Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 19, 1900, Image 4

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tewrnor Poytnor and Lieutenant
Governor Gilbert Renominated
y All Three Partle Oldham
H) Named By the Democrats for
Attorney General.
roe Governor.. W. A. POYNTER. Boone
Fur Lieutenant Governor
Tor Secretary of State
C V. SVOBODA. Howard
For Treasurer... S. H. HOWARD, Holt
For Auditor. THEODORE GRIES3. Clay
For Attorney General
W. D. OLDHAM, Buffalo
For Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings P.J.CAREY. Saunders
Fof Superintendent of Public In
struction C. F. BECK. Burt
tot Presidential Electors
publican, Douglas.
ocrat, Cheyenne.
L. N. WENDT, democrat, Lan
caster. JAMES HUGrTES.deraocrat, Col
fax. JOHN H. FELBBR, Populist.
list, Phelps.
, ! W, G. SWAN, Populist, Johnson.
PETER EBBE60N, populist,
Lincoln, Neb. (Special.) Fusion, ab
solute and complete, between the dem
ocrats, populists and sliver republic
ana, will characterize the campaign of
she reform forces of Nebraska in the
tattle of 1900.
Manifestly disappointing though the
announcement was to the republicans
and certal nother elements interested
In keeping the fuslonists apart, the de
lire dend was attained and a thorough
eoncert of action for the campaign was
Brought about.
Tb ticket named was one that seem
ed to give general satisfaction, and It
was frequently remarked that the com
svelte elements were most happily
tended. With no apparent effort to
take such things Into consideration, the
Batter of location and nationality
earned out surprisingly well, and even
delegates who nursed disappointment
ever the defeat of some preferred can
didate, found consolation in the general
excellence and availability of the ticket
as finally made up.
Piooosdlngs In Detail. -Speakers
and Committees.
TJnrom, Neb., July 11. The populist
onrventfon. which met in the auditori
Sia. was late In assembling, and it was
almost 1:30 before State Chairman Ed
atisten rapped for order. Every county
sat seven, entitled to sixteen votes, was
sepresented by its full delegation. The
total number of delegates provided for
la the call was 1.226.
The convention was opened with
srayer by Rev. J. B. Harris, superin
tendent of the institute for the blind
a Nebraska City. The call was read
y Secretary Frank L. Mary.
GbsUrman Edmlsten felicitated the
snsrvention on the large number of
delegates present. The country at large,
Be said. Is ablaze with the same spirit
af patriotism and reform that had made
possible this largely attended conven
en. The reform forces, he said, with
similar national platforms, stand shoul
der to shoulder, fighting in the interests
ef humanity. His mention of William
A. Bryan's name evoked long and gen
eral applause.
Mr. Edmisten. said he hoped unison
wovld prevail In the convention from
Ss epenln gto Its close. Nebraska, he
amid, would roll up 25,000 majority this
ffsJI for the ticket here nominated.
4Fud applause.)
John F. Sprecher. In a eulogistic
speech, nominated for temporary chair
snaa M. F. Harrington of O'Neill. The
same was received with applause.
George A. Magney of Douglas county
xecnlnated, as a man who had no can
didate for any office from his own
oounty. Senator W. V. Allen. The nom
ination was received with cheers and
Ties of "Allen! AllenT'
The vote resulted in Allen's election
By a vote of 659 to 455. Douglas and
Lancaster voted almost solidly for AI
an, as did most of the southern and
southeastern counties. Governor Harris
withdrew his name before the result
was announced, and his vote went to
The eonventlon ordered a conference
aommlttee of seven, one to be selected
ky each congressional district and one
la be appointed by the chair.
Tile following were then selected as
embers of the conference committee:
First district, Eugene Mann of Lan
caster; Second, V. E. Wilson of Doug
ftis; Third, Charles Crockett of Knon:
Fourth, F. M. Howard of Hamilton;
Fifth, Judge Ed Adams of Adams;
lixth. Judge Homer M. Sullivan of Cus
ter; Eric Johnson of Saunders was ap
pointed by the chair as member at
After the selection of the committee
access was taken until 8 p. m.
