Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 31, 1900, Image 4

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The Customs Service Supposed To
Be More Corrupt Than tne
Postal Service.
Washington. D. C, May . That
ronfcrvss must make a thorough inves
tigation of every department of the
government of Cuba is the conclusion
being gradually forced upon aiminis
tretlon leaden in both houses. Nothing
short of a searching inquiry by a com
mittee containing representatives of the
minority party will be accepted.
It is probable that the Bacon resolu
tion will be adopted by the senate.
This resolution was refined to the com.
mittee on contingent expenses Thurs
day. An explosion In the Cuban customs
service is threatened, which promises
revelations as sensational as the dis
closures in connection with the postal
service. '
An official of the customs service,
who has just returned from Havana,
brings information that the customs
. service there is honeycombed with
fraud and corruption, and the officials
Interested are trembling in fear of in
vestigation. Thus far no steps have been taken
officially to Investigate the Cuban cus
toms service, but It Is asserted that
several officials In the service are con
templating resignation, while others
who are, away on leave of absence will
! not return to duty, because they do
not wish to become involved in the in
vestigation which seems unavoidable.
It is declared that Investigation will
how that through lax business meth
ods and incompetent and unscrupulous
officials thousands of dollars have been
diverted from legitimate channels into
the pockets of dishonest officials and
their accomplices. Disbursements of
urns ranging from $100 to $10,000 have
been made to persons who have not
performed any service whatever, it Is
said, and In many instances without
the formality of presenting voucheis.
Gross extravagance In expenditures
for furniture, Supplies and other ex
penses In connection with the customs
service Is also charged.
In view of the disclosures in the pos
tal service and the cloud of suspicion
banging over the customs service, an
investigation of the latter seems to be
inevitable. ' f
Senator Bacon called attention in the
senate to intimations that Robert P.
Porter, who revised the Cuban tariff,
had made reductions in duties for the
benefit of special Interests.
One of the speciflc allegations Is that
Mr. Porter reduced the rates of duty
on everything required for the equip
ment and operation of railways from 40
per cent to 10 per cent ad valorem
the reduction to remain in effect one
It Is alleged) that Mr. Porter, after
severing his relations with the govern
ment, connected hlmselT with a syndi
cate of railway capitalists who propose
to avail themselves of .the low tariff
rates to build up railroad properties in
It is also Mid that as the tariff taxeF
on petroleum were originally arranged
the Standard Oil company would have
been given a practical monopoly of the
ale of refined oil !n Cuba. Mr. Porter
Is n'.i to have proposed to admit crude
petroleum Dt a low rate of duty, w.ile
a high rate was prestribedfor the re
fined oil.
The only oil refinery in the islard, it
fa asserted, is controlled by the Stand
ard Oil company, and it would have
been impossible to have imported re
fined oil Into the island In competition
with the Standard. Before the revised
tariff was approved by the administra
tion this was discovered, and the duty
on refined oil was reduced.
Turkish Admiral I Plsaisd With
What Ho Seee. , .
Washington, D. C Bpeclal.) Adml-
' ral Ahmed Pas a of the Turkish navy
arrived In Washington last night. " He
confirmed the report that his visit Is
for the purpose of making arrange
ments for the purchase of a cruiser In
the United States for the Turkish gov
ernment. The admiral expressed him
self as being surprised at the state
ments which have appeared in the press
that his mission here was a diplomatic,
as well as a business one, and added
that the Turkish government has a
minister here who sttends to all diplo
matic matters. His mission here, he
eels red, was a technical and profes
sional one, and was for the purpose of
staining information regarding the
onstructlon of a vessel for his govern
ment He already has visited the Na
tional Armor works at Springfield.
Mass.. and engineering works st Hart
ford, Coon., and expressed himself as
fclffeljr pleased at what he saw at those
faces. Our facilities in those lines be
Carded as equal, if not superior, to
say t existence in England or on the
am Meant.
