' ' " V- ElARRI OURMAL. "VOL. XII. HAE,E;IS01T, IsTEBJLSS:, TEIUSIDir, iTTTZE, ; 7, 19 OO. Oar M1!u',no QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "-Hoa. William J. Bryan. US O. -43. SON HARRISONPRESS-JOURNAL. o Suhsorlptloii Price Per Year $1.00. Official Paper of Sioux County. Geo. D. Canon; - Editor. Em ERED AT THE HxI'liP-ON I'T CH1E AS r-JV0l CLArW MaT'.'EH. " IJBMB JJ1UUIIHJMUUILI. J 1 . U J.i . I J ,-!. .... O THE PIONEER.PHARMACY. I Drills, - - jj Drugists Sundries, $ Paints, Oils, jVarnishes, !j Books and STATIONARY. S J. t. PHINNEY, Proprietor. c 3 Hons. V. J. Bryan. Onrl A. Tow ne, 8-n. Jas. K. Jme, Chin, fiationu.1 com nutteo, Col. M. O. Wetmnre, of St. Lou I, anil J. J. Hode of Li Crosse Wis., will according to metropolitan I'siilies, eujoy an outing on a finding trip to Mino cua Wis. The Trans vajil anil Orange Free states are things of the past. They ure repub lics no longer; they will now Income English territory.. The destruction of those two republi'-s extends ane enlarges the British empire. It is liberty anil freedom dethroned. It in our opinion that nefore these Tinted Stales is through with Umj "open door" policy in the Chinese empire that this nation will have sacrificed thousands of lives ami millions of tha people mon ey. .It becomes more appearanC euery fin y, that this nation is. eugaged in for eign euUngliug alliances. , In the stealing of tu public- funds of Cuba and Porto Riuo by government officials, the oflicials, stole the funds because the Cubans or U. S. Government could not punish the criminals and the republicau congress passed a law to legally Hitch the peoples money fram Porto Riio. President McKinley's latent trouble eenis to tie tin aflicfion f the beaat, known as the "tobacco heart'' it is to be bojed however tlwt he will not plead this as an excuse for his not smoking out those highway robbors who have stolen tiie Cuban postal fund.-,. Sunday, June 3. is the day set aside each year by the woodmen of the world as the national memorial dav of that IssJy. On last Sunday the people of Denver witnessed one of its largest pro cessions, in the history, representatives, werereseitt from all over the state. The first death of an American from bubonic plague has been reported in Man ila. It will hardly popularize Imperia lism for its distinctive disease to become epidemic among our soldiers in the Phil ippines. . Without doubt, the Chinese Empire is in danger of partition by the British, Russian German, French, and Japanese empires together with the uid oft the Uuited States government A Short Story in Figures. The ordinary annual expenditures of the Government averaged in President Harrison's term 5'!iit,2!)l, 33. They average-! in President Cleveland's second terms ?300,41S,5-l6. They have averaged in President McKinl'oys term g,)14,4:J0,251. The cost of running the Government is liius Reeo to have been increassable bv nearly $154,000,000 a year ever since MrMcKlnley was inaugurated. pAnd this is not accounted for by the extraordinary disbursements of the war, which are not iacluded in these "ordinary expenditures." The outlay for war is a separate matter, and it accounts for the increase of the public debt by 200,000,000 since Mr. M.-Kinloys, luaugcration. The financial record of the Administration npay therefore be summed up in a sentence. H has added nearly 13,000,000 a month to the regular running expen ses of the Government and added $1.79 per capita to the national burden of debt NOTICE TO NOX-HESIDKNT DKKENDANTS To h. L. Williams, llrst and full nsiae un known. Air. Williams bis K-ii, true ohrii ttan name unknown, non-resident tlcfeu dsnts: You, and each of you ore bercly notified that on tbp HU, day of May A. 1). HKiO lieuja mill K. Vitma i, trustee us plaintiff filed In th diHtrlct Court of Sioux Ctiunty Nebriuiku bisn:tiUon arniaHtyou am def-niluiil4 iut plendi'd with Janie Kelson, Uary S. Kelson and Jens Kelson : The object and prnyer of whleU Is to have nn accounting of the amount due upon a principal note pf MW.C0, dated November 1st 1SS4, executed by l'obert L. Taylor and Enln (i. Taylor to K. V. PUraan, with interest thereon from date at the rate of 7 per cent annum according to the tenor and effect of ten Interest coupon notes attached to Maid principal note, which snld principal and coupon noil's! are now held and owned by said plaintiff: To foreclose the mortgage deed (riven to ueenre the name upon the South-east quarter of suction thirty (:) and the -north-east riuarti-r of sec tion thirty one (311 all in town Kblp thirty four i!l north of range fifty three liaj -est in saiu county. To have said real