fCUB FAVORITE FAULT POODS: MICL COP'II. ' I "OPT" PLAVORIka IXTRACT Burdock i.ifrcft your orocfr h thcm awl. WAX SEALS. Seal your correspondence with wax, prevent letter being opened. We will end you two dozen wax deals with your Initial on, one package of the Celebrated Coffee Bean, uiied instead of, or to mix with coffee (great ylelderj, all for 10c, Including a 3 months' trial utmcrlptlon to The Hummer, the Want Ad Magazine. Address at once. The Hummer Company, Nebraska City, Neb., Ninth Ave. and Sixteenth Sts. Dr. HENDERSON 103 W. 9tk fti.. KAJftAaciTT.aca a Jf mmd Int tratm4. Aatbofted bj Mm Mate to tract CBBOITIO, MMMfUVM AMI HfKCiAL DIMKAMMM. CUM fBlfulMd or Anna ra- OA funded. All owUolnaa furaubad raadr for urn no amreatj or io- luncras maoicuaa umo. No A- ratiuo, from bniiitiaaa. Patlanta it a dlrtanoa tmatsd by msil and Wr five from case or bmaltasa. N madi eaaaa wrm C. O. D., onl br aaraoraan. Ctianras km. Orar 4D.OU euu cured. Asa and aipart see are important. State four easa and aand karma, Conralutioa fret and ooofidaaaialj fanaoallr or br latter. Huai icwniij. Uaaand testae loasaa h drrama or with tti anna. plmpUa and blotrhca on th f aea. ruht of blond k tti mm, paiiu in back, eonraaad tdaaa and jufgatfulama, batbfnlncaa, annion to aoeiat, loaa of aaxual powr, lota of manhood, impo frftoa, ate., enrad for Ufa. I can atop night InaaM, ruatnra sexual power, rwvra m and raja pnaur, snlarm and atrsniiUien ak parts, lad aaaa yoo bt for mamaca. Xfrirtfirr KodlrallTetirad with a now and i r l.iT lalallftta Bwat Trcatamrt. No In. WMI v ICC I ttrumenW, no iam, do dtn Moa from btulnnra. Cora minrantoad. Book tad Us of quaationa free analad. ttm0OCtl.HrD0CL,rHW0Sl8tn& all Undtol Private Diseases Z'rZ& tmOt foe both aexea l r. M plctnraa Bn true to life, with full dcription of C'srre diseevs, the rflMta and cum. imbt aealed piaia wrapiiar for 6 moU In atampa. Von pfaonld read ilua book tc the inJorisaatoa it kuaUiaa. .a Btata ease and uk forllaiof qnaawon .Aa)AIiwmalja(au. for (nea WINTER BILE si m violence, but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the muscles and restore healthy, natural action buy them and try them. You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work. S0c 25c 50c. T07 Bredy mortal tuHcrinc rombowl StarUof Rtmady Company, SEND NO MONEY DEFIANCE $16.00 Deposit with your freight agent fiirtirieut money to guarantee the freight charges and we will forward to you our eleg at drop head, five drawer Sew Jng Machine. Guaranteed for rive years. A complete 8'tt of modern attachment and Insrruction l(Kk with each machine. You can examine this machine and If satisfact ory, you will ili-n pay to your local freight agent 16.0O. You take no chances. Keep your money until you are perfectly fatte ned as to the quality of the goods. w bicycle complete 13.50, and aoltl on the hhiiih Utiiim. Second band wheels from $3 up. We sell all parts for every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Hame- Sts. OMAHA, NEB. ::::::t:::: 8. STOP THAT HEADACHE WILL DO IT. Plenaant to take: No bad effects; Give immediate rolief.; gisk Yotsr Drusgltt f er it.. rm Note: If your druggist does not have It In slock, scnu u hit name t f and we wUiseadyouaaumple, tree (3) fmSajppllcd by Blchardaaa Dees Co. (R Wboleaale Draulata. l2,t4 and 004 Jetton 8L, Omaha, Neb. ::::::t:::: 41 Miles shortest to St. Louis. 2S Miles shortest to Qulncy. "THE ST. LOUIS CANNON BALL. LAST TO LEAVK; FIRST TO ARRIVE. Leave Omaha ;...S:()5p. m. Arrive St. Louis 7:00 a. m. Trnins leave Union Station dally for St. Louis, Qulncy, Kansas City and all points Kast or South. Homeseekers' Excursions on sale 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. Steamship tickets to Jill parts of the world. Kor full information, call at O. A St. L. Ticket Office. 1415 Farnnm Ht. (Paxton Hotel Jilock), or write, Harry E. Moorts, C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. ) KIMBALL BROS., MFGS. 1051 Oth m. C'OI NCIL Ill.t t KN. IA- t. SUA. nrakM. Causes bilious head-ache, back-ache and all kinds of body aches. Spring is here and you want to get this bile poison out of your system, easily, naturally and gently. CASCARETS are just what you want; they never grip or gripe, out will work gently while you sleep. Some people think the more violent the griping the better the cure. Be careful take care of your bowels -salts and pill poisons leave them weak, and even less able to keep up regular movements than be fore. The only safe, gentle inside Spring cleaner for the bowels are sweet, fragrant CASCARETS. They don't force out the foecal matter witn ink CURED BY troubto d loooorto buy CASCARETS v-meafo or new i or, mnuKui CAINDY CATHARTIC II I I f 1 II II mil ami " " r y ir, "i- - ITEMS OF INTEREST. Frieven of the twenty-two dukes