The committee at this time returned
with Charles A. Towne, who was In
troduced to the convention. The dele
gates rose and greeted ir. Towne with
three ringing cheers anil a tiger.
Mr. Towne eulogized the populist par
ty by declaring that "the Intelligent
Ttleker is the embodiment of human
si-ogress." It was the populist party.
Be said, that made William J. Bryan
and the Chicago and Kansas City plat
forms possible In the democratic party.
The fight now on. he declared, "Is not a
tent for mere office holding, but to de
termine what principles shall control
awe administration of government."
air. Towne said he had allowed his
aomr to go before the democratic con
vention only because he believed he
eesM help the party more than any
Stan who was liable to be there nomi
nated. But a man was nominated, he
gold, "a man of unimpeachable private
efteracter with an unblemished public
on the rice presidency, as on
e scything else." he said, "the populist
gart hat fared exceedingly well."
f - eey had Mr. Towne finished when
CviJft rittUr face (.speared on
the platform. Mr. Bryan was received
with a tremendous ovation.
"It was not the fault." he said, "of
the populists of Nebraska that I failed
In the last campaign, and if I fail this
time I know It will not be their fault."
(.Loud cheers.)
Mr. Bryan told how the fusion parties
have been growing closer and doner to
gether on principles. He recounted how
concessions had been made on both
sides in perfec fusion, how liberality
and self-sacrifice had grown in
It was nearly 1 o'clock when the con
vention reassembled to listen to the
report of the committee on resolutions.
The platform was read by M. F. Har
rington and was unanimously adopted.
It la as follows:
"We, the people's independent party
of the state of Nebraska, In convention
assembled, approve and ratify the na
tional platform of our party, adopted
by the national convention at Sioux
Falls, and we pledge our unfaltering
allegiance to the nominees of that con
vention. William J. Bryan and Charles
A. Towne.
"We heartily commend our state ad-
economical conduct of public affairs,
and we appreciate the faithful service
rendered by our congressional delega
tion. "We pledge our legislative nominees.
If elected, to enact a new revenue law,
providing for the taxation of all classes
of property upon an equitable basis
and containing a provision for the tax
ation of public franchises In accord
ance with the constitution. The initia
tive and referendum are basic principles
or populism, and should be made part
of the fundamental law prohibiting the',
use of railway passes or other form of
free transportation by any person, ex
cept a bona fide railroad employe, and
providing further that when any pub
lic official accepts free transportation
from any railroad or street railway
company or accepts a frank from a
telegraph, telephone or express com
pany his office shall thereupon Ipso
facto become vacant
officials who have In the past violated
our platform by the acceptance of
railway passes. While recognizing that'
a state legislature cannot va.-at t h nf-1
flee of a representative or senator ln
congress for the acceptance of a pass
from a railway company or a frank
from a telegraph, telephone, express ora
sleeplng car company, still we are
phatlcally opposed to their receiving
...,h f.,.r- tkn nnrnnr.n,.n. .
w. niort-. th. nomine. nt thi.
vention to exercise their utmost en- the following plank was ordered strlck
deavors to secure a reasonable reduc-' n ,rom the platform adopted yester
tlon In freight and passenger rates, f . ... .....
The railway employes of this state have I, .We favor the enactment of legls
practically no redress for injuries sus-lla,lon requiring mutual fraternal In
talned, and we pledge our legislative surance compan es to make definite con.
nominees. If elected, to enaot a law 1 trac'8 thlr members and pre-
making the railway corporations liable venting them from abrogating or im
for all tnlurles sustained and deaths PS'rlng the value of such contracts by
incurred by their employes while en
gaged In the performance of their du
ties and without negligence on the part
of said employes.
"We deplore the conditions that have
heretofore permitted fraudulent hall in
surance companies to fatten off the
agriculturists of the state, and we de
mand that the insurance taws be so
amended as to glv the farmers of Ne
braska that measure of protection to
which they are entitled.
"We favor the enactment of legisla
tion requiring mutual fraternal Insur
ance companies to make definite con
tracts with their members and prevent
ing them from abrogating or lrnpalr-
ing the value of such contracts by al-
teratlons of their by-laws.
"We are ln favor of a reapportion
ment of the state Into legislative and
senatorial districts.
