't - Harrison Press -J OURNAL. VOL. XII. HIIISOlNr, NEESASKA, THURSDAY iZZ7 17, 1SOO. 3S3 O. 43. " - mi j uur - i f f 1 r j iz rwro rr- rTT i r- r i ikitii -. w., , Lki.n .i- i t i-cc umnu i I lia SETTLED RIGHT."--H(in. TTilliam J. Bryan. . , a. f (s HARRISOXPRESS-JOURNAL, Stirwrription Price Official Paper of Gf.o. I). Caxox, J-KVKRtD AT TUB lUlWMiN PT a k i (I. .!.. . Bryan andTowne. ? o 1 ji uie,r nawonai convention, at Moux Tails, S. Dak., lat week Hon. 9 2 William J.-i!!;ii.K Bryan of Liiuoln, send Charles A. T0wm of Duhith, 0 O M.no., were unanimously nominated by the Populists for president and 0 v'ce president respective-. Th I'i:i:.J()t.'I!.NAl, sincerely hop.-s the Kan- 6 sas city convention will do likewise and nominate the above AcUit by no- o O cIan'!llin- It i'l our candid opinion, it is a ticket th at will K-.veep the X t country from the lV:iflo to th Atlantic and from the gulf of Moxico to i T the Bntish ponessions. , 2 Sulzer Is Coo)rrBsman SoIzerof.Vew York, takas issne with the statemant miwle by Wabnter IJavis ta a Now York a-udianoe on the Tth day or M iy, to the e(I'.;:t that President McKmly is a p ilriot and a grand American, and h"opKsd V the robbe y and murder by (iroat Britian in Koutli Arrica, Standing in his place on the floor of th house, Mr. Sulzer raised his voice in proUst, and insued a clialluuge. Said he, iilludin to the Kt.itmnt of Mr. Davis 'i challenge that statoment. Tho udmiriiBtration is not a patriotic one, nnd is doing all that it can t Kuppruss the honet expruisioti of opiaton in this repre Mntalive IkhIv rK;nJinj the war in South Afriat. "It itdoin ll it can iujninst the South African republic. It is doing all it n in favor of Great Britain. "This morning, whn the speaker would not permit th consideration of the resolution I offered, what a spectacle fie presented! I fuel sorry for Mm. "No doubt ha was simply obtiyin' his orders from the White House or from ilark Ifanna, but it is a Rp!ttrle that should make every friend of representative govornment blush wilT:i tdiHtne." Thrice- A. Week-World. Report of Sioux County Th Sioux County Teacher's Associa tion came together for their third meet ing at the Bodarc church, Saturday May 12Ui, 1900. An but few teachers were present, only an afternoon session was held. After the ope&inj; addrrss ny 'Mr. J. B- Burke, County Superintendent of schools, papers were read by Mrs. Rice of Carey, Mr. Lindemun and Mias Marley of Harrison, followed by dicsuskm of the subjects presented. Mrs. Knott, presuri ty subject. The value of a knowledge of current events, which was discussed by several. The business hour then followed. At the tut meeting the offi cers were instructed to prepare a set of by-laws to be presented for the approval of the Association at this meet ing accor dingly Mr. l'ouid, the vice president, presented a set of by-lay ws. It was voted to to consider section after section after coesiderable discussion, the reject ion of some sections and the amendment of otherw, they adopted the following form: For the purpose of encouragirg co-operative principles in the educational work of this county, inspiring higher ideas and aims on the part of the teacher, se curing the aid of all school patrons and school officers in the work and thereby insuring an enthusiastic and progressive spirit on the part of the pupil and teach er, this Association organized and the following by-laws adopted: 1. That this Association be known as n co-operative KducationaU Association of Sioux Co., Neb. 2- That all persons residing or teach ing In the county, shall be considered eligible to membership in the association. 3. That all peisnns wishing to join A Fiixl llicycle ItMor. Will often receive painful cuts, sprains ' or bruises from accidents. Ruckb-n's Arnica Halve, will kill the pa in and heal the Injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, More Llfie, Burns, Ulcers and Pile. Cure ' fruaraateed. On-y 8-Vj. Try It. Huld l-r Vcur $1.00. Sioux County. - Editor. t j fi( E ASH.C1 (..,R Mi -mi, ... . .. Correct. Teacher's Association tba Association may do so by giying nn .n mime to me secretary. 