Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 26, 1900, Image 8
jgggj-M"s -"" Fining Press- Journ; c 7 '4x j o V, J I I.1, 1? tOi Thctj-. it r t : r 7 ' i 1 fl -1 o (e I. Cam-u, H'litor mul Pre '1 ... - W 'm J. n.i Sis! 1 J" : it i. hi- llr...- F. tiB.VK.4. time mltr. doing Wert. C'i :3 I ift. Ro. 5. m'.iwl U:3i lo- 6. iiiU-'1 T 11 t: Ncrtli-Wcctei-n LIT V. P. to ar.d fi F. E. M. .. I! l!-,i I5LACI 1 1 1'KADWCX.O SOUTH F, E, a. ,1 Home Www t w '1. and A i'.jt. itec. -lib, !.:., i. ",''i til j (is i:,v av fa'.r P. ,' m- eluding Council B-Suffs is $3.09, or more o Putuwi if v yuin, wt ' iti;U l-i.'.in Onn j'ir.ctii' siii't to Pu.:.!sir; Biack Hills iiistnet of Hn- 1 iukot;v, Vii 'wtM will le 'itl by rn.nrc.itlr lnw. ttvKns oar iin Sioux city," Ua w 3d-. Vullw and ina:.i and by our agBW at South Ptet, stn.rion.-i, 1,'a-r. O.nJia and on 3. 0. & P. in Iowa: ext tj,t tlt."t ourafj-ents iU r,ot BiS to poit:t9.io So. i;k. Fare will one fare p!ti J.O'1 fur round trip. AVrite your in'iis tiit'K,u-t and lia've tlcn c tin Hud sea you. tkius aiivuntatra of t!w mtes. litUctn iinii- tfd 1 dtiy witli l- ty limit on goin. portiwa.'; , . F. Avert, Agt. tVTrit" TIiiydn Bros,, Ooviba, V'hf)leie Sipp'y Hu, lor prices and samples. F.j? 1?.ale or Tra-K Two Kncky ' Jacks.'" Address, H. P.. Earnest. .. ,',.: llarrifoo, NeVi. Ctrant Gtitbrw, was ai)iointed Trea.i- vrer t.y the xchool board tn tlil the unex pired term of Lewi Geriuch. A very gool seiwtioo. Work has cornmeowd en the tifw .school room and will be pushed rnpiJly so as to hare it readiness in tim fur school to commence tbb first of Septem ber. : " . County clerk Eautn and Joba E. Mars "te51r left for Crawford, last night in or lr to attend thair representative on " vecLioDB wbicb will conveco ia that ci ty today. "Bill" Fuckard, brotber-in-lnw of Co.-ee Grimia, and aa old re,s;dc-rt of . Siux county, returned frora 'Vinjina, H;ndav. We learn he has ccme L--k to " tay. ' Mr. Richard will b reiuewiHrrcd by many of his old friends who will 1 'A Prof, Roush, of Manviila. was in '('.larrisoo, a day last wek oa profTess f mnal business. N Today t'i Deniocmta aiid Populists Tiold thuir representative convection at irawford. . Tbe delegate to tha I.)3io- w-ratie convention are M. J. Gayhart, y.cil Jordao and Jo!iMarstelIr, and 'those to the popnli-.t convention ar W. J. A, Gitam, 0. Cbrtstecnen, J. Nolan. ' WilHam Miller hn heard from the nd AwsisUiat PtKt-Slaster General ut ftt 7tisiioton. D. '., ordwing him to t omence carrying tba mad from liarrit t,n to Bodurc both ways until , tha .Tout in tora8iZi.