Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 24, 1900, Image 1

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l' -7 FOP
2b, 1SOO. 2M O. 44.
Cur .ira:o-"f:o QUESTION IS CVZn GETTLECrUNT!L IT IS SETTLED R!GHT."--Kon. .Villimn J. Bryan.
. n It
HulK ritIou IVico
Official Paper of
Geo. D. Canon,
Tha t M ted Shite? Supreme court has
declared hk..m to bo llio legal 'govern
or of Ivan u -k y
Ths Ruer Peai llnvoys fam timTr.n
nvaal and Orange Un Ktaltn, who dot
foot on our hiiores. titttu inure than a
vit ;. ve bfn r-'cdivoil tv t!i lid-
riy loJ:;n pe-U i f CAtni ryf ry
wKei'rt wttU ou?Hir.iti-liv. arms. IJut,
ir John Hay and prcsiilcril MtKiUoy,
liave p veu tho prjvy t o!ini.ilte to uti
!eritAo:l Ui:t llity nsd not look fm-iiny
l)o!) from this country relative to a cts
wition of the Moody war in South Afrk a.
In othtr wortiv, th mlministration lia
rpne out of the liSict ty iini iniir;mm(enc
biiwneps nil in iudustriouly eiigcd in
t.npire IjuiL!,
A-rirdir.K to Uia reports ky llio tl.iily
ftwm of the iirm-Modini: of tlm iu:i-.lrini:U
conferonte of tlm 11, K. churcli, now in
MoKton at. (hicajjo, that body i d'xxit
to tako a bacli'.vanl hU-p in tho worship
of our Ird and Savior, in lh:ir aHiMido
of prayer by retj!iirin(jr that conitiinnicu
tit neod not jrt cjiv-vn upon tlifir ftnws
to pray or du rinjr prav-r wrviicH. Th
r.oxt rnov will l to rvic tho n-vcred
t-riptiirei) to suit tii whims and fancies
of a claH who urrf in thoir own miiidn
too exalted to worship the meek and
lowly Jus, in spirit and in truth, Ar
ri'tocracy, MeniH In bo ulrfxit h.h btiy in
thechmvi) ast it in in tho political world.
An oxrhanesays: Ahoy can Kit on
a died six inches wpiare, tiod to a ulcif.h
lnovint; eijht miles ai hour but h cant
xit on a unfa five minuten for a dollar.
A m;in will (sit on an inch board and talk
politic for three hours, but put him in
a church pew for thirty minutes and he
pets nervous, twists and turns and oes
to sleop. Man will pouch his checks
with tobhacco juice running down his
chiti, feels good, but a hair in hi butter
kill bim. e Hlays out till niidnibt;
wife don't know where ho is, comrs home
when ha pleaMs, but tf a meal m not
ready on time he npouts and says nau-h
ty words.
A Peonsylvania man traveling; through
Kansas recently heard a great many tall
corn stories, and thought be would tell
nom of them at home. This is how be
did it:
"JfOst of the street are paved, tho
grains of corn lieinjr used as cobblestones
while the cobs are hollowed out and Used
for sewer pipe. The husk, when taken
off whole and stood on end makes a nice
tent for children to play in. It sounds
pieer to hear the feed man tell the
driver to take a dozen grains of horse
feed orer to Jackson' livury stable. If
it were not for toft deep soil hero I dotit
ee bow they ever could harvest the corn
an the stalks would grow up in the air
Ait high as a Methodist church steeple.
Ilowever, when the ears get too heavy
their weight presses the stalk down In
the ground on an average of ninty-two
feet; this brinR the ear near enough lo
the ground to he chopped off with an
Hotter Iaitc Than Never.
A down east editor whose pnper was
Issued a day late, apologized as follcws:
Oar lailure to get out on time was on ac
count of the physical deinorulixution of
the editor, caused by slwpintf too close
to the lioardintf house window," The
proof reader failed tn notice that the fool
comKMitor had left the letter "n'' out of
the word "window" and the njiolnay
went into the paper that way. Tin
next week the paper was later than
- ' rr. ii, ii .. ,, VrWsssstrf
!': Year ijl.00.
