Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 17, 1900, Image 7

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    ........ j
fTMNsfcrasha ladepeadeat Hive Oum
tas4 Ttaaekaepers as Premiums for
Hmw Subscribers.
For tha purpose of increasing its cir
ttjlation, the Nebraska Independent
published at Lincoln. Nebraska, ha;
aiada arrangement! to Rive a GLiARAN
TEED WATCH to every man, woman, and
child who will assi-it in circulating that
valuable paper. The offer in a inont lib
tral one and deserves the ready Hupport
it has received. The watch w a nickle
plated, stem wind and Ktotn set, com
pleta in every particular, guaranteed.
1. The Independent until close of the
Campaign (nearly seven months) - 3 ic.
2. The watch free as a prenium for
12 campaign subscriptions at 'Xtc each,
H. B.-Tlie rate of V, for the mmpain li
tmlr a trifle more than one-half lite rnif uhtr teib
eripttoa vice. The campaign rate in itself
liberal offer, end when the i-tmtum wetcii it
eouaiilered it make, a proposition never eguiilao
by any paper in the tttute.
3. To thofie who do not rnre to Ret as
many a twelve campaign subscriptions,
the watch in sent as a premium for 5
Rarnnnigo subscriptions at ItTj each
;$L75) and au additional l.'i5ur a
total of i'i DO.
These offers certainly place the watch
within the reach of everyone.
There will be much of interefit during
the coming campaign. No one will re
irret the payment of so small a sum as
35 centrt for the Independent from now
until November Ctn. It will contain a
vast amount of information that cannot
be obtained in any other paper. It is
the moat fearless champion of the rights
of the people to be found in the west. It
ia first io the fiht for "equal rights to
all and xpecial privileges to none." Why
not take advantage of this liberal offer
to teecure a valuable premium for your
self or your boy and help to increase the
circulation of such an excellent pjper at
the Independent?
For further particulars, sample cop'e"
and blanks, address The Independent,
Department "A" Lincoln, Neb
Hecli Coflee,
Matlock's Pure Spices,
"Opt" Flavoring Extracts.
Burdock fGCt
Thousands of people condemned to die
fY their physicians, wno said their ca
was hopeleea, are today enjoyln all the
Dleasurra of perfect health, perrnannl ly
cured hr our absent treatment. After
twenty-five years of unqualified success
there ts no experimenting nor doubt with
us. Our lame sanitarium is tuny equip
pad to care for all who de:lre to come
fo us. but In almost all cases we can per
msnently and quickly restore you to
health at your own home at a very trl
lUnc expense. Don't fail to write us If
you are a sufferer. Full Information and
testimonials free. We court the closest
tovmUcatlon. Write today.
Dr. O. Martin's
Chamhar rf Commerce Kansas City
BuUdlnc Rlvervlew, knn.
on bar tomrua.
Purvis, betas duly sworn accord-
to law. deposes and aays that aha bad
CMOsr n bsr louw
atVt City. Kansas.
and was
J. c. McLaughlin
with Ms paimese
avsaaajr ror eancvrv inu
,bi irt on month bar I
ua la sound and well
for cancers and tumors; that in
ia anuiii and well loaar; mw. w
SMla from the appllcallon or ne mea
crsst trsaimsnt. JANEY Pi'v""-
mm nnuivM. Ieavsnworth, Kan
sbsnibed and sworn to before mt.
.TkanM LTjohnson, a notary public this
mhsSTy of March, IWO. at Lvenworth.
JciV iy commlsalon eaplrea August :ist.
For r
artlculars of this palnlcs
rwrtnsr i
S7.C9-6rui Stfintir -$7.00
nrfi Automatic Cream Rep-
Mallon alae IIO.OO. Writ, for terms to
urtts. There Is nothing equal lo them
M crem getter. Address.
tzn Kicite. LN Stick FmI Co
John MacOowan, atred 121, of Clay
county, Florida, claims to be the oldepf
pensioner In the country.
Hlppolyte Jayr, the lant of Louis Phtl
llppe's ministers, dieVl recently, at th
age of S9 years.
i "I'ncle Dan" Whipple of Traverse
City, Mich., recently celebrated his
luOth birthday there, and has Just Iwen
Initiated a member of Mcpherson post,
No. 18, Gland Army of the Republic.
