Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 28, 1900, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.'
w 1
Bubserlptlou Price
Official Paper of
Gf.o. I). Canon,
Kntekeij at the IIakiiihok Poct
TlionniK Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, Were Defenders of the
"Declaration of Independence" and "Constitution" of the
raited States of America.
War is hell and he who by tongue o."
wn lends aid thereto for gain or for glo
ry is an enemy of mankind no matter
what station he fills. Ten war is hell
and we shall not cease our efforts at
making it npper in its true light simply
becuuse some party retainer cries rebd
or some white necktied divinity stuuent
Kays it is aw fuly wrong to mention that
place over which preachers harve been
fchakiog people for age.
, Hon., Charles A. Towne, populist
nominee on their national ticket for vice
president declare he is a candidate be
fore tlie Kansas city, National Democrat
ic convention for ripe presiddnt and that
lie lias a larger support already than any
other man in the party.
The no mi nation of Col. Roosevelt for
vice president on the republican ticket,
'will not save New York slate to tba
republican party this year. Mr. Piatt
and Matt Quay forced Roosevelt onto
McKiulev and Hacjia to et even with
-Mliew for forcing Quay out of the U. S.
Siace the Chine: e "Boxers" have com
menced operations ia their native coun
try against a combination of internation
al land thieves, the murdering aud pi II
Koiug on in the Philippines and the
Transvaal country have ceased to excite
iublic atteution any longer.
Wheat, the very thing the farmer has
not (;ot to sell has advanced about 13c.
in as many days. The commodity Flo
ur tbe very staff of life which the peo
ple bave to have to sustain life jumped
85c. in one day.
Not a word in the platform of the re
publican national convention, in condem
nation of slavery in the Sulu islands,
carried on under treaty by his grace, p re
si den. McKinley and his cabinet.
GlorioiiH News.
Comes from D. B. Cargile, of Washita
L T. He writes: "Electric Bitters has
cared Mrs. Brewer of Scrofula, which
bad caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors could
irive no help: but now her health is ex
cellent." Electric Bitters is the best
bleod purifier known. It's Uie supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, suit rheum,
ulcer, boils and running sores. It stim
ulales liver, kidneys and bowels, expels
roison. helns digestion, builds up the
strength. Only .V) cts. Sold by Dr. J,
E. Phinitky druggist.
Peoples Independent party Hep
resentuth e Convention of the
53rd District.
A 4o!cte convention of the People Inde.
nenrlent Party of the Mrd rapreaentstlve
district of Nehraaka, la hereby callee to
meet In Crnwford, Nebraska, on Thursday,
the 2Ul day of July, ISO), st 2 o'clock p. m.,
-of said ay for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate for representative
of aaldMrl dlatrlct, to be voted for at the
general election, November 6, 1900, and for
the transaction of aerh other bualnea a
unsy properly come before said convention.
Th representation of tbe conn ilea com
prlelng said Mrd dlatrlct 1 based on tbe
vote cast for Hon. hllai A. Holcomb fur
hnpromn Judge, at tbe general election of
.of IHSO, allowing one delegate at large for
ea h omily and on -delegate for earn 100
vote eaat or major fraction thereof cast for
.said candidate In each county, making tbe
following representation:
HosHUM Dawea
ftkeiidan. I Wohj 4
Total 2
It la remm mended that no provln he al
towed but that the delegate present cast
ajMfaU rot of the county. W.J. A. Ratrm.
Per Yeur $ 1 .OO.
Sioux; County.
- Editor.
OtnR is Second Class Matter.
Republican papers never seem to tire
of reiterating the old falsehood that Rc
sey made Ilolcomb governor for his first
term. Why, bless your innocent souls
it was the votes of Nebraska farmers
and mechanics that made Holcomb tfov
ernor. Rosey owned only two votes at
that times, his own at Clem Deaver's,
and there is some doubt as to his own.
Central City Democrat.
