Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 26, 1900, Image 7
Excellent Endorsement. "OPT" "LAVOMINQ BXTRACTO An Omaha Concern Commended b) AUA 1 . . FCDX . FAYCRITE FAULT POODS: MtTCLA COPll. MUMOOOK'S PUNI SPICKS. AND J 1 ISlIlP Burdock Bf Minister of 8tt Years' Standing. TbA friIUlU'fnff li.tt.-t- arHHan . PrAf and Mr. Khuras, expressly for publica- 1 I iiuit, t-ils It own story. H is frurn : tfV l. W Ti.Hrtur.n a ..l..,.i tnlnla . ' ler, who has bee n a preacher for thirty. ;lx yearn, and is well known throughoul Hie itate: YOUR QROOER HAS TtiEM ALL. Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS in all form of Private Din.-)- and Disorders of Men. Medicine and Treatment sent every where for fl.OO per month, ID yrs. In Omaha. Varicocele. Htrtcture. 7! typhllU, Ixwii Vigor and ' Vitality, Blood and all form of Nervoua Ih-lill-Ity unl Hernial Disorder, Carn (lurntml. t'ooaultatloa FKEE. Write today for FUEB advice. 1 19 So. I4ii St., OMAHA, NEB. & n) ffdlKE: '!! fcv 41 Miles shortcut to 8t. Louie. 28 MUCH shortest to Qulncy. THK ST. LOUIS CANNON BALL." LAST TO LEAVE; FIRST TO ARRIVE. Iave Omaha 5:05 p. m. Arrive St. Loul 7:00 a. m. Trains leave L'nlon Station daily for fit. Loul, Qulncy, Kansas City and all points East or South. Homeseekers' Excursions on sale 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. Steamship tickets to all parts of the world. For full Information, call at O. St. L. Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam St. (Paxton Hotel Block), or write, Harry E. Moores, C. P. ft T. A., Omaha, Neb. Farmers and Poultrymcn ! ! You Cam not aAord to be without LAJU'S LICE EXTERMINATOR. ymu Ii'2 Iron. Choler-u Hortet and Sheep from Distemper, hcrinche and Mange. Keep your Caul free from Flies, and Poultry from Cholera. Roupe, I Scaly tec &c- If your dealer does not lteep II. tend ? crnu lor a gallon. ukeoumicaIco. iiiScsahoav. Kaaeae City Mo. 1 Ir.ier1! Kidneycura. CtTtES nil Kidney rl Disease. lUck- arhe, etc. Atdrur- lata, or by mail. fists, or by man. I. Free book, ad- M etc, of Dr. a J. Kay. Saratoga, N. V. Dr. HENDERSON , .. 101 ad 103 W. 9th St-, KAmaOCITT.IfO. OfeWf let Ave mnd mqw loto Ji Krfulmr OruHumf ) Mnilrin. Aotbortaad by tb Slats to treat CHnontO, MMMtOVt AMD MFMVIAL D1BKAMMM. r Cores guaranteed or mooey r 11 funded. AU medicin fnniubad y W ready for use no mercury or in I ft. jnxloua SMdicUws need. No d lil tanaloo from bueineaa. Patient. I at a distaoos treated by mail sad 1 eipreea. Medicines ant every. haia free from ease or break!. No meda. ataes seat CO. D.. only by aw. Over aanersaat. tainM et.ODU eases enreo. as aan hw mnMnk Atata VOBT BUI and BBSd ob free and eonftdeatial, Seminal Weakness TXjrPfX 5CXUal UCDtllty. tla.aBd.xeM IMBtshM rnlilT " . rashes of Uood , psiaeta fruit. oooJaeed ideas aad 4 ssiasl an 1. toot cil manhood. Impo. tea, ate., eared for Ufa. I aaa atop rum Lmi, rewrote assaal power, restore serve and Stricture l&fin,jwm Its GleCt MrSsats. ae psia. detea- sin fWn aanTness Care naraaam. sea aad list of QwSiooe Private Dlaeaaea SZZ?ZX3BL BOOK tLZVnH atom dlssasss. tae aKsts aad fare, sseeled I seed fius took lar to s3y REV. E. W. JOHNSON. Seward, Neb., April 8, 1900. Prof, and Mrs. Khanis. 