Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 07, 1900, Image 8

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Thomdat. Jcne 7th, 1W0.
Cob. J. Canoe, Editor and Troi).
I. Z. t K. V a. li. UBie table.
Ooinsr Went. Going Ernst.
do. I. mixed.-
11 rM 1 Kq. e. mixed- 8:00
M. V. R. R. is
IF. E.
the best
to and from the
F, E, & M. V- R- R
Hcmeseekers Excursions
Will b run May 1st and Tt?i June 5th
aDd lfittf 1&00, to point on the F. E. &
M. V. in Nebraska where the one way
fare from nearest Mo River, Point in
cluding Co. Bluffs is $3.00 or more to
points in Wyoming west of a nd including
Oria Junction and to points in Black
Hill district at So Dak.
Tickets will be sold by connecting
Trines feeding to our line at Sioux city,
' Onowa. Mo. Valley and Omaha and by
our agents at South Piatt, stations,
' Blair, Omaha and on S. C. & P. tn low;
i except that our agents "ill not sell to
i point in So. Dak.
Fare will 1 one fare plus J2.00 for
rround trip. Writeyour folks in the Fast
! and have them come and see von, taking
s advantage of these rat. Tickets limi-
ted 21 days with 15 day limit on poing
t portion. F. AvekT, Ag t
Tho. Bell,- of Last, wesa Hub visi
'torne day this week.
W. F. Clarke, our-new banker, made
a busman trip try Ct&Wtoil, tha first of
'th waak.
Miss Nellie Watson, of Crawford is a
: jruest at tbe ironoe Of her uncle, Bherrff
A representative of the Worid-Her-sald,
wag in town this week in the inter
st of that paper. , "
We wish to call tbe attention of our
traders to Fred Knott's sale notice which
will aopear in our nest issue.
-An attorney, representing the Mc
"Kinley LanmnsrXoan Company, was in
town this week looking after tbe inter-
est of tlie Company. .
Ed. O'Connor who has been attend
Wuchnolat Wavne Neb., durinfr the
pant six months returned to the patern-
nat mansion the first of the week.
F. W. Myers of Montrose, together
with Glaus Christensen, was in our vil
? lag Tuesday attending to some business
f matters, retarninj home in the evening.
V. A. Heater, went to Gordon, Mon
" Akt evening to bring his little boy Ccil
thorn on a tounle of weeks visit, be
. CAme in on yesterdays train.
M. J. Blewett, has been tendered a
position as life insurance ajrent for the
"New York Life company, and the first of
the week will enter upon the discbarge
of bis duties.
We are in receipt of a copy of the
'minutes of the business proceedings F. E.
E. A . Owine to lack of space we re
gret our inability to pnblinh them this is
tsae. The next meeting will be held at
' Valentine.
On the quiet, wt ware informed by
.one who is supposed to know that within
'the next two weeks, the wedding chimes
Will ring out upon the balmy air. For
whom? Oh for a bride, outeast of town'
'TheOroom? Just guess.
L i n- y Fut'cn, ban tbe contract for
moving Robert Niece's city residence out
-on his suburban farm north-etst of
town. Mr. niece will doubtless make
other improvements on his out of town
. - p'svre. He will fence the land in and dig
well or put in a cistern. i
Superintendent Burke, went down to
the south end of the county the first of
the week to be present at the anuual
school meeting in the new district form
ed in Snake creek precinct by ex-county
superintendent Miss Merriam, last fall.
It is a three or four days trip.
The county commissioners will meet
in regular session at the county cupitsl.
the second Tuasday of this month which
will be next. Tuesday. It will be a good
time for the voters who live in the south
end Of tbe county, between Punning
"Water and Whiatje creek precincts to pe
titKKi the hoonrable board to form new
iretiog precinct for them. Every man
its Stoux eotrnty ihodld cast his vote
thte year.'
