THE TERRIBLE FAMINE IN INDIA. LOVE AND MARRIAGE IN COREA. THE WORLD'S TALLEST GIANTS. By tbt Rev. Robert A. Hume, Mission ary from Bombay.) Many things have conspired to make the condition of Bombay more dls treeiring than I have ever known It. Famine price prevail. The wages of a laboring: man, which in ordinary time are sufficient for the necessities of life, are now Inadequate. In conse nuenre multitudes, who still have steady work, are living on one meal a. day. and are spending- nothing: for clothe. Owing- to the hard times many mills have been closed, and tens of thousands have been thrown out of em ployrmnt. They and their families are. of course, In extreme want. crowds of poor, distressed people come streaming Into the city from the district Any of these who have friends or acquaintances here live on them as long- as possible, until there Is nothing- left for the support of en tertainers or squatters. Strangers who have no friends have encamped In ev ery open and available spot, rendering even public gardens and the flneBt atreets offensive with their unwhole some habltsc. Two virulent epidemics, plague and wmallpox, have been for weeks wast ing the city. If the present death rate ahould continue for a year, 150,000 per sons will have been carried off in this city of &00.000 Inhabitants. In a gTeat city like Bombay, If any w here, there should be food enough for the hungry, but even here the people are dally starving to death. Three or four times of late dead bodies have been found near our own gate. Work of any kind and for a mere pittance is jgladly undertaken by those who have Been better times. Borne boys, who for merly were pupils of one of our schools, are employed In carrying stone. For very twenty-five trips, when a load of stone as heavy as a lad can carry Is taken about 100 yards, he receives the equivalent of about half a cent. By working hard he can earn two or three cents a day. There are many who are too feeble to work, or for whom employment cannot lie found, whom we have to aid. Wo men and little children are especially lit objects of charity. Considering- the terrible distress about us, I wonder that more do not beg. It is our desire this year again to have at least 200 or phans, and had we the means we might rescue 1,000. Those who wish to help the distressed and save the children need not wait for opportunities, which God is pressing upon us, and which no one would willingly neglect. The Hindus regard their cattle, espe cially cows, with superstitious rever ence, and have done more to save them than to preserve human life. Recently a large tanning firm at Cawnpore sent an agent to Ahmedabad, the commer cial center of Guzerat. He not only purchased hides, which were to be had In large numbers, but after a good deal of difficulty hired from a Moham medan a piece of land Just outside of the city for a slaughter house. He then arranged to purchase cattle on a large scale for from tl to $2 each. The whole Hindu community was in dignant, and efforts were made to have the slaughter closed by a government order. Falling this, the merchants of the city went on a strike and closed their shops. This caused great incon venience, but the slaughter house con tinued to flourish, until Its munager was Induced by the payment to hlmof 3,500 rupees to close the business and leave the place. Wealthy men have subscribed large sums, which have been used In pur chasing and feeding cattle, which other wise would have died. From our stand point it would be an act of mercy to end the miseries of these poor creatures but the Hindu regards It as most mer itorious to save animal life, even if It be the prolongation of misery. In the city of Bombay the Society for the Preservation of Animal Life was or ganized many years ago. It Is in t most flourishing condition and has an Invested capital of more than $4G6.0OO, Efforts have been made In vain to get this society to uw a part of this large sum for the benefit of the people starv Ing from the present famine, but not one anna can be diverted to what the Hindu regards as a far less Important Object. MAN OF 40 LEARNS TO TALK. Giro Martlno, forty years old, has forgotten how to talk. His ailment Is ti rare trie, and frotn a medical stand point is one of the most Interesting ver treated In Harlem hospital. New York. As the result of a most successful op nation performed by Dr. Thos. Neaf ny, the house surgeon, Marllno's life as been saved. In time he may bp able to talk again, but he must be taught as though he were a child. "Aphasia" Is the medical term for the tllsence. It Is due to tn Injury of that portion of the brain governing the pow er of speech. He tan understand all that it-- said, but is absolutely unable to articulate any word of his own at t ord. In proof of the fact that he Is able to understand questions are ayked him to which he makes no reply, but