mi tuii BINDING TWINE TRUST STRIKES A SNAG IN KANSAS. FARMERS BENEFITED. Kmmi Panltentary Sail Direct To Comumiri, Forcing Trust To Be Half Way Decant, Leavenworth, Kan., June 5. The prls n binding twine plant Is accomplish in gthe object for which It wa estab lished. It la bringing the binding twine trust to time in Kaniaa. . The truest ia being forced to cut its prices, and Warden Tomllnson of the penitentiary says that as a result the farmers of Kansas will save at least $200,000 this year on their twine purchases. "Two months ago the trust was ask Ing 13 cents for old twine and from IS to 16 cents for new twine for delivery this crop season," says the warden to day. "About that time we figured on "cost of production and decided that the prison plant could sell twine at 10V4 cents a pound at the prison. This would make about 11 cents laid down at the farmer's door. Then the trust agents began to knock on our twine. They declared it was no good; that It was tool large for binders, and that our twine did not run as many feet to the pound as theirs. They attempted to make the farmers believe that they would have all kinds of trouble harvest time if they bought of us. They point ed out that the twine would not work, and that farmers would be tied up right in harvest time, and would lose their crops. They were rcguliar genl uses in thinking up mean things to say against our twine. Hut we are bring ing the trust to time Just the same Our twine Is Just as good, If not bet ter, than theirs. One of the best ex perts the trust had In its employ su perintends the prison plant, and with the very best modern machinery and the best of raw material why should we not make good twine? ''After finding out that their knock ing was not having the desired effect. continued the warden, "the agents no tified the trust, and It Is now cutting prices. That is exactly what we want; that Is what the prison plant was e? tabllshed for. In my county the trust strted out to sell twine at 15 cents this spring. It Is now got It down to 12. The prison plant Is directly responsible for the 3 cents reduction. In some parts of the state the trust has made a price of 11 cents. This Is true In Southern Kansas, so I am informed. At New klrk, one of the first stations In Okla homa south of the Kansas line, where our prlwn plant has no bearing on the situation, the trust is asking from 12 to lZ'k cents, to 2 cents moie than It atks In Kansas. The only excuse for this difference Is that In Kansas It has opposition." "How are the prison sales?" u sked. "We are now shipping on an average 1 00.000 pounds a week," ' he replied. "Beginning this week we expect tr double that amount. The harvest sea ton Is niar at hand and our orders ar ;omlng In thick and fust. In the past five weeks we have shipped 5M.0O0 pounds. We have that much on hand, and are making at the rat"? or 5,000 pounds week. We have received suf ficient orders from other states to con sume ouf surplus and output until har vest time, but we are not tilling th'rse orders. We are selling only to Kansas farmers, and to them direct. The la kotas are pressing us to give them some twine. Their harvest Is from two to three weeks later than ours, and If we should have any twine left we can dispose of It up there without any trouble whatever. "As to the probable saving Kansas farmers will reap this year as the result of the opening of the prison plant, Kansas will consume at least 10,000,000 pounds of twine In Its wheat and oat harvests. Trust prices have fallen on an average of 2 cents a pound since we put our twine on the market. This knocks It out of $200,000 In proilts. Its loss is the Kansas farmers' gain. "But we have made some enemies," he concluded, "In doing this. The agents of the trust and many Imple ment dealers who sell twine are com plaining In fact, they are howling. Hut for every trust agent and Implement dealer we have made sore we make fifty farmers happy." STEEL MILLS SHUT DOWN. Three Departments of Illinois Steel Company Close. Chicago. J" The employes of the Illinois Steel company's mills at South Chicago were surprised Saturday when notices announcing the closing down for sn Indefinite period of three departments of the works, affecting i,Mv employes, were posted, and gave the first Intimation to the men st work that they were to be given sn enforced r scat Ion. The departments effected by the or der are the plate mills, MO men; the slab mills, MO men; the open hearth furnace, 2,000 men, snd three gas houses, 460 men. The depart menu not affected by the order are the steel mill, the rail mill and the blast furnsce. . The consul of the United States at Barranulll,Colonibia, reports that the government hss declared tbe port of Cucuta closed. WSXKIKSFCUKEWTOWI. Farmers of Nuckolls County Want a Station at Abdal. Lincoln, Neb., June 5. The