Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 31, 1900, Image 8

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    f ?
Thursday. Mat 31th, 1900.
Ceo. 1. Canon, Editor ami Prop,
F. E. S. V E. K. lime laMe.
Oolng West. Going Kat.
"Wo. 5, mixed. lira I So. . mixed :00
.-4 f.'i!T-'i . r:
V Wiinc-
In I !! (.nfferiPg t-ti!:ur--d I.? w .!
nss T. L Martin, of Dine Ky.. fore I -gave
this evifletice: "I i---u.:hei evry
night until my throat a ar:y r;iw;
then trird It. Kii-gs Nw l-i.-eovery
which pave iD":mt relief. I have used
it in my family for four year an.! recom
mend it as the greil t remedy fi"
Coughs. Colds and atl Throat Cht and
T.uri,.' trouble. It. will s'oii the wort
cough, and not oil's prevects but nW
lutclv cures Consumption. Trice 5')
cents mid if 1.00. Evry Lottie, guaran
teed. Tri;il bottles !r at l)r. J. tu.
Phimieys Drug Store.
M. V. R. R. is
to and from tho
the best
" 4 1 1
C. F. C.I KK!
President. F. W.Clarke, Cashier.
ilWyvm I.
F, E. & M. V. R. R.
Kcmsseekers Excursions
Will be run May 1st and l-"tb June 5th
and 19th 1900, to points on the K. E- &
M. V. in Nebraska where th owe way
fare from nearest Mo River, I'oint ia-
dudine Co. Bluffs is 4'-UK) or more to
points in Wyoming west of and including !
Orin Junction and to points in Black
Hill district at So Dak.
Tickets will be sold by connecting
-lines feeding to our line at Sioux city,
Onowa Mo. Valley and Omaha and by
-our agents at South Piatt, stations,
Blair. Omaha and on S. C. & P. in fowa;
except that our agonts '"'ill not sell to
points in So. lHik.
Fare will he one. fare plus fi.OOfor
"round trip. Write your folks in the East
and have them come and se vou, taking
advantase of these rates. Tickets limi
ted 21 days with 13 days limit on going
portion. F. Avert, Agt.
FOR Sale 25 or 30 bead
of young pigs.
Mrs. Axkta Sharker.
Did you notice the partial eclipse of
the sun, Monday morning?
The Press-Journal and St. Louis
Republic, $1.60,per year. Try it
M TV .Tnnlnn and "Nls Rosenbnra: of
Adelia, were in town Monday on busi-1
fTWrite Hay den Bros., Omaha,
"Wholesale Supply House, for prices and
, Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Oriswold, and
' cbildntro returned from the east on last
; r Rev.Stnit,h, and his better half are
eajcying a visit from their bob who is
home to spend bis vacation.
Lucy Moravek, went to Chadron on
last Tuesdav evening, in order to see a
physician. She was in charge of Father
; McNaroara.
Our genial Banker, F. W. Clarke, is
suffering from a severe attack of home
sickness, which is aggravated by a most
tlisageeable cold,
M. J. Blewett, for the past week has
been assisting the New York Life insur
ance agent, Mr. Taylor of Omaha, in so
liciting for life policies In the sout h part
of the county.
-Mrt'Emma Adams, of Cheyenne,
Wyo. , sister of XL H. Russel, of Glen,
was a visitor at the home of her brother
a few days last week. From here she
will go to Marshaltown, la., en a visit.
Dennis Morran. and another gentle
man whose name we did not learn, were
up from Glenas witnesses in the case of
"Nebraska vs. Charles Russell, charged
with the murder of Alois Staudeuruaeir
a week ago last Friday.