"The populists of Nebraska extend
their sympathy to the South African
republics ln their brave struggle for
Proceedlnga of Second Day of the
Populist Convention.
Lincoln, Neb.. July 12. At was 5
o'clock this morning before the popu
list state convention finally consented
to take a recess until 9 o'clock. The
entire night had been spent ln fruitless
discussion while awaiting a report from
the conference committee, which was
unable to agree.
Promptly at 9 o'clock this morning
Senator Allen again rapped for order.
About half the delegates were in their
seats, weary-looking and heavy-eyed.
A committee was at once dispatched in
search of the conferees, but returnvd
to report that they could not be found.
A delegate Jumped to his feet, mov
ing that the convention proceed to nom
inate a governor. He was squelched
by the gavel. Eric Johnson, one of the
conferees, was espied ln the audience
by Senator Allen's eagle eye. and Mr.
Johnson was immediately ordered to
the platform to give an account of him
self and the committee.
Mr. Johnson said the committee had
labored hard all night and the populist
conferees had stood firm for what thpy
knew to oe the wishes or the popullft
convention. At last, this morning, he
said, the committee was able to agree
on a report, and while the populist
members had yielded reluctantly, they
had finally conceded to the democrats
the position of treasurer and commis
sioner of public lands and buildings.
The electors were to be divided equally
between the populists and democrats.
Amid loud cries of "No! No!'' Judge j
H. M. Sullivan came forward with a
minority report, sltrned by himself,
Crockett and Adams, agreeing with
the majority report as to electors, but
on the state ticket allowing the demo
crats only the attorney general.
Amid general uproar and great con
fusion M. F. Harrington moved the
adoption of the minority report.
Mr. Harrington then look 'the plat
form. He wanted to submit to the
democrats the proposition that thv
could have one office and select It
themselves. He depicted the danger of
the middle-of-the-road movement, and
protested against "state house depu
ties" controlling the convention.
Mr. Harrington concluded by express.
Ing his entire willingness to go as an
envoy to the democratic convention to
convey to It the proposition he had Just
advanced. The convention took him at
his word, and sent him speeding on
his way and then took a recess pend
ing his return, after discharging the
conference committee.
It was realised that the democrats
might be strongly tempted to accept
the Harrington proposition and choose
the governorship as their share of the
ticket. When the convention recon
vened It was voted that the democrats
be conceded one place on the ticket. A
Valley county delegate took care of I
Governor Poynteff Interests bf mor-
tnf that the democrats He allowed to
choose whatever place they wished, es
crprtng only the head or the ticket
in Is motion also prevailed. A com
mittee was appointed to notify the
aemocrauc convention and Mr. Har
rlngton of this latest action of the con
A Greeley county delegate moved that
the convention proceed to nominate a
governor. Amla the greatest confusion
the motion was put and carried.
At this point Congressman Robinson
from the democrat convention appeared
to ask what the conference had done
with the report of the conference com
mittee. He was informed as to how it
had been modified, and departed.
Chairman Allen here ruled that un
der the rules, the nomination for gov
ernor must be preceded by the nomina
tion of electors. The following noml
nations were made: Louts Dewaid, Fur
nas county: 8. H. Craig. Gage; W. A
Garrett. Phelps: O. K. Peck. Buffalo
J. M. Overturf. Nemaha; John Osborne,
pawnee; I & Walker. Dundv: J. H
Peabody, Douglas; Louis Warner, Gage
w. r Forter moved that the selec
Hon of electors be left to the state cen
tral committee, to act In conference
with the other state committees. In se
lecting four populists, three democrats
and one silver republican as nominees
the selections of electors was thus eas
ily disposed of.
Tb convention then proceeded to an
Informal ballot for governor. When the
roll call had been concluded Douglas
county asked for an opportunity for
jonn u. yelser to make a statement
Mr. Telser took the platform and very
gracefully expressed his thanks for the
support that had been tendered him
On behalf of Douglas county he moved
that Poynter s nomination be by accla
mation. Judge Westover followed the
pa1 f Mr T.ger He dec;ared he
had not been himself a candidate and
favored Poynter's nomination.
Governor Poynter s nomination was
then made by acclamation.
