Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 31, 1900, Image 2

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    OBO. O. CANON. Editor.
---- - " A j
i I
Bn Rock Island Is ImDrovine iha
Hurt wan badly kicked in
by a bone at Clay Center.
Elkhorn Valley Editorial asso
meets at Gordon June 2.
All school teachers at Lyon have
re-elected for another term.
Tie State University has augmented
Horary by $10,000 worth of volumes.
school boards at Nebraska City
and David city have named teacheera
tor the ensuing: year.
E. Muelhausen cf Wymore, aged 81,
tad aa arm and a leg: cut off by a train
and is In a precarious condition.
rostmaster E. A. Richardson of
Oarks died from the effects of an am
nutation of his arm, necessitated by
Deputy Attorney General W. D. Old
asam or Lincoln will make the speech
nominating Bryan at Kansas City.
At Columbus Judge Hollenbeck sen-
Nichols, the bigamist, to fifteen
in the penitentiary at hard
The alumni association of the Bro
Bow- high school gave its annual
et to the graduating class at the
SMraogtoa hotel.
tramps attempted to hold up
tn Bight watchman at the Hastings
gas bouse, and all they got was a little
puiiuce and a good beating.
Finmont high school pupils, who
"swiped the clapper from the school
house bell were disciplined and then
toad te return to their school work.
the town dog at Wilbur,
given a Christian ,burial by C. O.
I fade berg, a coffin and grave were
Oovided, with appropriate ceremonies.
,C- .
Xork will send a delegation to Wash
mgtoa to Urge the Nebraska represent
atives to push through an approprla-
i wr a government building for that
apportionment of money for the
: of the public schools of the state
tor the next half year is I400,321.9,
the highest ever made, but one.
The docket at the May term of dis
trict court at David City Is the lightest
far several years, (there being only
thirty-five civil and six criminal cases.
The cadet battalion broke camp at
Beatrice Tuesday and returned to Un-
on a special train, after a dress
and band concert at the high
mm mm tm m mm - . sr f v m l
I . t Ts ' Mir i S I v .saw-. m J JV . iit'Mim'iM II WH :. Bim rrr I 11 r --""V. , m - -a MK:-.lt apa f
UNANIMOUS YOTE "Why, of course, that't the feflow to pay the taxes '
we can't afford it." . t
residence portion of Madison Is
wndergoing considerable improvement.
i of large additions are under wav
. several houses of good size are In
rue of construction.
Joseph Sondermann of Grand Tland,
of the state board of embalm
in Superior and Hardy last
collecting evidence on which to
a test case of the law protectlcs
obalming business.
The Chicago platform demanded an
Income tax. That demand will doubt
less be repeated. But in the light of
four years' additional experience It can
be strengthened. The country Is ready
now for a graduated income tax one
graduated good and high.
Here are a few estimated incomes
that now escape federal taxation;
John D. Rockefeller ..-HMW0,(M
Andrew Carnegie 24,000.600
William Waldorf Ator . . 9,000,000
Russell Sage ..... 4,500,jO
William K. Vanderbilt ....... 4,000,000
Alfred Vanderbilt 4,000,900
C. P. Huntington 3,000,000
Here is a possible schedule of grad
uated income taxation:
Incomes less than $a,90 Exemnt
Bessie Rummell-Allen, formerly
t Flatsmouth, was among those seri
saaly injured In the Helena hotel fire
4Si CMcago. Mrs. Allen leaped from a
third-story window into a fire basket
A ssutalned severe internal injuries.
"Sber. C W. Lowrie of the Presbyter
4bss church at Madison, who announced
that he might not remain at
place, has agreed to remain until
her, holding but one Sunday
la which the session concurred.