estate aold for the pay ment and satisfaction of the amount found due on said notro, together with Interest, coats of suit and costs of sale. To bar foreclose and exclude the defen- Oants from having or claiming any interest in said land and for general relief. And you are further notified and required to answer xald petition on or bc5ore the ath day ot June A- ! hm Al-UEkT W. Crites. Atttorncy for plaintiff. PAfROH SAINT OF LAWYERS How many readers know the naum of te patron saint of the lawyer? Very few, Mr. Croake James, in his book of 'Curiif.ities of Law and Lawyers," tells us. It at pa s that in the fourteenth century St. Jivona, or Ives, of Brittany, a famous Lawyer of his time, was lamenting that his 'profl'ession had .no patron saint to look up to. So he went to Rome and asked the Pope to set the matter straight. The Pope was puzzeled. Finally be told the lawyer to go blindfolded around the church of San Giovanni, anil after he had said it certain number of Ave Maria's the first saiut be took hold of should be bis patrons, fct. Evona followed directions, and at the proper moment, laying his hands oh an image, proclaimed with joy. "This is our saint this be our patron." liut when the bandage was taken from bis eyes he round that he had stopped at the ajtar of St. Michael, and instead of taking hold of St. Michael himself he had griped the figure beneath St. Michael feet the devil! It is said in an old legend Unit St. Evona was so dejected over the outcome of his enterprise that in a few months he died. When at St. Peters gate ha knocked for admittance and explained thatflia was St. Evona, the advocate, he was told thai there was no room in heaven for lawyers. "Oh, but" said St. Ev- oua, ''I am that hone.-.t lawyer who never toojfiees on both sides, nor pleaded in a bad cause; nor did I ever set my neighbors together by the ears, nor live by the sins of the people." St. Peter's fa art was moved and he let the suppliant in, whereupon the pood advocate of Brittany became the patron saint of lawyers hiirv self. The New York Verdict. ' t ; ' '"" ' "". " "Aguinaldo is dead lor the ninty ninth time. Tills time major March, with his iletatclinivnt of soldiers has killed him. What a wonderful personage this Agui nakti) must be. Keep your ear to the ground, for you will soon hear of Ins ressureclion somewhere else. A Life ami Dcutli Fight, Mr. W. A. Jliues of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death snys: "Exposure after nieas els induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent heroomges and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must die soon. Ttwn I began to use Or. King's New Dis co very which wholly cured me. Hun dreds have used it on my advice and alj mt it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles.,' Regular siz 50c Dd 11.00. Trial bottles free at Or. J E. Phioocys Drug store. The officers selected to gi ve Cuba lea sons in Iiiim honest government liegan plotting from tl3 first. They followed in the steps of Spain without interuption With lofty professions upon tneir i;ps they plunged down deep into the Cuban treasury and took the money collected from the poverty stricken people of that island. The (Sioux city.) North-West- ern Catholic. Glorious Incws. Comes from I. B. Cargile, of Washita I. T. Ho writes: "Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of Scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years, Terrible sores would break out on her iiend and face, and the best doctors could eive no help; but now her health is ex cellent" Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum. ulcers, boils and running spres. it stim ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poison, helps digestion, builds up the streoirth. Onlv 50 cts. Sold by Or. J. E. Piussey drujrgist. This government is fast drifting into the name condition that Rome was in militarism and imperialism, and the country dominated by the money power- when ft fell to distruction. Read what the great historian Froude said about Jtome, and then make your comitarison: in theory to the meanest citizens; thev - r - ' - - - - r - were confined in fact to those who had the longest purses. Distinctions of birth hod been exchanged for diitinctions of wealth. Tha free cultivators were disappearing from the soil. Italy was being absorbed into vast estates held hv a few favor d families and cultivated by slaves, while the old agricultural population was driven off the land and crowded, into towns tha occupation of the higher classes was to obtain money without labor and spend it in idle enjoyment. . Patriotism survived on the