Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 31, 1900, Image 1

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3t t? o b
1, 1900.- .NO. .45.
"""""" v
1 1
o . . -
Subscription Price Per Year fl.OO.
Official Paper of Sioux: County.
Gko. I). Canon, - Editor.
With (he bubonic plague (o Sao Fran
cisco, tbo black vomit iu Rio Janeiro,
Tarriff ia Peurto Rico, tho Neeley :nu
dalinCuba, contract labor in Hawaii,
bribery and corrupt ion in the Phillipines,
ship loads of Jupanecsw coolies on their
way, trusts, monopolies, a, multitude of
strikes and othr evil t,o iium rous to
mention, the people of the L'mtud Stales
stand in great do' it of a change of doc
tor. The Q'leeu of Koglandi who wont to
1 re land and kissed the blarney stone for
th purposa of securing another octun
of Irish blood to cement her tottering
throne, had tier Platonic affection rude
ly wiMKi from the afore-said siorn by
Lord Salisbury.
llewurd la Maiidcnriiaifr Cuss. .
Special Dispatch to the World IT.rald.
Lincoln, N.).,M.iy 3. The statutory
reward of f 200 has been offered for the
arrest of tho murderer of Alais I. Stads-1
mayer. The murdur wo committed in
flioux county, and tha reward is offered
by the sheriff of that county
Richard Crocker Uib Naw York Tam
many chief docl-ires without hesitatito
that lion. W.J. Bryan will surely bo el
ected tins time and nays that Mr. Bryan
is correct in maintaining for the free
coinage of silver at 10 to 1 which is in
tho interest of tho producer, besides he
Kays Bryan will sweep Ohio ia tbo bar-g'n-
Birds of feather will mx:k togother.
Cleio Deaver flocks with Iidward Rose
water in Omaha and Wlurton Raker
. flocks' witli Mi Kirdey at Washington.
This is exactly riglh. Bret hern eugaged
in the same cause should lave each oth
er. Tha public robbing and stealing of
everything in sight by tho Mi.Kinley
pointces in Cuba, duri'ifr thfl piist year,
was to be expected, and ceruinly will be
nn object lewon to the people of Cuba
what "benevolent assimilation' means.
There i.int a Bi:u;!y pl:ini; in the Simix
Falis, Populist pUttforru that every S"1'
uine democrat in the country cannot
subscribe to, more than that, there in no
reason why the Iemocralic National
convention, wicb will meut at Kansas
City, July 4tb should pot nominate the
same ticket placed in nomination at
Siou Falls May 12,
Hon. W. J. Bryau, the champion of
human right, and the Declaration of
Independence, ha not yielded one
single iota of his principles, which he ad
. vecatod in the campaign of 1890, and is
sound on every other political issue to
be considered by the people in this fall's
campaign, is more popular to-day in tho
hearts of the masses of the masses of the
jxjople than any other living man of tha
nation. " -
The British forcaa ia South Africa have
entered the Transvaal territory and it
now seems a if it would be but a short
time until the two republic of Bouth
Africa will be extinguished from the map
And England, Is our opinion, is not
more to blame for it than the adminis
tration at Washington. But then , our
nation is engaged in the same business ia
the Philippines. See?'
Senator Foraker, of Ohio, has been sel
ected by the leaders of tha republican
party to make ttM nominating speech of
president McKinley at the Philadelphia
convention, for bit second term. This is
significant to the trusts and combines.
Senator Forr.ier, lika our Thurston, is
Kfiecial attorney for tha standard Oil and
Tobacco Trust. Tbey etch, draw t wo
ji . I
VVVK )'.
as Hrxwi) f.A's Matt 2!
fllemoria! Services.