The Chinese "tioers" have adopted the
McKinlcy foreign policy and have alrea
dy assimilated about 1,500 foreigners and
tne American Marines have been com
pelled to beat a retre-it from before the
"boxers until reenforcements arrived.
It now begin to appear as if our
Uncle Samuel was about to engage in
some moM foreign expansion, this
time in China. The Anglo-Saxon Al
li.ince, in the orient is alxiut to work
wonders for the accident, It is another
wtip -toward a large standing army for
this nation, and the enrrvinjr out of the
republican imperial policy.
Well, it will be president McKinley
and Theodore Roosevelt on the republi
can national ticket this fall. They are
both military men, and smacks of mili
tarism, which, defined properly means
imperialism. They are both vasilating,
and are owned soul and body by the
money power.
On next Wednesday, probably, the
largest and most important National
convention of any party ever held in the
United States, will take place at Kansas
City, Mo. It is the day too set aside by
the American people, as a memorial day
of liberty and independence, bought and
paid for with the precious blood of Ame
rican patriots. What more befitting
day could the great Democratic party,
founded by Thomas JelTerson, have sel
ected to re- fflrm its allegiance to tbe
"Declaration of Independence" and tbe
Constitution, which declares that all
men are created equal; and that go vert
ments derive their just power from thi
consent of tbe governed, and as construed
by a liberty loving people that the con
stitution follows the flag, into every
nook and corner of the United States
and its territories, no matter whether in
Porto Rico or New Mexico. We confld
entelv expect that the parties who will
meet in Kansas City, will put themsel
ves on record without equivocation, for
government of the people, for the
people and bv the people.
The expected has liappened. Iho re
publican national convention sitting at
Philadelphia has renominated Hon. Will
iam McKinley of Ohio for president of
tbe United States, on a platform essen
tially antagonostic to the doctrines por
muglatod by the continental congress
sitting in tbe same city on the 4th of
July, 1770.
That platform is significant chiefly for
its indorsement of the acta and policies of
the administration in its massacre of tbe
Phillippinos, and in Its grasping for world
power by the agency of the sword. It
is in contradiction and defiance of the
central principle upon which our govern
ment is founded; a repudiation of the
principle that "governments derive thei
just powers from W consent of the gov
erned;" and in as much as this govern
ment of ours is the last intrenchment of
republican liberty, if the declaration of
that platform are to stand, "government
of the neonln. bv the naonli. and for the
- - , - -, . - , , -
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
J. E. PHINNEY. Proorietor.
5 u
people," and must inevitably become a
It is a cruel irony of history and of
fate that a great national party, con
ceived in liberty should pronounce the
death sentence and inaugurate a revo
lution to restore the principles of George
111. in the very shadow of old indepen
dence Hall. Sioux City Nortli-Western
Catholic, (republican.)
We are on the eve of wliat promises to
be the most hotly contested election
America has ever seen. Charges and
counter-charges of evil desisrns and cor
ruption will bo made. Much of
it will be true. Perhaps over one
half will forget to listen to the voice
of renson. Do not shun the voice of
statesmen, to listen to that
of the politician, and always remember
"The enslave their children children
who make compromise with siu.
If we honestly endeavor to study the
problems unbiased by partisan influence; I
:i.. .i .i:. i f .- i -r
silent though it may be for justice! if we
are willing to divorce ourselves from
legendary virtue, and grimly face the
present issues, I doubt not time will ren
der us the need of heroism. Let us not
lose faith in humanity.
"Today is a kinjr in disguise. To-day
always looks mean to the thoughtless,
in the face of a uniform experience,
that all good and great and happy ac
tions are made precisely of these blank
todays. Let us not be so deceived. Lst
us unmask the king as he passes. Let us
not inhabit times of - wonderful promise
without diviuing their tendendency. '
Ijet us not see the foundations of nations
and of a new and better order of things
laid with roving eyes and an-,, inten
tion preoccupied with trifles." Emerson
Lecture on the Times."