1015-17 Chicago Street, Omaha, Neb. Dear Friends: I write this to be pub lished, for I want to say to the public that I came to your place in Omaha last February suffering from what th beat of doctors said was Brlghts' dis ease, and I also had a severe case ol stomach trouble. In four days, aftei taking treatment twice a day, I wenl home perfectly well and had no Indi cations of a return of my former trou ble. I am going to take a course It Magnetic Healing and practice tht grand science myself for the good ol humanity. Thanking you for many fa vors, 1 am Sincerely yours, E. W. JOHNSON. N. B. Tou can get Information bj addressing Prof. Theo. Kharas, 1515 1517 Chicago street, Omaha, Neb. B sure to ask for what you want he'i not a mind reader. $20 WEEK SURE with rig to Introdnoe our Poultry remedy In country. EXCELSIOR MFG. CO. PARSONS, KANSAS. Wn nay SBC week for men or women KIMBALL BROS., MFGS. 10SI th M. , COUNCIL III.1JKF8, IA. COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMP Y OMAHA. Vol. 3No. 29-1900 SUMMER TOURS via the WABASH RAILROAD. On June 1st the Wabash will place on sale summer tourist tickets good to re turn until October 31st, to all the sum. mer resorts of Canada and the East. The Continental Limited Leaving Chicago at 12, noon; leaving St. Louis at a. m., which was so pop ular wnn tne traveling public last year. will run on same schedule time thti season. For rates, time tables, or furfher In formation In regard to trips East or tc Europe, or a copy of our Sumrne Tours, call on or write, G. N. CLAYTON. N. W. P. Agt., Room 405 N Y Life Bid., Omaha, Neb. WHEN GOING EAST Ask for ticket between Omaha and Chi cago via the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Ry. Trains depart dally from th magnificent new l'nlon Depot, Omaha, and arrive at the Vnlon Passenger Sta tion, Chicago. Finest equipped traini In the west. Electric lights, free re clining chair cars, buffet library and smoking cars, dining cars and palace sleeping cars. Send for an elegant Ilt tp vest pocket map of the road. In formation of any class and description cheerfully given on application to F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam St., Omaha. When the Egyptians of old met on the street their greeting was, "How do you perspire?" And this probably explain? the ancient origin of that dlabollca query, "Is is hot enough for you?" Menses surely brought on regularly, suppressions neglected often result in blond poisoning and (ul k consumption, and Is the direct cause of women's trou. hies; therefore keep the menws regular with "le I Due's Female Regulator," nd women will be happy and healthy. If It falls, Kkld Drug Co., Elgin, 111., send free medicine until relieved and fully (urd; tt per package, or 3 for 15, per mail. Retail and wholesale of Myers A Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Uluffs; Rlggs Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. S. Haker, Sioux City. A complete line of rubber goods on hand; ask for what you want. Chicago Is troubled with a plague ol bugs that pile upon the street cat tracks and Interfere with traffic. And yet It was Chicago that once referred to the germs In Kansas City drlnklni water. Don't fall to read Drs. Thornton 4 Minor's two-column advertisement which appenrs In next week's Issue ol this paper. This Arm has gained a wldi reputation In the treatment and cur of rectal diseases of all kinds, and thorn who are afflicted can do no better thar to read the advertisement and profli thereby. HAY! SWEEPS and STACKERS 2 or 3 wkMl side kltcfe. 3 or 4 wbatl rtar klteb. THE SEASON IS HERE We have tome print for you. Write (or it. KANSAS CITY HAT PRESS & MACHINERY CO., Omaba,Neb. K HIZEIIAH'8 OOUfiTSHIP. I Jlczckiiili Kimball, fit the urgent re quest of bis two neices, recently gave un account of his courtship. 