The Memorial services at tho ?.r. E,
church Suui!:iy were tv tll attended, yet
there was room for more and ro regret
not a faw of our home rituons wch con
spicuous for their absence Ht. the servi
ces. Liko tl glorious 4th of July,
memorial, and dycontlicn d.iy, ntove nil
othors should bo rt!ij,-iously ami patriot
icly observed. It iil Im but a few
short yuars at most until tho last one of
tho old soldiers will have pass to tliti
grtat beyond. Nothing is too good, in
tbo way of honor and rnvcrenee fos
them in the'.r declining years. Tby
give thir services and ra iny of them,
thir livvs, that eyry human being in
the U. ft. might Ihj fn-e and andi?pmdant
and th;t (bis, tha trroati'st rebublic on
earth today uiiht be prs;rvei intact.
Unv. Smith, who delivered th surrmon
done himself, and the occasion credit.
Tiie church was nicely dn-orated, and
the diiy was a beautif:)! cno for the oc
casiorfc But four old vetoratift were
present at the mtviith, vi?.:
F. Force, W. L.
Buldia, W. IL Lyons,
and A. J. Bogart.
Decoration Day.
A very lengthy procession accom
panied our O. A. It. veterans, in their
memorial day procession to assist in dec
orating the graves of our beloved h
roe, who ar now title holders of a por
tion of God's acre. In our estimatnn
this is a most Ix-autiful tribute, not only
to our beloved dead, who have answered
the hist reveille, ond are now enjoying
their unbroken slumber in the quiet city
of the dead, but also to tboso ef tht.ir
number, whoyot remain among us, as
they must feci, that by our . attit ude to
ward tlnrrt on this day, in particular,
how much wo venerate them, who have
given us our flag, washed io the blood of
our choicest sour, to wave over the bind
of the free aud the home of the brave.
Congressman Halo, successor t-i the
lato Mr. Mngley of Mains, declares,
there is a scheme on foot to annex the is
land of Cuba. That gentleman need not
worry for if a few mora carpet beg of
Sffinls are sent down thero by president
McKipley, there will lie nothing left to
annex. Under the president's plan of as
similation, it is much more effective
titan annexation.
The republican party leaders, in con
gress are now imploring the Demobratic
party not to use the Cuban postal scan
dal against the party ia the tall cam
paign. ;
Two nlntforin.H on whlcli Mill
yon Stand?
Republican platform.
' "We endorse imperialism.
We rejoice in the trusts.
We glory in Haunaism.
We are proud of McKinley 'a record as
a Copper.
We hsartily support a banking cur
rency. We entrust the country to boss rule.
We commend- militarism.
Democratic platform.
We repudiate Imperialism.
We motirn the substitution cf boss
rule for popular govarnment.
We decry the control of our
system by the banks. s
We are ashamed of the war
Phlllpines. . .
We condemn imjierlalism, ,
We denounce Ilannaisin.
in the
We disavow militarism.
On which do you prefr to sUad'
limn ifT M nimH-
As Tammany's Chief View's Situation.
In an interview with V7. T. Stead,
J. Bryan, and his chances for election to
the New York Tammany chief, triio has been in England for tho past. six mouths,
said to Mr. Stead:
"I am for W. J. Bryan with my whole heart. IJo is far and away the ablest
linn that we have in American politics thisdriy. lie is a wonderful man. There
is do man to compare with him anywhere or to put nlonijside of him. 1I is a fine
character, a itrin of hih principle and
when W. J. Bryan is elected he will work
out in spirit and in letter-every plank in U rio.ratie j hitforuj. He will be
ablo to serve the people, and he will be a governing pre,id)tit not a mere figure,
whose movement are governd by mlr puller. He is a man of conviction. I
tell you there is no man 1 have know n in my timo for whom I have a greater re
gard and esteem thau for W. J. Bryan. Do von know him!"