sec ret a rles of the stale board of transportation have received a petition asking that a shipping and telegraph station be lo cated at Abdal, in Nuckolls county, on the Missouri Pacific line. The station is at present but a Hag station and it situated midway between Superior and Mount Clare, being nine miles from either. The petition is signed by D. Sage and a score more. It represents that the service now enjoyed is only that offered by a mixed train, Abdal being designated as a flag station, and that this offers no sufficient encourage ment for the raising of live stock and production of grain to the residents of that neighborhood. It Is stated that this condition of af fairs is most Unfortunate, as that sec tion is well settled and the present out put of produce, which Is large, would be greatly increased if the facilities asked were furnished. As It is now, farmers are compelled to send most of their produce to other stations on other roads, six and nine miles distant. In support of its statement of the amount of business which might be done thro' Abdal the petition alleges that even under the present adverse conditions over 100 cars of grain have been ship ped from there during the last year, in addition to a considerable shipment of stock. The establishment of a shipping and telegraph station would form the nucleus of a town which would prob ably spring up rapidly and this would enable the farmers to. buy provisions without going six or eight miles. HABIT OF FRENCH BARBERS. Irreslstabl Desire To Cut Throats of Their Customers. Paris, June 5. A barber In Poiters who confessed to having cut the throats of eight of his clients In the last two years has been acquitted upon the tes timony of expert medical witnesses. The defense brought upon the stand a number of barbers, all of whom testi fied that they themselves were subject to a sort of fascination while at work which Impelled them to sever the throats of their customers. The defense got Insanity experts to testify that this Impulse was precisely the same appeal to the insanity lurking In all men which compels people to Jump from great heights, the same vertigo which often makes men working on big mechanical knives to give an arm, a hand or a finger to be cut. An immense num ber of scientifically recorded cases were died amongst others those of several surgeons who were compelled to re nounce their profession because the touch of the keen cutting Instruments Incited them to commit murder. The barber In the case declared that when he was alone with a client the Instinct to cut the latter's throat was Irresistible. Then, leallzing his dunger, he concealed 'the crime cunningly. His last niurdor, however, was committed before tlve custonivis walling their turn. The murderer was sent to a J in sane asylum. The case Is exciting great Interest among scientists. WOMEN MOONSHINERS. Caught Making Whiskey Without a Government License. New York. (Special.) Two women, mother and daughter, caught by secret service officers In the act of llllciily manufacturing whlfky at 454 South Fifth street, Williamsburg, were ar rested after they had put up a harder flxht than most men could have done. They are Mrs. Annie tilaasmtin. young, pietty and athletic, and Mrs. Carolina Smith, gray halted and wrin kled. Internal revenue authorities say that they are the cleverest criminals of their kind In the country. Tl.cy are wanted In Passaic, N. J., where they and the huKband of the younger of them were arrested last June for mak ing "moonshine whhtky." The man Is now In the New Jersey penitentiary. The women escaped similar punishment by Jumping their ball. Revenue Agent Frenk C. Thompson found where the fugitives were last week. He learned that they were mak ing whisky with hardly any attempt at secrecy. They kept big mash tubs In the halls of the house In which the; lived and they had the test of the dis tilling apparatus In their rooms. They sold the whisky to the saloons in thf neighborhood. PRINTING COMPANY CAN ItUN. Indianapolis, Ind. (Special.) ThS Necly Printing company of Muncie, whose plant was seized by the United States marshal on an attachment of the government on the ground that Charles W, F. Neely had an Interest in the property, was authorised to resume business by the United States court to day. The office will be appraised and Its manager be obliged to give bond to twice its value. , WILL BEAT IS.200. Kansss City, Mo. (Special.) Ths seating capacity of Convention hall, where the democrstic national conven tion will be held Is announced today ai follows: Arena balcony, 5.500; stage, 500; east of stage, 500; second gallery, 3,300; roof garden gallery, 1,000; arena floor, where the delegates and alter nates will be seated, 2,30; press quar ters, 800; roof garden proper, 3.200; tem porary gallery, 3.300; total, 22.240. Oeorge 