Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 19, 1900, Image 7

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a; S
101 u 103 XT. Btk t,
Qrf w Jo and Ismgert Tnrnt
feer Yw Hprrinl Hraeltrm.
Snthorieed by the Stat to tre,.i CnitONTO,
KMttfUVU AKU SiEilAL lilbEAlxil
curat futranteied or mony re
fund!, all medicine furnlthed
rrni t for tiaft tin rruirriirv fir irk
I 4 iurioua mediciuea tiwul. Nn t.
fontion from bottinea. Patieote
at distance treated br mtil and
tinr..! U ,l , , . ......
where, fr from km or breakage. No medi
fiaee eent C. O. D., onir be a-roernent. Cbarcaa
low. 0r W.OUO cut eured, Aa and I pert
DC are uunorUnV hUU four uu and eend
lor tarma. txmtultatioa free and r-mnltatiil.
aaraaaauj or by Utter.
JSE xuaYSebilfty. fSSH
nr VeritJi tJuk ninths-
Mmpla and blotcbea on the far, run be of blood
to tba bead, paioi in back, ooafuaad Ideas and
Inrtatfalnnaa, beebfalaeaa, eeerttoo to ecwietr,
of aasoal power, Inee of manhood, impo
pnea, ate., em red for life. I can atop Dibt
loeaee, raatora eexnal powar, rratora terre and
rein powar, enl.rre and stresftbaa weak part
tad make jroa At for marriace.
Stricture HadleaDr eared with a Dawaad
7 ' i"lr lalalUMa feaae Tnefeal, No lo-
nu atnuneota, bo pain, no deteo-
Mod from buineu. Care cuaranwMd, Book
and lie of quertloua free aialed.
Private Diseases SrarondwS
VLffU ft both eexea tl pac, U pie rarer
DVUI trne to life, with full description of
above diaeatet, the effeeta and care, Beat mM
In plain wrapper for 6 eente In atampe. Ion
ihonld read thia book for ba IttforniataOB it
eon taint,
M. B. Bute cw and aak for lirt of guaHona
Jwaaa il una afAMMtumi, tor aaaa oaleV
Somervllle Journal: The way to fret
on in the world In to do your lying
abed early in the evening, instead if
In the morning.
Washington Htar: "You don't f-ra
to be taking much Interest In the party
platform. I am afraid you don't tecog-
nlze Its true Importance." "There you! whose Hudio was
Dr. Dienich was not prospering in
Lis practice. Day utter day lie satin
the big titty chair iu his office oc;
the drug h,,jre U,1(J play,.,! t.hw.c.r(,
Willi JlOpkillK. tlie llhotOfri-M nln.r
41 Mllea rhortest to Ht. Loula.
2S Milea slioncrt to Qulncy.
Leave Omaha jmij p m.
Arrive St. Loula ":Ma. m.
Trlna leave I'nlon Htntion dally for
St. Loulx, yulncy, Kansas City and all
points East or Houth.
Uomeaoekera' Excursions on gale 1st
and 3d Tuesday of each month.
fUeamr.hin ticket to a)l parts of the
world. Kor full Information, rail at
O. & Bt. L. Tl.ket Olllre. 1415 Farnatn
ft. (l'nxton Hotel Klock), or write,
Harry K. Moores, C. I'. & T. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
$20 WEEK SURE ,5
ft njttf fjn
w eek for men
wiin rix 10 ini rooure our Moiiliry renipriy In
I Br. L
n'RKS all Klilney
IiHeues, Hiirk
ache, etc. Atilruj'
t'!stH. or by mail,
(1. Freo tKHtk. ad-
rlce, etc., of Dr, U. J, Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.
Fanners and Poult rymen ! !
Ifeltiji" "". 'cm lliolcrj, tiin and
11 ieljl t- iMMrrr.pgt, Strauhet r,il
Tja" &t MaK Kcryimi ('attic ire bom
' '''" ar"1 ''"y '' h'.l'ra. rtrnip.
I BtfaEE ""y . I' v-.nr dealer nut
-.j Hr,n! 71 r"rt!l'r a Bail .n
UKECHlMICAlCO. I (j 1 3 u and ay.
Unnmnn VII y" ilo.
-X'fjty htALL. rMsiarAt
1051 01b M. COI'NCIL UI.I KFS, I A.