"W. J. Bryan is right." said Mr. Croker, in taking bis stand upen silver. I
have nvr ben a silver man, and I tver can see why its opponents make so
ruuch funs about it. Mmy of the ahlost nifti in the country are on his side, ami
1 never can quite make out what it i that his critics blame him about. Is it the
exact ratio that is in dispute, or do they object to silver altogether as a medium
of metallic currency; in other words, is it lo to 1 that they kick at, or is it silver
at any ratio? Anyhow, Mr. Bryan is right iu sticking to his guns. My party in
terests, so far as New York city is concerned, would countiel me to to advise that
he should weaken on the silver plank, but I would not say a word to induce hi in
to do it. It would, indeed, ba fatal for him to do it. Mr. Bryan's i trength of char
actor commands tlie belief of the people in his honesty and sincerity. If he were
to weaken on silver he might gaiu some votes from the bulls of 'Wall street, but
he would Iopo far more in sacrificing the inlerssls of the struggling farmers, who
are ground down botween combinations of railways and trusts; hence he stands
where he did on the silver question, aud he docs light. In the next eloctiun other
questions will of necessity be more to the front. There is the question of trusts
aad there is the question of Imnerilistu.
mainly, lie fought crnd won." Daily ltoover
Over in Wyoming-
Fred Smith, of Kanvill.-, has moved
bis family into John Sutlons house, and j
is now a resident of Pkasant Ridg
Chris Christian, is puting down a well
about ten miles south of tha V. T. ranch
awl will move his cattle there as soinj
as arrangements can be mauo iou'J so. i
IlillShatto is drilling tho well for him.
John Button had to pull his pump
again Ust week.
Andrew Christian, will market about
300 bushels of wheat iu Harrison, tho
last of this week.
Charles Christian is expected home
from University Place on next Satur
day. Dora will probably stay for com
mencement exercises and will not be
home until a wek later.
K. Foots and J. H, Newlin will fenco
tho West school houe some time during
the week.
Miss K-Jna 3obta started for Universi
ty Place, Neb., ou last Saturday evening
train. She expects to ruturn about the
iOth of next month.
A few tiaya ago an Delbert Rice was
going home from the post ot.'ice in com
pany with Holhs lhimlia ha undertook
to show tho speed of his horse or his a
bility as an cq'ieslriao while passing
through stringlown. But lo! A staid
old cow stayed in tha road and tho horse
not turning out iu time, there was a
head ond coiision. Tbj horse stopped
but the rider went, onr and struck moth
er earth so hard as to render liiin insensi
ble for a time. He was carried to the
residence of J3il Church and his father
was seot for, who took him home. No
bunts were broken but Delbert learned a
lesson to ponder over while his bruises
are .healing nicely. Nothing lighter
th-n a locomotive must try to butt a
cow off the track.
Z. G. Duel, branded his cattle the first
of the week.
Father and Mother Church visited over
night with their daughter, Mrs. II. Deuel
cm last Saturday night. -
On last llondav morning the little
folks were up eurly to see the eclip:A
Tho sun roso clear and very blight.
Smoked glass had been prepared
all ware on the alert. At 6 o'clock
tho echLvi began, but It was almost a
total failure instead of a total eclipse:
not mere than half of tho sun being cov
ered at any time. The next time the al
manac advertises a total eclipse jt had
hotter produca it.
'ii' ,0.0 TV
a 1- 1
oi" Cacc.
A. KOSPE, Gsiaba, ficb'
OVflCV.S: JiJ I)on!()fl Piroet.
l"At;rjKri 114 Hut-Cl tlreet.
Wa CclcbJBto Osir 2ii. "'rjiMa
in London Way 20th. relative to Hon. W.
tlm presidency this fail, Richard Crocker,
of tremendous energy. Mark my words,
eighteen liOurstt rfar in order to carry
It is upon these that Its election w ill
Last Tuesday the 29th was the tenth
ainiverary ol our married lilo. iNarv a
ti'i weddin did we have, not a tin whis-
t in showed up. " ZliiilEL.
A Keen Clear Brain.