Mr. 8. Barker, who has had charge of
'the construction of tbe concentrating
'jttaat which the Crown Bill Mining Corn-
has been erecting at the Spokano
bas completed every thing aad oa
;Taaday he came ap to Deadwood to
-tab few days root, Tbe plant is new
'fhrwUffcoataawKtaaajodel of prefeo
Un. Mr. farber is of the opinion that
Hwill-oawrafaily treat tbe ore at the
3m. v;"t eepacity of the plaat is
aaiOt.3iNrday( batfor the prss
catatavtMrbalfof the cwdty
1 e rwaiwassd.'-Oaioc Now.
y rC oammt irsoa witl nmmm ,
Sheriff Sale. j
By virtue of n order of ml iwimd by the i
clerk of tte Dbjlrtct Court of Sioax couuty
Nebraska, upon a dpnwi rendered by Mid
court In favor of 1oux Voainy, is pliuniiff
and Miehiwl D, Jordan, Western Finn Mort
riia Cuiuiunr, J. I, Brown, uasiyi.ee of tiie
Western yanu Mortage Company, Gom
uierrclal Investment Company, defendants,
I will n the 7tb day of July. A. I. 1. at I
o'eUx k p. in. at Uarrboa, In wild county, sell
the following described real eitiite to wit :
f-outi-balf H. northwest quarter1,. Sortb
half ,V, south-west qtiarrer i. Section
twenty-nine 29, Townaiun thirty three at,
north of ran(fD3,wtot tliettu priiiRlp.il
meridian, at Hnrrisoii, In said county, at lb
Eist Front door ot the Court Houe, iu
Harrison. Nebraska at public auction lo the
digest bidder for e.is!i to antlf y said order of
sale in tua snui of with inti,et, cot
and Kfraiag curt.
In.jMts KoLLir, sherrifl" of iid county.
Sheriffs 8a.lc.
jTt Tlrtne of an order of jle iue 1 by the
Clerk of the District Court of Sioux Comity
Nebraska, tipon ft docri-M rendered by said
court la favor of Sioux county, to plaintiff
andJonepb. M. Kotlnn and Mri. Joseph
u t .Mnn. b!a wife wltoae elirtotiaa naaje
in unknown. Hamilton Loan and Trust com
pauv, a corporation, are defendant!. I wUl
on the Ttn, day of July, A. D. at 1 o'clock
p M-:.t Harrinon In f-iM county, fcell tue
followiiiK de?rticd reai estate ta-wit:
North-half H, of north-eat quarter K. of
?:tion thirty-three 33, wwt half it of north
west quarter 3, of section thirty four U,
nil In Township tkilty -two Si, north of rurtre
fifty Six 5V"W est of 6tb princilpiu M'-rulian
situated in Konx county Mebratka, at Harri
son in said county, at Hie cast front door of
the court Hoce. In Harrison, Nebraska, at
nubile auction, to the highest bidder for
eash to satisfy aaid order of sale in the aura
of fll.lfc, wltb interest coats and accruing
ThomiS Hoi.LT, Sheriff of aald county.
ffiaus Christenn. of Jlotitroe, was
a visitor at the county fat lastTuestlay.
-Lanev Sutton, was down at Henry
Warrreka's ranch, Monday and Tuesday
raovin a house,
SherritT Holly's health does cot sem
t. improve very much, if any since tbe
warm and mild waathr lia made its
-Trafic on the F. E. & M. V. R. R
for the past three or four weeks has been
extraordinary heavy compared to other
years at this sexson of the y-ar.
Henry Moravek, is visiting at home
this week from tbe sheep camp Jakey
Mills up in Wvoming, where he has been
cooking for the pist fix week
Another good heavy rain is needed
in this part of tbe country to insure a
crop of hiy. It seems to have been
raining all around the divide, foe the
past week.
Last wek G. W. Hester, sold wind
mills and other farm and ranch supplies,
to the extent of one thousand dollars,
Certainly no bufinsss bouse in Harrison
is doing any better than G. W. Hester.
Capt. Snyder, was up from his Run
ning Water ranch Tuesday. Ha inform
ed us his family was expected to arrive
from flenrrretown Tex., next week. The
family will then be permanently locat
ed in Sioux county.
The State Fair, this year will be
held at Lincoln, in September and will t
in session five days, commencing the 3rd
of the above, month nod contioueimj to
the 7th inclusive. Will Sioul county
make a showing at tbe Fair this year?
It is reported by residents over in
the valley and other parts of the county
that the native grass hoppers are very
bad and that they are eating up every
thing that they come in contact with,
they seem to be on the increase every
The value of the surplus products of
Nebras.ka, according to statistics furois
bed to the state labor commissioner by
the countv clerks of every county in the
state for the year 1898, is $187.8r,3,03l,-
42 or nn increase over the year 1897, $47,
Trie State Holines camp meeting,
for the year 1900 will meet at Lincoln,
park, Lincoln Neb., July 2nd and will be
in session two weeks, any body in isioux
County, who contemplates attending
tlie Holiness camp meeting should bear
ui mind the time and place.
