t s f i 1 Press-Journ a 1 TnrBsnxT. May 24th, 1000. Geo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. F. E. i H. V E. Jtt. l ime table. Going West. Going East. So. . mixed. 11 I So. 6. mixed 8:00 T H North-Western LINE. II. V. It. II. is to and from the the be?t BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AND J.OT fPKJSGS SOUTH DAKOTA. f, e, & a. v. r. P Will bet run May 1st and l"t!i Jane 5th and 19th 1000, to points on the F. E. & 31. V. in Nebraska where tbe on way fare from nearest Mo Liver, Point in cluding Co. Blufl's is $3.00 or mora to points in Wyoming wf-st of and including Orin Junction and to poiiit3 in Black Hi!) district at So Dak. Tickets will be sold by rorreeting lines feediog to our line ut Pioux i t y , Ooowa Mo. Valley and Omaha and by our agents at South Piatt, stations, Blair, Omaha and on Si C. & P. in Iowa; cxcent that our airents VkjjJ not sell to! points in So, Dtk. Fare will be one fare fl.OT for round trip. Writ four f Iks in the Ivixt and have them come and nee vou, tukin" 'advantage of these rate-. Tickets limi ted 21 days with 13 days limit on going portion. F. Avnvy, Agt. liNHQUKCEfilENT. Ecv. C. L. Smith will annouee the pro gram for Decoration L)ay servii.es from the pulpit next Sabbath. W. H. Davis, moved his family out to his ranch on last Tuesday. First communion services were held 'M tha Montrose church on last Sunday. Several of our people went to see the elephant at Crawford on la.-t Friday. - X. L. Tipton, left for the sheep camps, on last Saturday lo be gone dur ing the shearing season. Postmaster Bogart, said the other dav bes.aw tbe "old devil" set off the train, he supposed to see his son. Emma Serres. who has lieeu employ ed as a domestic, io Dr. Phiuney's fami ly fr some time returned to her home on last Saturday. -Through the untiring efforts of Atty. 'Ceit.es, Coil, the Murderer of Ryan, of Chadroo who is now serving a tea year3 term in the pen is to be liberated.- Hiss ilirley left for Ionian, Nab. on last Saturday evening to spend her vaca tion at the home of her sister. We hope to see ber among our teachers next year. Mr. IloUingsworth, father of Ed. 'Kolingsworth, arrived from Pasadena, Cab, last Thursday evening-. He will doubtless stay all summer, and possibly make) this bis future home. T. F. Golden, of Adeha was in town the first of the week, and while here drop?-! a cart w!:esl on ye editors :md thereby rehawed his al!eg''nce to the Press Jovuvau Many thanks. We learned inciJently that Charley 'Coffee had sold about two thousand bead -of cattle, to Bartlett Richards of Chad Ton aDd also becomes the foremost stc-k bolder in the First national bank at 'Cbndron. A drawing card in town Tuesday nfteruoon (it the stock VfirJs, was the breaking to ride a pinto broncho by Chnrhe Thomas. narlv the entire nial? S-ortiiMi of the town went down to t-ee ("iviriey ride. He done the rii'p.g all C). i:.. Prof. Brunner of Lincoln, together 'with a corps of "bos; hunters," airived in Harrison, last Thursday noon, and the 'following day rcpared to the woods til search the different eanyous and wooded - da!e for bus and Win'.s that infest this jiart of KobrasKa. Lew Gerlach, rounded out bis fifti eth birthday Sunday, and we hud the pleasure of smoking one of those ILavan ' which he wan distributing among hi friends. We sincerely hope he may conclude another fifty years before he cross over into th "promised land." Dome oi our Business men are con tinuously cryioft out against neveral of our county peopla, because tby send awy for goods, yt they are the vry pftrtiM who ant setting- the example now by pfttronizing a foreigQ ayodicaU which h just ftriseo io our midst. We bould patronize home industry, B1BTIIS, BOHN To Mr. and Mrs, J. W. 8mib, on Sunday May 20, daughter. Mother sd child are doing well. BOSS-TMr. and Mrs. Henry De B. of BodMv, Monday nifht, May SI lfitJaUkyfirt. tClOi MMrs. J. B. Burke, t MOiug Mar 18th, .T-,JtUv!. ,..