OMAHA, Vol. 3-No. i:8-1900
Dr. K. O. Pmlth of Kansas t:ity. Mo.,
the famous spela:ist in the treatment
jf cancer, will have a column ad. In this
paper next week, to which we call your
attention. He has a treatment which
positively fures, and hit) cures Bre per
manent, head the ad. and write him
for further information.
2 or 3 wheel side hitch.
3 or 4 wheel rear hitch.
We have $ome print for
you. Write for it.
misjudge me," answered Senator Kjr
ghum, seriously. "I recognize its Im
portance thoroughly. Why, sir, the
sentiments expressed In the platform
are what get about all the votes that
don't have to be paid for.'
Chicago Tribune: "Henry, I wish you
wouldn't lie down on those sofa cush
ions. Your clothes are dusty and they
smell of tobacco." "Indeed, Genevieve?
What are these sofa cushions for, may
I ask?" "You know very well. Kido
sleeps on them."
Detroit Free Press: "I see that the
German count's balloon can be steered
In any direction the owner pleases if
the wind Isn't too strong." "What does
he call It?" "I don't know. What do
you suggest?" "Llmburger. It gets
very high, you know, and always trav
els with the wind."
Washington Star: "Do you think the
money question ought to figure In a
platform?" "Of course," answered Sen
ator Sorghum. "If anybody can make
'money' get him votes by putting it in
the platform Instead of paying it out in
cold figures, r don't see how you con
reasonably blame him."
Detroit Journal: "Oh, how I long,"
she exclaimed, intensely, "for the stren
uous life!" Her husband sighed. To
resist further were clearly vain. "Very
well," he said, in a hollow, despairing
voice. "Do you think seriously of going
on the stage or of keeping two ser
vants?" It muttered not to him; the
expense would be about the same In
either case.
Detroit Free Press: "It Is proper tt
say that a person commits matrimo
ny?" asked the Ignorant one. "Well,"
replied the sarcastic bachelor, "it would
make It somewhat plainer to say thai
he was guilty of it."
Chicago Post: Husband I would bt
fine If we could get some nice summei
place near the city where I could set
you every day. Wife Hut it would cost
so much. Husband Not nearly sc
much us If you were out of my reach.
Washington Star: "You are not ont
of these men who find fault with tlx
cooking at home?" "No," answered Mr.
Meekton, "I don't exactly find fault, bui
occasionally I do feel called to to apolo
gize fur the way things taste whet
Harriet gets home from the club. Yoi
sec, I never could learn to make gooc
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucai
County, lis:
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that h
Is the senior partner of the firm of K.
across the lial!.
lUil for once that lie was called, the
J liotofrrapher was called !(j times,
and biihinehs was not particularly
l.risk with the photographer. Dr.
iJeinich, who w as great ly , corpulent,
liMhniatic and bald, and whose bul
lous nose, crimson-veined and polish
fd, proclaimed nothing- more than
the truth about him. was wont, to
tell Hopkins that the public taste had
become pcrverent. I'eople, be said,
preferred to call in a lot of empirical
young chaps, fresh from some cheap
John school, with a lot of poppycock
about bacteriological cultures and
serums, and dude clothes and five
inch collars; they had no use for
men of experience and judgment. A
man that was any good at all might
lust as well quit the business.
Complaining thus, the physician
would hoiKt himself out of his chair
and shamble over to his little dispen
sary, which divided an old-fashioned
mahogany bookcase with the medical
library; fhere he would pour some
dark-brown stuff into a graduate
Klass and take the dose without winn
ing. Returning to his seat, be would
bite off a large piece of olmr tobacco
nrd proceed to tell Hopkins of the
palmy days when he held a county
job of surpassing softness and snap
piness. Also of his lucrative connec
tion with two or three life-insurance
companies that had tmforl unately
failed, owing to the untimely demise
of two or three of the insured. He
was certainly a practitioner, of exper
iences, if not of experience, suppos
ing nil these stories he told Hopkins
to be (rue.
Hopkins had n profound respect for
Or. Dienicli, both ns a checker nlnrnp
and ns a gentleman of eminent scien
tific attainments. Once he had been
afflicted with n boil on (he back of
his neck, and Doc IMofield Wl
keyed with it for a week 'thout help
in' it a nnrticle. Tln.r, hn ..,. t-,..-
I'ienieh. an ol Doc just nach'ally
fixed him up some kind o' truck that
knocked that boil nut in Pi ,,.