Democratic Congressional
A delegate convention of the Democratic
party of the Sixth congresaioual district of
the state of Nebraska, Is hereby called to
meet In tbe city of Broken ltow, Cnster
county, ou Monday, July 9. 1H00, at 2 o'clock
in., for the purpoe of placing in nomina
tlon a candidate for member of congreaa to
represent the Sixth congresalcinal District of
Nebraska, and to transact snub other busi
ness as may projmrly come before the con
vention. The representation of the various
counties In the convention will be based np
on tlx) vote of Hon. Win. Neville in the con
gresslonal election of 1BW, one delegate be-
ng allowed for each one hundred votes and
major fraction thereof, and one delegate at
large from each county, which makes tbe
following apportionment:
Banner 2 Howard 14
Blulne 3 Keith 4
Box llutte 6 Kcya l'aha 4
Boyd H Kimball t
Brown 4 Lincoln 13
Buffalo .-23 Logan . lZ
Cherry 7 Loup 1
Cheyenne fl Mcl'herson S
Custer X) Rock ,--3
Dawes 8 Scotts liluffs 3
16 Sheridan
3 Sherman
Garflnld 3 Sioux.. i
Grant 3 Thomas 3;
Greeley 9 Valley. 10
Holt 18 Wheeler 1
Hooker 3 Total 21
It Is recommended that no proxies bu al'
lowed, but that the delegates present cas
tbe full vote of their respective counties.
I. II. McEVOT, Chairman,
W. B. alcSESL, Secretary.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court, of Slum coun
ty, Nebraska, npon a decree rendered by
said Court, In favor oi Theodore Wagner, Is
plaintiff, and Dakota Mortgage Loan Com
pany, ,!olxi In vestment Company, Henry A.
Wyinan, receiver of the Globe Investment
Companp, ('iimnierclal Investment Compa
ny, R. J. Anguf, christian name unknown,
Mr. II. J. Angus, cliristirn name unkuown,
U.K. IVaxly, christian name unknown, ate
defendant, 1 will on the lath, day of July,
A. 1). 1W0, at I o'clock p. in, ut Harrison, la
slit county, sell the following described
real esate to-wit:
Lots 8 and 4 and South half V, of the Nortb
weat quarter , Section B, Township S3,
North of Range H west, at Harrison, In said
county, st the Knat front door of the Court
House, In Harrison, Nebraska, at publle
auction to the highest bidder fol easb to
aatlsfy said order of sale In the snin of 37.71
with Intercut, cost and ai-erulng costs.
' Sheriff of said County.
U4m4I l at mtmk. H '
ajr.lag.fto iawaMakww, t M nmub, as
one. Tsawn pmtmnr
lVaV ft. lylrfS,
, ktMSt, S4.fWeaa.Ja
Contest Notice.
United States Land office,
Alliance, NHliraxWn,
June 7th, WUO. (
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed In tliln offlce by 11 hub Ohristensen, con
testant, iiKalnKt Homesteud entry No. 1049,
made October !!rd, 1894, for Kust half
south west M, Section 6 and Eaut balf X,
Nortu-weHt , Section 7, Twnxhlp ill nortb,
range 04 went, by Alary Koote contestee, In
which It li alleged that the said Mary Jfoote
bos wholly abandoned said tract, that she
has changed her residence therefrom for
more thun six moutlia since Tukiug said
etry;tliat said tract Is not settled upon
and cultivated by said party as required by
law, that said defeota coutinue at the date
of this affidavit and are nut nor were not
caoscd by servlc of said entryinan In the
Ami y, Navy or Marine Corp oi the United
States during the late war with Spain or
any otuor war In which it may have been en
Said parties are hereby notified to appear
respond and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 6th,
1M0, before Grant Guthrie, a Notary Public
M Mg offl(:e )n ,arrls011i ;ebraaka.
