Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 28, 1900, Image 4

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" 4
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Tha Republican Party Assembles
In National Convention At Phil
adelphia and Declares Ita Prin
ciples For Coming Campaign.
Convention Hall. Pb!ladelphia.-(Spe-
. , ... . . ,
rial.) This was ths great day, and long
before 10 o'clock, the hour set for the
reassembling of the convention, the
Ball was surrounded by an Immense
army of people who besieged the doors
and entrances, clamoring for admission.
When the doors were opened they surg
d In like a flood, submerging the vast
The sun biased down through the
paces in the roof and the heat gave
promise of being oppressive, but the
ladies were attired in their thinnest
muslins, everybody was provided with
a fan and there was no complaint
Henry Cabot Lodge, the permanent
chairman, reached the stage at 10:15
adn there was an interesting conference
f the leaders in full view of the vast
audience with Joe Manley. Colonel
Disk, looking more like a post than a
Soldier; Mark Hanna, Senator Chanel
ler. Julius Caesar Burrows, Mayor Ash
bridge, Charles Emory Smith, John
Lynch, the colored ex-congressman ol
Mississippi, and a score of others were
busy perfecting the final plans fur the
At 10:20 the big band from Canton,
O, the president's home, made its way
Into the hall from the west side and
broke out with the pealing strains oi
the national anthem. The whole audi
ence rone to its feet and stood until it
was concluded,
The Canton band is one of the moat
popular organizations of the kind in
the United States. It is here on the
ay of the nomination of President Mc
Kinley at the president's own request.
He regards this band as his "mascot."
Heretofore In his congressional and gu
bernatorial contests, and In 189 in his
contest for the presidency, the band
played him to victory. When it was
suggested that the band could not be
present the president Insisted that It
should be, and at hla request the noted
organization was engaged.
Through the pit a squad of men were
busy distributing great stands of red,
white and blue pampas plumes, which
later on were to cut a big figure in the
demonstration. Picturesquely dignified
and with a rather Incongruous setting,
there stood upon the platform during
the preliminaries Archbishop Ryan of
the Roman Catholic see at Philadelphia.
Hie ascetic face above the purple and
kiack robes of his clerical office stood
cut cameo-like from the group of poli
ticians of all classes and color and all
manner of dress. He chatted pleasant
ly with those about him. rose promptly
tram his seat when the first notes of the
"Star Spangled Banner" sounded
At 10:34 Chairman Lodge glanced at
Bis watch and then with three raps of
the historic gavel stilled the tumult
en the floor, while the band ushered
to the session with the national an
them. Senator Hanna being one of the
trst to rise, and the entire audience
following as the inspiring strains re
verberated through the building. As
the anthem closed the chairman an
nounced the opening Invocation by
Archbishop Ryan.
Now Mr. Lodge advanced to the front
ef the platform, and a thrill went
thro ugh the vast audience as he an
ov iced :
"Under the rules, nominations for the
flic of president of the United Stater
are now in order. There was a mo
mentary shout, which the chairman
punctured with:
"The state of Alabama Is recognized."
A tall and swarthy Alabamlan stood
en his chair and by pre-arrangement
answered: "Alabama yields to Ohio."
This was the signal for the recogni
tion of Senator Foraker. who was to
take the speech nominating Mr. Me
Kinley as the republican candidate for
president. Then the cheers began and
wild scene ensued.
Amidst a tumult of applause Senator
foraker went to the platform, and
When quiet was restored began to
peak, first thanking Alabama for their
courtesy in yielding-, but attributing
that fact to the overwhelming popu
larity of the candidate. As Mr. For
aker continued he was repeatedly in
terrupted with cheers. When he con
cluded the convention arose and cheer
ed enthusiastically, all waving fans.
Former tempests of enthusiasm paled
before this cyclone of sound and move
ment. Every one stood and waved and
yelled. State standards were wrenched
mm their places and borne alofe with
imbrellas, great plumes of red, white
and blue, a perfect tempestuous sea of
: -, Senator Hanna sprang to the front of
the stage, a flag In one hand and a
- elume In the other, and led In the tre
mendous demonstration. Now It had
mated Ave minutes. Not content with
' their frenlsed hurrah on the floor, the
delegates now marched In sold ranks
'" pon the .platform, with standards,
- fames, banners and flags.