Therefore Hopkins received Tie r;'
(..I.'... . . ,.HII
ens estimate of public, discr
Hon with entire confidence
"Win- don't
VOIl (TV Klltliln' nlnr.
Doc? he asked of his friend one
morning. "If T had your edercalion
they couldn't keep me down. I'd fool
"The American people like to be
humbugged. Andy," Ra;( rr. Dienicli
with slow and solemn emphnsis!
Ihcv like to be hiimhne-rred. Tf T
ff'is one of them smart little blnther-
Km' "'iP I'loficld. with a pointed
beard and patent-leather shoes, I'd
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the;,.,, ' ' '
Imvc in rl0 if, tvp rnnn., rl ,
city of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay tlif
for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of
Hail's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D. 1888. A. W. O LEA SON.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, "ac.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Small boys, and many times large ones,
and occasionally girls, too, big and little,
suffer terribly from convulsive pains or
"cramps" in the bowels and stomach
pain so violent that it "doubles up" the
ones attacked, and makes it impossible for
them to stand up. ,
Some people call it colic, but most honest,
plain-spoken people call it "belly-ache" and very
properly, for the seat of the trouble is in the
bowels, and caused by the violent efforts of the
bowels to rid themselves of something; which
doesn't belong- there. The small boy usually
?-ets it from over-eating or from eating- forbidden
ruit, and suffers mostly in the summer time.
It's spring- now, and "in times of peace, prepare
for war." Let the boys and girls and the big
folks, too, for that matter, clean out the clog-ged
channels filled with winter bile and putrid undi
gested food, strengthen the 30-feet of bowel
canal, liven up the liver, and "summer belly
aches will have no terrors, because they won t
aches will have no terrors, because they won t
The way to make the body ache-proof is to use CASCARETS, gentle, sweet, fragrant
FTC the txrfect system cleaners and bowel strengtheners. For fear that anybody in the
fib" A DITTO tli neef-f evatrm elranerf ,
lamilv should ever be attacked by belly-ache, keep a box ol CASCARETS in the house always, and
remember that all pains nd troubles in your insides are
if irian-y .linn w
y y YY'irV 11
JivrveUi "w-Jwi a-" a.
T nv needy mortal wiferlnf from bowrl trouble, and" too poor to buy CASCARETS wc will tend bo L-e. Addreat
Sterling K?nw4y -ompny v-iutu w . ri
...,, ii,mp ro pr.ictioe unless I want
to- Pav. Andy, von never heard of
Plofleld beintr railed on to give expert
" ' 1 1 j n m i y neiore flic courts, did yon"
T guess not. I wish liafi a ,,,1
money I've mnde that way in
pocket right now. all the same."
T guess they pay good fees," said
the photographer.
"I guess they do, if you're testify
ing for the right kind of people arid
vou testify good and strong and pos
itive," replied Dr. Dienicli, winking
elaborately. "All the same, Andy, T
ought to be making money now. f
don't know but I'll do a little hum-buc-ging
The doctor was still in this repre
hensible state of mind when he look
ed over the grease-spotted morning
paper in the perpetually soiled and
sloppy restaurant where he took his
meals, and saw this advertisement:
WANTED Physician with SHOO; a
snap for wide-awnke man; none but
regularly qualified need apply. H.,
room 426 Oalen block.
"That looks as if it might suit me."
mused Dr. Dienich. "A snap! Well,
a snap is something I haven't any
particular objection to. 'A wide
awake man!' I guess I've cut niv
f.vefeelh. It won't cost anything to
look into this, anyway."
When Dr. Dienich entered room 418
he thought he must have made n mis
take. Five or six young women were
seated before as many desks, clatter
ing away on typewrit tern at a tre
mendous rate. Two others were ap
parently sorting o(tPrR ) alphabet
ical order at a long table, while a hoy
read addresses from along slip to a
sharp-featured man, who entered
tl en. in n hook and ca'lei1 t l.rin ba.-k
lo the boy in a high-pitched, monot
onous tone or voice. Ii was a scene
j of more than ordinary business ac
jtivity, and Dr. Dienich, looking there
Ion and concluding that nobody con
I n pc ted with the establishment was
I likely to have a snap, waR nbont to
I back out, when the shnrp-feaf nred
mnn broke off in the middle of an ad
dress, and with n winning smile nsk
,ed what lie could do for him.
j "I called to see about an advertise
ment, in this morning's paper," said
.Dr. Dienicli, hesitatingly.
