1 Jrcss'J o n l 1 k 1 1 o TnrisinA.Y. JrsE 2lst, 1C00. (Jeo. D. (anon, Editor mul Prop. F. E. A 51. V E. it. lnue table. Going Went. Going East. 1 o. 5, uiUed, 11 :S0 I So. 6, mixed; :0O T II K North-Western LINE J. E. M. V. R. It. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, PK.YUWOOl) AN1 iiOT M-UISO-S, SOUTH DAICOTA. F, E, & It! V. R- R- Homeseeksrs Excursions Will lie run June 3'Jtb, and July 3rd ;jind lTtli; Aug. tb, 21st; Sept. 4th, istb; Oct. 2ml, 16th; Nov. Olu, 2ttb; Dec. 4tb, IStli, PJOd, to points oa the ztr f. . & m. v. n. n iin Nebraska, wliere the one way fair from bedrest Missouri Rivr Point, m ' eluding Council DluiTs is $'!.0'J, or usore to Points in Wyoming:, west of and in cluding Oria Junction, and tr Points in . Black UuU district of Ho. Dakota, Ticket wiil be sold by . connecting lines feeOmg to our line at Sioux city, 'Onowa Mo. Valley and Omaha, nnd by our agents at South Piatt, stationa. Blair, Ornate arid on S. C. & P. in Iowa i except that our a'HCtii riot sell to points in So, Diik. Fare will In one fare phis $2.01 for round trip, v rite your folks in the hast : and have them come and see vou, taking ,'vnntas of these rains. Tickets limi ted 21 ciayj with '15 days limit ou going i portion. F. Avkhy, Ag-t. Call at G. W.'IIeters and see tlxx iiniproved Sickle and tool grinders. 6iwe otir last itm, the following named parties have added their naaiirs tto our list f reaers Bjiv. Eice, Carey, Nub., J. C. Johnson Gien, hah. and Mrs. W. s. Johnson Ault Colo, thus people cout-inue to patronize the rEBSs-JOTRXAL. '-M. J. Gayart, was in from Montrose ithe first of the week, doing business, :&aa tradiog, be reports a heavy ram and ' hail in his bighborhood last Snnday. f The total valuation of real and pers f .onal property of Sioux County, as re- jiorted to the Board of efinalization by the precinct assessors, includins: Ea.il . -Roads is ,Ma9.8.sC..r)S. The heavy rain on last Sunday af ternoon did a &reat deal of damage down in Sowbelly canyon, and also down at fipring creek, at the latter place the mill a i rw I ct tv 'a 1 Vrtrid jw Father McNaraara, arrived here from Chadron yesterday, and spent the after noon insfrucrtinj his flock and today ha had a large congregation attend mass ;atjd listen to a most instructive sermon. The Democratic party, stands foi the "Declaration of Independence" and the -constitution of the United States: It . stands for the "Republic" &nd not Em pire; it stands for the interests of the jpenpie and cot for tnists and combines. Througil Uie cuadron unwrs, we ' Jearn that Hon. Ed. Satterlee has con- aumatod a deal whereby he has sold out -the Blaine Hotel. We hope our new propietor will be as genial a Landlord : as Ed. has been, he nnmbers his friends tiy legion. The Board of equalization, now in : session v. ill hardly complete their labors this week, after having finished the eq 'imlisation o the Assessors returns, they - will airain sit as a Board of Commission , ers and are not likely to finish their du ties liefore the 4th. The assessors books discloses the fact -i:iat the assessor for Kunmng water pre- ! .emi t reported little if any unproved lano which is said to have more valuable and improved land in it than any precinct in the county. In all probability an over sight In the assessor for that precinct. J. R. Vanbuskirk, Secy. Tres., of the YY'esttern Xeraska Stock-firowers Asso- . ciation will be in HarrisoB, day afterto morrow for the purjiose of obtaining membership to the above association, nhould any body desire to join. Any body iu the county who would like to become a member should be sure to be here Saturday to meet Mr. Vanbuskirt. The County Board, are authority for the utatemcnt that the precinct assessors hava reduced the assessment on real es und personal property so low this year that the levy will have to be raised as high as the law wiil permit and, theo the amount will le bo small for which the legitimate claims against the county mast be paid out of, will not meet pre Imps one half the obligations againiit the county for the current year. For Sale. 107 head of cattle, half and three , quarter blood herefords including one full biod Hereford bull. Will sell at (33.00 ft head all around, half cosh and jix mouths time for balance with good ecuritjr. At toy ranch U miles South of Ard- ,hi ifTs S.i'c. 1T i ! IP (if Mil OI'I.T i.l U-ui-l t'V th f sinus ruii-'y s.d.