V After the demonstration had con tin
ned seven minutes, the Ohio delegation,
where centered the waves of sound,
moved up the aisle, while all the other
Mate delegations, bearing aloft their
standards, formed in a grand proces
dbs) about the hall.
v , Tm demonstration lasted Just ten
. Mratea, Indiana started the rush to
' tat pisiform. Governor Mount tearing
' ' the state standard and leading th
' V , . sW'-esUlon down the aisle.
' k law plume demonstration was fol--S
v f vrod by a grand doxology in th sins-
"' , ' v ef "John Brown's Body," the gal-
m fouuag in tne cnorua wane tne
tZt tMnMinm tZrlnL th-1
?J tf.".P??- D!i,,"T th? I
h ef nenetnr Foraker. Governor
1 -vstt paid attention so strictly that
- -n an almost anxious look upon
i - One or twice, however, he
,.. from Ma Intensity and ap-
smW e Foraker flmshed Roe-
th the seat, but uadoubt
y with V OTOepect of his own nom-
1 T30. " V '"Ml r stood aflent.
; J cheers and both
' f I ansae cv v
U ami b A
i? -rf ssWrtsV -mgamt
Ml V
i 'Vmrv eiH to ya.
tore order, but this n only a signal
far the crowd to again break loose.
It was exactly fifteen minutes when
order was restored and Mr. Lodge an
nounced: "The chair recognles Gov
ernor Roosevelt of New York."
Again the magic of a name sent the
multitude into convulsions of enthusi
asm. All eyes were turned toward
He stepped out into the aisle and
strode up to the platform, looking nei
ther to the right nor the left, and then,
turning and surveying the sea of wav
ing, cheering humanity, there he stod,
his face grimly set, without a smile.
He made no acknowledgment, no salu-
tatlonf to the plaudits, but like a hero
receiving his due, calmly awaited the
subsidence of the tumult. At last he
rained his hand and at his bidding the
demonstration came to an end.
Then Governor Roosevelt began his
speech, speaking in a clear, full voice.
His sentences were delivered in a
manner that denoted a careful study
of each word. Kis argumentative style
kept the audience en rapport with him.
for he was given the closest attention
by the great audience, In fact, very
much more attention than that had any
other speaker.
"It was not a great war. It did not
have to be." he said, speaking of the
war with Spain, and then waited .for
the ripple of laughter which followed
the declaration.
'We have done so well that our op-
ponents use it as an argument for turn-
ing us out," he said, smliinic and show
ing his teeth, and his audience resxnd
ed with cheers and laughter. His allu
sions to the Ice trust called forth the
heartiest applause, with cries from the
galleries of "Hit 'em again," and "That
is right. Teddy."
"I pity the democratic orator In New
York who mentions trusts," he declared
with uplifted hands, and the audience
howled with laughter and shook the
floor with applause.
"The insurrection in the Philippines
goes on because the Insurrectionary al
lies of the Tagals in the Island of Lu
zon," declared the governor, "have giv
en the Insurrection their moral if not
material suppurt."
When be declared with brilliant em
phasis that the success of the repub
lican party in November meant peace in
the Philippines, while the success of
the opposition meant a prolongation of
the struggle, the delegates and specta
tors rose almost as one man and
cheered. After recounting the achieve
ments of the United States In the far-
off Islands and presenting In a sentence
tne claim of this country UDon the
archipelago. Governor Roosevelt de
manded, amid thunderous applause:
"Is America a weakllnir that she
should shrink from the work of a great
world power? The giant of the west,
like the gladiator of old, looks Into the
future with hope, with expectancy,
which the love of all Institutions have i
made dear to us. (Tremendous ap-1
In coniuBion, Governor Roosevelt
declared that the republican party and 1
the American people challenged the fu-'
ture and they were eager for the labor
laid out for them as if by providence.
Gradually the convention came back
to quiet and the chairman recognized
Senator Thurston of Nebraska for a
speech seconding the nomination of the
Mr. Thurston said: "Gentlemen of the
convention: There are voices today
more powerful and eloquent than those
of men seconding the nomination of
William McKlnley. They come from
the forest and the farm, the mountain
and the valley, the north, the south,
the east and the west. They are the
voices of happy homes, of gladdened
hearts, of bustling, toiling, striving,
earnest, prosperous millions, of re-established
business, re-employed labor,
reopened factories, renewed national
credit and faith.