-.',-: -.- V--- , 3Zt wai Km.' Oeorge Bill, " ' T::', jcjning. Ky 1 1000, CONCERT. Friday evening, June 1st, at the M. E. Church given by the Kendall, Hixson concert company, and will consist of sacred music, recitations and instrmen tal music. Aud will 1 given under the auspices of the Harrison Epworth league, who will divide the proceeds with the company to help defray their expenses. Admittance 10 A 15 cents. Tort u roil A Witness. Intense suffering .is endured by wit ds T. I. Martin, of Itixie Ky., before he gave this evidence: "I eot:!ted every night un'il niv thmnt v.-as Dearly raw; then tried Ir. Kings New I ieovry which ptve instant relief. I have used it in my family for fnnryearsand recom mend it as the trre,t-st remwlv fo Cough". Colds and all Throat, ('host and Lunt: tmuWes. it will slop the worst cough, and not on I? jrevutK but abso lutely (-Hire CoMMitnpticn. Price 50 rents and fcl.C'!. Every bottl guaran teed. Trial hoHlts free &t Dr. J. E. Phinneys Lvug Store. Palbtnaster Ward, is putting the village streets in prjtty ool condition tins week. r- rOH SALE One Kimbal Organ Eran Xew. Apply at ilh OHlce. -51 rs. 1. II. (Iriswold, and tlie child ren left for Ainuworth, last jloiulay evening to l one n'viut fn week. V.'ill !Tiui,:ii, will fake the census of Runains Water, Sr.uRtf creek acd Whis tle creek precincts. Judge liiin'tr b:s Iwen appointed by federal authority to tako tlie cesus of Hot Creek, CottoawooJ and Stijar b.uf precinct. Will 8nio!;3 lus tteen tendered and i accepted the Inderal position of takinjr the census in Bo wen, Andrews and White Kivtr preclurts. The third quarterly meetirsr of the M. E. Church, will be hnld at Pleas ant Rid0', Sablmtii, June, 10, lliC'O, at 11 A. M. Ail are cordially invited. j C. L. SKiT.'i, Pastor. Frpnk Lirjlem.il left for the Kg Horn country, on yesterd.iy noon. He wili keep booki and time for the raiiroad ' company. it. Y. Hester returned from the O V. ranch Monday night, bis wife return ing Tuesday evening where they went last week on Iwrninjjof the burn-out. On the arcount of not being room to print tlie write up on the teachers asso ciation meeting thai was hold at Bodarc in last weeks paper the writer requested us not to print it. Aug-. Raeselquist of Wheatland, Wyo., a former resident of this neigh borhood, earca down on business, yester day for a few days. August is well pleased with h's new home. Mr. and Mrs. Heury Warneka and their two youngest daughters left last night by rail for Cbauron, to be present at the hicb school commencement exer cises today, whB their daughter Minnie who is the younjrest student to giduate from the Chadron school this v?ar, will receive that honor, it sp-aks volumes for Minnie. It shows what scholasitcs can do wheu ti.ey have their studies at heart aud give their undivided attentiou to study. Over in Wyoming. As the Pr!Ess-Jcrtmr,, failed to reach Kirtley P. O. on last Saturday's mail ye scribe is at sea in regard to the neighbor ing news and may send In something that has already appeared in its columns Who is to blame in the maltar we don't know but it often happens that the Journal does not show up ot this end until the Tuesday following its issue. While helping orand cattle at Charlie Thoroai's oa Wednesday of last week John Ijf.hr had the misfortune, in throwing a cow, to have ber fall on bis leg breaking the fibula, tearing: loose the tei.don of the heel, or Achilles