-; Sir. KilWr'n orter . took effect Jasrt. Saturday, lbs 2lfc io5t. We tnsrt that in tb fatuw tl Pen .Ti.vi'NM. wiil roach it renders on time . a t of yore. Partie onir.g the fc'.lowicg horwa run b:arn of 1'ifir whure-a-ijoitts ly cu!l jng at this e.'iio and paying for thia no- iT.C . I N.s !;rf-e hnrwi and m;irig hnmlcdI on Itfft thigh, n lit) oo Cray rnnre 1 t randtfd citcbi on luft tiiigb. ' ;' 5 . EtfTTOK. . Andrew i'Gicly gave a grand .-dance out at bin new barn on last Tues d:iy evenuig H tha young people went 'Otit and to may th;y had good time is to use vary mild language. Mr. McGin- loy never does anything by halves and ithedanee waiyio excepfiom to hit rule. On lant Vvt'daiday morning, Mr. F. Y. Ky t and bis eHtimable w:f and family wre ia our rnidit for the last t.itre, as they were on their way to their iew boc.e at cootral cifv, Neb. The family Kpunt several hours In town, a- . mot their numtrous friend before Lid- Hag tbem adieu, Mr, Knott's family is , mm if Sioux County g oldest rewdenU, re among our most highly respected citiMO end all regret to we tbem leave, yet they ft el that the Juration of thtir , children necessitates t his move on tiieir part. Mm. Knott, has been one of our Iswt 'Writed during oar tirce here, brnce ' we Khali doubly miss her. The Piusm- JoanAl reconmebdn Mr. Knott, and his '. family to the kindness and cordiality of , tbe people ef Central citr, whom we doubt not, will be quiclc to acknowledge tbe vahialle acqmatitioo to their nutn ber. Tne quill punlier hs: the promise f Kra. Knott, to write to us for pnblk-a-. , ties durtflf bar trip across the country m look for it as we will vouch for it vii; I t J 0 . :.-- ' ;i ; v:i - v (1 r, -. i'. 'S : f :.": .-I e H .. : i l j -i tV- tl.r .i-l . 1 1. ; pi tt, . i- . ; - V,'. !'' ;t ' inl.,nt; I on ? itur ,t l, tli i -'' . ,y f : i t, 1. B , St i n-rio It Til. 1.: .I t irii'll flour i;f ti" f.JUTT fi nr-wi iij-fTi-;.i !-r..:-ki, iu si: 1 ro'irjty .i vhw l-i .'..... ; i - . I r"-i . u;9 to I At So. 2n, Uit ". !!, Bock No. T, of t' o .'"..-i.-" ol Hul: n, trfx -::.tv,?Vi. riii-Wi, f. puVJc .u t o-i to tin- hi-irl. Vl'l !rf fpr cah, to -nriJv drln.f 'Uen th 3i.i uf i:si it v.iii ;i;:. rvt, cott, anil i;crl;.i ix t. tuojasiioi.lv. '.T.-r.iI ; coaatv. Slaasp fift'ires at tte fmrt b-'tar.ff. Mr. "iJcUin'ey, taov-'l tis iauidy oat to th'.'ir ucw bom 4 v!r:.ty. 2i)H4 Liu::-e Lindmnn after sj.eniins; a W!-k witli ht.-r ?:t..4- "ur-4. l!;cweH, re turned to iier iioCiO ia Crawford, Inst Mutid;:y. Pidui-.i of all kifijs from a 6t:nj to a crayon portrait at, gallery in J. W. room of the court bonus .up stairs.) -Call at tbe lUrrrson U-v.r-j Aug 9 th, and have j our eyes carefully tes ted ami jiroperly fit, by C. V,'. liXiitJi. Consultaticn free. B. P.. Smith, of bin- Fi;io, I.b.. a brother of Jure Smith and son of F. M. Smith, of Five Poiiifs, accompanied b? Ilia wife and cliit-irsa arrived in llir-ri'-on, yesterday noon, and were drivt-u out to hia father' r.mcb in the ofter uooa where tht-y will ba gue&ts fr a short tim". Mi Fannie Vanbusk irk of Gorlon, who has been vjsiting at Douglas "Wyo., came in from the west Tueyiiy evctj'rg and w vi-siting at the m;io,sioa cf John and Will l o vs. ".