He Is believed to be the oldest Grand
Army man In the country. In the same
post Is John I. C'ummliiRs, who is per
haps the youngest, having Joined the
army at the BKe of 11. He served
about officers' headquarters three years
and was mustered out at the close, ol
the war.
J'utrlck Hayes, a native of Ireland,
who died at Cardiff recently at the age
of Ux, wus the last surviving witness
of the presence of the French fleet in
limit ry bay In December, 1796, when
Hot he and Wolf Tone contemplated the
Invasion of Ireland. Hayes had a dis
tinct recollection of having seen the
French fleet In the bay when a child
between i and u years old. He was In
full possession of his faculties until
the day of his death, and was able to
read without spectacles.
Mrs. Susan Simmons WInans, the
oldest llvlntr person born on the site of
Chicago, and one of the survivors
the Fort Dearborn massacre of 1X12,
Is ill at Santa Ana, Cal. For a long time
It was supposed that the lust survivor
of the massacre had died years ago,
but Mrs. WInans proved to the satis
faction of the. Chicago Historical so
ciety that she was an Infant 6 months
old at the time of the Indian attack,
ind with her mother escaped Injury
at the hands of the savages and was
taken captive by them.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not becuied by Hall s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. I'rops.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
bv their firm.
WEST & TKCAX, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 6.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
5c per bottle. Fold by all Druggists,
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family I'llls are the best.
To purify the blood renovate with Dr
Kay'i Renovator. Ask druggists for It
Syndicate Miller of Brooklyn gather
ed In 1900.000 In eight months on his
10 per cent ft week proposition, and
not ten years to recuperate. Pretty
.ough reward for a census of the jays
f Greater New York.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm for bronchltla
41 Miles shortest to St. Louis.
28 Miles shortest to Qulncy.
Leave Omaha o:05 p. m.
Arrive St. J-ouis 7:00 a. in
Trains leave I'nlon Station daily for
31. Louis. Qulncy, Kansas City and all
joints Kant or houth.
Homeseekera' Excursions on sale Is
ind 3d Tuesday of each month.
Steamship tickets to all parts of the
world. For full Information, can
O. & St. L. Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam
St. (Paxton Hotel Hlock). or write
Harrv K. Moores. C, P. & T. A.
Omaha, Neb.
A smooth promoter In Chicago cm
nected the pipe" of two rival gas com
nanies and scooped In a fee of IIOO.OOO,
The fee was not a pipe dream cither.
Renovate the ayatem with Dr. Kay
Renovator. Price 25c and 11. Try It.
The worst coughs cured by Dr. Kay'i
Lung Balm. Drufglfts sell It. 10, 25, bOc.
President Oompers of the American
Federation of Labor ia conslderin
olans for the formation of a National
Union of Baae Ball Playera.
On the 1st and td Tuesdays In the
months of February, March and April
the Mlasourl Pacific Railway will sell
round trlD tickets at very low rates
to points in Kansaa, Arkansas, Okla
homa. Indian Territory and certal
rminta In the South and Southeast. For
information write or cau at company
offices, 8. E. cor. 14th and Douglas
sts.. Omaha. Neb.
W. C. BARNERt T. V. A.
Omaha. Neb.
Although the poor canine gets a kick
and a can occasionally, Chicago gets
$4,000 more a year out of dogs than
from the street railways of the city.
There I nothing more gratlfylni
the consciousness of doing good.
Hon. A. U. Wyman. si-Treasurer of
the United States, writes: "Having
known of some remarkable cure of
Omaha peopls effected by the use of
Dr. Kay's ttenovator and Dr. Kay's
Lung Balm, 1 believe that these great
remedies srs worthy of the confidence
of the public." No remedy has ever
been dlacoveied which cures so large a
per cent of bad cases of stomach, liver
and bowel troubles ss Dr. Kay's Reno
vator. Bend for proofs of thousands of
cures. Sold by druggists at 36 cts. and
11 For free advice, samples and hook,
writs Dr. B. J. Kay, Haratoga, N. T.
Captain Chadwk-k's antl-talklng mu
ile does not Improve his appearance,
but It Insures a rest for his chin for
a reasonable time.
Dr. Kay' Renovator ror ths liver.
Stories of the Funny Side of the
South African Conflict.