Sioux County.
- Editor.
A Iisrucc Jk furo tiie VorM.
A tU1iniji4lir.. Ki'puhlica:! member
of tha house of reprt-scntativf-s, w ho is
also a imiuilwr of tlm committee on innii
laralfairfl, : ;nd Ibis nfierrioori :
"We liavo Wcu ihr.iii.d U-fow the
world. V.'" enfi-rcd t'ui'a with promises
lit the T'orl.l that we would aduiinisl'ir
the :S4ir of th.tt Jil.iJ with integrity
und in a spirit of fair pl.ty. Tlm result
is too slmckin; to conteiuplule without
aiif-r. TIti unf'rtnii.te i.trt, of lbs
mMVr i-i that, wo have yet to licnr of
the rnit outrj;'ous Ijctiayals of public
and irsor,al faith. I aai informed by
reliable porsons that the conditions in
Cuba are hi in ply shorkinjj. The y;v?rn
inunt of that island has br?cii littlo short
of an oraiiizd loot."
Tho t h!''i!iiir of reins at Havana and
Washington to choke off further disclo
sures h.is p:wokixi tin; following editori
al prot-.'ht :
It can::ot ft. nt' nun.
On i.'ay 15 the New Yolk World said:
"Th sudden adoption of polit y of mI--r.(.'e
and tcrecy in rv-ird to the Cuban
ml;:-.len:er.t will in ticcptcd by the
mldic s ft confession that the wopat is
not known and that souiubody is to be
prott-ctisd.' "
The Kveninp: Post said: "The policy
of husli will be simply fatal. What we
must have in the fullest exposure and
SAtl'test punishment.
Wo may iiot expect, however, any
more exposure than can tsj avoideu, nor
mav wo look fornnv punishment at all.
Whatever display of prosecution is
mai.iftsttu w ill lie found to be only a
r,,',.fl,.if h,-,nll,0. .i.x. 1 -
' ' , ,
cobvicte,:.' Not under tho Jaws r,f the
United States, for the revenues belong to
Cuba. Not under the laws of Spain, for
Cuba is indetsndent of Spain. Not un-t
dcr the laws of Cuba, fur the ndniiiiint- ',
ration has not permitted tin. Ci.bimi to
make laws, f if ono tiling we may be
certain, if anybody is punisned, it will ,lpreM omce , Broadway one day re
be wmie minor oCicial. The chiuf cul-(entiy it was a sight entirely unusual
pnt will escape. They h.tve rendered
toovalunllo political servi:e to "the
powers that be."
i ...i
A Phenomenal Circulation,
V. Clam Denver claims an enormous
circulation for his paper in Nebraska,
The Non-Coriforrnist (inures out a circu -
hit ion of 21 ,';')() in Nebraska alone.
says that 11,000 were sent out aud 10,000
sent hack nurrked "refused." Kleven:
thousand rrtns ts-n thousand makes twen-
tv-one thousand. See.
Tli; Came Of Slates.
m i i ,i ,, . . ,.
The answers to be the abbreviations
for the name of states,
1. Most rcliirious stat e? Mas.
2. Best stalrfi to our tlm sick? I). 1
:l. Mo-t unhealthy ilale? III.
4. Iicst slate for nayiiij time? Mo,
!l. A numerical state? Tenn.
6. (-itate (if proximity? N.Y.
7. Host state lor mines? Ore.
H. Most maidenly state? Miss,
0. I!st state in a Hood? Ark.
10. Fal her of states? Pa.
11, Cuds mime? Minn,
13. Hest cereal shite? It. I.
M. Ktatn of exclamation? O.
1 1. No such word as fail? kan.
15. A mohnmniedan deity? Ala.
In. Htate for the untidy? Wush.
17. A nolo of the musical scale? La.
Vi. A most egotistical state? Mu.
OLUTION. The triumphant re-elect inn of Mr.
McKinlov will menn to him nnd to all
others the erriplintlo popular endorsmnnt
of the imperial policy nnd a president
who has begun the revolution against r
publican principals without a popular
inundate will hardly fail to pursue it
with the popular approval at his hack
And Ihe pursuit, of It leads to the wreck
of popular government in this hemis
phere, if riot throughout the world.