when told to fhake his head or move his aim or leg he does so. His eyes look seareh tngly and then pitifully at his ques tioner, showing his mental struggle In an endeavor to express his thoughts. Already the tank of leaching him to talk has been started. Kach day for ten or fifteen minutes Dr. Neafsey Kives him a lesson Interpreted by Dotn lnlek Harris, a nurse who speaks sev eral languages. Dr. Neafsey frames a sentence of small words which Harris translates Into Italian for Martlno to repeat. Hut like a little child learning to trflk Martlno can only get the last work of the sentence, and If it Is more than two syllables he Is able to pro nounce but the first syllable. When the lessons begun Martlno could inonourux- but onp word, that was "aqua," water. He understands what "aqua" means. Now his vocabulary comists of about nine words which he seems to understand. When he repeats a word correctly after the nurse, he smiles .and appears delighted. For fear of further mental derangement. Dr. Neafsey limits the time of the lessons. although each day that limit Is al lowed to be slightly Increased. It may be months, perhaps years, before Martino will be able to speak hU native language again. Dr. Neaf sey Intends to try the experiment of teaching him English, several word of which he has already mastered. Martlno Is accused of stabbing a col lector who came to his home, No. 2126 Second avenue, two weeks ago for money. The collector's stab wounds did not demand hospital cure. He shot Martlno and Is now confined In a cell In Harlem prison awaiting the result of Martlno' Injuries. The bullet from his revolver struck Martlno on the forehead about an Inch and a quarter above the left eye. The skull was fractured as the breaking of a pane of glass by a bullet. The cracks radiated from a central point fully two Inches away. THE MAN EATING TIBURONS. In response to the frequent plaint that very shortly the dark corners of the earth will all have been Illuminated liy the lamp of civilisation, and that there will be no more unknown lands for the traveler to explore, or the nov elist to expllot, It may be pointed out that actually within four hundred miles of Juna, on the Southern Pad lie railroad, there Is an Island Inhabited by a tribe of savages as treacherous and bloodthirsty as any that have ex isted on thu earth. A little above the midway line In the tiulf of California, close In to the Ho nor shore, lies the Island a Ttburon, a compact body of land about twenty miles In length and fifteen across at its broadest part. To an observer from H safe distance the low shore line pre vents a thickly wooded appearance, with Iilgh mountains In the Interior, though fceyond the fact that It is Inhabited by savage who are cannibals, little fur ther Is known. From time to time a few sailors who liove had the misfortune to be wrecked m the island, und the good fortune to escape, have reported that upon reach ing the shore they were decoyed Inlnnd l,y natives who spoke sn unknown lan guage, wnen llieir companions killed, and eaten. That there Is prob ble truth In this assertion Is borne out y the survivors of the expedition sent ut two or three years ago by Jesse tJrurit f Han Diego, to prospect the Island, when some members of tha par ty who had ventured Inland never re turned and Ihe remainder were obliged to aall hurriedly on account ot the threatening attitude of the natives. So fierce, Indeed, has become the reputa tion of these Tiburon Islanders that the Mexican soldiers are much adverse to being sent upon expeditions to punish their depredations upon the mainland, to which they appear to resort for the purpose of obtaining wives, much after the way In which the Romans first ob tained theirs from the Sablnes. Many theories have been put forth ss to the origin of this tribe, a very prob able one being that they are lineal de scendants of the Aztecs, driven to this Island by the Spaniards under Cortez, where, rumor further adds, they still practice many of the strange rites of that conquered people. It Is possible, also, they may be akin to the Jakls, with whom the Mexicans seem now to be engaged In a desperate conflict. To the man in search of adventure, Tiburon Island offers an unknown field comparatively close to the borders of the United States, where he may test his powers of courage and endurance to the utmost. ' "A Corean bride has her eyelids past ed together until she ha been three days a wife," says Mrs. 8. L. Baldwin who has lived for more than twenty years in China and Corea, and who is considered among missionaries to know more about "the hermit nation. as the Corea ns are called, than any oth- "Thelr marriage customs are very curious and perhaps I had better tell you about a Corean wedding, which, once, as a great honor, I was allowed to attend. "The groom wore a costume similar to that of an official at a royal audi