( and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'
clock a. in. on August 11th, 1900 before tne
register and receiver at the United States
1-and office in Alliance, Nebraska
The said contestant having, In a proper
affidavit, filed June 7th, 1900, set forth facts
which show that after due diligence person
al service of this notice can not be made, It
is hereby ordered and directed that such
notice be glvan by due and proper publica
tion. H. DokbikgtjM,
Contest Notice.
TTiWtea ind onie.
Alliance, Neb.
, June, 22, 1000.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed In this office by Claudia Heater, contes
tant, against Homestead entry No. 2614, made
May. 15th, 19, for N. M N-E. S-W. N-E..V
audN W. H8-K. W Section 31, Township 32,
V. range, 86 ff. by Hones R. Will Contestee,
Id which It Is alleged that said Hones R
Will has failed entirely to establish his re
sldencs thereon, or to cultivate any of said
tract, that said defect continue at the date
Of this affidavit, further that affiant Is 1
formed and. believes that the ssld entry
man was not at the time of making his ap
plication for said land eitbar twenty-one
years of age or the head of a family, and
that said alleged absence from the said land
Waa not due to bis employment In the Army
Navy ,;or Marine Corps of the United Statea
ss a private soldier, officer, leaman or mar
Ine. during the war with Spain or during any
other war in which the United State may
be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified
to appear, respond and offer evidence touch
ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. tu. on Aug
ust 20th, 100, before Grant Guthrie, a notary
Public, at his office in Rarruon, Nebraska,
and that final hearing will be held at 10
o'alock, a. in. on August 3.1th, U0, before
tbe Register and Receiver at the United Stat
es Land Office In Alliance, Nebraska, The
said oontestant having in a proper affidavit,
died May lttb, 1900, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence, personal ser
vice ef this notice cannot be made. It is tore
by ordered and directed that such notice be
given by due and proper publication.
t". U. DoanisuTON, Register.
A delegate convention of the People's
Independent 1'srty of the Sixth Congres
sional District of tbe State of Nebraska-Is
hereby called to meet In the city of Broken
Bow, Custer County, on Monday, July 9th,
1900, at t o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of
Discing in nom: nation a candidate for
member of congress to represent the Sixth
ConftreMsloiHtl District of Nebraska, and to
transact such other buslnoss as may prope
rly come before tee convention. The rep
resentation of the various counties in tbe
convention will be based upon the vote of
Hon. Wm. Neville In the Congressional ele
ction of IsliO, one delegate being allowed for
each one hundred votes and major fraction
thereof, and one delegate at large from
each county, which mukes the following
Banner 2
Blaine 2
Box Butte
Brown. .4
Buffalo 33
Chrry 7
Cheyenne.. .6
Custer.. .33
Dawes S
Dawson 16
Duel 8
Garfield-. 8
Grant 2
Greeley. 9
Holt 18
Hooker 3
Howard 14
Keith 4
Keys "'alia 4
Kimball 9
Lincoln.. ..13
.ogan 3
Iup 1
Mcl'herson .2
Heck 3
Scotts Bluff 3
Sheridan .8
Slou.T .8
Sherman . 9
Thomas . 2
Valley 10
wheeler 3
Total 323
It Is recommended that no proxies be a!
weded, but that tbe delegates present cast
the full vote of tneir rrspeotivn rewnue.
A. K. rABSOnt, enmn. voe. uoin.
O. f. Com Beey
K Wealth of Beauty.
Is often bidden by unsighty Pimples,
Eczema, Tetter, Erysiptlas, Salt Rheurae
etc. Bucklen's Arnia Salve will glorify
the face by curing all skin Eruptions, al
so Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons,
Ulcers, and worst forms of Piles. Only
25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by Dr. J. E. Phinnby, druggist.
' Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of un order of sale issued by the
Clerk of the District Courk of Sioux county, ,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
Court, in favor of Albert F. Hill, la plain tiff,
and Thomas Ellis, and Charles B. Stardlvant
executor, are defeudunta, 1 will, on the 13th
day of July, A. D. 1SO0, at three 3 o'clock p
m. at Harrison, in said County, sell the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit :
The north-east quarter , Section eleven
1, Township thirty-two 32, north range fifty -
live 5, west of the sixth 6, principal merdiian
at Harrison, in said County, at the Kast
front door of the Court House, Harrison,
Nebraska, at public Auction to the highest
blder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale
in the sum of 131 JS&, with interest, cost and
accruing costs.
Thomas JIollt, Sheriff of said County. .
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order ot sale, Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of Sioux county,
Nebraska, upon a deeree rendered bv said
Court in favor of Frederick w. Knott is plain
tiff, sad Michael O'Tooln, Tbe Alfred Walker
Company, Nebraska Mortgage and Invest
ment Company, are defendants, I will on the
13th day of July, A. D. 1900, at 2 o.clock, p. m.
at Harrison, in said County, sell the follow
lng described real estate, to-wit: South-wen t
M, Northeast K, South North-west H,
North-west M, Sotth-east M of Section
fifteen 15, Township thirty-three 33, in range
flfty -five 5. In Sioux County, Nebraska, at
the East front door of tbe Court House, in
Harrl.n, Nebraska, at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash t satisfy said
order of sale in the sum of 128.50, with inter
est, costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of said County.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of Slonx county,
Nebraska, npoa a decree rendered by ald
Court In fayor of Sioux County, 1 plaintiff,
and Pearce Blewett, Sarah . Blewett, wife
of Edward E. Blewett, deceased. John Doe,
her husband, real name ankuown, aud Mic
hael J. Blewett, are ttef uaoaau, i w aos.
tlie 13th, day of July, A. D.. 1900, at lno-eloek
p. m. at Harrison, lu aid County, sell the
following described real estate, to-wit;
Tbe south-west quarter H, of Section nine.
9, Township thirty-three 33, North of range
fifty lonr 54, west, In Nebraska, at Harrison,
in said County, at the East front door of the
Court House, lu Harrison, Nebraska, at pub
lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said order of sale, in, the sum of
$138.06, with Interest, costs, and accruing
THOMAS HOLLT, snein oi saui vouuiy.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtne of an order of sale, issued by the
Clerk of the District Court, of Sioux County,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
Court, lu favor of Sloax County, is plaintiff,
and Samuel Tebbet, and Mary Tebbet, his
wife, Dakota Loan and Trust Company, a
Corporation, G. W. Shurtliff, whose true
christian name is unknown, are defendants,
I will on the 13th, day of July, A. D. rilOO, at
1 o'clock, p. nv. at Harrison, in said County,
sell the following described real estate.
to wit:
South-east quarter i of Section thirty 30,
Township thlrtp-three 83, North of range
fifty four .14, west of the sixth 6, principal
meridian, situated in Sioux County, Nebras
ka, at Harrison, In said County, at the bast
front door of the Court Honse, In Harrison
Nebraska, at public Auction, to tbe highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale,
in the sum of $40.62, together with interest,
costs aud accruing costs.
THOMAS HOLLY, Sheriff of said County,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of Sale issued by tho
clerk ot the district court of Sioux county
Nebraska upon a decree tendered by said
court In favor of l'ayson B. Blgulow, as
Plaintiff and against Mlohlgan Saving and
Loan association as defendants:
I will on tho 7th, seventh day of Ju
ly, A. D. 1900, at oue o'clock P. M at
Harrison, In said county II the fol
lowing described real estate to-wlt:
Lot five 8, of Block six S, of tho village of
Harrison in Sioux county Nebraska at the
Kant Front Doer of the court House in Har
rison Nebraska at public auction to the
highest bidder tor cash to satlsty said order
of sale In the sum of (144.28 and interest.
costs and accruing costs.
