Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 19, 1900, Image 1

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J 'O
J.L V. i1.
:-IAS2,iSGli , TBBASICA, THURSDAY, tTTJILfSr 19, 1900.
'; 31i:!u "'m.i r.-urr-riori i rvr? i i mt-.. .
IS O. 3.
. . w.. . . . u.iKni io oi. l I Lh.U KSGHT. --non. Vlllilam J. Krv
j an.
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HAWRISOXKK vs i,: ... j i ; j K A L
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r.il ; '.---ii 'T Sf;i 'H.trk-t
Wil.I.IAM II. M.Vh I"
f i.'.iri-l' I 'leVl III I
i r 1 In ! to tot 'i
i- .l.iir..n,i nd..,t.:,i
til-id 1o he. II ll.
Thw I Miio.'r .it i.; on i ( v v;m peve
f.jr! "I 'l hi'! I lr IOk! r( t . , v. .1 i. s'H'i " .(.
In I baUt-. AU it lux.'K t,i, d i i, to hold
t-) Aimriean jiW:witnl pi to ih'.i .at
riotisa) of tic no.!e. And the
4.fviluin1 Mails li.miia hhal! not jire
vail nj;aiiirt it.
Tliewiirin v.hina. v.li.rh the I-,ttror-
nxti f'.ow(r. tjjethcr itli the L'ni!d
Slixtwiiai jt at .rewnt -t::ir'iA in,
1iid fnir t ln more cnliy iti human
hl'Xn and rnom y than the I'lnllipinet ti
Viw'b Sam or tho Transviuil to I'.nglatid.
Anil all for frreh .
fsgn itor t!;er of ltvu, died vnrv md
dvnly n. hm hotel m Vv'anhioton, U. C,
lull l'rid,jy.
If the people of thii nation cxpl. t the
I';puhlie to nr!ure, thon evc-ry voter in
the Unil.tid States hhould vote the dunio-
riitif: tirket, for it in our henest. opinion
that another fouryfam of MiKtnh-y ml
iniiiintnilion we'el ir.d then it is too Uto
to save the republic from il'Htruetion.
Imperialism, which n the ri!roii;i";t
i'Kim litfore the peopl, i nirtile the ;un
mount i isiie of the rampau, and on that
iiiit every I'eiiiocrat can (;ive
ItryMn lii moist ionh.lI hiippm t. The
I'iiiocrat lire in ti majority (n the Unit
id Slatm, nod wi;h all of them in line
for Mr. flrynn his triumphul election id
November will mirely follow.
May OiA forbid, that another lacn
roti(jrM. mii'h us the onu hehl at the
Hague in IKft for the disarmament of
till nations bo. One moie nuch chuarma
incut conference would put every nation
on the earth at w-fcr with each other.
The full rt'Hiilt of the first one In not i t
npvftrent, it niny niwiii miivortal w.ir
J) et. Thme uio un iloua Uiues.
e: .! ..!y :,, ... ! j 1 Vt.In.'!.-,
i-'i i.i Jim I-i fii vi .;t-1 h i, i'i.I V,
. i , , '
at J. ii;.-ai :;: v. I on! .I a ftT
ha t i ai Uinvs i I . o i, Mi
"" latinos hil inr.triid v In'
'it 1
i- V-;lP C JK).
ion x County
. . .".' -V ' '
" iiti I "(oirt(:i;t!o!, of thu
f An:i t i:M.
..L'ai-iir., Nubriisla.
. . .Itloominton, JiiK,
i !o.ipla-, t'r.
.'.'Ik;, tiiiii" O.
IKi -isistr ( V,
1. l'oi!:i', t'o,
I ubr, Co.
I''i-i"., Co.
JoliMwn, Co.
.-. ?j'.jsv.t;d Co.
'3"OM ( 'o, X-jb.
York, Co.
Howard, O.
' iy, Co.
uuudi.T.i, Co.
Lurk, Co.
.ChtVf nr.e Co.
the n. xt -ovk-mor of Me!nn
o vi .'? Ai.1 m, bettnr W;i.t
( '.' teii), ami tii-.n you may
r'vis. I'o iv lit)
-hs !f..l.