Good son Lacy who has been employ
ed at the Bourctte ranch during the
past week or two, doing some artistic
carpenter work returned to Harrison
last Saturday having completed bis
The Iron Brothers who have for sev--cral
years made their home in the vicini
ty of Marsland. passed through Harrison
! 1-ist Sunday enroute to Montana with
their families and about two or three
hundred bead of cattle and horses. They
expect to make their future home in
Trie Social given at the court house,
last evening, under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid Sociery, was a pronounced
- siicoase. The unique feature of the eve
ning waatttw sale of the society quilt, at
auction to the highest bidder, the lucky
vinnar nroved to be John Marsteller,
The proceeds of the sale amounted to
E-cnuntv eierK Ford, of Scotts
BlnlT cminty patsed through this place
Monday, from Gering on his way to tne
head of the little Missouri, uo in Mon
tana where be goes to establish a stock
ranch. Mr. Ford has several teams load
ed with camp outfits and is taking his
heard of rattle along with htm. Mr.
Ford is an old acquaintance of M. J.
Blewett'a. They used to ride tbe range
At the preliminary of Cha. Russell,
, -tomorrow, charged with tbe murder
of A, L. Staodeamaier, attorneys, Grant
. Guthrie, and A. O. Fisher of Chadron,
. will anoear for tbe defendant, and M. F
jnarriMgton of O'Neill, will assist county
attorney UUowmII in the prosecution.
, Without deubt. both Mesers Fisher and
UarrfextM are the ablest criminal law
vet la the atate and both sides are to be
oet jratalated for employing such able
F-i):iv evpiiin.sr, Jnr. lt. rttho M.
. t lunch givfn ty the Ktiniaii, llixson
corn-nit company, ftud vi!l conMst ot
Kicrinl music, rcitatior.s and itistrmen-
t.-tl ii.usii'4 And "ill te given nrtl,r
the n,--pirf-i of the Iiirriu Lp worth
Ia'uc, who will divide vise procf'U
with the company to help defray their
e.nti. Admittance 10 & 15 ctDts.
Tfrn Report f South worth Kthool.
Hrport of rchonl 0irn..t :o 5, for tf-nii
Mi-iint May I'Hh irw). 'J'tiow that Kcre not
trestt on easviiiiialiou ilay received t-tsu
Num!r of day taught r,. nninber of
tmpiU enrolled 21, eerage duiiy titt..-ndan
Trtty, I'ays prtrnt, Avg rr f"-
Chas. C. J-2:c:;.
A. McGixlev,
Rtockiiicn havinq use for a bank at tin point may rely on
us to hariflla thoir entire Cankinrt busin?9.
-::VTo arc prppfi'H to take raro of our trnV. fit all thr;o',
Anns Mi!'.-r
Willie "
Arthnr "
Minnin '
Mfiliel "
MyrtiB "
liattiu Sirr.
Li,.I "
Jolmio "
llftrmon "
Tracy "
Johiilfl "
Mait. KrjfTi.i?
ISurv "
t ne XHrkiixg
Aif "
K lit ie Srrre
Katie Jacobs
L v v - -t H
t '1 , if ' r, "I
mm laro m
12. ROH WER,
Will make the season at my place
on Monroe Creek 7 miles north-west
of Harrison.
WISDOM JR, sired hy imPrted
CLYDE Dam 7-eights SHIRE-weight
i,5oo lbs.
Price: $5.oo, to insure living Colt.
lmti serfs a, I,!z7.ie Srrres, A JolmlP Han-
ter rcciveJ ritzes in .sm-!!!n5r.
M. C. I'oumiS, Teacher
Flour & Feed
For Sale-
Go to ROHWER'S for Lumber, Har
ness, Flour & Feed, or any thing in his
line of business: he. will save you mon
ey by giving you a squar deal.
Will mako the nea.on of 19fj0
at the 1)1 KCKMANN LIVK
ItY BAUX in Harrison.
PEDIGRE": I'in?-ii Hl.'-tc cnths
Weight, 1 500 llw.
TEUMS:-."i.0O for the seas
on, nayabie rni'KUcot season.
.Tonx Deickmanx.
Mrs. Plympton was a Crawford visi-
one day th;s week.
We are nleaved to state that f lieriff
flnllv who lm lxen confined to his bed
during the past week is agsin able to he j
It should be most encouraging to
our catholic bretheren, to know that
their congrogatioo w materially iucreas-;
BORN To Mr. end Mrs. John L.