who sit In the liiitish house of lords huv no sons to succeed them. With the comingr of the new woman In the twentieth century we may look for the father-in-law Joke. The uee of the vermiform appendix has been discovered at last. It In creases the Inromes of the surgeons. Women object to a man who applies the title of a popular novel to a seat in the cable car, that Is "To Have and to Hold." In one of the rares In Lfis Angeles is entered a horse named "Death." If he Is true to his name he ought to ba a sure thing. Young: More hearts pine away in se cret anguish for unklmlness from those who should be their comforters than for any other calamity In life. . "Lord Raleigh's graceful little act it. sacrificing his costly cloak so that the queen could go dry shod has been out done by a Chicago bride. "What did she do?" "On a very slippery day last winter she scattered the cremated ashes of her first husband on the front steps so that the second might not slip." A member of the Chicago school board wants to have the Czech lan guage taught in all public schools where 50 per cent of the children are of Bo hemian parentage. This suggestion has roused an Irish member of the board, who advocates the teaching of the an cient Irish language on the ground that in many schools more than 60 per cent of the children are Irish. The federal government has recently awarded a contract to a Massachusetts firm for 10,000 white marble headstones at $1.28 each. These stones are to be used to mark the graves of United States soldiers and marines and will be distributed upon application to Grand Army posts or relatives of those who lie In unmarked graves, upon applica tion to the war department In Chicago, the other day, a street car conductor stopped a funeral pro cession In order to administer a thrash ing to the driver of the hearse. The driver had persistently refused to turn out of the tracks to allow the car to pass and, upon being Invited by the conductor to visit the car barn In order to take a "licking" at some future time when both parties to the dispute should be at leisure, he proposed to settle the matter at once. He climbed down from the hearse and was knocked out in the first round and the blockade was lifted $100 REWARD, $100. The readers' of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is CataiTh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medltal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is take Internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ALL DRUGGISTS w wifl send bo tre AeMrnt y-r. ON L0VTB ALTAR. Twenty jears apo, there was in a Mexican-Spaiiihli town of Mexico, a nance hall known as the "Tholl Ale Kre." Not a swj-ll place, by any means. For it was mostly adobe, as refjurds construction, mid flic floor and tables ami stujre were of the roughest ki id. Hut, being-cheap, it was much patron ized by the .Mexican liacendados from the nearby snar plantations wli hadn't many pesos to spend in amuse ment, the cheap clerks in the tiendus and the assnyers and other employes from the "Santa Cruz" mine, iieiiifr an American-owned mine, the "Santa Cru." men were all Americans yoiinjr fellows frefh from engineering col leges and the like. And "Santa Cruz" not being the liveliest place in the world, they were in the habit of turn ing themselves, loose on occasions in this same Tivoli even to George Hewitt, the M. E., who, being older and more experienced than the other?, should have known better, buc evident ly didn't. "La Conchitn," "Little Shell," was the star of the place and admired alike by Mexicans, Spaniards and Grin gos. And no wonder, either, for Con cha was as good and sweet as she was pretty. All the Americans hijd made love to her, by means of pantomine. and sighR, mostly, not knowing the Spanish to otherwise express their feelings. But even those who could talk her language were frowned upon by Concha to none of them would she have anything to say. And as for ever the Mexicans and Spaniards in des pair they had long ago retired, to worship at other shrines. Of truth. Conchita was "dificil!" Mr. George Hewitt, M. K., found it otherwise. As a "matter of form," more than anything else, he had sent many bunches of big poppies and crimson roses to the pretty dancer, likewise taking his drinks of an even ing close to the rickety stage on which she, with true Spanish grace and verve, danced the exquisite Span ish "Jota" and to please the Mexicans, the "Jarabe." As a matter of form only it could not mean anything. For he wns engaged to a girl (with money) at home in New York a fair, dninty, chic mortal, as sweet and fresh as a white violet. While poor little Concha well, even though a dancing girl does happen to be good, she rarely gets the renutation; and anvway, no one could liken the "Little