An effort was made to obtain from
Iks admiral Information as to whether
fee Intention of the Turkish govern
ment n negotiating for the cruiser In
l3srica waa to settle la an Indirect
as liter the AmsrVan Indemnity claims
tJMH Tartar. rt be simply replied
i lit lim n waa taUrsIf a business
Many Mom bora Hava Felt Result of
the Dliferent Combines.
New. Orleans. La. Special.) Th
National Travelers' Protective associa
tion's business convention opened at
the Athenaeum today. The committee
oa credentials reported 133 delegates
present from twenty-four states. 11,1-
no:s, Louisiana, Nebraska, Tennessee
and Virginia asked for additional dele.
gates, owing to increased membership.
The report of the executive commit
tee was devoted largely to trusts and
their evil effort on trade. Concerning
trusts, the report, which was unanim
ously adopted, says in part:'
"The dark clouds of monopolies and
trusts stil lhover over us and since out
last convention many commercial
travelers have lost their positions, and
to use the language of an authorized
agent of trusts, who has boasted in a
New York paper that &0.000 commer
cial travelers have been thrown out
of employment by the concentration of
mercantile and commercial industries
in the trust, that $1,000,000 daily are
saved to the trusts by the consequent
withholding of advertising patronage
from country newspapers in other
words the trusts in these two i'ems
alone save to themselves $6,000,000 Jaiiy,
all of which Is withdrawn directly from
the people, with the farcical argument
that It will enable the trusts to advance
wages, cheapen products and make the
people stockholders and owners of the
"With such conditions realized a
great and essential step will have to
be taken In the warfare upon trusts,
which has now become Inevitable. No
mere declaration of courts, legislatures
or administrative officers, no mere ex
position of party policy as embodied In
present platforms will be effective In
ridding the business of this country of
the awful Incubus which has fastened
itself upon it. There must exist an
aggressive sentiment. Without it noth
ing can be done."
Tonight the delegates were enter
tained at a banquet, t
Woman's Body Is Found Buried In
Sands of a Creak.
Evansvllle, Ind. (Special.) A murder
that resembles the Pearl Bryan affair
was brought to light here today. The
body of a young woman was found in
a stream near here, and though the
evidence of murder is conclusive, there
is not the slightest clue as to her
Identity or that of the murderer. No
one has disappeared from the city and
no one is able to recognize the little
clothing found on the body. The po
lice are searching in the neighboring
towns, and so far hare found but one
girl missing. Nora Kifer, aged 19. left
Elberfleld, fifteen miles from here, five
weeks ago. The description of the girl
does not fit the body found, but on this
s'ight thread it is hoped to get a start
on the solution of the mystery.
The body was found in Pigern creek,
which empties Into the Ohio river Just
outside the city. Farmers driving into
town In crossing the stream saw a
woman's foot protrudir.g from the band.
Investigation showed the corpse of a
woman almost nude, her face battered
beyond any possible recognition. Her
underclothing had been torn away nnd
made into a rope for weighing the body
in the stream. A heavy stone taken
from the buttress of a bridge had been
The body ha devldent'y been in the
rreek for more than a week. The fa?e
was crushed in on either Fide, nearly
separating the lower p?rt of the face
from the skull. The blows could nut
have been delivered by a hatchet; eith
er a sledge or a large s'.on? must have
been usd,. Not a dUUngulslang mark
could be found.
There ts no laundry marV or store
mark on the clothes, and the shoes,
which led to the unraveling of the
Pearl Bryan mystery, will be of no a
xlstance in this case, for these, with
the slacking skirt and dress were
missing. There is no Indication of a
struggle In the vicinity and late ra'ns
have washed away any traces that
might have been left to show how the
body was brought there or whether
the woman was dead or alive when she
was carried to the spot.
Republican Officials In Kentucky
Give Up Offices.
