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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1900)
IND YOUR BILLS TO THE Union Lumber Co.. "JgJ. They tell Direct to Farmers at WHOLESALE PRICES. HAY! SWEEPS and STACKERS 2 or 3 whet! side hitch. 3 or 4 wheel rear hitch. THE SEASON IS HERE We have tome print for you. Write for it. IAHSAS CITY HAY PRESS 4 MACHINERY CO., Omalia.Heb. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. FOUR FAVORITE FAMILY FOODS: HICLA COFfI. MUROOCK'S PURf PICKS. "OPT" FLAVORING IXTRACTS AND Dr. HENDERSON 10t4103 W. tHkat, KAJnAfl CITT, MO. IV OttUml tn Af mnS I iMumfm). MMMrUCt AMU DfJCVlAL DIMEAMMJL vnnt (oaruitaeij or money r I M funded. All medicines furaiahed W a ready for hm no marcarjr or i f Ik lorioui mediolaee Med. No d I Wil iantton from bueineas. Patient I I dutenoe treated bj mall and expreea. Medicines sent averf. Dreeaaga. Mo metU- vrHmui f?hapa Orar 0.(i eaaaa eared. An tad eiperi- vkore, free from ease or breakage. low. Orer 40O0 eaaei aoa are important. Stat roor east and send tor aarme. Coninlutioa (reo and oonlUanMal. s-rsoualli or by Utter. Burdock hf&c0 YOUR OROCeR HAS THEM ALU. Special Excursion East Via hv dMini or wito t&e aria. Bpiaaaod blotch on fee f sea. ruahee of blood too baad. rjaine In back, win fn .art idea aad rsetfoloeae, beahfolneaa, araruoo to aacietr, aa of eexual nownr. loaa of manhood, lmno lane, ate, eared for life. I can atop night In am. raatore aexaal power, reatore oerre aad rain power, en) area and (treoatbao tree parte, aod maa yog fit for uimtit, Stricture BadtcanrenreIw1thiBtaa I YiI blaMWa mm Tnafil No la- ana Mint Mramenta, do pain, no del on rrotn Dtuinata, (.ore aoaranviea. do lie at qaeeuoae tree oealea . tJHH0OClLi,HrDKKtU,fHIUO$l$tDi all Triad el Private Diseases SXSi tXffU for boib aaieaM pat, U ptctaraa D JJt Una to Ufa, with foil deecripuon of bore dlaoaaae, tba effeeta and core, eant sealed la plain wrapper for I tenia In ttampa. Too abooJd read Una bock for tba Infonnaaaa U oontain. M. B.-8Uta can anf tak forllrtof Qoerttooa Shea At ainat afiaatmih for man uois deten- Kaniai report a itate census of 815, 111 wagons and 93,639 buggies. The great wall of China, portion of which are still In evidence, wag com pleted 211 B. C. A North Carolina court holds that a woman la not required to exercise any greater degree of care In alighting from a street car than a man would observe. The town of Somerville, Me., Is for sale to the highest bidder. No taxes have been paid for years and the property valuation of the place has dwindled from $106,000 in 1880 to $SO,000 In 1900. The Washington Trvlng homestead at Irvlng-on-Hudson, N. Y., has been sold to Henry Graves, Jr., of New York City, for 1126,000. Since the death of Washington Irving there has been no change In the premises, except that a new three-story brick mansion has been built on the property. The famous bronze statue which has stood since 1886 on the scene of the Haymarket riots in Chicago, hag been removed to I'nlon park. The mer chants In the vicinity of Harymarket square complained that the statue in terfered with business, which is before and above everything in Chicago. OUo Bauer of Cornwa!!-on-the-Hud- son, N. Y., although so poor as to lack sufficient food, believes his blood is rich and In good condition, and he has made a written offer to Bellevue hospital to sell some of Its cheap, for transfusion into the veins of any anaemic person who needs it. Bauer says he will go anywhere to effect the sale. In the window of an old curiosity shop not far from the British Museum In London may be seen an elaborately carved ivory toothpick, with the follow ing intimation attached: "Toothpick formerly the property of Oliver Crom well; supposed to have been the one he picked his teeth with before he signed the death warrant of Charles I." IN DARKEST AFRICA. 41 Miles shortest to St. Louis. 2 Miles shorten to Qulncy. "THE ST. LOl'lS CANNON BALL." LAST T LEAVE: FIRST TO ARRIVE. Leave Omaha 5:05 p. m. Arrive St. Louis 7:0ua. m. Trains leave I'nlon Station dally for St. Loula. Quincy, Kansas City and all point East or Mut. I Homeseekera' Excursions on sale 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. SteamshlD tickets to all nana of the Half rates plUf f i 00 to man v world. For full Information, call at BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, as mercury will surely destroy the sens of smell and completely derange1 the whole system when entering It through the nutous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, hy F. J. Cheney &. Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price Tic per bot- Ilall's Family rills are the best. In New York the storing of automo biles is becoming a problem. Some cl the livery stables decline to accept ihrm on the ground that they are ruining the livery business. Omaha & St. Louis R.R. Leaving Omaha August hth, greatly reilued round trip ra'es win l.e of frred to Nlatfani Falls, N". Y., Alexan dria Ifciv. N. Y.. Torouto. Ont., and Montreal, V. -l- A (fraud cnance to tak a summer outing at little ex- .i i . i . . ..'i I O St L Ticket Omce Ulfi Parnam ' b'' or w"nt '" ""d can fe. al" then, aouthern poll.ta vn kale August 7th "p' J? , ' .har"B.T I ''"e ,r,al " y" wl" r-ra.-;e ihrm for and Cist. All lllf' rmallon at Omaha. Harry E. Moores, C. p! A T. A.,' A St. L lliH . R. City Ultce. No. H15 Omaha, Neb. Kar am Street, or write Harry Mooiei-, C F. A T. A., O-a'-v NVh. Vital wenknpxs nnci nrrvous debility can be cured. "Vlrtuama" Tablets are guar, unteed by Kkld Lrug Co., Elgin, 111., tc cure all t.ei vous diHeusea, debility and vi tal losKes. or send fre medlcliie unli' cured if guaranteed lot falls, pale, thin, emaciated, tremblnig and nervom proplt should try thse tshlet: greatest of nervi ionics, ir vou are not what you ought t COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMP'Y um,Vr' ?-M-. 10-1000 eve- ti a package, or 3 for 15. hit m:l KetatI and wholesale of Mvers A Dllloi I 'rug Co.. timaiiu. M. A. Dillon, Souil omahn: Davis Lirng Co., Council Bluff" Ktggs I'tiarmacy, Lincoln; H. S. Ha! tloux Clly.' Full line of rubber good v 'or w'-i-tt ' ''-nnt. 1ILLACHE POOR LITTLE JOHNNY! AND HIS "TUMMY"! Small boys, and many times large ones, and occasionally girls, too, big and little, suffer terribly from convulsive pains or "cramps" in the bowels and stomach pain so violent that it "doubles up" the ones attacked, and makes it impossible for them to stand up. Some people call it colic, but most honest, plavin-spoken people call h "belly-ache" and very properly, for the teat of the trouble is in the bowels, and caused by the violent efforts of the bowels to rid themselves of something: which dotrn't belong there. The small boy usually ?;eu it from over-eating- or from eating forbidden ruit, and suffers mostly in the summer time. It's spring now, and "in times of peace, prepare for war." Let the boys and girls and the big folks, too, for that matter, clean out the clogged channels filled with winter bile and putrid undi gested food, strengthen the 30-fcet of bowel canal, liven up the liver, and "summer belly aches" will have no terrors, because ther won't happen. The way to make the body ache-proof is to use CASCARETS, gentle, sweet, fragrant CaSCARETS, the perfect system cleaners and bowel strengtheners. For fear that anybody in the family should ever be attacked by belly-ache, keep a box of CASCARETS in the house always, and remember that all pains and troubles in your insides are QUICKLY CURED BY w " . . mm mmm a re a -w t - CANDY CATHARTIC ALL 25c 50c. " liTi 'A? ' UKUGGISTS Ta aav Budy mortal auflrriof from bewcl troubU and loo poor to buy CASCAPETS wi wUl tend a bos lrt. AMrtu Suriiaf Kamady UHnpany, uucaf a ot i-ew i ore, mnaKnini MvcmicnKui ana paper. 50O.OOO Worth of Cheap Cottons for th Meal m. (Cyrus C. Adams in Aainslec's.) It is pleasing to turn from the itvolt ng spectacle of some of the West Af--kan tribes who had been bestialized by iheir oevotion to trade gin, to the pic tuie which travek-is draw of the gieal hausa eiiiu-s of the Sudan, under Mo tammedun dominion, for a centuiy, nhere such a thing as a bottle of spirits is never seen. For a hundred yeais :he Mohammedans of North Africa have been pushing across the r-ahara and the Sudan, bringing all the barbarous peoples they have met under the in fluence of Islam. Thus Mohammedan Ism has for more profoundly affected the lives of many millions of black Af ricans than the Christian influences, which are only Just beginning to make large headway. It cannot be said that this influence of Islam Is wholly salu tary, though many observers, like the learned Dr. Blyden, of Liberia, regard Islam as the greatest civilizing agency yet introduced into Africa; but these Mosle mproselytes have made the na tives better than they found them, and have stimulated foreign trade with Darkest Africa" to a remarkable ex tent. When Stanley and other explor ers began to penetrate equatorial re gions they said: "These tribes around the lakes, who dress in long garments made of bark fibre, are beginning to discard their flimsy native cloth and are swathing their bodies with fold after fold of white cottons from England ?nd Amer lea. The Arabs among them dress in these cloths and have convinced the na tlves of