Your best feelings, your social position
or tiusiness success depend largely on the
perfect action cf Our Stomach and Liver
in. "King's New Life Pills give increased
stret.glii. a keen, clear hram. high amoi-
tion. A ." cent box will make you feci
hke a new being. Sold by Dr. J. E.
PniK.NET druggist.
On the day of liny li'iO, tho )oard of
Trustees of the villuffo of Harrison, Nebras
ka, n.ad tho following estimate of tho ex
jioiifag of the said villaKC for the year J!M:
Offlf- nalaiies 8 50 CO
I'riatcifr 6a oo
WAter jniiiping 250 (W
Kief t.ion kspenses 25 05
liifiUentAl Expense V0 00
Sinking Fund ... J 00 03
Interest on Water Bonds 150 00
To apply on Judgement ot Clark &
.. V.'ohai'd Investment Co 4(50 0U
Total - $1,123 00
Dated, Uarrin. Meh., Mav 2t, 1800
W. 11. Jiavis, villicje clerk.
A dfileijate conyeniion of tho People's
Iiijepeiident 1'nrty of the Sixth Congres
sional l;ictr! t of the .State i,f '.Nebraska-is
hereby railed to meet in the city of liroken
IloW, CilHier County, on Jflonday, July Olli,
lWfl, at S o'ciwk p. in., for the pnrpose of
plaeliif; hi iioin: nation a cuiiilldate for
incnib'r of coi'iTf to represent the Sixth
l'on;;rrssionnl District of iebrasloi, and to
triinxuct such other nuslues us may prope
r!y come hr.Uiro t-o convention. The rep
resentation of tho various comities in the
convention will be bawl upon the vote of
Hon. Vfm. Neville in the Congressional ele
ct nu of 1MB!, one delegate Peine allowed for
P'n-h one hun lred votes loel major fraction
thereof, find cue delegate at large from
each comity, whieli niuUus the following
:l portionment:
i:nnner 2 Howard M
lilalne S Keith 4
Pox Bnt W 0 Krya Hnha 4
Boyd... s Kimball 1
Urowu 4 l.iueoln 13
JluJalo 23 I.ofan
Chrry 7 l,oup 1
Cheyenne ii Wcl'lierson . 2
Custer 23 l'.ock S
Jiuwes S Hcotts liiuff 3
Ilawson Id Sheridan H
Imel 3 Kloux . 3
(.ailield ...3 Sherman 9
Grant 2 Thomas 2
Greeley 9 Valley 10
Holt 5 wheeie.r 3
Hooker 'i Total 223
It i recommended that no proxies be si
lowed, but that tho Inicjfii1.cn present cast
the full vote ol their renpectivo eounlles.
A. h.. l'AKSOMB, tluiin. Con. Com.
G. F. Coitisj, Secy.
esva fe t ui-i-!s! ti li' jilnno pnii.I
sljsiVkiI U t Uie lo.t i.uiiUl
r1ptJin n( our style CuUask
f I -k'i
7 I J
8 irnl..ui C'emtrnnir pis.
i'uli liuj lisat, irunuwl sua Orna-
I ii)l f nposllnt Action.
1 vncy K Oys.
lh-uhl vraivi SM.
"iul'tiil li, ( k, Vni-any and VTilnut
,xvitlon bim'.c IhrtKi ltoltlnE Fall
Nlrksl flMod Costlnuous lilnKM oa
Full Uot1.
Throe I'fSsti mil Pdl Guard PbMe.
lWmitirully Kl.l'.li-d aad falUel
Jloinn 4f't, S in.-h.
lyrifftb: II lt, 4 inoin
li:Jhi t tiu t l-'i t'l' hes.
Md In Curlr V'nl-cn Veneer. On
twn4 Oak, Anllquo Oak sud Waho,uii,
Write tut Ternei snd l'rleos,
JJenrf fl Qftpa Pt-mn l (roarnirenl fcr
y..rr, fcjriitn ecfe.vs is tiae, kekkoa,
wur'uuiulil or uxiw rial.