Frankfort, Ky. -(.Special.) Republic
an Auditor Sweeney sent for Democrat
ic Auditor Coulter this morning and
notified him he was ready to turn over
the state records and possession of the
office in the state house without waiting
for action by the court of appeals. The
transfer will be made today. It is un
derstood the other republican officials
will do likewise In the next day or two
and that by next week the state house
will be officered exclusively by the dem
ocrats. The democratic state executive com
mutes meeting here at 1 o'clock this
afternoon has drawn a big gathering
of democratic leaders here. The con
vention to nominate delegates to Kan
sas City will be held the last week in
June, and the committee is said to be
nearly evenly divided on the proposi
tion to bold a separate convention latei
to nominate a candidate foe governor.
Washington, D. C. (Special.) Tho
mount of bonds so fas exchanged at
the treasury Mr the new 1 per. cent
consols 9t 1IM Is $HO,J1,J06, of which
$0,271,000 were received from Individu
als and Institutions otber than nations!
rho Boer Army Is Voting Whether
To Keep On Fighting Or To
Surrender To Bobs.
London. (Special.) Lord Roberts' In.
fantry advance is delayed at the Rhe.
nosier river for a day or two by the
depth of the stream, which is not furd
able. The banks, which are precipl-
cipltous. are forty feet high. A p""
toon and temporary bridge construc
tions are under way.
A dispatch, dated Rhenosler. Wed
nesday. May 23, at 7.45 p. m., says: The
general opinion is that we will arrive
at Pretoria as fast as we can march
though the Boers announced to all the
countryside that they Intended to fight
to the death.
The lailway has not been damaged to
an great extent between Kroonslad
and Rhenoster. The Transvaalers have
offended the Free Staters by destroy
ing their splendid bridges when retiring
to Kroonstad. They lefrained from do
ing this on the, retreat to Rhenosler.
but now they are destroying the rail
road and bridges almost completely
north of the Rhenosler.
The British troops are in the form of
a crescen twith horns thirty miles
apart, with General French's cavalry on
the west within twenty-three mbes (
the Vaal and General Hamilton's men
on the right within thirty miles of the
Yaai. The center of the crescent is
about forty miles from the Vaal. Boer
telegrams say that 3,000 British with
ten guns are near Vreedi-furt, close to
the Vaal and close to Pary's.
One correspondent refers to the ad
vance as a "promenade." Another de
scribes it as a "Boer hunt."
The Free Staters are pictured as
"boiling like hares," at the first sight
of the British. The latter, according
to one writer, do not even find women
and children, as the fleeing farmers
take their families with them in conse
quence of reports current among the
Transvaalers that the British kidnap
all children over 12 years of age.
The Boer rearguard was composed of
Russians, to whom was committed the
task of destroying the bridges. They
a:so looted freely.
What the Boers are doing Is an abso
lute mystery. The embargo on news
out of Pretoria for the last twenty-four
hours has been complete. Such shreds
of information as the correspondents al
Lourenza Marquez have picked tip do
not illuminate the Boer designs fur
ther than that the movement toward
Leydenburg continues and that a refer
endum vote on the question of continu
ing the war Is going ()n ainong the Boer
fighting men. It may be a fortnight
before the results of this singular vote
are fully before the Transvaal gov
ernment. If the English view of Boer
discouragement Is one-half right the
Boers will vote to quit.
In Natal General Dartnell's volun
teers occupied Mount Prospect Monday.
Lord Lundonald's eava'ry Is at Firm
stones, near Ingigo. His infantry rests
at Phoenshoogte. The names are all
of fateful memory In the first Boei
war. The British face Luing's Nek,
where the Boers are, through the range
glasses of the British, occasionally vis
ible. In the march from Winburg ail
the farms except one are vacant. A
temporary bridge has been finished at
Washbonk. Trains now go to Dundee.
General Buller said the best way to
celebrate the queen's birthday was to
repair the railway to Newcastle, and
every man was put to work.
Karl de la War, who was auppoeed
to have been captured at the'time of
the disaster to the squadron of lie
thune's horw, lay all night with a
wounded leg behind an ant heap.reach
ing camp next day.
As the railway Is now open north of
Mafeking, an abundance ot provisions
la entering the town. The telegraph
messages will probably come from Ma
feking direct over the northern route
In a day or two.