A Wt:i!uu'4 Art' ful Peril.
"T!i?re m onlv on !: nte I)
your lilo mill t lint i: through hii oi
liiin w hi'ie thu Nturl iirjir wunli boani bv
:Urs. I. li. llui't of Limn Kidj.'n, Wis.',
from her d'K-tor afto-r !w had vainly trim!
to cure hir of a Irihtlnl kish ol Ktom-
acli trotihlo nml yeil-iw jaundice. ti;iil
- i
(ioncn hail formed and kIim coiistanfiy
Srew worse. Then f,lw bei;an to is Ei-
e-'trii! rittnrs which wholly cured her.
a wo.idvrful Kloma'h, Liver and
Kidney remedy. Cured Jyypppsia, Low
o' App.-ute. Try it. Only SO cts..
(r iaraiilte i. Tor salg bv lJr. J. Ii. I'hin-
D.;y driyrH-,t.
To Waiter K:!.-n, MrA Walter lv!nn h'.n
wife, chritiun ninn unknown.
You, a:iil nu ll of you, are hereby notifleU.
th it on tie itli iluy of 31 ay, A.I), l'.'im, llio.
Co iuly of Sioux, as plaintiff, (Mel In the
(U-itriet court in anI for the enmity of Sioux
aii'l state t Nebraska. IU petition iiscniust
you, iiiijilciuleu with Keiijaiiilu K. .loiniooi,.
tlif obJi-i-L and prayer of wbitili is tu fure-
clo.c certain tat liens on t!ie following (lev
erils'ii rfiil estut", sUuiitE'l In the county of
Sioux un'I stutii of ;'etiriiKia, to v.lt:
N irth.west fitiarter Setiou twenty
two 21, Township t'.iirty ono 81, North of
Hanxi! fli'ty-ix 06 West of the sixth !'. Jf
that snhl t:i' lins consist of tar.M avse(l
ami levied on :ti real estute for the tol low
tail renrs mid ainoaiit-, to wif
in the year tKr.', the bit in of S.ls; In the
year le.'.i:!, tlm sum of t7M; la the ys ir lilM,
tlie uniii of 7.41; In tno year 1 s'j", t fmMim of
iT.ir,; In the yje.f Is" !, tie; sum of f'l.W, in the
j-eur ls;7, the siini of 57.01; in the year Is1.,
the xiini of IZ.T, Willi interest on each of
sud turn. provided by law; unit to have
an iicouniin of tho. miiount of taxes mid
interest .win ie o;i r.aid tux Hens, and to
forever liar nl foreeloso Said defendanti,
and eseh of theui, out ol any and nil right,
title, interest, or eitnisy of redemption tn
md to said real e..tat, and for gaueral eq
uitable relief, s
That you arn titrlh r notifled mid repair
ed to answer said petition on or before the
lst.h d;y of June, A. I). IMJ.
' So. . M. J. 0CuKMXl,, (.'ounty Attorney.
To Jo.eph ,V. Mos-i, Mrs. Until P. Moss, Ills
wi.'e, Vr . J. lawmen, cnnstian mune iiu
Itii'iwu. H Ih Howe, clirtstinn name nnkuovro
.s.1 uttle, christian name unknown, la-
da l.nii and 'frost CompAny.
Vou, and (sell of you, are hereby notified
that, o.i the 1st 'lay of March, A. II. 1SIJ0, The
Cotinly of sionx, v.s plaintiff, filed In Die Ala
tric.t court in and for the county ot Sioux
and stale of .Vcbraska, its petition against
von. the otiiect anil prayer of which Is tt
foreclose cci t'tin tux lien en tb fot'lowintf '
b-scribrd real estate, situated In the county
ot Sioux and stat'i of NebMiliH to-wit:
Sont.ii Iralf ! . norm -ct qiuru.r north
half i south -last 'tarter ':, section two 2,
township lhlrlyiwo north of range fifty
thrte V, west of the Uii principal meridian
situaied tn sloux county, Nebraska, that
snl't tax liene consist of taxes assessed arid
levied oil fllid reiil eitate for the following
yesrs and Binounts to will; in the year
W.'i, the sum of H9.15; In the year 1SWI, the
siiiii of 7.W; in the year Ms, the sum of
tJi, with interest on e u h of said sums us
provided bV law; and It have an accounting
of the ii mount of taxes nnd interest now
line on said lax Hers, and to forever bar mid
fcreclose said defendants, mid each of them
out of any and all rlKlit, t itle, interest, lien
und (tini'y of redemption In and to said
reel estate, and for ueucral equitable relief.