4. That each member of the Associa tion shall constitute a committee of one to get others to join the Association. B. That all monies of the Association shall lie exetided by order of the execu tive committee. 6. That the officers of tho Association shall consist of a president, vicu preiid ent, secretary und treasurer. 7. That all olficrs shall be elected by acclamation for a period of one year. 8. That the President, vice-President and Becretary shall constitute an Execu tive lomnolte. - 9. That it shall ba the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the Association. 10. That it shall he tlie duty of the vice-president to act in the prenideuts place during his or-her absence. 11. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of each meeting, and report the same and to en roll all persons whose names are hand ed in for meinliership, 12. That the time, place and member of meeting's each year shall be decided by a majority of tho votes of the mem bers of the Association. Officers were then elected as follows J. U, Burke president, Mr. William Smoke vice-president, Mr. W, II. Davis Hecy and Treas. Moved tiiat the place of the next meeting W Harrison and the time and numW of meetings tie left to the Exe cutive commilte. Vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Pound for his earnest elTurt in prepar ing for this meeting. Emma I.. Ki u. Secretary protein. A Kern t'lciir Itrutn. Your Isst feelings, your social position or business success depend larpely on the perfect action of Our Stomach and Liver Mr. King's New Life Pills jrivn increased strength, n keen. cleTvr brain, high ambi tion. A 2'i cent box will make you feel like a new being. Sold by Dr. J. . PBliaaY druggist. A Woman's Awful Peril. "There is only one cliince to nave your life and tliiit is through an opera Don where the startlinir words hoard bv Mrs. I. B. limit of Limn IlidfH. Wis from herd a tor afterhe had vainly tried to dire Her ol a fruitful case ol Mom ncit trouble nod yellow jaundice. (Jail stones hud formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she bey.m to use El-1 ectrie Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Stomach. Liver and j Kidney remedy, Cured Dyspepsia, Low, m Aipet,io. i ry it. only lit) cts. 'iiinnmU'ed. For sale by Dr. J. E. 1'hin ney druggist. NOTICE TO MiN HICsIKENT DV.t l;NDAT3. ' To I'rescoit T. Wan!, Mrs. J'resrott T. Want, liia wife, iliristinn name unknown, A. 1-oni Wets, Krnm-ta. A. 'Osborne. Von, unit each of you, are hereby iiot'Ucl tliaton the 9tli liny of May, A, I). The Comity of Sioux, us plHlnti,T, ttleil in the 'liftrfet eon it 111 ani lor the county of Sioux und stiite. of Nehr.i.-ika, lis petition iipUnst you, the object mill prayer of whteti Is to foreclose certain tiirlleiisoii the following (IcMTlbeil real estate aitutited in the eounty of sioni uml stain of Netii-asBii, to wit: south ejst quarter 'i south-west i)Unrtel li. South half noutli cast quarter Sec tion twelve 1-, North-eiist quarter' itortli east quarter ';, Section 111, Tonsliip thirty, two North of Haiijre llfty-lx M, West of the siMh li P. M., tliwt s aid tux lien consist of taxes assessed and levied on said real estate lor the following years suit amounts, to wit: In tint year );s, the sum off-'.7ti; In the year ls.;, the sum of ?a.i."; In the year IV'.i;, tlm sunt of .".Hs; ti the year J.!, the sum of Wtfi; witli interest on each of s:;id sums as provided by law; nud to have an iu:i oiiiitiiij of the amount of taxei and iut trest now due on said tax Ileus, Hud to for ever bur and foreclose said defendants, ami each of them, oat of any and all njflit, title, Intercut, lieu ami equity of redemption In and to s.iid real estate, and for general eqaltuble relief. 