South Africa has another affliction.
An extra Issue of the Gazette at Dur
bsn announced the death of an East
Indian from the bubonic plague. The
government has put Into force the
most stringent preventtve measures, but
fears are expressed that the pestilence
may get among the troops.
The Transvaal National bank has
suspended gold payments, under au
thorisation from the. government re
quiring the acceptance of bank notes.
The Institution has large assets, npps
ently, in London. Ore hundred and fif
ty thoussd pounds was seised at Cape
town and twenty-five thousand at Dur
ban. Luc an, chairman of the London
committee of the bank, says;
"The Transvaal government Is lay
ing hands on every ounce of gold It can
find In the country. The government
has nothing to lose and everything to
gsln thereby. Financial circles here
are interested in many indirect ways
especially ss to whether the Transvaal
I. O. U.'s will be redeemed,"
The report of the anti-canteen bill
has been filed In the house. It submits
the volumlnems correspondence from
the war department opposing the aboli
tion of the canteen snd without com
ment submits a fsvorablerecommenda
ttoa on the bllL '
Mr. Hale Startles the Senate With
Startling Charges.
Washington, D. C (Special.) Pw-
haps no greater sensatim has been
created in the senate or In the gal
leries this season than this afternoon
uhen Senator Kale, In s colloquy of
great warmth with Senator SpoonT.
said, with ringing emphasis: "1 thin
there ere very powerful Influences In
this country largely located in New
York City, largely rpet uUtive. and
connected with money-making enter
prisesthat are determined that we
shall never give up Cuba. I think that
the time will never come. i.nlesi s no
thing earnest and drastic Is done b
congress, when the lart soldier of thi
United Ptates will be withdrawn from
Cuban soil."
The day was one of rasping political
controversy, with which the demo
cratic side of the chamber had little to
do. What by far-seeing senators I
regarded as likely to be the paramount
issue of the approaching national earn
palgn was the s-jbjert of two no abb
speeches, one by Mr. Piatt of Connecti
cut and the other by Mr. SpOoncr of
Wisconsin. The former was an answei
to the speech delivered a few days eg
by Mr. Bacon of Georgia on his resolu
tion demanding an Investigation of
financial affairs in Cuba.
Mr. Piatt favored the adopt! n of ih
resolution, but deprecated what he de
clared was a cheap effort to make po
litical capital out of a shameful condi
tion of affairs which the republican
party needed no prodding to induce it
to probe to the bottom.
The speech of Mr. Spooner was a con
tinuation of Us address of yesterday
on the Philippine question. His sensa-
tional colloquy wltii Mr. Hale of Maine
over the government's conduct of af
faire 'n our "insular p.sse.sions" was
a remarkable controversy between two
of the best-equipped debaters In the
senate and was listened to with pro
found attention by senators.
Neely and Others Would Buy the
Isle of Pines.
New York. May 29. A dlrpatch to
the Herald from Havana says; "One
of Charles F. W. Neely's most import
ant schemes was the contemplated pur
chase of the Isle of Pines, south of
Cuba, which Is considered by many to
be a part of the United States terri
tory according to the treaty of Paris.
Neely started a company here last fall
to obtain control of the valuable part
of the island, with the object of colo
nizing it as a United Slates possession.
Interested with him were Major Ladd,
treasurer of the ls'and vt Cubo; Briga
dier General Chaffee, Major Ducker,
Mr. Hake of Chicago and it is said
many prominent politicians in the
United State. Options were obtained
on 10,00 acres of land and agents weie
engaged to make the negotiations for
the ma'jority of the remaining 4U0.0C0
acres. Neely's arrest has killed the
scheme, the options -expired last week
and $U.(W0 was forfeited.
Governor General Wood has placed
two inspectors In Major Ladd's office
for the examination of the treasurer's
Director General of Posts Pristow ap
Pointed George R. Buchanan as Uis
burning officer for the department at a
salary of $2,000 and discontinued the
office of superintendent, held by Mr.