In tbe year 1899 Ibe railroads in the
state of Nebraska were assessed in taxes
bv the state board, having internal
corporation valuations to assess
1,09,4S0, which is in tbe neighborhood
of 25 per cent lower ttian any other real
or personal property in the slate.
We learn there is to be played, in
Harrison next Sunday a matched game
of base ball. Wonder if some other day
than Sunday would'nt have done just as
well? It will be the Ardmore nine vs
Harrison nine. Boys, remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy.
There seems to be pretty poor show
of late for people, who trade at this
point from the surroundiag country, ad
jacent to Harrison to get blacksmithing
dose, since JL A. Priddy is bow busy
taking the federal census and W. O.
Patterson, has bis hands full, looking af
tor aad caring for the prisioner, incarcer
ated in the coaoty jail, charged with the
m order of the late A. L. Staudeamaier.
Without doubt a fust class all round
blacksmith cduld do well here if locat
ed at this place. H means the loss of
trad more or less to our merchants
whoa the farmers and ranchmen are un
able to got their work done, beoee, they
aaoet of oaosashy go where they can get
tMr work dona aad that is whsce they
Hatt to tMr trail.
Lumber Yard &
ness, Flour & Feed,
line of business; he
ey by giving you a
C. F. Coffee, President F. W.Clahke, Casliier,
ptTls c. JiwRnv. II. S.
Stockmen having ue for a bank at this point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking bunnies.
4frWe are prepared to take rare
Old papers for sale at this office.
Wehtjr took in the bights at Gor
don, on !at Saturday.
O. H. Griswold, was a pannper on
the west bound tram lat Monday.
J. B Johnson, Of Glen, was doing
business, in Judjjo Wilson's court the
first of the week,
Lucy Moravek, who his been at
Chadron, during the past week, relumed
the first of the week.
Jo the state apjXirtSonineot to tbe
different counties through out the state
Sioux county gets $000,00
From "Paris and tbe Imposition or
1000," by Albert Shaw, in the American
Monthly Rerritw of Revieic for June.
islie Crane, has put up a new wind
mill on bis ride ranc h and we presume
will e'ere long movents family from his
town house. .'
Roy bright, moved his household
effects and his office furniture into the
lower floor of the Andrew's block, tiie
first of the week.
Is Harrison goincr to celebrate this
coming coming 4th of July? If not why
not? If so, it is time some arrangements ,
were being made
E. E. Livermore who has been at
Chadron, during tbe past several weeks-,
urder a doctors care, returned to Harris
on the first of the week, very ninth im
proved. On last Friday evening the Kendall.
n;-rnnn ennr-ert which was civen at the
M. E. ciiurch, tiwWthe aspi.-x of 'he
Epworth league was a decided w.
The proceeds amounted to f 13 73.
Tbe case of statoof ei-raska,
Chas. Russell, whose preliminary trial
i T..l U..fn.o tllUllU
was held on last, rrmj,
of the Peace Smith, the prisoner was
bound over to the district court without
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Griswold, and
the children ara stopping at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Maine, for the present.
We almost bop they may reconsider
4i;- infonfl.in of bidding the town of
Harrison and our citizens adieu.
tost On last Monday May 2lft, a
Steel Crowbar, between Mr. ISuttos
place in the canvon. and Harrison. Any
one finding the same will confer a favor
no h nniWaiirned bv delivering it to
Mr. Nutlo. D. M. Sutton.
Prof Francis, the noted Palmint and
Astrologer will give life readings at the
Harrison hotel for a few days. If you
want to know what the future has io
store for you. if you are in trouble or
doubt, bs will guide you with a strange
certainty that seems higher than human
A Monster Devil Flxh.
Destroys its victims, is a type of con
stipitatiou. The power of this malady is
felt on oragacs, nerves, muscles and
Win. Rut Dr. Kintr's New life Pills
are a safe and certain cure. Best in the
world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
llowels. Onlv 25 cents, at J. E. 111!
KEYS Drug Store.
SherlfTs Bale.