1 per cent
1 per ent
2 per cent
3 per cent
4 per cent
5 per cent
6 per cent
S per cent
per cent
county has a new town. East
After a bitter contest the
board granted privilege io in-
It is generally understood
the saloon question is at the bot
Oxford last month having gone
safe in the B. A M. depot at
was blown open Tuesday night.
robbers secured forty-seven one
mwit stamps and no money.
book tickets and express
orders in the safe were found
At the school bond election held at
to vote on the question of
that school district for 110,000
a new brick school house, 271
i cast for the proposition and
It, giving it a necessary ma-
mmmm vers
9WW 1 one
JL M. Lesser, a stockman from Grano
to have run the gauntlet
committee representing s
I sharks and confidence mer
lOataha recently. He managed
t mtcmrnm, however, after a thrilltni
with hi money and hie life
ZJhMsa. clahns
5,000 to 10.000..
10,000 to- . 25,000..
25.000 to 60,000 2
50,000 to 100.000...... 3
100,000 to 500,000 4
500,000 to 1.000,000 5
1,000,000 to 5.000,000...... 6
5,000,000 to 10,000,000.. 8
Over $10,000,000 10
At these rates the gentlemen named
aboxe would pay the government an
nually tbe sums following;
John D. Rockefeller J4.OO0.000
Andrew Carnegie 2,400,000
William Waldorf Astor 720.000
Russell Sage 270,000
William K. Vanderbilt 240.000
Alfred Vanderbilt 240.000
C. P. Huntington v. 10.000
Total, 18,050,000, from seven gentle
men who are now deadheads in our na
tionaJ enterprise enough to build two
battleships every year or settle all the
bills of the armor trust.
Prof. Seligman of Columbia said in
tbe Forum some time ago:
"Under our present system the In
vestor In securities, the wealthy man
of business, the well-to-do profession
al class, largely escape taxation. Is
this uniformity? Is this Justice? The'
Income tax must be regarded as In part i
a compensation for the national taxes
on expenditures, and for the inequality
In the actual working of the state and
local systems."
. The two most important , sources of
revenue under our present national fis
cal system are sugar and beer. A poor
family uses about ss much sugar as a
rich one, and often more, since it is
usually larger, and it generally uses
more beer. Hence It contributes as
much In these directions not only rela
tively, but absolusely, as Its rich neigh
bors. Justice demands compensation
somewhere else.
Imagine a community with a total
Income of fl.000,M0 a year, divided
among ls.OM families, suppose that of
Income over living expenses. To be
truly and justly proportionate they
ought to be based, not on the total In
come, but on that surplus. The larger
that surplus the more taxes its for
tunate owner can afford to pay. The
man whose entire income is absorbed
in providing a meagre living for his
family has no surplus and therefore
ought not to be taxed. The one whose
living expenses take an insignificant
fraction of his income and whose sur
plus mounts into the millions can af
ford to be taxed heavily.
Taxes such as our present ones which
wipe out the entire surplus of persons
with small incomes, and leave persons
with large incomes unaffected tend di
rectly to suiiprrs saving emong the
manses and promote the concentration
of wealth in the hands of the few.;
1 axes producing the opposite effect
would be worth having for their social
benefits, even if the government had no
use for the money they produced.
Ten years ago the investigation of
Mr. George K. Holmes, the census ex
pert, showed that less than five thou
sand persons owned one-fifth of tbe
wealth of the United States, and that
one-eighth of the population owned
seven-eighths of the wealth. The con
centration has been enormeusiy i n-
cr eased since then.
Four years ago Mr. Rockefeller's In
come was estimated at W.250.000. Now
it is not less than 40,000,000. Of that
Mr. Rockefeller can save practically all
and invest It profitably. Tbe average
family among the masses can save cer
tainly not more than ISO a year, If it
can save anything at alt Mr. Rocke
feller, therefore, can salt down as much
s 800,000 such prosperous working fam
ilies, numbering 4,000,000 people.
Would It not be well for the govern
ment to do something toward equaliz
ing matters Instead of laying its taxes
in such a way as to make the inequal
ity greater?
We favor an income tax for the sup
port of the federal government, that
industry may be the less burdened, and
that wealth may bear its proper share
of the general public burdens, and, if
necessary, we favor a constitutional
amendment providing that such tax
may be levied. Virginia Democratic
Platform, 1S97.