That you lire fur'.lier notified and required
to answer said petition on or before the 2".lli
to answer said petition on or before the 25tb
I day ot June, a. I. VM
I lJ.ll -M-' O'CvfNRiCo Atrni'y;'
f. '
f TTlfT71lft TT ATJ
, (Mn wa. wltnessed by
h,lndred people in front of an
J, New York .except In a circus or w ild
Vest show a bucking; bronco, trying to
(Ick hie harness off and destroy a big
txpress wagon. He was a vicious nine
led-eyed demon, with a kick that meant
Vstructlon ery time It landed. The
rowd lo- at a distance and aamirea
jie energy and pertinacity of the beast
Itthllp the unhappy man In the seat
hrev! the rawhlde Into hlrn" in a vain
, i,i ...no down and
paeavoi ...... v....w -- -
O to work.
ith. hroneo humped himself and
limped Into the air, coming down stiff-
iirired with a lar that would have looa-
Jeu wl1"
ne aine leem ui bhi nin v.. -
jn his back
Then he slanted his ears
. vr V-- - se
no,'1' ve rou rrm.iCATio.v
Uind Ofllee ut Alllane, Nnbrska, (
May la, l'.mo )
Notice la hsreby given the following-named
settler nss filed notice of his intention
to mske final prHf In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Clerk of District Court ant Harrison, Nub,
ou Jliie.aoth li0,vli!:
or Harrison, Nub., on II. 1',. No. 3'24 for the
N. X S IV I, H-K. N-W. Section Z', N E,' M E
section JtiTwp. :;2,N. li .Vt W. He names
tho following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon nnd cultivation oo said
laud viz: Otto Tlet.e, Charles Camlnxlnd,
Fred lletchon, John Mar tell til of Harrtwin,
t. M. Dorrlngton. Kefdglster.
t ah:: you a workiik
iJr'k I We.J or rtctalT Use
I WfA lor CdtMoirot (if
! V.AWiT i'OOT
!'0'.VPJ A".Art!INJiY
l-K.tU al, Slreng, I otrlilu.
! V, 1J. li Julio B'irnct Co.,
! istRntivM.,
I , K(s-lriir.1, IHijl,
To Francis A. Osborne, )ln. 'rnr.! A.
Osbor-ie, his wild, ehriMtlan name unknown,
M e t, rn Security Company.
Vou, and each of you, are hereby ratified
that on the -ad day or May, A. !.. 1WO, The
County of tiioux, (is plaintiff, died in the
(JLstilet court in ami for the county of Sioux
aud state, of Nebraska. Its petition against
you, t he object and prayer of which Is to
foreelosR certain tax liens on the following
described real estate situated in tiie county
of sioujc and state of Nebraska, ta-wit:
oi l, i west quarter of Section twenty
slx i-i. Township tliirtv foar SI, North of
Itan .'O (illy five !: Wt of the sixth (ith
1". M., that nal'l ti l Ileus consist of taxes
assesseii n-id Jcvii.d on said real eitute for
the following years end aniounts, to.w it ;
In the 3 ear Is K, tho the nun of In
tlM year ls;:i, t'.iesutn of $i2.u.i; in the year
KI, the. sum of f.ia,n:i; in tho year ls'.H, the
sum of t?.:"'.; in the year l-flii, the buiii of
in the year Hiy, tho sum ofSii.eS; in
he year l.'-'i.H, tlm tiim of 17.00; with intrust
on each of sc.;d sums M provliled bylaw:
and to luive an accounting of the amount of
t:i :es and interest now- due on said tax liens,
iiiid to forever 'our and foreclose said defen
di'ntu, mid eac li of Ihoin, out of any aud all
r'xh'.. tine, Interest, lien mid equity of re
I'.vaptio.i in and to said real estate, and
.r (,'eurial ('(juituble relief.