M. F. Harrington reported the nom
ination of W. D. Oldham for attorney
general by the democratic convention
and moved his nomination by this con
vention by acclamation. The motion
prevailed. Mr. Oldham was called for
a"d ln a brt'f l-ech fittingly thanked
Senator Miller of Buffa o county of -
,ereu lne knowing resolution, w men
uiiun unoutiy auujuru;
"Resolved, That we extend to our al
lies, the democratic state convention.
vote of thanks for yielding to our re-
em-,''"1 ,u "'""' ""
; anJ we ,h",'by tKf """ed from
land a "olid vote for the whole ticket.
On motion of Stockham of Frontier
alteratlon of their by-laws."
Bryan and Towne Deliver a Brief
Address. Proceedings.
Lincoln. Neb., July 1L It was 2:10
when Chairman P. L. Hall of the state
central committee called the democrat
ic convention to order. He made no
preliminary remarks and requested Sec
retary Cain to read the call.
The committee's selection of T. 3.
Doyle of Lancaster for temporary chair,
man and F. J. Morgan of Cass for tem
porary secretary was ratified by the
convention In formal manner, cnalr
man extended hie thanks and
promised to conduct the duties of the
position "with the same absolute fair
ness and Justice that would character
ize the administration of this republic
after the 4th of next March.
The chair then asked the pleasure of
the convention.
I. J. Dunn of Douglas presented the
name of F. H. Cosgrove for assistant
secretary and It was approved.
A committee- of seven oa credentials
was ordered.
The chair appointed on that commit
tee the following: Patterson of Sheri
dan, Rodgers of Nemaha, O'Hanlon of
Washington, Davis of Gage, O'Meara
of Kearney, Manahan of Lancaster.
A motion to appoint a committee on
resolutions brought forth a protest that
Bryan and Stevenson and the Kansas
City platform was all that was neces
sary. The chair sustained the point of
order that the appointment of such
committee was out of order until It was
determined who were delegates.
It was 8:30 before Chairman Doyle
again rapped the convention to order.
During the recess the delegates had
learned of the action of the populist
convention In defeating Harrington and
electing Senator Allen temporary chair
man and of the appointment of the
populist conference committee. The
committee list was carefully scanned
and talked over.
The temporary organization was then
made permanent. Cm motion of W. H.
Thompson, a resolutions committee of
eleven was ordered. J. C. Dahlman
moved the appointment of a confer
ence cornmitt-e consisting of one from
each district and one at Urge. It was
ca rripd.
The chair appointed a a coromlttee
on resolutions: Thomjson of Hall,
Hartlgan of Jefferson, Allen of Lancas
ter, Gordon of Buffalo, Marvell of Otoe,
Drexel of I)Uglaji. Franse of Cuming,
Crltc-s of DaWMt, O'Mallpy of Greeley.
Obff"lder of Cheyenne and Speedy of
As a conference committee the chair
named: J. 11. ililfs of the First dis
trict, 1. J. Dunn, Second district: H. E.
J'h-lps, Third district; C. L. Casper.
Fourth district; II. C. Stokes, Fifth dis
trict; I'.'-nton Maret, Sixth district;
Cwge Loomls of Dodge, memlier-at-large.
The convention adopted the follow
ing brief reirt of the committee on
resolutions, It being stated that the
state platform of a few months ago and
the national platform adopted at Kan
sas City were to be considered a part
of it:
"We Indorse the magnificent declara
tion of principles Just adopted by the
democratic party In convention assem
bled at Kansas City; we commend the
course of the fusion senator and mem
bers of congress, approve of the rec
ord of the fusion state officers, and
pledge the nominees of this convention
to an honest and economical adminis
tration of state affairs. "
While the senatorial districts were
presenting the names of thenew state
central committee the committed Tt
turni'd with Mr. Bryan avmi the proceed
ings were brought to z full stop for sev
eral minutes by the enthusiastic dem
onstration that ensupd. The call was
finally completed and democracy's first
choice was presented as 'Our next pres.
