Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 28, 1900, Image 8

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, s ,
lreeo-Jou rn a 1
,1. JCMI 28th, 1900.
jr. Canen, Editor and Prop.
T.Lll.fl.1. tiM table.
Sola Was. , GoUicEut.
0. , SsUsd. 11 1 Mo. (.nixed
I North-Westeni
V. R. R. is
to and from the
the best
F, E, I a. V- R. R-
ilomeseeters Excursions
'Will bo run June 19th, and July 3rd
and 17th; Aug. 7th, 21st; Sept. 4lh,
nSth: Oct. 2nd, 16th; Nov. 6tb, 20th
Dec, 4th, 18th, 100, to points od the
MT F. E. & M. V. R. R.
in Nebraska, where the one way fair
,rom nearest Missouri River Point, in
eluding Council BluiTa is $3.00, or more
-o Point i n Wyoming, west of and in
Sliding & r in Junction, and to Points in
Black Hills district of So. Dakota,
Ticket will be sold by connecting
lines feeding to our line at bioux city,
Onowa Mo. valley and Oiuatia and by
.our agents at South Piatt, stations,
Blair, Omaha and on S. C. & P. in Iowa;
-except that our agents will not sell to
points in So. Dak.
Fare will he ooe fare plus f2.00 for
Tounti trip. Write your lolts in the&ast
.and have them come and tee you, taking
radvantate of these rates. Tickets limi
ted 21 days with. 15 days limit on goitig
.portion. F. Ayktiy, Agt.
Mr. Good son -Laoy was quite -unwell
the fore part of the week. Bat is
getting along alright-uow.
" J, H. Cook, of Agate, was in town
rthe lattor part of last week, oa business
connected with his assessorsbip.
Among our latest subscribers the
(following Banes appear. F. E. Jandt,
Deep creek live stock Co., and II. B. Sut
iliff. B. L. Srauck, and W. H. Davis,
"were at the public sale at F, W. Knott's
'Tuesday. Will went along to clerk the
T. B. Snyder, was up from Sheep
.creek, the first of this week on business.
Be reports things all O. K. in his section
.of the country.
Save your work for Harmon, the
, photographer. He will be here in July.
( Eev, C. L. Smith, made a trip to t! ie
south end of the county, as special depu
K ty sheriff to serve 9dm e legal papers for
i sheriff Holly. It took him two days to
make the rounds,
Chas Glaze was up from Crawford
the first of the week, putting up a mon
ument fer F. J. Witt We understand
"Mr. Gkaze has other work here also.
. We understand there is to be a grand
f celebration down at James Noise's
.grove,'on the 4th. All who attend, may
irest aasuied of receiving a saost cordial
-The not weather seems to have set
tin about a month earlier than usual. The
')Mt two weeks has been extremely
ihot, marcury running as high as 100 in
tiM shade.
Mr. and Mrs. NKto, are entertain
ing their nephew of Louisville, Kentucky
"The young man may possibly decide to
'essoin in Sioux county as he has grown
-tired of city life.
i Oraswhopers, cut worms and pota
to bugs, together with a lack of suf-
fioeot rain fall are serious drawbacks to
farmer and stockmen in different parts
-of Sioux county this year.
Harmon, the photographer will be
here in July.
ff Mr. and Mrs. Keece, are entertaining
1 the tatters pareots. The have come to
iseaain indefinitely.
now that Mr. Harmon, the photo
; graphs, ie coming back to Harrison,
-would it not be a good investment for
:gosse one owning a town lot to erect
gallery. It would rent readily.
Boy Wright requests us to announce
tlsat there is to he a free dance given at
JSarriaM on the night of the fourth
Everybody is cordially invited. That
t-wtllaltbbea ball game between
1 and Harrison nines ia too after-
fecial pension examiner, P. L Cole
of Morfblk, was in Harrison the latter of
part of bast week lookking op Mrs. Jer-
TJ Will fiVs claim for praeton and also
iDm claim of others whose names we did
mn. We uaderstaad Mr. Cole said Mrs
Ciae Chances for getting tier claim
nga the dennrtment won exist lee t.