-tst c.f town, Khe r. il' leave forborne Moudav evening. Kws Vanhoskirk has a l.tt uf fjkno in Jlar iiion and virinit v. Dentistry ,VvTitli- out pain. Marsh and 'Reynolds will be here August 1 o Dont fail to them. Wonder if Dt-idrictf opened bis "bar rel" when he was bet t!i otiur dav? Mrs. F. W. Clarke, is eutertaiidng her sister of Chicago. The young lady expects to make an e steaded vitit. Tiio county fathers are asain in our pi'idit lot-king fcfwr the interest of tha county, Mr. eijJ Mrs. Hewitt, of fUl Idg, Mont, brother of JefT Ilewitt, i t tin's ace- who have bec-n Imre during the past week with his brother and hi fam ily returned to their hoiue on Ix t Mop- Oav eveu.ii" Rutnaruoer Aug. toe Cili un l have vonr eyes examined and fit. Ev C. V.'. to; -a, at Harrison j .! v. Mr. Kirth-y of Hot Bprings S. Dak. was in our midt a day or two this week. Tt.e ladies Aid society will meet Wed. afternoon Aug 1st with Mrs Smith to sew carpet rags. fcy. ' 0nry Ptekttrbruck of Montrose, was at the countv se;it on business one dav tills week. - Durinirtbe past several davs the tempralure has been nuite cool wmc to the fact of our havioa had eeveral rale. Mr. D. IL GriswolJ and family left for Aicsworth. last Mondav ev-ninf where we imderaUnd they are to reside permanently. .We'Kegret to sea any of our fellow citizens leave cur buie town, but we preaurae each individual know, best where they wisli to reside. ... Xr f . . . Hiss Mary Z-ourtrti who has been rp at Douglas, for noroo tlmo came down for a short visit with her parents on last Friday evening. What might have ter minuted most di.sas(erously had not timely aid arrived, was ocasion-sd by some live coals in ashes which were emptied from the .Corbin home on last Saturday morning. As it wa about half mile fo prarie fire whs started when ten of our young at.tlt - rn.-uws, .rouniM rescue of their iieiirnijora. ana ifi evrM-vfi, r. . i - . , ... . ..n, w vne progtesa of Uie names and eftrr despsiate work, surcs crowned their lal.nr Iff.w., it. into -f .. . - - " -'.I " mm mimiMi HMUiiy a ft'we. - , jisu? ; Fesd, ci bu2incc;i; lio i-. -i... j Si . Prcuio .t. v . r . ClI A.;' 11. Stockmen havir..'? t.so for a bank a.t il:U Kir.t m.iy rely on lis to Lrind;' thfir entire i'aukki:: burint-tt. ;7e are j.reptr;i? in tike curt' if. m;r trar' at r.U t mosf An in?Ming :u.d r.io.t Jr.'. lecture wsUchvred nt thcH. E. Isst evening by Mr. L. Eii; St.i:.:-ci I.,!au I, K. V. Her subj scimil Irnrch y, of t was 1 pruhiii.Uoo of tii". liij'ior tra:;c ami wliat the tire rmuUn of the snluon bis Utn to the jeople of the nation. Mrs, liaiiey did not place all of tiie blansa . uptsn tins saloon-k-eber. but r!ri'3 the dweoas and elJs, alo tlws bi!y of the thur.