Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 10, 1900, Image 4

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M. Thurston, Attorney for the
Standard Oil Trust. Selected
As a Delegate.
&wf Delegate-at-Large:
sTer Governor;
C. H. DIETRICH of Adams
lieutenant Governor:
E. A. SAVAGE of Custer
Secretary of State:
..GEO. W. MARSH of Richardson
..CHARLES WESTON of Sheridan
Attorney General:
mmi Commissioner:
eeerlntendent of Schools:
....W. K. FOWLER of Washington
9mt Presidential Electors:
J. F. NESBIT of Burt.
R. B. WINDHAM of Cass.
Ed ROTCE of Custer.
L. W. HAGUE of Kearney.
,..S. P. DAVIDSON of Johnson.
J. L. JACOBSON of Douglas.
J. L. KENNEDY of Douglas.
......J. J. LANUEJi of Saline.
Lincoln, Neb, (Special.) In the lan
fUfe of a prominent republican, the
state convention "has came and went"
st Is well that It is so, although there
arc those who could be Induced to de
late the proposition.
The ninety counties In the state. with
she exception of the single-barreled ex
areseion from Hooper, were on hand
anal participated. Perhaps one other
exception should be made. Douglas
was en hand, but the returns do not
Sow that it participated to any appre
ciable extent. Ordinarily the repub
licans of Douglas participate in the
state conventions of the party, but they
started the new century on a new plan.
This year they wiere 'harmonious."
When they will try it again is uncer
tain, but there ere those who figure
skat It will not be for at least three
weeks. Certain it is that at midnight
Webster, Gurley and Greene had not
segno to draw up the provisions of the
seat "compromise agreement."
Doaglas and Lancaster were, awit
Isr the first time since the merajH
man runneth, and "the rural dees
ricks" simply turned in and made
aae mlook like a pair of deuces.
It all came about over the fateful
SJwestlon of whether Rosewater or
Tkruston or neither or both, should be
seat as delegates-at-lage to the nation
al convention. Both were elected, al
sbovgh the counties controlled by Rose
water and Thompson had said nay.
The more they nayed the harder the
emxventiori did It some more.
Thompson sat on the platform. Rose
water occupied part of a seat with the
Bsttei&s delegation. As the vote on the
cltal proposition piled up, Thompson's
face was something well worth lokolng
sL Rosewater physiognomy was sim
ply a reflection of how he felt, and
aone of the flies of early springtime
went there to roost.
When the votes were counted it was
that the "foig four," so called
tt they were large, small and
ssYMV staid, had been elected. The
Sfcafnnan announced that the state had
Netted (oaf delegates to assist in the
seaamatlon of William McKlnley.
Judge Lorenzo Crcunse looked at It
l another way and said: "We have
trot a trust mongrel on an anti-trust
platform to Philadelphia"
Mr. Rosewater looked badly and talk-
wwrse. It Is useless to attempt to
resent his feelings and utterances In
There Is no disguising; the real istua-
The republican state convention
Its opportunity, and did the
Mac that a lot of the wise ones de
gas il to be bad politics. It Ignored
dbf fact that Senator Thurston bad ap
goartil In court as the champion of the
Standard Oil company while drawing
EMw a year as United States senator.
rWreby It strangled Its convictions. It
sjs tried to make Edward Rosewater
OBttsve that It loved him still. Therein
S) st Med Its conscience.
osrwater had protested that If
XJrarwton were named as on of the
: CJtcates be would refuse to serve
Mas. Both were named, and Mr.
ttsawslsi want upoa the platform and
slacsd on exhibition with the 6th-
. a? t&rs prise winners in the primer
sad k offered not a word of
, , Tis cooTwation did not' hesitate to
4itss its feeUnga, both pro and con.
.C.i this throuark the medium of
-? ssfsi sad sysii the more
Us It did Its biasing quite
both Roaswater and Thurt
- rrj (Mr fan share.
C .UttQmX w Jassd went
" r t through
'irttf.f ttlnr Mats ticket
IttCjf liwtih scarcely
' " T "'"T-rfdZ rswst tor
and Colonel X. H. Ager wss so Loo press
ed by it that hr gravely remarked to
an acquaintance of long standing as
candidate after candidate was nomi
nated by acclamation: "This is going
with remarkable smoothness. Do you
think It possible that there could have
been anything like a slate prepared V
Judge Crounse is but one of the many
whose ideas are strictly along the lines
laid down by the Christian scientists.