It. i.-i ii;n,"u ;t i ivr Ki.y tie l-.at to
to rertil iii mi diiii.y tulmmihtrsitien rgann
the apif)iu!f they use in ulndu.-y to the
fusion party. Hero are a lew of their
choice Hi:
Copi) r!i'ad-i. Thrw ringed circui pop-a'-ia!
., demopops, fool, nn-J others too
nniiieri-.i.s to mention, hut here in the
point, and we ho;e every friend of fusion
wilt read it and weijrn it in tins balance
of ju-.lire. These farua papers who fo
uilx."-o:nii'.','ly iur the fusion party
expect in ft measure to reooive mipport
dial, f a nnttrr f liil i t n I ( I
iiiiinii),' their Hubs ril.irs fully one hnif
w'.io helonr; to the fusion rank., can
lhcu wim' lianern i'onsit;tnr;tiy aliuse
timir SiMii'U to their own detrii.iur.l,
iiuij'ly to lv;t;! II. i. k I!anr.aisui.
Froni what wu can luarn of th! re
pui.licaii iMijihtlatci for governor, urciut
the only rnli.'ouijiijr; rp-iality b (los-tcsi-es,
ia llilit he is a merman, Tiicre hi not one
ie.'l word vaid e.hout IiIh heintr it jrohl
(larnlarJ, tialiui.al hauler, and that ?ff.
iilric slaiid.s for ovurythiii, that tin;
national .ulnuniftratioii ift-resen!", for
eign expansion, mur,icrhitho 1 ( : i ! I ; j i ti
it lan'l.s un'.atihnjr alharn ea with Ku.-ope
i &c.
It n);il( ;H li e col I shivers creep lip
ouh'h hack ulmo.t, Id rea l how Admiral
Seymour, wai obliged to hill t.il les
wounded soldiers after a battle with the
'T.oxcm," to beep them from hcinr hor
ribly murdered uud mutilated by the
'hiiici "devih."
I'res'ulent MeKintey and bin foreign
policy and the open door in Clfina, is
proving fo m about an expensive to the
coi u hi powers ni tlm I'liillipine and
Transvnal wat'nare to Hie United (UaUm
and Kt',:biinL
"w:v Af D S
JJruj;Ists STincirios,
l'lirlt;, Oils, Varnishes,
.-iooks and Stationary.
J. E. PH'NNEY, Proprietor.
V ' 'j
T7o CtlehrjJs Our
Lois ef Trulli
Ife.ir rhilipinns, da you nothnow what a good tliinff von are roicsing by not
w.mtimr t i I.-cnoie citi.eiis of this frmnd country of ours' Thoro is everything- mi it
ur.iler ! lie sun. You onj.lil to .sc-aj a delepatlcn over to see us, this hind of chnrehs
and -to'i.O'lO I.c!im:: saloons, forlsahd guns; houses of prayer and licftns.id houses
of ptoditulioii; i.'iihoii'iires and paupers, tbsoliffitnK mt thioves, libortines and
liars chri.itians ki c,h;.nchai-,;;s, politicians, 'poverty, .schonl-i, scalawags, trusts and
t rami's, viituii au.l vifi). A land where vou can get a bible for' fifty cunts and a
linr.lt of bad w hi; key for five ( euts; wher.s ve liavo niea in coni;re?s with three
tvivrjis and i..ts ia j iii for bavin;; two wives; whom some make saus;-i.f;e of their
vivos and s'niic waiu to cat tlivrrt blfod n.v; where men nialie bologna fc.ausa.ee
of dors, caniiej Wf of liorscs and .sick cows, ac.il corpse of the people that eat it:
uhcr we put men in jail for not having the means of support and on the rock-pile
for a'.,kir for a job of work; where we license bawdy houses, and fine men for tel.