1 the fctory a 'twas told to me. llew kiiih, after knockinff 'he ashes from his pipe, spread himself after the fol lowing fashion: "Well, fe'uls; I s'pose if I must tell you about it 1 must. Yeou -c, uheu 1 wnn a young felJer, 1 was about a big a goose us ever walked on two feet, alters tnkin' a notion of soiiie gill or 'nut her, and nllers get! in' into trouble. Wall, when I lived dowu to Braxton, there was a young girl couie there who whs most outragin poorty, und of course I took a hank erin' arter her. 1 got so badly in love I couldn't ent nothin' of no ac count, went around Jookin' very soleiuncholy. Dad and niarni didn't know what on arth was the matter with me, but finally they arrived at the conclusion that 1 was goin' in a gullopin' consumption. I didn't soy nothin', but 1 knowed all the time it wus a gallopin' gal that was ailin me. Her name was .Maria Hopkins, und I tell yeou, gain, she wus a stunner, "eke Blake and me used to go to see her a heap, and for a considerable spell it couldn't be said which ou us wus ahead. Zeke used to slick up mighty grand when he went to see her; he would slum on an awful lot of ile on his hair, und comb and comb, and slick up for ubout an hour afore he would start. I've heurn it said that the gal took a dislikiu' to me just because I didn't slick up quite enough when I went to see lies", but I really don't think that it was o. "Wall, it seemed to be about nip and tuck between us for a iong spell; but arter awhile Zeke got to goin' it like a streak, and 1 knowed it would all be over with me presently if I didn't wuke up and knock about with a little more ugility. "Wall, I axed her one night at singing-school, if she'd allow me to take her to a big quiltin' and log rollin that wus a comin' off the next week down to old Squire Barker's, in Huckleberry Holler, and she said as how she'd be mighty glad to go. I tell yeou, gals, 1 went home that night feel in' nwfu! good. 1 couldn't sleep a wink after 1 went to bed, but kept continually thinkin'about Muria. "The next night I slept a dreamish, feverish sort of sleep, that didn't seem to do me no sort of good. I would awake and start out of bed, iinaginin' I was at the parly, or Ihut 1 was ridin' alongside oftthe poorty Marin. "The time went on -awful slow but the day of log-rollin' come round at last. 1 slicked myself up, and down I went to Deacon Hmilh's. Yeou see, gals, Muria wus a sort of a milliner woman and marie bunnits nnd such like things,' nnd she boarded and had her shop down nt the tleucon's. "We started olT to Squire Barker's, and as we rode along we talked about every conceivable thing 'ceptiu' mat rimony. I didn't intend to say uny tiiin' on that topic until we should be a comin' home, but 1 had made up my mind I'd know that very night jest whether Maria would have me or not. She looked most 'ina.iu' poorty at the party, and Zeke kept hungiu' around her a leetle too much to be agreeable to a feller's feel in 'a, situ ated as I was. Once they both look erl ut ine at the same time, and Alalia kinder looked down nnd blushed and Zeke he kinder lurfed a little, and then tried to turn it off into a cough. Arter that I kept observin' of them poorly close. "Wall, poorty soon goin' home time come round, and Maria and I siarted. Afore 1 got sixty rods from the house I began to feel kinder queer, and 1 had half a notion to say nothin' about get tin' spliced. I did commence once, but I kinder choked, and turned it off. "When we got poorly nigh home I thought I'd try it ngu'n. Thinks I to myself, I'd better speak right out, now, for Zeke's goin' it strong, and he limy get nliead:and then again thinks I, I mayn't have another elutnee soon. "So says I, all of a suddint, '"Maria." "'I.iivv', sez she, 'Hezekinh yon spoke so despot you kinder startled me. But. what of it, Jlezekinh?" "Maria," sei: I, 'I'd like mighty well to la; a relation of yourn.' , "'indeed,' sez she. 'What relation would you like to be to me?' " 'tiuess,' sfiys J. " 'An aunt,' c. she. "i'shaw." sez 1. 'Maria, what's the use o' foolin'? 