Cra. Clnranee Hollingsworth and
;Ktdo inngbter, arrived from Bums,
C, taiarday evening. Her 'husband
atsvavsned bar aa far as Denver, stop
iCtaw ttii the arrival rf hie camp-
iCaMCI which are oetxOaf overland
Cm Br. Cawswortb will
C-ytrr mZZ c4 at and drive
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of aale issued by tlie
clerk of tk District Court of Sioux couuty
Sehraaka, noon a decree rendered by Mild
eonrt In favor of Sioux County, Is plaintiff
and Michael D.Jordan, Western Farm Mort
gage Company, J. L. Brown, aasigueeof tne
Western r'arin Mortgage Company, Coin
merrciaJ Investment Company, defendants,
I illn the 7th day of July, A. D. 1400, at 2
o'clock p. m. at Harrison, in aaid county, sell
the following described real estate towit:
Soutiihalf H. north west quarter, North
half X, south-west quarter 1. Section
twenty nine 2, Township thirty three 3,
north of range 53, west of the titb principal
meridian, at Harrisou. in said county, at the
fcast Front door of the Court Hoeaa. in
Harrison, Kebraeka at public auction Ui the
higest bidder for cah toaatify aaid Older of
aale in the sain of ii.il, with Interest, cosla
and aeeruiug cost.
TmoMas Hollt, aberriff of aaid county.
Sheriffs Sale. '
Fy virtue of an order of aale issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of Siosx Coouty
Nebraaka, upon a decree rendered by aaid
court In favor of Sioux county, la plaintiff
and Joseph M. Bobinaon and llrs. Joseph
M. Kebinaon, his wife whose chriatiaa name
is unknown, Hamilton Loan and Trust oom
pany, a corporation, are defendanta. I will
oo-Uie 7th, day of July, A. D. 1901. at 1 o'clock
P. V... at Harrison in Said county, sell the
following described real estate towit:
North half X, of north east quarter . of
Section thirty-three 33, west half 4 of north
-west quarter H. of section thirty-four 84,
all in Township tSirty-two K, north of range
fifty Six 56, West of 6tu prlncilpal Meridian
situated In Bioux county Nebraska, at ilarrl-
een in said county, at the east front door of
t!ie conrt Douse, lu Harrison, Nebraska, at
public auction, -to the highest bidder for
cash .to satisfy said order of sale In the sum
of Ml, OT, wllii interest coals and accruing
ThomaS Uoi.lt, Sheriff of aaid county.
Coming in July.
Mr. John Harmon, photographer, of
the fi rm of Mel n tire Sl Harmon of Chad
roo will be in Harrison through July to
take pictures. Mr. Harmon will come
better equipped and prepared to take all
kinds and sizes of picture?, from a
stamp photo to a crayon portrait.
Should there be any in Sioux county
who wish first class artistic work done
they should give Mr. Harmon their
work. The editor of the Prew-Journal
has had work done by Mr. Harmon, that
cannot be excelled in Nebraska.
H. A. Priddy has concluded bis
bprs as federal census enumerator.
Robert Neece is fencing the land
north of town which be bought of D. U.
Ciriswold this spring.
Harmon, the photographer is coming
in July.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinii of New Castle,
Wyo., cousins of Marcos Vulez, came
down the first of the week to spend a
short time with the hitters family.
The county fathers after spending
the sabbath in the bosom ef their famil
ies and remaing over Monday in order to
attend school election returned to their
duties again on Tuesday.
Anton Moravek is having some much
needed repairs made on bis east side resi
dence this week.
County Superintendent Burke, went
east on last Friday evening on business
and returned on a special on Sunday.
Chas. Russell, while lield without
bail is trying to while away his time by
painting the outside of the Sioux county
Dont forget to save your photograp
ic. work for Harmon, the photographer.