iin tho truth on the htr-chs; Where w Iwve a congress of four hundred men to
in,'i!;o th-t law s ai.d a supr! me court of nine men to set tlim ftside; where good
men make bad whiskey, and good whiskey make had men: where newspapers are
pa il for KUpfiies"ing the truth and made rich by telling a lie, where prafessiorH draw
the conviction" an I :.a!arh s from the sumo source; where business cousi.sts in got
ting properly in any way that will not land you in the penitentiary; whore trusts
hoid you up anil property hold you d'jwn, where men vote for what they do not
want for fear they will get what tiiey want by voting for it; whero niggers can
volo ami w lute Wtiioer. critj't; winire the girlH w ho go wrong ure outcast, and her
male partner !!..Hin-.!i3s like a gentlemen; where women wear false hair and men
d ick the horse's tails; whero men vote for one thing and cuss it for thnxi hundred,
and ir.ty live days; w here we have prayers in the national capitol, and w hisk-y
in tho baKumtiit.; where wa spend live thousand dollars to buy a congressman who
i rich and ten dollar,! to buy a workingmuti who is poor; where to he virtuous iB
to I ' lonesome, and to be honest is to be called a crank; whre gold is a substance
fie1 otio thing fou.jht for and Cod is a waste basket for our bet ter thoughts tind
re-o!uti'mt,; whero we pay fifteen thousand dollars' fcr a dog and fifteen cents a
dozii to a pour women for making shirts; whore we teach tho "untutored Indian''
c',e;'i:.i! life from the bible nil kill him with bad whiskey; whor we put a man in
jail for :,tKili:;g a loaf of bread and in congresis for stealing railroad; where check
hool;s tali;, and sin walks in broad daylight, justice in sleep, crime runs amuck
corruption permeates our social fabric, and tha devil laughs from every street, cor
ner. Come to in Filled We've got tho greatest congregation of good things, liig
and little things., cold and hot things, soft and hard things, fill varieties all colors)
ever exhibited under ono tent. If you dont tome we el fetch yon tb it's w hat our
guns are tor. in courss when you te!iovs join us, you will nave to Mnp eating
each other. You will bo our meat then. Our people wont ."land it to see meat
wasted that way. You can tat dog bologna or canned horse. It will be almost as
healthy, and will e.vpani! our meat trade. Come to our arms. Lx.
The repuhlicnns, (rst ;;o to the I'opn
lihtsoiid free Sfive-r rcpuhlicann and tell
th ton how the democrats hava uchred
Charles A. Ton lie, out of tha nomina
tion for vice president, and then they
go to th democrat.s ati'l complain ho
the populis's at tho stale convention,
only gave the d.'moi r.its one office, thus
striviiie' in evcrv po,lile way tocr.'ata
diswitilion in the1 fusion ranks, it wont
Work though.
Ilryan and Stevenson, will If of!l"ia'.ly
notified of their nomination at Indiana-poli-,
link, August h.
Th') Mi ICinh-y r puhheuns ro about
tho only ptrsonj who are mnku.g any
kick, h'ciuso loin, t'has. A. Truvne,
did md ruceivi! the nominal ion a' Kansas
Cit v, for vice presidi'iiL on tho lAuiiocra
tic li( ket.
Th". Keniocrritic con , mil ion nt, Kansas
city exceed, d tiie hop"i of jln well wi-h-'
ers and confound. .rl iie cvpi-ct'ition oi its
euemieH. AH that reuiains noiv is to
push the campaign vigorously ou 1hn
three pai'iimontit and burning issues of
the platform antagonism to imperial
ism, lo militarism tunl to grendy and op
presiiv trustn and in Huh wuy to tuake
certain the ehe'lioii of the candidates,
ilryan nnd htevenwin, who land (piar
ley and firmly on thco phmks. Clove-
lnod riaiti bealur (gulj Juui.)
7) . pit. o
S -.f ...i; i'
I'-,!' d, .i f
rlf'ii H-i
is, (" "U'i ui:d Orn-
if (( t!:v!.in-A.'i.i:i.
J" v i y
V i :i--)nt! , v iiv.firynr.il V;im,
!' ! t' cm t '! t . ,.i is.
jr-..r.w;i j;utc 1 lit; I':'.-;;!!. I il
NiijI Vf.'tf"d duMr-m IjIit'i?, r.
I nil !!
' ! r no.
il.i. f r. i. i .
J .i"M: t. 4 .
J.; .J 'i: " :.')'.'
T ! I ( J': ; V . .1 1 '
t -r.:Q juL A;it..:ti: u
. n"i! 'i.'.). :r.iii.-i.-. surf
ijU r i-s f r ;
..'Mi;.,' '.ve'v.
, i..n rr i.-.uij
l Iti.y'.'.'iH
- r-. . i,
in This.