Charles A. Town was escorted In by
tae committee aod was glvrfn a pro-
nounced ovattoa. He said be espeetet
to be a democrat before long. He d
llvored an eloquent address, touching
ths traditions and lineage of ths demo
cratlo party. He said h proposed te
do all he could to bring about the elec
tion of William J. liiyan and Adlal
Stevenson. He declared It to be ths
duty of all to exert every effort to
combine into one political unit all the
elements of opposition to the McKlnley
administration. He said politics was
practical business. It was his plan o
action never to sacrifice a principle, bu
to always be ready to compromise on
the means of reaching It. He urged
that there be a combination of all the
forces that tend to preserve the trad I
Hons of the fathers.
The audience rose several times dur
ing the speech of Mr. Towne and cheer
ed to the echo. It waa a magnificent
At midnight the report waa brought
back from the conference room that
the Joint conference committee had
adopted a rule requiring that all propo
slttons receiving a majority vote should
require a majority vote of all three
committees separately before being
binding. A ballot was then taken by
the Joint committee on a proposition to
give the democrats the places of attor
ney general and treasurer. The propo
sition received twelve votes, nine being
cast against It. Notwithstanding the
majority vote, It did not prevail under
the agreement, as the affirmative votes
were seven democrats, four silver re
publicans and one populist. The nega
tive vote Included three silver repub
licans and six populists. The populist
members insisted that their convention
would not stand for it
Ths Second Day of ths Democratlo
Lincoln, Neb., July 12. Several mo
tions were made in the democratic
state convention after midnight to take
a recess until morning, but were de
reated, but at 4 o clock a motion to
take. a recess until 9 o'clock was de
clared carried ln the face of much ob
It was 9:30 when the convention was
again called to order and the confer
ence committee made Its first report.
It was submitted by James Manahan
who had been placed on the committee
to till the vacancy caused by the neces
sary departure of Mr. Loomls for his
home. The rejmrt provided that the
democrats be given two places, those
of treasurer and commissioner of pub
He lands and buildings. It gave the
ieutenant governor to the sliver repub-
Icans, and the populists the remainder
or the state ticket, dividing the elec
toral ticket between them ln the pro
portion of three, one and four. It was
further reported that this was the best
that could be done and that the other
committees had steadily declined to al
low the democrats to have the attor
ney general and treasurer or even the
attorney general and commissioner. It
was further stated thst an agreement
had been entered Into requiring that
each convention agree on each nomine
and that the convention would not ad
journ without nominating a full ticket
The report was received with cheers,
but the supporters of Oldham Insisted
that it did not treat him fairly.
Oldham took the platform and said
that personal ambitions were of no mo
ment In this great emergency. He
urged that the report be adopted and
the responsibility for any lack of fu
sion placed on the populists If they
failed to agree to It. The report was
adopted and closely following came the
announcement that the silver republic
ans had also adopted it.
M. F. Harrington appeared to pre
sent a so-called ultimatum from the
populists, offering the democrats but
one piace on the ticket, but stating
that the democracy might make thm
choice for itself. He urged that It be
accepted and said the democrats could
get nothing better. He was asked If
this offer Included the governorship.
and he replied that he would not advise
he democrats to settle on that place If
they accepted the offer.
Manahan of Lancaster moved that the
proposition be accepted and that ths
attorney generalship be selected.
Congressman Robinson raised the
point of order that the pending motion
was not In order under the adoptee
rules until It was reported from th
populist convention what disposition
had been made there of the committet
report. The chair held that Harring
ton's ultimatum virtually announced
rejection of the committee report ani
overruled the point of order. Robinson
appealed from the chair's decision, bul
before the appeal was put to the con
vention Harrington made another ap
peal, addressing personal pleas to vari
ous members of the convention. lie al
that unless the matter was straighten'
ed out he would go to Rryan for assist
ance, and be urged that the presldentla
nominee be not thus humiliated by be
ng called on to adjust a party row
Judge Tlbbets of Lancaster urged tha'
the question as pending would proper
ly express the sentiment of all the dele.
gates and he offered a substitute omit
ting the name of the specific office, but
accepting the proposition for one place.
Robinson Insisted on his appeal .and as
it was about to be put, W. H. Thomp
son asked that Robinson" go with him
to the populist convention to ascertain
whether the report of tha committee
had been voted up or down.