lips, but patriotism meant the ascendancy of the par ty which would maintain the exwtinj order of things. Public spirit in Uie masses was dead or sleeping. The common-wealth was plutocracy.' The free forms of the constitution were themselves the instrument of corruption. Redemption, if redemption ws to be hoped for, could on.y come from free citizens in the countrv districts. The numbers of such citizen were fast dwindling away before the omnivorous appetite of the rich for territorial aggran- diument. Froud. When Babylon fell two per cent of the population practically owned all the wealth. Eypt was marked for oervthrow when tw per cent of her people owned aiaaty -seven per cent of the wealth, , All tha land in Persia was owuod by ono er cent of her poople when her down fall came. This Oniform experience of historical nations has been crystallized by the poet Goldsmith into the following words: III fares the land, to hastening Ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates and men decay. Wban tha few only are permitted to enjoy the good things of this world at the upsnei of the many; liberty becomes a Word and general prosperity a dream 4Uwr of Black Crime. KOT1CE TO NON-RESIDENT DKFEKOANTS. STOCK IJItANDS. The JornNAi. will publish your brand, like the lollowiiifr, for 2 :0tt, per year. Kauh sit UitK.nal nranu T5 cent. ivery lartiier of ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining countle should advertise their brands in TaieJocs nai. as It circulate all over the state. II may be the means of saving money for yon. CHARLES BIKHLE. On left side or hip of cuttle, On lef t shoulder of hnrgc. t IKange on the bead ul Warbonnwt Jcreek , Addresi Harrison, Siouz Co. Neb. Maltese f FRANK C. LEWIS. Branded on left side of Cattle and ou left a -boulder of Iloraoa Range ou beau of w uite lttver. i Y. O. Address Harrison, Keb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns ths follow-iBw;' iiiKbraud oueith- r I yy Also HG on cat- I u and borne V cattlcoD leftside V. i horses on Jft I f ithoulder. Rana;e on Silver Springs nd east of state i lie. l'osiolllce Harrison Web The Work of the Trusts. To Joseph A. Mos, Mrs. Until P. Moss, his wife, W. J. Tiowden, christian name un known, 8, B. Howe, christian name unknown V. S. Tiittle, christian name unknown, Da kota Loan and Trust Company. You, and each of. you, are hereby notified that on the 1st day of Sfaruh, A. D. 1000, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff, iilcd in the dis trict court in aud for the county ot Sioux and state, of Nebraska, its petition against you, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax liens en the following described real estate, situated in the county of Sioux and state of Nebraska to-wlt: South-half , north-east quarter , north half i, south-east quarter M, section two 2, township thirtytwo 32, north of range filty three .13, west of the 6th principal meridian situated in Sioux county, Nebraska, that said tax liens oonsist of taxes assessed and levied ou said real estate for the following years and amounts, to-wltt: In the year 13SI5, the sum of S9.15; in the year 1896, the sumof7.M; in the year 1x08, the sum of $a.f 4, with interest; on each of. said sums as provided bv law ; and to hare an accpnntins of the amount of taxes and interest now due on said tax Hens, and to forever bar and foreclose said defendants, and each of them out of any and all right, title, interest, lien and eqnliy of redemption in and to said real estate, Krid for general equitable relief. That you are further notified and required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day ot June, A. D. 1900. f5o. 11J II. J. 0'CosNEr.L. CO. Attorney. ?100 REWARD. or proof to convict any person of steal in any of my stock. Branded on right shoulder of HORSES. ' I'. O. Addresss Daviu Colville, Harrison, Nebraska. CHABLX3 KEWMAN. BJHJ The brand represented in this notice riyjl and branded any where on left side Pjijj of cattle, and over lap ut from the F AImo th anma hrnnrt on lft thip-h ftf jj horses, belongs to the undersigned. Kaage near East Spring, south part to Sioux county. Cuaklks Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. About the first of July, 1899, the Central Foundry Co., of Tew York citv bought up all the individual foundnci of Medina, N. Y., and the con solidation has already brought serious injury to the town. No. 4. soil pipe previous to this consolidation was selling for 6.4 cent per foot but the trust raised the price to 22 cents per foot but the laborers have received no increase in wages. In November, 1?98, cast iron scraps twere purchased by the