' .:..., .,......, ,..., I. ,.(.. n,.,l U....1
U) uiiKwer said iietltion on or before tho lull
1'dnv of Juno. A. I). IWiU.
L'o..'..J Ji. J.O'CoNSCLb, County Attorney.
! To Western Socurity (Jonipany, Tbornaa J.
- i'on, and each of you, ro hereby notlllod
that on the 2nd day of May A. I. MP, The.
bounty of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed In the
jjl.sdrlct court In and lor the eounty or Sioux
i-ui state of .Nebraska, its petition against
you, impleaded with Peter Henry and Mia
tio ilenry.
The object and prayer of which Is to fore
elese certain tax Hens on the following des
nibed rrtal cstato, situated In the couuty of
Si"iix and state of Nebruniiu, to-wit:
' Vest half 'j. north east quarter and tho
east half vt, nortn-west quarter U., of section
thirty four 34, townslilp thirty four ?, north
t range ttfty Are S3, west of the ttxth Cth,
'That said tax Hens consist of tales assess
oc and leviosl ou said real ustatc for the fol
llng years and ani'ounU, towit: In the
year ivsi, the sum of $13.42; In tho year 1804,
ti.e sum of $10.41; In tho year la-.!.-,, the sum
of 87.6::; in the year lews, the sum of 87.3s; in
t'3 year 17, the sum of J'.U'J ; in the year 18-
tiie sum of 17.115, f.-itli interest on eiteh of
S lid sunn as providi-d by law; and to have
iti, accouutiw; of the amount of tsjees and
111'- r. uw? d '.in on said tax liens, aud to
fsvV,- a.rj.iid-iaaittk! aat'Jii l"il(in
nht, title, laterestjBj ana rqui-.y x v.
ddniptioB lu and to sa!3 real estate, and for
general equitable relief.
That you are further DOtifled snd required
H answer said petition ou or betore the 11th
day of June A. D. IW).
So. 7,) 31, J. O'Conkell, Co. Attorney.
'To Western Secnrity Company.
Yon, are hereby notifled that on the
Aid day or .May, A. D. 1!00, The county
of Sloirx, as plalntlir, riled In tho district
yurt In and for the county of Sioux and
ante of Nebraska, Hs petition against you,
tie object and prayer of of which Is to fore
close certain tax liens on the following des.
eribed rea.1 estate, situated In the county Of
ionx and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
: South eait quarter Section twenty one
Townsbtp thirty one 31, North of Kange
.IJt ty six , west of the sixth 6tb V. M.
I . That said tax liens consist of taxes asses
j ritl mid levied on said real est ate for tho fol-
4 vnrs IlloullU. to.wlt: In the year
i-2, tiie sum of Js.is; in the year ISM, the
Pnm of ts.ll ; in the year Mil, the sum of K7.43
In the year lsttt, the sum or 67-M; lu the year
:v.m, the sum of Hi.W; in the year 1W7, the
turn of 7.0i!; In the year 1.89S, the sum of :l.
7.1, with interest ou each of said sums as
rovided by law; and to have an accounting
of the amount of taxes aud interest now
Ine on said tax Hens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each of them
-jut or nnv and ull rigbt, title, interest, lien
and eqitily of redemption in and to said real
e date, and for general equitable relief.
That you are further notified and requir
ed to answer said petition on or before the
ill il day of June A. I). 1'jOO.
lo. 6,) M.J. O'Cossiat., CO. Attorney
1 Te Iloietta I'inneo, llowoll Plnnco, Charles
I'lnneo, Earl Plnneo, Roy I'inneo, Western
Farm MortgageCompitny.