3. Gilbert was renominated by acclamation for congress by thf democrats of the Eighth Kentucky district. TRUST BILL. ANTI-TRUST MEASURE PASSES THE HOUSE. AMENDS PRESENT LAW Only One Member, Mann, a Repub lican. Casts Hie Vote Against the Measure. Washington, June 4. Only one vote iv as cast in the house Saturday against the Littlefield anti-trust bill to amend the Sherman act of 1S90 to make it more effective in the prosecution of trusts and combinations, their agents, officers or attorneys. Mann, republican of Illinois, cast the negative vote. The bill, according to the statements of the republican leaders, goes to the limit of the authority of congress un der the constitution. All the democratic minority amend ments except one were defeated. That was an amendment declaring that noth ing in the act should be constiued to apply to trades unions or labor organ izations. All except eight republicans Aldrich of Alabama, Allen and Little Bel dof Maine, Bailey, Long and Cat Jerhead of Kansas, and Cannon nd Httt of Illinois, voted for it. The bill amends the Sherman antt turst law so as to declare every con tract or combination In the for mof a trust or consplarcy In restraint of com merce among the states or with foreign aatlone, Illegal, and every party to such ntract or combination punishable by 1 fine of not less thun $500 or more than 10,000, and Imprisonment for not less than six months, nor more than two years. It provides that any per son injured by a violation of the pro visions of the law may recover three fold of the damages. The definition of "person" and "persons" In the present law Is so enlarged as to Include the agents, officers or attorneys of corpor ations. For the purpose of commerce It de clares illegal all corporations or associ ations formed for carrying on business for purposes declared Illegal by the common laws; provides that they must be perpetually enjoined from carrying on Interstate commerce and forbids the the use of the United States malls. It provides for the production of per sona and papers and confers Jurisdlc tlon on United States circuit and dis trict courts for the trial of causes un der It and authorizes any person, firm, corporation or association to begin and prosecute proceedings under it. AMENDMENTS THAT WERE LOST. The democratic amendment to broad en the language of section 9 was lost 122 to 130. The democratic amendment authoriz ing the president to place on the free list articles in which he is satisfied there is a combination In restraint of trade, was lost 122 to 133. , The last democratic amendment pro vided that nothing In the act should be construed to apply to trades unions or labor organizations. Against this Hay raised the point of order that It was not germane. The speaker overruled the point of order, saying It was in order jnder the agreement. Tire democrats greeted the; ruling with cheers. "REPUBLICANS IN THE HOLE." "Now we have you in the hole," ihouted some one on the democratic jlde. liabcock of Wisconsin was the first to vote with the democrats and his vote was greeted with applause It was es pecially demonstrative when Grosvenor of Ohio and Dolllver of Iowa voted In the affirmative. The amendment pre vailed by an overwhelming majority of !80 to 8. The announcement wan greet ed with cheers on both sides. The vote was then taken on the pass age of the bill. On this vot ethe re publicans repeated the democratic per formance by applauding the democrats is they voted for It. THE LIST OF CASUALTIES. Root Transmits a Statement Cov ering the Entire War. Washington, D. C, June 4, Secretary Root. In response to an inquiry, trans mitted to the senate a statement of the casualties among the regular and vol unteer officers and men In the Phil ippines from the date of occupation to May 24, 1900. It shows that forty-eight officers and 608 men were killed in action or died Df wounds received; twenty-two offi cers and 1.138 men died of disease, and seven officers and seventy-seven men committed suicide, making a total of jf seventy officers and 1,774 men. In the same period 128 officers and 1,836 enlisted men suffered wounds, which did not prove fatal. The num ber of troops In the Philippines April SO, was 2,324 officers snd 11,272 men. INSURGENTS SURRENDER RIFLES Manila. (Special.) A number of ri fles have been surrendered at Cuyspo and more are expected. The fugitive governor of Benguet province, a rich, Influential snd devoted friend of Agulnaldo, has been captured at Alllt. Generals Grant and Funston have sent detachments In pursuit of the In surgents who rushed the town of Son Miguel de Mayomo near here Tuesday, killed five Americans, wounded seven and captured Captain Roberts of the Twenty-third Infantry and two enllst- REPUBLICAN HAY LOSE KEW YORK. Committeeman Jamison Autnorlty for the Statement. Chicago, June 