-risl l.y -n t'Vl ot tlit UiLrt'? 'em; t N hrHHku, ':w)u a -let roe fiitirt iuliuirof iiu Comity, i ila!'ii.tT al Vi.-a,i:-i l. Ji.ptuu, l'.-t:r (an.iVMt H jf 'OTiiuti y, J. 1.. l'-rewn, ass-'iiee of ttie Western rami Moit-ui; t'oimmtiy, Coui luerreiul 1 .itc? uu-ti t I 'om psi.y, di ii-'"inl?i, I u ill an tV. ii).i.I'ii.f.lii!.- Tl I'rf.l ;it " o look ji. in. at Harrison, In iitJ county, ttie follow in;; Ji'scri ii-d real iii -it ton it : soutYUalf norttewe-,t tju i ierlw N'orlH brtlf h, south-wet quarter . Section HMntviui.tr :'J. lown.-li.p tulrty three 13, uui tti of ratine 0,1, wet ,t tin- nili pritici;i.tl iiit'ri'liuu, at liarriou. In nij enmity, at liie Kat rrout iliw.r ol the Court ll-mse, in lIuvri.so:i, Nbru.skii at public juctit.n to tin1 U'Ki-t biiltler for cun twsat if y a)'l unit r ol -Hjtitt ia thff uai of S-V ilh iateitt, coitt att'l accruing coit-i. Thu.m Hoi-i-r, Kherri-T of sai l cour.tr. feh ri;r.s bale. liy irirtiip of an rur of !il- iin- Uy the l lcrk of the IHntrict Court of nuui foni.ty Si'lin,, iiiriin a dete ct; rcn'ii rd Ijy ti'l court in favor of Si.mj; toauty, ts I'lUtutill niiil Jow'j'h M. lUbiuoii ami M rs. Jt'Mr;iii U. liobinjti, hi vile whu-c ciiritiita -tianje U unknown, iiauiillon loaii and TlUtcolll rn?, a corporation, r-li!i'rnlants. 1 wi:i on tlic'iu, dny f July. A. I. 1, ul 1 o' lock I". M., at Harrison in sai'l county, sell the fallowing 'ifucriljwi ral c-t it'? to it : Vftrt'l.ltuir 1 dl iif.rl h imikL .in.irtlT li . of ctkn tuirty-tlirw i:, e-t anif of uorili .went quarter h, f M-ctkin thirty four .".4, all iu Townsliiti Via Si ty two r.t, inntli of runtcc fifty six tt cl ol tilii pilnr:i) it Mcntian itu.iU'l in sioux county Nflirurka, t Hatri n in sai'l county, at tne ait from iIckji' of the court It i:isc. In llarrin, Nct.ra-k.i, at public miction, to ttie bigUtt bidder for cimb to saiiify ai! orlcr o. sale iu tlx- an off4l,ii7, nitli iulcrust coifi ami uccfJin coi.1 . 1 HUM if UoLi.1T, t'r!2" of saiil county. i:.STIiAYi:i). From tnr ranch 6 miles S. E. of Harri son the following dei-cnbcd cattlo. Ons cow branded inverted shield with bar ia middle & winter calf not brandi!. Also seven head of yearlinjr with above hrarni all branded on left hip a liberal reward will lie paid for information as to their wherealrf.uts. F. P.. I.AMiWOTUY. I)o not forget to attend the annual school meetine; nt. xt Monday. Fiaok Mueller, of Ardruore, wan in town the fir.-t of the week on business. Roy Maine, came down from Casper, on last Saturday evening, to ypeud a few days, at home. The Ladias Aid Society, will tnec-tat the parsonage, WtJ. afternoon June 27. Kbc'y. M. J, Blewett, left for Lhtwes coun ty, on last Saturday evening, on his insurance business. Attorney Grant Guthrie, went to Chadron on last Saturday on business and returned the first of the week. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Cb;is. Beihle, of Warbonuet, a daughter. Mother and child are doing well, &Rd Charlie is un der Dr. Pbinney"s care. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Garton of Warbonnet, on last Thursday the 14th j , . ., .., .., .;,.i.. i ail parties concerned are doing well. '-D. 11. Griswold returned from his trip to Colorado, on last Thursday even ing. We did not bear him say whether be had decided on a location or not. Rerueuilwr the Populist county con vention, on next Saturday, wlieu there is to lie placed in nomination a county attorney. Come out and do all you can. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Grewe'l, of Hew itt, Neb. who have len visiting old friends in the valley during the past few days returned to their home the first of the week. Last FriJay, while at Marsland, Jerry Will had the misfortune to have his horse fall with him and break his foot, which will no doubt lay him up for a short si me. Mrs. John Iaut, of Stacey, Mont, arrived on the noon train last Saturday and will spend the summer, at the borne of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. P Mair.e out north-west of town. Mr. and Mrs Will Marsteller left on last Saturday evening for Harthegigi Pa, for an extended visit to their par ents and relatives. They expect to be gone about two or three months. Grandma Beihle, was over from the Antelns ranch this week, to attend church and also to become acquainted with the new arrival at the home of her son ex-county treasurer Biehle. Mr. F. W. Clarke, and the two chil dren, arrived from the east on last Mon- day noon, aid the family will hereafter be"at home to tlieir Sioux county friends at the house formerly cx:cupied by 1). H. Griswold, on the cast side. r Sam Jacobey, one of Sioux county's .u I - 1. ..i 1 industrious sons, who has been attsndin the Chadron academy for the past eight months went west to Casper Monday where lie has accepted a position iu the geaeral store of Bristol A Co. Charles Senilis, left last Monday noon for the Pacific coast, wbero he goes to look up a new location, If he can find one where ha thinks be can better him self. He expects to be absent until first of August. He may visit both Oregon and California, the latter state anyway, Mrs. Maggie Rosecrans, and her sis ter Mrs. Palmer, who came from Wis consin couple of months ago, will leave for Utah, the latter part of the week probably salt lake city where they will make their future home, Mrs. Ronecrao and iter sister we learn expect to engage in dress-making and m.Uintry busine umber Yard Go to ROHWER'S for Lumber, Har ness, Flour & Feed, or anything in his line of business; he will save you mon ey by giving you a squar deal. Vfhe Com HARRISON, DIEECTORS. ) C. F. CoiTKK, Pl'f'si'li'Ilt. j j C'llAS. C. JaMESOX. II. S. Stockmen bavins upo for a brink at tbis point may n-ly on us to h.'iTidiH their entire iJankinrj; liu.iiics. wtAVe an- jiroi-art-d to lake fan of onr traln ;it all titnoH": Clans (hriktcnuea. was over from Ardiriore, this week on business. V. V.'. Clarke, Sundayed with his broth.Tund the lutters family, at Craw ford. Miss Goreia Sherill wno lias btx-n at I.U'k. during the past few weeks re turned to her home on last Saturday ev tiiiri;:. From the Scotts Bluff paper, we -!eun that J. W. Earnest, has purchased a building site in that town, and wdl at once commence the erection of a coioui- al mansion thereon The Buard of County commissioners which have been sitting as a board of equalization for the past week adjourned Mouday evening and Tuesday convened as a board of county eonimisssoners, then re-convening as an equalizing board the folio wing day. While V'a'.t Pied and his father were coming to towo Tuesday morning a team Wading behind the wagon became frightened, getting loose and ran a'.vay and before tl.ey. tsould lie caught rim into the wire fence east of towo cutting one of the horses badly. "Dick" Lever, of Chadron, who went west to Lusk on Tuesday noon's train, is authority for the statemerot, tt a man hy the name of Joe Akesand his team were strmk bv lightning, three miles sou'li Crawford Sunday, the hors-s wore both "kiHled but Mr. Akes escaped with tliiit p.ira'.ris ia lb" ";. S. L. Kirtley, of Hot Springs, S. Dak., a former resident of Ph asant Ridge, arrived here on hist Tuesday, in company with another gentleman, after dinner they drove out to the Ridge, on a business deal. Iio returned to Hot Springs yesterday. In the article relative to the wed'hng of Miss Mabel Lowry and Goodson Lacy a week ago we said the wedding march was played by Miss Gerlach, when we should bavs said Mrs. Guthrie instead. It was our mistake, hen- the above cor rection. Fred Witt, returned from a six weeks visit with his brothers family in