"In all the broad land every furnace,
every spindle that sings, every whistle
that blows, every mountain torrent set
to toll, every anvil that rings, every
locomotive that screams, every steam
ship that plows the main, every mighty
wheel that turns, are all joining in
the glad, grand voice of prosperous,
progressive, patriotic America, second
ing the nomination, of our great presi
dent. William McKlnley. And who is
Wliliam McKlnley? Born of the com
mon people, struggling up through the
environments of humble boyhood and
toil, he stands today before the world,
the foremost representative of all that
is most glorious and grand in our up
lifted civilization.
"Who is William McKlnley? A citizen
soldier of the republic, the boy volun
teer, knighted by his country's com
mission, for daring deeds in the fore
front of desperate battle.
"His alma mater was the tented field,
his diploma of valor bore the same
signs, true as did the emancipation
"'When Sheridan, summoned bv the
mighty roar of 'doubtful battles, rode
madly down from W Inchester and drew
nigh to the shattered and retreating col-
umns or nis army, tne nrst man he met
to know was a young lieutenant en
gaged in the desperate work of rally
ing ana reforming the union lines,
ready for the coming of the master
whose presence and genius alone could
wrest success from defeat. That young
lieutenant of the Shenandoah has been
rallying and forming the union lines
from that day to this. He rallied and
formed them for protection of Ameri
can labor; be rallied and formed them
to maintain the credit of our country
and the monetary standard of the civ
ilized world. He rallied them in the
great struggle of humanity and sent
the power of the republic to the Islands
of the sea, that a suffering people might
be lifted from the depths of tyranny
and oppression. He rallied and form
ed them that our navies might astound
the world and make our flag; respected
in all the earth. He rallied and formed
them that law and order might prevail
and property and life and liberty be
secure where the banner of the re
public waves In sovereignty above our
w possessions la the east.
"His name is on every tongue, his
love in every heart, his fame secure in
ail time to come and his re-election by
the people whose welfare and honor he
baa so Jealously guarded and maln-
Ulned' U " " the rising of
the moraine sun.
"I cannot, dare not, stand longer be
tween this convention and Its will. Tou
arc the delegates of the people. Tou
represent their wish as It is soon unan
imously to be recorded. -
"Of the outcome of the contest that
Is to follow we have no lingering doubt,
but we trust the Intelligence of the
American people and we believe the
Justice of Almighty Ood will prevail.
"Other candidates of other parties
will seek the public confidence and the
papular. Hawks and basse res some
times soar aloft until they cheat the
kttSMUl VJaton to believe thess aae-lee:
lit Of- west salshty etrslM tlk above
them all, the one sole peerlesc mon
arch of the snowcapped peeks and tht
empyrean blue. 8o, In the realm ol
the statesmanship of the United States
William McKinley stands above all oth
ers, the worthy successor of Washing
ton. Lincoln, Grant and Garfield, out
president now, our president to be,
William McKlnley of Ohio."
Speeches seconding the nomination
were also made by John W. Terkes of
Kentucky. George Knight of California
and Governor Muunt of Indiana. An the
latter closed the convention again de
manded a vote and the chairman an
nounced that the roll of mates would be
called for the vote on the nomination
for president. At 12:37 p. m., the vote
Ouiing the call of states on the vote
for the presidential candidate the gal
leries were noticeably attentive, and
there was no unusual demonstration
among the delegates until New York's
vote was announced by Chairman
Odell. This brought out a round of
applause. When Pennsylvania's vote
was announced by Senator Quay many
of the delegates arove and cheered.
feome of the states were n t content
with casting their votei for McKlnley.
but the chairmen announced the vote
which McKlnley would receive In No
vember. When he announced Hawaii,
the delegations stood and cheered the
announcement of the new possessions
of Its two votes for McKlnley.