5. Dr. T. N. Jamleson, republican national committeeman from this state, says eastern republican managers are greatly worried over the situation in the east. They fear. , Dr. Jamleson says, that the republicans will lose the state of New York In No vember. Dr. Jamleson went to New York, Washington and Philadelphia a week ago. He said: "The most interesting thing, politi cally, that I found on my trip was the feeling eastern republicans have that there is a great fight ahead of the party In the east, and particulrly in New York. There Is little else under consideration there Just now. The rea sons for it I do not know, but the feel ing is so strong that New York is in danger of going democratic that the big leaders seem to have decided o give New York the vice presidential nomina tion, whether the New Yoik leaders want it or not. "I have no official information, but what I heard while in Washington and New York. I am of the opinion that the man agreed upon is Cornelius N. Bliss, formerly secretary of the Interior In McKinley's cabinet and treasurer of the national committee in 1S92 and 1896. He has been mentioned frequently, of couise, and It understood he has de clined It, but I presume he would be willing to make a sacrifice of personal affairs for the sake of the party." REPUBLICAN PLATFORM IN OUTLINE. To Declare Against Free Sliver and Denouuce the Trusts. Washington, D. C, June 5. President McKinley is editing thepeech of Sen ator Wolcott, who is to be temporary chairman of the Philadelphia conven tion, and that of Senator Lodge, who is to be permanent chairman. Wolcott's speech will be a flowery review of the whole administration, with a keynote here and there. Lodge's will refer more particularly to the war and the new insular possessions. The platform Is under daily consider ation. The anti-trust plank will be prepared by Senator Fairbanks. Sen ator Foraker will write the Insular plank. The sound money plank will recite the passing of the gold standard bill and declare unalterably against free silver at any ratio. It is not yet decided whether the Porto Rican tariff will be mentioned. The war in the Philippines will be dis cussed at length. The bravery of our soldiers will be celebrated, and the de claration made that the war Is over, and that civil government will be giv en the natives as soon as practicable. The main feature of the platform will be the prosperity plank. Figures show ing how plentiful work and money are, will be introduced, and the excellent condition of trade of business will be claimed as a direct outcome of the Mc Kinley administration. The platform makers will fight shy of the Boer war. BRYAN SPEAKS OF THE BOERS. Says They Would Bj Weloomed By the United btates, New York, June 5. In answer to the World's dispatch to William J. Bryar at Lincoln, Neb., asking his views on the suggestion to invite the Boers to America, he replied: "The Boers are industrious and Intel ligent and have shown themselves lov ers of liberty. If they lose their fight for Independence I hope they will come to the United States. I wish they could ecime soon enough to help save this country fro mthe Imperialism that la driving them from South Africa. A small part of the money now being ex pended on a war of conquest, if spent In reclaiming arid lands, would furnish homes for all the Hoers and thousands of our people besides. 'I wish there were some of them ir this country. They could well take the place of a good many republicans who believe in the imperialistic policy of Great Britain." CAUCUS ON TRUST QUESTION. Democrats to Support Measure As a Last Resort, Washington, D. C, June 5. The dem ocratic party has at last united upon one important issue for the coming campaign. Trusts of all description!! will be denounced and will be made one of the paramount issues. At a recent caucus it was decided to vote for any anti-trust legislation which the republicans may present, providing mure radical measures can not be substituted. The constitutional amendment reported by the commlttoe on Judiciary does not meet with favor among the democrats. In addition to thentl-trust discus sion plana for the coming campaign were talked of. A reduction In war taxes was strongly advocated. ' NEW YORK DEMOCRATS GATHER. New York, May 4. Delegates from the rural districts began to arrive In the city yesterday to attend the demo cratic convention, which meets hers tomorrow. The Erie county delegation comes here with Bryan Instrutclon resolutions and also for a reaffirmation of the Chi cago platform. The state committee will meet at the Hoffman house today and pass on the roll of delegates. The temporary offi cers of the convention will also be se lected. It Is also said that Assembly man Norton of Rensselaer, may b temporary chairman and Elliott Dan forth. txtrmaJMinl chairman. HARD FIGHT. LORD