Carter, whose salary was $2,iXl a year.
Disbursements will be made the same
as In the military system.
Only 144 in exchange stamps have
been found In the office here. There is
no trace of Neely's ledger. It was
probab.y burned.
The Inspectors discover a shortage In
Neely's accounts outs'de of the amount
supiosed to have been taken In stamps,
but probably it will not raise the esti
mated defalcation of $100,000, Kvidence
Is accumulating. There will probably
be several counts against him if ht ii
brought lck for trial.
Attorney General Decides Against
the Ice Combine,
New York. (Special.) Attorney Gen
eral J. C. iJevles has announced bis de
clslon in the proceedings against the
American Ioe company. He decides
that the American Ice company is an
unlawful combination, its business.! In
restraint ef trade, In violation of law
and against public policy and he mill
commence proceedings against the Ice
company to prohibit it from doing bus
iness in this state. The attorney gen
eral, when asked as to whether the
governor will order a special grand Jury
to investigate the connection of the
New York city officials with the com
pany, said he had not the slightest Idea
wha, tthe governor Intended doing.
Port Riley, Kan. (Special.) Two mil
itary prisoners, John Arnold and Geo.
A.- Fryman, serving sentences of one
year each, were shot at by a sentry
while attempting to escape. The pris
oners made a daring rush upon the
sentry and disarmed him, taking his
Krag-Jorgensen with them and ran for
the hills. A sergeant of artillery heard
the disturbance and shot the fleeing
prisoners. Arnold is shot through thi
abdomen, his Injury being critical
Fryman was shot In the arm.
New York. Bpeelal.) The following
are statistics concerning the delegates
to the New York democratic state con
vention: Total number of deiein
4&0; necessary to Instruct. 22t: sleeted
to dste, $00; for Brysn, 171; tfnlnstrucU
d. W, to be elected, W.
Some Noted American Speakers
Denounce Imperialism of the
McKinley Regime.
New York. (Special.) A mass meet
ing to advocate an American policy in
the Philippines was held In Cooper un
ion, under the auspices of the. Antl-
Imperlallst League of New York. Er
nest H. Crosby presided. The speaker!
were George S. Boutweil of Massachu
setts, Carl Schurs and Captain Patrick
OFarrell of Washington.
Mr. Crosby said in opening the meet
ing; -
'In Cuba one of our fellow cltlsenf
from Indiana Is accused of taking all
the postal funds he could lay his hands
upon. Better the Island be robbed by
fcpaln than by an American and a
friend of Senator Beverldge. Were
Washington alive today he would And
himslf more at home in the camp of
Aguinaldo than In the camp of Otis.
We cannot but admire the course of
Aguinaldo and his men, who have been
fighting for over a year against tre
mendous odds."
Ex-S-cietary Boutweil said:'
"There are Indications that attempts
re making to construe the constitution
of the Cnited States so as to Justify
the policy of selling through war for
eign lands and alien people, and gov
erning them as they might be gov
erned if the constitution of the United
States did not exist. It is the manifest
purp'we of the administration to seize
and htild countries and to govern raco
and countries outside of the jurisdiction
of the constitution. Thus is the admin
istration creating a power in the presi
dent and congrefs. Independent of the
constitution and over which the people
ca have no control. It Is with that
usurpation that I am now to deal.
"The question before the country Is
ihis: Republic or empire? It was an
nounced in January that the war in the
Philippines was ended and that civil
rule was to be established. In the firnt
three months of the year there were 124
skirmishes on the Islands, In which 2,800
Filipinos were slain, wounderd or cap
tured. "In April the war department re-es
tablished the recruiting system f jr the
-einforeemetit of the Philippine army.
There are supporters of the presi-
lent, not content with the posneHSion ol
the Philippines, but who advocate a
warlike undertaking, ostensibly for the
extension f our trade In China, China
and Russia are combined and nothing
of trade facilities with China can bt
secured by farce or threats of f!rce.
