Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 10, 1900, Image 8

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    P ress-Journri I
THUBsovr. Mat 101b, 1000.
(. D. Canon, EHtor and 1'rop,
F. E. i M. V R. ii. lime table.
Going Went. Going East.
Ho. 5, mixed. UttHNo. 6. miied 6:03
. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
F, E, & II. V- R- R-
Homeseekers Excursions
Will be run May 1st and 15th June 5th
aod 19th 1900, to points oo the F. E. &
M. V. in Nebraska where the one way
fare from nearest Mo Rivr, Point io-
eluding Co. Bluffs is $3.00 or more to
points ia Wyoming west of apd including
'Orm Junction and to poiisfll in Black
iHiHdistrict at So lak.
"Tickets will be sold by connecting
jjinest feeding to our line at Sioux city,
'Onowa'Mo. Valley and Omaha and by
our 'agents at South Piatt,, stations,
'. Blair, Omaha and on S. C. & P. in Iowa;
'except that our agent's will not sell to
; points in So. Dak.
Fare will be one fare plus $2.00 for
' round trip. Write your folks in the East
sand have them come and see you, taking
advantage of these rates. Tickets limi
ted 21 days with 15 days limit on going1
r portion. F. AvEBY, Aj;t.
Rev. and Mrs. Smith, are spending
: this week, with friends at the Rida.
Dr. Phinhey, has purchaxed 2.000
pounds of barbed wirre and w ill do a lot
of fencing on his Spring Creek ranch thi
. Bpring. Dr. Phinoey will soon have one
of the finest ranches in Sioux County.
J. D. Hague wood, of Crawford, was
.here yesterday, on business connected
with starting a saloon in town. We
" learn Mr. Uaguewood interviewed the
town Beard relative to granting a license
' to do a saloon business in the vilage; he
is not certain that be can obtain license
Henry Will's team team took a
I-lively spin for home yesterday morninjr,
.just after tbey arrived in town, but Eli
Zimmerman jumped on his saddle horse
instantly, and in a very few tuinutes
caught thera and brought them back.
1 No damage was done.
Mr. Ope of Centerville, 8. Pak., a
1 brother of Mrs. E. A. Bigelow, arrived
in garrison, on the west bound train,
yesterday. Mr. Cope comes for the pur
: pose of spending a week at the home of
his sister and brother. Mr. Cope reports
. crops in bis country look ing well at this
: time of the year.
Ernest Bunge, came up from the
f valley yesterday, intending to go to
' Harville, to work on the railroad, or any
. other work which he could find to do
there at fair wages, but on learning that
, glanders and smallpox was rife in that
j part of the country, decided to return to
his home add pursue the even tenor of
way fur the present.
W. O. Patterson has Relinquished his
right to the government on a former
1 homestead and filed on another one near
: Spring Creek where wood and water will
be aanch more handy. It now looks like
it would be but a short time until all
- the vacant government land would be
"Jack Wisdom, of Cottonwood, who
is an old sheep herder and who was em
ployed out West, somewhere near Ca
rer herding, was caught in a hard rain
: storm recently. The sheep were found to
be all right and all there, b'it no trace of
"Jack" could be found, though 34 men
. bava bunted continuously for six days.
Last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
John Lacy, were somewhat surprised to
find themselves bombarded by several
of the young folks from town, who
cam armed with cake and ice cream.
videotly prepared to have a cool time.
, a very pieasaot evening was spent, as
Mr. Lacy baa a violin, which is just the
tfaiaff to lead at a party. A Guest.
Vol 1. No. l,of th ScotU Bluff
County Bepublican, published at Scott
Bluff, made its appearance on our edit
orial table this week. The politics of
toe paper will be republican in principal
as Its name indicates, aad, of course has
laaaebed m a stonnej Ma, in a 11011117
tin. But, just tbe same, we wish to
-xtaod tbe fraternal band to editor
Wertervslt and earnestly bepe his new
" Uaaiaess will bt a financial success.
la predicted three weeks ag 0 by tbe
.'Pns-JoCKXaL, that there was a now
oa ioot by tbe republicans of the county
to eetaMis aaotbor paper la Harrison,
ia the soar future hi now a fact beyond
. ..f adveetare. Mooday, tbe outfit
' "'rnAti froaa tbe oars bora, snip
Crawford, by editor Ketcfaam
. . , ,n, it -Oat place, wboai, wo
T rtt tM adUorial writer with
' t"5)-wfwiBipii tka BMaiaaioal
3M fetal mwi etberar.
FUR SALE-3 Kecistered Hereford
Bulls: one !5 years old, one short liorn 11
years old, also ytarlings, Ilert-fords aiul
Siiort horns. Chas Umtt.
Est rayed.