their advantage over the home made cloth. A great future Is coming for the cloth trade In Inner Africa.' ' The trade Is growing every year, Scores of tribes in Central Africa are eager to buy 'Mercani,' as they call the cottons made in America, which trad trs now bring to their villages. Abou October in every year the great cara van, that crosses the Sahara from Mo rocco to Timbuktu, starts on Its way The caravan always numbers about 10, 000 camels, and a fifth of them are laden. with white American and British cot tons, and blue and other colors. The greatest imports of Tripoli, which is the other great center of the desert caravan trade, are cotton cloths, and most of them are sent to the desert oases and the fertile Soudan beyond White cottons are among the largest Imports of Zanzibar, and many of them are sent Inland to the natives, who nev er saw these manufactures till the Ar abs appeared among them in their white garments. England has the larg est share in this trade, but $500,000 worth of our cheap, uncolored cottonB were sent Into the wilds of Africa last year, and It Is the Moslem who has opened these new markets for the tex tiles of the 'infidel' nations." "But the Mohammedans have done more than to open these new markets They have stimulated textile manufac tures In the very heart of Africa to such an extent that cloth made in the Sudan Is now for sale in Mediterranean cities. The town of Kano, only a few days' Journey from Lake Tchad, has been well called "the Manchester of Central Africa," for the cloth It weaves from native cotton clothes more than half the people of the central Sudan Fanatical followers of Islam cannot keep out of touch with the rest of the world, though they may for years wall cities like Timbuktu and Harrar, and seal up great regions, .like the Egyptian Sudan, against every white race. They may proclaim war on the infidel while at the same time their very tastes and aptitudes are opening ways through which foreign commerce enters as wa ter Invades a leaking ship. THE CHINESE EMPIRE. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. The coast region of Georgia is to have a sugar refinery, the first one In tht state. It is to be located In Baxley. Coal Is worked so easily In China thai In Shansl It sells for less than 25 cents per ton at the mines. All the Boston and New York electric cars are to be equipped with electric heaters. The manufacturers of Kansas have appealed to the supreme court for re lief against the enforcement of the eight-hour law. Labor Is prepared to defend the act, funds being subscribed for that purpose through the central labor bodies. Boise Typographical union No. 271 has removed the name of Governor Bteunenberg from Its honorary roll, and Instructed the secretary to have Its ictlon published In the International Typographical Journal, notifying sub ordinate unions of the aame. Steunen berg Is governor of Idaho. They have now Invented a machine that will do the work of section gang. on railroads, leveling and trimming the roadbed and preserving the proper width, level and slope railed for by the standard cross-section of the road. Thl( work la usually done by hand, and it requires some skill to do it correctly, but this new machine Is throwing the laborer along the line of the Boston A Maine railroud into a panic, as II makes a saving of S per cent In dis placement of labor. There are now In operation In Maln mills producing l.STtS tons of pulp nnd paper dally, the oulut of white tirwi paper being about 475 tons. This paper capacity will bo Increased next year by the competition of plants now In pro cess of construction to about 6'K) ton dally, while the aggregate production of pulp and paper combined will Le in (reaped to 2.600 tons. This will muk( Maine first In (he Indunt y, N, York second, with Wisconsin, Mnn; 0i hm clt I'eiinrylvanla at:d Ohio follow big 1:: tht order named. Account of China' Government and Ita Dependencies. China and its dependencies of Man "huria, Mongolia, Thibet and Jungaria constitute the Chinese empire. In the government of the empire first comes the emperor, who governs according lo the laws laid down in "The Collected Regulations of the Ts'ing Dynasty." He has a privy council, which is charged with the "supreme direction" of the affairs of the empire. This would seem to be an advisory or legislative body as it has nothing to do with the exec utive branch of the government, which Is under the "supreme direction" of a cabinet comprising four members two of Manchu and two of Chinese blood. The Munchus Tartars by the way. the ruling race in China, are distinct from the real Chinese, and are greatly