Shell" to a violet. More was she like the flaring, glowing crimson of her country's cac tus flower. But Conchita, no doubt attracted by Hewitt's indifference, fell wildly in love wilh him. And, whatever else she knew, control, hiding of one's feel ings, was not therein counted; even from her passing glance at Hewitt, one could tell. Though, for that mat ter, he was the last to know. Men are proverbially blind, and perhaps he would never have Ftispected had not a cynical friend imparted the infortna. tion. Naturally, Hewitt was shocked he had done nothing to win the girl's fancy; why should she be fond of him? However, so long as she was pues! if u woman cares for you, you can't be rode to her. Following out bis theory that, let- 1111,' a woman see a great deal of you often cures her fondness, Hewitt be gan to bestow some of his idle mom ents on the pretty Concha. To his surprise, he found that she was as thoroughly pure and sweet-minded as his own fiance at home. Of coc.rse. sue had no mind, no training, no edu cation to speak of, and of the Anglo Saxon belief that a man's wife should be his friend, companion and help mate, she had no conception. To her the man one loves is a superior mortal (wilh capitals) to be worshiped, wait ed upon, indulged, petted and com forted to the last degree. One of the customs of the Dark Ages, as Hewitt amusedly thought, but still a pleasant one. For without doubt it was sooth ing to a man to occasionally find a woman who could think of him alone; whose few leisure h"urs were spent in devising plans for his comfort ad amusement, and who even thought it the best of all good things to merely be allowed to gaze at and worship him. I'rpbably some men would have found it embarrassing Hewitt didn't! For more and more of his time was spent with Concha, until nt last the aunt who cared for her and watched her by day and by night, hinted openly nt the marriage. Con chn laughed she hnd not thought of marriage! Of course, she hnd no doubt but what it would be, later people who truly loved each other nl wnys married! And loving her as did the "Americano," surely he would be as wretched avvny from her as 'she would be without him. In truth, she was too happy in merely loving the man to think or care for the future. Antonio, her cousin, did think nbout it. however, being a "Gachupln" of some business sense, besides having a deep and not altogether selfish passion for his little cousin. He had nlwavs I loved her, and her oft-repented "No" to him hnd been the cause. n she was many times reminded, of his taking to lequiln and coiniuc. And even after her refusal, and though he was wildly 'ealoiis of the Americano, he still hnd Concha's good at heart, ns he told himself. So that, after watching the two for a while, il nnpeared to him 'hat It would he well to find out h"t how matters stood, and what Hewitt's Intentions were in the interest of Concha, Tt was the night of the "Nbrhe flnrno." The town was rrny with the Teen, white nnd red coin's, and the hnlls. plazas nnd dance hfll's were ndorned with flowers nnd streamers. Over In the Tivohi Alegre Sonnish and Wer'oan colors were mingled In the "reatcst hnrmnnv. likewise groups of !pnnlsh "hneendados" from San Vln rpvif nnd Mericuns from the Santa Ann. J a (onelilti hnd just finished the ".Tnrnbe." with wild shouts from the ".Tnrnbe." with " lid shouts of r plnnse and "Ibienns" from the nudl ence, the latter belnir more thin n 'nllv enthnsli'Mlc on nccmnt of nlm Mip; more than usnnllv tipsy. F,v-y .lewitt himself, Id hie corner new th aUige, felt more nei.timental than was cufctomnry with birn, and guzed ten derly ufter the small crimson-clad fig ure of Conchita, us she disappeared en route to her dressing room. He wait ed to have another copita before join ing her, however, thinking that she would thereby have more time to get wrapped up, and be ready for him when he did come. He was going to take her home afterward and talk to her for anhouror so longer she would not permit. So, after tossing off the copita of brandy, he lit a cigarette and moved off toward the dressing room. A strangled shriek of "Dios Mio! Help!" reached him as he turned the corner. Thinking it came from the dancing room he paid no attention. It was repeated, and he recognized Conchita's voice. He ran to her room. She was struggling in the furious grasp of Antonio, who was swearing by all the saints that she should never marry Gringo; she must marry him, Antonio, who loved her. To the devil with the Americano! Infuriated beyond all control, Hew itt flung himself upon the drunken Mexican and slammed him against the wall, shaking him ns a terrier would a rat. Panting, with his eyes gleaming murderously, Antonio made no resist ance whatever for a moment. Sudden ly, however, he made a spring