He hied him hence on the first outgo
ing train, merely tarrying long enough
to express deep regret that he had not
made a speech on the convention floor
that wolud have warped the arches of
the roof. He said it was his purpose to
have had his say, but that Charley
Greene of the Douglas delegation upeet
the whole creamery. He did not think
that Greene Intended It that way, and
shared the prevailing view that Greene
was Imbued with the same Idea as all
the rest of the anti-Thurstonites to fix
it so that Thurston could not get a
chance to make a speech before the
vote was taken.
"That was where Grefne made a
mistake," sollloqui&d Judge Crounse,
"and it is a mistake that will cost the
party dear. Oh, ye?, we will yin. Of
course we will win," said the Judge
with all the confidence of a barefooted
man trying to dodge a rocking chair in
the dark.
John A. Ehrhardt of Stanton, one of
the delegate-at-large wias telling i
little story which satisfactorily ex
plains why E Rosewaters' plot to wipe
him off the slate Tuesday night died a
horning. Rosewater, it Is known, is
filled with an abiding confidence that
when 'the Nebraska delegation goes
down to Philadelphia, on June 19, tht
whole national administration will fall
on its neck and demand that Robi
water be made national committeeman.
He had Ehrhardt as a man not likely
to abandon Schneider, even though
Mack and Mark themselves begged him
to, so the word? went forth that Ehr
hardt must be decapitated.
The Douglas county delegation set
forth on this mission and C. J. Greene
soon ran up against Ehrhardt himself.
"Greene," says Ehrhardt, "did not
know my name. He has known me for
years as plain John, and nothing more."
John," he said, "we want to lay out
that amn Ehrhardt, and I want you to
help us. We want to make It Rose
water, McClay, Norris Brown and Nor
val. What can you do for us,"
'Well," continues Ehrhardt, "I told
him that I might be able to help tht
scheme along a little If I went intc
it." And so he went to work and ex
plained the thing In detail and con
cluded: "Now, John, are you willing to
sign an agreement today with us to
fight against Ehrhardt?"
"I might," I answered, "if It wasn't
for the fact that my name happens
to be Ehrhardt"
Greene collapsed.
As soon as Rosewater learned of the
faux pas of his subordinate, Ehrhardt
was hurriedly summoned to a confer
ence, In which the would-be Warwick
made an unsuccessful attempt to ex
tricate himself from the hole.
I told him before I left the room,"
says Ehrhardt, "that my vote would
never be cast for Edward Rosewater
for national committeeman."
And so the plan to wipe Ehrhardt off
the map. died the death just as the
battle against Thurston ended in defeat
on the floor of the convention.
A subject on which the anti-Thomp
son men in Lancaster like to dwell
is the position of the boss of Lancaster.
Thompson denied gome time ago that
he was in any combination with Rose
water. But he went out of his way to
force the solid vote of Lancaster to
Rosewater, to the utter bewilderment
of the old school politicians. They
would not believe It when they first
heard it, but there was no longer room
for doubt when they saw It. They de
clared that It was the work of a kln
dergartner, but Thompson smiled as
he contemplated what was In store. He
hasn't smiled since. After the roll call
was completed It was pleasant to look
from the face of Thurston to that of
Thompson a few feet away. Tou could
get all styles of beauty and expressions
and emotions and one prloe admitted
to all.
The convention ordered all resolu
tions reerred to the committee without
reading or debate. In this way nothing
came before the convention except the
original proclamation of the commit
tee, and the wishes of a number of
sympathisers with the struggling South
Africans who wanted an expression to
that end were In no way realised.
United States Inquires Why Warship
Board American Veesel.
London. (Special.) It has v been
learned by a representative of the As
sociated Press thst United States Am
bassador Choale has asked Lord Salis
bury for explanations as to the alleged
abuse of International right In the case
of the American ship Asa Witch, which.
according to the statement of her com
mander. Captain Howe, was boarded
by the British warship Wssp within the
three-mile limit of Port u rue territory
In East Africa
The American ship flea Witch left
Walloroo December 1, and arrived at
Delagoa Bay February 12. 8be sailed
March 4 for Port Natal (Durban), and
arrived there March 9.
San Francisco, May Tbe freight
bureau Is Investigating the alleged
wholesale defrauding of railroads by
e asters shippers by tending into Call
fwrate cartridges In keg labVed nails
a j sat ratlerr laostet bolts, thereby
frslrtt nt
The Disaster Is the Worst Ever Re
corded In America for the
Number of Victims.