Although no Incident In the present
ncounter In South Africa nas pro-
Ided a situation with quite such hu-
... , v. . f 1 ...4
morous possibilities as inoi '""
by an intertribal war In the Khyber
Pass, when the combatants, who each
pressed a tower on either side of the
pass and an old six-pounder field-gun,
pounded each other with the same
whene ver they had an opportunity, Its
ilm tragedies have at times been re
lieved by a laugh.
In the frontier war in question not
murh damage was done, for no frontal
attacks were delivered, and opiortun
ities for artillery practice were of the
rarest; as a matter of fact, the com
batants only possessed one old round
hot between them, and It was In a
oiitlnual state of being mislaid or
having to be dug out of mud wans.
The bombardment was attended by
but little danger unless the combat
ants split their sides with laughter.
The shells exchanged by the liritlsh
and the Hoers are not Infrequently
the carriers of humorous messages,
but as the former's missiles have a
habit of bursting they are delivered
somewhat piecemeal. "With C. J.
Rhodes' compliments" was the mes
sage that a number of projectiles, made
by the De Leers company In Kimber
ley bore to the enemy, and the same
were delivered In a fragmentary con
dition. A native engaged In the ar
senal at Cape Town also scratched
For old Pol Kruger" on the largt-st
shell in the place.
Needless to pay, reminiscences of the
music hails are frequently applied ic
untoward events with great appropri
ateness. For Instance, John Christian,
of the King's Royal Rifles calmly re
marked When the top of his helmet
wus blown off by a Boer shell from
Talana Hill, "Well, that's a little on
off the top."
When two battalions of Infantry left
Barcelona for the Philippines in isdc
we had In real life an Instance of the
Minstrel Boy" going to the war, for
every shop in tne piace was nrai
out of Its stock of guitars by the de
parting and musical troops. Tommy,
however, prefers to serenade the Boers
with a Maxim, or preferably a 4.7 Inch
naval gun, such as those taken to
Ladysmlth, mounted on Captain Percy
Scott's ingenious carriage Just In the
nick of time. The inscriptions Tommy
wriies on his guns are evidence of his
fundntss for a little Joke. Upon one
of the aforementioned naval guns is
written, "Those who sup with me will
require a long spoon." On another
ap) tars:
"Lay me true and load me light,
And the Boers will Boon be out of
Quite a Bit of Difference Now From
, the Olden Times.
That there Is no whipping boy in
Germany was evidenced the other day,
when the empress sent her eldest son,
the future emperor, from th table on
accuunt of his rudeness. The prince, It
seems, was unmannerly to a. younger
biother, and the empress, turning to
the French tutor, who on that occasion
had charge of the princes, said:
"Monsieur, I beg that you will ask
me to excuse his royal highness, the
The tutor begged that the prince be
excused, and that young gentleman
was forced to leave the table without
finishing his meal. It Is'well known
that the royal boys of Germany have
had to grin anil bear many a sound
flocKlng administered by the Imperial
hand, along with a vast deal of disci
pllne from governors, tutors, etc.
A different state of affairs this from
the time when a boy win kept to be
punished Instead of a prince. In Eng
land such a youth was called the whip
ping boy. and a famous English artlat,
W. A. Staoey, painted a portrait of
Prince Edward, afterward Edward Vl.i
trying to defend his whipping boy from
a flogging which he himself deserved.
In those days a prince who was to be
a king waa looked upon and treated aa
a person of great Importance. His
person wm held to be sacred, and so
it would never have done to punish
him. If an English prince missed his
lessons, was rude to his teacher aor
committed any of the other naughty
tricks common to saucy children, hi
whipping boy was flogged. In Stacey's
picture the prince's governess, an old
woman, la represented to be about to
flog with a formidable bundle of withes
the little whipping boy, who, with hat
In hand, appears astonished when the
prince, rushing up, selies the bundle of
On one occasion Prince Edward had
not only refused lo learn his lessons,
but hsd persisted In teasing his old
governess to such a degree that she
was finally forced to resort to the ex
treme necessity of punishing his whip
ping boy. The name of the lad who
took Edward Vi s whipping for him
was Barnaba FltipatrU-k, and It Is
said that he and the prince were life
long friends. The painting represent
the last Hoggin, which he waa com
pelled to take for the royal child, who
was so much Impressed by ths Injus
tice of the prsctlce thst he ever after
ward behaved himself so well as t
leave no excuse for punishment.