forward and Hewitt felt something cold and sharp just graze his coat a machete, the Mexican dog! And though he never knew howit happened, and could never account for it, in the twinkling of an eye, that same machete was in his own grasp, and he was thrusting it straight home to the heart of the would-be murderer. There was only a sickening gurgle, a last dying curse, and Antonio, in a limp, bloody heap, fell dying on the floor. It was over ao Boon, and Hewitt, as he stared at e dead man, could not grasp what it meant that he had really killed An tonio. Concha had crouched, trembling and sobbing, watching it all with terror stricken face. Kow she moved, and came forward weakly to Hewitt, throwing her arms around his heaving shoulders. "You must go, querido mio," she whispered, brokenly. "It is dangerous they will kill you. Then go, por. el amor de Dols. But quickly run!" She knew the danger, as Hewitt could not. His first thought was to brave it out. He had not meant to kill Anton io he could get off free. But how could he prove it? Concha loved him her testimony would not be taken. Besides, he, an American, had killed a Mexican, and whether rightfully or not, would never be considered. As he begnn to realize what it meant, Hewitt shivered! There would be no trial 10 show whatever. The "ley de fuga" a lynching party, or perhaps a stab in the dark. (Because vengeance is of the Mexicans. There was no time to lose if he meant going. Xow they were all drunk, ns Concha whispered, and would know nothing. He would have time to escape. But in the morning it would be different. Oh, he must go flee! As they embraced for good-bye. Concha murmured, weeping that she would always be faithful waiting for him until he came. And wrought up to a high pitch, as he realized how the girl loved him, Hewitt swore that he would return. And then, with a last kiss, he went. Then Concha knelt down by the dead Antonio, wetting her skirt, in ihp blood. Because she caught the sound of approaching footsteps soon it would be known, nnd Hewitt would be pursued, caught killed ! They should never take him her beloved ' novicj-r first they should take her her life if need be. It all came out as she had thought. Hewitt got safely out of the way, but she was tried and convicted for the murder of her cousin, Antonio. It means hanging, or a life sentence, generally, but in the view of the cir cumstances, nnd her youth and here tofore perfect character. Concha got only 25 yearn in San Juan. She ac cepted it gladly for the Americano. And before imprisonment, she was al lowed to write Hewitt, telling him that she would love him nlwavs, and would -nil. lur mm ana marrv him in 25 years. Rhe knew that no answer would come to her in San .Tiian, but she wanted to write him of her con stancy. Hewitt, of course, would have understood hnd he received her letter, which, being addressed simplv to "Sen or Hewitt, los Rstados Unidos del Norte." never got to him. But concha, believing thnt everybody in the United Sfntes, from the president down to the train porters, must know her sweetheart, nnd would deliver her let ter, went gladly to serve out her pris on term, believing firmly that in ' 25 years he would come. And thnt is what, hns kept her alive and snne. For that, however, few women die in San Junn, in spite of the yellow fever more often they go mad. Hewitt In the meantime, his wild onfs sown, hns married his sweetheart (with money) and is a most exemplary husband. At rare intervals he thinks of Conehn. nnd wonders what wan her fate. Possibly married to some brute of n Mexican, he thinks, who beats nnd otherwise Ill-treats her. And, of course, he is fat nnd ungninlv, nnd hns a mustache. Thnt being the very last straw, he says pityingly. "Poor lit tle Conchita!" nnd promptly forgets til nbout her. Meanwhile In the prison of San Juan de Ullon, Concha waits! The late duke of Westminster wns known to be strongly in favor of cre mation, but it nevertheless enme ns a surprise to the public to find that his body had !een committed to the fur nnee nt Woking, Instead of being bur led nfter the fashion of his ancestors. He is the first duke who hns been cre mated in England; mid it is no secret that the queen was n little grieved, not to sny shocked, when she heard thnt the Inte duke hnd desired (o he cremated, ns she entertains n preju dice ngninst this manner of disposing of the dead. Hallway tracks nre ofien horrible Examples of the deadly parallel. PRILLS OF FASHION. Black taffeta silk Eton coats are or namented with rows of wblte stitch. Ing. Suede gloves are very much worn, aa they always are In summer, for the reason that they are much cooler than the glace glove. Pastel tints are ths popular shades. The display of dainty, expensive things for the neck is so irresistible this