various foundries at $7.50 per ton, but last November the trust only paid 6 per toq. The price of the finished product was raissd nearly four hundred per cent while the price of the raw material was reduced nearly twenty per cent. The trust has driven twenty-one married men out of town which means considarable for a village of tho size of Medina. Men who have worked in the foundries at Medina for years have been thrown out of employment because they refused to quit, the union. As a result of this object lesson manv Republicans iu the town say that they have voted the Republican ticket for the last time. Lincoln (Nehr.)Post. Oom Paul nml tho Boers. It is related of President Kruger that when Jews lirst began to flock to Pre toria he was unfavorably disposed to ward them and used them severely, but after a lime relented somewhat, aud fin nally gave' them leave to build a syna gogue. They were grateful, and when the synagogue was built they asked him to como and open it. The story is and it assumes to be a true one that the old man accepted the invitation, and, stand ing on the platform, duly said: "In the name of the father, and of the eon, and of the Holy Gost, I declare this synagog ue opened. Now, my friends, I hope you will lose no time in becoming con verted." Life. Parla and Iter grout Fair, The saying that Paris is France con tains, of course, only half a truth. No metropolis can fully exibit the life of a people. But, on the other hand, it is doubtless true that no other capital city is so representative as Paris of all that characterizes the nation; and this over shadowing importance of the . French capital has never been so marked as in the last years of our closing century. But, during the Exposition period, Paris becomes also a rendezvous and center of ideas for the whole world. The Exposi tion then may be conceived of as the City of Paris occupying itself with the entertainment of a sort of congress of flie nations ith a gracious display by all of dungs interesting and clinracteris tio that illustrate their history and con temporary life; nothing being done in tha spirit of rivalry, but all in a gener ous spirit of kindliness and helpfulosss. Sheriffs Sale. My virtue of an order of faln Issued by tho. clork ot tho district court of Sioux county Nebraska upon s decree rendered by said court in fSTor of fayson B. lilgelow, as ritrtntlff snd nfraitmt Michigan Savins and Loan association as defendants: I will on the 7th, seventh day of Ju ly,' A. p. 19n, st one o'clock V. M ' at Harrison, in said county sell tho fol lowing described real estate to-wit: Lot five 5, of Block six 0, of the village of Harrison in Sioux county Nebraska at the East Front Doer of the court House in Har rison Nebrnka st pnblie auction to the highest bidder tor cash to satisfy said order of sale In the snin of tlf.28 and Interest, costs and accruing cost, Thomas holly, sheriff of said county. CALL FOR CONGlESbION A L CONVENTION A delegate convention of the People's Independent Party of the Sixth Congres sional Idstrlct of the State of Nebraska-is hereby called to meet in the city of Broken Bow, Custer County, on Monday, July 9th, 1900, at i o'clock p, m., for tho purpose of placing in nomination a oandidate for member of congress to represent the Sixth Congressional District of Nebraska, and to transact such other business as may prope rly come before tee convention. The rep resentation of the various counties in the convention will be based upon the Vote of Hon. Wm. Neville in the Congressional ele ction of lsi!B, one delegate being allowed for each one hundred votes and major fraction thereof, and ono delegate at large from each county, which makes the following apportionment: I-anner 2 Howard 14 Blaine 2 Keith 4 . Box Butte 6 Koyn Paha 4 Boyd . 8 Kimball S! Brown 4 Lincoln 13 Buffalo 23 Logan ; i Chrry 7 Loup 2 Chcyeuiiu 6 McPherson 2 Custer 2.1 Kock 3 Dawes 8 Scotts Bluff 3 Dawson 18 Sheridan 8 Duel 3 Sioux 3 - Garfield 3 Sherman 0 Grant 2 Thomas 2 Greeley 9 Valley 10 Holt 15 wheoier .3 Hooker 2 Total 223 It is recommended that no proxies be al lowed, but that the deli-Kates present cast the full vole of their respective counties. A. K. I'aksoks, China. Con. Com. G. F. Corns, Secy. County Convention of Peoples ' Independent party. A delegate convention of tho People's In. dependent I'nrty of Sioux county, Nebraska, Is lnrebv called to meet at tho Court house in Harrison, In said county o-i tho i'lrcl day of June, moo, at 2 o'clock P M., for the pur pose of selecting delegate to the stato eon vredsloual, senatorial and representative conventions of said party, to nominate a candidate for the office of county attorney and for the transaction of such other busi ness ss may properly como bnforn said con vention. The representation of tho varlom precincts is based on the vote cast for Hon. Sils A. Ilolconib for Supreme Judge, at the general election of 1SV9 allowing one dole gate for each ten votes enst and major frac tion thereof cast for ald candlclnto In eacli precinct, making tha following representa tion. 1 A nil rews .2 An telope ..1 Bo wen fi (iotton wood "t Hut Creek.. .ft Montrose.. S Knnnlngwnler .1 snake creek l Sugar lnf ... 