A specHal feature of new millinery Is
that the blossoms and follane used for
decorations are abnormally lorge, many
of the huge leaves that extend at rlrht
angles from the sides of the hat belnn
shaped like those of the Iwgonla. Miir
Init win it effects are still a dominant
characteristic of tpilng and rammer
South Omaha, Friday.
Cattle Receipts were large again to
day following the big run of yesterday.
With the number of cattle received In the
two days so large and with Chicago re
porting a weak market thlH morning It
was lo be expected that buyers at this
point would ask for some concession.
True to expectations they started out
bidding prices that were generally a lit
tle lower. Sellers, however, held on and
Ihe t-arly market was very slow. Buy
ris evidently wanted the cattle and a lit-tl-
later In the morning the market
gradually took on more life and became
quite ac tive, so that the most of the cat
tle charged hands in a short time after
the trading was once under way.
The markt closed active and steady
Willi yesterday. Considering the receipts
and all other circumstances the cattle
market this week has been in veiy good
Cows and heifers were In good demand,
though buyers started out bidding lower.
In some cases brobably they bought cat
tie, itiu-er. lull th market closed UP ac
tive and steady on all desirable kinds at
lc-iift. There was one bunch of heifers
In the yarcjs good enough to bring $4. SO,
Tbin stnekers seemed to be In good de-
miind and nrlces a.ie as hii."h as any
time. Warmed up cattle aleo sell pretiy
well to the feeders and orlce.-s have not
shown much change this week. The very
good prices ut which stejek heifers have
been selling has brought in cuttle of that
kind from every direction and the result
. that they are selling a little lower.
Hogs This market was so high yester
day as compared with other markets that
buyers seemed to feel that it ought to be
no higher today and they did not start
tut bidilli.tr very briskly. Bull the de
tmtnd wus good, and though the receipts
were liberal they were none too large and
the trade after a little livened up and
wus unite active ai prices that were
about steady with the best time venter
d:iv, or 5c higher than yesterday's close.
The hogs sold largely at j.Mih.21i. with
a HDrlnkllng of the better loads at $5.1 sty
T..17W and at I5.1KU top. An early clear
ance was effected, everything being sold
and weighed up long before midday.
The situation as regards the hog mar.
ket at this Dolnt Is rather peculiar.
There are five big packers here and
some of them at least are bullish In
heir views regarding the future or tne
market, so that they are large buyers,
While some OX tne uacKers are very
bearish, there Is such a good demand for
meat products mat tney nave to nave
the hogs regardless of the price and the
result is that tne demand is very strong.
Packers have been trying rigm along to
bear Hie market down, and hold it down,
but at the same time they want the
hoKS. The result is that for some time
this has been the high market on the
river and almost up to Chicago on some
days. Yesterday the largest drove of
hoits bought on the Kansas City tnarke
coiet c le?ss than the cheapest drove
bought on this market. As an example
of the wav hoifs are selling at the two
markets it rnisnt be added that vester
duv half of the hogs sold at Kansas
City under $5.05 and that the big bulk of
all the hogs sold at $5.(X'ci5.i)j.. On the
other hand the big bulk of all the hogs
sold at South Omaha yesterday was at
t5.loiov5.12ti. Kansas City's top yesterday
was 5.15 and South Omaha's $5.25. In
nther words the South Omaha market
was 10c higher than Kansas City.
Sheep Klghteen cars were reported in
the yards this morning, but halt of them
were Angora goats from California,
brought here for sale to feeders. There
were nine cars of sheep on sale, most of
them heavy and Just the kind that no one
wa.t anxious for. The market was slow,
but still Just about steady. There la a
good demand at this point for lambs and
had thera been anything here of that k.nd
It wou.d undoubtedly have sold higher,
yesterday pretty good Colorado lambs
Hold on this market at $7.0). A shipper
who went to St. Joseph against the ad
vice of his commission firm reports that
his six cars of Colorado wooled lambs
sold there yesterday at $.50 with la) out
at J5.S0. The lowest price paid here this
season for Colorado lambs, when the
market wus at its worst, was $6.75.
Chicago, 111.. May 9. Cattle Receipts,
Jd.ow head; steers active, easy to shade
lower; butchers' stock st.uy; good to
prime steers. JI.8Gifo.tin; poor to medium,
H.WH.W; Blockers and feeders. fcUo&G.lO;
cows, I'J.OutM.llo; heifers, .i(ifl.uu; can.
ners, ti.Sio 3.tM); bulls, J2.84i4.;!5', calves,
J4.eAnf.76; Texas fed steers, $I.U)'o,u.;u;
Texas bu Is. t3.2tfti.75.