season that they seem to be a positive necessity as an accessory of every well regulated outfit. Chamois skin is valuable for keeping linen goods and fine lingerie which Is laid aside for some time from turning pellow. Well wrapped around the goods to be preserved, it keeps out the air. Eton jackets and boleros are a boon to the mother who likes to dress her half-grown girl becomingly. There to nothing more jaunty and becoming to her immature figure. It la quite a becoming to her as to her older slater., Dr. Kay's Renovator renews. Invtg orates and renovates every organ in the body. It eliminates all poisonous matter See the wonderful testimonials In Dr. E. O. Smith's ad. in this paper next week. He guarantees to cure every case of cancer that he takes. Write to him about it. Address Dr. E. O. Smith, Kansas City, Mo. Mere: Beauty is the first present na ture gives to woman and the first it takes away. Hon. A. S. Churchill, ex-Atty. Gen eral, of Neb., writes: "Having known of some remarkable cures of Omaha people, effected by the use of Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm, I believe that these great remedies are worthy of the confidence of the public. Mrs. Churchill has used Dr. Kay'-s Ren ovator and has been greatly benefitted thereby. She had never been able to find any relief before for her stomach trouble." Free ad vice, samples and book write Dr. B. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. Dr. Kay's Renovator Invigorates and renovates the system. At druggists. Many people have tried in vain te find a successful treatment for that dreadful disease, cancer. We call the attention of such to the column ad. which will appear in this paper, next week, of Dr. E. O. Smith, the celebrate specialist of Kansas City, who positive ly guarantees a cure for every case he undertakes. Read his ad. and testimoni als, and write him for further par ticulars. The American blood who blew $8,004 on a Parisian dinner bears the name of Thaw Harry Kimball Thaw. Natur ally he is quite warm. Tone' up your tired body with Dr. Kay's Renovator. It gives you new life. To cure obscure diseases, renovate the system with Dr. Kay's Renovator. Dr. E. O. Smith of Kansas City, Mo, he famous specialist In the treatment of cancer, will have a column ad. in this paper next week, to which we call your attention. He has a treatment which positively rures, and his cures are per manent. Read the nd. and write him for further Information. Dr. Kay's Renoavtor cures headache, constipation, dyspepsia, i 25c and fljQft, SUMMER TOURS via the ' ) WABASH RAILROAD, On June 1st the Wabash will place tia sale summer tourist tickets good to re turn until October 31st, to all the sum mer resorts of Canada and the East. The Continental Limited Leaving Chicago at 12, noon; leaving St. Louis at 9 a. m., which was so pop ular with the traveling public last year, will run on same schedule time this season. For rates, time tables, or further in formation in regard to trips East or ta Europe, or a copy of our Summe Tours, call on or write, G. N. CLAYTON, N. W. P. Agt., Room 405 N Y Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. New York crooks have improved o the hot stove standard by making wajr with a hot water boiler. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. On the 1st and 3d Tuesdays In the months of February, March and ApriL the Missouri Pacific Railway will sell round trip tickets at very low rate to points in Kansas, Arkansas, Okla homa, Indian Territory and certain points in the South and Southeast. Por information write or call at company's offices, S. E. cor. 14th . and Douglas sts., Omaha, Neb. W. C. BARNES, T. P. A. 3. 0. PHILLIPPI. A. G. F. A P. A. Omaha, Neb. CANCER. on her tongue. A STRONQ AFFIDAVIT. Janey Purvis, being duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that she ha4 a cancer on her tongue and was treat4 August 24. 1898, by Dr. J. C. McLaughlin of Ksnsns City, Kansas, with his palnlese remedy for cancers and tumors: that In noui one momn ner tongue was well, and Is sound and well today; there was no pain from the application of the med icine, as she could rend during the se verest treatment. JANEY PURVIS, DOS Proadway, Leavenworth, Kan. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Thomas L. Johnson, a notary public, this 17th day of March, 1900, at Leavenworth, Kan. My commission expires August list. MOU. (Seal.) For further particulars of this palnlest treatment, adJress, rR j. c. MCLAUGHLIN, KAN, KANSAS CITY, SAMPLE OUTFIT ABSOLUTELY FREE. General and state agents wanted In Ml parts of the U. 8. to handle the best Household Specialty ever sold for fl.00. Address the J. F. White Mft Co., Kansas City, Mo COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMF'Y OMAHA. Vol. 3-No. 23-1900