K-tr:iycil fnm White Kivor, four miles
west' of UU-u, one bay "1'inU' Mure, bM
flu-el, W't.it? It gH uml brsuKlwl H on left
Any one eivinjr ine lulr'tistion of her
-'i-re ii Umt will be liU-rally rewarded by
ntiiij? lu me.
tZIiA Tl'CKfc!!, lilen, Nel.
Will I avis is having a coun'ry house
erectt-d on his claim just outside Of town.
(. W, llestt-r, luis renlnl the IVrrv
White barn aud will use it as a ware
County Superintendent Burlp, is
visiting bchools in the vicinity of lute
River, this wek. j
...... A 4t ..L-a'
charije of a section above i ouglas, u
bout the 16 of the month.
J. W. RicedorfT, of Whitney, was in
Harrison last Saturday, to make 10J1 i itl for the first tim wnce the election
proof 00 a quarter section of sioux cout Jof the new village odicials.
ty land.
Report K that th Clove Ieif CIud
entertainmsnt was the lest it has ever
given since its organization. The re
cept of the evening was f -1.00.
Backer Griswold and A. McGinley
went to Alliance, Monday evening to at
tend the North-western, Nebraska, Stock
association. They will be absent three
or four days.
Wonder if the to wo board will ne
glect to appoint a road Supervisor this
yeir? If we are ever to have decent
streets in our town there will have to he
more work done on our streets than was
done last year.
Probably no Spring since we struck
the country has the grass, at this season
of the year been so far advanced as it is
this spring. Stock can ept aliout a'l
they can eat during the day and come
in at night well filled.
Last Saturday was one of the most
busy days our merchants and tradesmen
has had for a long time. It efmfd
everybody in the county was in Harri
son on that dav transacting business or
doing trading or having their pictures
taken. ...
"Jim" Merriam and his father-in-law
are on a del to buy the Wilson saw mill
the deal will in all provability be closed
this week. Mr. Wilson has alreaiy
bought another one and will continue in
the lumber business in Wyoming.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keel
of Warbosoet precinct, Tuesday May
8th, 1900, a girl. Weight, r-gnlatioa
size-lbs. Well! Well!! Weir.!! The
boy is a girl again would'nt that make
"Bob" smile? No, not him, but it does
the rest of us.
Wilbur Sbepard, received a telegram
from Ottumwa. Ia., Saturday sUitiDg hi
father was dangerously ill, Wilbur star8
ted the same evening for the bedside of
bis father. We hope to hear good new,
from him e're long; meanwhile the friends
of the family will hope against hope.
The town well is out of order again
and the tubing is being pulled and. It
is said there is about 30 feet cf mud and
sand in the well and tbe Town board
will have it sanded out and put in a new
pump cilinder after which t be well wilj
be in proper shape for use again.
M. J. Blewett, received word from
his cousin and wife ef Jameutown, N. I).,
that they would be in attendance, as del
egates to tbe A. O. U. W. national con
vention at Hot Springs, S. I), this week
and asked him to meet them there.
Mike left Monday evening to meet them
and enjoy a pleasant visit for a week.
Tile number of horses reported to
the state Beaura of statistics from
Sioux County is only 125 head, when
there ought no doubt be 5,000 bead, at
least And another rediculous report as
unreasonable the other way, the report
of 43.000 bushels 0 f wheat raised in the
country. We believe statisticsare the
proper thing, but reports from th it bur
eau KhoulU be reasonably correct.
Denis Moran, of Glen, who sold his
ranch to a Mr. Maclssn, of 1 Council Blulfs'
Ta., was in town last Saturday, to make
the transfer of his real estae to tb la',
ter namfd gentleman. Mr. Moran ex
pects to locate in the vicinity of Belle
Fourche, we dislike to lose any of our
Sioux county citizens, but at the same
time we extend a hearty welcome to
Mr, Madsen and his family.
Ar there prcperationi being made for
Decoration Day services at Harrison for
May 80th? Who kcows stout it?
Some one ought to get action on them
selves and nee that a program is arranged
and have an announcement, made, as the
time is far spent when something should
have been done already toward that day
which should be observed above all oth
er hollowed days except prehaps tle 4th
of July.
A. Kern Clc ar Drain.
Your best feelings, your social position
or business success depend large y 'on tl
perfect action of our Stomach and Dyer
Dr. King's New Life Pills gift increased
streagth, a keen, clear brain, high ambi
tion.. A 89 cent box win mskc you feel
like a new being-. Sold by Dr. J. F.
ahtam drugjiat,
1 have a few pipi for alta.
W. II. riuixrr.
Harrison Neb.
The Pniys-Jui'RNAL ar,l St. Louin
Republic, $l.t;0.fer year. Try it.