'hat you ar further notified and reqiilr. cd to answer said petition on or before the Istli day of June, A. I). I Win. No.Kj M. J. OVo.i;u., Co. Atoruliy. NOTICE TO NON -RESIDENT HEKliMIA.S'T.S. To Walter Eden, Mrs. Walter EUeii his wife, christian name unknown. Yon. ami eaeii of you, are hereby notified thafun tlietuh (Lty of May, A.I). VM, Tho County of Sioux, us plalnllir, tiled In thu (Ilstriet court In ami for the county of Moux and state of Nebraska, Its petition against joa, liuple.uled with Itenjamin F. Johnson, thoobjis t and prayer of which Is to fore clone certain tax liens on the following des cribed, real estate, situated in the c-onnty of Sioux ami state of Nebraska, to w It: North west quarter i, Section twenty two ?.!, Township thirty one ui, North of Itange filly six Sti West of the sixth 15 P. M that said tax liens consist of taxes assesaed and levied on said real estate for the lollow liit! years an 1 amounts, to-wit: lathe year Isjs, this sum offs.lS; In the year ls',.t, the sum of 7.51; In tint year lf.M, tl.e um of 7.ll; In tne year lsj',, the um of i".l.'; In tint year l-'.fi, the sum of $ .ii3, lu the year lSa7, the sum of i" (II ; In the year 1h'..h, the sum of l.i.71, ur.Ui interest on eaeli of said sums as provide I by taw; and to tiave an accounting of the amount of taxes and Interest iioiy due on sai.l tlx Ileus, and to forever bar and foreclose Sal 1 defend ants, and each of them, out of any and all rli?ht, title, interest, or equity of redemption In ami to said real estate, and lor general eq uitable relief. That yon are further notified and requir ed to answer said petition on or lelore the Istli day of June, A. 1). PViO. No.iO. M. J. o Co.ni:i.i., County Attorney. NOTICE TO NON UESII'ENT DEFENDANTS. To Joseph A. Moss, Mrs. Ruth P. Moss, his wife, W, J, Powden, christian name un known, H, li. Howe, christian name unknown V. S. Tuttle, c hristian name unknown, Da kota lajan and Trust Company. Y ou, and f m il of you, are hereby notified that on the 1st day of March, A. U. Usui, The Comity of Sioux, as plaintlfr. tiled in the dis trict court in and for the couutv ol Sioux and state of Nebraska, its ts'litloii against you, tlr object and prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax liens en tho following described real estate, situated In the county of Sioux and slate of Nebraska to wit: Snth half north-east quarter , north half (J, south east quarter , section two 2, township thlrlytwo north of range fifty three &;!, west of the r.lli principal meridian situated in Sioux county, Nebraska, that said tax Ileus consist of taxes iwscHswd and levied on said real estate for the following years and amounts, to wltt: In the year lssis, the buiii of a.is; in the year lsi), the sum of 17. .Vt; In the year lslm, tho sum of fS.,'4, with Interest on each of said sums as provided by law; and to have an accounting of the amount of taxes and interest now dint on said tax liens, uml to forever bar and foreclose, said defendants, and each of them out of any and nil right, title, interest, lien and equity of redemption In and to said real etate, and for general equltablo relief. That you are further notllled and required to answer said petition on or before Hie fcHh day ol June, A. 1. I'.KJO. No. UJ M. J. O'CosNEt.t,, Co. Attorney. NOTICE KOU I'I'III.ICATION. Ind Office at Alllane, Nebrska, J May li, lwiu ( Notice Is hereby given the following nam ed settler nns filed notice of his Intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Clink of District Court ant llurrltiou, Neb, on Jtne, ijiiih IU 10, vl. : ANDII IKS KNOW. Of Harrison, Neb., on II. P No. 8!H4 for the N. H S-W -K, S V. Section N kj, R-K H section iWTwp.ii.N. II M W. He names I I no following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation mi said land vis: Otto TlnUe, Charles 'auilt,rtnd, rrcrt lVetcheu, Jobn MarsUtll til of Harrison, Jr. M. Dorrtngtoa. Begtguter. : .NOTICE TO NON RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. o ' To Francis A. Osisirne, Mr. Francis A. Osborne, Ills wife, christian name unknown. Western tsnrurity Company. 