and dislo cating the bones of the ankle. He was taken to Harrison where Dr. Phinney reduced tlie fracture and bandaged the ankle. Jt will he some time before we will be able to get around at it is far worse than a square break of both bones The cow truck him with such force as to knock ber hip down. Andrew Christian wh was confined to the house :svral days last week with lumbago aud rheumatism, is now able to be out again. Farmers are about through seeding, and this week will about finish clod hop ping on tin) ridg'i for this spring. The wheat is all up and growicg flrely, while grass never was finer at this time of the year. Miss EJna Noblo, who is teaching the West school wili go to University Place Nebr., about the first of next month to attend the graduating exercises. We u.ideretand she will graduate then and receive diploma. She will come hack io time to open tier school again on June 11. 7AOOHL. A Keen Clear IJrnln. Your best feelings, your social position or business access depend largely on tlie perfect action of fiur Stomach and Dyer Dr. King's New Life Pills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambi tion. A 33 cent box will make you ferl like a new being. Sold by Dr. J. E. FHDumr Iruggiat. II. S. tXuuiE, President. F. W. Clakke, Vice Prest. FlfiSi 1ATI01AL BAMK OF GRESTOI. Statemk:;t To The Comptroller Of The Curren cy, Crestox, Iowa, Feb. is, ijoo RESOUP.CES. lyen an't Seeurif es Ovtnlruf ii tr4.1s.VlS l,Mi.Ts JM,'lrJ. 3..-.i.90 Ileal Bi-tnte kliil Kistureri C-.-hoii Hsinit mssfi.W U Hli huiikw & t'. a. In iwr,H.ti Mi.-:,i;s.i2 A CHANGE. DnriRj the pist woek, H. S. Clarke, and F. W. Clarke, (father and son) bank ers, of Creston, la., have been negotiating with Sir. D. II. Griswoid, for his ard Mr. B. E, Brewster's interest in the com mercial bank, and Monday , tlie deal was consunjated, and 5! ssors Clarke, sira now owoersof the a'ove named peutleineu'i" interests, l!r. Criswold retiiiDg;. The bank, under the wv njacament, will be conducted alone; its usual, and successful business bn"s with C, F. Cof fee, as j rts deut, and t! j fellow inir naai ed jer.tltmen will cons'..'. nte a board of directors: Andrew McGinley, H. S, Cl.uUe. C. F. ColTee, C. .C Jameson, F. W. Clark"). F. W. Clarke, cashier, W. H. luvis, assistant cathier. Vt'e w'ulcome Jfr. Clarke, amonqr ns. lis seems to bo a thorough and pnictical business man and will be a valuable acquisition to our town. lir. Clarke has j)urch:vs(l t!w residunce property of Mr. Onswold aad wa ?resu:ue in a faw weeks his wife will anivn from their former Iowa homo to make tins their permanent ab.! . I). IL and bis estimable wife, who have been residents of the town during fifteen years, will pro lably remove to some othur art of the country, won as D. 11., dUeriuiueS where be will locaU. Their many friends and neighbors in Harrison and the county will very much regret to see them leave. One thing is certain, our regreted loss will lie borne other community's valuable gain. A Fiendish Crime. A. Ij Slanflc amaier IJulleta When RMrllcd louud. T.Hb On last Friday morning, just at what hour may novtr be known, A. L. Stau deniuier, who residwj near Andrews, about ten miles east of Harrison, was looking after his cattle, when a coward ly f.end, shot him from behind, and not :..i',i-.0i 1 with killing him, the a-isas'ii shot the lifeless corpse, aud as if to du.'y law laid a bullet in the hand of his victim The body was discovered about two o' clock ia the afternoon, of the name day, and after the coroners jury had rendered their verdict the body was removed to the late home of Mr. Staudinraier. The funeral was held at Crawford on Sun day, alteriioon. The deceased