encesand let me say that this wed ding suit is invariably hired, never be ing owned by the groom. The robe was dark green and wore 'plaques' with a pair of emroidered storks on the breast and back, while a stiff black enameled belt encircled his body like a hoop. He wore a 'palace-going" hat, of woven horsehair, with wings on Its sides, and a par of shoes when closely resembled 'arctics' and were at least three sizes too large for him. "On entering the court of their fu ture home he was preceded by an at tendant, attired in white, with a red hat, a long string of beads around hU neck, and carried under hs arm a live goose. The legs of the fowl were fast ened together and a skein of red silk was passed through her beak. This man, followed by the groom, entered the court, around the sides of which all the guests were seated, advanced to a red table standing In the center, and the ceremony began. "The groom, standing Immediately in front of the table, bowed three times, touching the mat on which he stood, with his forehead and hands. Then he gracefully resumed his standing posi tion, and taking the goose under one bower as low as before. The goose Is the symbol of fidelity In Corea, and It Is popularly believed when a wild goose die its spouse never mates again. The groom then walks to the front of the porch and stands at the foot of the steps, waiting for his bride. "Two middle-aged women stepped from an inner room on to the porch with the bride between them, each bridal chamber and seated upon her eushlons on the floor, where he sat in placid meditation until Joined by the groom, a few minutes or a few hours, as It suited his convenience. "The life of the Corean woman.while secluded, is not as unbearable as that of the women of many other oriental countries. They are poor and conse uently compelled to work very hard, but as a rule are well treated by their husbands. They have pretty names, meaning plum blossom, treasure, etc., but after marriage are known only as so-and-so's wife, until they have a son, after which they are known as the mother of that son. "As a little lass the Corean girl is taught all about domestic work, and begins early to assist her mother in making the family clothes. If too young to paste she can at least hold over the stove the long iron rod to be used In pressing seams. The heating of this rod is the first thing taught a little girl. Later she learns how to paste clothes together, then to wash and iron them. "Now, this use of paste Instead of thread Is a custom, so far as I know, practiced only by the Coreans. It is done on account of their mode of Iron ing. To accomplish this difficult feat they rip their garments to pieces before putting them in water. After the wash garments are laid on a smooth block of wood or stone and are beaten smooth with Ironing sticks. These sticks re semble a policeman's club and each Ironer uses two. 'Girls and boys wear their hair hanging In two plaits until engaged to be married, after which the boy fastens his on top of his head, and the girl twists hers at the nape of the neck. Coreans hold marriage in high regard, and phow a married man pro found reppect, while a bachelor lg treat ed by them with marked contempt. I have seen men greet a slip of a boy waring a top-knot with ceremonious respect, saying to each other: 'He Is a nan; he Is abou to be married;' while of a much older man, and poaHibly a richer, who wears his two plaits, they remark that 'He Is a pig; he cannot ge' a wife. He will always be a boy.' holding an arm and guiding her steps,1 "Jn the choice of his first bride the for, as I have told you, her eyes were Corean leaves everything to the 'go sealed completely. Her entire face was between.' Hut all other wives, and a painted a ghastly white, while on the middle of her forehead and each cheek was a dab of bright red; her Hps were also colored a brilliant scarlet. "After the feast was finished the groom was conducted to the bridal chamber, where he changed his wed ding suit for clothes presented him by Ihe bride, and which were made by her own fingers. He then came out and tine brldv was taken Into the Cm-ear may have ten, the man makes his own slectlon. It is seldom, how ever, that a second wife is added to the household except where the first wife proves childless. In such Instancs other wives are taken, but the dignity always remains with the first wife. Women are well treated, and as a rule live happy, contented HveB. They ara gentle, attractive little bodies and de voted to their homes." Legends of the Indian tribes of Ari zona and Northern Mexico teem with tales of a race of giants who once lived on the mesas. Scientists say that pre historic man was a little hairy creature bearing a closer resemblance to a mon key than a man. Darwinism enforces this belief. The hilts of the weapons of the men of the bronze age are too small to