1 on, anil each ol you, mi hereby notified t'"'t "" Vn'intl "r A. D.. I9W, The wiiiiuy ol moux, as iilaltitlC. tiled in Ihn ' iliitriet court in and tor the county of Sioux 1 and state of Nebraska. Its petition uainst you, the object and prayer of which Is to I lorerlofe certain tux liens on tiie following described real estate situated in the county j of .sioux and state of Nebraska, to wit: tortli-weHt quarter U of Section twenty six a;, Township thirty-four 84, .North of Haiitte fifty-five 55, West of the sixth ith 1'. M., tiiat said tax liens consist of taxes assessed and levied on said real estate for the following J ears ami amounts, to, wit; in thu jenr the the sum of i3.4; in Die year ls;t;, the sum of fcl2.ft; in the year 1 d, the sum of JI3,i; in the year Mis, the sum of IfT.Sl; in the -year 1S!, thu sum of is.44; In tlie year 17, the sum offH.s3;iii tile year IsiiH, ths sum of 7.W; with mtrest oo each of mud sums as provided bylaw: and to have an accounting of the amount of taxes and interest now due on said tax liens, and to fore tr bar and foreclose said defen dants, and each of them, out of any and all rlcait, title, interest, lien and equity of re demption, in and to said real estate, and for Keneral equitable relief. 1 hat you are further notified and required to answer said petition oil or before tlio lith day or June, A. II. I'.KKI. lNo.5.1 M. J.O'Con.nkLL, County Attorney. XpTICK TO NON-ltKSlDF.ST DEt'ENO ANTS. To Western Security Company, Thomas J. Living. You, and each of you, are hereby not Hied that on the 2nd (Jay of May A. I. 1UW, The County of Sioux, us plnhitilt', tiled in tliu district court in and for the county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, its petition against you, impleaded with i'eter Henry and Min nie Henry. The object nnd prayer of which is to fore close certain tax liens on the following dos ci'ib',"! real estate, situated in the county of Stnos and state of Nebraska, to-wit: West half J, noi tii-east quarter 14, and the e-'jit half , north. west quarter , of section thirty four HS, township thirty four 34, north ot rai)e ilfty five M, west of the sixth Glu, I'. M. That said tax liens c jns:st of taxes assess ed and levied on said real estate for the fol lowing years and amounts, towit: lu the year OW, the aim of t2M; In the vear 1R!I, the sum of f 10.41; in tho year lH'j;,, the sum of J7.ji ; In the year lH'.ss, the sum of J7.3; in the year 18U7, the sum of t'.i.l'J; m the year 1S W, tlie sum of S7.0.J, with Interest on each of .la'd sum as provided by law; and to have flV'accountlng of the amount of taxes and Interest now due on said tax liens, and to forever bar and foreclose said defendnu dents, and each of them, out of any and all right, title, Interest, lien and equity of re tleiuntioo in and to said real estate, and for general equitable relief. That you are further notified and required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of June A. I). 1W0. (No. 7, M. J. O'Cownrli, Co. Attorney. NOTICE TO NON -RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. To Western Security Company. Yon, are hereby notified' that on tho 2ml day of May, A. 1). 1!00, The county of sioux, as plain tiff, filed in the. district court in und for the county of Sioux anil i tate of Nebraska, its petition ngjlnst you, the object and prayer of of which is to fore close certain lax liens on the following des. erila-d real estate, siiuated in tlie county of Sioux and slate of Nebra- ka, to-wit: Sou t it east qimrtei u;,Sec;ion twentv one 21, Township thirty oi.e. l, North of itange fllty six (Hi, west of the sixth Mb P. M. That said tax liens coi.-nsi of taxes Rssess. ed and levied on said reid estate for the fol lowing years' Jt anion .its, to wit: In tho year lstij, the sum of j'i.H; lu the year lS'.rt, the sum of s. II ; lu the year ls'.M, tho sum of $7.4") in the year lslia, tin: um of f7.lt; In the year the sum of i;.U2; la the year 1MI7, the sum of ?7.(C; lu the year Ism, tho sum of ::. 