Kirny Payments.
A smoll rsh p"VniftM and env wen'.
ly piyx'nm IU ewiir.j dim of t4in
i.liiil:l pur; fir yur c
A t.rsmv l'!ir rnlalwH Mrelst
nW--n i.iiti fi-H dC""!!! twq of ntie eiwI
'yijeiii pb.ri fn-o uon uppllauUoi).
Anuivitrkiir October '22, 1333.
To I.. T.. ViU:Trs v n.i f:ii nieie nn
kiioivii, airs. V iHi;uii! IjW vlt', Iroe -hth-tiaw
n;oue uiikrimv"ii, imn-i-e.sHle.it (lci.:a-
Yon, and eHch nf yr;i nr hen-tiv nntilled
tbat ou the 4 til, day i! May A. 1. fienji
min I1'. I'll iuh'i , trii-.U-e :i jitii;t!ir H".-.J in
the il iM rirt IXiuri oi si mix Citiii.ly NebrjU.-i
iiH petition nireiut you as ii'l-ii'luu w ioi
pleiKjcU wll ii Jainei. Neldon, Alary fc. Nulnuii
ana Jens Nelson :
The object auU pniyer of wliteh is to lisve
an Bceoiiutlngr of tiie amount 'tun upon a
priucipat note of SaMUm, iiaU4 Sovemtier 1st
IsW, eiHcai - ! by Koliert L,. Taylor ami Kfiie
G. I'aymr io h. V. rilnian, with interest
tbereon froiiMlate ut the rat of 7 per cent
uonnui aeeordi-i to Hie t.nor aa't elfct
ot ten interest coupon notew tittuebed to
said principal not", ivbieli said priuelpsl
and coupon note uie now held and owned
by s:iid jibiintiff:
To foreclose tho mortgnsre deed slvcn to
secure ttie same upon the Soutii-eaHtijiiHrter
of K'ct'.on thirty (SO) and the north-ea?t
quurtcr of hccUoii thirty one (31 ) all in town
fliip thirty fonr (?4) north of range fifty
three (K) west iu said county. '
To have Huid renlc.tate sold for the pay
nieiil and Miitisl'iiction of tiie amount found
line oo S'lid noleg, to&et.iu.r witli interest,
co.sts oi'suit and ciMt of stile.
To b r .foreclose snd endnde the riefen
dHiit.s from Jmviriy or (dairiiinir niy intereat
in aid land and for general relief.
And you are furl her nottlled and required
ttt unriwer letid peth.bm oa or hcoore tlij 26ih
day ot Jane A- l. l'.KJ'l.
Albekt W. ( rites.
Atttomey for plaintlft".
Tc ltoetta I'inneo, Howell I'innco, Charles
I'inneo, Karl I'in neo, I.'oy lManeo, Western
Farm Mortgage Company.
1 on, and eaeii of you, are hereby notified
1 hut on the Hh day of Mar, A.1J. iOCO, The
County of Sioux, as plaliitlh", filed ia the
district court in and for the county of hloux
and state ot Nebraska, its petition against
you, impleaded with Albert E. Gates, Ad
ministrator, Yuhi McCarthy, Stephen l'ln
nro.ths object and prayer which la to
forccloso certain tax liens on the following
deserllKSl real estate, situated in tho ty
coon of Sioux and statff of Nuhrxka, to wit:
.Son tb half X Jfortli-east quarter !i, South
east quarter '4 north-west yuarter a, Kortli
east quarter J' fioutli'west quarter Ji, Sec
tion twenty-seven, 27, Towasliip thirty-one
31, North of linage lli'ty-tiiree, West of the
sixth 6 I'. SI., that said tax liens consist ot
taxes assessed ami levied on sakl real es
tate for the following years and amounts.
to-w it: In the year Isia, the sum ef ( 11.74;
iu the year 1KI4, the sum of tlOJjl; in the
year 18B5, the sum or I3.22; m the year KM,
the sum of S7.1-'i; in the year 185)7, the sum of
$3.04 ; la Hie year lS'.ia, the sum of f('..2!l; with
interest on each of said sums as provided by
law; and to have an accounting of the
amount of taxes and interest now due on
said tax liens, and to forever bar aud fore
close said delendantH, and each of tliera, out
of any and all rirht, title, interest, lien and
equity of redemption In and to said real
estate, and for general equitable, relief.