'S'pose you guess agnin?' " 'Wall, nn uncle, then,' sej she. "'.No, 'taint an uncle,' sez 1. " A cousin then,' sez she. "'No, 'taint no cousin," sez I. vnll, I can't guess,' sez she. Yes, you can,' sez I. 'Co ahead. Maria; you're doin' fust rale.' "'Wall, is it n brother?' sex she. '.No.' sez I, 'it aint a brother; it'a someth In' -nearer and dearer than o brother.' "'If that's the esse,' sex she, 'it must be a father or a mother;' nnd. or she kbhI this a little softlarf rolled out of her mouth. "'I'shnvv!' hfz I, 'Maria, how you do go on.' "I had half n mind to give It tip, and I've wished a hundred timr since I had. But I plucked up cour age, nnd sez I, boldly, ".uarin, will you marry me? " 'I won't,' sez she. "'I don't care two straws,' sez I 'Yon can go to grass.' "We rode on home, bill, I tell you, (fills. we didn't talk much more. ".Now you know when mst fellers get miltrned they go round nvvful solemneholy, Intt I didn't net thnt way. I slept Ivetter Hint night nrler I got home Hmn I'd slept for two weeks. I didn't tnhe on hard about It nt all. "In tiboiit six months nrter that Mnrln married Zeke Blake, nnd T 1e! you I have been glnd ever since that I didn't get her. They wiy she didn't know nothin' wlin'snmevor nbont things couldn't keep house no more than n Hottentot. " Wall, I don't fall in love soon again, 1 tell you. I kept clear of. the rtoiuen loin alter that for two whole yeuis, and then, dad aud niiinn got to tulkin' lo me about slickiu' at hum so close, and said 1 ought to be pik.n' round 'niun!'st the (als, and 'nebby I'd hruj a wile. 1 told them j iidu' want no wife, but they kept on 'ulkiii' and finally 1 concluded to g.j ;r-st to pit use 'cm. "There was un old felier named Jake fclojier, who lived about thret units from our house, and the oid teller had a mighty slick darter. He called her Betsy. Wall, 1 got goin' to Slrqier's occasionally, and by-and-by 1 got to likin' Betsy more and more. Fact is, gals, I got to feelin' about as slushy like us I did when I wus courtin' Maria. 1 felt convinced lletsy was a slicker gal than ever Maria dared to lie, but I was fully de termined I wouldn't nx another gal without feelin' poorty sure 1 would come oil with fly in' colors. "One night I went down toSIoper's and I found a feller there a fight slick lookin' sort of a chap he wus, too. Arter we had all Bot and sit for an hour or two, and arter I hi.d fid geted round a little, as if I 1 ad a notion of goin' home, Betsy, she jumped up and run out of the room, nd sez she, " 'llezekiah, come here; I want to show you our new cider-mill!' "1 riz up, and went out, und Betsy whispered to me, " 'Don't you go away, ITezekiah. Make that other feller go. Be sure and stay him out.' 'That was all she said, and then we went back to the other room. I guess the feller got mad, 'cos he didn't get to see the cider-mill, ro he got up and bolted off poortv soon. "'Now,' thinks I, 'if Betsy had rather have me spark her than thnt other feller, she must like me some.' Ro to make a long stay short, I axed her that very night if she'd be Mrs. llezekiah Kimball, and she said she would willingly. And now gals, we've been married more'n forty years, and I haint ever regretted that I axed Betsy." TOKIKS OF CENEHAI. LAWTON. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. One Time In HI Life He Was Scared HIs Taciturnity. Many good stories about Gen. Law- ton have come to the surface since bis death, says the Army and Navy journal. Mai. f'utnian Bradless Strong, who was on the staff of Gen. MacArthur in the Philippines, says Luwton confessed to being afraid once in his life. That was when he wus rilling his 12-year-old son Manley past I'aco cemetery, at Manila. It seems that a Montana detail had just buried a comrade when a California burying detail came up. Somehow they failed to get cartridges and asked the Montanas for some. The latter had nothing but ball cartridges. "Oh, they'll do," said the Califor nia sergeant. "Beady, tire!" came the order a mo ment later. The bullets went whizzing over the grave and over the stone Wall, on the other side of which was riding Gen. I.awton, his head oniy a few inches below the wall. The bullets made a bseeze as they weut uast. That was the only time 1' can remember being scared," said the general later, "but my boy spoke up and said: "I'apa, is this like being uuder reul fire? 11' it is, 1 like it." During the early years of the civil war a jwrty of young men walked out of a theater iu New York after the performance of an opera then popu lar, "Maritana." Standing head and shoulders above his companions was Henry VV. Lawton, then captain of the 13th Indiana. The martial spirit of Don Caesas de Bazen completely won him. The tenor on that occasion was an excellent one, and the young cap tain was taken with the famous solo, beginning. "Yes, let me like a soldier fall Upon some open plain." He asked the bandmaster of his reg iment to learu the piece upon which his fancy had fallen. When the selec tion arrived theband master was dis mayed to find that it was almost strictly a tenor solo. Nevertheless so persistent was Capt. I.awton that he turned the solo into a march, which the band played as one of its favorite pieces of the regiment. And during the continuous rise of Capt. Luwton through the various grades to that ol colonel of the regiment he never lost his love for that bit of song. After this was his love for the piece contin ued until, among his friends, it be came almost known os l.avvton's song. When (Jen. luwton was called upon for a speech at the Gridiron club in Washington, the club composed of newspaper men, his name was men tioned with a most cordial reference to his soldierly qualities, which Law ton heard with a calm smile, as he sirt half-facing the presiding officer. The applause that followed the intro duction wus immense and hearty, the diners rising to cheer and wave their napkins at the tall, slender man in uniform. Standing for a moment us straight as nn arrow. Gen. Lawton bowed first to the chair, then lo the right and then to the left, once more to the presiding officer and sat down. He picked up his cigar anil again be came a siiectator. The cheering that followed wns as tumultuous and ap preciative as if It hod been evoked by the wittiest of remarks. The generul had not been distressed at the expec tation that he was to be called on. He enjoyed himself nnd the merriment of the occasion, evidently having deter mined that he would utter no sound when summoned, and his performance was so absolutely In key with his rep utation for taciturnity thnt it took the company ns thoroughly captive ns it he had uttered a great sentiment or told a funny story of soldier experience. (luernsey Is (o be the nnntc of the railroad and commercial center of the Hsrtville mining region In eastern Wyoming. The iron ore in this dis trict is reported to be tinusunlly rich, ild the quantity apparently unlimit ed. The Burlington is huiMing nil extension up the North I'latte valley tnnt will probably reach Guernsey earlv In lb We supply four-fifths of the world'a cotton. Texas has 30,660,772 acres of unim proved land. Xew Hampshire's annual shoe output is JUS.OOO.OrjO. The Toklo Labor World says that the factory system of Japan Is ''simply a slaughtering house of human beings." Kansas girls In men's attire In the harvest field earn J1.50 and 2 a day at light woik, driving a header box col-lt-sting the wheat. Youngstown, O., claims the largest blast furnaces In the country, if not