ROBERTS REPORTS STOUT RESISTANCE BY BOERS. HUNDREDS ARE KILLED British Meet With Severe Losses, But Are Supposed To Be Near Transvaal Capital. London, June 5. Pretoria is still un sccupied by the British army, to Judge from Lord Roberts' failure to report the eagerly awaited event, and England is beginning to wonder if, after his suc cessful entry into the Transvaal, a new campaign must now be planned and the enemy be followed Into the Lyndenburg fastnesses, whKher they are apparent ly going with their heavy guns to Join President Kruger. Evidence that the Boers have not given up the struggle Is afforded in plenty by the recent trapping of Bra bant's patrols, the sharp fighting near Lenekal, in which the British, it is known, had thirty-two killed and 150 wounded, and the fierce attack on War ren at Douglas, in Cape Colony. These events, in widely scattered sec tions of the field of war, point plainly to long continued guerrilla warfare, unless the main body of the enemy is speedily crushed or captured. The exact situation as to Pretoria Is a mystery. According to the press dis patch from there Thursday, British pa trols were around the town and tne citizens' committee was maintaining or der. In a dispatch dated at Jonannes buig laie Friday night, Lord Roberts itu.ys not a woru about the Boer capi tal and tells vaguely about French having taken up ine position north of Joliannesouig to which he had been or dered. Vvide speculation is possible as to the extent and meaning of the important, opeiatlona wnicn Lord Roberts doubt less has in progress. The seeming delay in tne Billisn commander's aispatches has given rise to a theory that Lis communications to the southward are being tampered with by marauding banus of me enemy, but this has few auiierents. ll is generally believed that the Biitish forces are cautiousiy approach- ng fretoiia, taiting every military pre- jaution which tney would were the en- any known to be in great strength on heir front. In this Lord Roberts woulu ! ae following the dictates of his soldierly nature, not making a dash until the irmed foe were out of the capital. A cablegram from Lord Roberts, dat ed Johannesburg, May 31, but which ivua not dispatched from there until 1:30 a. m., of June 1, has been received by the war office. It says: "The occupation of Johannesburg passed off quite satisfactorily, thanks :o the excellent arrangements made by Dr. Kraus, the Transvaal commandant aere, and order prevailed throughout :he town. "Dr. Kraus met me on my entrance ;o Johannesburg, and rode by my side :o the government offices, where he in ;roduced me to the heads of the several lepartments, all of whom acceded to xiy request that they would continue to :arry on their respective duties until .hey could be relieved of them. "Johannesburg is very empty, but a rood crowd of people assembled In the main square by the time the British Jag was being hoisted. A royal salute ivas fired and three cheers for the lueen were given. At the end of the leremonles the seventh and eleventh liviaions marched past with the naval jrigade, the heavy artillery and two jr lgade divisions of the royal artillery. "General lan Hamilton's column and ;he cavalry and the mounted Infantry were too far away to take part in the jeremony. "The troops looked very workmnHke ind evidently took keen Interest In the proceedings. "The Fourteenth and the naval brig ade have been left In Johannesburg to preserve order, while the remainder of the force is encamped north of the town on the Pretoria road." WILL REQUIRE 100,000 MEN. Kruger Says That England Will Not Have To Fight. Lourenzo, Marquesas, June 5. Lord Roberts is reported to be In Johannes burg. The mines were not destroyed. General Botha was leaving a large commando to hold Irene, but It was said that should the British gain the outer hills of Pretoria the town would sur render. This is positive. The government, to prevent the stores falling Into British hands, told the burghers to help themselves. It was a most remarkable scene, the women, children, Kaffirs, outlanders and burgh ers dividing the stores. At the request of Consul Hay, twenty British officers were sent to Waterfall to keep the tum bulent "Tommies" In hand. President Kruger Is now at Macha dorp. I saw him and Secretary Relts Just before leaving. They declared that they would wage an Irregular war fare, cut oft Lord Roberts' communica tions and require the British to keep 100.000 men as s standing army in the Transvaal. Secretary Relts said that the real difficulties of the British had only Just begun. Fire In the five-story department Itore of the Pilts-Klmball company, ad Joining the Park theater, Washington street, Boston, did more than $200,000 damage. ' ALLOW LA:EM TO ESCAPE. Chinese Government Don't Try Ta Capture the Boxere. Pekin. Friday, June 1. American