Scofleld. Utah. (Special.) The latest
estimate of the number of killed In
the terrible mine explosion Is 250, but
the total death list may yet reach 'iW.
Relief work is still in progress, being
conducted by shifts of men. The shift
mw in the mine has fifty bodies ready
to bring out and the number of corpses
yet to be reached is still unsertaln.
Arriving trains are constantly bring
ing relatives of the victims from ut
side points, and the coal company has
designated a company to carry the
diad to Ogden, Salt Lake and other
cities. Owing to gas. No. 4 mine has
been abandoned as a means of rescue
and bodies are arriving at the mouth
of No. 1 mine by the carload.
Ferrish level has been cleared of
dead and ail are burned and unrecog
nizable. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Ppecial.) Ev
ery house in the little town of Scofleld
Is a hou.se of mourning. The awful
scene of yesterday had passed away
when the day dawned this morning and
an awful calm of despair had taken
Its place. The agonized shrieks of the
widows and the moans of the fatherless
were no longer heard. The stricken
ones were beyond comforting, and their
grief could find no utterance.
When the removal of the bodies from
the mines beuan yesterday hundreds of
men volunteered for the purpose. The
rescuers came from other mines and
towns surrounding and worked Inces
santly to bring out the burned and
mangled remains of the dead miners.
The bodies were taken to the company
building as soon as they were brought
out of the mine and were there dressed
and laid out preparatory to the coro
ners' Inquest and for Identification.
Many of the rescuers came near los
ing their lives from the fatal after
damp, but the work was continued In
the face of all danger, and most of the
brave fellows remained at their posts
until they were -almost ready to drop
from exhaustion and the deadly effects
of the poisonous fumes.
Joseph Klrton was the first mnn
brought to the surface. He was still
alive, but presented a terrible slight.
His scalp was burned to a cinder and
his face was almost unrecognizable. In
his horrible pain he cried out to his
companions, begging them to end his
misery by taking his life.
It was 2$0 In the morning when Su
perintendent Sharp sent his valiant
workers to their beds and was himself
the last to leave. When active work
ceased at the mines 137 dad had ben
recovered. Fifty of these were laid
In a row in the little meeting house
of the Latter Day Saints, while others
were stretched, out In the Improvised
morgue, just as they were found in
the mine, awaiting the touch of rough
but loving hands to compose their
limbs, wash the dust from their faces
and close their stating eyes.
According to the closest estimate
there were about 200 men all told em
ployed In the two mines, which are
practically one mine. About fifty of
these were working In what Is known
as the No. 1 back level, and raised so
for that It had spent Its force before
the shock could reach them, and they
all got out. They heard the report, bCt
did not grasp the situation at once, one
of the men stopping to load a car after
It occurred.
Superintendent W. O. Sharp resumed
work with a will at t o'clock, when a
rescuing party of sixteen, directed by
State Mine Inspector Homer Thomas
and Including Messrs. Sharp, Frank
Cameron, superintendent at Castle
Gate, and James Harrison, entered tun
nel No. 1. It was not long before the
bodies commenced to come out.
All efforts are now being concentrated
to bringing out a large number of
bodies known to be In No. 4, where
eighty-five men perished. Here the
force of the explosion broke down the
timbers and the bodies can only be
got at through No. 1. Up to noon 143
bodies had been brought out
The theory of Bishop Par me lee Is that
some of the Fins recently Imported
secretly took giant powder down Into
the mine to assist them In their work.
They were exceedingly anxious to
make a good showing and make at
much money as possible and It It
thought this form of explosive was
used. In order that great bodies of coal
could more easily be dislodged. It la
thought that when the giant powder
was touched off. It Ignited some of the
dust of which every coal mine has more
or less.
Inquiry smong the miners dlsclotef
the fact that they entertained vsrlout
opinions, some being bitter In their de
nunciation of the company and other
took a more conservative view of the
matter and said It was one of those
things over which no man has control
and for which no man or men should
be held responsible. One of the miners
tent over from Castle Gate to help
In the rescue work, talked Interestingly
"fees be im out of ths tunneL
Rumor That the Phlllpino Leader
Was Killed.
Manila (Special.) General Funatoc
has discovered a rebel warehouse near
Cabanutuan, province of New EJIJl,
containing ail the archives of the Ma
lolos government. Aguinaldo's corre
spondence up to the time of his flight,
and much valuable historical matter.