-b m l! same c-a-.s wit'-i the us !3a-Wf:r, Wiiure tiu v w , ier vtn iut wliiikey tofrt.r:4 or vute f(,r xma ni oCc3 ! wili grant lu:ene h-ijili.ing the kj!ooi busi ness. Mr?. Baiicy is a takotl !.?y aud proiAoty tt:e rr.ost runoucet. K'ascr oj Harrison audicbee ever bad the j kai'.j: of Stecicg to. A SIGii DOABD. I wiJI patct T'ia a e's;f!i ra-u'l'er, .Vi1 ::ih It net your ii ; A truer and bfttir iMxrd. Th i:. . v.- yoa timj 1'i.rfi.re. I will jialst trim tue 5ti ( tusstar And tnuny i.hAii pninw- W Solil-e Uiereaitiy, I w !J! yaiirt yonmtf, n-.a't!ler. As you waU ffir Liin fu.'r yo.iiu,- toy," Jtfcl !f! t imiriilug of maiiboovt, A liKtUr' vri.t air! Joj.. lie h'W bo tuonsrht of stojiEiinij Cut yougreM l;Jii with smile, AnS you ,ia no blliua auil frwu&f That lie tup to ehut ttw.'iiii!. I iv;l .ri' i T'.-l t '"..'r, I v. i.l pji i,. ; . '..,-., With a roam,i!g ufli-ior t..sti'l; ! In eHiior hm.1. IIt H-Aver.1, tint 'mi ui-j i M, a "Iirint, ple-lgs me t t:i!h n-t?," Aflll he iiftS lilt? giJ-u.a, iil.fj .!f:i!-.lf it, And the ht.''.un work U doae. Anl I next will paint a ?rai,Val, Orn; yar hiu town. Hat into liila Io.'itli.in crcatur Xiio flr j-outij Vij- lUip'wu, TSse wgrk w sora swi r.vM, 1 writ pilot Mid !W 11'' !i In!, tor;i!a, 5r:i.:kf!iiihiu)!rr t'lKltr the wintur ki. I will paint Ihr- (arm of tt.c rnotI;r Af hp kiKAls l liftr (liiriiuii't Kja;, Jlcr beautiful boy lU-tt k dealer 4 iiii; &A tiife Koil'i J"i;('.. I tH nmt 0(e ilni'M- of coSjn. with or.H wor4 -"l.t!" Iwli! paint ail tli.i, rri otf;;,-, A i3 paint it !;; ) u-t. I lie iili) t::ii the ir!:,e n'l tt. wrrosr, 'I Ii 1 rrtn and iii! wmit iii.il till Ti-it in ura thcr In yojr workjup li.-: tun paint., )N,u know. Hut I'll jb.iut you it sign, rumsciier, Atlil (llifiy tilii.l piilllH) to T113W Tills woarji-rful .irlKiu Wir3, So U'trtUy fearii;! true. Hcleetml. Gr In Wyoming. A brothtr and nrphew of Mr. Church, r'hu lhc:r famihese, hrr.ffd Kto from Kicliardson County Keb., on last Friday. A," brotlier of Mrs. Cl.tm h ccouj- I'aai'vJ Uiera f"m Otr.og. Mr. 3,urcV. brother has been eo invalid (or Mmm! yw n4 almost beir!es. They arc trafveliog Tcr bis beltli aod vpct to 0ak an extended vit. J. E. Holliagswurth an.l farcilv,' ai-o nrr'-9 ff,a,f r T' Ami; rew t-brifttuin od last fciurday and Sunday. Mrs. Hunt, tocher in the east school engaged f- rorarico Christian to finish her school ami has gone to pin her husband who is worths on an a ranch near Ltisk. She is a good Wacner sud las given rt- tire satisfaction. ' nit know that Jlorenoe will flni-b U term which clo-i- eSth7th, to the K.-.ti:,f.Cjo,i of ail coi.crmsl, ' U.w HMr. t..rh-r In ti vMt wlsord will ciote ht.r tc rm on th l!ri 1--l l .