Robinson consented, wsth the undr-r-
tandlng that in their absence the situ
ation should remain In statu quo. Har
rington engaged In a controversy with
V. Ji Wilson of Douglas, a member of
he populist conference committee. The
ormer said there were not fifty votes
the populist convention that would
be cast for the committee report. Wil-
m retorted that there were over 100
rom Douglas alone. Harrington scor
d the Douglas delegation for attempt
ed dictation and said that with 1.000
populUt votes, it had lOu delegates In
the convention.
The convention was again at rest
while the ambassadors went to call on
he populists. When they returned
udge Robinson reported that the pop-
lists had "modified the committee re-
port In accordance with Harringtons
proposition. He accordingly withdrew
he appeal, lie sain tne oner aid not
Include the p'Sltlon of governor.
He therefore moved the acceptance of
the offer. The motion was carried.
rnly sixty-three votes were cast against
he proposition, kib voting aye. The
vole was made unanimous with a rous-
n whoop.
Mr. Harrington was requested to car
ry back to the populists the acceptance
f their offer.
The convention then proceeded to roll
call to determine the office It would se
ed. Attorney general had a majority
f 60 over treasurer when the call was
comnletcd. and after several rhangesi
the former office was declared tne dem-l
ocratic selection, and W. D. Dldhaml
the democratic choice tor the position,
- ii
00 HOPE.
Ths Boxers Under Leadership of
Prince Tuan Make a Furious
nd Victorious Attack.
London. (Special ) The Shanghai
correspondent of the Daily Mall says
the following story regarding the posi
tion in Pekln emanates from CnlneOe
official sources:
"The two remaining legations, the
British and Russian, were attacked In
force on the evening of July 6. Prince
Tuan commanded the center, the right
wing was led by Prince Asai Yin and
the left by Prince Yin Lin. The reserves
were under Prince Tsln Yu.
"The attack began with artillery
fighting, which was severe and lasted
until 7 o'clock In the morning, by which
time both legations were destroyed and
all the foreigners were dead, while the
streets around the legation were full of
dead bodies of both foreigners and Chi
'Upon hearing of the attack Prince
Chang and General Wang Wen Bhao
went with troops to the asststacne of
the foreigners, but they were outnum
bered and defeated. Both Prince Ching
and General Wang Wen Shoa were
'Two foreigners are said to have es
caped through the gates, one with a
heavy sword wound in his head.
"Prince Tuan. In celebration of the
victory, distributed 100.000 taels and
huge quantities of rice to the Boxers."!
The Chinese representative In Berlin I
denies the statement that LI Hung
Lnang naa sent to him a hopeful tele
gram. Me says, on the contrary, no di
rect telegram has been received by
him from LI Hung Chang for some
The remaining news Is restricted to
the usual crop of untrustworthy ru
mors, the most serious of which, re
ported tiy the correspondent of the Ex
press, is to the efffil that Europeans
are directing the Chinese military oper
ations, ine correspondent assorts that
Captain Bailey of H. M. S. Aurora dis
tinctly saw a man in European garb
directing the Chinese artillery opera
tions ouisiue or l ien Tsln.
Foreign refugees from Tien Tsln
openly accuse a European official. whoe
whfise name the Express correspondent
suppresses, and Colonel von Hanneken,
wno was tormerly employed to drill
the Chinese troops, of being parties to
a piot to procure the escape of General
Chang and themselves from Tien Tsln
before the bombardment, leaving the
oiner toreignera to their fate.
statements are In circulation ln
Shanghai accusing the Russians of in
discriminate slaughter of friendly Chi
nese non-combatants without regard to
age or sex. The manager of a Chinese
steamship company who has arrived
In Shanghai openly asserts that he only
escaped from Tien Tsin by cutting off
nis queue and donning European cloth.
Ing. It Is stated that the taotal of
Shanghai protested to the powers
against these Russian slaughters.
Jt Is asserted that the Buddhist
priests throughout the empire are pro
pagatlng Prince Tuan's anti-foreign
One Hundred People Injured By
Boston, Mass. (Special.) By the ex.
plosion of an oil tank In Somervllle to.
night nearly 100 persons were more or
less Injured and late tonight two were
reported dead.