Laney Sutton was successful in
moving Robert Neaces bouse onto its
new sight north of town, yesterday.
Pat Lacy, left for Patrick, Wyo.,
on last Tuesday, to put up several build
ings for John T. Snow of that place.
He expects to be gone all summer.
K"-Monday morning A. McGinley and
J. W. Sherill concluded the deal where
by Mack becomes the owner of the
Northwestern Hotel. Though the pap
ers have not been made, making the
transfer, but it is safe to say its a bar
gain, Mack expects to use it for a pri
vate residence.
W. R. Millham of Emmettsburg, Ia
an old neighbor of ye editor, fourteen'
years ago in Alpena S. Dakota, was do
business in our town yesterday. Mr.
Millham represents the Emmetsburg,
maroie worss ana was here putting up
some tombstones at the cemetary for O.
W. Hester, with - which be is well
On last Saturday at the populist
county convention W. O. Patterson, of
Harrison, received the nomination for
county attorney, let us or and all
then do our duty und work for his elec
tion on aext November, In union there
ia strength, and the fact of his having re
received the nomination is sufficient
guarantee for the support of all fusion
0V:r In Wyoming.
Say Mr. Cannon, can we 'Bah for Billy
the great and Teddy the glass eyed dude?
AeciirJing to our pontics they're all
Y. B. Hamlin h .building a fine rsei
deocs on hie hemaotead. HnKxK) ft.
with 10 foot stnsMiag. It will have a
ortnf aaaasard or stage roof tad when
ayleted mill at mm of tba bait houses
Lumber Yard
3 V.
awD -
Go to ROHWERS for Lumber, Har
ness. Flour & Feed, or anything in his
line of business; he will save you mon
ey by giving you a squar deal.
!The Commercial Bank.
C. F. Coffee, President. F. W. Clarke, Cashier.
Cha3. C. Jamison. H. S. Clarke, A. McG inlet,
Stockmen having ue for a bank at thi point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking bu.ines.
441 We are prepared to take rare of onr trade at all tiinesijr
on the ridcre. J. I). Williams w boss car
penter and no doubt Burt will liave a
model house.
J. D.Williams has about finished his
own house on liis claim and will soon be
at home to hi friends.
Oh my, aim it hot and dry? The ther
mometer was ranging up in the late
minetiesand the early hundreds nearly
all of last week. While the grass is get
tiug brown and the grain is simply burn
ing up.
James Deuel lost a calf the last of last
James Rice is teaming near sage creek
We understand that he is hauling woo)
for Jake Mill.
We understand that Charles Christian
is booked to deliver the oration at Lusk
on the Fourth. We are glad to see him
climbing the "ladder of fame."
J. H. Bartell atteoded church on the
ridge last Sunday.
Francis Deuel is working at Wilson's
sawmill near Lusk.
We understand that a picked vp nine
from the Ridge is to play th Lutik hine
in a matched game of ball, the Fourth.
Every body with their wives and child
ren are going to attend tlie barbacue in
Lusk on the nation's birthdav.
Mike Jordan passed through Kirtiey
enroute to Douglas on Wednesday 01
last week.
Lock and Ura Kirtiey were sight see
ing through this part of the country la&t
week. T!ey returned to their home
near Hot Springs S. U. on Satin Jay.
We have just received tlie year Book
for 1899 and and liod it above the aver
age. A special ellort was made to pre
pare a publication which should contain
a resume of the achievment in the Unit
ed States in every brand of science as re
lated to agricultural during the nineteen
th century, for distribution at the Paris
exposition. It should be 10 every house
and all should read knowledge concern
ing animal diseases."
Mr. Hunt arrived here a few days ago
and is now with bis wife at Mr. C. L.
Christians. '
Say Mr Sun man: Tell the foreman
of the V. T. Ranch that Zekiel might tell
him something concerning his gates be
ing open. Hut to be earnest with yoa
we might have to beard the Lyon in bis
den. If the truth wew known.
Proceedings of Annual
School Heeling Dist
rict llo- 7.