Ion, and each f yon, arc hereby notified
cJihaton thothdny of Iv, A.D. l!m, The
"ounty of Sioux, as ptalntlti, Hied in toe
district court In aud for the eounty of Hlonx
and state of Nebraska, its petition e.galnst
you, Impleaded with Albert E. (lutes, Ad
ministrator, -Yalu McCarthy, Stephen l'iu-
neo.tho object and prayer of which is to
'oreeloso certain tax Ileus on the following
described real estate, situated In the ty
tonn of sloux and stalo of Nnbrska, t wit:
South half North east quarter , South
east quarter 14 north-west quarter , North
east quarter South-west quarter !, Sec
tion twenty-seven, '7, Township thlrty-ono
81, North of Kange lirty throe, West of the
sixth 6 1. M., that tald tax Hens consist ot
taxes assessed end levied ou suld real cs
tato for the following yvers and amounts,
to wit: In the yesr 1K the sum ef 11,74;
in the yenr ism, the ami of 10.1; In tho
year 1S9, the sum of 113.22; in the year IsM,
the sum of J7.1'i; tu the yesr 1M.7, tho sum of
tfi.04; In the year lW.'H, the snm of il.21; with
Interest on each of nftld sums as provided by
law; snd to bsve an accounting of the
amount of taxes and- Interest now due on
said tax Hens, and to forever bar end fore
clone said delenrtants, and each of thoin, oat
of any and all rHht. title, Interest, Hen and
eipiltyof redemption In anil to sum reai
estate, and for geueral cqnltiinle relief.
That you nro fnrtuernotinod and required
to answer ssld petition on or bnroro tno IHtb
elny of June A. I. !(.
1 So. 9. II. J. O'CoNKEtl., Co. Attornsy.
Filial Proof Notices.
All persons hnvlni final proof notices iti
this paper will receive r murked cony of the
tiaiwrand ar reipietsd lo exami.ie th-ir
uolie nnd if say error exist report- the
same to this o.lice at once.
Land Ofiiee lit Alliance, Neb., ilay 1 1'.W,
Notice li hereby (,'iven that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to mule final pioof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Cieil: i.f X-S-f ijct Court at Harrison,
Nebraska on Jane 23, 1000, viz:
Diilli ZEUIiSiT,
widow of Freririe .erlwt, ileeeased, of irarrl
sou, Neb. on 1.'. K. No. -mi for the S y K-E !si,
H-W , 8-K , Section at, A 8-W , N-W W.
Section '2", Township 33, N It 'Ji W.
lie names the followiin? ttitness.s to prove
his continuous resideuco uou and euitiva
tion of said land, viz :
Casta ve Noreiseh, Charles Rehiltz, Chai les
Bieble, NeU Anderson, all of Harrison, Neb.
V. M. DOtiElNCirON, Kejflster.
To Ward M. Ilnrgesa, Mrs. Ward M. Bur
gess, bis wife,, christian name unknown.
Vou, and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 2nd day of May, A. 1). l'jon, The Coun
ty of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed in ;he district
court in and for the county of Sioux and
state, of Nebras-ka, its petition against you,
the object aud prayer of which is to lore
close certain tax liens on the f oliewliiK des
cribed real estate, situated In the county of
Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
.South-east quarter 'i and south-west quar
ter y of section twenty-one 21 Township
thirty-five So north of range flfty four 54,
west of thedtli I". 31.
That said tax liens consist of taxes asses
cd and levied on said real estate, for the fol
lowing years nnd amounts, to-wit:
In the. year MM, tho sum of SI1I.S0; tn the
year lsiia, the suui of SfU.78; In tho year iSUil,
the sum ot tm.31; in tie year 1SH7, the. sum
of f ll.tfT; in tha year 3;-i, the sum of ?s,97;
with Intercut ou each of said snuis as provid
ed by law ; and to have tin accounting of the
amount of taxes and interest now due on
said tax llena, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, aud each of them,
out of any and all right, title Interest, lien
and equity of redemption in and to said
real estate, and for general equitable relief.
That you arc further notifled anil required
to answer said petition on or before tho 11th
day of Juno, A. D, KiOO.
INo. S. M. J.O'CoNNBbl., Co. Attorney.