-; . . . . . . . ji,jii,,i. i;i r:,rra-i ,n ' n , .1. . ' W,me in hnivnrsUy Vi, th, n-t iJay. Mr, end Mr, Xuott. mui fami'v vki- (in.j...i , ... . v .... :. .. till Ul , UiU II MH Ii M. K 11, W - If, W N I ... . ' ' ' l tefore UievalaHa I f..r Mm ,.i a n - U fo" Uiey alartci for Hot Hf-rlng, 8. ' I v iron .1 j. Ui. or anytamr; in his vail save you mon- Vl.Ui.-V. jiTwi3. ' ' - T. Vr. Ci.Atii'CK, Cashier. Ci.at.?-':, ii. Ms Amy Ci : '.':;n in ei. 1. in ' a thrt-e i weeks visit at home durmg l.'-r v:;f-ati:i, j Yb K-r;!w hi bi?!ii o:ural t'-vo si-hools j in the S'ioux tiosmty and hn 1,!.!i.t ha if has been c-fT-ircl !n rili .'h .)"l on Whi U Iiiver where biin taught live terms iu 8uwRsion during our rtuidene there. 1.);' f-c.-. it it-; ! jk-iblo t!. .. vr will I.--((iine a rwdwfit of vuvir com. ly in the I !i" " futnr. i Yvs, we notice rm fields of grain tb-.t was sov. sii in M iy kra just corning up siipo the run of' last w. Pttur Into ftian never jtrrhnps tut no d uiht it wilf tijlre an os'tn1 coat t'. keep it from ge! ting frost bittso. J. J. 7'ttnbruutwn is Luildir.g an addi tion to his houpi. We vi.-ite i Miss Noll ;'s sohool a few days ago and find her doing y od work. She has a model ret too) und ber mi:tlicd re up to data. If tha patrons would vt.-.it the schools oftao nod sae the woik ueirg d.iae by our twbers llmra would be more harmocy in t'.-j i-'hoois atxl a Ixit'er Wing Ut Vie district. We tioti-.'-d that F. P. liu-nlirt-s new ho'i.itf Jjnuw t'p grandly i.',rf, v.i',1 soou have a go-.d rmr.ie where few yents ago She I:wu.n aud liuifalo bad tiieir iioias, Wonder wbafs the matter with F.ph. Coyle'.slpg? W'i bun toing around ,viiii a halt in his ri',i. Zrj:.;X. Urrozes !iy tiio way -1 county. Mr. at. 4 Xr. Kagrng Wohle'ee wiil iw.vs ii, -st .vi:-!' ,i,t K. W. Knott's n-:-ik'uce sod U'ke churgo of the -..11 . 14'. fii.'a fslW m !i.:;.')iiit.iint Kundtv, r.r.--)iii;i-.ir.i!'il by ,i,"s. Kico whr ovrsiuct- j ed ;i V.'oiunris rnit-isioMry t:iL;t-iiig at I Mi' I iT-lpa Mottdsy aft-.Tiioou. ! Mr. and Mrs: Ia-u I taut vts;te I at Fath er Zirnmornun's Sunday, as d.d also 7.. P. Ah'.rins. I: is MiPer arid daus'ders Mrs. ant! Mi.-s Kitiuie assisWd Mrs, KuoV. 1-t l'ridwy, Hiss H-.via Knott has bven arm.' for:i a." !l fi t-ger ever s:rr.j l'tit-ir re turn front l.w'.r trip to ton l.ilis. V.'.-n. Milier has to go to M'trf's'i? three times a week affir the l;j.!arc mail. F, W Knott found be tvr.s loaded 1j btavy so dii-poi-ed of the larger art of his load at the depot in llrrrison. It is with rnaay rcgret3 that we leave what haa boeo our home for the past thirteen yi-ai End go a:n r.g strangers to form nw asseviutsa and friends. With our s'ay here wa have found many true and dear friends isiiich it pains us grea' ly