooit, In said county, at
tke emit front door of tiie Court Home In
Harrison Sejraska hi public auction to the
blhst bidder fur casli to ssti-fy mid o.-der
of sale Iu thsinm of :ai.nj, with interest,
cost aud aecralnc coxts.
Sheriff of said County,
MicrifTi Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issnpd by the
Clerk ot District eout-fof Moux ( ounty, Neb
raska, upon a ilccrer rnndereI by siUd court
In favor of J. V. ( ns'.le, philntllf, and Mftta
L. Maimi, KiNs b. It. kfiilnc, Juines O. Sargent
.r W, Hester defeiHliuits: f will on ,iiir
day, the fotli, dny of Augast, lloo. nt o'clot k
I, m. at Ilia rant front dixir of the tViurt
House in HiutIsoii, Nebraska, In wild couuty
sell the followliuf Uescrilxid rwU estate to
witt: Lot Ko. 50, and Uit So. , liloek No. 7, of
the VIllAKe of lisrrlson, Soni conntv.Neb
rftka, at public .ni-t'on to the hlirhrrt bid
der fpr ca.li, to satisfy snld oiiler of sale In
thesnmof !ih InWirent, costs, ami
accruing costs.
'lilOMAS tlOIXV,
hhrrrif of snld rouniy.
Parlies Oun'n; 1 lie following horwa
can Ina-ti of fheir wlire-H-lxui by cu'l
iiigat h olllce und paying lor this no
tice: fix large hordes and mures branded
on lift thigh, also one gray maro
Lracdtd circle on left thigh.
ricur & Feed
For Sale-
or anything in his
Tiu-rcwtn he "iuj atthe Court
Rons on bun. lay, fouzitui, I. .2, at
10:30 o'rlori.
C- (..SMITH.
rs r rr
Sunday PrhiH.l lfl oV.loi k a. tu. Kjitrnriii
T.--; rne ft -" J p. ie.
!'.' i-ii' -; f.c.y Suni'.i'y cvrii'ii- a f
p. ti:.. rm! every (illeriuiie Kiiii-l.-t t" 1 1 a- m.
roVirrti.-b.jS Jri.twry M. IU':t. F.tery
ciiriHnly Invi'iil io j'le.id iltrsr srrvb'i
Prcffessiona! Card!:.
J. E. I'HIXXEY. M. !).
riiyisclan ami StirKenit.
all calls given prompt attention.
Ofilce ia Drux Stern.
-harmuson - si;.h:a:o:.
Prompt litlentioii given to all le,ral
matters in Jubtico, County ami District
Courts, and before the United Ktaleti
Land Oirice.
Fire Insurance written in reliablf
I"3r'"I-gal jiapers carefully drawn.
liAtilU)V, - NKlKAhKA.
Jff. J. 0 Couiu 11, - - Co. Altcrney,
-SOS- .
Will rrarllYe In All Conrls.
Special Attention (.lieu to Land 0f
flee liuslness.
Collcct'.oiis ri: all Ir.is'.nrss ml rust
ed lomc will m-rlra prompt attention.
lUunbkiN - NmtAsRA.
isi IVIIUVI I sst I 1 1 1
1 am pn-piirod to do ail kinds of Civil
Idiftlnisring work.
When in need of the Surveyors Kcrvices,
give me a cull as I have a fulj ami com
plete outfit, together with experience to
do the work with nt aDiewi ai.d diapatcli.
. , ' I--. r-r W)"Tf,. 1, -r
. tL B. U n 4. tu i's strni. M issasi. ilk
- '-si
'i (, ( , t f