leaves a widow and three little infant children to mourn his untimely end. They will have the sympathy, of the entire com munity in their dire affliction. Mr. Etaudenmier was an old and respected citizen of our county and one who was known as a bard working, honest, and respectable citizen. The JOURNAL hopes that no stone will be left unturned iu order to bring the murderer to justice. Following is the yirdict of the ceron er's jury after examination of tbe body and deliberate coiwideration. State of Nebraska, j Sioux county, j At an fmjuest holden at the residence of G. J. Martin in Sioux county, on the l'Jth day of May A D. 1900, before me, Thomas Holly, sheriff of said county ac ting Coroner upon the body of Alois L. Staudenroaier, lying dead by the jurors whoso names are hereunto subscribed, the said jurors upon their oath do say that tho said Alois L. Staudenmior came to his death by reason of gun shot wounds fuloniously inflieUd by some person or persons unknown. In testimony whereof, tbo said jurors have hereunto set their hand the day and year aforesaid: f J. I. Davis, T. Jones, I C. Wright, V. C, wis, Wiu. 11, Smoke, J. 11. llieckinan. Jurors, Attest: Thomas Holly, acting coron er. DlEU-On May 18th 11)00, Alois L. Standenruier ngtd SO years, 1 month 19 days. Card of Than kfi. Wa desire to thank our many friends and neighbor, who sa kindly assisted us in the death and burial of our hus band and brother lost week, Mahy Stacdiwhaiih, CBAUXr STAPMBnUlEH. M. D. Smith, Cashier. LIABILITIES. Capita'.. . 1 M.W.P0 Snr,ilu ami Irolll i4,ai.M Divldoiids unpaid U-00 (iyeulution ET.uit'.W lej.olt SII.W1.1B 123.17h.12 Breezes From the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Woblbeter have pone to housekeeping in the former resi dence of C. 15, Holliriirsworth ou Hat Creek. Miss Blanche CofTue went to Chadroa Wednesday to attend the commencement at the academy. Her brother John T, graduates from the commercial dpt. Alittlagirl arrived at the home of Superintendent Burke last week, also one at the homo of Geor.-re Hill. 51. C. Pounds who has been teaching in the valley for the past nine months closed a successful term, last Saturday in the Southworth district with a picnic which all seemed to enjoy. Vt'w laarnsd be loft Wednesday for Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parsons came to the valley last Saturday to visit old neigh bors and relatives. Wo had a good old fashioned visit with them Saturday night & heartly wish they came of tenor. Milton Hollingsworth of Los Angeles, Cal., who has been spending Mime time with bis son Clarence, ht Burns Colo" who has been very tick, but is now bet ter, arrived in Harrison, Thursday, and came to the valley with F. V. Knott Saturday. Grandpa ba come to spend another summer with his son Eddy, on Indian creek. Rob. Woody who left here live yeare ago also returned and will make his home with bis brother-in-law, J. E. Hollingsworth. EJ. came after them and took thorn to bis hom Sun day- We were very much surprised and sorry to se so few teachers were intr ested in tlie Teachers Association at Bodarc. Prof. Linde'iian's, Miss Marlcy and Mrs. Lice's papers ought to have been listended to by a crowded house, for thty were very good productions indeed. CLIO. A Fat Ilicyele Kldr-r. Will often receive painful cuts, sprains or bruises from accidents. But.-klen s Arnica Salve, will kill the pain atid heal the injury. It's the cyclist's friend Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Lips, Burns, Ulcers and Piles, gun ran teed. Only 'irfu Try it. bv Dr. J. E. Pmn-'EY drugcr'st. Bore Cure Sold Societies- Thorowill i,c Mass ftt the Court House on Tuesday, May, 29, i&t 10-.IJ0 o'clock. C- L 1ITH. E. Ch'-rch, PASTOR nAREISOS - NEBRASKA. Sunday School 10 o'efcx k a. ra. Ejuvorlh Le.