and other foreign guards numbering 34 arrived here In the midst of the Dra gon festival. The streets were uausu- were greatly Interested In the annual spectacle no manifestation of hostlUtjr was made. The presence of the guards has all ready had a marked effect upon the bearing of the Chinese toward foreign ers. The excitement in the adjacent country has been" much allayed, but many Christian refugees are still flock ing Into the city. The "Boxers" are evidently moving afield. Unfortunately no leaders of the Box ers have been arrested, though their capture would have been easy. AH the government has done has been to oc cupy the scenes of the disturbances. and no real repressive measures have been taken. The French consulate has received In formation from priests at Pao Ting Fu that thirty foreigners, including six wo men and a child, who were attempting; to escape from Pao Ting Fu to Ties Tsin in boats were attacked by 70ft Boxers armed with rifles and spears. Many of the foreigners were wounded. Four were killed outright, but the fate of the remainder of the party is un known. Having little ammunition, however, it is considered impossible that they could hold out against their assailants. Tien Tsin, June 2. The forelgnera who escaped from Pao Ting Fu are ten miles from here. Four of the party have been killed and four are wounded. An expedition is proceeding to their re lief. MONEY FOR EASTERN FORTS War Department Wants the Money for Coast Defense. Washington, D. C, June 2. Unless of ficials of the war department yield to the pressure brought by representative from the west, very little of the appro priation of $1,000,000 carried In the sun dry civil bill for the general repair of military posts will be expended on. western forts. It is announced that it is the Intention of the department ta expend the bulk of the sum named on coast fortifications and according to plans made most of the fund will be ab sorbed in such improvements. The sun dry civil bill, as amended in the sen ate, makes $75,000 available for im provements at Fort Meade, S. D. Chair man Cannon of the appropriations com mittee of the house is opposed to this and similar amendments of a positive nature on the ground that the Jl.OOO.Oftft. carried by the bill included improve ments that are needed at Fort Meade. notwithstanding the plans of the de partment. Representative Burke had a talk with the house conferees on the matter today and he Is hopeful that the appropriation will be retained in tile blil In Its present form. Late this afternoon eulogies were de livered in the senate on the life and char acter of the late William L. Greene, congressman from the Sixth. Nebraska district. Senators Allen. Thurston and Turner spoke, Senator Allen speaking to a resolution which he Introduced and Senator Thurston closin gwlth a beautiful tribute to hla colleague of the Nebraska delegation in the lower house. , TROOPS ORDERED TO REPORT. First Missouri Regiment May Ba Ordered Out at St. Louts. St. Louis, June 5. Members of the First Missouri regiment, National Guard of Missouri, received orders to report at the armory at 9 o'clock Sat urday morning. Friday- night company B was on guard. Captain B. F. Wheelock, who was officer of the day, said to an As sociated Press reporter that he had re ceived a command not to discuss the orders with any one. It was ascertain ed, however, that all the men who ap peared at the armory from the various companies should be instructed by the guard to appear Saturday morning. The nature of the duties they will perform is not known. The work of securing the force of 2,500 special deputy sheriffs called for by the police board continues, and cltW ens are being rapidly enrolled. OFFERED INSULT TO AMERICA. lowan Made To Apologise In Publlo Square for a Remark. Sallx, Ia.--(Speclal.) The town waa thrown Into a furor of Indignation this morning by an Insult to the nation and to the participants in the memorial ex ercises. C. E. Schmidt, station agent for the Sioux City & Pacific, got in front of the parade and shouted: "To with America." Major E. H. Smith. who was In charge of the process ioiv rushed after Schmidt and rushed him. two blocks for the purpose of resenting; the Insult, but could not overtake him. Later Schmidt was caught, led to the public square and made to apollglse to. a wrathful crowd, which threatened, violence. BIG SUGAR COMPANT New York, June 6. The National Sugar Refining company of New Jer sey has been organised In Jersey City. The new company Is a combination at tbe National, Mollenhaver and Doscher companies. The stock Is divided Into $10,000,000 preferred stock. The assets comprise all the plants of the three companies In the combination, and sev eral million dollars In cash. All plifcit are owned by the company, which will start up at once, at thstr full capacity.