Thomas iiolvt, sheriff of said county.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the District Court of Sioux county
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court in favor of Sioux county. Is plaintiff
and Martha A. Richardson, John Doe, ber
husband whose real name la unknown, Sho-
walter Mortgage company, defendants, 1
will on the 7tb day ot July, A. D. 1900, at 3 o'
clock p. in. at Harrison, In said county sell
the following described real estate, to-wlt :
Fast half !i ot south-went quarter l south
half X, of sooth-east quarter , Section
thirty throe 38, Township thirty-two 82,
north of range fifty six 68, west of tbe 6th
pjlnclpal mertdsn, In Nebraska, at Harri
son, In said county, at the east front door of
the court house In Harrison, Nebraska, at
nuklte auctleu to tho highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said order of sale In the sum
ef 141 80, with Interest, costs aud rcc ruing
Thomas moult, sheriff of said county,
ThkJodxmal will publish year brasi, like
the following, for 2:uo, per rear. Sack ad
dltional brand 75 cents. Jtrery rarsaer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands la TnaJeCB-
valas it circulates all over the state. Jt
may be the means of saving aioney for you.
On lett side or hip or cattle, (
On left shoulder of horses.
1 Range on the head ol Warbeane
creak .
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb
Fsaiik C. Lewis.
Branded on left side
if Cattle and on lef
iboalder of Horse.
Range oa bead ol W hits River.
Y. 0. Address Harrison, Neb
Owns the follow-
lngbrand on eith
er :
Also HQ on cat
tle and horsen
cattle oa leftside
horses on left
Range on Silver Springs and east of stats
Ine. Postofflce Harrison Neb
The brand represented la this nostea
and branded any where oa left side
of cattle, and ever-lap M trass the
tight ear.
Also the same brand oa left thigh of
horses, belongs to the anderslgaed.
Usage near East Springs, senta part fe
Sioux eonnty. CM tMJM Mbwmam,
Harrison, Xebraskav
On left side of cattle and on lefrt
shoulder ot horses. '
Range on Antelope ereek
F. O.i Chilchrtit, Sioax Co., Xeb.
Branded on left shoulder ot horses
land on left side of cattle.
Range on White River, near Glen.
P. O. Address, Glca, Nebraska.
Branded on left hip of Catsje
and oa toft cheek ef Horses,
Range on Deep Creek.
Address, Beep Creek Live Stock Co,.
; ' Oscab Clow, Snpt.,
Vr'-' Glen, Nebraska.
For the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties stealing or disfiguring any bsands
on stock belonging to tbe undersigned par
Horses branded
on righ snoBlder or
on right Jaw. Also, I bave
Horses branded
on left thigh.
Post Office Address, . ...
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska.
60, 117, - C5
on left hip
on left Jaw, I
left hip of Cattle. Tost Office, Hewitt,
Sioux County, Nebraska.
Horses branded
on left shoul-
der or reversed, horizontally on left shoal
der of Cattle, and MI on left side.
Post Office Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Final Proof Hotices.
All persons having final proof notices la
this paper will receive a marked copy of the
pUper and are requested to examine their
notice and if any error exist report the
same to this office at oneo.
Land Ofn.ee at Alllane, Nebraka, I
May 18, 1300
Notice Is hereby given the following-nam
ed settler nas Hied nottee of hta InanaUon
to make final proof In snpport of. Baa claim.
and that said proof will be made before tbe
Clerk of Dlatrlct Court ant Harrison, Neb,
on Jane, Both 1900, vis:
of Harrison, Neb., on II. E. Ho. 3934 for the
N. X 8-W X S-E. N-W.! fteotloe t8, N E.H 8-
4 Section 36 Twp.33.N. H 66 W. He name
the following witnesses to prove his ooutln-
uous residence upon and cultivation oo said
land vis: Otto Tletie, Charles Camlnsiad,
Frod Bet ehen, John Marsteller all of Mar-,
rlson. r. M. Dorrlngton. kcgl gutter.
-' J
1 fK
. v 4
. . i