That yon are further notified and required
to answer sutd petition on or before tho lath
day of June A. 1), 1600.
So. 9.J if. J. 0'Connw.l, Co. Attorney.
To Waiter Eden, Mrs. Walter Eden his
wife, christian name unknown.
Ton, and eaeii of you, are hereby notified
that on tiie 9th day or May, A. D. 1000, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed in tho
district court in and for the county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, in petition against
you, impleaded with Benjamin. V. Johnson,
the object mid. prayer of which is to fore
close certain tax liens on tho following des
crilied real estate, situated in the county of
Sionx and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
North-west quarter .,;, Section twenty
two 22, Township thirty one 31, North of
ltango fli ty-alx 5fi West of the sixth 6 P. M
that said tax liens consist of taxes assessed
and levied on said real estate for the follow
ing years and amounts, to-wit:
In the year ISM, tho sum of?8.18; in the
year ii.'l, the sum of $7.54; in the year 1894,
the stun of J7.4I; In tne year 1N90, tho mun of
S7.1S; in the year 1H9H, the sum of $u.93, in the
year 1807, the sum of $7.01 ; in the year ls'Jfl,
too soio of 83.73, with interest on each of
said minis as provided by law; and to have
an accounting of tho amount of tuxes and
interest now due on said tax HunH, and to
forever bar and foreclose Said defendants,
and each of them, out of any arid all right,
title, interest, or equity of redemption in
and to said real estate, und for general eq
uitable relief. f
That you are. further notified and requir
ed to answer said petition on or before the
ISth day of June, A. I). 1900.
l'o, 10. M. J. O'Comsell, County Attorney.
To Joseph A. JIoss, Mrs. Huth P. Moss, his
wife, W, J. Ilowdon, christian name un
known, S, B. Ilowo, christian name unknown
F. 8. Tnttie, ckrlstlim name unknown, Da
kota Loan and Trust Company.
You, and each of you, are hereby notified
that on the 1st day of March, A. D. 19oo, The
Comity of Sioux, as plaintiff, tiled in the dis
trict court In and for the county ol Sioux
and state of Nebraska, Its petition against
yon, the object and prayer of which Is to
foreclose certain tax lions en the following
described real estate, situated in tho county
of Hioux and stale of Nebraska to-wit:
South half J,, north-east quarter H, north
half , south-east quarter , section two 2,
townli!ptlilrtytwo:i2, north of range fifty
three IB, west of the Ctli principal meridian
sltnated 1n Sioux county, Nebraska, that
sold tax liens consist of taxes assessed and
levied on said real estate for the following
years and amounts, to-wltt: In the yoar
ism, the sum ef D.ir,; In the year lsue, the
sunioft7.su; In the year 1MIS, the snm of
$s.,'4, with interest on each of said sums as
provided by law J and to have an accounting
of the amount of taxes and Interest now
duo on said tax liens, ond to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each ot them
out of any and all right, title, Interest, linn
and equity of redemption in and to said
resl estate, and for general equitable relief.
That you are further notlllod and required
to answer said petl Hon on or beforo the 25th
duy ol June, a. I), lnm.
Ho, XI J M. J. O'CoxN'sll, C3, Attorney.
Thb JorrcsAi. will ri!i!M your brand, lite
i ll" foilow ing, lor if.'.-o, or year. Each ad
diinnial braof! 7; com. r.veiy ritrmor or
ra-.ichiueii in Sioux and nrlioiniiig couniV-s
shout.) iklvurtite their brawls in TmeJuo
Nl.iii it c'rcnlaloo all over the state. Jt.