The tally clerks quickly made the
official summary and handed it to the
chairman. Mr. Lodge took the paper
and advancing to the front of the
stage, said:
"The total vote cast Is 3). William
McKlnley has received 900 votes. It Is a
unanimous vote and the chairman de
ciares that William McKlnley is your
nominee for the presidency for the term
beginning March 4. 1901.
Now again pandemonium broke loose
In one swelling chorus of enthusiasm
for the new candidate. Up went the
Jilumes and standards. Up stood the
great audience, men and women, Iran
gllng their shouts and their frantic
demonstration. The bands played "Ral
ly Round the Flag" and the Hamilton
club of Chicago marched down the
aisle, preceded by New York and fol
lowed by Pennsylvania.
The huge counterfeit or an elephant
emblem of republican strength was
brought Into the hall. Around its neck
were entwined garlands of flowers.
I-auffliter and applause was mingled as
the great emblem was borne about. The
demonstration In honor of the presi
dent's nomination lasted five minutes,
and then the chairman called for order
fur the further event in store.
Mr. Lodge warned the noisy and
demonstrative throngs that there was
still vital business to be done, and an
nounced that the call of states would
proceed for nominations for the vice
As the name of Alabama was called
on the roll of states the announcement
was made by the chairman of the dele
gation that Alabama would yield to
Iowa to present a candidate. Cnalrman
Lodge then recognized Colonel Late
Young, one of the Iowa delegates at
large, and editor of the Dea Molnea
Robust and vigorous, in his physique
and in his mentality. Colonel Young
swung down the main aisle to the plat
form to do that which a single orator
never before did in a republican na
tional convention withdraw one strong
and magnetic mta as a candidate and
present that of another for the second
office In the gift of the American people.
He withdrew the name of Doliiv er and
offered that of Roosevelt.
Colonel Young was in Cuba nt th
time Roosevelt led his gallant Rough
Riders up Han Juan hill, and his ref
erence to the governor campaign was
eloquent and touching.
The demonstration which followed the
announcement by Colonel Young of
Governor Roosevelt as the candidate
of the young men of the country, who
represented their desires and ambi
tions and embodied their patriotism
and Americanism was not second to
that accorded the president's name.
The vast assemblage sprang to its feel
and atate emblems, pampas plumes,
handkerchiefs and hats fairly filled the
air. The band in the main gallery be
gan to play "There'll Be a Hot Time in
the Old Town Tonight," and to the in
spiring strains the delegates began
u.archlng around the hall, filing past
Governor Roosevelt as he eat In the
New York delegation and extending to
him their congratulations.
The delegates still choked the aisles,
grasping the governor's hands and with
difficulty the chairman restored quiet
and recognized Butler Murray of Mas
sachusetts, seconding the nomination of
The nomination was also seconded by
General Ashton of Washington and
Chauncey M. Depew.
The roll of states was then called
and Roosevelt unanimously nominated
at 1:W p. m.
Governor Roosevelt, now the candi
date for vice president, was surrounded
by delegates showering congratulations
upon him. He stood in the middle aisle.
the stern look of recent days having
given way to an expansive smile.
The serious work of the convention
was now practically over and only a
few details remained to be performed.
A resolution by General Grosvenor was
agreed to for an official print of the
convention proceedings and a reprlt of
the proceedings of four years ago. An
other resolution empowered the nation
al committee to fill vacancies on the
On motion of Colonel Dick Senator
Lodge was placed at the head of the
committee to notify the president of his
nomination and Senator Wolcott at the
head of the committee to notify the vice
presidential nominee.
Resolutions of thanks to Mr. Lodge
and to Mr. Wolcott for their able serv
ices as presiding officers were unani
mously adopted, also thanks to Mayor
Ash bridge of Philadelphia for the hospi
tality of the city and to all officials
of the convention.
This closed the work and at 2:14, on
motion of Mr. Sereno Payne of New
York the republican national convention
of 1S0O adjourned aine die.
Or and Rapids, Mich. Special.) This
spring the three Ice companies which
supply Grand Rapids formed a combine
and doubled the price of Ice to consum
ers. Today Prosecuting Attorney Rod
gers began proceedings against them
under the anti-trust act of the legisla
ture of 1W, the sheriff serving legal
notice on the companies that they will
be held to a fine of 150 a day, aa pro
vided for In the law, so long as they
continue their price combination.