in, the world. Recent tests have demon strated close to an SOO-ton capacity for pig iron in twenty-four hours. Electricity has Just been added to the making of cigarettes and cut tobac co, with the result that 180,000 cigar ettes and 5,0000 pounds of cut tobacco were produced in one minute. Hun dreds of hand workers will be dis placed. The International Union of Steam Engineers has granted charters to un ions in St. Paul, Baltimore and Omaha last month, and have secured the eight. hour day for all engineers employed In twenty-six breweries in the city of Bos ton. A thousand dollars an acre may be taken out of a patch of strawberries in a season of five months' labor. This sounds like a fairy tale, but It Is Just what has been done for the last thirty years by Henry Jerolaman of Hilton, N. J. The clgarmakers of York, Pa., are fighting hard to drive out the New York firms who are endeavoring to establish sweatshops In that town. The fight la attracting the attention of organized labor throughout the country and Is be ing watched with a good deal of In terest. WHEN CHILDREN GROW MOST. The laws of chlldgrowth are curious. Boys do more growing in the 17th than in any other year; girls in the 14th. Girls usually reach their full height at 15; boys at 18 or 19. From the 11th to the 1th year the av erage girl Is bigger and stronger than the average boy. She can't do the same "stunts," but that's only because she isn't In training. She has the mus cle all right. From November to April children grow very little. From April to July they gain In height most rapidly. From June to November they gain In weight. In hot countries children of both seves mature much more quickly. The winter cold seems to retard the growth of children just as it does of plants. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, Es: Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he fo the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1S86. A. W. QLEASOX. (Seal.) Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Indianapolis Journal: "You can al ways tell a bridegroom." "How?" "He Isn't afraid to take men home to dinnei without telephoning his wife." Why not doctor yourself? "Gonova" Tablets are guaranteed by Kidd Drug Co., KlRin, 111., to cure oil diseases inlliimma tionw, ulcerations of the urinary system, organs, bladder, etc., or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed lot falls. An Internal remedy with injection com bined: the only one in America. Price, $3, or 2 for JS, pent per mull. Retail and wholesale of Mvi-ri Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, Soulh Omaha; Da. vis Drug Co., Council Bluffs; K1kTS Phar macy, Lincoln; it. p. liaser, nioux t.iijr. Complete line of rubber goods; ask for what you want. CANCERS MP, aadrwU of Prwala Qladty TnsMb Cwaum Core W I tka ml the KaUa. Writ to Soma of tha Panel diodIhU are Given Helow YoarMlf That This la Tree. DR. E. O. SMITH OF KANSAS CITY, as Cored Hnndrrda of Caaa Hoplcaa and it l our Caaa by Hamaa Agency, He eaa deaf. Don mot ask rom fa.v m WHAT HE DOKS NOTDO,BOTMaSI riHII AND A8KS KOI BtaS rAAT AITEBWABM. BEAD THESE TESTIKSSUL iTFf Ctneer a Brt flrateraosst. Ma Dak.. Sr. S. 0. Smith. Kauai City . Me. mj near liocior; it (lias to Inform yea of tht tafa Mara wua. who arrived Saturday, the MSB lectly raetored to health aai baanla la natortag my wife (e suae fmm rooa-ht Bleaasra aad kaDBtaeas te eat bonathold, for which It la headless teowaBBBtaa wnm. ii aiao uvea as Meagre to teaoer to yos oar anteMeBaBBBal f oar great kladaaaa to my wwe wattf weeatfBkf tmDt. for which we will alwava aaat wea enl fvmw TIMJ UWU W1W IB gTBlBIBI are trnaly grateful ea kla for i aooc atoaioa we eaa odIv dtbv that aaace will