3 Whistle Creek 1 Wiirbonnet 4 White Blver 4 It I recommended that the primaries be held st the regular polling place In each pre clnct on June 20lh 1S00, snd that no proxies tie allowed but that the delegates present sat the full vote of the precinct. W. O. I'ATTKB OS, CL4I1S ClIltlsTRSSES, Secretary. Chairman. ; FKANK KUTTO. tn left side of cattle ead on left shoulder oi horses. . Rango on Antelope crook I'. O., Ghitchrist, Sioux Co.. Heb. '.ftftjl TUCKKR. : '.' Branded on left shoulder ot horses and on left side of cattle. Range on White River, near Glen, p. O. Address, (lien, Nebraska. Final Proof Kotices. All n-roon linvlni? final nroof notices in this paper will receive a marked copy of tho paper and ara requested to examine thT notice and if any error exist report the same to t his omue at om.o. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ' Land Office at Alliance, Neb., May 1 1900, Notice is hereby given that the. following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be- . fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska on Juno 23, 1900, viz.: DOBAZEBBST, widow of Fredric Zcrbst, deceased, of Harri son, Neb. on II. K. No 2S91 for the 8 , N-E H. N-W M, S-K&. Section 26, & S-W H, N-W Section 25, Township S, N-tt 56 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Gustave Noreisch, Charles Schiltx, Charles Biehlo, Nels Anderson, all of Harrison, NelK r. M. DORBlNUfON. Register. ESTIMATE OP F.XPKNSES. On the tu day of May 1500, tho board t)f Trustees of the village of Harrison, Nebras ka, mods the following estimate of the ex penses of the said village for the year lfioO: Officers salaries . $ 50 00 Printing . 0 09 Water pumping . 09 Election Kxpensos . 23 00 Incidental Expenses . 2O0 00 Sinking Fund 100 00 Interest on Water Bonds . 1!0 0J To apply on Judgement ot Clark It Leonard Investment Co 400 00 Total S1.I25 00 Dated, Ilai rii.on, Nch., Mav 29, 1900 W. 11. Davis, village clerk. ESTIMATE of EXPENSES. At s meeting of tho Board of County Com mlssloiiers of Sioux County, Nebraska, held on the 11th day of January, IIXJO the follow ing estimate of expenses fur the year 1900 was made. District Court Expenses .. S3.0nOAo Bonds and Rrldgus 3.000 00 Salaries l.onoOO Incidental. T. 2.MI0O0 Stationary . . ,100 00 Printing and PublMiIng .. ,000 00 UltTcoiK fees .,"oo 00 Institute........... . ..,100 00 Soldiers Belief .. ,300 00 Special Kod District ,M0 00 NOTICE FOtt PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alllanc, Nebrska, May 16, KiOO j Notice is hereby given the following-named settler nas filed notioeofhls lnteatlon to mako final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before tho Clerk of District Court ant Harrison, Neb, on June, 30th 1900, vis : ANDRAF.S KNOW, of Harrison, Nob., on H. E. No. 3924 for the N. X 8-W )4 8-B. S-W.!4 Sectioe 25, N-E,-i-E !4 Section 26 Twp..12,N. R 55 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon und cultivation oo said land viz: btto Tietze, Charles Caminzind, FrcdBctchen, John Marstellcr all of Har rison. F. M. Dorilugton. Krglgistcr. Total.. WU.J. .. II2W0 ns K. Xavm, (Musty elerk. NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS. Notice is hereby given that the Interest and rental upon the contracts of lease slid ale to the following described educational lands situated in Sioux County, Nebraska ss set opposite tho names of the respective holders thereof, is delinquent and, if snvli , delinquency is not paid within sixty davs from the date of this notice, said contra-1 will be declared forfeited by the board ol educational Lands and Konds and said for feiture will be entered of record hi the man ner provided by law. LEASE). . v Part of Sec. S. Tp. R. Name, - II!-). -B8.C. L. Hall. Kit N-Wi 30..32..55 John 0. Bbfr- NS N-K'tft 8-EH N K'i l..Jn..ra.. Theodore r. . ...... C oldes. : N-EU H Vf A KH i R-EU U1..33..W . Theodore r. ...(Mul.MH.aMStMMwliwIwIVl 8- W !i N EH 1S..33..IW t. r. lioldea. Lincoln, Kebr, May 14 INS, . J.v.wotnr, ' Commission or PabU Loads 4t BtMMto, ' 4 41 if .If 1 -. 1 1 4, i V t i 9 ' n