The recent rpeeches of the Chinese min
ister should Le accepted as evidence
that trade with China. Is to depend on
Friendships, reciprocal relations, etc.,
and nothing will be conceded to force.
Russia has gained more in five years
by peaceful means than England in a
quarter of a century by war.
"A I a cost of $:M),0,0(0 and the sac
tlfice of many thousands of young livej
a great lesson has been taught, thai
this government cannot be perverted
either through the follies or the crime
j lis rulets.
"Of all modern history the most dis
graceful chapter is that whk:h thi
American nation Is now writing. At ttw
opening of the last third of this cen
tury we abolished slavery In America,
and at the end nf the century we ar
making a war for the establishment
uf a system of slavery in Asia.
"The crimes of England In the Sepoy
war, on the upT Nile, In South Af
rica, are trivial offenses against Jus
tice and humanity when compared with
the crime of subjugating and enslaving
10,000,000 of people."
Carl Hchurs s.ld:
"Is It not high time that the Amer
ican people, sobered from' the debauch
ing Intoxication of victory, pfeould rise
again to a just appreciation of the true
responsibility of this great republic, j
that true responsibility Is Its responsl- i
billty for the maintenance of the great
principles on which It was founded. It
Is Its responsibility for the great lesmn
it Is to administer to mankind that true
democracy means net only the assertion
of our own rights, but also a Just re
spect for the rights of others and that
this democracy of ours is able to resist
the temptations which might seduce It
from Its fidelity to thst high obligation.
It is Its responsibility proposed by
Abraham Lincoln on the battlefield of
Gettysburg, that "the government by
the people, of the people, for the people,
my not perish from the earth.'
"The main difficulty the only real
difficulty Is In ourselves. It Is In baf
fling the greed of some persons who
want to rule that country for exploita
tion, it Is In our vanity and false pride,
which would persevere In an ambitious
course however wicked, because w
have once entered ucon It."
New Yrk. (Special.) The examlna
Hon In the case of Charles F. W, Nee
ly, charged with misappropriating $.K,.
V)0 of Cuban postal funds, which was
to have come before Commissioner
Shields today, has been sdjourned un
til Monday next pending action in the
requisition proceeding before Governor
Roosevelt, which are to take place a'
Oyster Bsy.
Mm fjeefcesl Oteea
lbs NaUvea r Mb eklll
In the March Success a hithrrto un
published incident is given of tlh- way
liioiirjs A. Edison introduced Uioiorif
to a telrgTaph mumiger in New York:
A tall young country man, looking
is green as a suit of "butternut"
-lolhes and a slouch bit could make
liiui, applied for work in the Broad
street (New York) ofhee of Maury
Smith, in g?l. .Mr. hmitli was mana
ger of the consolidated telegraph lines
I lien in opusitiou to the Hctrru Un
ion. Like ali o;ber managers, he
could muke room for an exjiert oper
ator and told the young- rustic that an
rugae;! rneut uicuded altogether up
ju liia skill.
"Try ine; I can keep up with tba
bent of 'cm," said the strangvr.
Mr. Smith noticed than the appli
es in appeared to be quite deaf; but,
ut of curiosity, and possibly with the
idea of having seme fun with him, he
gave him a UiMn snd told him to "re
reive" a iieiag'e then due from Wash
ington. "Yon will have to work pretty fast,"
he warned him, "for our Washington
mnn is in the habit of rushing things."
As a mutter of fact, there was no
mcssflfre expected from Washington,
nor did the wire lend there. Mr.
fmith connected the receiver with a
"sender" in another part of the same
operating room and put his fastest
opemtor, "Dick" Hutchinson, at work
si-niling- a 2.0W word message, Edison,
fur it waa he, grnKed a pen and as
soon ns thp instrument began to click
tlnshed off the copy in a large, round,
legible hand. While (leaf to all other
exinds. he could catch the faintest
melallic click.
On en me the mesnage, faster and
fawter, twenty, thirty, forty words n
minute. A crowd of Oerators gath
ered aroii nil, curionity nnd then
nmiireirrnt depicted on 1hcir faces.