As it is quite a common (pieiitlon am
ong Fonie of our republican brethreu dur
ing tho past few weeks. "Whero is
Tow no" no one can find him? for their
benefit wa wish to say that Mr, Towne's
a.ldi-es.s is the same as it has been lor sev
eral year's, and any one anxious to com
municate with him may do ho by adress
ing him at liuluth Minn., or just at pres
ent they can meet him at the firyan
home at Lincoln.
Lb-re is what tho cry of all voters
should ho during the coming campaign
mid e.-pecially as. they march toward
thupolU. ' Keniemljer you nre an nni
et iean i itii-.tn." and ouo of many who
wish to revive thu spirit of Ml when
Lings wore cast, n-ide by our forefathers,
WorM 1 Ict'.iPt Campaign nifcr.
-To i dubs of four or mora new idib
M'ri'iCM tho weekly world will be dent
from now until Iiecemoer 1st, for for 2i
cents ouo!i,
The great camp: ign ;'ninsl t-ul-,
imperialism and 'he gold standard is on,
and the world Is convulsed w it h exciting
wars. Tlu Weekly World-Herald is
published tn two parts Tuesday and
Friday -Ho that ; get the hewn twice
a week.
We will accept an.; forward suhscrip
tiotiH to tho World-1 loruld at ulmvo rates
without extra cbargij, or they may bo
soul direct.
It Saved UU foot.
P. A. Daoforih of LaCrange, (a., suf
fered for six mouths with a frightful
ruomriff sore on his le,'; hiit writes that
BucUeii's Arnica salve wholly cured it
in five days. 'or Ukcrs, AVounda, Files,
it's thho host salve in tha world. Cure
gnardotend. Only 25 cts. Sold by Lk.
J. E. riri.vr.CT, druggist.
Peoj.'Irs Linlppndjrit purly TIcp
resonlativc Convention cftJie
5r;l Ui.strict. ,
A (lrlfSHte ron vontlon of the Tooplra Iiule
pnaent i'urty of th .jr;rd rttiJi'esmitat.ve
iliMtrit-t of HehrAnk-j, Ih lierijtjy chUoc to
iuei-t In t'rnwfonJ, ljruslcu, on TburtUuy,
tlie 'jMi dnyof July, at 2 o'cloce p.m.,
of il flay for the jmrjxjse of placing in
noiiiiuiition a caiiiiiiluto for roj)ri;nt:ttWe
ofsiijil5"rd dihtrlct, to be rotcd for at lliB
gciH'ri'.l wlpctioji, KoYomfoer 6, VJ'n, and lor
ih! transacUou of micIi other busineiw hs
limy jiocrIy coma lx;forM Hiilit convention.
'Ilia rcpri'Hun ration of tiie couiitlcd coin
prioing said bM-ti tliotrii:t is ba.sod on the
ToU- rust for I.' on. blluaA. Jloiconib for
Mijirnme Jiuiai?, at the general eluction of
of allouing one dcliato at JiU'j;e for
oiivji potinty mid one dftlrgale for each Ji.O
vol;. :iwt or insjor fraction thereof cast for
said candidate la each county, inakinK tbe
following i'circ?iiinl.;tiO!i :
iioxiiiilte 6 Dawes 8
Sncrid..n 8 Moux 4
Total (,
It. j. rcen;menlfd that no provics to ai
low i"l bat Unit t'.iu drlegutmt present cast
the full vote of tiie coanty. W. J. A. ItAUM.
Call for Senatorial Convention.
The Deaiopratie electors of the H'.li Sena
torial dUU'ict of Nebraska, are hereby call
ed to meet, in delegate convention in the
vlli;f of Valentine, Neb., on the 41U (lay of
Aiiii!:t, Itfl'i, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the pur.
pose of plueiiur In nomination a candidate
for the ollice of Stale Senator for, said Uiet
riet, and for the transaction of such other
business us may properly come before the
convention. The. basis of representation
will tie one delegate Rt lartfe mid one delu
liaUi for eaeli leO voles or major fraction
thereof e.u-t for Hon. 8ilas A. flole.omb for
Supreme r'uile at the general election of
ls'j), which giyes the. following by. counties:
Pox liutte fi I Keya I'uha 5
rorn u Uoek 4
I 'berry
I 'awed
It is reeommended that no proxies he al
lowed hut the delegate present cast the
1 nil vote to which tho ileJegutlon Ih entitl
ed. M. unuiHrcNncN,
IIonEiiT eioon, Sne'y. Chairman.