Many of the Injured are In the Cam
bridge, Somervllle and Massachusetts
general hospitals, while others were
taken to houses near the Bcene of the
ln the yard of the Boston & Maine
railroad, near the old McLean asylum,
among more than 1,000 freight cars fill.
ed with coal and general merchandise.
were three oil tanks of the Union Oil
company. When one of the cars
caught fire, about 9:40 o'clock. and
made a blaze that could be seen all over
Somervllle, hundreds of persons flocked
to the yards. They climbed upon the
freight cars that were supposed to be
out of danger and sought the points of
vantage in an Kinds or places to see
the fire.
The Somervllle firemen arrived ver
promptly, nut naa to carry hose thto'
all kinds of places, while the fire burn
ed briskly and the crowd rew closer
nd closer.
It Is estimated that soon after ih
fire started fully 1,000 persons were In
the freight yards and scores of the most
oaring were on top of ca.s near the fire.
budednly there was a rumbllnn noise.
One great sheet of flame shot Into the
air and a huge oil tank, which had
been on a car, went up on end, scat
tering piazing oil ln all directions. The
huge tank of oil, one of three on as
many cars, had exploded.
I he burning oil fell upon men. women
nd children in the throng, who shriek
ed with pain and terror. Six men on
op of one box car were thrown to the
ground, with their clothing on fire.
Men and women, with their garments
humlg, ran about the yard In terror.
Some were so badly burned that thev
dropped. Those who were not on fire
helped them and were themselves badly
Alarms were rung In. but the great
hee of flame had been seen at (he hos
pitals and ambulances were sent to the
relght yards. The Injured were tnken
to the hospitals and some were brought
lo Boston by train and taken to the
Massachusetts general hospital.
FOR A 208,000,000 COMBINE.
PlantoConsolldateOreat Steel and
iron Companies.
Pittsburg, Pa. (Rneclal.)-The enn.ni.
Illation of all the iron and steel pro-
u inn loiuoiuuiions promoted by
udge W. E. Moore Is being revived In
teel circles. Te condition and nutinnk
of the metal markets at the present
ime is sriven as a strong reason why
he producing companies should h
more closely Identified In order to rq,
mm ins raining capacity or their
stocks at a normal figure. Among the
companies which are said to be favor-
me to an assimilation are the Ameri
can Steel Hoop company. Amirinn
Tlnplate company, Central Foundry
company. National Steel company and
American Bridge company. These mm
psnies represent a capital of I2OH.0O0OO0
There was a further decline in nig Iron
a a A a a -
to U a ton today
British Post At Nltral'e Nook Com
polled To Surrohdor.
London. Special. Lord Roberts re
ports to the war office, under dais of
Pretoria. July 12, followi:
"The enemy, having failed In Its at
tack on our right rear, as mentioned Is
my telegram of July (, made a deter
mined atlsik upon our right flank yes
terday and I regret lo say, succeeded to
capturing Nltral's Nek, which was gar.
rlsoned by a squadron of the Scots
(ireys, with two guns of a battery ol
the Royal artillery and five companies
of the Lincolnshire regiment.
"The enemy attacked in superior
numbers at dawn and, seising the bills
commanding the nek. brought a heavy
gunfire to bear upon the small garrison.
"Nltral's Nek Is about eignteen mnea
from here, where the road crosses the
Crocodile river. It waa held by us la
order to maintain road and telegraph!
communication with Rustenberg.
"The fighting lasted more or less
throughout the day and Immediately
on receiving Information, early this
morning, of the enemy's strength 1 dis
patched reinforcements from here un
der Colonel Godfrey of the King's Owo
Scottish Borderers. Before, however,
they reached the spot the garrison had
been overpowered and' the guns and s
greater portion of the squadron of the
Greys had been captured, owing to ths
horses being shot, also about ninety
men of the Lincoln regiment.
"A list of the casualties has not been
received, but I fear they are heavy.
"Simultaneously an attack waa mads
on our outposts near Durdeport, north
of the town, In which the Seventh Dra
goons were engaged. The regiment was
handled with considerable skill by Lieu,
tenant Colonel Low and kept the enemy
In check until they retired on their sup
ports and would probably have suffered
but slight loss had not our troops mis
taken some Boers In the bushes for our
own men.