The prosecutor also announced that
if this action does not put sn end to
the trust he will begin criminal pro
ceedings against Ita officers, as provid
ed for In another section of th act. 1
Dispatches from Lourenxo Marques
reiterate the statement that Secretary
of But Rsits sailed for Curop rcoently
ob a vwtea warsaip.
Condemns the Trusts, Upholds the
Tariff, Demands Continuance
of the Dlngley Bill.
Philadelphia, Po. (Siieclal.) The
rommittee completed Its preparation of
the platform at 12:35, Senator Fair
banks, chairman of the committee, Im
mediately left the Hotel Walton, where
it had been put In shape, for the con
vention halL
Following is the full text of the docu
ment: The republicans of the United States,
through their representatives in na
tional convention, looking back upon
in unsurpassed record of achievements,
and looking forward Into the great field
af duty and opportunity and appealing
to the Judgment of their countrymen,
make these declarations:
The expectation in which the Ameri
can people, turning from the demo
cratic party, entrusted power four years
ago to a republican chief magistrate
and a republican eongiees, has been
met and satisfied. When the people
then assembled at the polls, after a
term of democratic legislation and ad
ministration, business was dead. Indus
try paralyzed and the national credit
disastrously Impaired.
The country's capital was hidden
away and Its labor distressed and un
employed. The democrat had no other
plan with which to Improve the ruin
ous conditions which they had them
selves produced than to coin silver at
the ratio of 16 to 1. The republican
party, denouncing this plan as sure to
produce conditions even worse than
thore from which relief was sought,
promised to restore pro: perlty by means
of two legislative measures: A protec
tive tariff and a law making gold the
standard of value. The ppopie by great
majorities issued to the republican par
ty a commission to enact these laws.
This commission has been executed,
and the republican promise is redeemed.
Prosperity more general and more
abundant than we have ever known has
followed these enactments. There Is
no longer controversy as to the value of
any government obligations. Every
Americ an doll.ir is a gold dollar or its
assured equivalent and American cred
it stands higher than that of any na
tion. Capital Is fully employed and ev
erywhere labor is profitably occupied.
No single fact can more strikingly
tell the story of what republican gov
eernment means to this country than
this: That while, during the whole
period of 107 years, from ll'M to 1X97.
there was an excess of exports over
imports of only l3ii3,02S.47. there has
been In the three short years of the
present administration, an excess of
exports over imports In the enormous
sum of Jl,4$3,i28,(tt4. and while the
American people, sustained by this re
publican legislation, have been achiev
ing these splendid triumphs in their
business and commerce they have con
ducted and In victory concluded a war
for liberty and human rights. No
thought of national aggrandizement
tarnished the high purpose with which
American standards were unfurled. It
was a war unsought and patiently re
sisted, but when it came the American
government was ready. Its fleets were
cleared for action. Its armies were In
the field and the quick and signal tri
umph of Its forces on land and sea bore
eo.ua! tribute to the courage of Ameri
can soldiers and sailors and to the skill
and foresight of republican statesman
ship. To 10,000,000 of the human race
there was given "A new birth of free
dom," and to the American people a
new and noble responsibility.
We renew our allegience to the prin
ciple of the gold standard and declare
our confidence In the wisdom of the leg
islation or the fifty-sixth congress by
which the parity of all our money and
the stability of our currency on a gold
basis has been secured. We recognize
that interest rates are a potent factor
In production and business activity and
for the purpose of further equalizing
and of further lowering the rates of In
terest, we favor such monetary legisla
tion as will enable the varying needs
from he season and of all sections to
be properly met In order that trade
may be evenly sustained, labor steadily
employed and commerce enlarged. The
volume of money In circulation was
never so gTeat as It Is today. We de.
dare our steadfast opposition to, the
free and unlimited coinage of silver.
No measure to that end could be con-
Sljered which was Without the inmuirl i
of the leading commercial countries of
the world. However firmly republican I
legislation may seem to have secured I
the country against the peril of base
ana discredited currency, the election' lne convention were, wisely
of a democratic president could nor fall Kuarded when President McKlnley len
to Impair the country's credit and to'dered his offices In the war between
bring once more Into question the, In
tention of the American people to main,
tain upon the gold standard the parity
3T tneir money circulation. The demo
cratic party must be convinced that
the American people will never tolerate
the Chicago platform.'