To F.ugone I'owell, Mrs. Eugene Powell,
Jto - wtfaijaltCTiAt'' li.
lhlon tiieL,dd.r Me,F A- . JDW, ifhe
County of Sioux, a? plaintiff, filed in tlo dts
trfct court in and iiJMie comity of sioux
and slato of Nebraska, Its petition againet
you, impleaded with JIoKtnley l-anning
Loan & Trust Company Kquitable Land
Company, the object and prayer of which Is
to foreclose certain tax lions on the follow
ing described real estate, situated In the
county of Sioux aud slate of Nebraska, to-
South west quarter , north-east quarter
ii, south-east quarter ii, notrh-west quarter
Vi, north east quarter K, south-west quarter
Vi, north-west quarter H. soath-eas t quarter
of section twenty five 25, township thirty
four 34, north of Bango tlf ty five, west of the
6th P. M.
That said tax liens consist of tuxes assess,
ed and levied on said real estate lor the fol
lowing years and amounts, towit: In the
year MUD, the sum of I10.K6; in the year 1891,
the sum of 17.30; in tho year M2, the sum
of SlH.Oli; In the year is:):l, the sum of $14.5;!;
in the year MM, tho sum of ?U.4o; in tho
year 1I5, tho snin of s..T4 ; in the year
the sum of 7.76; iu tho year 117, the sum of
H.13; aud in the year IHliH, the sum of $5.42,
with interest on each of said sums as provl-
(led by law; and tixhavo an accounting of
tne amount of taxes and interest now due
on said tax Hens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each of
thorn, out of any and all right, title, iuter
est lien nbd equity of redemption lu and to
said real estate, and for general equitable
That you are further notified and requir
ed to answer said petition on or before the
11th day of June, A. D. I'M.
IN0.4J M. J. O'Co.vneli., County Attorney.
To L. T.. Williams, first and fall namo- un
known, Mrs. Williams his wife, true chris
tian nam unknown, non-resident defen
dants: Ton, and each of you are hereby notified
that on tho 4th, day of 3lny A. D. KXIO Iie.nja
min K. Pitman, trustee as plaintiff flltid lu
the district Court of Sioux County Nebraska
his petition against you as defendant im
pleaded with James Nelson, Mary 8. Nelson
and Jens Nelson :
Tho object and prayer of which Is to havo
an accounting of tno amount due upon a
principal note of tlOO.UO, dated November 1st
1HS4, executed by Fobert L. Taylor and KMo
O. Taylor to It. F. ritinan, with interest
thereon from dale at the rate ot 7 per cent
annum according to tho tenor and etfect
often Interest coupon notes attached to
said principal note, which said principal
and coupon notes aro now held and owned
by said plaintiff:
To foreclose the mortgage deed given to
secure the same upon tho South-east quarter
of section thirty (SO) and tho north-east
quarter of section thirty ono (31) all in town
ship thirty four (84) north of range llfty
three (W) west In said county.
To have said real-estate sold for tho pay
ment und satisfaction of tho amount found
duo on said notes, together with interest,
cost s of sul t and costs of sale.
To bar foreclose and exclude the defen
dants from having or claiming any Interest
in said land and for general relief.
And you are further notified nnd reqnlred
to answer said iwtitlon on or bo-lore tho 28th
day ol Juno A- hm " ' '
Attlorncy for plaintiff.
bTOCK llllANi'S.
Tun Journal will publish yonr brand, like
the following, for t '-AQ, is-r year. Kacli ad
ditional brand 7,"i cent 4. r.very rnrmer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining conutie
tiiouid advertise tlioir brands in 'J'HBjoIir
nai. as it circulates nil over the statu. If
may be Hie means of saving money for you.
ciiAKi.KS lnniif.i;.
On left side or bip of cattle,
On left tthoiii'ler of lmr.ses.
the head ol Warbonnst
pi n;v,';re"k
t.. i.'i,A Addres
Address Harrison, Sionx Co. Nob.
F ASK C. Lewis.
branded on left side
boulder of Horn.
Licauol Wuite Biver.
V. 0. Address Harrison, Neb.
Owns thn follow
lriKbraud oniiith
ur: Also HG on cat
tle and horses
rattle on leftside
burses on left
Rauire on fJSIver Springs and east of state
Ine. Postoflice Harrison Neb
$100 KEWAHD.