, Harrison, Neb. June 25th, 1900,
Meeting was called to Order by Mod
erator Bartell at half past 2 o'clock p.
m., director Ronwer, acting aa secre
tary of the meeting the minutes of the
last annual meeting wore read and 00
motion were adopted, after which a re
port of the Treasurer was presented,
which showed a surplus of $10.65, on
hand over and above the running expen
ses of the past year and that the District
was entirely out of debt On motion
the Treasurers report was adopted. The
report of the director for the past year
was presented, read and adopted. The
resignation of L. Oerlach aa district
treasurer was presented to the meeting
for consideration, and accepted. The
meeting then proceeded to elect a Direc
tor, which was done by ballot and re
sulted in the election of W. H. Davis.
On motion Jeff Hewitt was nominated
for Treasurer, there being no other can
didate he was unanimously elected for
the unexpired term U Oerlach. The
board reported the total valuation of ass
essable property, real and personal for
tba year 1M0, was I4S.00Q. and on jpo
iioa tbtJMeUnjr voted a tax levy for
Harness Shop.
Flour & Feed
For Sale.
general and through consideration of
the subject it was decideJ to enlarge the
north building so as to make two 3 foot
rooms. J. H, Bartell submitUnl a plan
which lie ectimated could lie built, for
about 1373.00, and the construction of
the addition was loft to the discretion of
the Board, whether it should be built
by contract or otherwise and were so or
geoeral school purposes of 23 mills.
Tlie next subject for consideration was
tlie building an extra school room to the
present inadequate building. After a
dered to build, on motion the school
board were instructed to collect from all
scholars attending the Harrison school
whose resid. ocs is outside the district
50c per month for the primary, 75c per
month for the intermediate and fl.00
per month for the higher room, and all
above 9th grade should furnish theirown
books. Also, that a receipt from the
district treasurer to the teacher must be
presented to the teacher before the schol
ar would be adniittttd to attend the
school. The number of montlisof school
the district should have during the en
suing year was left to tlie judgement
of the school hoard.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Proceedings of Populist
County Convention.
Tlie county convention of the People's
Independent party, con veiled at the court
house in Harrison, last Saturdty after
noon as per call of the chairman and
secretary. Chairman Christensen called
the convention to order and slated the
object of the meeting, after which Char
les Biehle and J. G. Merriam, were el
ected temporary chairman and secretary
On motion the convention proceeded
to select delegates to the various con
ventions to be held withiu the state dur
ing the fall campaign.
Following delegates Were elected to
attend the dflTerenl conventions:
State Lincoln July 11th,
J. O. Crawford, Charles Biehle and
J. O. Merriam.
Congressional Broken Bow July Oth,
Clans. Christensen, Wm. J. A. Rauno
and L. C. Lewis.
Senatorial, 14th district .
S. M. Thomas, W. D. Lyon and L.
L. Wilton.
Representative, 53rd District July 26th,
Claus Christensen, James Nolan and
Wm J. A. Raum.
After the selection of delegates, the
next order of business was the nomina
tioo of a candidate for County Attorney
Two names were proposed, J. C. Alexan
der of Ardmore and W. O. Patterson of
this place, after which the name of Mr.
Alexander was withdrawn and W. O.
Patterson was unanimously nominated
for Co. Attorney.
On motion the county Central Com
mittee was reorganized: Following ars
the new committee:
Chairman, Outturn Bikhi.e,
Secretary, J. O. Mehkuk.
Andrews precinctL. C Lewis
Antelope ' A, L. Ring,
Bowen " W. O. Patterson,
Cottonwood C. U. Grove,
Hat Creek " Frank Scott,
Montrose ' " 'J. 0. Meng,
Runniogwater J. O. Crawford,
Soak creek " Charles Hall,
Sugar Loaf Andrew Rosen burg,
Whistle creek " liavid Hamaker,
Warbonnet flam Thomas,
White River M. J. Weber.
On motion convention adjonrned with
out date.