We recognize the necessity and pro
irlety of the honest co-operation of
'apltal to meet new business eondl
:lons and especially to extend our rap
dly Increasing foreign trade, but we
Hindemn all conspiracies and combl-
latlons Intended to restrict business, to. the American people. No other course
reate monopolies, to limit production or was possible than to destroy Spain's
m control prices and favor such legis- sovereignty throughout the Western
atlon as will effectually restrain and; Indies and In the Philippine island.
revent all such abuses, protect and j That course created our responsibility
jromote competition and secure the 'before the world and with the unor
ights of producers, laborers ard all j ganlzed population whom our Interven
bo are engaged In industry and com- tlon had freed from Spain to provide
nerce. for the malnteance of law and order
We renew our faith In the policy of and for the establishment of good gov
protection to American labor. In that j eminent and for the performance of
policy our Induatries have been estah-! International obligations. Our author
llahed. diversified and maintained. Uy i Ity could not be less than our resnon-
protecting the home market the com
petition has been stimulated and pro-
luction cneapenea. opportunity to the
inventive genius of our people has been ; thnrlty lo put down armed Insurrection
lecured and wages Jn every department , and to confer the blessings of liberty
f labor maintained at high ratee, hngh- and civilisation upon all the rescued
r now than ever before, slways die- people. The largest measure of self
lingulshing our working people In their government consistent with their wel
better conditions of life from those of, fare and our duties shall be secured to
ny competing country. Enjoying the 'them by law. To Cuba Independence
blessings of American common schools, I and self-government were assured In
in the light to self-government, and . th same voice by which was was de
protected In th occupancy of their own ' dared, and to the letter this pledge
markets, the constantly Increasing shall be performed,
(tnowledf and skill have enabled them I The republican party upon Its history
Snally to enter th markets of th and upon thla declaration of Its princl
world. Wt favor the associated policy plea and policies confidently Invokes
of reciprocity so directed aa to open th considerate and approving Judf-
markets oa tavaraMa Urms (or meat ef th American peopl.
what we do not ourselves prodnce if
return for free foretrn markets.
In the further Interest of America!
workmen we favor a more effective re
striction of the Immlgiatlon of cheai
labor from foreign lands, the extension
of opportunities of education for work
ing the children, the raising of the age
limit for child labor, the protection of
free labor aa against contract convict
labor and an effective system of labor
Our ptesent dependence upon foreign
shipping for nine-tenths of our forelsn
carrying is a great loss to the Industry
of this country. It Is also a serious
danger to our trade, for Its sudden
withdrawal In the event of European
war would seriously cripple our expand
ing foreign commerce. The national
defence and naval efficiency of this
country, moreover, supply a compelling
reason for legislation, which will enable
us to recover our former place among
the trade-carrying fleets of the world.
The nation owes a debt of profound
gratitude to the soldiers ami sailors
who have fought Its battles and It is
the government's duty to provide for
the survivors and for the widows and
orphans of those who have fallen In
the country's wars. The pension laws,
founded In this just sentiment, should
be liberal and Bhould be liberally ad
ministered and preference should be
given wherever ptartlcable with re
spect to employment In the public ser
vice to soldiers and sailors and to their
widows and orphans.
We commend the policy of the repub
lican party In maintaining the elllclency
of the civil service. The administration
has acted wisely In Its effort to secure
for public service In Cuba, I'orto Rico,
Hawaii and the Philippine islands only
those whose fitness has been detemln
ed by training and experience. We be
lieve that employment In the public
service in these letritorles should be
confined as far as practicable to their
It was the plain purpose of the Fif
teenth amendment to the constitution
to prevent discrimination on account of
race or color in regulating the legisla
tive franchise.-. Devices of state gov
ernments, whether by statutory or con
stitutional enactment are revolutionary
and should be condemned.