Parties having busings with me
in rejrtrd to s.'liool matters will call at
my ol'.li in ll:)rrin on every Raturdjy
as tlat is my ctXce day. J. B. Bt'RKE.
Co. Supt
VA Lyons is affain at work for O.
W. Hester, and Uiay fie he will stop in
Harrison all buiunicr provided he can get
plenly to do.
J. T. Mason, came up from Glen
Mom-ay looking up bUwkleg va-cini.
i, 4vin,, t two 0f calves witl.
j the day before.
One more week of school after this
and then there is to be a vacation of
thrte months.
The town board, met Tuesday even-
The total mileage of railroad in
Nebraska, Jan. 1, 1900, is in rouad num
bers 5.434 miles.
Miss Belle Russell, of Glen, was in
town one day this week, and filed on a
I quarter section of Sioux County soil.
TiKire will be a dunce at Harrison
May l'th. Good music will be furnish
ed. Cuiue and have a good time.
Breezes from the Valley.
Fine growing weather, this,
We are glad ta welcome C. F. Coffee
arid family to the valley again.
John Rurke will work for Guy Ken-
! dall this summer and help carry the U.
S. mail.
Mr. and Mr. Eugene W'oblbeter have
returned from their VVyo., trip accotn-
ri; nied 1V Mrs Joe Jordan. We have
not seen them since their return, but un-der-tand
they found no better place
than Sioux Oouuty lor them.
Jacfb Henry is moving his cattle from
his sijuaw creek range to his summer
rane rieur Aril more,
Mike' Jordan is improving his claim
and herding his horses some where near
Duck creek.
H. Zimmerman and J. Wilson drove
tlmir cattle to Andrews Monday to be
bearded by Mr. Swartz.
Joe Montgomery and Jas. Wilson, ex
pects to go rail roadiog pretty soon.
Henry Werlz passed through Gilchrist
Tuesday en route for Indian creek.
We are sorry to learn that Rev. C. E.
Rice's team has strayed or been stolen.
We hope he may soon recover them.
Had we written items last wek we
would have said that Rev. Kim's ser
moocD the 29t.h was the best on the
subject of a pure life or sanctification
that we have beard for many years.
He seems to understand the subject and
bow to explain it understandingly.
If it doesn't rain, Easter services will
l?e held .-.t the IWans church next Siiu
day evening the 13th.
The postmaster at Gilchrist has sent
in bis resignation to Washington and be
hoes to be released by the 30th of June.
All parties interested will please take
Mrs. Guy Kendall and little son made
their first trip to tbe valley Saturday,
stopping at Gilchrist till the return of
the U. 8. mail Sunday morning.
ings From Crystal
The Easter entertaitimorit hat again
been delayed by the inclemency of the
weather. Nothing preventing, it wii; be
held at tbe cburch Sunday evening May,
13. The mad la doing a good deal of in
jury to the girls white dresses but as
l')ng as they are told they look sweet,
they will dresi up and go rain or no rai
We understand that Martin Carrol.
Dick Jordan, Charley Plunkettand Frank
Lowry started west the first of last week
The boys will be missed by their many
Tho&e desiring a good brand of soap
will lind some of the finest by calling at
the soap factory at Coffee's ranch.
Henry Wertz lost a valuble colt lately
It fell in an old well and bad been dead
several days before discovered. People
should see that the old wells en their
places are carefully covered to prevent
such accidents.
The children of the Southworth school
must be doing scrap book work since the
teacher is well supplied with paste.
Mr. Pounds, the president of the "I'll
Try" Club has resigned bis position in
favor of Mrs. Knott.
The '-Bodarc Terrors" spent Sunday at
Judge Hunters.
Johnny Mack expects to punch cows
for Tbos. Doyle this summer.
Mr. J. B. Bradley is going to -move his
granry over on his homestead where he
expects to fill it with corn this fall.
Miss Maggie HunUr spent Saturday
J and Sunday at tbe home of Miss Li lie
The Boggie man expects to leave the
valley soon. Many aching hearts will
moiira his departure.
Daa Jordan, ia bus assessing , at -present.
Miss Alii Will is ami si 1 n m tbe
lioustiwork nt Turners ranch n.w.
Moot Burktj has filtered tl employ
of Leonard 1 aut.
Mrs. IeBick and Silva visited Mrs.
SJiafer on Sunday.
Say! Mb. EcxnK M as?
How could you was so mean,
As to ask a poor young widow,
To marry one so green,
But if on this you still insist,
A ( harming one ve know,
She has a wart on the end of her cose,
And a corn on her big toe.
Her hair is green, her eyes are red,
Her age just fifty four
And we will Ut the Bogie man
Will not want anymore.