7.1, Willi interest on each of said sums as provided by law; and to have an accounting of the amount of taxes and interest now due on said tux liens, and to forever bar and foreclose said defendants, and each of them out of any and all right, title, interest, lien and oqulty of redemption in and to said real estate, and for general equitable relief. That you are further notified anil requir ed to answer said petition on or beloro the nth day of June A. I. 1U0O. Vo. ,) M.J. O'Connkll, Co. Attorney. NOTICE TO NON RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. To Hoietla Pintico, Howell PInneo, t Maries i'lnnno, Esrl Pin neo, Hoy Plunco, Western Farm MortgagoCompaoy. ion, and each f you, aro hereby notified baton the ill h day of May, A.D. llion, The County of Sioux, as ptaintltf, filed in the district court in and for the county of Sioux and stale of Nebraska, its petition against you, impleaded with Albert E. Untes, Ad ministrator, Tula McCarthy, Stephen I'lu neo.the object and prayer of which la to foreclose certain tax lions on the following described real estate, situated in tho ty uoun of Sioux and state of Nebrska, t wit: South half X North east quarter '4. South east quarter north-west quarter !i, North cost quarter a South west quarter . Sec tion twenty-seven, 27, Township thirty-one ,11, North of Hang fifty-throe, West of the sixth (1 P. M., that said tax liens consist ot taxes assessed and levied on said real es tate for tho following years and amounts, to-wit: In the year isii:), the sum ef 11,74; In the year the sum offlO.sl; in tho ycir lH!ft, ihe sum of tlS.22; in the year 1-flxt, the sms of IT.l'i; lu the year ltKfl, the sum of SMH; In Ihn year 1K:h, tho sum of Jft.JW; with interest on each ot said sums as provided by law; and to have an accounting of the amount of taxes and Interest now due on slit tax Hens, and to forever bar and fore t loco smd deletidsnts, and each of them, out of any and all ritj". Wtlo, Interest, Hen nnd equity of redemption In nnd to said real estate, and for general cqitlr, .hie relief. That yon are furihornoLticd and required to answer said petition on or before the IH.tl day of June A. II. ICtW, No. .) M. I. O'Cbkmiu, Co. Attorney, j Final Proof Notices. All persons baring final proof notices in this paper will receive a marked cony of the paper ami are requested to examine tlv ir notice and if any error exist report the same to this office at oncu. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Land Ofliec at Alliance, Neb., May 1 MX), Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of hU claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of M-trict Court at Harrison, Nebraska on Jt-.ne 2:!, law), viz: I)Oi!A ZKHBST, widow of Fredric Zcrbst, deceased, of Harri son, Neb. on II. K. No. Usui for the S y N-K ?4, K-W U, 8-K 4. Section K, & S-W a, H-Vf i4, .Section 25, Township S3, K it r,B V?. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol said land, viz: Custave Noreisch, Charles Sc.nl) tz, Charles ISiehlc, Nls Anderson, all of Harrison, Neb JT. M. DOUBINUroN, Register. NOTICE TO NON- li E.SID ENT DEFENDANTS. To Ward M. Jiurgess, Mrs. Ward lit. Bar tress, his wife,, christian name unknown. You, and eacli of you are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of May, A. L. lfluo, The Coun ty of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed iu the district court in nnd for the county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, its petition against you, Hie object und prayer of which is to fore close certain tax liens on the following des cribed real estate, situated in the county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit: South-east quarter and south-weet quar ter :j of section twenty-one 21 Township thirty-live i!j north of range fifty-four 54, west of the 6th P. M. That said tax liens consist of taxes asts ed and levied on said real estate for thu fol lowing years and amounts, to-wit: Iu the year 1894, the sum of $111.80; in the vear lsse), the sum of '.l.7d; in the year 1W0, the sum ot J13.31 ; in the year 1897, tho sum of 811.27; in tlio year )W)S, the sum of 6H.07 ; with interest on each of said sums as provid ed by law; and to have an accounting of tho amount of taxes and interest now duo on said tax liens, and to forever bar and foreclose said defendants, and each of thorn, out of any and all right, title interest, lien and equity of redemption In and to said real estate, and for general equltablo relief. That you are f uttlier notified aud required to answer said petition on or before thd llth day of Juno, A. D, l'.WO. I No. 3. M. J. O'Cokmell, Co. Attorney. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEPENDENTS. To Eugene Powell, Mrs. Engcno Powell, his wife christian name unknown. You, and ouch of you, me hereby notified that on the, 2nd day of May A. D. IflOO, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed iu the dis trict court in and for the county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, its petition against you, impleaded with McKinley Canning Loan & Trust Company Equitable Land Company, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax lienson the follow ing described real estate, situated in the county of Sioux aud state of Nebaaska, to wit: South west quarter M, north. east quarter Ui south-cast quarter Vi, notrh west quarter li, north east quarter V, south-west quarter north-west quarter '4, south-ens t quarter of section twenty live 2-1, township thirty four 31, north of Range fifty five, west of the (5 til P. M. That said tax liens consist of taxes asess. cd and levied on said real estate for the fol lowing years and amounts, to wit: In tho year lsllU, the sum of 10.(i(!; in the year 1B91, tlie sum of 1117.30; in tho year 1K92, tho sum of SIS.O'.i; iu the year 18il.i, the sum of 814 .M; In the year 1HH4, the sum of $11.45; In the yruirlWH, tlie sum of $S..4; in the year 18!W, tlie nam of 7.7f; In the year ls'J7, the Bum of &H..U; and lu the year lKttB, the sum of $5.42, with interest on each of said sums at provi. (led by law ; and to have an accounting of tne amount of taxes aud interest now due on said tax liens, anil to forever bar and foreclose said defendants, and each of them, out of any und all right, title, Inter est lien nnd equity of redemption in and to said real estate, and for general equitable relief. That you aro further notified and requir ed to answer said petition on or before the llth day of June, A. D. VMt. No.4J M. J. O't'OKHKM, County Attorney. NOTICE TO NON RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. To L. L. Wllliahis, first and full name un known, Mrs. Williams his wife, truo chris tian nanio unknown, non-resident defen dants: You, and each of you arc horcby notified that on the 4th, day of May A. I). 1900 Ucnja mln F. Pltma.i, trustee as plaintiff filed in the district Court of Sioux County Nebraska ills petition against you as defendants im pleaded with James Nelson, Mary 8. Nelson und Jena Nalson : Tho object and prayer of which is to havo an accounting of the amount dne upon a principal note of $300.00, dated November 1st ls4, executed by Fobort L. Taylor and F.tlle U. Taylor to it. F. Fittnan, with Interest thereon from date at the rate of 7 per cent annum according to tho tonor and effect of ten Interest coupon notes attached to aid principal note, which said principal and coupon notes aro now held and owned by said plaintiff: To foreclose the mortgage deed given to secure the same upon tho South east quarter of section thirty (30) and tho north-east quarter of section thirty one (81 ) all In town ship thirty four (34) north of ranga fifty three (A3) west In said comity. To have said real-estate sold for tho pay ment and satisfaction of the amount found due on said notes, together with Interest, costs of suit and costs of sale. To bar foreclose and exclude the defen dant!! from having or claiming any Interest In said land and for general relief. And yon are further notified and required to answer said petition on or he.rsro tbe 2Alh day ol Juue A. ! 1900. ALHCST W. CMITM. Atttorary fur plsletuT. STOCK BRANDS. The Joitrn-al will publish your brand, like the following, for 2 :00, per vear. Each oil ditioual brand 75 cents. r.very rarmer or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties Should advertise their brands lu TllEJooa ka L as it circulates all over the state. H may bo tho means of saviug money for you. CHARLES HIUHLE. , On left side or hip of cattle, ( IZSZl On left shoulder of horses. jB S'll"""" jmau 01 aroonnut "t P75creK Address Harrison, Sionr Co. Neb. Fi ank c. Lewis. Branded on left side ' A SEMSr.f rtn. ,, 1.1. ;hrlllllpr nf Hni'M. Range ou hca.ii ol iV uite River. P. O. Address Harrison, Xcb. JOHX A. HANSON. iiwns thu follow- lev