The adoption of a fair and equitable
tax on incomes and an amendment to
the constitution of the United Slates.
it necessary, to accomplish this
pose. Illinois Democratic
ve favor the election
Slates senatots by direct vote of the
people. We are in favor of an Income
tax, believing that each person should
pay toward the support of the govern
ment in accordance with that which he
has. Nebraska Democratic Platform,
We are in favor of an Income tax, so
that the burden of taxation may be
equally and impartially laid, to the end
that wealth may bear its due propor
tion of the expenses of the government,
and in view of tbe recent decision of
the supreme court of the United Statt-s,
declaring an income tax law passed by
congress unconstitutional, we are in
favor of an amendment to the consti
tute making a reasonable and just In
come tax constltutlonal.--Ohio Demo
cratic Platform, 1S98.
We demand the enactment of laws.
taxing incomes. In order that those who
enjoy the largest measure of govern
ment protection shall be required to
bear their share of the public burdens.
Tennessee Democratic Platform, 1&98
has broken out at Precept
1 gAonee tea miles south ol
' OKy . There la bat one patient
htrs. Clason, who con-1
I OM iftsMae through the medium thee one family has K,0W.teo a year
w saw imnw nun rewuves in -
. as Tarrilotr. where smalloos is ifeat that the M,,Mv which has to
mi-ims I mnnnrt asu fa mil v ran afford tn n
: i : i kUkM Ik., th. IKSnAASA whlnk
CL flhUBMSUS f fTaitilll Ta wKa ' ha, .nnnH IS SSS9 T nnM
CJ Cat M for abootlng at a cigar-' present arrangement the second 6,00,-
- m mm m mm m rwiumuam iai sv woumj nave io pay ine lasts on ine
'p. aas .iiiiinia jaii sentence looa, anna ana ciotning or ten tnou-
.'. ;v twain ii was not long sand families, and tne otner only on
7G aOam found bun under th
: The gentlemen who are so feaiful
: or Socialism when the poor are ex
: empted from an income tsx view
; with Indifference those methods of
: taxation which give the rich sub
; stantial exemption. They weep more
: because 115.000.000 Is to be collected
: from the Incomes of the rich than
they do at the collection of SMMW,
000 upon the goods which the poor
consume. And when an effort Is
: made to equalise these burdens, not
fully.but partially only, the people of
: the south and west are called an
archists Wiliam J, Bryan, In the
: house of representatives.
CrP nwJ
Iwtee, and be
w the JaiL
those of one family.
All taxes are Income taxes. They
nave to be paid out of Income, and
they ought tn be paid oat of surplus
The revolutionary forefathers and the
Afrikanders were compared by the Hon
William Suiter of New York In a recent
speech In congress. He said:
"Prior to the present conflict Majuba
Hill marks the place of the last contest
with Oreat Britain of these valorous
people for their homes and their fire
sides. Majuba Hill! Forever glorious
In the annals of the 8outh African Re
public's struggle to maintain Its Inde
pendence. Majuba Hill to them la the
same as BunkervHill to us, and both
will live In history to the end of time
1 as aa inspiration to man." . 1
The principles of Jefferson are the
definitions and axioms of free society
And yet they are denied and evaded
with no small show of success. One
dashingly calls them "glittering gen
erallties;" another bluntly calls them
"self-evident lies." Others insidious
argue that they spply to "superior
races." These expressions, differing In
form, are identical In object snd ef
fect, In supplsntlng the principles of
free government, and restoring those of
clsss, caste, and legitimacy. They
would delight a convocation of crown
ed heads, plotting against the people.