Stratum, at their home in Warbonnet
last Saturday a son. Mother and child
aredoinp well. And John will recover.
M. C. Pound, who just closed a succes
sful term of school in the Southworth
district left for Patric Wyo., today where
he has enra!red to teach a six months
term of school.
Commissioner Rohwer, had his
ware bouse moved closer to the
Harness shop yesterday, by so doinu Eg
gert will have all bis business togethar
and will be on hand at all times.
The Crawford boys are turning out
lumber at wholesale figures now-a-days.
They expect to move their mill site in a
short time, when tbey will have thous
ands of feet of lumber to deliver.
Rv. KeudaJ! and family, and a Mr.
and Mrs. Hixson, arrived, in town S-.itur.
day-from Slarsland. Tlicy will stop in
town until after the lt of June when
thuv will go overland to the stale of
Washington, where Rev. Kendall ex
pects to join the M. H. Conference.
A pleasant surprise was tendered
Messrs Kendall, Ilixson, and Parsons,
and their bettor halves, on last Tudsday
evecinfr, out at the country home ol
Mr. .and Mrs J. C. Parsons, i most asrree-
ahle evening was Rpenf. by all. Refresh
ments were served, and music both vo
cal and instrumental aa enjoyed.
Mrs. Carpenter, who has beoa at the
home of her son Charles, in the valley,
during the past three or four weeks.
helping care for her little gr.mddiildren,
returned to her home in Ilarrisoo the
first of the week, accompanied by the
children who will speud a part of their
vacation with Grandma.
John IL Howard was up from Cot-
ton wood, this week and while hero did
not forget to pay liis respects to the
PltERS-Joritv.jt,,' as well as to add his
name to our list of refers. Mr. Howard
informed us that he lias just pnrchased
Dick Levers ranch over in the vicinitT of
Charles Newman of Hewitt, was in
town TuewJav and Wednesday, and
while here hail the misfortune to have
one of bis horses badly cut on a1rbed
wire. Tbe horses were hobbled and
turned out to graze over night pnd it is
imnmwl that the movements of the
. i
night trains caused them to run wUW
Konwer s pasture icnce.
On last Sunday afternoen the Press.
JcmskU family took an outing east of
town about eight or ten miles and pull
ed up at the hospitable country home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plymton.
While there we enjoyed a pleasant boat
ride upon the bosom of the beautiful
lake, which 1 filled with myriads of the
finny trtrvs, after which we were shown
around dilferent points of interest on the
place. Then, after receiving refresh
ments, we returned to our bowie feeling
we had not, since coming to Sioux coun
ty enjoyed a more pleasant fttwdsy af
ternuon. -
j Drugs, o
Druists Sundries,
Paints. Oils, Varnishes. o
) J. E. PHiNNEY, Proprietor.
Subscribe for the Puks-
JorjRWAt. It is the oinciai
paper of Sioux County.
Tbo PBKsaJorRAl, acVnowledes a
very pleasant call from Mrs.
Montrose Clippings.
Geo. H.
Turner, this week. We ware more than
pleased to learn that fh is entirely re
covered fnm her recent tl.tr ge.,U5 ill
ness. Her many friends will be very
glad to hear this piece of newe, hence
our mention,
rharlei Russell. chrjrd with t!;e
munler of Alois SUudenmier
. . . . , 1
wn'.: i"n An-' 'rews was i :awi
arrest last TUursdaT t.i;M iiv I
deputy Patterson, ard brought to Harri
son and lodged in j'iil pending tha pre
liminary hearing which was called upon
Monday efternoon and the attorney's for
Ijoth sides agreeing to a postpont-nt of
the hearing until tomorrow. Justice of
the peace Smith set the time for to
morrow at 2 o'clock.