Hog!, Receipts today, 22, UW head; to
morrow, 23.0J head; left over, 2.4 head;
&'(ilOc higher; top, t).4e); mixed and bluch
ers, Ji.U&i6.37,,!; good to choice heavy,
xfi.iVciri.4t); rough heavy, l5.!OCer5.20: light.
H'Mi'qU.Zl'b; bulk of sales. KU5$-33.
Sheep Kece pts, 14,tAW heau; sheep mar
ket strung; shade higher; good to choice
wethers, t5.4uft5-7!; tulr to choice mixed,
tri.iMi5.4u; western sheep. t"i.ii;"r o.Taj year
lings. .;.Wi.; nntlve lambs, 5.oOct),7.4o;
western lambs, IUJ047.40
Vwterday'B OKtclal: Receipts, cattle,
.27 heael; shipments. 1.SII2 head. Hogs,
receipts, 18.108 head; shlpi ents, 8.461 head.
Sheep, receipts, 7.S73 head; shipments,
Chicago, III. (Special.) Light receipts
higher cables and belief among traders
that the government ernp report for May
would reduce the winter wheat area
started wheat steady today. Trade was
dull, however, and the market soon be
gan to sag on outside selling induced by
favorable crop reports and wet weatheit
in sections where the crop had been suf
fering from lack of moisture. July
upeiied a shade higher at 97V: to VlYii
67c and dec lined to la. Chicago re
ceived but 19 carioads and Minneapolis
and Duluth 201.
Delayed planting, owing to the cool
weather held corn steady for a time, hut
the market was unable to withstand the
heavy liquidation that set in shortly after
the opening and prices suffered mater
ially. A poor shipping demand accelerated
the decline. Receipts, 122 cars. July
opened unchanged at 39&tSc and de
clined to 3Hc.
Oats followed wheat and corn. Receipts,
112 cars. July opened unchanged at ttt
224C and sold off to 2ZiZZSc.
Higher prices for hogs anel general buy
In by packers strengthened provisions.
Juiy pork opened 6ftl0c higher at tll.O's
till mw eased off to tu.W and advanced
to HI.tES- July lard opened wtflv higher
at M.t1i4 l3: and rose to 7'45r 90. July
rib oened Valio up at t.37t.aj and
held stead- U.
Cash Wheat No. Z red. 7lc; No. S red,
7l7lc: No. 2 bard winter, c; No. 3
hard winter, ie6c; No. 1 northern spring.
ewX-aCVc; No. 2 northern sprint. i0
mc: No, t northern spring, ttmiu,
Vn-No. t tHrV; No-
Oats No. 2. 2SM?Mc; No. I. BSC.
Wheat May. d&V; July, 7V.
Corn My, 37Je"74c; j uly, onWtc
Oats May, 2ZV-; June, 22c; July,
Pork-May, 111.50; July, til M.
Lard-May, Hffim July, t.lfiMi; Septem
bee, Sti 90.
Ribs-May. tS.li; July, t WW 24 ; Sep.
tember, It,,),
Klax-Cash. northwest. $1.80; couthwest,
tl.SB; May, II.SU; September, $1.26; Oc
tober, 11.20.
Butter Steady; creameries, I4fpivic;
dairies, ltaifvc
eady ; fresh. lOStfllc.
Poultry Hleady; turkeys, llfclSc; chick
ens, (fciiiDc; Ducks, bu.
A quiet mule Is better than a balky
Patience will cure more pains than
No one Is fit for heaven who wants
to go there alone.
Ive that enriches not another Im
poverishes Itself.
He grateful for your blessings and It
will make your trials look small.
IVople do not grow much In grace
while they are having their own way.
To be contented with what we have
Is about the same as to own the earth.
A warm-hearted preacher will gener
ally And a way to warm up a cold
Ii a durabls sod
natural eameotr
base wall coating,
In i lb, paper package, made ready for use io
whits and fourteen beautiful tints by mixing
with cold water. It is a cement that goes
through a proeesa of setting, hardens with age,
and can be coated and recoated without washing
off ita old coats' before renewing.
tariouskalsomineBon the market, being durable
and not stuck on the wall with glue. Alabastine
customers should Insist on having the goods in
packages properly labeled. They should reject
all imitation. There is nothing "just as good."