They are the vanguard, the miners and
sappers of returning despotism. We
must repulse them or they will subju
gate us. This Is a world of compen
sation, snd he who would be no slave
must consent to have no slave. Those
who deny freedom to others, deserve It
not themselves, and under a just God
cannot long retain it. Abraham Lin
Mr. Lambert of the steel trust says
they shut down or open up mills to
sul tthemselves; that it Is nobody's bus
iness but the steel company's and offi
cials'. We will see about that. When
It becomes clear that trust managers
have the power to wantonly throw
thousands out of employment for no
purpose save to turn the market, there
will be a public Inquiry which will not
be formal or perfunctory, If the cltl
sens of the United States are to hold
their very lives at the good pleasure of
tbe trusts, they will make It a question
for Immediate settlement. St. Lculs
The prohibition, in the opinion of Sen
atof Hoar, applies to the republican
party, who have violated It In th
grossest manner. In the case of the
Philippines. Speaking upon the Phil
ippine question In the senate on the
17th of Aprlt, he prophesied a terrible
fate for the republican leaders who Ig
nore the commandment:
"In all generations, the statesmen
wno have appealed to righteousness
and justice and freedom have left an
enduring peace in the loving memory
Platform, of their countrymen, while thea men
mho have counseled them to walk in
of United the path of Injustice and wmna-
if it led to empire, and even if th-y
were in the majority in their own day,
are forgotten and despised. Ah.' Mr.
President, that gentleman says we are
tbe anointed of the Lord, as the Jews
were the anointed of the Lord. Hut
the Jewish empire is forgotten. The
sands of the desert cover the founda
tion of her cities. The plder spins Its
thr-ad, the owl makes its midnight
Itrch, In their palaces. But still those j
liuie words, 'Thou shall not steal; thou j
shalt not covet that which Is thy neish-
tor's; whatever ye would that men sbojl
do to you, do ye even so again unto
them,' shine through the ages, blazing
and undlmmed. Mr. President, you
may speculate; you may refine; you
may doubt; you may deny. But the
one foremost in alt history, is the
foremost action In all history, is the
writing upon its pages those simple
and sublime sentences of the Declara
tion vi independence. And the men
who stand by it shall live in the eter
nal memory of mankind; and the men
who depart from It, however triumph
ant and successful in their little poll
cies, shall perish and be forgotten, or
shall be remembered only to be de
in tne present case we have not
bought any property. We have under
taken to buy mere sovereignty. There
were no public lands in the Philippine
islands, the property of Spain, which
we nave bought and paid for. The
mountains of Iron and the nuggets of
gold and the hemp-bearing fields do
you purpose to strip the owners of
their rightful title? We have under
taken to buy allegiance, pure and sim
ple. And allegiance Is just what the
law of nations declares you cannot
buy. The power of conrress to dis
pose of the territory or other proper
ty of the United States, invoked In this
debate, as the foundation of your con
stitutional right, may carry with It in
a proper case a right to the allegiance
of the occupant of the soil we own
But we have not bought any property
there. " The mountains at iron. th
nuggets of gold, the hemp-bearing
fields, the tobacco and sugar and Cof
fee are not ours, unless holding first
that we can buy of Spain an allegiance
which this people have shaken off,
which Spain could not deliver, which
does not exist In Justice or In right.
We can then go and say that tbe consti
tution of the United Stales does not
apply to territory, and that we will
proceed to take the private property of
this people for public use, without their
Pound on Lonely Island By United
States Naval Officer,
On the equatorial line, six hundred!
niles west of Ecuador, In the Pacific
jcean, on Florlana island, one of tbe
jalapagos group, lives a modern Rob
inson Crusoe. An escaped convict, la
ired to the most rigorous life, Pedro
juuza. became so overwrought through,
lis solitary existence that when Cap
ain Z. L. Tanner of the United States
aavy, retired, on a voyage of scientific
inquiry, visited his sovereignty, he
rushed to the beach with his hands ex
:ended, awaiting for the irons ta bo
put upon them. He Imagined his keep
ers had sent for him; he was ready to
relinquish absolute freedom fur com
panionship. In narrating his landing on Florlana
island. Captain Tanner says; .
"We supposed Charles island, as the
Bngllsh call It, or Florlana island, as
designated by the Ecuadorians, was
entirely uninhabited. Indeed, we bad
not the slightest suspicion that a hu
man being was present in the whole
Galapagos archipelago, except on Chat
bam island; consequently, we were sur
prised at the discovery of a solitary
man a verltaUle Robinson Crusoe.