Ingbruudoueith- Also H3 on cat tle and horses rattle od leftside horses on left shoulder. Ranse on Silver Springs and east of slate- Ine. Postofiice li $100 KEWAED, For proof to convict any Dorsoa of steal ing any of my stock. Branded on right shoulder of HORSES. P. O. Addresss David Coltillb, Harrison. Nebraska. CHARLES NEWMAN. The brand represented in this noMco and branded any where on left side of cattle, and over-lap not from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, beloni-s to tb nndersi Range near East Springs, south part fo Siour eonnty. Chibles Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. , FRANK NUTTO. a W On left side of cattle aud on left shoulder ot horses. Range on Antelope crock P. O., Gliilchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. S.J. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder of horses ind on left side of cattle. Range on White River, near Glen. P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEEKNDANTS. To John Konccr, Mrs. John Koncer, Show alter Mortgage Company, S. K. Humphrey, christian name unknown. You, and each ot yon, are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1900, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed in the dihtrict ceurt in and for the county of Sioux and slate of Nebraska, its petition against you, tlie object and prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax liens on the following described real estate, situated In the coun ty of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit: South-west, quarter Section twenty-ono 81, Township 34, North Range 55, West of the lith P. M., that said tax liens consist of taxes assessed and levied on said real estate for the following years and amounts, to-wit: In tho year 1894. the sum of $13.67; In the year 1895, the sum of $7.33; in tbo year 189(1, the sum of $8.44; in the year 1897. the sum of $8.83? in the year 1898, the sum of $7.06, with interest on each of said sums as provided by law; and to have an accounting of tho amount of taxes and interest now due on said tax liens, and to forever bar and fore close said defendants, and each of them, oat of any and all right, title, interest lien and equity of redemption lu and to said real estate, and for goncral equitable relief. That you are further notified and requir ed to answer said petition ou or before the lltn day of June, A, D. 1900. I No. l.J M. J. O'Conneli,, Co. Attorney. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS To F.dward 9. Maloney, Heulah Malonoy his wife, A. D. Wood, christian name unhnown. You aud each of yon, are hereby notified that on the ind day of May, A. D. 1900, Tl a County of Hloux, as plaintiff, filed In tho dis trict court in and for tho county ot Sioux and state ot Nebraska, its petitlou against you, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax liens on the following described real estate, situated In the county of Sioux und state of Nebraskn, to-wit: North-wost quarter )4 of seotlon twenty eight 28, Township thirty four 34, north of range fifty-five 51) west of the 6th, V. M. That said tax Hens consist ot taxes assess ed and levied on said real estate for the fol lowing years and amounts, to-wit: In tbe year 18H9, the sum' of 114.07; In the year 1890, the sum of 110.441; In the year Ml, the sum of $16.52; In the year 18OT, thesnm of $ll..')4; in the year 1893, tbe earn of 112 W', In the year, 1894, tho sum of $13.03; in the year 1895, the turn of 17.13; In the vesr MM, the sum or $7.38; in the' year IU", tho sum of SH.83, and in tbe year 1H9H, tbe sum of fT.M, with Interest ou eacb of said sums as pro vided by law; and to have an accounting of tbe amount of taxes and Interest now dee on said tax Hens, and to forever bar and foreclose said defendants, and each of ttteiu out of any and all right, title, Interest, lta and equity of redemption in and to saM real estate, and for general equitable relief. That yon are farther notified end required to answer said petitoa on or hefoie this llth) day of June, A. n. 1MB. 10. t, j m. J. o'eoeTWLL, 00, Atter? 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