be clasped firmly by men of today. Thrtr armor Is too small for men of today. But the finding of a prehistoric skele ton In the Grand Canyon of the Colo rado would, if authenticated, overthrow all the arguments of the scientists. Forty miles from Flagstaff, Ariz., Hull, the guide, has- unearthed the petrified skeleton of a man whom he estimated to have been at least 17 feet high. An old Indian led the guide to the human monster's tomb. The skeleton lay face downward on a shelf under a projecting rock. The right arm was extended. The left leg was missing. The right leg had been broken off at the knee, but the foot was found lodged In a crevice near by. Lime water falling on the corpse had turned It into stone. The outlines of the body were perfect. Hull did not turn the fossil over or make accurate measurements. He and the old Indian studied the stone skeleton for ten min utes and then returned to the trail. Near by Hull found perfect footprints of the giant imprinted in stone. Their distance apart showed his stride to have been at least five feet. .This would, however, indicate a height of not over 10 or 11 feet. When Hull returned to Flagstaff scientists scoffed at the story and his friends laughed at him. He has not since visited the skeleton because of his fear of ridicule, and of course though he clings to his story and says he will lead any scientist to the spot to prove or disprove it his giant must for, the present be labeled "Interesting If true." But there are plenty of sure enough giant remains. Travelers In Peru, tell of monster hu man skulls found at Chancai, thirty miles from North Lima. Of this race ot giants a tribe lived on the island of Puna, in the Gulf of Guayaquil. Their skulls and weapons are in in Smith sonian institute. Yucatan Indians have a legend of the giant Navapach, who t ripped up belated travelers by lying down across the trails. The Mexican giants were buried in sitting posture In enormous stone urns. Similar coffins made of clay have been, found on the plains of far-off Chaldea, ni Asia. Skeeltons of these men nine feet high have been fond near Pro gressio, Mexico, Their skulls and wea pons are In the Smithsonlon Institute, Washington. The giant skeletons discovered by travelers from Arizona to Peru have tha same average height. Their weapons and utensils are alike, showing that the tribe once hunted and ranged along? the Pacific coast of the two continents. In the curious burial mounds scat tered over the American continent skeletons of giants have been found, sometimes reaching about eight feet in height. The skeletons of tha women are a half foot shorter. Giants of olden days, legends, say. were cruel and ot enormous strength, feeding on human flesh. Unromantla science points out that modern giants are good natured, weak physically and small meat eaters. To cap the climax scientists deelara that a giant is only a freak, like a dwarf or a three-legged chicken. They have even invented the name gigant ism for the particular disease that makes giants. The comparative tables given of mod ern and prehistoric giants seem to show that allowing for the uncertainty of measurement of the latter, there i probably not much difference between them. But a man 8 feet 6 Inches, high would of course seem much bigger to a race of pigmies than he does to tha average modern Yankee. Miss Ella Swing, the Missouri giant ess, is accounted eight feet high, and she is one of the best modern instances of abnormal growth. : FULTON AND PERPETUAL MOTION. : SALARY OF ONE CENT A YEAR. Iowa county, Wisconsin, lays claim to having the lowest-salaried official in the employ of thet'nltcd Statijs gov ernment. The government hires Frank Lynch for 1 cent n year to carry the mall between DodgevMIe, the county seat of Iowa county, and Mineral Point, nine miles distant. It Is the law that such employes shall be paid quarterly, but Lynch, although he has been carrying the mails regu larly since last July, has as yet re ceived no quarters of a cent or creaks for those months. The young man is not looking for any remittances on his ilary until next July, when he expects check for a whole cent. It Is sup posed this will be the smallest check ever Issued by the government and efforts have already been made to se cure possession of It. The mall ear- across country. Whoever has the con tract for carrying the mail feels that he Is certain of all the passenger trade, for no one has yet had the courage to compete for passenger business with the I'nlted States mall carrier. For this reason the transfer of the mall Is deemed a valuable privilege. Every four years the poHtofllee de partment awards contracts to lowest bidders for transfer of mall sack. Last year there was the liveliest com petition ever known for the Dodge-vIlle-Mlnerai Point contract. Several different men signified their Intention of going into the contest, and