Chaslu Bixxlc, Chairman,
4. O. Mxsbam, Secretary.
Wm r.
Will make the season at my place
on Monroe Creek 7
of Harrison.
WISDOM JR, sired bv Sported
CLYDE Dam 7-eights SHIRE-weight
l,5oo lbs.
Price: $5.oo, to insure living Colt.
Will make the season of 1900
RY BARN in Harrison.
PEDIGREE' nrtoen -Six torn tli
Weight, 1500 lbs.
TERMS:-5.00 for the seas
on, payable middle of season.
John Deickmavn.
Will make the season at
the Deickmann Bros., Livery
Barn in Harrison, Neb.
Weight 950.
TERMS: $8.00 to insure.
Care will bd taken to' pre
vent accidents, but should
any occur I will not be re
sponsible. John II. Deickmaem.
Kimbal Organ Bran IS'ew,
Will trade for young cattle.
Apply at this Office.
Kstrayed froin White Kiver, four miles
wewtof Glen, one bay "Pluto" Miire. bald
faced, white legs and branded S oa loft
Any one giving- me Information of Ur
whiTe-B-boiits 111 be liberally rewarded by
writing to me.
EZRA TtXKEtl. Glen, Neb.
A Monster Devil Flsli.
Destroys its victims, is a type of con-
stipitation. The power of this malady is
felt on oragans, nerves, muscles and
brain. But Dr, King's New life Pills
are a safe and certain cure. Best in the
world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels. Only 25 cents, at- J. E. PllIN-
SEYS Drug Store.
HTWrite Uayden Bros., Omaha,
Wholesale Supply House, for prices and
The Pmsn-Jocinal and St. Louis
Republic, $l.C0,per year. Try it.
From my ranch 6 miles S. E. of Harri
son the following described cattle.
One cow branded inverted shield with
bar in middle winter calf not branded.
Also seven head of yearlings with above
brand all branded on left hip a liberal
reward will he paid for information as to
their whereabouts. F. B. LAKfiwrniV.
Subscribe for the Press
Journal. It is the official
paper of SiouxCounty.
A Lire and rjratli Fight,
Mr. W. A. Hinea of Manchester, Ia.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death nays: "Exposure after meaa
ek induced serious lung trouMe. which
ended in Consumption. I had Irequeot
liemorraffea and coughed night and day.
All my doctors eald I must die soon.
Then I began to use Dr. King's New Di
covery which wholly cured me. Hun
dreds have used it on my advice and alt
ear it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung trouble,,' Regular size 50c
and 11.00. Trial bottles free at Dr. J.
Phiaoeys Drug store.
miles north-west
u S
There will bf Mass at the Court
flousc on Tuomlay, July 1 7, at
lu:30 o'cUx k.
C- L. SMITH, (JUuvh
pastor WU v-'iur-n,,
Sunday School 1 o'elork a. m. Epwofth
Lestciie 0 :-10 p. ni-
Proarlilnc every Sunday evening at 7:H0
p. m-, sud every alternate Nttnday at 1 1 a- in.
conimenrlng J miliary It, 1800. Every body
rurdialy Invttod to attend tbue terriers.
Proffessional Cards.
I'kjNcian and Surgeon.
All calls given prompt attention.
Office la Drug- Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United States
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
VLegal papers carefully drawn.
Hakkison. - Nkbbahka.
M. J. O Connell, Co. Attsmrj,
Win Practice la All CoartK.
Special Attention (Jlren to Land Of'
Ice Baslness.
Collections and all bnslnMa eat rait J
4 to me w 1 1 1 reccl re prewpt attration. ,
Michael Ruffing, TO?TW0B
I am prepared to do all aimts ef Civil
fcegliMwrlng wotk.
When in need of the Surveyors Servient,
give me a call as I have a full and com
plete outOt. together with experience 1
no tba work with neatness and diapatob. '
HMmtOm. - - - . NCBRAM4. .
,t, 4.,
"V V 'r
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