bleea, protect aad keea ware laroagi iue, aaa IB aeata ease eteralty. ttratanuly year. aaiai aaa BrBa. BBueeaa la a letter ol Oetehee 1st. aire. Weaasai mn bj eatlrely well aod la pteaoM beakS feavef aaicted writ te her about as. aa H kaad Abj4 4 Fremlntnt Attorney Cure4 a tne tur. Oberlla, Kea, JatraT.1 Sr. B. O. tana. Kaaaa City, M: Dear Sir aad rnead .I bbj O. Z. tetter la mj life, thee ataea aty ratera aai whereas before that I was treahM la aedr buds tor leverai aioataa. i eat aew aa p my ead at the offloe aad at baa eaeaaaJ orchard, we are all well aad I wtea bb ae I awaiarly reateaibered to Mrs Salts. Frateniaiiyyeert a. 3 tufferrt 17 1eereCvre4 en tt I bt!llBe-Mr, Kea. Sec.! Sr. S. 0. talth. eae. City, Me. Dear Sir: I bad beea Billeted I reare with epithelial caaeer waea laaaatadaev bt weataveat. ib toineea oays awes. eared and without the nae of taae. ii statement tor the benest of eaaeer i tag they may be lasaeBeed by avy i go te f oa lor treatment. Venn Truly, S.S Other Doctor FeJleel fa Omim i Prairie Home. Mo.. Ser.l Br. B. O. Smith. Kant a City, Me. Dear Mr : It Is with pleeaare that 14 year treatmeat at a cancer oa us luiapi aomplete racceat. It wh ol ahoat lew tending and for a year I had tahea I of other doctors, but to no avail. I easwaBW I aad you cared my cancer la 1 eare. I i grateful to yon ae loag a I live. Toara Truly, Willi looke Like Himeelf Age. r. B. 0. Smith. Kauaaa CltT. Me. Dear Doctor : I . write to tell rea had that th cancer von treated oa ear 4 atirely cured, and I am back te cay .eta again, w ben 1 went to yoo tor welgnea one Hundred ana flv pa weigh one hundred and ilxtv-two they all eay I am looking like myeeHa Tell Mrs. Smith that we thank hart tore. We thank you both every day at ear I we shall sever lorevt what roa aaaeaM aa. We have bees tryina to get we ef ear 1 bore to come and eee you. I Utldhioi ttaaaPpj tela you eoua cure aim teat ae w lour gratefai meaaa. M. AJVD Mas.BBBi ( Mr. Culler waa cared of adrrbas caewereva SK small of the back, that measured atx ajwaeell and down and Bve Inches Acraae. Ae aaajeat tared for nearly two yeare She le Sure She It Our. white Be. I Pr. B. O. Smith Sanitarium Co.. Kb Dear Doctor and Mrs. Smith ? auldance of kind providence ead treatment 1 am completely cured of teat an malady, cancer. My breaatai eataa and I consider myeall cared. I swaids ten you eoouer but wanted to -be ease at tared. I feel (rater ol to you nota ler Baei acta of kinaaeu ana courtesy eaowaaaee rour home. I felt at home than. The eaa waa not Dearly aa aev re ae I autre aaaa at I be. I will heartily recemmeod yon what ( I pportunlty. My frteuJa ail thlsk I haaa-a troved wonder-tolly. Pleaae accept aybaaaBal Aanta lor an yon nave aone tor em. wishing yon euocee la f emain ever your friend. .-- LPCBJWA 1 TeZesYll at Be sure and read the advertisement f Drs. Thornton & Minor of Kansas Oty in next week's issue of the paper. If any of the readers or their friends are troubled with any rectal diseases the,,- will be Interested In reading what others say of their treatment and methods. Chicago Typewriter: "Your typewri ter girl Is a very gay and picturesque dresser." "Well, that's all right; if she can make It appear that our wholesale leather business Is a garden party, I have no objection." Vital weakness and nervous debility can be cured. "Vlrtusma" Tablets are guar anteed bv Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111., to cure all nervous diseases, debility and vi tal losses, or send free medicine until cured If guaranteed lot fails. Pale, thin, emaciated, tremblritg and nervous people should try these tablets; greatest of nervo tonics. If vou are not what you ought to be, or want to be and can be, gl them one trial