Call for Senatorial Convention.
The ecletors of the Peoples' Independent
Party of Nebraska, are hereby culled to
meet In deletfuto convention at Valentine,
Neb., on the -Jtli day of .viisust, ldtis, at 10
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing In
nomination a candidate for the office of
State Senator for said district, and for the
transaction of such oilier luiiiesH as may
properly come before the convention. Tho
several counties will be entitled to repre
sentation us lollowa; One delegate at lare
from each county and one dclepute for each
lneO voles or iiuijor fraction thereof cast, lor
Hon Silas A. Holcoinh for Supreme Judtfe ut
the ceneriil ejection of h:i)9, which vivos the
following by counties:
Pox initio
itrou n
tieva Paha
It is recommended that no proxies he al
lowed hat the delegate present cast the
fall vole to which the delegation Is eutili -,-d.
O. W. l'oTTKl!,
C. E. J.B.VB, Sec'y. (Jhairnmn.
Contest Xoticc.
t'nited States Land ofllce,
Aldanee, Ni-hra-ilin, I
June 7th, l'.iltu. (
A Kiiiiielent contest affidavit having been
tiled hi t his ofliee by Chins ChrUtensen, eon
te.taiit. against llouievlead entry No. 101!',
made October Hid, li?, for Kast half j;,
south nest kection (i and Kast-half ,V,
Northwest i. , ction 7, Taim dlip 31 norlh,
range jt we.t, by Mary i oote contcslec, in
which it is alleged that the said ilary Koote
has wholly abandoned siid tract, that she
has changed her residence therefrom lor
more than Mi months since making miid
eutry; that. aid tract is not scUled npe;i
and enltlvateii by aid party as reipHrc.i by
law, that sairl delects eontiniie at tun date
of this aflldnvit and urn not nor were mil
caused by service uf said entrynmn In the
Army, Navy or Murine Corps ot the t.'nl'.eil
sint.cn during the lute war with Spain or
any ol her war ia which It may have bene en
Hatred. Said piirties are hereby notliled to Appear
respond mnl offer evidence touching xnlil
aile;;tilioii at, 10 o'clock a, m. on Anguet lltli,
l!Hk'l, belorc Crant (.ut.lit'le, a Notary Public
lit hisofii e In Slanistju, Nebraska.
(tuellli.it ;I:nil hearing will he lield nt 10 o'
clock In. Oil A'l'.-ntt llth, l!HO berol'e. tHe
register and receiver Ut lhu t'nited Ktale
Land oiliee hi Alliiince, Nebraska
Thesnid eontestiint having, In a proper
nl'idavit, lll.'d Jane 7th, MM, m-t forth I acts
which she.' that, alter due ilili;:enc jiersoii
ul i"M'vice of tliis mitiiic can not be made, It
is le-reey ordered and direcled tfiat nueli
notice lie K'v. hi bydiieiunl proper pnblicu.
lion. t . M. UiiMkimii ,.s,
Keg I liter.
Tin' Appetite of a (Jottl
Is envied by all whoso stomach and
f.iver are out of order. lint Btu li should
know that Dr. Kiug'sNow Life Pills giva
a spleniliil apprtiU, hound digostion and
a regular bodily habit that losureM per
fect health nnd groat energy. Oijly 3r)C
at tUi. J U. I'liiKNlils, drtii; utoro.
Ten Jofksai. will lmblisli yonrtirsnd.lllce
the following:, for 2 per veur. Ech ml
ilitioual braiii! 7f cents. .TJvery raruier or
rancHinea In Sioux and adjoining eonnUr
sisouM a t vcrtine their brands in TbjoJoUj:
)Hi it circnhitei all over t'ne state, ft
may be tiie means of saviug money for you.
f,n iclt siiieor hip of cttl4
V'4.':S On left Bhonldtr of liin-ses. 1
d tV'Ra"Ee ou lhu head oX Wirbonnet
,2 pscre-K
Ifi i.i.,,,.... n '.,.... o s . ..
tiutiivsti l4lllll, DiUUA KAt. HUH
VfAnK C. Lr.wis.
fRll..n.l.rf n.i 1... .M.
li,.lt.... it-.":.a
hi Sli:- -Si t Cattle and on loft
Cron ,.r-z-f vrA
KijiisaZiiifJi moulder of Horee.
liange ou lieau ol nite lUver.