"Ccrtalnly."said the sharp-featured
man, reassuringly. "That's all right:
you want to see our Mr. lilevins. I'll
seee If he's engaged, if you'll kindly
lake a chair."
i He went into nn Inner office, and,
coming out again, said that Mr. lilev
Ins would see the doctor, whom he
ushered into the presence with great
politeness. Dr. Dienich found Mr.
Hlevins to be a comparatively young
man. with a knowing look and n
brisk, businesslike manner. He was
opening letters ns Dr. Dienicli came
in, nnd the physician noticed (hat he
was taking smalt silver coins from
them, and that there were several
nenl llllle piles of dimes nnd (pinrlers
on the desk, as well (is a thick stack
of bills under n heavy paperweight.
Mr. Hlevins laid down his paper
kuife, and, swinging u round on Lis
revolving chair, faced his visitor nnd
plunged directly into business.
"You are a regularly qualified phy
sician?" he asked.
"i am," replied Dr. Dienich.
"You can show me your liploma
and satisfy me that you are all
right V"
"I guess I can."
"Would you strain a point or two
if professional etiquette if there was
enough money in it?"
"If there was enough money in it I
I believe you are about the man I
want." said Mr. '. lilevins, smiling
pleasantly. "You can put up $300?"
"I can, if you can satisfy rue it's a
good investment," said Dr. Dienich.
"Well," said Mr. Hlevins, after a
moment's pause, "here's the scheme.
If you don't like it, let it alone, and I
trust, you treat our talk as confident
ial." Dr. Dienich nodded assent.
"All right. This is a mail-order
business. We advertise in New York.
Prston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and
P.uffalo papers right now. Here's the
advertisements; look them over when
you've got time, now. Here's the
I'hix-TI Purifier, that's a dollar a bot
tle, three bottles for a dollar and a
Jialf; nnd the Phi-U Pills, six boxes
for a dollar sample boxes ten and
twenty-five cents. Consultation free;
blanks mailed on application. That's
all right. We wouldn't exnect you to
diagnose or prescribe. We've got a
good, handy young man to do that.
All yon have to do is to sign the pa
pers. Here's the situation"
They were interrupted here by the
entrance of a bov with a waste-paper
basket full of letters, which he
emptied on Mr. Plevin's desk, to that
gertleman's evident annoyance.
"lon't yon bring in letters that
wav again." he said to the youth, se
verely. "T told you about 'that the
last time."
He opened one letter in a casual
sort of wav and took out a dollar bill,
after which he passed the letter
across to Dr. Dienich. who glanced
over if and handed if back.
' Here's the situation." continued
Mr. lilevins. ns soon as the bov had
ror.e out. "We cm run this awhile
without a' doctor we've done it, but
we get busted up in business too of
ten. T want to get down to a settled,
respectable business, and I'm willing
to give un a share of the profits to
bnye it flint way. Here's mv propo
rtion: We fit you up an office here
in eleo-nnf d,ape nnd vou come down
and stay from ten till four to siem
naners and answer nuestions. if we
want to use von that wav. Then we
-ork vnnr name for all it's worth.
Your $.100 will just about fix up rnt,r
nice. but T don't care nnvthir,"
flout that evcent that T won't hive .
man that :n't :r,tprp.t,t in vifh mo.
Atirl. annfl-er thing: Tt's cash right
d"tvn on the nail. T'm not poing to
advertise for a pawner again, ira-'
T've turned down D"-Pe already th-t
wonted to take hold. Thev weren't
iusf exnellv the men T wanted. Yon
nav the money and T five yon a copv
of the ngrecment within, an hour, if
'' a go. If H ain't, there is nohrrn
done. I propose to give vou or,p-third
of the entire profits. Our exnense.o
are about 75 a week, including bot
tles, hnves. postnrre. heln and office
rent. I'll show what we've taken in."
Mr. P.levins had not exaggerated
the dispatch with which he transact
ed business. Within nn hour Dr.