By virtue of sn order of ! lnwod by the
clerk of the Wstrtet Court of Aloox couniy
Kebraska. apon s decree rendered by !!
court In furor of Bioux comity, is plaintiff
nd Murth A, Rlohardiion, Jobs IXw, her
hiMhand hcn re.il name Is unknown, Hbo-
a altt-r Mortiriufe company. defendsnU, I
will on tbe 7lb dsy ot July, A. X. at t of
cluck p. m. at Harrlnon, In Mid county sell
tbe follOwln decribnd rU estate, u-wit I
Ksst-hslf of math-west quarter , soalh
kair X. of south-east quarter U, Section
tttlrtv three H. Townnhln thirty two S2,
north of twk nfty Mix ts, west of the th
TuiaciDftt merldan, In Sebrncks, t IIsitI
on, la snld coaoty, t the esut front door of
the court houte In Ilarrl-on, Hebrsnka, at
ohllc aoctlen to the bis heat bidder for
cash to satlaf eaM order of sale In tbe sun
ef Ml, wtu laterest, eosts sad rccrsloc
Taoa aottr, shsrur oteatd eeaaty.
Harness Shop.
Flour & Feed
For Sale.
for Lumber, Har
or" anything in his
will save you mon
squar deal.
Clarke, A. McbixtEY,
of our trade at all times
Ovsr in Wyoming.
Miss Dot ha B.irtell is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Deuel
M.ss Dora and Charles Christian ar
ived home, from University Place, on
last Saturday. They have made good
progress in their studies and will no
doubt resume them next term.
James Christian, is the proud possessor
of s. fine new saddle which arrived here
from Denver, on Thursday of lat week.
Ituv. Kendall, delivered a good sermon
from John, 3rd chapter, 14th verse.
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in
the wilderness, even so shall Un Son of
man be lifted up." This is perhaps the
last sermon many ot us will ever hear
from the lips of Rev. Kendall, we should
all ponder it well.
Rev's. Kenda.it and Hixson, piubed
their tents near the residence of M
ZamBrunien, on last SitunUy and ex-,
peet to stop in the neighWbood until
Wednesday when they expn:t to start
nn their wav toward the St-UIMg aUB
g. enUrUlinmiint , the
E.J.! school house oa 'luesclar night, oui
aathwis mailed on Tuesday will give
(articular next week,
yv- i Hurry Doutl tr,jed her saddle po
ny to Mr. strteter fur bunch of pomes
at leiiftl there wis three.
We undarstaiidthat Mbert Sutton, of
K y Hr, V.' yo , was oiite sick last
.ve .-''.
Cbm Cliristi.10 U.k out a windmill
from your town, on last ihursuay, to
erect on his range bear the south line of
tbe county.
Miss Eva Church went to her sisters,
Mrs, Deuel, on last Saturday night and
tayed alt week.
As we pencil these item?, the night be
fore Monday, it is raining a little, bo
tlw readers can guess that 7- is no spring
chickeu or he would nut be writing items
on that night. ZKK1EL.
Breezes from the valley.
The local showera are hardly sufficient,
a real soaker is what is needed.
Tha nhower of bai on the .Wth was
very hard at Jacob Henry's Br. so the
burden waa all cut down. The hail did
no damage at this point.
TJitn Jorado will move to the Brewster
ranch soon and have charge of the same.
U. F. Coll'ee, began cutting alfalfa
Tuesday so look out for nun soon. Ibe
crop is reported quite heavy.
Rev. Smith brought bis son Harry to
the vallev Tuesday, to work for C. F,
Coffee. Hi also made a pleasant call at
F. W. Knotts.
Grandma Divis, is visiting in the val
ley this week, expecting to return to
town Saturday with Bupt Burke.
A number of young people from the
valley went to town last Friday to at
tend the concert and pronounced it very
V, W. Knolt will have a public sale on
the 23th and is making t.rraogftment
to start overland for Cenln.1 Oily in
Merrick Co, by the first of Aug.
We were in error last week when we
reported Miss Blanche Coffee going to
Chadron to attend tlie graduating exer
cises of her brother. It wastl com
mencement exercise sat tlie High School.
They graduate from the Academy next
Remember tlie Sunday School Assoc!
ation which meets at Harrison, next
Wednesday and Thursday and let all
bring their Bibles with them in order to
heln take part In the exercises. As Mr.