P. 0. Aiidreas Hari'i.son, Ji'pt).
Owns the follow-
tii'bruad on eilh
er; Also HQ on ciu-
i i ' .. .
tie and horse
fiorsox V
cattle on
Iml'ses on
HaiiRO on Silver Eprinss and east of stata
Inc. I'ostotllce Harrison Neb
" Tho braml represented in this notice
and branded ny wlitre on left siiie
of cattle, and over-lap cut from tho
fc.tw -i'110 "'lm( hrand on left thlpU of
hm'iscs, belongs to the unuorsigtied.
MaiiRe nefir East .Springs, south part to
Sioux tonnty. (JHakles Kewman,
Jiarrison, Nebraska.
On left nh'.e of cattle and on lef
ohonider ot horses.
FCi?l IUuikb ou Antelono creek
I". O., Ghilchrist, Sioux Co., Nell.
I'.raudud on left shoulder ol heraea
6(S:nil on left side of cattle.
f P llange on W hi to River, near Glen
P. O. Address, (lien, Nebraska.
I T 1.,1 ..n IrtC htn sf CottlA
jf?, and on left elioek of Hordes,
$&tofl Rango on Deep Creek.
Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,.
OSC.VB Clow, Snpt.,
Glen, Nebraska.
1500 KEWAKD.
For the aiTest and conviction of any party
or piu ties stealing or disfiguring any brands
on stock belonging to tho undersigned par
Horses briuidod 011 r!Su shoulder or
brandid on right Jaw. Also, I havo
Horses branded on left thigh.
Post Uilica Address,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska.
60, 117,
on left hip
on loft Jaiv, 0,1
Post Ofllce, Hewitt,
Icl t hip of Cattle.
Sioux County, Nebrnttka.
llor.sos branded Lvf-- '3 on left s
der or reversed, horioutally on left shoui'
derof Cattle, und on left side.
Post (Juice Address,
Patrick, Larumlo Co. Wyo.
svsxx.'x-siiiPuirtixTr t ttt' t.- rmS
Contest Jsotlcc.
Tnited iamd Ottlce.
Allhincn, Neb.
June, 2;;, V.m.
A Kiifficlent contest atllilavit, hiivlng heeu
tiled la this ofhco by Chitiilm Hester, eoiites
taut, against Homestead entry No. 21114, Hindu
May, I'.th, IsiW. lor N. )!, H K. 8 W, y K.R.y
iimi N-W. S lv. !i M'cLion '.'1, Township ,it,
N. range, .'.ii W . try Honei U. Will Cor.lost.pe,
in which it. is ulleged that ftnid Hones. I,'.
W III has lulled entirely to establish bis re
sbleacn thereon, or to cultivate any of said
trio t , that said defect con tin lie Hi tlie di. tJ
ol llui mlnlavlt. further Hint ufllant, is In
formed und believe that the said entry
nmn vrns not at the time of making his up.
plication tin said hind cither twenty-one
years ol nge or the hriel of a family, end
that said alleged abstince front the said land
wns tint dun to hit employment In ttae Army,
Navy, or Murine Corp" ot the I lilted stales
as n'prtvate solitier, ctllei-.r, penman or infer
tile, during tho wa r v, It t snaiii or during any
iith'T wnr in which the l.ntteil states may
be engiiged. Said parllf s are hereby iiotlllifil
to appear, respond tied offer rvhfldice touch
ing said n I legation t hi o'elock a. in. on A 0i
ust i'Mi, I'.'iKi, bet ore Oruiit isiithrte, n iiol ary
I'nlilie, nl his olllce In iiiirrison, Nelirnslis,
und that rinul hearing will lie hehl at In
o'eloek, a. in. on August Hi, l!0fl, berore
the HcKlstcr and liccelvor ol the United hlaU
es Land oiliee In Alliance, Nubrsslia, The
said eimledtiiiit having In a proper Bflldylt.,
tiled May l.'iih, iwie, set lurth fact wlileli
show that nfter duo diligence, personal in.
vice of this notice cannot lie msile.il la 1 urn
liy ordeisid and illrnetcd that such notlou btt
given by One Htid proper publication.