the "talk" was kept up until each bidder knew he would have to go pretty low to get the prize. The man who then held the contract had been receiving about $10 per year for carrying the mail. It la rler has received several offers of la said that when the bids for the new or $20 for the check, hut he has so far contract were opened In Washington It warily avoided any definite entangle merits. Both Dodgeville and Mineral Point have railroads, but there Is none be tween the two towns. The trip from one place to the other by mil Is ho roundabout that It Is out of the ques. lion, so passengers and mall are driven was found that the threo lowest offers for currying the mall per year were I cent, 39 cents und $1.50. Frank Lync.i, being the 1 cent bidder, was awarded the contract for four years. The tobacco war now raging promises to end in smoke. TURKISH BOYS AT SCHOOL. Mrs. Domlnls, otherwise- known ns Lllluokalanl, the ex-queen of Hawaii, will snll from Ban Francisco on May 1.1 for her home near Honolulu. She Is bitterly disappointed by Ihe failure of her pension claim and snyw she will never again set foot In Ihe United States. She is about 63 years of age, and enjoys an annus! Income of about $26,000 by Inheritance, largely from the private estate of her brother, and other property that was not confiscated by the Dole government The beginning of a Mohammedan boys' school life Is always made an oc casion for a festival. It occurs on his seventh birthday. The entire school goes to the new scholar's home, leading a richly caparisoned and flower-bedecked donkey. The new pupil Is placed on this little beast, and with the hodja, or teacher, leading, the children form a double file and escort him to the schoolhouse, singing Joyous songs. To a stranger the common Turkish school presents a singular scene. The pupils are seated cross-legged on the bare marble porch of the mosque, form ing a semi-circle about the hodja, who Is as a rule an old, fat man. He holds In his hand a stick long enough to reach every student. By means of this rod he I enabled not only to preserve order among the mischievous, but to urge on the boy whose recitation Is not satisfactory. But as a ruje hodjas are lazy and often fall asleep. Then It In that the pupils enjoy what the Ameri can boy would style a "picnic." A trick they specially like to play on their sleeping teacher is to anoint his hair and long gray beard with oil and wax, which Is, of course, very difficult to be rid of. You may be sure, when he hodja awakes he makes good use of his lengthy weapon. Some of the answers these little Turks receive to their questions would make an American child open his eyes In amazement. A half-grown boy, in the presence of a missionary, who tells the story, asked the hodja: "What makes it rain?" "Up In the clouds," answered this wise teacher, "our prophet Mohammed and the one who belongs to Christians went Into business together, the profits to be divided. One night Mohammed stole all the profits and ran away. In tha morning when the Christian God discovered his loss he pursued Mo hammed In his golden chariot, the rum bling of whose wheels makes the thun der. The lightning is the bullets of Are which the God shot after his fleeing partner. Mohammed, finding he could not escape In midair, plunged into the sea, the Christian God following him, ii nd the shock splashed the water ou' and It fell to the earth In rain." Indianapolis Press: "I wonder," said the soda fountain clerk boarder, "why the women are so set on marrying sol diers?" "They like 'em because they have already been trained. A soldier's first duty Is obedience,'' suld the Sav age Bachelor. It would appear that Philadelphia has been selected, more than once, as a ripe field for "promoting" perpetual motion schemes. From out the musty pages of Cadwallader David Golden's "Life of Robert Fulton," published In New York In 1817, and picked up at a second-hand book store In Washing ton, in 1900, comes a great story of the credulity of the Quaker City, and the part the great Inventor, Robert Fulton, played In dislodging the great fake. "Many men of Ingenuity, learning and science had seen the machine," says the author, "and some had written on the subject; not a few of these were his zealous advocates, and others, tho' they were afraid to admit that he had made a discovery which violated what were believed to be the established laws of nature, appeared also afraid to deny what the incessant motion of his wheels and weights seemed to prove. These contrived lngenlus theories, which were hardly less wonderful than the perpetual motion Itself." From what the author staes at length It would appear that the Implicit be lievers and "stockholders," supposed that Redheffer had discovered a means of developing gradually some hidden power, which though It could not give motion to his machine forever, would