This widow' name is Sally Black
She lives in Bordo town
She is very tall and slender
Her complexion is dark brown
To marry she is anxiou,),
If the right man comes along
She wants a man who can laugh and joke
And Sing a merry song,
lie mus'nt sweivr, he must not drink,
He must not smoke nor chew,
He must be always ready
The kitchen work to do.
He must have many cattle
And mouey at his command
And of this Utt er give to her
As much as she may demand
Now Mr. Boie man
llow does the rhoe (it you.
If it fits, just write to Sal
And tell tier she will do.
the Cutters.
The Eighth Annual Conven'ion of
of the Sioux County Sunday School As
sociation, will be held at the M. E.
Church, in Harrison, on Wednesday and
Thursday, June Kith and 14th 1900.
Following is tiia programme:
1:50 t',M, 111-votiosal ftrtlce A clean lift
CMenUnl to effective teachlnir .. .
l-il by iiev. C. I. Smith.
J:0u. Xormiil I-non,liy
W. 11. Klniberiy, i.iiu-olli.
3:w How to have tlie Icswn rorubereil
!y Mrs. Kendall au4 Mrs. i. II. (,rUwolt.
J.:.- Making tboleswin jmUcul -
J. 11. Burke, and X. J We-twr.
4:00.-Tlie hiimJuy S.)10oi lu place a, an
educator by Alrs.A. Thornton slid
Mr. A.K Usher.
tjonj Service
Adre IlluIlruU.-d bp htereoiitlcoo..
V,', U. Kimborly.
9.-00. Ix-Totlonsl Service, a urreudercl lile
esuenliul to effective leaehlug.
t:30.-. -fcoruinl ljeon, W. 11. Kluiberly
10:J0. Iteport of Secretary.,-.- ,, .
11:30.-Elect loo of OHicer
Bun! newt, .
Tremurors reixrt.
12. WXXKK.
I30.-Sorniftl I.ein, W.H Kintherly.
2:20. Closing Service, n spirit filled life
M-utlHl to effective t;liln(;. Uev. C. E. Rice"
f. . Knot r. Preidnt,
Mrs. (. r.. B:ci, Pwrutrjr.
There will be Mass at the Court
House on Tuesday, May, 20, at
10:30 o'clock.
pastor -JKV onurwn.,
Pniic'.aT SeJuuil 10 o'rlork s. in. i worth
Lrairne 6 :VI p. m.
rr ni-liincr every Sunday evening it 7:S0
p. in-, suit every alternate Sunday at 11 s. m.
roniinenrlng January It. 1!. Kvery btwtj
cordial? invited to attend these ervire.
Professional Cards.
Pbylsrlau snd Surgeon.
All ml In fflren prompt nUanUon.
Office in Kruif store.
Prompt attantion given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Stales
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
tip Legal papers carefully drawn.
HiRiiWiN, - Nf.bbaha.
X. i. 0 Connell,
Co, A Herat r,
mil Praetlre I All Courts.
Kpecial Alteetion (.'Itea to Land Of
flee Business.
Collections aad all business retreat
ed to sen 111 rM-rlve prompt tttntlon.
Wakrhiox - Nhtiuska.
Michael Ruffing,
ji "t' By EYOK.
! am prepared to do all kind, of Civil
Kn(flneerin work.
When in need of the Surveyors Services,
give me a call as I have a full and com
plete outfit, together with experience to
do the work with neatness sod diepatch,
umber Yard
ness, Flour & Feed,
line of business; he
ey by giving you a
Druses, 9
Drujjists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes. 5
O V.C t 1 -
ne uommercia
Harrison, - -
C. F. Coffee, President. I). II. Gkiswold, Cashier.
Cua3. C. Jamkson. 1. E. Bp.kwster, A. McGinlet,
Will make tbe Bapon of 1900.
HY BARN in Harrition.
PEDIGREES Firtft'n SUtccntlis
Weight, 1500 lbs.
TERMS:-$5.00 for the seas
on. payable middle of seaeon.
h 2
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Uusgualho in OrvLs on Oesian
op Caaa.
l ( mnv Ml,'-
l W. Ceorat. Our 2UU .-Ua.a.
tvesy Bnape Pleen h raawaa4 fnr
IQejces will mmi TT
Harness Shop.
Flour & Feed
For Sale. A
S for Lumber, Har
or anything in his
will save you mon
squar deal.
0-r A rrTr-Kr TT-v.e 0
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
- - Nebraska.
IN - $10,000.00C)
- - 10,000.00 O"-
- - -
I Bank.-
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iMrvlptiua ef esr atyte
"'r' G."efMr Usee.
Inn Irwi llrnamd aa4
fwaU rimai ii. i a
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TH. fe4i lead T4ti mmf4 PU
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KKJ1- leeaes.
ttr "Hih.1 Vmmt, ae
ssd Oak. AsUqae Oak a4 stalasaauj.
WHU for Terns a4 Prices.