Tienieh had paid him $.100 and had
hecome n member of the Phiy-H
Pemedv Cnmnnnv of Chienn-o. with nn
iron-clad agreement bv which he wiq
to receive ono-thid of the nrnflts. Tie
was to call at the PnTeri buildir.tr nt
foon the peyt dnv. brfnn-lr. with him
his medical diploma nnd other docu
ments, inelndino. the roi'iPrntp of nr
pointrpent to the ennnfvoftics before
mentioned. lie kept his appointment
Tie rattled at the door of 4?fi. but
It was locked and no sound of'cVeV
'ng typewriters came from within,
ne paced nervously up nnd down the
corridors for at least 15 minutes and
then he questioned the elevator mnn.
The elevator man had not seen Mr.
Hlevins t'mt morning. He said it was
possible lie might be out at lunch.
Dr. Dien ch thought so, too, nnd went
out and sought refreshments himself.
Tn half an hour he came back and
found the office door still locked. TTe
waited half an hour longer anil then
sought the agent, of the building.
The agent Informed him that Mr.
Hlevins had engaged suite 421 two
days before to open a typewriter-ex-chnnge
business and had paid ten dol
lars ns a deposit until he could get
the lease made ont. He seemed in
terested In Dr. Dienich's dilemma,
and, taking down a pass key, de
scended to 41fi nnd opened it. The
room echoed hollowly to their foot
steps and their voices. It was empty.
There was not a typewriter, not n
desk, not so much as a scrap of papct
Subsequent Investigation proved
that the Phix-TT company had never
received any mail, Also that the
newspaper clippings had never been
clipped from newspapers. It wns
found that the comanny had adver
tised for competent stenographers
nnd typewriters, and one of the girls
was found. She said that she had
been fnformed that there would be a
competitive trial of snced and flint
she wss set to transcribe loose sheets
of "The House of the Seven Cables."
At the close of fhCidnv she was told
that Rhe would be notified by mail 'f
her average was satisfactory. One of
the elevator men had seen the type
writers taken away nnd had helned
to hind the desks and tables into the
freight elevator. Mr. Hlevins being
present, he had considered that it
would be nil right. Dr. Dienich nnd
the police found out a lot of thin"-s
like this, but they never found Mr.
Hlevins. Chicago Daily Tterord.
Excellent EndorsemefiV
An Omaha Concern Com mervded war'
a Minister of 8 Yearr
The following letter, written to PrwKi
and Mrs. Kharas, expressly for publii-
tion, tells its own story. It is fre,r
Rev. B. W. Johnson, a retired mini-,
ter, who has been a preacher for thirtj i
Fix years, and is well known throughout)
the state: t
Seward, Neb., April 8. CS.
Prof, and Mrs. Kharas,
1515-17 Chicago Street,
Omaha, Neb.- " - .
Dear Friends: I write this to Iserpf-'
lished, for I want to say to the pitfcaa
that I came to your place in Ovate
last February suffering from what it!,
best of doctors said was Bright -fete-ease,
and I also had a severe came "tt
stomach trouble. In four day, a-flsr
taking treatment twice a day, I
home perfectly well and had no iS
cations of a return of my former trou
ble. I am going to take a course to
Magnetic Healing and practice tffie
grand science myself for the goo
humanity. Thanking you for many 3a
vors, I am Sincerely yours;
N. B. You can get information Sta
addressing Prof. Theo. Kharas.
1517 Chicago street, Omaha, Neb. Sa
sure to ask for what you want fetus
not a mind reader.
Handles of knives and forks sort
utilized for the storage of salt a.aS 5tRf
per under a new patent, each faan&is
being formed of a tube, which teas
spring clips to hold it on the ihss.,
with an Internal reservoir for the Ha?
or papper, which is shaken Lbmu&b
the ends.
Vital weakness ann nervous debttftir mmt
be cured. "Vlrtuama" Tablets are jcuft
unteeil by Kiild Drug Co., Elgin, ILL, ;
cure all nervous diseases, debility axA k1
tal losses, or send free medicine twCr
cured if guaranteed lot fails. Pale, Unity,
emaciated, tremblnig and nervous jw)sm
should try these tablets; greatest, of wxctr
tonics. If you are not what you oug'M s
be, or want to be and can be, gi"e tfcwjai
one trial anrt'you will praii (hcra ftas
ever. $2 a package, or 3 for $5, per mxM.
itelail and wholesale of Myers A DKteiF
Drug Co., Omaha. M. A. Dillon. 8ww
Omaha; Davis Drug '"o.. Council tSatFfC
Kiggs Pharmacy, Lincoln; H. S. 1'feavg.