and vou will praise them for ever, fl a package, or 3 for 6, per mail. Retail and wholesale of Myers & Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs; Rlgus Pharmarv, Lincoln; H. 8. Baker, Sioux Cltv, Full line of rubber goods; ask for what you want. Boston Transcript: Mrs. Mann I art afraid, Martha, young Mr. Styles is uo altogether correct In his habits." "Oh, you think that because he and pa art such good friends, but after we ar married I shall Insist on Charles hav ing nothing to do with pa." Drs. Thornton & Minor of Kansat City, Mo., will have an advertisement In next week's Issue which should b rend with Interest by any one troubled with rectal diseases of any kind. Th large numher of people who give testl mony In regard to the treatment anrj cures is proof enough that they cer tainly cure any case of the above dis eases , TrnaiiA whU 1? IS! flk'tr I Be timsh H;ru. Taeiea (rood. Cat 1 In owe -id by rlnierl'r. Lilt ef a Few c.'W.kaatA. J The following llet gives nwiea ant ef a number of former patients whoas J lured of cancer. We aek any r tillered Bauaant eAr read tliln advertisement to rrtte te etaf auuB ef the naoiea given and lecra tor 'thuaaaaejg whether or aot.ruy treatment ie aaox ralUaaf eaj ore to cure. I do hot accept your atoaeattav have cured you. Tule anouid Jue -criae-aatevaasj elent to ealiefy the mont acepUcel. Oa ae lai tueatyou, write to my former patients aa If jUl are convinced by toeir letters, write vny Inlormet.ou you wtnh and I will give tt to you Ire of auy coet. Mre. Jennie Uoodlna, 711 w. 13th A Cltv, Mo, toured of cancer of the brer Katie 1. Boch, vi Armetrung Are... uty, nan. lurea oi cancer or to urea at. L. J. Hancock, all E. 2'nd St.. (or three jejes j principal of Adame achool, Kaaaa 0(r. ass Cured of two cancer of the face. i Mrs. J. W. Shannna, M Ohio St. Kaa. Cured of cancer 0. the breaat. A. M. Parkin, 607 . tsth SI Mo. Cured of cauuer of cheek, law. Mrs. A. M. Kllckner, lav I Flora Aeeotaaaa City, Mo. Cured of cancer oa forehead. M. Little, tie Wvaudottt St., KaaeeaOBy. Ml tured of cancer of noae. Jaa. Hanuon. Ittt Urand Ave Mo. Cured ot cancer of face. Oeo. Kyaa, Uls E. tilth St., Ka Pared of cancer ol Dager. ' lievid una. txi cypres (jaay. Baa TO rea ol cancer oi nana oi eigut yi Che. R. Uuntlngtoa, ssit Koch an Cltv. Mo. Cured of cancer of ear. Mr. Aathoay Smith, cor. th aad J Its., Kanaa city, Kaa. apuaeiuu. a ted ob the end of the aoee, treated -grT. aaal Frank OllllBsd. 1717 Holm aw. Owed t ea an- ot the )aw In ItM. LlHle Hierdon. rid and Or Ma. Aeaea Bty. Mo. Cured of eaaeer ot tea ear. Thoe L. Tucker, iit, ' Mill., Ut Sheer of face and noae. C. S. Orooui, Uooch'a Mill, Me, an ot lowerJIp. Jacob ciua, Tuujah, Mo. Cured ef the lac,' Mr. Julia mcbolt, Jamaatowa, M. tancer of the face. We aiao refer to Rev. Phillip, past M. E. Church of Jauieatowa, Mo., a a ej-veral cnaea we have cured. 1. W. Morse, Terry, ho. Dak. Caret el tt lip, 1W7. Mr. Kllen Default, New rieraaea. Me. ef cancer of the lace. . Paul hohler. Arltona. Neb. Cured etaaaul lb lip. Dr. Smith treats Canoe, Lewta rumors, Scrofula, Old Sores, tatlaavj Diseases. Parties detlrinc t.ettmeot eaa tleSa rive satisfactory references or I money m any bank, to be paia ire ready to go home cured. doet not auk pay for what he dkMaws4B but cures first and tskrt pay tfisBSl 1 His down town office it si the tMaVeaea orner of Tenth and Main streets, , he may be consulted free of ehBwS t:;iu a. m. to4:;w p. m. aim wetem hours he can be teen at his prlvmeSStaSl Urium. Tenth and Cleveland avectht. Pamphlets and circular ea Utters and Hits of of Dersoutl tancer cheerfully furnished Ursa tafa tpply for them either Id awrats a 11 kutef K. U. BMITU. K.0.. KsGtSJaO eretdfe a)