Father McNamara, while here
attending Mass, Tuesday, did not for
get to make a frinj!y call at our
offiee. He is aniious fo erre:t a chapel
at Harrison during tho fall, lut he hojw
to see bis parishioners take a more ac
tive part if they want a church edifice
a -it. thio noiiJt. Ti8 citizen of
the town, it seems to nsouht to use all j
" jal I
m Km? u
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wasserburger Sr.
and Jr. ar.l Mr. and Mrs M. J. Gayhart
eat their ,Viaday dinner wstb Mr. aud
Mrs. J. J. Wasstrburgsr.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jake Wasserburgfir u!
orted a little boy a'-out tiisre years d i.
from wme movers coming through tlio
A verv serious accident !)nrrenpd to
Jake Eircher and family, while return
frt,r.i church the horses were frib
imdi-r ' tened at em ohje'-t in tliu road over
ti;vi! ' thro.-!r-T 1!e Ivit-rv, Vrs Kircher wli.ln
trying to save ti. ir l.tlli laly. Imd the
misfortune to fall on her arm breaking
it in two plat es and t!o dislocating t!'
wr'st. Mi.s Lena JJiblden is doing ti.e
housework until Mrs. Kircher will be
ride to attend to it herself again.
There taerns to (is a fcickness some
thing like LaGrippe making its round a
ruong the little folks here, at least if it
is not the grippe it seems to have a
tisht grip on thera just the same.
Mrs. Mariung and her three oWest sons
made a trip over in. Wyoming visiting
Mr. mid Mrs. Chris Ruffing. Willie the
youngest of the three boys has a job
there herding sheep for Mr. Bonsell.
John A-hton was at Mr. Konrath's tlio
Will make the season at
the Deickmann Bros., Livery
Darn in Harrison, Scb.
Weight S50.
TJ2KJIS: 8.00 to insure.
Cars will bo taken to pre
vent accidents, but phould
any occur I vdll not be re
sponsible. JCTi.T II. I)eick:jakm.
m ml'
honorable means to secure this acnud- j greater t.har of last wee, fixing the
lion 1o our town. L' thure was lss tali; w;ll and windmill, they have more wt-
of f-larting a Ktloon and more about an
other church lie'mg chtaolished here, we
believe it would he mora credit to our
psople. Who will tnWe tbo initiative
toward getting a subscription started?
nini) Willit H. Greene at RotiWer
Colo.. May 24, ll'OO, aped years and 8
months of canvcr of II. e stomach.
The deceased was a resident of this
county for seven years, and only J-ft
here two years 0o for Boulder Colo.,
where he has lived ever since.
Mr. Crvene was the father of Jfrs.
Frank Wright, v4io with her hufdand re
sides three miles wet of- town. lie
was married for the second time about
six months before bis death.
er now than is needed for irrigating pur
Herman Konrath Jr., intends going to
the Sand Hills, w here he has an all sum
mer job at $M a month, but have not
lizard with whom.
J. J. Waerbiirprr mnde a business
trip to the county F,eat Tuesday, also to
return the asesor books Ifore the first
of June. B.UiE.
Estrayed from lower ranch, two
mares, about 3 years old, brauJc-l K
on left hip mid ver.ud V nho branded
T ca left shotiM.ir.
A Ttv a; ! nf j.f: wiii 1 I'en fcr
their rtturn or mfortnaUun as to li.tir
where-a-lxjuts. Adres.
I'KTEa Aixtfr ILtrsland,
Ssfr FOIt SALE One
PCimhal Ortran P.ran Xew.
Will trade for young cattle.
Apply at thiK Oilice.
Therp v. ill l Mass at the Court
rni on Tuesday, .Ttiho 21, at
l'j-.MI oVlocb.
C L. CfliTH,
.. Church,
FttnJ.iT Hehuol li) oVJwi . m. rpworth
League 6 :IJ0 p. m.
Preuelilng every Snnilny evi -"In; at 7 :'t0 ,
p. m-, aud tuery altertiate Sunday nt 11 a- m-
ein:menfl:is January II, UlltO. Everybody
nirdlidy luvitcU to atwiil th rrvlees.
The t!:ird 4'iarterly meeting of
the M. E. Church, will b held at 1'loas
ant Ridge, Sabbath, Juno, 10, li00, at 11
A, M. All are cordially invited.
C. L. SiiiTH, raster.
A Fu.'.t liScyclo Ilidcr.