The belief is growing that Aguinaldo
was killed by the lgoiroies. There It
no proof that he has been alive since
Major Peyton C. March, of the Thirty
second regiment, abandoned the chase
after the Filipino leader in the Ben
quet mountains, although an Insurgent
officer who recently surrendered to Gen.
era! Young says the Insurgent Tlno,
holds this belief. Tlno held regular
communication with Aguinaldo until
December 28, since when he has heard
nothing of him, and Tlno thinks Aguin
tldo would find means to communi
cate with him If alive.. Major March's
Information was that there were only
half a dozen soldiers with Agulnaido
when he fled beyond the Uontoc wil
derness, where the savages are hostile
to all strangers. Friends of Aguinal
do's wife assert that she haa heard
nohtlng from him since they departed.
Che is in a deiicate condition and near
ly prostrated with worry. Therefore
he has .not been Informed of the
death of her child and thinks It Is
with friends at Bacoor.
The sultan of Sulu, with a retinue In
cluding several of his wives, has sailed
for Singapore, ostensibly" on a rellgiout
mission. A Hong Kong diBpatch to a
Manila paper says the sultan has gone
to Singapore in order to protest to the
British against the Americans .estab
lishing a tariff against Imports, claim
ing that it Is a violation of the treaty
of 1877 between Spain, Great Britain
and Germany, Germany guaranteeing
the Sulu Islands free trade, whereas !
the Americans have established a tariff
nearly doubling the prices of tobacco,
rice and the Sulu staples of life, most
of which are Imported from Singapore.
The Filipino crew of the steamship
Escano recentl mytlnled in the channel
between Cebu and Leyte and killed the
captain, the mate and the owner, Senor
tscano, and his son, with knives, after
disperate struggle. The mutineers
then scuttled the ship and escaped to
the Leyte mountains with $S,000.
Etmtr Island CarrlsOn Attacked
By the Natives.
Manila. (Special.) Th American gar
rison of Catubig, Island of Samar, con
sisting of thirty men belonging to the
43d regiment, has been attacked by
rebels. Twenty of the Americans were
klilud. The remainder were rescued.
The Americans were quartered In the
Catubig church, which the enemy, num
belng several hundred men, surrounded
and fiercely attacked. The Americans
fought for two days, and then the
rebels managed to Ignite the roof of
the church and it burned away and
finally fell upon those inside the edi
fice. The walls remained intact, how
ever, and were used as a shelter by
the besieged Americans for three days
longer, the enemy attacking th build
ing on all sides at once.
The Americans continued firing from
the windows and doors of tbe church,
and did great execution among the Fil
ipinos. It is estimated that over 20C
af the. latter were killed, many dead
bodies being removed from the scene
of the fighting.
After five days resistance by the
Americans a lieutenant and eight men
arrived from Laoan and engaged the
besiegers, who thereupon retired. The
fortunate arrival of these re-enforcements
prevented the annihilation of tht
American force intrenched In th
church, who had repeatedly declined to
surrender when ordered to do so by
the Filipinos. The ten survivors were
without food, had little ammunition and
were physically exhausted when re
lieved. This fight has encouraged the Fili
pinos, who are now acting In an ag
gressive manner and threatening that
lection of the coast, particularly the
town of Catarma, whence the garrison
will probably be withdrawn to Laoan.
association Requests Relief From
Wsshlngton, D. C (Special.) Repre
sentatives of the American Publishers'
association presented a measure to the
finance committee asking that tome re.
Ilef be afforded on account of the higher
price of paper. The delegation said
the association represented 23,000 pa
pers. No particular legislation was
Tbe delegation was received by Sen
ator Allison, acting chairman, In the
absence of Senator A Id rich The resolu
tion recited that the price of printing
paper used by newspapers has Increased
from CO to 100 per cent, without reason
or warrant to be found In the condi
tions of the Industry, which was be
lieved to be the working of a trutt.
The association appealed t congress
to Inquire Into the conditions complain
ed of, to the end that suitable legisla
tion might be provided to remedy these
conditions As newspapers are sold at
a fixed price, the resolution sayt, pub
lishers cannot put the Increased cost o'
the paper on the consumer and In man.
Instances this Increased cost mean
ths confiscation of profits and In others
It creates sctual loss.
A copy of the resolution was also pre
sented by the delegation to the house
wars mesa comjaittet.
The Latest Drag Net Spread To
Gather In the Boers Hae the
Same Old Hole.