outnumbered by them. Attached to the cabinet are two learned men from the "Great College," whose business it is to see that nothing Is done In vio lation of the "Collected Regulations" (which may be likened to the constitu tion of another country), or of the sacred books of Confucius. They are. In fact, legal and spiritual advisers of the cabinet. Under the orders of the cabinet are seven administrative boards, each pre sided over by two officials, one a Man chu Tartar and the other a Chinese. The boards are of civil affairs, military affairs, of "rites and ceremonies," of public works, of crlmlnl Jurisprudence, of the admiralty and of finance. Independent of the government and theoretically above the central admin istration is the board of public censors, composed of from forty to fifty mem bers. By ancient custom the members of this board are privileged to present remonstrances to the emperor, and one member must be present at each meet ing of every government board. China proper, the "Middle Kingdom," is divided Into eighteen provinces, each governed by a governor, more com monly spoken of as a viceroy, who Is directly responsible to the emperor.who appoints him, for all the administra tion of his province, civil, military, Ju dcial and flnancal. He has almost ab solute power over everything and every one in his province, with one exception, if a Manchu garrison is quartered in any town in his province, he cannot interfere with it. Its commander is responsible only to Pekin. The tsung-ll-yamen, of which we hear so much, is the Chinese foreign office. It la composed of all the members of the privy and grand council and six other officials of the very highest rank. Manchuria, whence came the present rulers of the empire, is the most popu Iouh of China's dependencies. It lies to the northeast of China, and Its popular tion is estimated at 7,500,000. Its area is much more than twice that of the combined areas of New England, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jer sey. It is twice the size of Japan, over six times the t'lze of ' England and Wales and one-fourth the size of China proper. It is divided for purposes of govern ment Into three provinces, one of which is ruled by a civil governor, and the other two by military governors. Mongolia has an area nearly as large as China proper, that is 1,228,000 square miles. It has over 100,000 more square miles than Montana, Wyoming, Colo rado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Ne vada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California combined. It is bigger than all Europe leaving out Russia and Swe den and Norway. Its population Is about 2,000,000. The Mongols are governed by their native princes, and pay no taxes to China. In fact, the princes are sub sldized by the Imperial government on condition that they acknowledge th Excellent Endors:z::l. An Omaha Concern Commanded by a Minister of 8 Years' Standing. The following letter, written to Prat and Mrs. Kharas, expressly for publica tion, tells its own story. It is. froesj Rev. E. W. Johnson, a retired mlsbv ter, who has been a preacher for thirty-. Blx years, and is well known throUshoNS me state: REV. E. W. JOHNSON. Seward, Neb., Apr!! 8. 190.! Prof, and Mrs. Kharas. 1515-17 Chicago Street. ' Omaha, Neb. Dear Friends: I write this to be nufA llshed, for I want to say to the publlol that I came to your place In Omahei last February suffering from what thai best of doctors said waa Brights' dlH ease, and I also had a severe case es etomach trouble. In four days, afteat taking treatment twice a day, I went home perfectly well find hurl nn IndU cations of a return of my former troo-l b)e. l am going to take a course M Magnetic Healing and practice the grand science myself for the good oB humanity. Thanking you for many faj vors, I am Sincerely yours, , E. W. JOHNSON. N. B. You can get information fcj addressing Prof. Theo. Kharas, 151SJ 1517 Chicago street, Omaha, Neb. Bet sure to auk for what you want he's) not a mind reader. Unless Lord Roberts suspends opem atlons for a day or two and compiles a history of the South African war, fas) which he has been offered $500,000,there is danger that the rumpus In China wD9. overshadow his fame and fortune an make his history a back number.Bvenja are traveling rapidly these Centura closing days. Why not doctor yourself? "nniincM Tab'ets are guaranteed by KIdd Drug CJ jism, in., iu uuic an uiaeaseg luiiaraiBSr-: tionsi, ulcerations of the urinary system organs, bladder, etc., or send free me-i ine until cured if guaranteed lor fnlli An Internal remedy with injection eom-i blned; the only one In America. Price, e,: or 2 for $5, sent per mail. Retail oV wholesale of Myers & Dillon Drug f.' Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; -; vis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs; Rlggs Phar-i macy, Lincoln; H. S. Baker; Sioux City.! Complete line of rubber goods: aak fotl what you want. Philadelphia Press: Jill That's-MlJB Brown. She expects to be marrleSL Jack Of course. She's a woman. Many people have tried in vain,. find a successful treatment tnr tm dreadful disease, cancer. We can daa attention of such to the column s3j which will appear in this paper wesc week, of Dr. E. O. Smith, the specialist of Kansas City, who positive ly guarantees a cure for every caae undertakes. Read his ad. trrtlsnsi als, and wrl'e him for further . par ticulars. . vVm emperor as their overlord and render military service when called upon. Once year the princes hold a congress, presided over by one of their number, at which local affairs are settled. The governor of the nearest Chinese prov nee, however, has at least a nominal control over the assembly. Twice a year the Mongol princes have to go to Pekin to pay homage to the emperor, and carry him tribute of horses and camels, in return for which they re ceive presents of far greater value. Jungaria, to the westward of Mon golia, Is about the size of California, and is governed much as Mongolia is. t has a population estimated at 600.000. East Turkestan is governed by it native khans, and its only obligation to China is that of furnishing irregular cavalry when called upon by the em peror. It Is more in area than Franca and Germany combined, but In sparsely Inhabited by nomadic tribes numbering only about 580,000. Thibet is larger than France, Ger many and Spain combined, and hat a population of 6,000,000. It 1 lulcd ov. by the Dulal Lama, who acknowled(;e only a nominal allegiance to China. H Is the head of Lamalem, which ! th. oldest and strictest, sect of Kuddlsne Nearly all Mongolia Is of the rellzlo of the Dalai Lama of Lanes :-.t rn an bitious man In the plu.e vould mail trouble for China. Philadelphia North American: "She aa been divorced three times." iAA the Boardwalk gossip. "But," re monstrated the Chicago woman who had not caught the drift iatt he conversation, "perhaps she did Belt marry until late in life." Menses surely Brought on Tertilart:, suppressions neglected often result as blood poisoning and quick consumption!, and Is the direct cause of womesii trou bles; therefore keep the mensee rerma with "De Le Due's Female Resnftetar" If it fails, KIdd Drug Co., Elgin SC send free medicine until relieved and SuiS cured; $2 per package, or 3 tar 5, nor mall. Retail and wholesale of Mmn A Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. K. tVlUon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Ooiraofl Bhiffa; Rlggs Pharmacy, Lincoln; H . Baker. Slonx City. A .omplete fane dt rubber goods on hand; ask for WA&t yu want. See the wonderful testimonials n U. hi. w. Bmun s aa. in this paper week. He guarantees to cure ,vmv of cancer that he takes. Write to Mm ooui it. Aaures Dr. e. O. Twallli Kansas City. Mo. Dr. E. O. Smith of Kansas CWv Ik the famous specialist in the treatment it cancer, will have a column ad. in this paper next week, to which we call your mention. He has a treatment arhlak positively cures, and his cures are per manent. Resd the ad. and write Mm for further information. KIMBALL BROS.. Mr a fx 1081 sth st. council BLiirra. is. Farmers and Poultrymen 1 1 . t" w aironj lo be WMaow your Hogt from cheiera: horaaa and Sheep from Diateaipa,, Scratches eakt Mange. Keen your Cattle ire ane Him. and Poultry hum ( kw. Sulr Leg. Ac. II your dealer aaia krrp it. .end ; cent, lor a (alio. LME CHEeftCAl CO. ItlSteMDJIL ,' L-lSeZyjNtES all KiiiRsr Kldneycura. THE SIZE OF C?:Ni, China proper Is nbout l.f . sin,, rtf the tnltH ?t!tr!. Ic-iWi g cl ,li,r!a and the In.lian T.'ril'.oi y. f.e.l ' ub'M five ond oni'-h.ilf tV.j h.r-.aV! . Tie. Chlnfso Eniid.e Is' nlvw big rloe,elo.,of Dr. B. I. Key, Haraiucs. H. St. the United Klales including .Miska are adding Mexico. It is iuui;y 1,000, - tOfl WPPLf CIIDC 1...., n miK.-r uiiiii mi j-.ur. r. , , ... tr wome Becfe-. e-he. eta. Atdrof rlate, or by mad.4 I. Free book, ae on 1 contains about the Hon. e-lt.h riff In lnlMwti.A mtm rj..i.-. e.nm rw.t-inl. . . " . '.Jli,,,'r. - - , "'i' v - muuirj, roonr-enur rouHry remerl I' EXCELSIOR MFoTcST f-wieoeit, KANSAS, Talk about h( t wcutlier! Tlir- temper ature In New York lust week ratiacl asphalt pnvemenls In run set ll; alarms fl-uulnc Clilcogj iiliould bcntlr herself. Liiiui ami Be ..uh STmpTTa. fciT Cat I In iiipa. Emu er tmwm