"Will often receive painful cuts, ;rains
or bruits from Hccidents. IlucltUn's
Arniii Halve, will kill the pain and heal
the injury. It's tho cyclist's friend.
Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Sore
Lii.s. Burns. Ulcers and Piles. Cure
guaranteed. Only 2'c. Try 'it. Hold
by Lr. J. E. Ph;nnky druggist.
jtvlU jf it IW It t'tuni JU..J : jvui
A Woman's Awfnl I'rril.
"There is only one chance to save
your life and tliat is through an opera
tion where the startling words heard by
Mrs. L B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis.,
from her doctor after he hp.d vainly tried
to cure her of a frightful rase of stom
ach trouble nnd yellow jaundice. Gall
stones had formed and he ronstaoUy
grew worse. Then she began to ut.e El
ectric Tii tiers which wholly cured her.
It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and
Kidney remedy. Cured Dyspepsia,
of Aimetite. Trv it. Only 60 cts.
Guaranteed. For sale by Dr, J. E, I'hin-
ney druggist.
p ca -)i.jii', wwii"-'.-- ----- "..-
JS TliJl '1M pBiUtI iHUJUpUtt V
enm o;uvq3 in'm,j ltmjvTmi4$
I1KHU -fO V ii"W "1 liwi.t
H!lil hu ml i.m f-ono "') wtt
nn.i.,i w)'iinit ivjiuii3u.MiiwtJiu'iU
lunuiwn -i4liMlt i()nc4it t, uuil"""!
n miii ooij u-MHi't" iui uiu.He HJntt
of aiHoiuAtforj
tuM aavux
f MV3A Ofl
" I ki xA oe rtvtf.1 Y It ma
'. ?CR'2a i.ACHIN5l!V.
iVw.kel, 5tron(r, Dorntilo.
f. P. t Joha rrnts t.
I ' - iiiW!!.,
J R-.:9ri. I'JirfU.
...... m ...lilt
Parties having businens with me
in regard to school matters will call at
my oQlco in Harrison on every Saturday
as that is my oflice day. J, B. Baoss.
Co. feupt.
Ustruycd. '
F.-drnvrrl from White Klver, four miles
went of ljU n, ona bay "I'lnto" Mum, bal't
fHel. while lejrs snd brandeit f on left
. w ...... rrlvtitu fitfnnnutlriil nf tlpl
wtiere-s t-uuls will be UU-rally rewarded by
m ciiiii w nits.
E7.lt A TUCKER, Cle.n, cb.
At smeettiiu' of the Eoarit of Connty Com
mbwioners of fiou County, yebruka, held
on til llth day of January, Wfl the follow
tnKe'it1mi of ezpenserfor tlie; year VM
w iii'e.
Mutt-let Court Expenneg ,1.(r V)
KiMits snd llrldiren 3.t'A fX)
fialarie : 1-OOOU)
Ine1ileritil --
ftll9iicry- 00
1'rintlBif and Jtibllhln W
Offcom fees ,Tl
Inntitiite . ,l'00
olitlr llellcf .SUV 00
fVuhil Ilcw'l JMstriet A 00
Proffessicnal Cards-
J. E. P1ILVNEY. M. I).
I'bjlsc'an tnd Sargecn.
til culls given prompt sttootlon.
Otr.ce in Vrat Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matter in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Stale"
Land OHice.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
EjyLegal papers carefully drawn. t
HABHUJfjX, - 1? KBRAjiX A,.
M. J. 0 C'onm II, - - to. Atternry,
Will Practice la All Courts.
.Special Attention Glrru to Land Of
fice Foulness.
tollortlous and all hoilne eutrntt
ed to me will rcxclre prompt attentloa.
IIakjukok - Nouiahea.
Michael Ruffing,
ToUl -
W . J. K. ItH'JI, I .-ou.it y f!
.() (10
I sin prepared to do all klndt of Civil
EiilflneorlUK work.
When in need of the Burvevors Services,
give me a coll as I havs a full and com
plete outfit, together with eerienc lo
do the work with neatoess and dispatch.
t"- '..''," " i' . .'- (