Brandfort, May 4. Brandfort w
raptured by a combined movement of
Colonel Tucker's and Colonel Pole-Ca-
rtw's divisions on the east and center,
and General Hutton's mounted infantry
on the west. The British surprised the
Boers, who retreated hastily. Four
thousand of the enemy moved here
yesterday evening in order to oppose
aur advance. Colonel Tucker's artillery
had a sharp duel with the enemy's
guns and put two of them out of ac
tion. Today was full of fighting, with oc
casional lively skirmishes. The Boers
defensive line remains intact. Tbe
British attempt to cut off Commandant
Dewet and scatter the Boer force which
threatened Lord Roberta' flank and
rear, has been a complete failure so
There was heavy firing yesterday on
the Thaba N'Chu and Sanna's Post
road, the British being slowly beaten
back. General Dewet coming from the
south and Lc-mmcr from the north,
caught the British Thaba N'Chu rein
forcements In an apex forcing their
withdrawal on Monday.
In yesterday's fighting the Boers had
the better position, but the Brltinh
were of superior numbers. The Boers'
attack was begun on Sunday under
Generals Dewet, Gobler, Lcrnmcr . and
Botha. They attacked the large British
column near Thaba N'Chu, which was
trying to Intercept General Dcwet's
retirement from Wepener.
The battle raged all Sunday for sev
eral miles along the Bloemfontcin road.
The general result was Indecisive, but
the British were apparently retiring
lu the direction of Bloemfonteln. The
Boers captured a number of prisoners.
Skirmishing along the Modder river
indicates that Lord Roberts' main army
u advancing northward.
The Boer Forces Allow Them Little
Time for Rest
Pretoria, Wednesday, May 2. An of
ficial war bulletin Issued here reports
that on April 28 the federals captured
nine prisoners and ten horsts east of
Thaba N'Chu, and that on April 30
a British mounted corps appeared near
Brandfort. The federals attucked them
on two sides and the British retired.
Two federals were wounded and eleven
prisoners were taken.
Another account, semi-official, of this
affair, says that the Wakerstroom and
Etrnelo commandoes had a BklrmUh
with the British near Brandfort. After
a sharp fight uleven prisoners were
taken and nineteen British were left
dead on the field, including Captain
Liddy. A few federals were wounded.
The heavy bombardment by the lint,
lull has been resumed at Fourteen
g t reams.
The correspondent of Reuters Te'.c
gram agency In the Boer camp at
Brandfort wires that when the British
appeared ten miles east of Brandfort
General Delary ordered a charge of 500
Boers, who drove them back to their
The federals! found four dead on the
field and took seventeen prisoners.most
ly wounded. Including Lieutenant
Later In the afternoon General De
lary learned that the British had forc
ed their way twenty miles east of
Brandfort and seven miles north of
the Modder river. With 250 men De
lary set out In pursuit of the British
who numbered 1,200.
The forcet met In the open country, a
sharp engagement followed and the
British retired. As the Boers had had
a heavy day they were not pursued.
The federals had five men wounded.
An American has been arrested In
connection with the Begble explosion.
Flood Willi Not Hurt City But Will
Damage Ranches.
Denver, Colo. (Special.) The Denver
Water company's new dam In Platte
canyon broke this morning, releasing a
billion gallons of wster stored In
the reservoir.
The flood will reach Denver about
noon today. It la not expected to do
any damage here, but may cause
trouble for the ranchmen and railroads
In the eastern part of the rtate, where
the river Is already out of Its banks
In some places.
The river had risen four feet at Llt
:leton, twelve miles from Denver, at
'.1 o'clock. No Inconvenience will re
mit In this city from the breaking of
the dam, at the water compuny'i
itorage system embraces other reter
'olrt, which sre ample to supply all
leeeds of the city.
The Csstlewood dsm, at t.te bead of
Cherry creek, Is leaking badly, and It
Is believed It will give way toon.
Charles Lutber was arretted at Lot
angeles. Cel., by government ofhVlxlt
Charged with selling bogus stamp col
'actions. Hs claim to coins from Cln-
They Find It Neceassry To Takw
Dsy Off for Rest-
London.-(Special.r-The war offlos
has received the following report front
Lord Roberts:
"General Hamilton met with consid
erable success and drove the enemy out
of the strong position they had takesj
up at Houtnek with comparatively
small loss to us. The Boers dispersed
In several directions, many to the east
and north, leaving us twenty-six pris
oners in our hands, Including one com
mandant and sixteen other wounded
men. General Hamilton Is now In camp
at Jacol.srusU As the men needed rest
after fighting seven out of the last
ten days. I ordered them to halt for
the day. General Broadwood s brigade
of cavalry arrived upon the scene la
time to affoid valuable assistance by
threatening the enemy's rear.