Prevents mncb iickness, particularly throat and
lung difficulties, attributable to unsanitary
coatings on walls. It has been recommended
in a paper published by the Michigan Stute
Board of Health on account of its sanitary
features; which paper strongly coDdemned
kalwmiines. Alabastine can be used on either
olaBtered walls, wood ceilings, brie k orcauvaB,
and any one can bruidi iton. .Radmitsof radi
cal changes from wall pater decorations, thus
securing at rensonahle expense the latest and
bewt eilects. Alabastine iBuinnnfuctured by the
Instructive and interesting booklet mailed free
to all applicants.
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
DK.T. rtCLIX OOI.'KAI'I'M orikntal
rt Kirir.s
as well as
Seanttfiot the Skis
No other
cosmetic will
do It.
Removes Tan.
I'luiples, Moth
Patedies. Hash,
Freckles, and
Skin diseases,
and every
blemish on
beiiuty, and
defies detec
tion. It has
stood the test
of filyears.and
Is oharmless we taste It to he sure it is pro
perly nuide. Acceptno countertlt of similar
name. Dr. b. A. Sayresaid'oa lady of the
haul-ton (a patient): "As you ladle will use
tbem, 1 recommend 'Oouraud's Cream' as the
lesst harmful of all the Hkln preparations."
For sale by all DrugiflstB and Fancy-Goods
Dealers In the Ci. K Canadas, and Europe.
fnd. T. Honlilnt. J'rop'r 37 Great Jones St N.Y.
n r. n fi ll C"(
Pleasant to take; No bad
aSaAta. nttrca mmttdlul.A rolinf
ItkYcur Druggist for It.
j2 Note: If your druggist does not
hre It In stock, nenel u hla name W
and we will genii you a sample, tree (g,
Spplled by gj
. . Richards On. a Co.. J
Wholesale Druggists.
902. S04and908j.el.on8!., 0oha, Neb. Q)
Tuisor txmiufci .
Private Diseases ot Hen.
8 years In Omaha an
'm. . I cocele.Sti
, I Kidney,
and Vital
r. Loan of Vigor
Home Treatment.
Prloee Low. Qaentleu List. (Joasultv
tlon. Examination and Advice PRES. Many
cured by advice only. Wrltethem to-day.
110 8o. 14th St., OmahaNeb.,
. l4.tariMe)f js SI
....All DiuaiM Sicctsfill, TrtaM By....
Electricity or Medicine
or both as the case may require.
Hiecirlelt has become aa Important factor In tbs cure of disease, but la tk iassll wl
Mi.n.7ni "' results the opposite of bsueflctsi w ssTsm
fiZTiuli we usvs for twenty years advocated and ueetf e ectrlcltyjn treat swsysssj
Si2eill!s and b long experleuces have demonstrated most couoluslvsly that whew rssBsSsssl
iiToTTr own sMclaltlsTno. .ther mode of trestment to so gratlflB. In oar affa.ass
wiin our own spa. '"" . ,. nftraDhannlin aad asullaocss ia Ibwsmml kw
Is tne tnosi i
wnlob ws uss tne eiecinecuires. m mwea vmu mu..-.
Do not understand that ws nss no medicines. Ourstaff of Physlctaas aaa snrsssMSM
emlMntlr aualla to b.ndle the most dlmeull aad obstinate of eHNUd tb. tsstsasssy sT
XuTands sroo aim that our treatment Is effective and that we do abjoJutely tks wm
1-lalm I K rlrll other doctors or rwmsdleswltlwut relief, writs toas. atrttwgysmr
esse s'nd let ", "nd you more complete explanation regarding our traatiMwl asmnirfi ...