Chicago. Ho was somewhat surprised an his arrival in the windy city, to learn his brother had gone to Germany, jnst a week before, to visit with friends and relatives. However, Fred reports hav iog a good alround time. Mr. JI. S. SutlifT of Solon, la., came in from Hot String S. Dak., Tuesday in company with S. I Kirtley of ttw lat ter place, over the 1. E. & II. V, road. Mr. Kutlilf was here on a deal with SJ L., but could not come to terms for some reasons best known to them selves, be returned to Hot Springs, from here where lie will giend a few days be fore returning to bis native state, Mr. i 3t'i"" ,s a ,jr-viin a"u ' j"" docrats should surely endorse Hon r, . i , - i - i i. . I :.. i Unas. A. Town lor vice i rcsKi 'nv to us successful this fall. He also says he left the republican pirty during Mr. Grunts last, term as president or when he and his cabinet made their famous sala ry grab and loo he says the republican party occupies the ame position that the old democratic party occupied during the historic slavery years of this nation. Glorlou , Comes from I), B. Cargile, of Washita I. T. Hi writes: "Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her bead arid face, and the best doctors con Id give no help: but now her health is ex cellent." Electric Bitters Is the brtt blood purifier known. It's the suprome remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, tioiU and running sores. It stim ulates liver, kidneys sod bowels, exjiels poison, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only .',0 cts. bold by Dr. i. E. Fuw xcv druggist v & 12. HOI1WEK, 1 'rfjpriotor. !Brn6ss Flour & Feed For Sale. Shop. Bank.1- mercia NEBRASKA. F. W.Ci.arke, Cashier. t Cl.ARKK, A. MrGiM.KY, Breeze From The Valley. 1 If the rain that poured down Sunday, I ' t - i . . , . i i. .l i ,.r . liau pui in lvto oays iiinin inor.' oi ti fewhours.it would have done a great deal of good. Sowbelly was out of its banks ut Gilchrist, arid at J. B. Burke's j jt was hihr than for y?ar.. Mrs Antrim has betn quite sick since iiiay. J. T. Coffee returned from Chadron nadeiriy this week tf Mi-s. C. F. Coffee is entertaining rtlati fvesthis week from Texas. !m Nellie Reynolds has eotno to spend the summer with her friend, Miss Coffee. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Burke, iqieol Tues day at Gilchrist. Mrs EJ. Rose and little Charley, are visiting this week with Mrs, Thayer. f Mioses Llllie Zimmerman and Maggie Hunter, sjient last week in Chadron. visiting friends and taking iu the com tnencrment exerciser. TltOso who did not attend the S. S. convention, iu Harrison, last Wednesday and Thursday, will never know bow much tliey missed till they attend one just as good. We intended to send a poem this week written by our Bodnrc joeless, but fail ed to get it copied m lime. Will send it next weak. CUO. Report el Cuunr day School Conven tion. The Eighth annual convention of ihe Sioux county S. S. Association was held at Harrison on June Pith & Mth and was a very interesting meeting much enjoy ed by those present. The four Sunday schools of Sioux county w hich are "all the year round" S. schools were all rep resented but one. And we also had rep resentatives with us from Pleasant Ridge school in Wyoming. AH the schools but one showed a slight gain in attendance und interest over last year. We were greatly heljied by the pres ence and address of Mr. Kimlrly nn'a sienary of tho Aineriean S. S. Union He made us all feel the need of lietter preparation for our work in the Sunday schools, and suggested practical ways of gelling this preparation. The con vention from beginning to end was mar ked by the hearty interest of those pres ent and a desire to get suggestions to take home for the help of the several Mcbools represented. ibe ollicers elected lor the coming year were J. B. Burke President, Mrs. R. M. Wallace Vice President, Mrs. E. U Rice, Sttcy & Treasury. It was deci ded to hold the next convention next year at about the lime of this one, either at Glen or Little Cottonwood. , The ex- ait time and place being left to the olli cers. Following are those in attendance at the S. S. Convention outsideof town: Mr. and Mrs. Greuel, " " " Haxson, Rev. and Mrs. Rice, Mr. ' " Knott, ' " " Miller, " " Christian, " Stuart, " Zimmerman, " F. Hue), " Fudwr, " Kimberly, " Wash born, Mrs Grove, " (ary, " I'rocunier. .Ms R. M. Va1JLU . WISDOM r. STALLION Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE. WISDOM Jii sired by imPrted CLYDE Dam 7.