Public movements looking to a per
manent Improvement of the roads and
highways of the country meet with
our cordial approval and we recommend
this suDject to the earnest considera
tion of the people and of the legisla
tures of the several states. We favor
the extension of the rural free delivery
service wherever its extension may be
The Dingley act amended to provide
sufficient revenue for the conduct of
the war, has so well performed Ita
work that It has been possible to re
duce the war debt In the sum of 140,
lwo.000. l?o ample are the government's
revenues, and bo great Is the public
confidence In the Integrity of Its obliga
tions that its newly funded 2 per cent
bonds sell at a premium. The country
is now justified in expecting and It will
be the policy of the republican party
to bring about a reduction of the war
We favor the construction, ownership,
control and protection of an isthmian
canal by the government of the United
New markets are necessary for the
Increasing surplus of our farm pro
ducts. Every effort should be made to
open and obtain new markets, especial
ly In the orient and the administration
Is warmly to be commended for Its suc
cessful cifort to commit all trading and
colonizing nations to the policy of the
open door In China.
In the interest of our expanding com
merce we recommend that congress cre
ate a department of commerce and In
dustries In the charge of a secretary
with a seat from the cabinet. The
United States consular system should
be recognized under the supervision of
this new department on such a basis
of appointment and tenure as will ren
der It (tlll more serviceable to the na
tion's Increasing trade. The American
government must protect the person
and properly of every citizen wherever
they are wrongfully violated or placed
In peril.
We congratulate the women of Amer
ica upon their splendid record of public
service In the volunteer aid association
and as nurses in camp and hospital
during the recent campaigns of our
armies in the Eastern and Western
Indies, and we appreciate their faithful
co-operation In all works of education
and Industry.
President McKlnley has conducted
the foreign affairs of the United States
with distinguished credit to the Amer
ican people. In releasing us from the
vexatious conditions of a European al
liance for the government of Samoa his
course is especially to be commended.
By securing to our undivided control
the most Important island of the Sa
moan group and the best harbor In
the Southern Pacific every American In.
teres' has been safeguarded.
We approve the annexation of the
Hawaiian Islands to the United Stales
We commend the part taken by our
Kveniment In the peace conference at
Tn" Hague. We assert our steadfast
adherence to the policy announced In
,h Monroe doctrine. The provisions of
Great' Britain and the South African
republics. While the American govern
ment must continue the policy prescrib
ed by Washington, affirmed by every
succeeding president and Imposed
upon us oy i ne Hague treaty of non
intervention In European controversies,
the American people earnestly hope
that a way may soon be found, hon
orable alike to both contending parties,
to terminate the strife between them.
In accepting the treaty of Paris the
Just responsibility of our victories In
the'Hpanlsh war, the president and the
senate won the undoubted approval of
slblllty, and wherever sovereign rights
were extended It became the high duty
oi ine Kovernmem io maintain Its au
United States Gunboat Monocacy
Attacked By Chinese During
Bombardment cf Taku.
Washington, D. C Imperial.) Acting
Secretary of the Navy Hackett received
cable message this ofteni.xin from
Vdmlral Kempff. dated Che Foo, June
1. saying that Tien Tsln Is being bom
barded and that the American consul
ite as- well as foreign couctloua are
nelng destroyed.
A relief parly 1 en route !) Tien Tsln,
Including 130 American marines under
Major Walter.
London, June Z2. 3:S0 a m. Th
United States gunboat Monocacy was
two miles up the Pel Ho river when
the International fleet began the t-om-bardment
of the Taku fort. According
to the Bhanghal correspondent of the
Dally Express she was shot through the
bows. The correspondent sAys that
Chinese riflemen on both hanks of the
river attacked her, but unsuccessfully.
The scantiness of authentic reports
with regard to the situation continues.
Admiral Kempff's dispatch fannounc
In that Tien Ttrtn was t-lng bombarded
was prominently used by the Ismdon
papers and commented upon BJ iiiclicat.
Ing a change for the worse.
The Ifrlttsh admiralty docs not believe
the reiHirt of the death of Admiral
Seymour, commander of the interna,
llonal relief column, and iml-iificlal
assurances are given that there irnj
to be not the ailghtest -vblem-. tc
back u; such a report. It is pointed
nut that Admiral Seymour had suffi
cient supolles to enable him lo get ts
l'ekln, or to get hack.