keep It going for some period, which they did not pretend to determine. In 1813 New Yorkers were also taken In very badly with a perpetual motion scheme. It appears that Mr. Robert Fulton was a perfect unbeliever In Redheffer's discovery, and although hundreds were dally paying their dol lar to see the wonder, Mr. Fulton could not be prevailed upon for some time to follow the crowd. After some delib eration, however, he concluded to pro tect, If possible, the very crowd he re fused to follow. It appears the ma chine was in an isolated house In the suburbs of Philadelphia. Shortly after Mr. Fulton entered the room devoted to the exhibition, he ex claimed, "Why, this Is a crank motion." It appears his well trained ear enabled hm to distinguish that the machine was moved by a crank, which always gives an unequal power, and, therefore, an unequal velocity In the courBe of each revolution, and a nice and prac ticed ear may perceive that the sound Is not uniform. Fulton knew that If the machine had been kept in motion by what was Its ostensible moving power, It must have had an equable rotary motion, and the sound would have always been the same. After five minutes' talk with the In- merely to keep the corner posts of tha machine steady. Golden's own description at this point Is vivid: "It was found that a catgut string wa sled through a lath and the frame of the machine to the head a, the upright shaft of a principal wheel that the catgut was conducted through the wall, and along the floors of the second story to a back cock loft, at m distance of a number of yards from the room which contained the machine,, and there was found the moving power. This was a poor old wretch with, an immense beard, and all the appear ance of having suffered a long impris onment; who, when they broke In upon him, was unconscious of what had happened below, and who, while he was seated on a stool, gnawing a crust, was with one hand turning a crank. The story goes that the proprietor oft the perpetual motion soon disappeared. The mob demolished his machine, the dectructlon of which immediately put a stop to that which had for so Ions a time and to so much profit exhibited in Philadelphia. Fhiladelphliins- might aid New York in her attempt,, at thi time, to appropriately mark Pulton' grave. CONFECTIONERY IN RATIONS. The Germans abot ten years ago tr troduced candy into the rations of their soldiers. The idea was the outcome of experiments undertaken by the German, government. It was demonstrated that the addition of candy and chocolate to the regular ration greatly conduced toi the Improvement of health and endur ance of the troops, and at the present time the army authorities in Germany Issue cakes of chocolate and a limited amount of other confectionery. The British were the next to follow this example, and the queen, as has been extensively advertised, forwarded five hundred thousand pounds of choco late In half-pound packages as a Christ mas treat for the soldiers in South. Africa. Jam has also found great fa vor with the British war office, and 1,450,000 pounds have been dispatched to South Africa as a four months' sup ply to 116,000 troops. The United States Is following in the same path, says the Medical Rec ord, and candy has been added to tha regular army ration of the American, soldier. It Is stated that one New Tork firm has shipped more than fifty tons of confectionery during the past year for the armies In the Philippines, Cuba, and Porto Rico. The candy supplied Is of excellent quality, consisting ot mixed, chocolate creams, lemon drops, cocoa,- nut maroons and acidulated fruit drom. ventor, Mr. Fulton did not hesitate to Tnese are packed In tins especially de-' declare that the machine was an Im- BKne(J to flt the pockets of a uniform position, and to tell the gentleman that he was an Impostor. Notwithstanding the anger and bluster which these charges excited, Fulton assured and re assured his friends and the crowd with out examining the machinery closely that the whole thing was a fake, and that If they would support him In the attempt, he would detect It at the risk of paying any penally If he failed. Having obtained the absent of all who were present, he began by knock ing away some very thin pieces of lath, which appeared to be no part of the Machinery, but to go from the frame ttt the machine to the wall of tha room, coat. The question of providing Jam with the army ration is also under can-slderation. A correspondent of the Hartford" Courant In Manila writes: "Mall Is held, often ten days, to be shipped by) a transport Instead of. mall steamer, and as there Is no proper place for tlM stowing of mall on transports much has been lost and damaged and did wait three weeks. It seems to me that the least the government could do fas the exiles who ore fighting for their country Is to see that they get thaif mall promptly."