We bsve oennaaently restored tobesltb hundreds of eases pronounced 'l'a'"V!T
Mher DhysMa?and so matf r how hopeleis. your case may aaen i lo you, bewt t amsat asl
..T.?. K mii people who ware Just aa despondent. Letters rearm am
Ztu rheerfnlly "MwTrwd If siSmp Is sent for reply. Our terms ftisaUossat ew wary
r.aablr WrftJ Tf "ailllustratsS circular which will give rem a batter ttsa off Mr 1m
XT met hods "s"rM..etc. It will coal yu noUilug and may he the bMlnnfcaf isf a mm
P".m S7i.. Vll correesoondeoce to fir. G. IvsnVohes. P. O. Box &. Kanstss I WW. law
. W.H-n com.n, u, Kan..; , Chr ca n aMBSiTOOTm fS. "
American Therapeutic
S, B. Cor, 10th and Walnut
.n tl u an 111! n. III. t (tmiMIBIll. lllHKMaj-M IVIIIIir Wiwsis " " " ' "
m in ths Chamber of tommeres Wld., Mirer View, Kansas City, Mo., IT. . A.
(Pomegranate OU-)
lutely ttwr sstfeaV
quickest on sjs
est in Ame-rW
We cnaBeine 1
parlson '
corniest Wm.
that if Mlf 4
table OH is awed, tm
accordance w
direction. wtc
hot tie. tite
hair mar
.... .v, Hocir.rt rU! tbS)
I lightest brown to the deepest biar-WMW-i
out leaving the faintest stain vptm '
! fairest skin or injuring a filament
' finest hair. It is absolutely harndsaj
tuinlng no injurious or destrwrt ff"
' of any kind, is easily and rapidly WIC
and requires no special preparation
to its application. Trial sls. fcfc: .'"TWa
1 size $1.00: by mall 10 cents Ht.-Sj,'r"
532 Main St.. Long Bldg. Kan. m.
SI 6,03
Deposit with your freight age-ari
sufficient money to guarantee ike)
freight charges and we will forward
to you our elegant drop head, fi
drawer Sewing Machine. Goantat
for five years. A complete we A
modern attachments and insf roctita
book with each machine. You run
examine this machine and if slif
ory, you will then pay to your Jtoesd
freight agent $16.00.
You lake no chances. Keep 5nr
money until you are perfectly ssl
tied as to the quality of the goud.
New bicycles complete $1X50,
and gold ou the same term.
Second hand wheels from
We sell all parts for eTery aewlasj
machine manufactured.
Cor. 15th and Harne- Sts. CttA&A, IEI.
Seal your correspondence wifli wraav
prevents letter being opened. We sriM
send you two dozen wax seata wnfCi
your initial on, one package t aha
Celebrated Coffee Bean, used instest
of, or to mix with coffee (great yfclr.
all for 10c, Including a 3 months." trial
subscription to The Hummer, tat
Want Ad Magazine. Address at ernces.
The Hummer Company. Nebraska City,
Neb., Ninth Ave. and Sixteen Sa.
101 svmd 103 TV. IHfc BC,
pte Oldt in Aff mn4 Zen
QradMaH tm Jf
Ovrr Trarr Speeiml
Authorised by the Stats to toeat eVKO:
odim muunnatri
fooded. AUmediekas
ready for use no
Inrinna medicines
toDtion from batissns.
st a distance tieats tr
express. Meilli hiss
where, free from (ate or braakasei
low. Orer io.000 eases cared. Aasaisiwa
nee are imnortant. State yovr lsihi ssif
tor terms. Consultation Has aaa
psrtooaUy or by letter.
ss i a l-t . YTmi !
ana sexuai ueouiiy. Uwasstaa
ss-eansina- losses by dreams or wit saw
tan sssss.
pimples sod blotches on ths fsce,
to the head, pains In Daca,
forcstrolneas, bashfnlness, ararstas r t
WSS OI SSXnai power, vmm a
tones, sto., cured for life. I 1
- MTfial fMiejnf. SW
brain nnwer. enlarae and sttwosTtsaskWaakSta
and make yon fit for maniacs.
Stricture iSiSmT
nd GlCeC stmmsBts, bo pssa, sw
tloo from business. Cars faarm
sod List ot qneations tree seaUea.
Private Diseases.;
BOOK trnsUfwrSl
above diseases, tbsenscis sna
-1.1. Inr s senms
SoSd md fiiia book lot ftto
nf the rlTll war who nerred st least I
who filed on a homestead of 40 80 r rs i
before June za, 1H7, can sen nt i
.lit H,,iriioK widows. If llvlns aa
tnarrind. areentltled. 1 f re-ma rrled. the I
are entitled. OorreHpondence sollcfts.
. Capital Park ie. Molnasv
narnicv ajimaaa.
ii. B.-8tsts illlfyy'
Clinic and Laboratiy,
POHEK, Pres.