Kimberiy come some distance to help us
make this a pleasant and an Instructive
occasion lot as all turn out .and (Irs hiss
Aiuli bouss.
ie! Bank.-
Will make the season at my place
on Monroe Creek 7
of Harrison.
WTST10M JR. Sired by imported
CLYDE Dam 7-eights SHIRE-weight
l,5oo lbs.
Price: $5.oo, to insure living Colt.
Will make the Reason of 1000
RY BARN in Harrison.
PEDIGREE5 Flftcfi) Sixtcpiitbs
Wei glit, 15f)0 lbn.
TERMS: $5.00 for the seas
on, payable middle of season.
Jons Deicxmann.
Will make the season at
the Deickmann -Bros., Livery
Barn in Harrison, Neb. .
Weight 950. '
TERMS:-irS.OO to insure.
Care will he taken to pre
vent accidents, but should
any occur I will not be rc
eporifuble. John II. Df.k kmaem.
Estrnyed from lower 'Vt ranch, two
mares, about 8 years old, branded 1C
on left hip and vcntd V jj , also brauded
T on left sbouldxr.
A U'A"rd of J (VI wil' U; givi'i fnr
their r.lii)i : ib'o fiitiou un lo their
a hre a-bouU. Adrtss,
1'ETKK AlJLIBON, Mainland,
-fj I'uiv r-.Ljiu une
Kinibal Orpran Bran New.
V,Till trade for young cattle.
Apply at this Office.
' 3?" The third quarterly meeting of
the M. E; f liurch, will be held at Pleas
ant Ridge, Sabbath, June, 10, 1900, at 11
A. M. All are cordially invited
C. L. Smith, Pastor,
Estrnyrd from While Klver, four miles
west of fileti, one bay "I'tnto" Mnre, bald
f'el, white li! and branded s on left
Any one elvlnif mn tnforrnntlon of hr
wh ro-n lwut will be llljcrally rewarded by
wruiiiB to me.
EZRA TUCK EH, Glen, Neb,
Parties having business With me
in reirard to school matters will call at
my olllce in Harrison on every Saturday
as that is my olllce day. J. B. Bcrkk.
Co. Supt,
fJSrWrite Hayden Bros., Omaha,
Wholesale Supply House, for prices and
The pRRoJontWAL end St.
Republic, $I.60,per year. Try it
FOR Sale 25 or 30 head
of yoanj? pigs.
Mrs. Anna Siuefeh.
Subscribe fo r the Press
Journal. It is the official
paper of Sioux County.
A Wealth of Bfauty.
Is often hiddon by unsighty Pimples,
Eczema, Tetter, Erysiptjas, Silt Rheums
etc. Buckleo's Aroia Salve will glorify
the face by curing: all skin Eruptions, al
so Cuts, Bruiass, Burns, Boils, Felons,
Ulcers, and worst forms of Piles. Only
3ff cents a oox. Curs guaranteed. Sold
by Dr. J. E. Pnsntst, duit.
urn HAWK
miles north-west
There will be Mas at tbe Court
Kousb on Tuesday, Juno SI, at
10:30 o'clock.
c-l. smith, X (?hurch
Sunday School 10 o'clock a. la. Epwerth
Leairae 6 :30 p.m.
I'reachliij; every Hoadsy evening at 7 :0
. m., and every sltornut Hnndiiy at 1 1 a- at.
romrnendiig Junuary I t, 191)0. Erery body
foriliuly iuvlUid to sl;end thei services.
Proffessional Cards.
PhvUcian and Snrgcon.
All calls given prompt sttsutlon.
Offlee In Drag Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United States
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
Legal papers carefully drawn.
Hakrisos. - Nebkaska.
X. i. 0 Connell, Co. AtUroey,
Will I'rMtlcs In All CoirU.
MpeeUI AttentioB UlyeatoLand Of
Am Business.
Collections sud all baalaesi entrtnff
ed to me will rccclTe prompt ttmtloi.
Habiusyh - Nhmuika.
Michael Ruffing,
1 am prepared to do all kinds of Civil
Knglnrerliig- work, '
When io need of the Surveyors Services,
give me a sail as I have a full and com
plete outfit, together with exiierienoe lo
do the work with neatness aad dispatch.
HAiMUtON, - - - NKtftAMU.
- ' "a?