to part ffira, bat such is 1,'e it i. ItneeMes ami mrtfig there U nothing on earth thut wiil stay, even 10 s miDit die with the year," so ttith thin isvje of o.ir items bid friu.ds atid Hioux oouiity Uoodijvc. ( Wj. Dasertsrs and Recruit Jfoti. Abram B. Ik-wit, fnafir Und say of JCvtitAi.l.y, es-GovpTtiiir V.'alkr of Coniteuticut, exA-'omptroibir -i kels and other proiuuf nt a4 lcg 0emo:rMts riml t')jmti;li't-s unable to fupfiort Mr. firyan for the peiifent on ths platform h ha constructed for h-mxelf, Huta ngainvt llieloH r,f 1bee goldbugs there is the ct off of Mr. WeUti.-r Utvis, Mr. Jiivis h;-s hot o ;.e vrt-, but I e can roar. Phii.ii!l:bi Itcord, 0 ily o"c 1-tit he is a lion, Jfovr nnti b do.- bryim' lo.o by mear.a r,f JbtwiH, V.'!I-i !!! rv-kle:? Tb-y all vui.-,) a. fiu-.t It'.'o four y-r.ir, siro, V.'clr-ti-r v,i J ui us m.n ccod tl .ii t, n -. . . .. i. ... i. . .. jfc.jfuiwiii-i nm.wi liiri. lint 0,i.i; if lUv is ,,ul alone. . V: cm lfl .1., ' . ' ' In it. u-l I , ... I ' .1- Talbot t of v,iw4&. V - - ni. nil. I Hi i ..- w i'.. .,... . "' " UHtl iMKW). , -STALLION- Will inalio tiio season at iny place lonrco Creek 7 PEDK WISDOM JR, 7 VTlT? "H 7- t rv l,5oo ibn Price: 'o.oo, to insure living Celt. ' V " HOBSHT KEEL. f w j vL'3 O'ii STALLIOX, WTA iivi!;.;- Ibo r.:-on of Kf'( attlie i?j iXKMANN LI VE IL Y HA UN iu Harrison; PEDJGRZE' Firtc n si.,ti t tit'is W'fi-lii, 1500 h;-. TJ::ni.S;$5.00 for tlif Pen (in. pMyubl" lisirbll',- f Ft ;n: n. Jcii:.; I)i:icf:yA.v:.'. Vl Hi iiWil YL'l xnak lite H"a:-on at tin: Dr-i.-linirirm jJrcf;., Li wry Darn ia Jlarri.-oii, Neb. vciiittiro. TEKaIS:-&h.OO to insure. , Care v;ili be taken to pre vent accident-1, but t-houM any t-r-ur I will not bo rt rpon:?i blc. - Jon;-,' II. Dkickmakm. ist club is fr Eryn ami mo.' of the members are rvpuN ,mi:s. Tim i,am- i.-i tr w cf tlw asijciation uf hotel twin and i 'r:i:;ii.rci,.l tl'.'ivvler:. Put to o;e r ..! i--,.-i-.. i., ' ' ' '"-'-' ;t ! ; 10 t.i.iK-i-rf wher- seven c'cil.s !, vr.;r,l for Iv.iil'iy in ir.j'S, will vj for Ji.-yau tttis. y ar. II- r,. !-... koov-s of a gr.tt bus' I:af.t cmp!y:r,jr mora thuu a thutm W'd bmd.H wl.jre th-y divi-icj even f.-.ur yi:i;'i, ;t;.;: Imt vi; hi, n!iooi.t Uuuu'.moUN '.jT l.ryau in ove;u'er. isoii-C'onfor- -dr. D 'ri' ii i;i Si ;..f..:'i at the l-o-.if !.,-, ;,, i ),, , ;-i-,,y ln!,,., t fiTStd ii.er.t -tb-.Ttt no! Zffl iilji. iticii in ti e U li 1 V ' : -I'-s to.ii, ' Am. tl,.-r p 0. p! e IU ti.n'(.itu!r Aillv eiioifli t 1.. i;..-v. u-.-b .1. i ni.'.-; It, St. n.v.ii i. . t!i-?r.'.-uaov.