"Pedro uuaza told his story. It waa
then something more than a year since
he came from Chatham Island with a
party of orchllla pickers, and Maw from
lay to day the deserted plantation, with
ts wealth of fruit, horses, cattle, mules,
lonkeys, goats and swine.
" 'Why should I not remain and pos
sess them?- he asked. When the party
as ready to depart Pedro could not
be found. After a futile search hla
ompaniuns departed.
"Quaza displayed good Judgment In
providing for his comfort and safety.
He established himself in a small house
near a spring of water at an elevation
af about 500 feet above the sea, two
miles from the landing place and an '
equal distance from the deserted plan
tation. It commanded a wide view,
and all the animals within miles on.
every side came to the spring for water.
"His weapons were a strong knife
nd an ax. He constructed a blind over
the spring, and, by lashing his knife
to a pole, succeeded in spearing- goats
and pigs in plenty. He was compelled
at first to bring his fruit from the
plantation, but he soon made a lasso
of goatskin and captured a couple f
donkeys, which he trained as saddlft
and pack animals, and thenceforth tod
to and from the estate with proper
"The wardrobe of Guaza became emp
tied. He remedied this difficulty by
simply disrobing. He stowed bis one
Wid only suit away, substituting for It
the dressed skins of goats. The mod
ern luxury of matches was beyond his
reach, and he procured fire by the
time-honored method of rubbing two
ticks together.
1 "For a while Guaza kept the record
t time by marking the days on a
stick, a large mark for Sunday; but,
with his increasing prosperity he soon,
bwame can-l. ss, losing all run of time,
and, as the effect of utter loneliness ln
:reaed, he ImaKfned every day a week.
She weeks months, the months yea is.
The first questions he asked were,
'What year is it? What month?"'
Captain Tanner said that Floriana
.slantf was formerly a convict settle
ment, as ts Chatham Island now. In.
the '7o the convkis rose In rebellion
and killed their keepers. Seizing two.
schooners they escaped by putting to
sea, and have never been heaid of
The plantation buildings crumliK-d.
Into ruins. The fields bfcame a wll
ierness. The fruit Ues, though bear-
ing heavily, were wild. Flocks and
herds roamed at will. Wild dogs, made
savage by hungy, preyed "on the young-,
and thus prevented tbe overpopulation
of animal life.
Mr, McKlnley may change his mind
every day In the week, but he will not
change It In regard O the second term
which he yearn for. St. Louis Post-
Not Effective Against Against Sav
astas. Who Never Give Up.
The modern smsii-bore bullets con
sist of two parts the core and the en
velope. The latter is stamped out ot
thin sheets of steel or by granuated.
punches. The leaden core Is then fit
ted In, and the bullet, by means of ar
ingenious machine, is made one solid)
The enormous velocity of 2,170 feet,
per second transmitted to the projectller
by cordite would rip up any leaden bul
let to pieces, and hence the adoption of
the harder metal. Unfortunately the
steel or nickel is so tough that It pen
etrates the body without any shock,
being sustained by the victim, anuY
hence against savage races Is ineffi
cient. To remedy this soldiers have
lawed off the end of the envelope, snd,
the bullet at once becomes an explosive
one. Directly It hits the case splits and
mushrooms, Inflicting a fearful wound
Subsequent experiment at Dutn-Dutn,
In India, produced a soft-nosed bullet,.
since modified to one In which the nose
Is ss before, but simply dented In. Bveru
this la not served out against civilised'
enemies, as It is found by experience'
that a white man when hit is. as a.
ule, ready to sit down. The savage,.
fager to reach his paradise only, seeks
to kill his enemy his own life Is of
no value to him,, and hence he must be
Hopped at all costs.
A lawyer In the sensational Clark dl
rorce case In Pittsburg wa reading.
to the defendant wife extracts from let
ters that she had written to the plain
tiff husband. "You say her -1 iir
ome to the torch and we will burn.
together. " "What's that?" cried th-
witness, "Let me see that," When she
nan shown her letter she read It, "Lt
me come to the ranch and we wliw
bum together."
W i :,l'J '