"We are hopeful." sals the semi-official
announcement, "tht since he ha
not done the latter, he has done lh
A dls:atrh to the Associated Preai
from Shanghai, dated yesterday, says:
"The consuls met today to cunsldei
the situation, which In the absence ol
news from Pekln, Is look.-d upon a
particularly threatening. Grave feart
still exist as to the safety of the Europ
eans In Pekln. It was agreed to wire t
the senior consul at Che Koo to com
municate with the senior officers at
Taku asking for immediate assistance r
communicating directly with l'ekln
which they believe can e broughl
about through Sh-ng, director of tele
graphs. They advise that Sheng b
asked to explain the Interruption ol
The stoppage of trade has thrown
10.000 coolies out of work nt Shanghai
All the English ladles at Tien Tsin let!
there Saturday, by a train, for Taku
Shanghai wires that they had some ex
citing experience and would not havt
gotten through except for thp assist
ance of the Chinese troops. The lloxcn
mad several desperate attempts lo at
tack the train.
Taking advantage of the Tx!HIa'
disorders bands of robbers are pillag
ing In the vicinity of Sam Chun. Tin
Chinese authorities arc powerles. Pre
cautions have been taken to prevent
disturbances In British territory.
The explanation given at Hong Koni
of the failure of LI Hung Chang to gc
to Pekln Is that there Is a rising it
the border of the Kow Loon hinterland
The Singapore correspondent of tin
Dally Express, telegraphing yesterday,
"Kang Yu Wei. the, reformer, :tU
that ltiulan agents preclpitai-'d, li
they did not entirely organize, tht
present disturbance, for purely Rukslat
A dlsiiatch to the Daily Telcgrapl
from Shanghai, says that the rn'xr bin
aries from Taang Chou have rafel)
crrlvecl at Wei Hal Wei.
The Shanghai correspondent tf tht
Times says: "Great destruction wai
cau.-i'd by the Hoxers In the natlvi
quarter of Tien Tsin. on June 15, but ,
the presence of the foreign troopr. Ic
the foreign settlement protected Hat
The native press asserts that there art
bitter dissensions In the Mancnu paty."
The soldiers and Hoxers are said tc
Ik- majisacrelng each other and tin
Chinese and Manchus are also reimrled
to be engaged In mutual slaughter
Prince Tuan Is alleged to hae sacked
and burned the palace. The emperor li
reported to have been killed, ihe duw.
r.ger empress Is represented as mllni
and in some quarters it is believed hhi
has committed suicide. All this pur
ports to have been contained in a let
ter from Pekin received by a hlghei
official Chinaman at Shangnat. where II
Is hoped the desperate strugle be
tween the leaders of the do-.cax -r em.
press will continue and prevent th
ects combining against the Europ.
fVIII Put A Prealdental Ticket In
th Field.
Philadelphia, Pa.. (Special. -The first
teps looking to the organization of a
national negro party have been taken
In this city. Prominent negroes blrh
Dps, ministers, editors and lawyers al
meeting decided to place a presldcn.
Hal ticket In the field, with negrj candl
3ates. The plan la to organize the party
in every state of the union and nomi
nate candidates for state and congres
ilonal offices. An executive committee
has been appointed to draw tip a call
for a convention and see to the dllrl.
butlon of circulars outlining the rea
ions for the formation of a national
legro party,
Hlshop Levi J. Cappin, th nxwly
flected head of the A. M. E. church
li thla district, presided at the meet
mg. i he namea mentioned for 'president
were! Ex-Judge K. J. Walker of 14os
ton, with P. B. 8. Plnchback, ex-lleu-tenant
governor of Ixiulslana, as run
ning mate; Bishop W. H. Derrick of
New York, with Prof De Boise aa tun
ning mate; Bishop Grant of Illinois,
with the Rev. Dr. J, P. Sampson a ,
rice presldenj; Hlshop Turner, with
Booker T. Washington of Alabama as
vice president, and Hlshop Walters,
silli T, T. Allaln of Loulalana as vice
HC Petersburg, June 11. The Russian
minister of foreign affairs, Cunt Mu
ravleff, died euddenly this morning.
Count Muravleff had lust finished his
morning cup of coffee snd hsd ordered
Ms lunch when h fell In an apoplec
tic fit and expired In a few minutes,
twa I and 14 o'clock.
V 1,'
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