'During the afternoon General Ian
Hamilton was Joined by General Brucs
Hamilton's brigade of Infantry. The
.. . .... 1.... lrtlliwt nA
enemy admit naving iweic -
forty wounded yesterday. Amongst the
former was Lieutenant Gunther. a Ger
man officer belonging to the Flfty-nlnth
regiment, and amongst the latter was
.Vlaxlmff, the Russian commander of
the Foreign U-glon. Twenty-one out
of fifty-two of the enemy's casualties
occurred among the members of that
legion. Two Frenchmen were among
the killed."
Lord Roberts' telegram throws no
light on the object nd possibilities or
the extensive operations In the neilt
borboud of Thaba N'Chu.
People Clve-Them Cod Speed As
They Sail Away.
Rotterdam. (Special.) The Boer del
egates were warmly greeted as thej
drove drove to the quay and boarded
the Maasdam, bound for New York.
Dr. Leyds, the diplomatic agent at
th Transvaal, will accompany the
party to Boulogne sur Mer. The ves
sels In the river displayed the Trans
vaal, Orange Free State and Dutch
flags, while numerous societies, with
bands playing national airs, assembled
on the quay, one association singing
the national anthem. In which many of.
the public Joined.
After Dr. Leyd and the Boer dele
gates had boarded the vessel, Mr.
Fischer addressed the crowd. He re
marked that In the wing Just sung ref
erence was made to the people and the
country, "but," he added, "no mention
Is made of the peace and liberty, with
out which there van be no question of
peace in the country."
Continuing, Mr. Fischer said:
"We are going to a country whjlrh
fought for liberty with the same coun
try with which we are fighting. We also
hope to obtain this liberty. We have
not Bought for the support of factions
In Holland, nor will be seek for them
In America. We will only seek the
people. On our return we hope to be
able to say that In them also we found
supporters of our cause."
The Maasdam sailed at 4 p. m.
Crants Soma Demands and Strike
May Soon End.
Buffalo, N.Y. (Special.) A new wugi
schedule satisfactory to the strikers'
committee was granted today by Su
perintendent of Motive Power Wallt
after an all-day conference with the
men. It covers the car repulr and yard
men of the New York Central railway,
the men who started the strike. Noth
ing has been done regarding the griev
ances of the freight-handlers or the
men who struck In the other car shop
Superintendent Waltt had no power
to deal with them. He satisfied his
own men, however, by conceding an In
crease of wages all through the list.
He did not agree to reinstate the dis
charged men, but promised they should
have preference In future vacancies.
Tbe carpenters will get 21 cents an
hour under the new schedule, the ma
chinists 22 cents and the airbrake In
spectors 162.50 Insted of JoO a month.
Chairman Fish of the executive board
of the strikers laid the agreement be
fore a general meeting of the strikers
tonight. The men accepted the agree
ment but decided not to return to work
until tha other roads adopt the same
schedule In their car shop.
Milwaukee, Wis, The strike of the
mohk-ra In the E. P. Allls works con
tinues, and the men say they will not
return to work until the non-union
molder, Eugene Grant, has been dis
charged. Helena, Mont The strike situation
on the Montana Central branch of the
Great Northern remains unchanged.
No freight traina are moving. It Is
thought the strike will not extend to
the main line of the Great Northern.
Qulncy, III, The ttove trimmers, cu
pola tenders and grinders In four of the
Qulncy stove foundries struck today fqr
a 20 per cent advance In wages. Tbe
foundries are shut down and 1,000 men
are idle.
Utile Rock. Ark.-All the molormen
and conductors on the Little Hock
street car system struck this morning
for an Increase In wag ml Only five cars
are now In operation over the twenty
eight miles of (rack.
New York. The day shift of the Ox
ford Copper Smelting company, 600 men
at Constable Hook, N. J., struck today
for a nine-hour day.
Ludlngton, Mlch.-The Pere Mar
quette Railroad company today put
fifty so-called "Imported scabs" to work
handling (might under police protec
tion. The men take the strikers'
Buffalo, N, T-rive hundred laborer!
at the Pan-American exposition ground
truck today for as Increase ej watm
4 4 .