-4 ?.,'fA iU n-y.i tod.iy,' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cl.trke of j;nw- . .. j kt'i wvro g'.t'.ts ai. I . V. ( 1 irke lioinu over 1 i.xt fwhUith. Sir. .!,irkex pcl to statt bank at Kdgemont, K I);ik., !u tbn near Hilars, mj will fcii!)ftr go there todipot its mun:ic cnnmt in f r son, or cle ks uke asiatent Miniik will g- Vv'us It A MlnicJu? "Tiie ninrveloiis curj of Mr. Hna J. Stout f consumption has credited 1d-k-ns ext-itciDsnt in Carum:.;k. 7nr!." writes Miriori .Smart, a driii," gixt of Muncie, Ind. She oi.ly weighed 00 idiiiirlH vt.u herdockr in Voi ktr.n said she iiiu .f, swoii die. Tl:u Khe Uga to u' Hr. Hin-'s liow l, cov.uy and giiii d 21 pi.uil', in weiylit a,ii) nmconi. plete'y cui.!." H bus curtd thi.'iiitids of hopelk'.-s oases, and is poitirely guur Rateed to cure n'. Ti,Mat. Chest and i-'ing d;i.A-s. .Vki and ?1.00, Trial bottles free ai J. E. Phim,ey drug more, VHo Mpu Tiirnod Ytllow, (Ireut consloruati'in was (tit hy tin frtii.!s of M, A. llogarty of J-eiiiiKton. Ky., win it jiwy nan hi) var; tiiic,!-;,- yel low. lUtki,, slowly.. -ha tit-ed c.-lnr. nl- b's y-, kfid he fuilVrfd tcmhlv. His it-r-hi-iy wa fellow Jiir.-ticc, ij,. was 1rV..-l by t'l.-j M-1 Uii i r., hut without Ismsflu Thnn In-v.as dvluil to try Kleclrm lit tiers, the hoc rfi.I S(iu,;i'n and l.'n n r. i.! i, , writes "After ti-king two bollix f ws wholly -iir!." A tibil t,rov. ii !. h-fc-l t, i,.r- (.p i.lt i. t ... . i I i.iu.i i.-iiuuii vmi7 joe Dr(. J, c r.n....)S.y ' li;!.! hv WC ' "T"t Tt ' Sired by imported h f c PITT T 7? .It ! ft t; c; f ? tad I tl.tUllf ..ii - Vtrrtiii, Sacieli There ill be Xui at the Court rixs o:j Htni:lar, A",!-( .at s j ;.,." i"t lot k. C- L.Si'NTH, T '17 (7 ...,..), 'k:;jik).v - .srtittASSA." ul 1 0 u'tl ii-i . ia. K;iwortii r.i'r.jrr C:Tl p. ir. l'r-i;--!i!i.u ry Kuirluj- fvfiilnjr nt 7:"') !' in-, snil Mfrj r,lirtu lr aaikj Rt I u- nt. r.,ir.f!;e-i.-;s,- J, n:;, ry !i, J'sn'i- Kvf.-y tmily eurtllal' Irt iU.l 'n n'teiid thfif srvi('fn. i Iviiw-vOiw.iiil WvtLiw' J. ii. PiHNJCKV. M. I). FSyl-.cjSa Bed SiirgefiD, All ;! yl-:t?n .niijij t ni.;iiii,ion. c i.i iirr. stur. .UAi;;;iHt-ij - kixkaxka. GHAXT GUTHP.IC, wlornay-aMaw. Promjl atfeulkn given to all U: matters in J.it..;e, Cnt-i.ty and Listrict Courts, and Ivcfore the Ctiited States Land Otll . Piro Insurance written hi reliabll rornputiie;'. fLi'gal papers carefully drawn, JlARI.!.-iOV. - I-'UilttAKKA. . 31. J. O'Comii'i!, - - Co. Attorney, . "Will I'rnd'loo Ui All Courls. Inl Alteu'.hm (.irea to Land Of- flip Pa!llleS. follpclloits a::d all builness Milrnst ed tonic wiil receive prompt ndentlon. lUmnroy - Mkwiasea. Michael Ruffing ,:'11!VKUI, 1 I urn i( i:rf -t iii it.) ,11 wlU-u t,t ( li b ..isrylr' work. When iii w-idof the BiirvexorsPerviciH. cive me h i ul! n I In, v., full ....A l''t "utl.'t, t.,,-e1.hcr will) esisrien. e In do the wim'h with rssitflRMaoddispaU'k AJ'Witr.t, : MJCHArt. RUFFING, HAn.coM, - - - NC8A3K4. no: V-'H.?'! 1... M -xsin:ri......Li( t1 1 Mir- r vt tt 1 ,! An r r- '.'a V 4.'