-eights SHIRE-weight l,5oo lbs. Price: $5.oo, to insure living Colt. ROBERT KEEL. PERCHEROmWN. Buckry STALLION, Will make tin: wnson of 1WU at Urn 1)1 KOK MANN LIVE RY HA UN in Harrison. PEDIGREE: Fifteen Sittct-ntlis YVdKllt, 1.KX) lls. TKi;MS: -5.00 for Ihc mia ou, payable midfllc f)f season. John Dkick.manx. SPANISH Vv'ill make tlio reason nt tin; Di'ickniann JJros,, Livery I'arn in Harrison, Neb. Weight m,- TKHMS: ?i.0() to insure. Cart; will he taken to pre vent accidents', but should any occur I will not bo re--sjonsible. .TtnN' II. I) PICK MA KM. :?r-F()Il KALE One Kiml)al Oran JJran Xew. Will trade for young cattle. Ai ily at this 0(!"r. Kstriivc'l. ltnty"l from Wliile Uivcr, four miles MCKtof ,leu, one buy "I'inbj" M.ire, ,ul fateil, aliite lej; ami brumicd K on left wIkio lifer. Aiy ie (flvlnjt me lnformnl Ion of lu-r win re a bouts will be liboraiiy rewartled by srilinjf to me. K7.I1A Tl ( KKK, Glen, Neb. A Monster Devil Fisli. Oestroys its victims, is a type of coni stipitatioii. The power of this malady is felt on oragans, nerves, muscles and brain. But I)r, hing's New hfe pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in tho world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 2") cents, at J. E. 1'ius KKVS Orug Store. tS"Wrile Hayden Bros., Omaha, Wholesale Supply House, for prices and samples. The PHEi-JofltSAL and St. Louis Republic, fl.60.per year. Try it. FOR Sale J5 or 30 head of young pig?. Mrs. Anna Shaffer. Subscribe for the Fkkss Jot'KNAL, It in the official paper of .Sioux('ounty. A Life ami Doiuli Flglif, Ir. W. A. limes of Manchester, Ia., writiim of his almost miraculous wa) from death says: "ExKmure after nu as els induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I bad frequent hemorra'es and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must die soon. Then I began to tis Or. Kings New Lis covery which wholly curwl me. Hun dreds have iiM-d it on my advice and hII say it never fails to cure Thro.it, Chest nnd Lung I roubles. liegular size .jfs: and f 1. 00. Trial IkiI tie free at Or. J. E. Piilnncys Orug store. IiVT FOLKS nmm U lo tl pammitfmr mnrnth. Km mrwaa, po 1i"himi, i M rraull xrami ' lrwtnwalMfftMIr imta ..4 Milril, dwuU. tie.i. tl nt , I lt.,h Iik, ISill , ,i. ill. U. U-Dlllt.U, I.MUM, H Umlt BLACK HsW JACK, Societies- Tli pro w ill 1; Mass at Hid Court Mouse m Tucwlay, .Itino 21, at l&:.;r o'clock. C L.SVITH, Or T7 (7rJ,r.U IIAURISdX - XKIIKASK. iiniliir KOhmiI JO u'elork a. m. Epworlli Lra;ilc 6 :S0 p. in. 1'resclilns ewry iindsy evi-nln? at ":?,() p. m-, ami rver' sltcrnate Snnday at 1 1 a. m. roinuie'irins Jmnwry 1 1. 11MKJ. Every body rurillulr Intltcil tostiend these iervlre". Professional Cards. J. E. PH1NNEY. M. I). rhyUcf.m and Surgeon. 411 calls ifiven prompt attention. Office In Urus Btere. -HAIUUHOS NEBRASKA, GRAXT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Slates Land Office. Firs Insurance written in reliable companies. 27Legal papers carefully drawn. lUiutuiO!, - Nf-buakka. M. J. O't'onnell, - - (.'o. Attorney, f Will Practice In All Court. Special Attention (iUeu to Land ON flee RusIiips. Collections and all business entrust etl to tne will recclre prompt attention. JIaiiiuson - Nkiikuka. Michael Ruffing, 'VKroH. J am ircpiirei to do all khu1 of civil l.iiglneerlrnr work. When In need of the Surveyors Services, give me a tall as I have a full and com plete outfit, together with exrinct le do tlie work with neatness and dispatcu. AWiRt!-M, MICHAEL RurriNG, MAnmsOM, . - - - NEtNASIU.