Hioux Cltv. full line of rubber 0Jmi
ask for what you want.
See the wonderful testimonial n Site,
E. O. Smith's ad. In this paper meati
week. He guarantees to cure every ami
of cancer that he takes. Write tn lis
about it. Address Dr. E. 0. SnttlJk
Kansas City, Mo.
Razors can be conveniently gterf'fcjralf
by a new apparatus, which "has & tstn
for heating the water or steriliuinrf
quid, provuded writh a hood whit ess-.
fines the steam, slots being cut artaii
the edge of the hoow for the ineerua
of the razor blades.
The realist may not (ind marriage a
failure, but the ideulist would better
remain single,
Menses surely brougtit on -regtfcrujK,
suppressions neglected often fr-si 413
blood poisoning and quick consora$i')MBj-I
and is the direct cause of women's ntnaev
bles; therefore keep the mense nsg'tatir
with "De Le Due's Female lu.-gktut''
and women will be happy and Iwieajici
If it falls, Kldd Drug Co., Ji!t
send free medicine until relieves a r Hitler
cured; $2 per package, or 2 for SB jawr
mall. Retail and wholesale of .iSir!-Jto
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Wft,
South Omaha; Davis Drug 'Cn Twuerl
mures; Kiggs rnarmacy, tuncoln; HL St.
Maker. Sioux City. A complete line ,jf
rubber goods on hand; ask for wiiai njm
Many people have tried In -vain t
find a- successful treatment far ffaeC;
dreadful disease, cancer. We caE dba
attention of such to the column si
which will appear in this pa.pw. wet
week, of Dr. K. O. Smith, the oelerorMe.
specialist of Kansas City, who paa34rw-.
ly guarantees a cure for every cae ttaa,
undertakes. Read his ad, and ter-Unrntta-als,
and wrHe him for further aacr
ticulara. The marriage license bureau oT FTsS
adelphla did a big business in JunesrB
total number of licenses Issued luittjtj'
the month being 3,000, which hs m-t ore.
the usual monthly issue. "ProtmerttJsT"
gets the credit for much of tit Uxe
Why not doctor yourself? "TlmwT;
Tablets are guaranteed by Kldd DrnrKo
Elgin, 111., to cure all diseases intBaw
tlons, ulcerations of the urinary t-.tVftBiu
organs, bladder, etc., or send few: tejMCa,-.
elne until cured if guaranteed 1 ftatfte.
An Internal remedy with injecllien ewb
binert; the only one In America. PiVwt.'tS
or 2 for $.r, sent per mail. Ri'lat ivtayi
wholesale of Mvpn & Dillon Ipb.
Omaha; M. A. Dillon. South OmaHa.. a-fc-vls
Drug 'o Council Wuffs; Rlxst 9ta
inncy, Lincoln; 11. S. Haker, Hhui tririff.
Complete line of rubber goods; a& Qarr
what you want.
Abbas Himla II, the young knr-.fcwfc
of Egypt, has recently had built-, in
summer palace on the shores of Can
Mediterranean near Alexandria. 1 ves
said to be the most magnificent xtniu
ture of Its kind of modern tlmtm.
via the
On June 1st the Wabash will plitce-tt
ale summer tourist tickets good Lo r.
turn until October 31st, to all th mm
mcr resorts of Canada and the Kmt.
The Continental Limited
Leaving Chicago at J2, noon-Wwa;
St, Louis at 9 a. rn which nft gite
ular with the traveling public law rsr,
will run on same schedule Utae Ooi
en son.
For rates, time tables, or further fiev.
formation in regard to trips -)
Europe, or a copy of our Suinmej T)ose
call on or write,
O. N. CLAYTON, N. W. P. 1.0.,
Room 40fi N Y Life Hhlg., Omaha, 3M.
T3 OUKtii Wntkt ALL Hit MILK. 1 r
a I Brat mult Hrrun. Taatat Utxu. Dee 1 I
Fj In tune, s,,la tie drnwMta. ) I
) .
r 1 ,.
. Ja U .m.4.-.