I'age after page was reeled off, with
never ft break and with the last click
of the instrument the forty-minute
message hail been received perfectly
nl lay in n heap of manuscript on
flip table. The voting man's triumph
a complete. Hutchinson rushed tip
ami phook hands with him and Mr,
Smith gave him a job on the spot.
Peculiarities or Ilia Chinese.
The reason that the Chinese so in
teimely ctihlike anything foreign, says
a writer in ixslieV Weekly, is because
among the eastern nations they al
ways felt their own superiority, and
they have an idea now that ntiy-ihing
not Chincne intitst neccKsarily be infer
ior and wrong. This is a trait not
peculiar to the ( luncne, for it is not
undeveloped in John Hull. The very
enti-foreign feeling, which is encour
ngetl tiifjstly by the literati of China,
is proliubly due more to the fact thaf
John I'liitiaiiriin cannot understand
john Bull, as the -wiliita of view of
both parties nre absolutely opposed to
each til her. A (.'hi ininuui will not lake "
the trouble to explain Ms complicated
code of manners to the "foreign dev
il," and if the unfortunate "devil"
(Uck not grnxp the situation (which is
(uite Mr.mgc to him) by in!inct. as
well as the (. hhi-iinnn does (who has
Ix-cn placed in similar positions ttiuce
he could tiilk) the hitter thinks it is
only another ign of the inferiority of
tiny and every race to that of the ce
ll's: ial empire. A coolie will address
you in Cliinene mul if you don't tind;r
Munel he metaphorically nlinig-s his
ulioulilerg and remurks in a compas
sionate temc to his neighbor, "lonk at
the inferiority of thew yellow-Inured
!oiik of Satan they do not eten un
derKtaml ns much as . a common
coolie," No matter whether you are
wr.sed in every language timler the
sun, you don't know as tniicu ns htf
dues of ( liiiiibe manners, customs or
langwigv; therefore of course you arc
inferior. Our manners nnd ctmloms
re in so many respects o totally dif
ferent, not only to theirs, but to their
idea of propriety nnd common decen
cy, that they entirely niise-onrtrue
them and put them down as evil. Take
for iiiHtnnce their manner of dress. To
(heir iden, rn order to dretw in decen
cy the clothes must be so arranged ns
to hide all contours of the figure. To
them the idea of wearing an ordinary
cewit such as our men . wear, which
shows the flg-urc, and alioie all the ac
centuating of the chest by a whits
ihirt, is bordering on Impropriety.
The Nhark's Mouth.
No doubt the shark's month
placed so much beneath the projects
ing mu.rie, under which Blso ih
nostrils lie. that it may serve it ir.
per purpose in the best way. In all
records or tin- imtiiis or this fish we
nre told that it rnn nnd does bile out
iartfe chunks of flh from the dead
beielies of whnles, nnd even from livinif
victims of ijfs attack: and it is easily
seen that if ita mouth was like thoxe
of other fishes the necessary leverage
would be lacking. A further reason
seems to be that the shark by this pe
culiar position of ita mouth is com
pelled to turn upon its back to strike,
nnd is thus able to deliver its onset
from below with more deadly effect.
This formidable strength of jaw is
bucked up by a most terrible array of
teeth, of which In some species there
sre ns rreany as sis rows all round.
Earh tooth is saw edged snd pointed,
nnd some of the largewt are a much
ss two Inches in breadth at their bnsr.
These He flat against the jaws, and
can be raised by separate miiKcles at
will, so that, as the shark darts upon
its prey, they spring; on end, a ca'
claws are stuck oit from Its paws.
This Brrnngemetit will not allow any- ,
thing once bo Meet to return, so thn4 a
chsrk's mouth is a veritable death
trap, Let but n little but be mine.
Where at the hearthsone I may hear
The cricket slug;
And linve the shine
Of one glud. 'woman's eyes to make,
ror my pruir sake,
Our simple home n place divine.
James Whlcomb Itiley,
. . .
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