"Smlth-Dorrlen had a small engage
ment with the enemy yesterday near
Krugersdorp and Inflicted heavy loss
upon them.
"Duller reports that the Boers who
were destroying his line of railway near
I'ardeekrall were driven off yesterday
after a short action.
"Hart reports from Heldelburg that
the surrendering of Boer arms and am
munition continues In that district."
Employes Not Allowed To Buy Or
Read Dally Papers.
Chicago, 111. (Special.) Newspapers
will hereafter be an unknown quantity
among workmen employed by Swift at
Co., packers.
Since July 1 an order hns been In
force making It a grave offense for a
laborer to take with him Into the big
packing house at the stockyards any
newspaper or magsxine. Instant dis
charge Is the punishment to be meted
out to the man rash enough to trans
gress the new law.
On the first day of the month news
boys at the entrance to the stockyards
and at the doors of the general offices
of Swift & Co. saw with dismay their
regular customers pass them without
even a nod of recognition. Hundreds
of papers were returned that night by
the news venders, whose only source of
revenue was the money taken from
Swift & Co.'s employes.
It did not take long for them to learn
the cause of the change. On little pla
cards posted in various departments of
the big meat house they found the no
tice which deprived 8.000 workmen of
their rights and fifty newsboys of their
moans of support.
Swift A Co. believe In keeping their
employes, particularly the laboring por
tion, in Ignorance of what Is transpir
ing about them. At least so says As
sistant Superintendent Smith of the
Iibor troubles, accounts of which
have frequently appeared In the publio
print, have had a tend'-ney, It Is be
lieved, to inspire a spirit of unrest
among the mass employed in the pack
ing houses.
The strike at I.Ibby, McNeill A Llb
by's plant Is charged to newspapers.
Strikes In the' wool house, beef house
and hog house of Swift & Co. and little
outbursts In Nelson Morris & Co. all
these, say the seers of the packing
world, were prompted by alleged In
accurate accounts of some other trou
bles. How to prevent future affairs of the
kind was a heavy question io Swift A
Co., but General Superintendent C. O.
loung solved It.
June 29 the general superintendent
came to the conclusion that by abolish
ing newspapers ln the packing house he
would minimize the danger of strikes.
The next day orders were sent to all
the superintendents to prohibit their
men from taking papers to work, and,
if possible, to prevent their purchasing
any on the way home.
hearing some slip In the order, Mr.
Young had cards printed bearing It.
and these were scattered through the
various departments. There was much
grumbling among the men. but they
knew they had only one alternative.
and that they could not accept.
Attorney Prevent the Dlsaperanco
of Their Witnesses.
Georgetown, Ky. (Special.) An effort
was rnude this afternoon to deprive
the commonwealth of one of Its chief
witnesses against Caleb Powers. Ths
facts known are these: Flnlev Ft An.
derson. aged 21, was the Western L'n
lon operator at BarboursvM prior to
January 2. It was In his father's
hotel that Caleb Powers. John Powers
and C'hiirl-s Flnley made their head
quarters during the w.-.-k prior to the
shooting of Goel.el, when wns organ
lied th mob of 1,000 mountiiineers ta
ken to Frankfurt Januny :,.' Young
Anderson gent snd received all the mes
sages concerning the oiganlzallon of
this mob and was In frequent consult.
Hon with Caleb Powers. Ijiter Ander
son concluded to tell all he knew con.
cernlng the connection of Powers with
the mob. He was employed In ths
Western Union office In Cincinnati, and
yesterday came here, Ist night and
today Ie Stevens, a witness for ths
defense, and young Anderson's father
tried to persuade Anderson to leavt
town. He mamtged to notify the state's
officers and they blocked the scheme.
Jim Howard Is the man who killed
my brother." declared Arthur rioebel
this morning. "I have had know U'rftr
of this almost from the hour of his
death." Howard Is now in lull al
Indianapolis, lnd. (Hneclni itv, .
flelal call for the national cniwminn ,.t
the AnM-Imperlalfst league, which will
he held here August 15 and 1(, will h
Issued at once. There will be 1,100 dele,
gates, llourke Coekran will sDeak the'
first night and Carl Schurs the second.