111:13' be the means of uavieg money fur yon.
On left nhle or hip of cattle, (
IEhJ On left shoulder of hor,.. i J
p"Mllange on the bead ol Warbunnut
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Kb.
Fi'AKK C. I.r.wis.
P. jraRrandtd on left sldo
tH3 tPf'aMlt ftnttla anrl lr.fl
tiange ou lit uu oi. v mut Uiver.
T. O. A'lUreaa Harriioa, Nl-
nrna the fnw- d:,JZ.
.... ,
A lso H3 on rat
Ce and horses
cattle on leftside
horses' on left
Bangeon RUrer Springs and east of stala
Ine. 1'ostolllce Harrison Neb
For proof to convict any person of steal
ing any of my stock.
'TTZTTZTS Branded on right shoulder of
1. O. Addreuss David Colvillb, narrlsots,
Nebraska. .
The brand represented tn this notice
and branded any whereon left side
of cattle, aud over-lap eat from the
right ear. '
Also the same brand on left thlga of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
S3 II?
kasge near East Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. Cuaki.es Nswi4Ar,
Harrison, Nebraska.
On left side of cattle and on left
enoulder ot horses.
'cSsla Kaiiga on Anteloiie oreek
P. O., Ghilcurist, Sioux Co., Neb.
I Branded on left shoulder ol horses
ffKSjLnd on left side of cattle.
WL Ranee on White Blver, near Glea.
t r .1.1 ..oat, r'O.n Votipaata
Final Proof Notices.
Ail persons having final proof notices In
this paper will receive a marked copy of the
paper and are requested to examine tliir
notice and if any error exist report tho
same to this office at once.
Lund Olllce at Alliance, Neb., May 1 1900,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison
Nebraska on June 23, 1900, viz:
widow of Fredrie Zerbst, deceased, of Itnrrl
son, Neb. on II. E. No. 2891 for the S V4, N-K ht
N-W K, S-E W, Section 26, 8-W J4, N-W 14,
Section 25, Township 33, N R 56 W.
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: .
Gnstave Noreisch, Charles Schlltz, Charles
Biehle, Nels Anderson, all of Harrison, Neb.
F. M. DORKINGT0N, Kegister.
' lrfind Ofiloc at Allianc, Ncbrska,
May 15, lt!00 . , 4
Notice is hereby given the following-named
settler lias tiled notice of his intention
to muke final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before tho
.Clerk of District Court ant Harrison, Neb,
on J tne, 30th 1900, viz:
of Harrison, Neb., on H. E- No. 8924 for the
N. 8-W S-E. N-W.H Sectioe 25, N-K,' 8-E
14 Section '26 Twp.32,N. E 50 W. He names
tiie following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation 00 said
land viz! Otto Tiotze, Charlos Caminzind,
Fred Bctchen, John Marsteller all of Har
rison. V. M. Dorringtou. Kcglglster.
Notico is hereby given tbat the interest
and rental upon the oontraots of lease and
male to the following described educational
lands situated in Sioux County, Nebraska
as set opposite the names of the respeotlve
holders thereof, is delinquent and, if such
delinquency is not paid within sixty days
from the date of this notice, said contracts
will be declared forfeited by the hoard 01
educational Lands and Fnnds and said for
feiture will be entered of record la the man
ner provided by law.
Part of Seo. 8. Tp. H. Name.
NV4A9 EJ4 IH..J0-J3 C. L.Hall.
N-W4 36.3255 John C. Bber-
N'4 N-EJ4 S-EK
N-EH 1..83:.58.
Theodore F.
SK!4 ifi-33..fi;
Theodore T.
3-W! H-K'4 16..33-.BD T. T. Golden.
Lincoln, Nebr. May Is 1900,
Coinuili loner Public Lands Buildings.
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