For proof to convict any person of steal
ing any of my stock.
WVKirmS'-f liranded on right slionldcr of
i'. O. Address David Colviixk, Harrison,
The brand represented in this notice
and branded any where on loft side
of cattle, and ovei-iap oat front the
right ear.
Also the same brand on loft thigh ot
horses, belongs to tilts undersigned.
KsugR near East bprings, sttuth part ie
6ionx county. CaAttt.ES Kkwman,
Harrison, Kebrasko.
On left side of cattle and. oa tef t
Shoulder ot borsce.
Range on Antelnpo orw-k
P. O., Gailclirrst, Sioax Co., Keb.
Mianded oa loft shoulder of boras
and on lrt side of cattle.
Range on W hlte River,, ear Gleo.
P. O. Address, tilcn,debraka.
To John Konccr, Mrs. John Koncor, Show-
alter Aiortgage Company, S. K. Humphrey,
christian namo unknown.
you, and each ot yon, are hereby notified
that on tha 2nd day of May, A. D. 1900, The
Comity of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed in the
district court in and for tho county of Sionx
aud state of Nebraska, its petition against
you, tho object and prayer of which is to
foreclose certain tax liens on the following
describod real estate, situated In the coun
ty of Sioux aud state of Nebraska, to-wit:
South-west, quarter M Section tweuty-one
21,' Township 34, North Kange 65, West of tho
(ith P. 31. , that said tax liens consist of taxes
assessed and levied on said real estate lor
the following years and amounts, to-wit:
In tho year 1S94, the sum of 113.67; In tho
your I two, the sum of7.33; in the year im,
the sum of $8.44; iu tho year 1K7. the sum of
tn.83? in the year 1898, tho sum of $7.(i, with
interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; and to havo an accounting of the
amount of taxes and iuterestnow due on
said tax liens, and to forever bar and fore
close said defendants, and each of thorn, oat
of any and all right, title, interest lieu and
equity of redemption iu and to said real
estate, and for general equitable rulief.
That you are further notified and reqnlr
ed to answer uld petition on or boforo tho
lltn day of June, A. D. IHOO.
No. l.J M. J. O'Connell, Co. Attorney.
To Eil ward S. Muloncy, lleulah Maloney hi
wife, A. D. Wood, christian name unhnowu.
You and each of yon, are hereby aotltled
that on tho 2nd day of May, A. D. 100, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, Hied in tlio dis
trict court in and for the county ol Sioux
und tate ot Nebraska, its petitlou agaittst
you, the object and prayor of wbieh is to
foreclose certain tax lions on the following
described real estate, situated In tho county ..
of Sioux und state of Nebraska, to-wit!
North-west quarter !4 of secttou tweuly
eight Township-thirty-four 84, north of
Hftv-fiveiS wctof the (ith, P. M.
That said tax liens consist ol taxes assess
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing years and amounts, to-wit :
In tho year 18S'.i, the sum or14.0i; in ins
year ltwo, the sum of J10.M; In tho year ls9l,
the sum of tiw.'-a; in the year Isw, the sum
of tlli.34; lu the year lMUI, tho sum of I12W;
In tho year 1MH, the sum of IIS.U3; in Uie
year 1895, the sum of 17.18; lu the Year MM,
the sum of I7.3S; in tho year 197, the sum of
sj3, and in th year IHW, the sum erf 91 M.
with interest on each of (aid uinpTe
vlded by law; and to have on accounting of
the amount of taxes and Interest now 4na
on said tax liens, and to forever br and
foreclose said defendants, and oaoli of them
out or any and all rlftbt, title, Interest, tie
and equity of rodomiitlon In and to toM
real estate, and for general equitable relltsT. f
That you ar further notifled nnd rsjllC
to answer al(l petlton on or Mot ttM lltsY
day or Juu. A. D. Itoo, 1 1,
, llio.. M. J.ODolimmWWHT3t
niai wise ?-jj-r. t
fej iS: Si &t Cattle and on left
uauge os
j W-l
it i
J- r
f V"
,s I
, ft.
t 1 -
J1o' t'. b "?
, l'
iJVf f.