-cue 6 :'!0 p. m. Pr-JteliS ng rvery Sunday evening st 7::t0 p. m., sin! f very iilteriiste Sniiduy st 1 1 m. cirimeiiclnj .I-imuiry It. l'JOO. Every body rordluljr im luil to atieiiil these servlr.es. Proffessional Cards. J. E. PH15XEY. 31. II. Pkylscian and Snrgeon. All calls fftrf n prompt attention. Oftlee In Urug Store. -HARIILSO - VZaRJkSKk. ORAXT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United States Land Olllce. Fire Insurance written in reliable jompanies. nrl-gal papers caraf uljy drawn. Harkison, - Xkwuska. M. J. O'Coourll, - - Co. Attorney, ITill rrarllra in Al! Court. Special Atteullon Given to Land Of- lice Business. Collections and all business entrust ed t4ne will rrrrire prompt atteatloa. Hahiuxox - Nebhaska. Michael Ruffing, voryrr j-riiyKYOtt. I m prepared to do all Itlndu of Civil Knglneeiinff work. When in need of the Surveyors Services give me a call as I have a full and com plete outfit, together with experience to do tbe work with neatness and dispatch. A0tww. MICHAEL RUFFING, MARM90N, - - NCtnASIU. the Commercial Baii Harrison, - - Cb suRHUtrruN u -o- DIBECTOES. ' C. F. Coffee, rresideut. V. W. Clarke, Cagliier. Ciias. C. Jameso.i. II. S. Clarke, A. McGinlet, l.rADDCCDnnCMTC it'CUiWtalMiJIJJU-O 6 4miESLRID -ONJFIM&-DEP0SITS.- V " - ,rm""i "" i - ' ber Yatti If tr7fT-1 Go to ROHWER'S for Lumber, Har ness, Flour & Feed, line of business; he ey by giving you a O e.0 i:-K)MvCK---OVCO'0 THE PIONEER j Drugs, Druists Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. j J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. WWW -STALLION- Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE. WISDOM JR, Sired h? imported CLYDE Dam 7-eights SHIRE-weight l,5oo lbs. Price: $5.oo, to insure living Colt. ROBERT KEEL. jr-T-yyi T -,- i - ;Ti'Tm iiTi'lV "ni'ir'i Ti T'"" -TITTH-TTTfc 6W V IHi n K l3lS!E1!BB Si liWM ill " 1 Suckry STALLION, Will make tlie season of 1000 at tho DIECKMANX LIVE RY BAKN in Harripon. PED1GREE! Fifteen HI xtocnths Weiffht, 1500 llw. TKIIMS:-S:.00 for the neaa on. payable middle of peaon. JuU.V DlECKMAXN. FOB SALIi3 Itgistered Hereford Bulls; one !1 years old, one short horn 8 years old, also yearlings, Herefords and Short horns. Chas Unitt. ESTIMATKof KXI'K.NDI-X At b niectliiK uf tlie Board of f'ounty Com mbwlnuers of Sion County, Keljrnku, held on tlie lltb 1ny of January, lt the follow liijf (intimate of expenses for thej your Mi IU tlliUlB. Illslriet Court Kxpenses ... ...f3.0 ti Itoiidii snd llrlitTR..-. . Z.'tfiHi) Siilsrles ... l.i0l Incidental.. Slti(llMy .l.flo I'rliitliiK kikI Piiblt liti.tr ,OT)f0 f iffevrs fi-i-R ... ..,7mi W limtltute ..li0 W Soldiers lU.llef . . ...,30ft 00 dpeetsl IUjimI listrH,l... j...,..,M'C0 To tel.. .... . !?. '', W Wst. . A. Uu n, LwaiU- oiei i. V - - Nebraska. ttw rmHATio.NALijAK.Ew iork. Neb. q) ' H. ROHWER, Proprietor. names Flour & Feed For Sale- or anything in his will save you mon squar deal. PHARMACY, f s Shop. J Z-A I. Kstruycd. Kstrnyed from Wiille lllver, four mtles wrHtuf i;icii, one bay "I'lnto" Mure, ll"t fiwol, wblte leg end branded ; en left lioulder. v Any one glvlntr me Infonnatlon of her where-e-hnnte wtll be Ilbcrnlly rewarded Bjs" winiiiK to mo. sii KZK A TI CK EH, Glen, Mib. rit'Vrite llayden Bros,, Omnlia, Wholesale Supply House, for price aad samples. The Pp.r,8-Jit rtNAL and St, Hepublic, $l.G0,er year. Try it. Louis Parties having business with me In regard to school matters will call at my otilce In Harrison on every Holiirdiiy as tUt la my olflce day. J. B. BntKK, Co. 8upt ' .V.' i T ,i , v , . .-." ' , ; ,